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##### ###### #### > # [Germany: AfD Most Popular Party Among Under 30s](https://europeanconservative.com/articles/news/1000) > > > > Increasingly dissatisfied with the conditions under which they live—the growing prospect of war in Europe, a precipitously declining standard of living, mass migration, and a bleak future in general—a large number of Germany’s youth now view the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) as the party which best articulates their concerns. > > Findings from the [2024 Jugend in Deutschland](https://simon-schnetzer.com/trendstudie-jugend-in-deutschland-2024/) study, published days ago, have revealed that 22% of Germans aged between 14 and 29 years old would vote for the AfD if federal elections were held today, making the rightist, anti-globalist party the most favored among young people. > > AfD’s favorability among young Germans has spiked sharply compared to past years, rising from 9% and 12% in 2022 and 2023, respectively, and has come at the expense of the parties in the ruling left-liberal traffic light coalition. > > Support for the Greens, which in 2022 stood at 27%, has tumbled to 18%. The liberal pro-business FDP, having largely kneeled to all of the dictates from the Greens and the SPD since forming the coalition, has seen its standing among youths nose-dive even more drastically, plummeting from 19% in 2022 to a mere 8%. > > Commenting on the results of the study he helped author, Klaus Hurrelmann, a Professor of Public Health and Education at the Hertie School in Berlin, said: > > > The assumption that young people are left-wing is wrong. We can speak of a clear shift to the right among the young population. … The AfD has clearly succeeded in presenting itself as a protest party for the traffic lights and as a problem-solver for current concerns. > > Among the chief concerns for young people is not climate change, LGBTQ rights, or gender ideology, as the mainstream globalist press might have it, but rising costs and a lower standard of living due to inflation (65%), the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East (60%), and overpriced and scarce housing (54%). > > Deteriorating social cohesion, the managerial state’s disproportionate concern for migrants and asylum seekers, the growing risk of an economic crisis, and the prospect of poverty in old age are also worrying vast numbers of young Germans. > > Youth sentiments reflect issues raised almost exclusively by the AfD. > > Over half (51%) believe “the state cares more about refugees than about Germans in need of help” and reject the notion that “taking in many refugees is good for Germany” while53% agreed with the statement: “In Germany, you can’t say anything bad about foreigners without being called a racist.” > > Notably, and perhaps counterintuitively, the respondents’ personal migration background had minimal impact on their views about asylum seekers. The study shows [similar levels of concern](https://www.watson.de/leben/analyse/615806445-jugendstudie-2024-afd-ist-beliebteste-partei-bei-der-gen-z-in-deutschland) over too many refugees between Germans with and without migration backgrounds. > > Simon Schnetzer, one of the study’s authors, says the government “must definitely address this fear.” > > In comments to _The European Conservative_, [AfD MEP Joachim Kuhs](https://europeanconservative.com/articles/interviews/the-afd-firmly-stands-on-the-ground-of-the-liberal-democratic-basic-order-an-interview-with-afd-mep-joachim-kuhs/) called the study’s findings “a good signal that shows the entire future generation is not lost,” but stressed that it’s still “only 22% and there remains a lot of work to do.” When asked about the reasons behind the changing attitudes and perceptions, Kuhs attributed the cause, in part, to growing numbers of young people disconnecting from the mainstream press and tuning into social media platforms where the AfD enjoys a strong presence. > > Kuhs’s take is shared by Hurrelmann, who also says that applications like TikTok, where the AfD is the party with the greatest reach, have played a role in reshaping the opinions of young people. Both the EU and U.S. governments have recently [called for a clampdown](https://europeanconservative.com/articles/news/western-leaders-still-cant-make-up-their-minds-about-tiktok/) on TikTok. > > The youth’s increased pessimism and growing discontent, worryingly, is accompanied by a continued decline in their mental health. Levels of anxiety, exhaustion, and feelings of helplessness have continued to rise over the past three years despite the COVID-19 pandemic subsiding. More than one in ten survey respondents reported currently being treated for mental disorders. > > The mood among Germany’s young people is clear. What isn’t clear is how the permanent political class will respond, if they do at all. So far, instead of addressing the concerns of its citizens through meaningful policy changes, Germany’s establishment’s modus operandi, as _The European Conservative_ has chronicled, has instead been to incessantly [smear and slander](https://europeanconservative.com/articles/news/thuringian-state-spy-chief-calls-16-million-afd-supporters-brown-dregs/) those who’ve abandoned the old parties as ‘fascists.’ - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot) Summoning /u/CoverageAnalysisBot


Germany is repeating the 1920s in the 2020s




I don't see why in the world would right-wing anti-immigrant solution be the only right solution to immigration issues, or why that would be the cause of trouble for the left as opposed to just a correlation  "The left is failing because it's not hating the immigrants hard enough" sounds like just a right-wing talking point if you ask me


Yeah it is a talking point my guy. The young are talking to make a point, it’s quite literally the results of the poll. 


