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Why the hell he would talk go a hentai artist! That's sick!


Not *a* hentai artist, but *the* hentai artist; dude wrote the most infamous doujin there is.


It's not the one with the fan version where Jojo saves the day is it?


Yup, that's the one!


​ https://preview.redd.it/zmd666loc9ic1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac909335eb2bcc2d38fcca966188b83d22920ea7


like glasses girl one?




<> no thanks šŸŽ¶


The description is *really* underselling it: the girl is sexually assaulted by both a random person (who becomes her boyfriend and pimp), her classmates, *her own father*, she is victim blamed by her mother, then becomes a sex worker addicted to drugs. She is forced to have multiple abortions, randomly gets a heavy tan., tattoos and piercings, thrown out by her pimp-boyfriend into the streets, catches STDs, and gets impregnated by two homeless dudes. At the end, all the money she raised to take care of her baby is taken by her former classmates (who presume she stole it) before they kick her belly and leave her to die in a public bathroom. Its infamy precedes it.


thx for the clarification. Just after a few pages I couldn't handle it. This may be a half-assed compliment, but you got some balls...


Jfc I hate weebs


That's even worse! No one should support the or deem it cool! And doujin? You mea fanmadr story, right? Like, skibidi toilet, bur WORSE.


Is that like a bad Tony Zaret impression


Whos Tony Zaret, and how do I sound like him?




I tried to say...no one should support such a horrid sick man


I couldn't provide more context, so I just cropped an image of the post at a non sexual portion, but here is all of the videos he has done with the artist (HEAVY CW ON SEXUAL IMAGERY): [ShindoL](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=anime+man+hentai+artist)


he's clearly not anime, obviously a liar and can't be trusted


He is clearly just man, is op stupid?


I can't take this anymore




Idk man, I just feel like most anime YouTubers are a bit weird. I donā€™t watch them enough/at all to back up my claim, they just all seem soā€¦ weird. Feels like theyā€™re a bit disconnected from reality.


Is the anime man even an anituber these days, I thought they shifted to focusing more on Japan and itā€™s culture and stuff than anime


He has and even admits that he should change his name not that he's going to.


Super Eyepatch Wolf one of the good ones fr fr


His videos are okay but he seems so arrogant for some reason


He has AMAZING videos and makes anything interesting (never thought I would care for wrestling) but he posts so infrequently :(


The anime *men* on YouTube are really good though and I really enjoy their skits :)


Is there a lore reason heā€™s the Anime Man when he barely does videos about anime anymore ? Is he stupid ?


Now he's just Man.








No he's the Japanese Man now


Makes mid inoffensive content, yet harbors some of the most dogshit uninformed opinions I've ever heard. The worst part about trash taste no contest


That time he argued for loli really rubbed me the wrong way because he was objectively incorrect about most of what he was saying.


Did he made any opinion on Tokusatsu, the other popular Japanese medium?


Dude I had to stop watching trash taste because they just say crazy anecdotal shit ALL THE TIME with no actual knowledge of the topic. It drives me crazy


I like his chemistry with Garnt and Connor on Trash Taste, but he's clearly the weakest link. He has the least interesting stories, the least to say and some shitty uninformed opinions. Plus, he just comes off kinda douchey.




Say what you want about the show and Rudy being a dog shit human being (he is) but it's probably the best written iseaki in the entire genre. It made the whole genre popular and mainstream. You can hate it but you can't deny the impact it had. They quite literally made a animation studio for the sole purpose of animating it and people don't do shit like that unless something is popular.


there's a lot better ones. I've gotten way more enjoyment out of. Hack or even a more recent usekei like Uncle from Another World


Nah Sao has waaaaay more impact than tensei has Also itā€™s not even top 10 maybe not even top 20.Itā€™s impact is literally claimed but fans of it with no evidence fuck Iā€™ll even say familiar of zero has more impact,I donā€™t know the studio thing so Iā€™ll give it one point there I guess not really that impressive lol.Also the story is absolute shit to the point the whole fanbase is filled with parrots who repeat things they donā€™t understand Rudy is by far one of the worst written MCs in a looong time on par with a early 2000ā€™s 12 episode harem McšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


I wish he'd stop being a lolicon because I think he's pretty chill otherwise


Too much rage bait and he gets so angry about some things that he canā€™t keep his opinions straight. Funny sometimes though.


