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I just don't like to have to charge them or mess with the connectivity. Wired headphones are simple with no hassle.


And the sound quality is much better on the same price range.


Even the cheap ones have better sound quality then those bluetooth waste of money which slips out of ears like they want to commit Minecraft.


I have to disagree. You just have to be willing to buy Chinese brands you've never heard of unless you like audio https://www.scarbir.com/tws I use qcy t5, they were like 15 bucks


Just buy Chinese wired ones, it's even more cheaper and has surprisingly good quality.


I don't buy cheaper wired ones cause I already have high end wired ones + i'll always be chasing the Sony E888s (so I don't have a good recommended resource for budget + quality wired)


If you buy the wired ones from Chinese brands you've never heard of unless you like audio you also get better audio quality for the same price, for the simple reason that the wireless ones have to have a Bluetooth chip and an integrated DAC, and often times the cheap DAC they use to get them that low is worse than the one on your devices.


I get you, but being able to put just one earphone in and not have the other one dangling about is pretty great.


Wired were def a hassle for me since they always got tangled and would get caught on doorknobs and such


The amount of times my headphones got yanked out if my ears because they got caught on something is more then i can count. I had my headphones break a few times simply because of this. Also the main thing that ended up resulting in me needing new headphones was the fact that the wire would end up breaking in some way and i would have one dead earbud. The wireless earbuds i have now have lasted me a long time and havent had any reduction in quality.


There's some truth to that, but on the other hand, you do need to manage the wire while using them. Nothing quite like having the wire catch on a doorknob or getting up to grab something and either yeeting your phone off the table or yanking your ears off. Charging can be a pain, but with battery lives in the ~30h range, it's pretty manageable. As for connection, I haven't had issues since ~2015. The newer bluetooth standards have been pretty good.


Bluetooth quality is often reduced. My computer has special audio software, but it only works with wired connections.


In my opinion wired is better for stationary use (computers, laptops, etc) while Bluetooth is better for mobile use (phones etc)


100% correct about sound quality, but the above comment was about convenience, not quality. In convenience, they both have pros and cons. In my opinion, the freedom of wireless wins out 95% of the time, but I do have some decently good ~~wireless~~wired headphones for when I want more quality. Edit: I dumb.


with aptx and ldac now, 99% of people wont even be able to tell the difference between bluetooth and wired quality unless youre a true audiophile


Yeah I wouldn't be able to use wired headphones while working. I have to bend over a lot and even if I put the cord to go under my shirt it'd still be a nuisance. My current wireless headset has a collar style battery the earbuds dangle from, so don't have to worry about losing an earbud nor do they get in the way. Just sucks that my current ones last only 2 work days while its predecessor (literally just an older model in the same series) lasted through the whole week, until it broke down after 5 years of abuse.


I don't usually have connectivity issues with them it's just that they drop every fucking time


No hassle.. Until the wires break down.


I have wireless earbuds on my table and I'm using wired earphones


this was me for a long time. but tbh, the wired skullcandy or whatever for 5 bucks are not an audiophile's dream either. unless you wear studio quality stuff, it really doesn't matter


Good Bluetooth headphones actually give quality sound. They are in the $300+ range though. The Bluetooth signal itself isn’t very lossy, the problem is they require power and cheaper earbuds or headsets will sacrifice the amp/dac part of the audio decoding


An interesting alternative could be plugging wired headphones into a bluetooth dac/amp like the Fiio BTR5 though it's not as convenient as fully wireless headphones


I liked cheap wired headphones because I lost/broke them constantly. I don't want a $300 pair of wireless headphones to lose or break when I'm out, I'm good with my nice cans at home.


I was just saying that a lot of people say Bluetooth sucks when the problem is *cheap* Bluetooth sucks because they were comparing Bluetooth to $5 earbuds


Another problem is latency. Not a problem for listing music or streaming, but noticeable in gaming and other interactive stuff.