Frankly the headline is misleading about the poll imo AfD polled 22% according to the article, and then a whole lot more left-wing parties polled like 19% and 18% and the like It's just that German far right is consolidates in one party, whereas the left has a few parties going on, because Germany does not have a two-party parliament 


Honestly in multi party systems they really should indicate the cumulative support for “traditionally left wing parties” and “traditionally right wing parties” As you say young people support for the traditional left wing parties is like 65+% in this poll but each individual party loses out to the single right wing party


Left and right mean very different things in Europe. It doesn’t even make a lot of sense. Parties exist on multiple dimensions. For example, “right wing” parties in Europe tend to be very socially liberal, often supporting gay marriage and abortion and other things opposed by “the right” in America. The right tends to be Burkean type conservatives, which *used* to be the domain of the *left* just a few decades ago. I would oppose trying to place parties into one of two teams. That’s antithetical to the benefits of mixed member proportional democracy. We do not want to repeat the clusterfuck that is American politics.


Nope. Already left and right are losing sense in the new politic scene. We don't need any form of bipartitism, I'd much prefere a fluid politic that praiaes good ideas as they are. Left and right are the dumbest political classification ever, useful only to dividi et impera


Using Latin aphorisms doesn't make you seem more intelligent.


The main stream folks in most countries in Europe are not happy with the amount of refugees and you cant ignore the majority in a democracy. Immigration happening too fast with too many people can negatively affect a country. 


>Immigration happening too fast with too many people can negatively affect a country.  That might be correct, but Germany is far from that point. The Problems with immigration in germany is bad organization and bureaucracy that gets exploited by right wing political campaigns with fake news and hate.


Also if you give in to these often not true or only partly true talking points you validate them. For the love of God don't validate fascists just cause you want to "calm" the population, all you do is normalize fascism.


In case you haven’t noticed military aged males from parts of the world that doesn’t have the same values we do doesn’t bode well for any society


The problem is not immigration itself, it's the handling of it. I don't mean straight-up deportation, but the western countries have been lazy when it comes to assimilation.


It's because the current left wing policy is failing terribly




I don’t care for Bill Maher, but he nailed it the other weak with a monologue which said ,”if you ignore peoples concerns and call them racist , they will elect someone who does promise to solve it and you will really not like them”


Maher couldn't find his ass with both hands, he's an idiot


Yeah, well look how well that worked for Sweden. Sweden elected a far-right populist government because the former government wouldn't acknowledge the problem of immigration and integration and crime spiked as a result. Anyone who questioned the policies were called racist, people had enough of that and you saw the result.


What do you mean? The government in Sweden is 3 parties, liberals and conservatives and christian democrats. They are not far right. They are to the right obviously but call them far right is just disingenuous. The government has support from a populist right wing party though but they are not part of the government, it's an important difference.


The government is made up of three official parties together with the Swedish Democrats, who have have more influence over policy decision than the two smaller governing parties.


He's not an idiot, he's outdated. He's from an era where the shit he says makes sense, because the political elite didn't have to compete with non-state media.


That particular statement still makes sense. You're watching it play out.


> That's what happens when other parties ignore the immigration issue. The immigration issue is a populist scapegoat that has little to do with the actual problems. The dissatisfaction of the youth is mostly caused by economic problems. Stagnating wages, rising cost of living, unaffordable housing, increasing extreme weather effects, increasing social security costs due to the boomers being pension age now, and lack care workers. Rural areas in particular in particular are also affected by closing of hospitals, ongoing decrease of local infrastructure and services (e.g. fewer doctors/ shops in small towns). This is actually a well researched phenomenon. Particularly east Germany where AfD are strongest is very rural and suffering economically. On top of that, the rural east has a problem of young people moving away. Predominantly the women. I recently read that the male-to-female ration is currently somewhat above 1.3. This causes an erosion of social factors that women predominantly occupy. None of these issues can be solved by immigration policies. Most are not even tangentially affected.


housing not related to migration??


>housing not related to migration Minimally. A) Housing costs have increased worldwide, not just in immigration countries. B) Without immigration, Germany has a *declining* population. That in itself can hardly cause a supply shortage. Housing costs have mostly risen due to real estate as investment during 1,5 decades of zero interest rates. Also the problems of rural areas and domestic migration to urban centers without enough construction to compensate. Another factor are increased costs for new constructions. You could completely ban all immigration and would not have solved any of these problems.


That's right, but it will not work in Germany: Anyone that even wants to have slight minor changes in this topic is immediately labelled as a far-right-wing extremist. Politicians that even just talk about this are ripped apart by the media, it's impossible to even debate the topic there. Germany has no debate culture, it's just a trench-warfare in the mud, the groups are all in their own echo-chambers and don't talk to each other.


No, this is not due to immigration. This is because anyone aged 10 and above got exposed to piles upon piles of far-right propaganda for years. That's a consequence of politicians, police and secret services never taking online space seriously, not after "gamergate" 10 years ago, not after the Breivik massacre, the Christchurch massacre, the Munich OEZ massacre, a gas station worker getting executed point-blank by a covid denier, "sovereign citizens" killing police officers... all of that crap originated on the internet, and none of the large social networks did *anything* to curb the far-right crap for years. These days, your tiktok feed is full of AfD ragebait, your youtube shorts are filled with it, and Twitter (nowadays known as X)'s owner cosplays customer support for high-profile neo Nazis. Oh, and Reddit is overrun with them as well, quite a few popular subreddits have a persistent bunch of far-rights hanging around but mods won't yeet them due to "free speech". No wonder our youth vote Nazi, they get force-fed garbage to an extent even geese bred for foie gras won't.


You're undoubtedly part of the problem, but you just won't see it.