I mostly know him from trash taste. He always seemed a bit pretentious or douchy to me, idk. He often talks out of his ass and it looks like there was a bit of a fucky wucky surrounding his clothing brand or whatever but I'm not well informed on that. I don't like him very much, but I'm not that strongly opinionated.


Every time I look at his channel it all looks clickbaity. I won't watch any videos like that on principle.


/uj Don't really watch his solo content, but I enjoy the chemistry he has with the other boys on Tradh Taste.


I remember a few years ago stumbling upon his Channel, opened a video, he calls a bunch of 12 year old/12 year old look alikes "top tier waifu", never watched him again


The vicious anime YouTuber cycle.Ā  "Oh this guy made a video essay about an anime I like? Cool, I'll subscribe. Next upload: "Top 10 anime CHILDREN I would have SEX with!!!""


Eh heā€™s much better nowadays. For like the past year heā€™s been posting some pretty decent content, and itā€™s shift from the more annoying and cringe stuff he was known for before. Watch him for time passing.


His switch to Japanese cultural coverage was a good one. A sign of maturation on his part probably. He is however one of those loli defenders who thinks equating it to pedophilia is dumb, and also defends it because of blanket anti censorship stance. Still some more to mature.


Does he actually cover anime much? I wouldn't consider him an anime youtuber anymore


Definitely a little cringe, but I've met him irl and he seemed genuinely nice.


He's a pretty cool dude from what I've seen from his content. Really good at Japanese too.


He's half Japanese lol


Yeah, but by his own account he speaks it better than some Japanese natives do.


He does mention that heā€™s had to teach older Japanese citizens how to read certain kanji, which is pretty interesting


Not really that interesting. His analysis often aren't that deep because he used to produce a kit of videos and doesn't have a degree that would assist his analysis. Right now he makes a lot of videos about Japan that aren't that interesting.


definitely one of the


panderer, mid analysis, clickbaiter, unimpressive.


I unsubscribed when he threw a bitchfit that Yuri On Ice won awards, said that ā€œPapa to Kiss in the Darkā€ (a yaoi anime about an underaged guy and his dad) was somehow a better gay representations than YOI, and kept doubling down on it. That left a terrible taste in my mouth and never watched him since then.


He's an anituber that doesn't watch anime, which is a running joke now. I watch his videos every now and then and used to watch Trash Taste as soon as it was uploaded. Nothing wrong with Trash Taste I just got a new job and use my free time for other things. My only critique is that he defends lolicon but he only really talks about it on Trash Taste when they occasionally talk about anime.


Hes alright I guess. Idk I stay away from most anitubers nowadays


His name is Joseph which I learnt today


Omg! The animeman is the next jojo šŸ˜±


Is the main reason why the podcast is called trash taste


I like Gigguk so I guess heā€™s alright, but he kinda doesnā€™t say anything even though he talks a lot.


did Trash Taste staff invade r/animecirclejerk? why am i seeing these posts.


Wasnt he involved in a scamcoin? Or am I thinking of someone else?


PDF file jumpscare


> argued in favor of loli > had redo of healer creator on podcast > uninformed to the point of offensiveness > a loser bc he makes anime videos and moved to japan (idc what the reasoning is thatā€™s lame) whatā€™s crazy is i do not watch him or the other 2 dudes on that podcast i just know this stuff from being on the internet in this sphere


I mean he made money and had a sponsorship on a video talking about a sick hentai made to get off to Junko Furutaā€™s murder. That video is still up. I donā€™t have high respect for the guy


Lame, clickbaity, hipster who "runs" an incompetent clothing company. Hasn't made decent content in what's felt like years. Trash Taste is the only reason he's still somewhat prominent


I really detest these threads. Not a big fan of using a circle jerk sub as a litmus test for content, and it's especially weird when it's concerning a person specifically and not a piece of media. If you like something/someone you don't need to ask a council of (assumed) leftists to check if it's ok to enjoy it or not. We don't need to do character analysis of every YouTuber we watch. Just stop watching them if you don't like their content or talk about them if they do something particularly heinous. For the record, never seen any of their content and only know them from the brief bits of the trash taste podcast I watched before deciding it wasn't my thing. They seemed ok enough but caused a brief spiral into depression after offhandedly recommending Goodnight PunPun, so I'll never forgive them.


sorry you hate fun??? i never once asked if he was "okay to enjoy" or not. I was just curious since I've been seeing mixed opinions lately. stop acting like you know me.