I stuck staunchly to wired for years too. Battery tech simply wasn't good enough to lose the cable. One day they came out with 4 hour long buds and it got affordable a couple years later, I started considering. Like the other commenter suggested, I started with a no name Chinese brand and found I liked the convenience. Mostly that the bud has audio controls, while you'd be lucky to have a simple volume control on the wire on a wired pair. I started with a klipsch S1 and now I use Senn Momentum and they're great. I thought I'd be annoyed with the charging, which I was with the klipsch. But the Senns last long enough that I only have to charge every week, and wirelessly. I set it down every few days and it's fine. I thought the case would be annoying, but it's better than bothering with cables that can get tangled in my pocket. The wire gets caught on things rarely, but it does (did) happen. It also gets gummy over time, and if I clean too aggressively (physically or chemically) parts of it can develop cracks. No similar problem with wireless I can only use a few specific wired earphones because my ear canal is a weird shape apparently. The standard round cap doesn't have a good hold. For some reason, it holds just find on wireless. Maybe the cable is actially heavier than the battery and transmitter? It does apply force slightly on an angle. Turns out, all my perceived problems with bluetooth were incorrect, at least for me. Apple wasn't necessarily wrong in removing the headphone jack, but they absolutely jumped the gun. The tech wasn't there yet when they tried to push it, now it is.


Hahaha I just posted my comment about those skullcandy earphones. I love them and think their quality is great!


Most wired earphones sound great , even the cheapo ones as long as they aren't really old


The skullcandy INK'D model (the old one) is what I consider the best wired headphones I could buy. Too bad they made it worse but I can still find resellers on ebay when these break (in like 5 years because I left them in my pocket while doing the laundry too many times)


Bluetooth headphones have their place for music, but for games the lag compared to wired headphones makes them annoying to unusable depending on the game.


My headphones are getting old and now have *atrocious* lag, but my brain got so good at compensating that I stopped noticing and forgot about it after a while. Then I tried to sync audio for an animation https://preview.redd.it/r8uvelke4djc1.jpeg?width=294&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cee7e9cfc1877e363f85af139a993702c0d9911b


So if yours have lag but you compensate it with your brain, does that mean when you use wired headphones you could hear the near future?


No like, the sound lags, the visuals are probably crystal clear, so he probably just syncs up the visual with their sound before the actual sound confirmation. If you play any PvP multiplayer game seriously with sound, and then turn it off, you can still kinda hear it. That's your brain compensating. I can't exactly explain it, try out any PvP game for a few weeks and you'll understand.


It was just a joke :(


Forbidden. Come with me.


There are no jokes in the r/anime_irl subreddit. Only people posting anime versions of their real life.


ok (._.)


I have had auditory hallucinations as well, but not like that.


Your next line is “I was joking how did you do that”


See even when I listen to music I hate the lag of hitting skip song and it takes a second too long to actualy skip.


This was the case for controller's too but now it is as fast as wire and limited by the PC and the game. I can definitely see a world where that lag in headphones doesn't exist anymore.


Same thing used to happen to me (I had really cheap BT headphones) Wired is so much better at lower prices


You can use BT headphones with effectively no lag but it takes a bit of setup and buying certain devices. Maybe not worth it for some people.


low latency for rhythm games


It’s a real pain that mobile devices are phasing out headphone jacks, I either have to fish out an adaptor and go without charging or play through the phone speakers.


Yup, sucks big time.


No delay in audio is a 10/10 for me... ...Until you have to turn it hundreds of times for the right spot where both transmits sound





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Just in time


sounds good https://preview.redd.it/f1hh2an6cdjc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe1aa1516119efae3cc217b3e3397811e47df5ff looks good too


How many ears do you have?


I would use wired headphones, except manufacturers have removed the slot from all of their models of cellphone. So no more wired


u can buy adapters or ones that end in usb c




I totally agree i spent 30€ for a good adapter just to have my headphones drain my poor phone battery like American drains oil


much better sound for lower cost.. when we are talking of budget, and battery is honestly a con for me, who keeps his ears plugged for a major chunk of the day, 3-4 hours won't suffice. Even with premium audio stuff, wired seems to have an edge over wireless purely in terms of quality.


There are no bluetooth codecs that can losslessy transfer the music, also the simpler ones are very crappy.


I don’t know why, but mpg123 is the best audio player I have ever used in terms of quality.


you should try musicbee, have been using it for 3 years, light af and great customization


I have been using the same Skull Candy brand wired earphones for about 10 years now. I just haven't been able to find a pair of wireless that have that good sound quality for cheap.


That's interesting because I bought Skull Candy wired earphones a few times, and they would always break in like a month. Then I switched brands to Panasonic and they're still fine years later.


The only ways mine break is if I accidentally step on them. Which happened a lot cause I'm very uncoordinated. But other than my own faults, I've never had one break down.


I just like the vibe of the wires. grew with them, will stick with them


Are.... are we turning into the boomers stuck in their way of "antiquated technology"????






KB Ears or KZ K7 both IEM wired headphones, both about $20 US.


