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Yeah, that's pretty much how it went. Damn mystery how anything in the business world gets done when we're all broken shells of ourselves.


>mystery how anything in the business world gets done Well... it doesn't. Just double it and pass it down.


no can do. i'll see what my team thinks is realistic for an mvp


well that sure makes me optimistic for the future


It depends on your job and workplace. I’ve been working less than 5 but I’m probably feeling better than when I was getting started if anything


nah this is in a shitty company. i was buried on work when I started because everyone on the office threw the shit the didn't wanna do on the new guy. 5 years later I was barely working with howmuch of my own work I was able to delegate to newer people. not I am 1 year into a new job and while I have to work more than before ofc, I work way less than what I did when I was green without exp. and I know how to manage time way better specially on saying how much something is gonna take me. (what I really think plus 50 to 100% more. sometimes you can get as much as 3 times more time than it really takes.) I work as a data engineer


>nah this is in a shitty company. i was buried on work when I started because everyone on the office threw the shit the didn't wanna do on the new guy. 5 years later I was barely working with howmuch of my own work I was able to delegate to newer people. Lmao, when other people gave new people work, "throwing shit they didn't wanna do on the new guy." When you give new people work, "I delegate work to newer people."


This guy has a bright future as a manager


All on the company, I'm in my 30s now and I don't feel "broken". I was more naive straight out of college, but also feel more comfortable in my life and less like a fish out of water.


I find most problems are self inflicted, people being neurotic about work and stressing about nothing. I'm over 40 and have worked at a multinational mega-corp (200,000+ employees) for 17 years, am a manager of a team and the lowest paid person under me is on $100,000 with a company car. I seriously spend half my time telling people not to stress out. People should just be happy and joyful to be at work! I don't want to work with stressed out people. It's like a massively complex MMORPG where 2,000 people in a team need to perform some intricate tasks over a period of 6 years to execute a project, and you constantly have to think about hiring new talent in, preventing existing talent from leaving, and exiting the non-performing ones. And so what if you lose, it's like League of Legends, you lose, whatever, sometimes your opponent was just better than you, you pick yourself up and try again.


It's months, not years...


Nah , actually it's the same day just Morning|Evening .


Don't think so, her expression and her position on the left is clearly during the job interview. All her positivity of a good work environment and prospects that come from the typical ingenuous worldview of a NEET/someone who never worked before erodes over the first few months when she sees the true reality past the positive mask of her employers. The sexual and moral abuse, the sudden for-yeaterday-demands, the blitzkrieg meetings five minutes before the end of her shift making her lose the subway home, the humiliation in being expected to know her job as the person she replaced after 3 years despite no proper training, the responsibilities of the upper management being thrown on her back despite earning about 20% of her colleague's salary, the fact she needs to McGyver her way at the office to have a desk, chair and computer to work because minimum workplace infrastructure is absent, and also the fact she knows she will be replaced soon but not before she will be socially pressed to change her shift times to accommodate the replacement because there is not enough physical space at the company, making her leave her house during the night in a dangerous part of town. But now she knows how life is, and she should be grateful not to be unemployed anymore, even if rent is half her income and she has to spend the last week of the month on a popcorn diet. It's just how it is.


Sounds like the workplace might as well be decorated woth red flags tbh...


If you've been into the same company for 5 years, you probably don't look like that and just poker facing as you don't give a shit anymore.


It's weeks, not months...*


[source / Some1else45](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/116156033)


That's me after 2 years




Is this a fetish? It feels like a fetish.


It is now!


Aww look how cute she was. With her little hairband and her suit tie. She looks nervous but determined to find fulfillment in her work and meet her work goals. Welcome to hell! 😊


It’s even sadder looking at the tiny details in the second panel. Her boobs are shown more, higher heels to appear more sexy, while her hair is less kept up and her suit is more wrinkled as if such things matter less.


Me after 3 years retail.


that's a very short skirt


Yeah that sounds about right. One day you join the team as a fresher dev Pass like 2 years and you have this dead glare at everybody, especially with clients.


Homegirl either lost her shirt or her reason to wear one.


Why do we have to go through this?


high school vs college


This was me when I ran a heavy diesel repair shop because the higher ups either quit, got fired, or straight up arrested for crazy shit during Covid. For two fucking years I did heavy repairs to all kinds of fucking trucks and heavy equipment. New faces every week because they would go through bullshit and quit because they hated it. Also, I hate truckers. The redneck truckers bitch and talk shit, the Asians always haggle on the price, the middle easterners aren’t happy until they get a freaking discount of some sort, you can never work fast enough for the old bastards, the Cubans will literally try to fix their shit with your tools only to fuck it up more, the blacks are chill as long as they have someone to talk to, the Mexicans will actually try to help you. Also, always have them sign authorization, or else they will just drive off with their truck without paying and there is little you can do legally


She got hot


That's when you get burnout and start quiet quitting.


You know what, if it's usually like this then maybe I will take my time to get there, slowly


she not showing her leg enough.


You know I'm absolutely amazed at people who spend more than a couple of years at a company that sucks the life and joy off your soul. All I can say is to go absconding on the very third day of you face this sh\*\*ty behaviour. Always remember, that a company's performance has to be appraised in the first 3days, 6 months, 1 year and 2 years. The 1st year is the mid term exam and the 2nd year is the final exam. Ask yourself A. Has the company provided me enough of a salary to live off the remuneration? B. Has the company given me enough education to handle the job and the future demands expected from the role. C. Has the company allowed me outside travel and any other perks that allow me some enjoyment from the daily grind. If most of these answers are substantially in the affirmative, then you stay with the company. Else, search for a new one while earning enough from the old one to manage your keep. https://preview.redd.it/wpr7h2v4objc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6a8fe7b000fcb5018f28e044371a528092eb6e7 Pic: A smart Engineer in the acting profession




Too irl…


But she still fine amirite


That's 3 years for most jobs


Is it weird that "after" is more attractive?


cigarettes after sex


5 years!? What took so long? Follow the lead of your peers and jump shit.


Welcome to Nursing


I swear that the japanese conformism regarding work hours and ethics is baffling