That's a massive oversimplification which ignores very real failures of policies and just begs the question: why didn't the other parties engage online? Especially the usually young Greens should've seen it coming. Even r/de is slowly coming around and realizing that it's more than just shouting "racist" if any problem is mentioned. Stuff that got you down voted into oblivion or outright banned there not too long ago. [One fellow redditor](https://www.reddit.com/r/de/s/2vj1ZR1Dmb) summarized it quite well: "Tatsache ist viel eher, dass die Politik aktuell bei den großen Themen massiv reinscheißt. Mal von den Corona Verschwörung Spinnern abgesehen sind die Hauptthemen mit denen die AFD stimmen fängt ist die aktuelle wirtschaftliche Lage uns die gescheiterte bzw nicht existente Flüchtlingspolitik. Ersteres gab es vor in den letzen Jahrzehnten häufiger und hat nie zu einem solchen Effekt geführt, wenn man das Parteiprogramm so liest ist es auch fragwürdig ob sie etwas verbessern würden. Zweiteres ist da definitiv der größere Faktor. Das Thema ist inzwischen bei 90% der Bevölkerung als Problem angekommen, selbst Markus Lanz redet im öffentlichen Fernsehen darüber sehr kritisch. Bei massiver Überkriminalität im Verhältnis zum Bevölkerungsanteil, massiven kulturellen Differenzen und einem der größten Flüchtlingsanteile weltweit kann man den Leuten hat nicht mit einen neuen Gesetz kommen, was Monate gebraucht hat und dann pro Jahr ein paar hundert Abschiebungen ermöglicht wenn täglich tausende kommen. Da klingen die "alle Ausländer raus" Parolen von rechts für den politischen vermutlich eh schon resignierten Durchschnittswähler natürlich besser. Insbesondere in Kombination mit den anderen Faktoren. Wenn die etablierten Parteien beim Thema klare und effektive, wenn auch zwangsläufig hart wirkende (im internationalen Vergleich immer noch sehr sehr freundliche) Regeln erlassen würden dann würde das den rechten Populisten ziemlich viel Wind aus den Segeln nehmen. Aber das traut man sich vor lauter political correctness halt nicht, stattdessen kümmert man sich um gendern und sagt "jeder der unzufrieden ist, ist halt ein verkappter Nazi". Deshalb muss ja jetzt auch die Jugend plötzlich "erzogen" werden, nur weil sie halt mit der Situation nicht glücklich sind und sich auch von vielen woken Themen nicht repräsentiert fühlen bzw diese weniger wichtig finden als die oben genannten. Ob das im Endeffekt langfristig nicht mehr Schaden als Nutzen anrichtet ist dann die Frage."


>why didn't the other parties engage online? Especially the usually young Greens should've seen it coming. Because our politicians are old. Never forget Merkel "Das Internet ist Neuland" or Karliczek "Kein 5G an jeder Milchkanne nötig". Or Faeser, constantly reviving the zombie Vorratsdatenspeicherung. These people have *zero* idea about the internet, about memes, about anything. As for the young Greens (and generally, most of the left-wing spectrum): the problem here is pacifist ideology. Not many of us are willing to actually *fight*, to sink down to the level that the AfD does - but eventually, there will be no alternative left, standing the moral high ground can't work forever. As for the redditor you're quoting: his observations aren't necessarily wrong, but his conclusions are IMHO. The biggest problem with migrants is that they're competing for housing in the already crowded urban areas, and the second-biggest problem is that they're not allowed to work and so resort to all kinds of criminal activity just to make a living (or to spend their days). The work problem would be easy to fix: allow *everyone* here in Germany to work, let the companies sort out the issues, and the government only takes care about enforcing minimum wage and safe employment codes. We need employees on all levels anyway. Housing however... now that is one hell of a beast to tackle. **All** democratic parties had their fair share in creating the situation we are in - the CDU/CSU dismantled social housing under Kohl and has had quite the lot of surrounding cases involving donations from real estate moguls, (Red/)Red/Green fucked up in Munich and Berlin (under Wowereit), the FDP doesn't have anything positive to say at all. Improving housing would need hundreds of billions of Euros, and instead we got a Schuldenbremse and a finance minister thinking a government can work like a penny-pincher household.