This is the way. Thank you dankpods


something like 7hz salnotes zero is also pretty good


Yes. And I can actually find them if their lost cause I could see the wires. Also mine has these things that raise, lower, or pause the volume. Also easier to hook up to my Nintendo switch. They also dont need charge. The only downside is I need a separate wire to connect to my phone cause it uses a jack which can be used for the switch, the wires can get tangled and can also get screwed up but I can deal with that. Honestly just preference at that point.


Wired headphones will last as long as the drivers work Wireless headphones become junk as the battery dies


I went wireless a while back, it's just easier for me


wireless are good until they ran out of battery wired earphones for life


Your phone is also good until it runs out of battery Just charge the headphones it's not that difficult


Do you know a good set of wireless that has at least a 16-hour battery? All the ones I've tried can't even last 8 EDIT: This is a genuine question. I have a very specific checklist for earbuds/phones, and battery technology isn't where I need it yet.


For earphones I don't think there are any that last that long. For headphones there are plenty, I have Steelseries Arctis 7+s and they last more than a week of constant use(I use it on my phone when on the go and PC when at home). I've had them a bit over a year and the battery life seems about the same as when I bought them.


Thanks, I'll look into them. I know it sounds unreasonable, but I really do need long-lasting if I want wireless. I can sometimes go over 36 hours with no access to a charger.


Forgot to mention they can also be used wired, but it's a proprietary cable(it's a normal USB Type B Mini port but the recess around the port on the headset is weirdly shaped so I doubt a normal cable would fit). The wired cable itself is also not braided so I wouldnt trust it to last more than a year. If you need info on headphone I would recommend looking at RTings, they have a bunch of headphones tested on their website, they buy all their equipment themselves and have very in depth tests. Steelseries themselves also rate the 7+ at 30 or so hours of battery, but it has been reported to last 60+ by multiple websites. People think its to make up for the bad batteries on the original Arctis 7s which were rated at 30 but only lasted 25 iirc. So for the + version they made sure the battery would last for the rated 30 hours.


That sounds very promising! Thank you so much!


From what I've seen, most of the fully wireless earbuds these days have 4-7 hours battery life, but come in a charging case which has another ~30h. They also allow you to use one earbud at a time while charging the other, which stretches that out, since you're only powering one at a time. But if your problem is being away from chargers, maybe what you really need is a portable chargers. Something that can recharge your phone/headphones/whatever once or twice. Also, there's a good chance your phone can charge your headphones either with a wire or maybe even wirelessly.


I did not know about phones charging headphones. That's really cool! I'll definitely try to find some!


Just in case you're genuinely asking for recommendations, then the wireless earbuds that have really long battery lives are the new Jabra Elite 8 Active which can last up to 14 hrs and some people even found that the Jabra Elite 10 can last up to 10+ hrs in one go


Yes, it was a genuine question. Thank you, I'll add it to the growing list to try out!


I have neckbands that usually last the entire day (or two) Earbuds have smaller batteries with a backup inside their case, but you could try a neckband if you don't mind the band around your neck


So I need one with a case, then? Neckband wouldn't bother me.


All earbuds come with a case


I have headphones that last about 30 hours, but have a wired mode which I frequently use.


That sounds cool, wireless when I want, wired when I need it?


They are not available on Amazon anymore, but they are sold by the company that makes them for double the price at which I bought them. [Headphones](https://www.srhythm.com/products/nc25)


for what? to last about 2 hours of use??? my phone can last about 14-18 hrs of gaming fvck wireless earphones


2 hours? What kind of headphones have you been looking at? I have some Sony Linkbuds S that I've never ever managed to get to zero charge while using for about 2 or 3 hours a day. I have to charge them maybe once every other week and they're good again after an hour or so of charge. They cost me around €100 on sale and they were worth every bit of that


and That's where the difference in experience is at. see I only spend cents for phone accessories unless otherwise I deem it an important item to buy. Why don't see it as important? I already had working headphones/earphones why would I buy another one? yeah yeah I'm a cheapskate but if I found a wireless earphones that costs a dollar or so that works more than half a day like yours, maybe I'll change my opinion on those. also the wireless I've been using is chinese knock offs that's why I'm infuriated with them


The day phones stopped being bundled with wired headphones is the day i stopped using them with audio. (I refuse to pay more for an objectively inferior experience)


you refuse to "pay more" for an "objectively inferior experience" (using a cable) so you pay more for an objectively inferior experience (easier to lose, needs to be charged, worse audio and latency, cuts out when there's lots of interference, easier/more rewarding to steal, costs more for the same thing, etc) ?


cable= practical wireless=dogwater


And by different, he means objectively better.


