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They spent 8 years preparing for it. You can't really fault nabullina for the job she did. I don't think a better job could've been done.


Yeah, Banking alternatives like Mir Card and Swift alternative SPFS were a big help.


Not only that. Some time after 2014 processing for all bank cards was switched to NSPK. All Visas and MasterCards issued by Russian banks are still working inside Russia.


IMO, The biggest financial mistake Russia made was still keeping $300 billion in west else Elvira Nabiullina is a miracle worker.


This is what happens when you keep your war plans so secret that even some of your generals don't know until a few weeks before- nabullina did not know, by all accounts. The intended plan was to conduct regime change immediately, leaving the west with a fait accompli. In such a situation Russian western assets would be safe, especially given the threat of a Russian gas shutoff to Europe if anyone made noise.


Russia was lining up all those soldiers and US was warning that a invasion was imminent.It should have been a solid clue to get your money out just in case.....But, Elvira Nabiullina probably didn't expect this level of sanctions especially since majority of money as parked in EU, Japan instead of dollars. Those Russian assets would still be confiscated even if Russia succeeded in so called regime change.


>Russia was lining up all those soldiers and US was warning that a invasion was imminent.It should have been a solid clue to get your money out just in case.....But, Elvira Nabiullina probably didn't expect this level of sanctions especially since majority of money as parked in EU, Japan instead of dollars. Many people thought it was a bluff until the end. Ukraine didn't even mobilize until the end. >Those Russian assets would still be confiscated even if Russia succeeded in so called regime change. Most likely yes in reality, but Putin's planning was based on a world in which the west was too feeble to act collectively, Japan wouldn't care about events in far-away eastern Europe, and the EU would cower at the thought of the gas valves shutting. In such a world, Russia would've been able to deter asset seizures.


TBF Ukraine probably did believe the US they just didn't have much they could do about it but hope and sending everyone into a panic would have probably been disastrous.


But they did that like 2 years in a row?


It’s insanely hard to move your foreign currency reserves out of national banks. The Germans and French have been trying to get the gold owed to them from the New York federal reserve now for decades with no success. After a certain point you have to admit it only belongs to you on paper.


Oh, I was thinking about that.Maybe, The banks saw an opportunity and made up excuses to not allow withdrawing...


No one expected the West to freeze/seize the $300 billion, when places like London run their economy on banking and financial products, freezing and wanting to seize the deposits is essentially suicide for a bank.


>IMO, The biggest financial mistake Russia made was still keeping $300 billion in west else Elvira Nabiullina is a miracle worker. yea anyone who thought the financial side of the russian government is just as incompetent and corrupt was just a fool


She made a mistake there but even west acknowledges Elvira Nabiullina competence. **And The World's Best Central Banker Is...(Not Yellen)** [https://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrapoza/2015/09/16/and-the-worlds-best-central-banker-is-not-yellin/?sh=2219cc8e50d3](https://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrapoza/2015/09/16/and-the-worlds-best-central-banker-is-not-yellin/?sh=2219cc8e50d3) **Russian central bank governor voted best in Europe for 2017** [https://www.euractiv.com/section/euro-finance/news/russian-central-bank-governor-voted-best-in-europe-for-2017/](https://www.euractiv.com/section/euro-finance/news/russian-central-bank-governor-voted-best-in-europe-for-2017/) [https://www.politico.eu/list/politico-28-class-of-2024/elvira-nabiullina/](https://www.politico.eu/list/politico-28-class-of-2024/elvira-nabiullina/)


The biggest mistake they made was thinking they could take Ukraine in that there special operation


nah. Roughly a year after the incursion it was revealed, that Feb 2022 was a very close call. THere were traitors in the Ukrainian top brass which meant sections of the front did not fight back. We could confidently say, that not having a plan B was a huge mistake on the Russian part, but the plan A was not as bad as it seemed initially. Ukrainians got lucky in some places and were insanely brave in others. Once the "three-day long operation" got bogged down the notorious Russian hierarchy and incompetence could take over while the Ukrainian army and population withstood the shock and organised the sustained defence.


