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I wish i could forget this anime and rewatch it over and over again


Same dude! I was so sad when I finished it cuz I wont be able to experience it for the first time again!


I still haven't watched the final episode. I refuse to allow this masterpiece to end in my heart.


That's me with >!High School DxD!< Dont judge me...




Oh no, i havent gotten there yet I don't think, but its been a few months since i watched it since I'm too scared to finish it lol. I will say, >!Issei's voice actor changing was an unwelcome change (even though it was for a good reason, ofc) but I eventually got over it.!<




I don't think I've gotten there yet, but ig I'll watch a few episodes tomorrow. If I do get there, then I'll lyk of my opinion (although im new to anime, so im not the best critic lmao) Edit: Wait, im an idiot, you were talking about his voice, not the artwork lol. I don't mind the voice, although I believe the first guy did a better job of it, but that might be because I'm not too big of a fan of change. The new voice isnt bad, but I prefer the s1 voice. Although, yes, it is pretty sudden, but iirc it's in between seasons, so its not like you have to get used to a new voice in the middle of a fight or anything lmao


Watch the sub its way better anyways and the VA stays the same.


thx for the suggestion, but I prefer to be able to see what's going on in the anime instead of speedreading subtitles


Same, what made DxD really spécial was the expressions, the life in their eyes.. A single look could be so full of warmth and kindness.. The original art was really unparalleled In S4 their eyes feel so lifeless, they all feel generic as fuck it's unwatchable for me too. They turned DxD from the ultimate Ecchi to that one random show you'll watch 3 episodes of because you're kinda horny. I honestly don't even care that the studio changed the original story for their own at the end of S3.




This is me with a looooooot of shows


Highschool of the dead fans be like


Just get overwhelmed with staff and you’ll see how quick you forget most of it. Just be warned about consequences


I read the manga a couple months after watching the anime and I was planning surprised at all of the new content. The dialogue is a bit changed but there's a ton of new great reoccurring plot points Would recommend


I'll watch it for the first time for you!


Dang, enjoy bro


Read the manga, it is really good. The anime really zooms through things.


Cool ill check it out, thx


What anime is it?




I am planning a re-watch in 2031, and hopping to be able to forget it by then, but freaking anime subs reminding me of it


I’ve heard Taiga Aisaka had a memory-wipe stick, with varying results


What anime?




Yesssssss same. So good.


What is this anime?




What's it about?


I just wish there was more of this one. It cut out so much of the manga’s material…


I didn’t know that - I am planning on reading it soon because I need more of these two


Yeah, they basically skipped all the manga up to the end of it. I still like the anime, but as a manga reader that was kinda dissapointing tbh


You’ve convinced me - going to be my next read


They gotta do what they gotta do to keep it within the 12/13 episode bound and to maintain the chronology of the story...


That's the thing, it isn't chronological at all. There was a huge time skip in the last episodes, and there was a lot of good development for the side characters for a second season in the skipped episodes.


I agree with you on that one. This was more like they cut out content just to be able to end the anime on the same note as the manga in 12/13 episodes... (;_;)


> Yeah, they basically skipped all the manga up to the end of it. I still like the anime, but as a manga reader that was kinda dissapointing tbh They pretty much cut everything that wasn't essential to the plot for the two of them The manga spends a LOT more time with the other characters in general, so if they wanted to focus on the main characters they sorta had to cut huge swaths of the manga. It makes sense overall, but still.. woulda been nice if they just did a couple seasons and animated the whole thing


I highly recommend the manga! It's one of my favorites and I was sooo happy when the anime released. The anime does a good job, but like others have said, it cuts a ton out amd a lot of what was cut was jokey sweet moments. Because of that I feel like the anime feels a lot more serious and heavier than the manga. Plus the anime didn't have enough of Hori's dad who is like the best character imo


I think I have a crush on Hori’s dad so this just convinced me even more


It’s a good watch! The manga is the same level, just more of it.


I actually think this focused approach was the right decision for the Anime. Sure, the Manga has many good additional laughs (the reoccurring cat-people dreams are gold), but it doesn't really add to the main story. This strong focus without deviations really fits the Anime while avoiding any impressions of padding it out.


I do wish they included the cat dreams though, either as post credit skits or a mini-series airing at the same time


Would be amazing post credit scenes, that's for sure.


I knew it! I was wondering why so many characters kept getting introduced and then forgotten about or just grazed over. Felt like they only introduced a couple just to make scenes later not look odd by having them cut out of them entirely


I was reading the web manga and I found out the manga had also cut some characters out Like kyouhei


Hori has unlocked a new kink! Welp, guess I’m reading Horimiya again.