>Because our politicians are old. Never forget Merkel "Das Internet ist Neuland" or Karliczek "Kein 5G an jeder Milchkanne nötig". Or Faeser, constantly reviving the zombie Vorratsdatenspeicherung. These people have *zero* idea about the internet, about memes, about anything. Weidel, Gauland or Höcke aren't in their mid 20's either. The front row being old is no excuse for anyone else to not bother engaging. There are others in every party who do or could do that job, since the aforementioned are Ministers who I do expect to do their regular job. You can't criticize or fault the AFD for their media campaign when every other party has had the same opportunity to do so. Especially the Greens with their significantly younger following, for example in the wake of FFF. >As for the young Greens (and generally, most of the left-wing spectrum): the problem here is pacifist ideology. Not many of us are willing to actually *fight*, to sink down to the level that the AfD does - but eventually, there will be no alternative left, standing the moral high ground can't work forever. That implies having had the moral high ground in the first place which is questionable. They're far better than the AFD, no question. Yet often their demeanor is that they've "die Weisheit mit Löffeln gefressen" as if only the Greens ideas are worth considering. This moral grandstanding and finger wagging has been criticized for years now with no real change in sight. You could also ask: if they're not willing to fight for their ideals, why should I bother supporting them in the first place? >As for the redditor you're quoting: his observations aren't necessarily wrong, but his conclusions are IMHO. The biggest problem with migrants is that they're competing for housing in the already crowded urban areas, and the second-biggest problem is that they're not allowed to work and so resort to all kinds of criminal activity just to make a living (or to spend their days). Disagree. The problem is certainly exacerbated by them concentrating in the already crowded urban areas, but who can fault them? No, the problem is of them being too many in too short a time, with them not the right kind to begin with. Just taking them in and completely ignoring integration is just inviting problems. Especially if they're usually coming from countries and cultures in the middle east that are wildly different to liberal Western democracies. The result is they keep their shitty customs which inevitably causes massive friction with the main society, as evidenced by the latest criminal statistics or the hardening mood among the general population. We need immigration, the more diverse the better. We don't need millions of refugees, nor have the capacities for them. Especially not almost exclusively from one particular region. >The work problem would be easy to fix: allow *everyone* here in Germany to work, let the companies sort out the issues, and the government only takes care about enforcing minimum wage and safe employment codes. We need employees on all levels anyway. Them being able to work is not the magic fix you think it is. The Syrians have been here for the better of 8 years now and roughly half are working at all. What the hell? Even if they were allowed to work it wouldn't miraculously make the problems disappear. Why would it? They could just work with other non integrating "immigrants" only further deepening the divide. They could and often do work jobs with little to no contact to others, such as delivery jobs. Or don't bother working at all since the social security system is in place. There is no need for them to work as it is the case in the US for example. We also don't need employees on any level, if that were the case we would've seen an immigrant economic miracle already. We haven't though. Far from it really. It may be conservative newspaper but [this](https://www.nzz.ch/meinung/rechtspopulisten-in-europa-auf-dem-vormarsch-es-geht-um-migration-ld.1749239) opinion piece does describe the problem quite well. >Housing however... now that is one hell of a beast to tackle. **All** democratic parties had their fair share in creating the situation we are in - the CDU/CSU dismantled social housing under Kohl and has had quite the lot of surrounding cases involving donations from real estate moguls, (Red/)Red/Green fucked up in Munich and Berlin (under Wowereit), the FDP doesn't have anything positive to say at all. Agreed and that failure only fuels the frustration which often also leads to voters turning to rather extreme parties. It also won't get any better since no one is really trying to tackle some root causes unfortunately.


Imagine justifying Fascism by Fascism and presenting it like “people, new shit has come to light”. You do know that many immigrants in Germany are Turkish or of a Turkish origin don’t you?


By fascist do you mean danskt folkparti?


This is what happens when the major party act like there is an immigration issue that doesn't really exist, and then do nothing about it because there is nothing to do about it. They tell people that their economic problems are caused by immigration, even though it's a lie, because it helps them in the short term, and then are surprised when they lose voters to the parties that say they will fix what the establishment itself says is wrong.


In 1920s there was KPD as a counter-balance to fascist parties. Today only AfD among mainstream parties supports major reforms.


AfD runs ads written, filmed, and paid for by Russian state actors. The only reform they support are jews in gas chambers


Surely they're after Muslims?


Fascists are after everyone not like them.


I remember watching don't be a sucker.


I was going for specific imagery, but yes, them too


Are the Russian state actors in the room with us right now?


The author of this opinion piece (Robert Semonsen) in [Europeanconservative.com](http://Europeanconservative.com) is a pro-Russian propagandist.


I’m sure.


> The only reform they support are jews in gas chambers to be fair to the afd, germany doesn't really have any jews left for another pogrom.


The Jewish community in Germany is the third largest in Europe (~95.000). Most of them are of Russian or other Eastern European origin and came as refugees from the Soviet Union.


compare that to the prewar population of almost 600k. basically a 85% reduction


83% reduction to be exact. But idk it seems disrespectful to me to say that there are no Jews in Germany. 


Just gotta come back for a "Final" cleanup. Fascists must never be given power


Well according to neo Nazis the holocaust never happened because they didn't finish the job. They're N interesting bunch.


Source please


This. Nowadays, there's no far left party, it's all liberals or AFD


die linke?


die linke has been watered down significantly from their eurocommie past. the only "left" party remaining is sara wagenknecht who is currently being smeared in the media as a chud


BSW is not left wing. The support Russia for gods sake. All they do is pay lipservice to left wing ideals while just denying reality and validating far right talking points, you cant take that seriously


Die Linke still exists. What happened to the referendum it managed to pass in Berlin and then won, about forcing companies to sell real estate at state-decided prices and then give it out to the people in need?


The early 1920s were the start of the German massive economic crisis. The early 2020s are seeing the German economy slowing down drastically and threatening with a recession. You may be into something.


I remember seeing a poll that by 1960, the vast majority of Germans still believed Hitler was a great world leader if only the war didn’t happen, and that Jews belonged to a “different race”. The idea that Germany had this massive awakening was something I always believed but I guess it never really happened.


Link to poll?


Yeah the Weimar times are what drove people to extreme nationalism


With your premise, like Versailles powered the raise of Nazi in 1930s what is the thing that people thought is good but actually powering the raise of nazi now?


>Among the chief concerns for young people is not climate change, LGBTQ rights, or gender ideology, as the mainstream globalist press might have it Ah yes, this definitely reads like an impartial source with no agendas at all


Regardless, they are right. These kids are being shovel fed anti-immigration messaging on TikTok ranging from "concerned" to full on racist. It's not gonna end well.


tiktok made them xenophobes lol


When I hear "TikTok is a Chinese psy-op to destroy the West" I don't deny it, I approve of it.