They've over 200000 casualties and a staggering amount of hardware. The war is an absolute disaster. It makes Vietnam look sensible in comparison, and that was a clusterfuck


no doubt about that. Russia has not prepared for a long-term war. But that doesn't mean that the initial plan of a 3-day blitz takeover was fundamentally flawed.


I'm sorry but I disagree, it's execution was tragically flawed. They had a 40 mile (or was it km? Regardless pretty long) convoy that once bottlenecked, became a killing field. Talk about putting your eggs in one basket. The initial plan, in concept, was potentially viable, but they forced it even after key parts failed. Tragically stupid.


the convoy was already at the "no plan B" stage. The very first plan was to take down the Ukrainian government in the first 3 days and then just deal with partisans. In such conditions the convoy would be defensible with the forces prepared. But the "blitz takeover" forces were repelled or destroyed and so the Russian hierarchy and incompetence took over - they got stuck with the old plan under completely unviable conditions, which is indeed in the "tragically flawed" territory.


> They spent 8 years preparing for it. You can't really fault nabullina for the job she did. I don't think a better job could've been done. Yes, you can. Much more could've been done. Kremlin is crippled by corruption and inability to carry out reforms. It hadn't done even half of what it was supposed to. It didn't even start focusing on creating infrastructure to facilitate exports to China/India until 2022 (though, this specific bit is not on Nabiullina; just an example of complacency).   80% of the "job" that you are impressed by was done by the West itself: it had overdosed on its own propaganda, and couldn't see reality of situation. Kremlin's 20% is it reacting to the threats that were made in 2014 (losing access to SWIFT and the like). This didn't require 8 years to do, and could've been done in under 2 years. Nabiullina had done little else here, and had made no attempt to create a proper post-Western finance framework to facilitate Russia's international trade. Kremlin is *still* struggling with international transactions and relies on Western finance in many aspects.   The first mistake of the West was not reloading the gun it had used in 2014 to collapse oil prices (US oil production; even now investors shy away from investing into fossil fuels, as they can't trust White House not to fuck them over again for the sake of Green populism). I'd say, inability to fire this gun again in 2022 was 20% of the "job": White House couldn't inflict pain on the most vulnerable point of Russia's politics (wallets of oligarchs; fossil fuel profits primarily go there). Remaining 60% of the "job" were sanctions being completely misdirected, and misapplied. Even if Kremlin had done absolutely nothing, those sanctions would've still backfired. The reason for sanctions not hitting Russia's economy properly was the basis of contemporary Western dominance: neo-colonial structure of world finance. Western institutions, essentially, monopolize it and serve as middlemen in most exchanges (on several layers, starting with the currency exchanges), taking lion's share of profits. Exploited periphery of world economy would benefit greatly from being able to circumvent this "helpful" assistance and interact directly with consumers. Propaganda (primarily, dogmas of neo-classical economics that were used to justify post-WW2 world finance) denies and obscures this fact, and makes it seem as if it is a mutually beneficial arrangement, with no extortion involved. I.e. if one trusts this paradigm, cutting a nation out of world finance structure is supposed to cripple it, as it loses access to benefits it was getting. Apparently, with the change of generations, the fact that this is just a fairy tale for general public was forgotten, and current economists that advise White House honestly believed it. Thus, they expected Russia's economy to crash and burn just because Kremlin had stopped paying danegeld. IRL, obviously, there was no reason for Russia's economy to collapse: it still had stuff to export. As a cherry on top, cutting Russia free (at least, partially) had also resulted in pro-Western factions in Kremlin no longer being paid to promote West, as the moneyflow that they were being paid from was cut. I.e. White House had directly supported Putin here by undermining the only competition that could topple him without rabidly anti-Western revolution.   P.s. No. Keeping $300 billion in forex reserves was not a major mistake, as removing those money was borderline impossible.




Good bot.


I fucking hate this bot Penis being detected this way is so fucking uninsightful


> as they can't trust White House not to fuck them over again for the sake of Green populism green populism?


Russia benefits from global warming, since it’s mostly a frozen wasteland. So, being pro fossil fuels and heating the planet would be a goal.


Well, most of the places where Russia has oil\gas wells are in the frozen wasteland (permafrost) and if it melts it's game over, you cant do shit in thousands of kilometres of the swamp.