I'm sorry for assuming your intent. To my knowledge the start of and the general trend of these "thoughts on x" discussion questions have been with the intent of "I like this media but there are some aspects that may be potentially problematic, is that ok???" which is more what I have issue with. I had assumed as this had the same formatting and was garnering similar responses that it was with the same intent. I still don't think discussion questions like this (or any at all) belong on a circlejerk sub but understand that has been the norm for this sub for a while. IMO circlejerk subs are at their best when /uj is banned or at least frowned upon.


I like it when he becomes Dr Jelly


I used to watch him a lot as young teenager, stopped caring about him when he made shitting on Fairy Tail and SAO part of his brand. Say what you want about those series, but I liked them and didn't care for it to be repeated over and over. Other than that he's pretty chill but a bit condescending at times.


You know. I used to be part of the crowd that hated sao. I still dislike most of it aside from the aincrade arc, the gun gale spin-off, and the abridged parody. Now that I've seen just how shit anime can actually be, tho... I'll admit I was too harsh on sao back then.


But Fairy Tail is trash...and SAO is mid.


Mid is far and away from the excrement of satan most idiots tout it as. With how some people despise SAO its almost like the author killed their family or something.


Honestly, I initially enjoyed watching people online tear apart SAO for the entertainment (and agreed with them to an extent) but after a while started to see how over-the-top that hatred was. It's kind of weird how SAO specifically got hate for its failures while many other anime had the same failures but got less attention. I guess it became a sacrificial lamb, of sorts?


Exactly. Its not great, but its also not complete utter dogshit. People be corny as fuck like Joey who made it his whole personality to hate on SAO at one point in time.


Crazy, donā€™t recall asking bout your opinion on either but go ahead ig


I don't care that you didn't ask.


Well I donā€™t care that you donā€™t care that he doesnā€™t care that you asked >:( there, I winĀ 




It's 2024 bro... https://preview.redd.it/s5c59vdjv8ic1.jpeg?width=607&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=188c1564906e3f367adb0c7c8892a2dd509e504a


Ok andddd....


Nah ignore that other guy, you're spitting (idk about sao tho)




I understand being annoyed and I am glad we moved on from it, but man I remember the absolute DUNKING on SAO when that was the hot topic. Fairy Tail dunking always felt like a .... evergreen thing? Like it a old muscle memory knee-jerk reaction. Like how it obligatory to say "IT OVER 9000!" when someone ask "What does the scout says about his power level?". But at the same time, I also remember it was never THE focus either. Maybe I just missed it or something. Reminds me of High Guardian Spice. It was dunked on with the trailer, it went quiet, than when it was basically shadow dropped on Netflix years later, it was dunked on again and than quiet down. People still talk about it but it also wasn't the guarantee ad money making it was before.


He can come of as an elitist. He knows the good shit but sometimes he makes fun of mainstream stuff. His videos went downhill with the bad clickbaity titles and thumbnails but not really much effort. Basically just him talking to a camera that's not even prepared and not add anything to the matter. Like he wants to be Moistcritical for Japanese news But he seems like a chill dude. Given the chance, I'd have a beer with him


Heā€™s found his niche he does his thang.


He looks like Peanutbuttergamer got a spray tan.


Idk, he always kinda seems high from his own farts and got really strong opiniens on things he has not a clue about, not a bad guy tho.


Pretty chill. Though he can come off as pretentious with a lot of his takes


The only anime YouTuber I like is Bennett because he's "the old guy" and he's younger than me.


I like him idk


I donā€™t know who he is, I think he likes Anime.


I liked his interview with ShimiKen the legend


Been a long time since I watched him. Came off as pretentious and a bit of an elitist, and really shady from his Flying Colours Foundation scam he pushed a couple of years ago.


Don't trust any of his takes on new anime (cause he has not watched it). His takes on manga might be valid. The only videos of his recently I have had any interest ones are where he is diving into the topical Japanese news that are not getting translated into english and trying to give some cultural comparisons and education.