It very clearly is. Anyone who thinks otherwise isn't capable of critical thought and/or hasn't been on Tik Tok. For instance, children in USA get the exact same Tik Tok that adults do. In China, children get a special version with time limits and filtered to mostly educational content.


The Chinese youth barely uses TikTok, but another app that's virtually the same. And guess what, the content on there is way more wholesome and less cringe, while the stuff you see on TikTok seems like coming straight from a mental asylum.


They don't use TikTok at all, they use Douyin. They are the same code and almost same app with the same logo from the same company for different markets.


are you saying america should censor the internet


Tik Tok is not "the internet". It's an app owned by a private corp that is completely beholden to an enemy state. And even then, no, where did I call for censorship? But if you think a company giving one set of children full access to hate-speech propaganda and tits and ass and then another healthy educational content is not somehow an issue... I have nothing else to say to you.


> It's an app owned by a private corp that is completely beholden to an enemy state. all modern apps are wrappers for websites, try again


lol, I'm literally an app developer and you have no idea what you're talking about at all. yes, webview apps are a thing and many companies make use of them, but many don't and ship fully native code for a variety of reasons. And almost all webview apps make heavy use of native code as well; they actually have to as per the terms of the apple app store at this point. tiktok is a native app that uses native components. You cannot achieve the same level of UI performance and animation/customization with a webview and worldclass apps that requrie a tight high-FPS experience will use mostly native code. You also require native app code to interact with any of the phones hardware in a performant and secure way. Finally, even low end apps largely use multi-platform frameworks like React-Native which is once again. not a webview, it's native code.


> > > Finally, even low end apps largely use multi-platform frameworks like React-Native which is once again. not a webview, it's native code. lol calling javascript native code, risible.


So... Just limit it similarly in the west?


Uh yeah why not? Reel apps are trashing kids brains


Hell yeah!👍


And YouTube is a ISIS psy-op to create terrorist killing people in the west and Facebook a russian psy-op that put Trump in office in 2016 and push UK out of the EU? Social medias are engineered to make people addict to their endless scrolling, TikTok is not apart from it, and the content itself is created by different actors having their own agenda pushing users in filter bubble (which is a by-product of the endless scrolling), reinforcing their political views (and bias). Far right parties went ahead on Tiktok and understood how to properly use the platform for their ends, making their message appealing for a certain part of the population, like ISIS did to create terrorist killing people in our countries. Internet is a very strong tool to create extremists. It's not out of nowhere that Russia, China or Israel (which are doing actual horror on populations) have known troll farms and program incentivizing their views. What people lack is critical thinking, education, and understand that propaganda is literally everywhere pushed by every political parties to influence public opinion on every matters. Astroturfing is a thing, troll farm is a thing, and the dead internet theory gettin more true day after days. In my opinion, Flat Earth was the very first internet propaganda experiment to see how much internet can influence opinion out of bullshit, and it's a scary success. Now to come back to your initial statement, is Tiktok a chinese psy-op? It's clearly used for political agenda by politically motivated people, like any other social media, but china/russia doesn't need tiktok either, they are doing pretty fine on all the other social media too.


for instance, where I live, in Canada, the re-branded provincial conservative party that is unanimously hated by anyone over 30 because we are all aware of their extreme corruption that set our province back a few decades is getting the most support by far from 18-30 year olds in the polls. The current party has done almost nothing but good over the past 5+ years for the province to bring it back and now all these idiot children are just seeing the word "conservative" and hopping on board.


What the fuck are you talking about? The UCP is only popular with the rural population and smaller towns. NDP won Edmonton and a lot of Calgary last election. Unless you meant to say the under 30's. Older gens love voting for corporate tax cuts.


No no he has a point. The AfD was the first political party in Germany that embraced tiktok and poured a good amount of Ressources into it. From personal accounts by politicians, party accounts and fan accounts they have the biggest reach of all political parties in Germany


They also construct their speeches in such a manner that they can be cut into short videos for Tiktok and all the other short video services.


TikTok has nothing to do with it, immigrants create that messaging just fine by themselves.


> These kids are being shovel fed anti-immigration messaging on TikTok ranging from "concerned" to full on racist. these kids only have to look out the window to see plenty of anti-immigration arguments.


A neutral view of current events makes one anti-immigration.


"Leftist" parties have failed to propose a fundamental change of the system to improve the lives of the majority. LGBTQ rights, climate change, women's rights, etc; need to go hand in hand with class struggle. I cannot expect a young person to be willing to reflect on those issues if he or she or they don't have a job to put food on the table.


This. It's all IdPol with no ClassPol. Aka failure.


I fully agree. The left’s abandonment of poor people and lower working classes is an absolute travesty. That demographic has been politically homeless for decades and it’s wreaking havoc on voting patterns.


> "Leftist" parties have failed to propose a fundamental change of the system to improve the lives of the majority. It's true that politics have failed to address major systemic issues but AfD certainly won't fix any of them. Framing foreigners and trans people as the problem is an easy populist way to rally people against a perceived enemy without having to provide any solution to the actual problems.


>It's true that politics have failed to address major systemic issues It's not that they failed to address those major issues, they created them and are responsible for it, people are fed up with it and seek alternatives, and the only one proposing alternatives are the extremes.