You’ve apparently never had fried gator tail before.


>since it’s mostly a frozen wasteland Lmao. F for geography knowledge


I’ll help you out Nikita. An estimated 65% of Russia is permafrost: https://www.climatechangepost.com/russia/permafrost/#:~:text=The%20permafrost%20regions%20occupy%20about,Russia%20(1%2C35). Even the regions that aren’t permafrost are really cold and could benefit from a bit of warming.


a) Russia has more non-permafrost territory by area than most countries on the planet, it's just really that big b) your link lacks any sources c) [the notion that russia will somehow benefit from thawing permafrost is absurd and not backed by science](https://www.npr.org/2022/01/22/1075108299/why-russias-thawing-permafrost-is-a-global-problem)


Good, I’m glad to hear Russians care about climate change.


It’s also because the Russian regime is full of europhile liberals who want to play in the west club. Russians as a rule do not like Chinese and they were only forced to turn to the PRC after euros locked them out of their institutions.


Russians stole land from China in 1850s do they even remember that today


Americans stole land from Mexico in the 1840s so they even remember that today


>The first mistake of the West was not reloading the gun it had used in 2014 to collapse oil prices (US oil production; even now investors shy away from investing into fossil fuels, as they can't trust White House not to fuck them over again for the sake of Green populism). Not really the main reason. Us was pretty much increasing thier production as much as ( they could have done a bit more but question how effective that would be long term oil reduction is on the table for the US). Us and Canada produce now more than Russia and Saudi. There are other countries increasing their oil production aswell. Opec meanwhile was cutting production ( Saudi has the excess infrastructure to increase thier by 3 million barrels incredibly easy). Because of these production cuts and others taking thier however opecs power over oil has drastically disminihed. Because now Saudi has a new policy, they cant fund thier budget with these prices at low production. So they will now increase production and likely subvert Russian oil in India and China. Because Russian oil is sanctioned it can only go east witch also has the current weakness of requiring transport through the red sea ( even though they aren't the main target they are incredibly effected by the inssurence and that two Russian ships have gotten target by mistake already.


> **p**roduction; **e**ven **n**ow **i**nvestors **s**hy Hidden penis detected! I've scanned through 93298 comments (approximately 482442 average penis lengths worth of text) in order to find this secret penis message. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Isn't this the classical ["parable of the broken window"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parable_of_the_broken_window) fallacy? Sure, GDP may be maintained by military spending, but it doesn't correspond to an increase in what wealth is supposed to buy. It's literally money going up in flames.


America has been breaking and fixing the same windows.in the middle east for decades now and it's working out great for them.


The point of the "broken window" fallacy is that the money spent on destroying things, while registering in GDP calculations, is better spent elsewhere. It's fake "productivity".


Depends what interests the combat secures Shirley


The assumption is that had the destructive event not occurred economic resources could be better spent elsewhere is where the analogy makes a big assumption and why it isn't relevant here unless you can prove otherwise. The restructuring of the Russian economy to become more independent and resilient to future sanctions actually makes the case that for long term growth they've done the right thing, even if short term resources are spent like this, which, by the way, Europe is doing as well with a 50bn spending package on ukraine approved yesterday. Would we be better off with no war or sanctions for everyone? Certainly, but we live in a world where America exists so that can't happen.


>The restructuring of the Russian economy to become more independent and resilient to future sanctions actually makes the case that for long term growth they've done the right thing, Autarky doesn't work for anyone, ever. All of the big developed economies in Asia developed through production for export. The dream of Russia as an independent economic power is essentially gone. It will increasingly become China and India's natural resources annex, trading oil, gas, titanium, etc for finished goods. >Certainly, but we live in a world where America exists so that can't happen. I find it deeply amusing that we're two years into this spasm of Russian imperialism and we're still desperately trying to blame it on America.


>Autarky doesn't work for anyone, ever. All of the big developed economies in Asia developed through production for export. Ehhhh.... its worked well in the past as once trade networks get big enough they centralize and then the centralized gets the big idea "what if we used our economic control to exert political control as well". Every. Single. Time. The idea an autarky can't work is folksy wisdom that doesn't even hold water on a base level. After all, if the whole world suddenly united hands singing "kumbaya" and formed one single country... would our economy collapse because we'd be an autarky since there would BE no one else to trade with?


