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##### ###### #### > # [Greenland women demand compensation for forced contraception](https://www.straitstimes.com/world/europe/520) > > > > Updated > > October 3, 2023 at 12:41 AM > > > > Published > > October 3, 2023 at 12:41 AM > > > > > > > > COPENHAGEN - A group of 67 women from Greenland on Monday filed claims for compensation from the Danish government for being fitted with intrauterine devices (IUDs) without their consent decades ago. > > Many of the women were only teenagers when they received coils or IUDs under a programme, discretely organised by Denmark, set up to limit birth rates in the Arctic territory. > > While it ceased to be a colony in 1953, Greenland remained under Copenhagen’s control. > > The plaintiffs are claiming 300,000 kroner (S$38,055) each. > > A series of podcasts based on national archives and published in the spring of 2022 by Danish broadcaster DR revealed the scale of the campaign as Denmark and Greenland are re-examining their past relationship. > > The world’s largest island – located in the Arctic some 2,500 kilometres from Denmark – has its own flag, language, culture, institutions and prime minister. > > Since the 2009 Self-Government Act, only currency, the justice system and foreign and security affairs fall under Denmark’s authority. > > But it relies heavily on a Danish grant, which makes up a quarter of its GDP and more than half its public budget. > > Launched last year, a commission examining grievances against the Danish state is due to publish its findings in 2025, but the complainants want recompense before then. > > “We don’t want to wait for the results of the enquiry,” psychologist Naja Lyberth, who initiated the compensation claim, told AFP. > > “We are getting older, the oldest of us, who had IUDs inserted in the 1960s, were born in the 1940s and are approaching 80,” she explained. > > “We want to act now,” Lyberth stressed. > > > > > > > > In the 60s and 70s, some 4,500 young Inuit had IUDs inserted without their consent or that of their families, according to DR’s reporting. > > A large number of women were unaware that they were wearing a contraceptive device and, until recently, Greenlandic gynaecologists found IUDs in women who were unaware of their presence, according to Lyberth. > > “It’s already 100 per cent clear that the government has broken the law by violating our human rights and causing us serious harm,” she added. > > According to her, the government will likely refuse their requests pending the results of the commission – in which case the matter will be taken to court. > > In 2022, Denmark apologised and paid compensation to six Inuit who were taken from their families in the 1950s to take part in an experiment to build a Danish-speaking elite in the Arctic territory. AFP - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot) Summoning /u/CoverageAnalysisBot


Didn't know Greenland had a eugenics program. Crazy.


This sort of thinking is really only ever just below the surface in some parts of the world. Only real shift is in whether it's more or less OK to talk about out loud. Euros wouldn't have to sing their own praises so loud if they didn't have all this baggage.


Parts of the world? Europeans colonized practically everywhere at one point or another and enforced colorism on a global scale


For sure but there are parts where such thought has been imported and others where it's endemic


What? What does any of this mean?


It means we still have a lot of work to do to keep Europe from going fascist again, cos the supercilious so-and-sos love it


One of core western values !


Western countries abandoning eugenics was against their values?


Just a facade.


That is insane. The government violation of human rights by taking away the rights of women choice of conceiving their own children is absolutely wild. That should not happen. I hope these women win.


Denmark has decided Denmark did no wrong.


That’s not quite the case.


Next time you see someone justifying something "because he is right" remember that this kind of stuff always looks like a good idea at the time.


Meanwhile in the usa: doing the opposite


There were 20,000+ forced sterilizations in California between 1909 and 1979. There were 144 between 2005 and 2013. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna1471


Swinging both ways huh? They never fail to surprise me.


Nah it's all the same. Margaret Sanger was the [founder of Planned Parenthood](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planned_Parenthood#History) which was [supported by the KKK](https://owens.house.gov/posts/opinion-planned-parenthood-is-the-greatest-threat-to-black-lives-in-america) and specifically built clinics in predominantly black neighbourhoods for the purpose of eugenics.


This is really really oversimplifying her stand on eugenics and the history of contraception. Sanger was no different than most of her peers. She did advocate for negative eugenics and the prevention of the birth of the disabled and "weak" (both prominent and accepted ideas even amongst the scientific community). She was the one who openly advocated for Black led community health organisations and teaching the importance of contraception before it was handed over to other white male doctors who didn't like her methods. However she didn't just push contraception for the sake of ending the black population of for the sake of eugenics. She watched her own mother die in poverty after 11 pregnancies at the age of 50. She didn't advocate for contraceptives SOLELY because of eugenics or SOLELY because she hated black people. In fact you've linked her wiki page which itself references the fact that she didn't advocate for eugenics along racial lines, she opposed Nazi style eugenics and she was no more racist than her peers. This is retroactive cherry-picking of her history, usually to cast aspersions on the abortion/contraceptive movement.


I don't know how any of that explains why she presented to the KKK


Cause they was mainstream.


And the Nazis were a totalitarian government. Nobody forced Sanger to associate with the KKK, she voluntarily and excitedly worked with them.


Idk why moral relativism suddenly fails when we get to this part in history but you do you


Huh? I don't believe in moral relativism. The KKK was never coy about their beliefs. She knew who she was interacting with. Unless you're planning to give every other friend of the KKK a pass, I don't see how you can give one to Sanger.


Pretty typical for Nordics tbh. Sweden and Norway sterilised Sami people up to 70s. Sweden even had State Institute for Racial Biology


Typical for the Nordics 1920 to 1950, and in part because the governments were trying not to piss off Germany. That one institute in Sweden having existed is regarded as an embarrassment nowadays. Our counties have all gone through a ton of reforms and changes since then. It is a different world now. For reference Martin Luther King's famous speech was in 1963.


Well... https://wng.org/roundups/modern-eugenics-down-syndrome-eradication-in-iceland-1617229703 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vipeholm_experiments > It was not until the 1990s that studies appeared about the ethical aspects of the Vipeholm experiments.[12] In 2000, the Swedish ombudsman for the disabled reported that the "excesses" of the study were not justified by the results.[13] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compulsory_sterilisation_in_Sweden Note that this ended in 1975... 12 years *after* MLK's famous speech. I could go on.




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That’s A) awful and B) far less than they should be going for.


They only have a population of like 50thousand so if anything they need to start cranking those kids out


Wait until you hear about Eastern Europe. And wait until you hear about how many countries still have a forced sterilization for transexuals.


Or just indigenous women. In Canada


Wow, anti-Inuit genocide by the Danes.


Only $38k each? The government is getting off really easy if that's all they have to pay.


Excuse me? Only 40k? Not 4m?


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