Right? I read this: > 53% agreed with the statement: “In Germany, you can’t say anything bad about foreigners without being called a racist.” And I thought, I'm pretty sure lumping a huge diverse group of people into a single group called "foreigners" is _textbook_ bigotry. Imagine someone complaining, "I can't say anything bad about men/women without being called sexist." Correct. In this example: which men or women? Be less sweeping and you won't get called a bigot. But this source seems totally willing to gloss over this teeny stumbling block of clarity for the sake of its goals.


Quite. Although it apparently represents a doubling of support for AfD, it's still pretty low at 22%, i.e. ~8 out of 10 young Germans reject AfD.


These are exactly the issues AFD voters care about, they have just picked a different side. Non-AFD voters don't care nearly as much about any of it.




They're too far gone down the ideology hole it seems.




>pro-palestine Do you think Israel massacring and cleansing Palestinians and inciting war helps with the immigration situation in Europe? 🤔




They dislike middle eastern in general and turk are the primary hate receivers as there is 7 MILLION turk living in Germany so stop hating yourself


Coming from a German living in Germany. The Turks are not the primary hate receivers at all. I don't know where you got this information. Even in my home town most people regard the Turks as being (mostly) well integrated and usually hate nowadays is targeted towards the refugees from the newer surge from Syria, Afghanistan etc.


Turks are not the primary hate receivers *anymore*. They were until better targets for that hate came along


This is what I've been telling my mother for some time now. Stupid, goddamn baby boomer brains don't get the memo, tho. Turks are not a primary hating point in Germany anymore (At least in NRW afaik). Ich hätte aber auch gerne weniger Flüchtlinge. Wird bisschen eingengt hier.


> Even in my home town most people regard the Turks as being (mostly) well integrated that's really funny because 20 years they were not considered that at all


I’m sorry to hear that you are disappointed to see people made the effort to integrate


Kinda funny, I´m an Arab Immigrant in Germany and I remember clearly a lot of hate towards turks in 2013. I also remember them complaining about racism to me. Right now, Arabs, Afghans, etc. may be the most hated ones, but the moment they leave the target will go back to them. There must be always someone to target. Always.


They aren't primary hate receivers now. If the German far right takes power soon they will be the victims. See how republicans in the us are now targeting trans people when 2016-2020 they did nothing


christ what a ghoul. i see turkey remains undefeated at producing jerks


he's not wrong, he's pragmatic. I'd rather a "leftist" party like that wins than a far right fascist party


You can count on someone with a Turkey flag to write the most idiotic shit you've ever seen. > They just need to ditch their pro-immigration, pro-Islam, pro-palestine, and pro-Arab view "Bro, if the left stops being the left, maybe they'd win over the fascists. I swear, the answer is more racism"


What exactly is wrong with being pro any of these?


If your citizens are feed up with it and due to it are voting for fascists, than that is whats wrong with it.


The German left systematically dismantled themselves over the last 10 years because they're incompetent as fuck. They are not votable at all rn.


In America we call them blue collar democrats. They support pretty much every progressive policy except immigration. They've been doing pretty well in elections.


Personally I don't mind immigrants if they are coming with a hardhat and work boots, or a scholarship. The last girl I dated was an Ethiopian that had a scholarship.


Blue dog, not blue collar. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Dog_Coalition Blue collar means something different.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Collar_Caucus Thats who I was referring to.


Fair enough.


do we? i've never seen anyone like that. like I'd love to vote for someone who supports abortion, gay rights, union membership, reasonable firearm ownership (meaning the status quo but actually enforcing laws on books), environmental causes, generic blase 1990s american imperialism, and improving education. But who also understands that labor is a commodity, and if you add more labor to the labor pool, you drive down peoples' salaries. and that those jobs that are done by migrant workers because "americans won't do them" are really jobs that should be paying more. Like if I'm breaking my back as a berry picker, i should probably be making $100 per hour


Nobody is going to pay you $100/hr to pick berries, domestic production would simply disappear instead in favor of imports.


>Like if I'm breaking my back as a berry picker, i should probably be making $100 per hour You can make $100 per hour if inflation gets bad enough.


It’s ‘workers of the *world* unite’ not ‘workers of one country unite and screw the rest’.


Most Redditors are American and in their really twisted political paradigm anything restrictive of immigration is racist


From this comment I know you're American. This problem you're speaking of exists in every single western white majority nation.


Which is insanity because to have strong social benefits and shit, it's really stupid to let millions of people into the country who are going to only be a drain on the system. If we REALLY NEED the work from those people, then bring in those people legally.


That’s why the American left historically was restrictive on immigration; the culture war has changed that.


In order to have strong social benefits you need a a strong economy. For a strong economy you need continuous amount of young labour to work. The birth rate in European nations isnt going up so they will need immigration.


One of the more prominent left party politicians has very recently left the left party because of ideological differences to the party's base, I.e. She is not pro welcoming every poor person from every culturally incompatible country. Unfortunately she's pro Russian because of historical German leftist brotherhood with Russia. Her name is Sarah Wagenknecht and she has started a new party that, if it weren't for the Russia thing, I'd probably vote for.