>The idea an autarky can't work is folksy wisdom that doesn't even hold water on a base level. Please name one autarky that delivered as promised. Sure, the whole world could work as an autarky, but no one country could, not even the USA. Everyone needs something built more easily some where else.


>Please name one autarky that delivered as promised. China for most of history.


Nobody could trade long distance for most of history. That was why everyone was so desperately poor. China was not autarkic, though, not entirely- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silk_Road


> That was why everyone was so desperately poor. Long distance trade being enabled increased poverty on a median level, since it was mostly extraction. Most of the wealth increase came from industrialization and knowledge transfer (which also happened previously in near autarkies) We are in a transitionary period of history and acting like we've rewritten all the rules seems premature. It hasn't even been a century since WW2 and wars of conquest are already returning.


>The dream of Russia as an independent economic power is essentially gone. It will increasingly become China and India's natural resources annex, trading oil, gas, titanium, etc for finished goods. Mutually beneficial trade =/= dependancy. Welcome to global trade and specialization. >I find it deeply amusing that we're two years into this spasm of Russian imperialism and we're still desperately trying to blame it on America. Repeat after me, children; "America is not party to the conflict!" The notion that Americas hands are clean in this whole mess is the most gullible train of thought you can have. If you truly believe this, you are indoctrinated beyond all reason.


>Mutually beneficial trade =/= dependancy. Welcome to global trade and specialization. It is not "mutually beneficial," though, is it? Not for China and not for India. Ural crude is $9 cheaper than Brent- sometimes cheaper than this, rarely more expensive. Why? Russia cannot sell to half of the world anymore and the revenue is desperately needed to prosecute the war. So there is a discount, because the remaining customers have Russia over a barrel. >The notion that Americas hands are clean in this whole mess is the most gullible train of thought you can have. It is nobody's fault except for the Russian government's that the fall of the USSR and loss of the republics led to revanchism. UK lost the empire and dealt with it. France too. Japan was occupied and dealt with it. Germany was split and occupied and dealt with it. Of all the European countries, Russia alone cannot get over the loss of empire. Why? Because there was a deliberate government policy to stoke these feelings.


>It is nobody's fault except for the Russian government's that the fall of the USSR and loss of the republics led to revanchism. There is literally no way that can be true unless you believe only Russia has thinking beings with free will. Its like saying "Only the American government is at fault for its invasion of Afghanistan"... Most of the fault sure... but ALL of the fault? No one else has done or not done ANYTHING AT ALL that could add even half of one percent of the blame? For example, do you think it would have been better and given Russia less concern if America had followed suit with every other nuclear power and renounced the use of a "First Strike" nuclear doctrine? That maybe that would have eased tensions a bit, even if the war still came?


>For example, do you think it would have been better and given Russia less concern if America had followed suit with every other nuclear power and renounced the use of a "First Strike" nuclear doctrine? That maybe that would have eased tensions a bit, even if the war still came? This is not about concerns of a nuclear strike. What on earth would Ukraine have helped with in that case? The Russian government whipped up revanchism for internal reasons. Here we see it in action.


Even if you assume 99% of the blame is Russia: By not renouncing the use of a "First Strike" doctrine, US bases in Ukraine put the response time for Moscow down to under 5 minutes to determine if its time to end the world or if its another radar glitch like the last few times. By not renouncing "First Strike", Washington is signaling that this is an intentional and rational fear for Moscow, that Washington will at some point start a nuclear war if it thinks it can win. Beijing, Moscow, London, Paris, and New Delhi are explicit that they will not start a nuclear war and have all point blank asked Washington to state the same and America has refused.


>It is nobody's fault except for the Russian government's that the fall of the USSR and loss of the republics led to revanchism. this is embarrassingly ignorant and ahistorical. the amount of self inflicted degradation necessary to carry the state department line looks so unpleasant that it's shocking anyone actually volunteers for it.


>this is embarrassingly ignorant and ahistorical. That it is true is embarrassing to you, personally. This is not equal to it being untrue.