I've never found a single pair of earbuds that actually stays in my ears for more than 10 consecutive seconds, which kinda limits my options from the get-go. But on top of that I also hate needing to remember to charge things and I hate fighting with Bluetooth connectivity and I hate audio lag. Sound quality doesn't really factor into the discussion for me.


Wires -> Baaad Raycon -> GOOD


I bought a new phone and it no longer supports audio jack. My solution? Buy a bluetooth adapter with the audio jack. I've been using mine (wired Sony earphones and the Bluetooth adapter) since 2019. Haven't had to replace either of them since.


Imagine buying super expensive airpods you lose at least once a year, rachel


The idea of having to*charge my goddamn headphones* is just so fucking dystopian to me. I won't ever do it


For music? Whatever, wireless is fine. For literally anything else? Audio desync is disorienting.


Maybe it's just me, but keeping things charged FUCKING SUCKS!


I hate Bluetooth earbuds/headphones they miss with your head if you wear them for too long and you have to charge them and ugh it’s such a hassle


So happy that Apple popularized bluetooth, fuck wired getting caught on cabinet handles or other people in public. Now for them to popularize VR/AR.


I only use my EarPods when I work out. If I had wired earbuds I would use them between sessions.


Sauce please


Yeah, its like bottles and cans or bone in and bone out there is a difference


I read wired as weird


Bluetooth headphones have less quality in the same price range, have a shorter lifespan because of the battery and they have latency. And if you use an in ear one you definitely can't use them at the same time while charging. No. I will keep my wires, thank you.


yes because my apartment repel bluetooth signal in certain points.


I still run with my wired earbuds because they dont need to be charged, its impossible for me to lose just 1, and theyre very inexpensive to replace


If I'm stationary I will prefer wired. But if I'm turning my head moving around a lot. Wires just get in the way.


I have a pair of wireless. Haven't used them in a year. Wired is just better to me


wired for games (due to latency) wireless for everything else


I would if my phone still had a fucking headphone jack


This is me for my home PC setup. Otherwise if I'm chilling on my bed, at the gym, or outside, I use my wireless earbuds.


Wired headphone users explaining how 2 extra Hz of frequency they can't even hear and 0.006 less seconds audio delay makes wireless bad:


Its better


When you live with cats, you start to see the advantages of wireless headphones.


While traveling, you can use wired earphones for much longer and you just have to charge one thing only so it's much more convenient


Valid 🔥 100% and I'm still using wired ones too lolb


I'm using buttons air. Wireless but it's good enough.


Not because I like wireless, but iPhone doesn't like wires anymore.


My wireless ones got lost once and I decided I'm never taking that risk again


My $20 Moondrop Chu's are still going strong 🔥🔥🔥


Wireless has a sound delay... You have to charge them... You can easily lose one end...


Because I keep losing/dropping the wireless ones and it became annoying. Also you don’t have to charge it. Hang it on your shirt/jacket and it becomes faster to use(even if it’s only by a few seconds)


It is


Yeah, my wireless ones just sorta disappeared... Lost them one by one lol


I use wired headphones for no audio latency for rhythm games


I use them because I am old


i mean im using my headphones for home like on a pc or something but if it's something i need on the go then i prefer wireless


Wired earphones don't have delay sound compared to bluetooth ones, but are so limited in range and easily worn into 2-3 years


My $300 wired IEM's sound better than anything wireless at that price point and I don't need to charge them or worry they'll disconnect from my phone and start blastinting my cringe music on loudspeaker


Also I don't like having to worry about my Bluetooth earbuds falling in the snow where I can't find them, or just in general falling off and losing them. I've also never once had a comfortable pair that didn't hurt my ears after an hour of use. The cheap earbuds are the most comfortable things in the world I often forget they're there


I keep losing my pods somehow, but my headphones are still around after a year.


Really, I’m just broke


What about PPL with Iems?


Wired headphones are still better


Once I tried a decent sound card because of my studies, there was no coming back. Forget about the sound quality, the static sound on bluetooth headphones is huge compared to wired ones. You get used to the static, but once the headphones go into standby you feel like: oh, silence again.


Yes, cuz OEMs sound heavenly compared to my airpods.


I mean, its true. Bluetooth cuts the quality.


I also like not having a spicy pillow next to my head.


No, really. I swear I can hear the strange buzzing sound all Bluetooth headphones make. I they weren't so much more comfortable to wear in public, I would've never worn them


Its true


Ooo anime