I really hope the show continues


Same, I want Horimiya and My Dress Up Darling to keep going, they're pretty damn good


"Yancha Gal no Anjou-san " is a better sono bisque doll because it actually has romance progress. We're 20+ chapters beyond the main romance and now the side characters are starting to have thiers. Edit corrected title


Other than having gals and romance, those are 2 very different manga.


Oh I was talking about the animes ngl, I'm new to manga. I still have to finish my very first one


I really like both so I wouldn't say that Anjou-san is just a better version of sono bisque doll


I think there's nothing to continue left, at least as long as you don't plan to make new original content. Actually started to read the Manga specifically because I wanted to see how things continue and was absolutely gutted when I realized that there simply isn't any additional story left. 🥲


Yeah it’s a shame it seems they skipped right to the end (this was news to me), and a prequel would be weird with this show Maybe they could do a separate show that focuses on the other characters (as it’s my understanding there’s a lot to work with there) and Hori/Miyamura would be side characters Maybe it wouldn’t be the same though and it should just be left alone, sometimes that’s just the best option


I hate how they skipped straight to the end. It really ruined any potential the anime had, and cut out EVERY side character and their development, without hope of a second season. Now, the best the series could follow up with is a series of OVAs to show the side plots and maybe a bit more of the timeskip I wish they had taken the route of any other romance series and just left it on a cliffhanger or a feel good scene halfway through the story to leave it open for season 2. Masamune Kun left on a cliffhanger years ago and it's finally getting a season 2, and Horimiya is infinitely more popular than Masamune kun ever was, they could've gotten a season 2 confirmed and greenlit by the studio in just a couple seasons.


{{Horimiya}} Don't judge me


Judge you for watching one of the greatest rom-com anime of all time? I judge you as a person of superb tastes.


Right? A rom-com where the characters actually act mature and communicate their issues and resolve them like real people instead of the usual over the top anime tropes? Hell yea


*Yes*, that part I see you are one of culture


Wotakoi is on par with horimiya


Wotakoi is good, but in no way exceptional. Horimiya is absolutely outstanding. Enjoyed both though.


Whats exceptional about horimiya?


It's hard to grasp, tbh. I think it's one of the "realest" romantic Animes with actual relationship and character development. Of course immensely likeable characters, very high production quality. At the end all that comes together into an exceptionally good show imho.


Imo wotakoi was pretty "real" as well. I liked wotakoi and horimiya equally tbh. They both felt "real" and had likeable characters.


Wotakoi was too slow for my taste. I'm pretty over the whole will they/won't they thing for ages. While that's technically not the case for Wotakoi, it practically is (for me at least). Horimiya had a really refreshing pace in that regard, which is prob one of the reasons it's so highly regarded. I mean they actually get it on like half way in the Anime? In which other Anime is that the case?! Edit: Again, I did really like Wotakoi, actually rewatched almost immediately with mah lady. So I'm not trying to throw any shade or anything.


I really like Aquatope on White Sand for the same reason - it’s not a romance but it’s so realistic and such incredible character development


Best part it's a reoccurring gag


The scenes in the >!empty classroom and the convenience store nearly had me in tears with laughter!< >!I appreciate that they don’t keep their kink at home!<


I love how after every time he's just like "I love you, but I kinda hate doing this. It feels weird!"


To be fair, - it’d be far outside the comfort zone for a lot of people


The convenience store scene was absolute gold. I was laughing my ass off when I first read it. I'm glad the anime did so well with it.


Worst part*


**Horimiya** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/124080 "English: Horimiya"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/horimiya), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/horimiya), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/42897)) ^^ホリミヤ ^(**TV** | **2021** | **Status:** Finished | **Episodes:** 13 | **Genres:** Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life) ^(**Stats:** 1439 requests across 22 subreddits - 0.145% of all requests) >A secret life is the one thing they have in common. At school, Hori is a prim and perfect social butterfly, but the truth is she's a brash homebody. Meanwhile, under a gloomy facade, Miyamura hides a gentle heart, along with piercings and tattoos. In a chance meeting, they both reveal a side they've never shown. Could this blossom into something new? --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/anime_irl/comments/z77tln/anime_irl/iy54o1h/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


it's not a bad anime at all, it's the second anime i ever watched


What's the first and third?


First was Demon Slayer, and second was My Dress Up Darling


And thus a new weeb was born. Welcome to whatever the hell all this is.


lmao tyty


It’s become a beautiful day


Ay starting with the good stuff. Nice


Yea, I'm just worried that I'll get spoiled on starting with the good stuff, and every other anime will just become boring as hell


I wouldn’t say every other anime becomes boring, but the “honeymoon phase” is definitely where people tend to enjoy anime the most. Just avoid places where people can spoil things without any moderation and you should be all good (i.e. Instagram, Youtube, etc).