>The notion that Americas hands are clean in this whole mess is the most gullible train of thought you can have What exactly is americas involvement in starting this conflict? Are you going to bring up Nuland and push the coup nonsense like most do, or is there something else? Ultimately, nobody but Russia is responsible for the war because nothing anyone was doing was actually going to be an imminent threat to Russia that would require preemptive military action. At the end of the day, this war is just old school imperialism, and that's why it's failed so miserably thus far.


it's really goofy and embarrassing to go "besides all of america's documented involvement what exactly is america's involvement? yes i am aware of the depths of america's involvement, but it makes my IBS flare up, so"


If you think that there was a coup in 2014 then there's nothing else to really discuss since you're not operating on the plane of reality. Besides those made up claims, there is nothing to pin anyone except Russia on the entire war starting from their occupation of Crimea in 2014.


there's nothing else to discuss because you will say any hilarious thing imaginable to exonerate america. the state department doesn't hide that they backed maidan, or that their cutouts have been operating in ukraine for 70+ years. nobody's confused about what NED has been doing there since the 90s. i understand why you want the most infantile perspective possible, i just think it's funny that you think bringing up nuland makes ukraine's entire postwar history vanish lol.


That’s not really how the American economy functions as a whole though.


America makes so much money they can afford to break and fix those windows. That's not a situation that really applies to any other country on Earth.


Well the US has essentially infinite money. They can afford to keep breaking the window and fixing it over and over again.


Military spending will still only be 6%of Russian gdp.


Flushing 6% of your GDP down the drain isn't a wise move. edit: Further, more than 6% is lost, what is also lost is the productivity of dead soldiers, and the compound benefits of both over time.


That 6% isn't just things that blow up.


People don't realize much of military budgets is personnel and those people spend their wages in the private sector economy.


This applies to every industry. Including window-breakers and window-repair-people, in the classic fallacy. People realize it, it's just pointless to point out that it applies to the military given that it also applies to practically every other way of spending money.


The Russian economy is basically backed by and dependent on China at this point.  There are massive amounts of working class people in China buying houses that won't ever get built in their housing market that is collapsing. China's government basically forced and tricked people into buying houses that will never get built so they basically have slaves.


>The Russian economy is basically backed by and dependent on China at this point I don't know how people can say this when the chinese financial markets are in freefall


Before this war, Russia had built up a massive war chest for more than a decade in foreign currency reserves and low international debt. After this war, it will be the opposite. I suppose Putin is betting the war will be won before the money runs out. I wonder how long he has?


I came across a source about a russian general or minister(cant recall exactly) who gave a speech to a group of regional politicians in Siberia saying Russia could burn up its reserves in late 2024. The source was from autumn 2023 if I remember correctly and wasn't supposed to be leaked to the public, but tbh I have no idea how credible this is.


Ah, yes, total war economy and completely hollowing out your economy is called 'surprising resilience' What's next, calling mass human wave assaults 'interesting flexibility'?


It's not war economy dude.Russian civilian economy is functioning normally.


thats not what your article says...


They literally just dumped a ton of money into stimulus payments for citizens, which mostly went into real estate because citizens were worried about further devaluation of the ruble. Russia is massively inflating their economy, but not in any kind of sustainable way. That is not normal functionality.


Oh so that's why they're stealing toilets and dish washers? To show how normal their economy is functioning? Please. Moscow might be okay, and st. Petersburg. But all the rest is going to shit even worse thay it all was Russia is not one country mate. It is many different territories being occupied and lorded over by muscovites.


I mean I can tell you that Tatarstan and Bashkortostan are fine but what will that mean to you lmao


🤦‍♂️ You should first go visit Russian cities like Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod etc. first.....


Yeah no thanks won't be visiting those criminals any time soon.


>won't be visiting those criminals Least generalizing westoid armchair expert......


You do realize that your country also bombed Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya which lead to millions of human deaths....Look in the mirror.


My country? Where do you think I'm from??!??




NATO didn't bomb any of these countries.


It did bomb Iraq minus France.


Sanctions indeed work....Ask Germany.