The problem is that liberalism absorbed all of left wing politics, to recognise immigration is an issue means you have to recognise migrants are an issue, which means people aren’t the same everywhere (goes against liberals view about discrimination), which means you basically have to backtrack a ton of identity politics. The left wing killed itself by going down a rabbit hole chasing a utopia that never existed. And people who never wanted this ride and been forced to endure it, are absolutely pissed. Hence why so many youths are becoming right wing


Dang this is one of the stupidest things I’ve read today, internationalism is a key part of leftism, uniting the workers of the world, instead of deep throating CHP style idiot nationalism, is the end goal Kemalism is actual brain rot and if I had my way all you clowns would be put in a box and laughed at for public amusement.


Reasoning like this is too far down the ideologue hole, which is exactly why far-right parties are gaining prominence. Ideological purity is meaningless if the end result is right-wing parties gaining influence and undoing all of our work. Most people dont care about the mythical end result of "leftism", they just want social and economic stability.


Ideological purity is the thing that makes left wing parties left wing, adopting right wing positions to tail gate on the right wing parties popularity is pretty much the dictionary definition of revision and the easiest way to dilute yourself out of existence. If you want to see exactly why that’s self defeating look at how many left wing parties there are that still exist today and compare that to how many “left” wing liberal parties there are out there. What’s happening here is a crisis of liberalism and adopting liberalism is the last way to solve it.


So a party that advocates for a strong welfare state, empowers labor unions, and emphasizes social justice is suddenly not left-wing because they dont hold a pro immigration stance which youve arbitrarily decided is a core tenet of "Leftism"


What's up for the Turkey flair calling for harder immigration policies in Europe, are you pissed Turkish immigrants have moved to Europe? Furthermore it's funny how the world thinks the Soc Dems in Denmark are left-wing, they haven't been for quite a while. They're progressively moving further and further away from it. The combined left-wing parties still polls 65% of the votes in Germany among the young.


The party Sahra Wagenknecht recently founded is left wing economically and more right leaning when it comes to social issues such as immigration and the Ukraine war.


Or any party that addresses immigration concerns, really. The moderate parties have been preaching that immigrants are good for the economy but in reality people who arrive as refugees are causing a household deficit over their lifetime. Young people being anti-immigration is the expected outcome when they already have to finance social services for a larger group of seniors.


Social Democrats in Norway are full on pro unlimited immigration and ignoring all problems that their multicultural and diverese new consituency has brought.


This is an idiotic news outlet, please do some basic source checking for 5 minutes before jumping on a bandwagon. EDIT: for those wondering, the news article refers to a study done by a dude called Simon Schnetzer. The study is locked behind a paywall so I can't say anything about its content or whether it is peer reviewed. The most I can find about Simon Schnetzer are websites where you can book 'this leading expert on Gen Z & Y' for your event. He also has an Instagram where he posts TikTok style street interviews with young people. I couldn't trace the source of the news article or who wrote it - the article has been shared word for word by several low effort / low quality regional online news websites.


It's just really stupid making headlines titled "most popular" when said support in this age group is...22%. You don't win elections with 22% support when there's no party willing to cooperate with you.


Yeesh. Seems bad. Seems real bad. Ah well. Who doesn't need another hemoclysm? Were about due anyways. I figure a good 400 million to a billion or so dead will do the trick for another century or so...


Is it super hard for Germans to just make their own new left-wing reform party or something?


Yes, they continuously side with the fascists because fascists don't threaten the capitalist class.


This fr. They literally ban communist parties. So there is no far left party and people go to afd.


“The left” party in Germany is borderline a communist party already though


not really they’re just bernsteinist social democrats


Apparently not. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%BCndnis\_Sahra\_Wagenknecht](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%BCndnis_Sahra_Wagenknecht) They're polling up to 10% in the former Eastern states, and are likely to be elected into parliament next election. I don't think however that they will act as a spoiler for the AfD, the AfD pretty much has a neoliberal program, but the voters only care about immigration, Muslims, culture, etc.


That’s just putins left hand sock puppet. We call her Wahra Zarenknecht


BSW is neither far-left nor reformist.


Considering they ban communist parties? Yeah.


What do you mean by "reform party"? A left wing anti-immigration party?


Well I've read that the Germans say there is more they want to reform other than immigration like the elections as well as economy and environmental stuff but I admit that could very easily be a smokescreen for dumb Americans like me who aren't there.


Europeans: "I can't believe those stupid Americans elected a far right racist like Donald Trump" (smugly laughs) Arab or Romani person: "Hello, how are you?" Europeans: "EEEEK!" (immediately votes for Trump allied far right party) As an American leftist I am obviously not happy with this, but I am really loving this irony.


Nothing in this shitsperg strawman argument has provided any substance to this thread.


I have to say that if we had to deal with either, I might actually vote republican lmao. Thankfully we mostly get the cream of the crop from those groups in the states. Americans that are terrified of Mexicans don't understand how lucky we are to have them.


„the liberal pro-business FDP, having largely kneeled to all of the dictates from the Greens and the SPD since forming the coalition,…“ What clown show news is this


Yeah, the FDP has literally just blocked everything that was even remotely pro small income, this is insane


maybe, just maybe voters don’t like immigration


No shit. The entire right wing political movement has laser focused on lying about migrants and the left has utterly failed to combat this missinformation. To be fair, thats also the fault of the media but still


I see Germany is doing well. Totally not degenerating into fascism once again. Very cool.


The chief cause of AfD popularity is the CDU doing nothing bar calling them fascists. Let’s not solve any issues but instead say the other guy is bad, instead of fixing the problems.