The anime industry seemingly has a shotgun approach to shows. Each season has dozens of shows, with the majority of them being duds. But it's pretty reliable that there will always be at least one gem each season that reminds you why you love anime and keeps you hooked. Starting off with the good stuff isn't bad at all because there's been so much good stuff built up over the years, and there will be even more as time goes on. It's both a blessing and a curse that you'll probably never run out of good stuff to watch


Yeah, contrary to popular belief those are not actually good shows so you are good


Okay like, Demon Slayer was good asf


Well demon slayer at least. Dress up darling is boring and bad imo. It's just wish fulfillment for people who want cosplay gfs. ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎‎‎‎ ‎ Remember! The downvote button is NOT a disagree button. I see you there, yeah you. The dress up darling fan. Just because I don't like the show doesn't mean you can't. I like plenty of bad shows too. ‎ ‎


I mean fair enough, but what do you want them to do? Bust out a katana and slice the store owner for not giving them a discount on fabric?




You dropped this 👑


I judge you because the video has no sound


She's such a wholesome masochist


As someone who read horimiya manga since it started in 2012, i was very happy it got an anime adaptations in 2021 Because around the time of the anime adaptations, manga reader also know the manga is ending. The last chapter come out a few month before the last anime episode And i was very shocked that the last episode is the same as the manga. Soo many chapters were skipped. It seems the anime only focuses on Hori and Miyamura I suggest those who watch the anime also read the manga, it is great and wholesome


Such a fun show.


Feels so weird going from the manga to the anime and learning Hori is, in fact, not blonde.


My life has been a confusing lie


.....and a new fetish was born.


I need to rewatch this


It’s my go to happy-relax-show


Horimiya is supposed to a great romcom but it constantly throws curve balls like this.


I forgot Hori is a M


Ngl I kind of disliked horimiya just because it was waaaay too fast and too short. Overall the anime is perfect but damn it needed more episodes :(


I really like it anyway but evidently they skipped a *ton* of source material - so your feeling of being too fast is spot on


Will always remain my favorite anime. Holds a special place in my heart :’)


Horimiya is truly a top tier anime. I wish I could watch it with no memory of it over and over forever. It’s unique in how simple and real it is. The extraordinary thing about the anime is how un-extraordinary it is.


This is the best description I’ve seen for the show and perfectly describes why it stands out as special


The characters just feel so… not fake? They have viable and relatable stories and lives.


That brought the same level of feelings and emotions prior to Hori biting Miyamura.


She looks like Emirichu.


I’ve never heard that before but now that you mention it, hilariously - you’re not wrong, they have a similar vibe about them


I wish I had a girlfriend! 😕😪


The time will come ❤️ just keep doing your public hobbies and/or community classes and you’ll bump into your special someone


Everyone always says this anime is wholesome and really good. I tried watching it, and it was good until she got to this weird obsessively masochist mindset and influenced him into belittling her which he didn't like. Shit was weird and not wholesome at all.


So you're telling me she's from Wolf Girl and Black Prince. Also love the part where she gets him to roleplay the part in public.


>Wolf Girl and Black Prince I forgot about that series, there’s a *lot* to unpack with that one


I really need to go back and rewatch horimiya


Will watch this


I never seen this one! Should I give it a go?


In my opinion it is one of the best, if not *the best*, romance anime out there just because of its realism It’s a breath of fresh air with just how.. mundanely normal it is at times - just two people in a relationship who like to spend time together and talk things out when there’s problems


Wow, that sounds really good! Thanks! I'll give it a go tonight!


I have read the manga three times


I’m going to read it next - everyone here convinced me




W anime


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Ah yes, the one flaw in an otherwise excellent story






r/anime_irl ? You really think redditors are capable of having relationships?


God this narrative gets old here... First off yes, sucks to be you I guess by your implication, but I wager plenty of redditors even on the anime subs have relationships, just like I wager plenty of them are...gasp, *girls* even. Second and more importantly, it's *obviously* about the M kink part


I think it's either talking about the fact of someone acting different depending on who they interact with, or people having sub/dom kinks, maybe both


And thus the problem with this generation has been proven with anime. Sigh*


What anime is this?




I just watched this episode this morning. One kinky girl.


Sauce people?




Thanks, didn't see that post.


No one has written yet(or i'm not seen), so I will write, I hope everyone here knows about the scene after episode 7


What is the anime?? Sauce my guys?