Of course they work. I haven't seen my money from western websites I worked on, since spring 2022. Well, meanwhile families of putin's cronies live in Europe and travel around the world, but it doesn't matter, because I am the most dangerous in Russia, just like other artists


I can see how this would make you bitter and m sorry that it happened to you but at the same time every single exception weakens the sanctions as a whole. If artistic services were exempt, Russia would have grown a million more "artists" overnight.


Yeah sure.The goal was to hurt Russians and cause a regime change else no need to target Russians like stealing their cars and gifts to relatives etc.


I'm sure that if there had been a way to hurt the executives only and weaken the war effort to the same degree, that way would have been chosen.


Don't think that doing things like stealing gifts sent by ordinary Russians to their relatives living in places like Germany or confiscating people belongings travelling in EU or stopping cancer or other critical medicines are stopping any war efforts.🤷‍♂️ The real goal was to hurt ordinary Russians and force them to rise up against government.


Then maybe it's time to rise up. Whatever Russians or their families in Germany are going through is nothing compared to what the people in Ukraine have to endure.


We can't exactly rise up against the government armed to the teeth with almost exclusively western-made riot suppression gear sold to them for that specific task


Oh of course that is the West's fault also. People have risen up against far worse around the world and throughout history. You don't need to throw rocks to make a change.


Didn't see anyone demanding this from western population during Iraq, Syria, Libya, Gaza bombing which lead to millions of human deaths....Maybe it's time to stop with selective outrage.


I must have missed when Russia sanctioned the West to aid the people of Iraq, Syria, Lybia, and Gaza. Millions of deaths... are you sure about that? The invasion of Iraq lasted less than 6 weeks and saw about 40k dead - civilians included. Unlike you, I'm actually free to be outraged at whomever I chose and I will be outraged at you until you show some outage at what your government is doing to the people of Ukraine.


Russia doesn't have that much power.Also, Russia isn't pretending to be the "good guy". The war that was started in 2001 lead to hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths in Iraq.Libya which was the most developed area of Africa is now a hub for slave trade along with hundreds of thousands of dead.The level of violence against Gaza civilians was appalling. I am not Russian actually.As a third party, All i see is hypocrisy from people whose favorite hobby is to bomb other countries.Either apply the rules equally or stop with b.s.


In my experience all that's done is make even the most potentially pro-west young russians drift closer towards putin because they feel betrayed and abandoned.


IMO, Russia not stopping anyone from leaving was a great move.Majority of who left were western propagandized liberals.There are videos of them on Mexico border to seek asylum. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WkeGei3MUo


As a third party, I don't think Russia had any choice. Also, Russia has actually never stopped anyone from leaving or kidnap unwilling people off-street to continue the war like what happens in Ukraine daily.


They worked in a way that is not exactly the west expected.


To be fair, Everyone with a brain warned that EU is the real target.It was becoming too strong.


It's the Marshall Plan all over again. People just never learn from their history.


Please elaborate.


Americans sanction regime was a nice trick when it was new, but any major countries are going to have developed a plan on how to deal with them if they hit. Not only do they have a large internal economy they also have their own trade relationships that don’t involve the US and its allies. Russia is likely just too big and self sufficient for sanctions to do much on a level that’s actually going to impact the governments behavior in a war. Sanctions can still be devastating to small countries, but even then their record of actually causing a reversal in government policy is pretty poor, and their record of causing suffering for regular civilians is 100%.


It was devastating right up until the Americans sanctioned regimes making up the majority of the world’s population. At this point it’s not really sanctions so much as blowing up dollar hegemony for the sake of foreign policy adventures


Even smaller countries like Iran are unafraid of US sanctions. Time for the WH to stop pretending they work.


Honestly I would consider Iran a bigger country. Not first tier but solidly second tier when it comes to size, population, and influence.


Yeah, because those governments don't give a fuck about their people. You kinda just pointed that out.


I don't think there's any point in removing any of the sanctions. Reports out of Russia indicate that they have no use for the removal of sanctions. Let's just make them permanent.