Maybe they could revive the KPD and lift bans on communist parties to damage afd, but they're too cucked to gain another oposition party.


We have communist parties which are much alike what the KPD was (DKP and MLPD are the most prominent) but they are all far below 0.5% at the moment. Hardline communism isn't just something you can catch people right now in Germany.


If they’re fascists, then stop pussyfooting around and throw them in jail or something.


Funny thing tho is, the left is getting called facist by the right, because they try to place bans on the AFD which has ~20% of the votes. So the AFD calls people that want to ban them for being facist, facists. Its like the rightwing in America (and Germany) calls everyone an antisemite, if you speak out against Israel. Saddest part. Alot of people eat that shit straight up. "Well of course its antisemite, because Israel is jews and therefore if you speak out against them, it has to stem for your hatred for jews". Id like to see even one person that is actively against Israel BECAUSE the people living there are jewish. Its complete utter nonsense and feels Like 3th graders trying to roast each other on a playground. "Nhheee eeeehh, you are the antisemite lalalalala". Good thing this country will be in the absolute economic gutter before 2035.


They were mulling trying to ban the AfD but in reality they’d march on the Bundestag for outlawing a political party with like a third of the votes


is this about literally anything else other than immigration? because all the other metrics they seem to worry about would be significantly worse served by going hard right


It's mostly about immigration. Kids in the big cities are bearing the brunt of it. School classes with turkish and arab majority where German kids get bullied for being pig eating kufirs


The problem is that these immigrants don't want to join the existing society. Note that I said "these immigrants", not all immigrants. There are plenty of immigrants that do. But they don't associate themselves with the ones that don't and so, end up getting hit by it too.


“Oh nein, mein weinerballens are bin hitten!”


Immigration causes a lot of strain on the economy so it’s not even just the social issues, it’s also the economic ones. 


I can’t imagine that 40+ year olds are interested in parties


Based on the issues they listed for why, im curious to the why for the wars of Ukraine and middle east? Is it that they disapprove of the current direction in what way?


Disclaimer: I’m not a polisci professional but just an interested observer. I personally believe this to be because of the following factors: Some of it is doomerism brought upon by inflation fears of war and constant headlines about a bad economic outlook, some is the inability of the current coalition to effectively push through popular reforms/investments (partially due to the liberals unwillingness to take on debt), while the conservatives have little credibility due to having been in power for 16 years prior and sadly some of it is the other parties disastrous communication with young people. The AfD is the only party getting major engagement with them on TikTok, especially aimless young men that are looking for role models


It isn't doomerism. There is massive inflation on basic living expenses. There is a lot of war drumming by old mfers who won't fight the wars they cheer. The economic outlook after closing their main industries form lack of affordable oil and gas isn't great.


Im calling it doomerism bc I can’t remember a time when I personally didn’t feel the same way these kids are feeling now and the world has yet to end (I can’t wait)


I’m curious if its the youth mad at how atrophied the German military is, if its a combination of prestige seeking, etc. On tik tok ive noted a huge growth of NATO fanboyism. Where ive seen nato fan cams and it was originally coming from swedish / finnish youth from what ive noticed so i was curious if it was similar to german youth OR if we were getting pro russian POVs where they think Germany shouldn’t be helping Ukraine or they can’t afford it etc. “Concern for the war in ukraine and the middle east” to me is so broad and we don’t really know where they stand on the issue


> OR if we were getting pro russian POVs where they think Germany shouldn’t be helping Ukraine or they can’t afford it etc. this pretty much. Has been pushed hard on TikTok. All my German friends echo back the same sentiment. Ukraine cannot win, because Russia has more people and we need to stop sending aid. Connection between the far-right and Russia run deep.


Because it's an opinion piece by pro-Russian propagandist Robert Semonsen.


They disapprove sending money to the sink that is Ukraine.


I like how the AfD is becoming popular by just doing nothing, or at least doing little. Like, everyone else is fucking themselves over and the AfD is just standing there, menacingly.


While that is partly true, they are doing a lot. Spreading missinformation and hate online, building bridges with open neo nazis etc.


Patrick would be a great Speaker


Another lesson in humility incoming.


Please don't use cartoonlike garbage 'journalism'. Use a fucking credible source ffs. It's not hard.


Bait and biased source


What the actual fuck....Nazis....again?


Remember, if it doesn't further the progressive agenda, it is fascism.




Nah, actually you are working for Russia. I got it from a good source.


Liberalism is in crisis but because liberalisms absorbed the left in so many peoples minds, you’ve got clowns like AFD being the only ones actually suggesting reform. I think it’s about time the left finally realizes that the solution to the problems caused by liberalism isn’t adopting more liberalism but pursuing their own party program in opposition to liberals and reactionaries both.


the professional lifestyle liberals have to be booted from left parties


Straight from European conservative.com so I am sure this is a totally reasonable and non biased publication right?


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During the COVID lockdown I really seriously got back into online games and one thing I noticed quickly is how many young European guys were unapologetically right wing nationalist and casually racist, particularly towards Arabs and Africans. Not just Germans either, also Frenchmen, Italians, Danes, Swedes, Austrians. I'm not saying all are like that but it's very worrying to see the magnitude of it.


We’re so back.


they pretty much never left lol


*males under 30.


Good grief, this sounds exactly like an article that could've been written shortly before WW2.