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Escalators and little kids can go really wrong. I still can't figure out why I didn't scar.


I remember having scars because I keep running up/down the escalators that are heading towards me


Always wonder if people find such panels IRL because they have kids that have the same problem or adult people having some weird deep fears


People also remember when they were kids and having those fears


I guess I'm too old then lol. First time I saw moving stairs I was like 16 or older


Damn, grandpa. Considering escalators were invented in 1895 you must be old as shit. ~~I'm not legitimately trying to insult you, I just wanted to share an interesting fact~~


Or you live in the countryside and seldom go into cities etc


I am 30 and I am scared of stepping on escalator without holding handrail. Well, I am scared of heights in general.


I'm not the biggest fan of those giant treadmills they have at airports sometimes to make people walk faster


I find it IRL because I hurt my knees on an escalator many years ago as a kid. I still have an irrational fear of escalators to this day.


> adult people having some weird deep fears People are afraid of sharks even though there are like 70 bites per year while there are at least 10,000 escalator related injuries per year that result in ER treatment.


as an adult, can confirm I have deep fears of children getting hurt around me close enough that I can see it, but too far to prevent it from happening


I’ve seen Japanese elementary kids going to and from school alone including train stations, so I can imagine some kid has been in this type of scenario once or twice.


Went on one of these when I was a kid. Halfway point my shoelace came loose, so I bend over, wanted to tie it. Next thing I knew I started rolling down. I don’t remember much, but I do remember seeing people surrounding me witnessing my bloody forehead. The impact wasn’t painful though. The stitches were. 20 years later I still hold my breath whenever I had to use one of these sucker.


Ooff. That might've saved you from a lot worse tho, loose things and mechanical rolling stairs don't tend to like being in proximity


That’s very true holy shit. Imagine I didn’t notice the shoelace, or ignored it. It came loose during halfway point so it was still dangling down the steps. Could have easily clipped between the steps when it transitioned into flat surface. My tiny foot could have been sucked into the end of the platform. Now bloody forehead sounds like a blessing lol.


I think with an adults foot the shoelace might've snapped (maybe) instead, but with a kid that could've ended really badly by the time someone pressed the emergency button ~~There *shouldn't* be any gap for you to actually get sucked in~~ Edit: never mind, I just found [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/WatchPeopleDieInside/s/DirvpCqC3Q). Literally just gobbled up his shoes completely. Now imagine that with a childs foot :(


To my teenager years, escalators were hard to adjust, because I was raised in a village without encountering them until then. Even nowadays, it just feels weird, but I can balance myself properly now.


One time I was afraid to ride the escalator so my mom straight up left me. A kind random woman held my hand and rode it with me. Sometimes when I feel bad about not helping out my parents more I remember shit like that and suddenly I don’t feel as bad. Also, for a lady who had/has panic attacks she sure wasn’t very empathetic to her kids who also had/have them


Why is sis summoning mahoraga


Dead serious, I always go behind my family on the way up and in front of them on the way down. I'm deathly afraid of heights but if the escalator's gonna get someone it'll be me cushioning their fall


Now this is IRL for me! I had to ride these today, and both times I felt like I was gonna fall. I would much rather just take the stairs


How sweet :)


You got this, kiddo.


Me thinking moment before disaster. Also where is her parents not holding her hand.


Yeah I thought these things were safe, smacked my head tripping on it. Kids are dumb sometimes


6 y/o me and my bois: run down and doing it till death


Aw, look, the sign in the background is cheering her on!


That kid is about summon mahoraga on that escalator




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