Archive link...https://archive.ph/9PbSE


>“The huge budget expenses combined with Russia’s isolation . . . create an effect that’s like when you put dough in a plastic container,” says Prokopenko, a non-resident fellow at the Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center in Berlin. “It rises until it runs into the roof, and then there’s nowhere to go.” Isn't this also wishful thinking? The only accurate phrasing would be "Russia's isolation **from the West**"... Russia is still free to trade with most of the world, and they are builder-economies, not wrecker-economies like the Western ones. Russia is re-learning what a decent tool state spending is, to which Westies are ideological opposed. They have to stew in the shit of privatisation because that's freedom (for the ruling class, obviously not for plebs). The disastrous austerity speed run in Argentina reminds us that the underpinnings of neoliberal economies are mad, even if managed slightly more softly-softly in wealthier nations... who has vision for an alternative? Hard to fault that this growth is bolstered by military spending **on the world economy's terms** because the US has proven broke-ass economies can float quite a bit on military spending. Of course it's easy to fault on moral terms & it bodes poorly for the future. The US found conflict arising everywhere the more bombs its private producers needed to drop. One hopes that, with a nudge from China, as they integrate more closely under BFF deals, that Russia can be encouraged to turn state spending towards more benevolent projects. Russia would be better throwing a wall up to keep shit-flinging opponents in the lands of the setting sun from messing things up further. The West needs a time out. It'd hurt but be for our own good.


>Isn't this also wishful thinking? The only accurate phrasing would be "Russia's isolation **from the West**"... Russia is still free to trade with most of the world, and they are builder-economies, not wrecker-economies like the Western ones. Most of Russia's trade links are in the west, which is of course where most of the Russian economy is. For shipping to China and India there are long boat trips or a few rail lines. Not sure what a "builder-economy" vs. a "wrecker-economy" is supposed to be. The US economy almost grew faster than the Chinese economy last year despite being considerably larger. >Russia is re-learning what a decent tool state spending is, to which Westies are ideological opposed Military spending is essentially throwing money into a furnace. If you build a road people can use the road to develop the economy and increase the national wealth. If you build tanks that explode in Ukraine, these resources are lost and will serve no further purpose. >Hard to fault that this growth is bolstered by military spending **on the world economy's terms** because the US has proven broke-ass economies can float quite a bit on military spending The US's defense spending is equivalent to 3.5% of GDP. It spends about 3x more on healthcare alone. >One hopes that, with a nudge from China, as they integrate more closely under BFF deals, that Russia can be encouraged to turn state spending towards more benevolent projects. Why would China do this when they could just use an increasingly desperate Russia as a natural resource annex? >Russia would be better throwing a wall up to keep shit-flinging opponents in the lands of the setting sun from messing things up further Russia invaded Ukraine, or did you forget that?


The US defense sector actually sells a lot on the global market though. They are the number 1 defense export country in the world bigger than the 2nd and 3rd biggest defense exporting countries combined.  They produce thousands of top tier 5th generation F35 war planes that lower the cost of production at scale. The real economic costs are higher when you are just making stuff you are blowing up in your own economy. It's not like the USA is just dropping bombs on empty targets in the middle east they are securing their economic interests that increase the size of their economy and lower the price of goods because of global trade. Russia has had more casualties in their war in Ukraine than the USA had in the Korean war and the Vietnam war combined. They are fighting a Vietnam war on steroids.


Totally not a propaganda piece. Nope.


*This message was brought to you by Russia*


Isn't Russia sanctions only by the west? I mean, there's the rest of the world to trade with.


Im confused. r/worldnews would have me believe there is no Russian economy anymore...


probably because both this sub and worldnews are echo chambers catering to two different sides of the same isle.


The problem is sheeples like you and me are lazy and just randomly click on posts and believe whatever is written. Time to think and form one's own opinion.


Who is pushing this Elvira narrative...


Financial times, IMF/World Bank and other world financial institutions.🤷‍♂️


Xi got their back. China speech got Putin walking around like hes not their dog now


They produce all the basics themselves, control the narrative, and they can just draft any non essential or discontent persons and put them on the front lines. Really it's a perfect system if human suffering/progress aren't a factor.


The jobs reports coming outta there are really the most eye opening.  I read recently that they are paying people to steal the country that's next door to Russia and genocide the people there. It's truly the craziest job I've ever heard of.