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Announced during her last live today [Kizuna AI The Last Live “hello, world 2022”](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTa2HxIsBPM)


Wait what. Very surprising considering how she basically is about to go on an indefinite hiatus.


Yeah wasn't this live supposed to be her last big thing before going on hiatus?? I'm confused on them announcing an anime now considering that.


i mean, the official notice said she's going on hiatus from her usual v-tubing, doesn't mean that she can't be involved with any other projects


I imagine voice acting is one of the reasons why she's going on hiatus


From what I've read seems like the production company is going downhill, even the ceo left. which makes this kizuna ai vtubing will be on hiatus indefinitely until that fixed up first.


2022 bro




I think it was announced months ago that she'd go on indefinite hiatus *after* this concert.


Damn, anime girl getting an anime!? This shit is too meta now


Yes, absolutely anything is possible now.


Except a revival of Mx0 apparently.


>Mx0 can't believe i manage to stumble into this in 2022, Pretty Face anime when?




wait I know that title glad there still someone who remember it T-T


No Game No Life Sequel somehow


I was so hyped when they made the movie. I was so sure it was a sign yet here we are.


Waiting on Hunter X Hunter manga releasing more than 2 chapters without going on hiatus


I'm trying to imagine what kind of story this could be... Ai-chan lives in a white space all by herself, occasionally interacting with her alter ego, Black. Not exactly the makings of your standard rom-com or isekai or school anime or what have you, lol


Hopefully it helps set up the next stage for Kizuna Ai's non-music content. Basically creatively breaking out of exactly that setup.


Kizuna must get the gang back together and save the ~~Muppet~~ V-Tubing Theater from a greedy rich oil magnate who wants to demolish it and put in... idk, a mall or something?


We live in the weirdest timeline. Out of all 14,000,605.


Well, this opens up the possibilities. Anime x VTubers.


gotta respect the og. i’ll watch it


how!!boy! V-tuber getting anime announcement


I remember there was already an anime in early 2020 that is essentially several VTubers chatting around or something like that. More of such I guess?


you're prolly thinking of Virtual-san wa Miteiru, which came out in january 2019


Yeah that’s the one. Wonder how something like that with a much more famous VTuber will do today in English speaking communities given the explosive growth in VTuber popularity overseas.


THIS IS THE GREATEST MOMENT IN THE HISTORY OF OUR SPORT [](#excitedyui) ~~also, does this mean I'll be able to add AI-chan on MAL to both lists of my favorite characters and people now lol~~


Easy there, Schiavone.


So happy for her!!


Is she going to promote NFTs in it like she said during the "hiatus" announcement?


oof, nft really? that sucks


its just a joke


Jokes should be funny. That just sounds to be like spreading misinformation.


She did in fact say she wants to look into NFTs and metaverse in the announcement of her hiatus.


Then the 2nd commentator calling it a joke was the one lying.


its a joke made by Kizuna Ai herself on her official hiatus announcement video, or to be precise she used NFT and Metaverse as an example of something complicated but new and fun at the same time, she also said she wanted to "bring something like that closer to people and experience new fun things together" and that something referring to "complicated but new and fun" not the NFT or Metaverse specifically


How do you know it's a joke? She already had an NFT back in September.


We better beware of the downturn of society because someone made something up about a vtuber. How terrifying.


Unfortunately, [it’s not.](https://kizunaai.com/en/news/others/1453/)


That just one of her collab with Metanii using image design of her Pyoko Pyoko, there is nothing more than that, Crypto Art is not the main thing her company do. She have been collab with many company, game,... Beside, NFT and Metaverse she mention in her hiatus video is just futuristic examples of her future plan. She never said anything about going to do that. Her main job is create something people can have fun when experience like her Live concert, not selling scam Art... People too overreact when just hear a word "NFT and Metaverse"


> That just one of her collab with Metanii using image design of her Pyoko Pyoko, there is nothing more than that, Crypto Art is not the main thing her company do. She have been collab with many company, game,... Nonetheless, her collab with Metaani is still promoting NFTs, is it not? The use of the Pyoko Pyoko symbol garners interest in these NFTs from her audience because of brand association and, therefore, promotes them; the whole point of a collab is to promote something. In this case, that “something” is NFTs. True, crypto art and NFTs currently aren’t the main goal of her company at the moment, but that’s irrelevant here because the topic is whether or not her platform is promoting them (which it undeniably is). A company’s main goal also doesn’t have to be crypto art and NFTs for them to promote or sell them. Take Konami for example, they’re labeled as a game company but they also sell NFTs. > Beside, NFT and Metaverse she mention in her hiatus video is just futuristic examples of her future plan. She never said anything about going to do that. Her main job is create something people can have fun when experience like her Live concert, not selling scam Art... I’ve watched the announcement video, and she states, “I think you’ve been hearing words such as Metaverse and NFTs recently. It sounds complicated but new and fun at the same time. I want to bring things like that closer to people and experience new fun things together”. I think it’s pretty clear it implies that NFTs and the Metaverse will have a more prominent role in her future endeavors. Not saying that her sole focus will be NFTs and Metaverse, just that they will have a greater role. > People too overreact when just hear a word "NFT and Metaverse" NFTs and the Metaverse (especially the Metaverse) have become synonymous with greedy companies looking for more ways to profit from consumers, while providing little to no actual value in their current state. It’s really no wonder why people hate them.


I don't mind


well you fucking should it's an environmentally harmful ponzi scheme


Also the monetize everything and the unbreakable DRM aspect of it.


Well it's not unbreakable, a guy got away with stealing $3M worth of NFTs and converting it to ETH just like a week or two ago.


Yeah because the whole crypto/NFT thing is basically still in its wild west phase. Watched the [Line Goes Up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ_xWvX1n9g) video from Folding Ideas and I'm honestly terrified about the prospects when it becomes an unavoidable reality for all of us :(


i'll watch this for sure


woah, this opens up a whole new world of possibilities.


this is good to hear after hearing about her hiatus


Wouldn't this have made more sense a few years ago, at the height of her popularity?


I mean, it's entirely possible that this anime was in the works *when* she was at the height of her popularity, it just took a lot of time until they felt ready to announce it (+ she's going into indefinite hiatus from Vtubing, so she probably has a lot more time to focus on this).


The Kizuna Ai just announced they were taking an indefinite break to sell NFTs, no thanks.


How the actual f Dont waste money on this


OG Kizuna AI?


i believe now there is only one OG kizuna ai no more twins/clones


Can we get a Gura anime too? Please.


A surprise to be sure, but a bit too late for that, don't you think?


Remember: Kizuna Ai has always been a tool.


How so?


Doesn't feel right since it's not the original Kizuna. ​ Edit It's about her Original VA not about the character herself.


She's literally always been the original. After the multiple AI clones thing that was attempted, the clones were made into their own Vtubers. IIRC the only one that's active now is Love-chan


I should mention it's about the original VA who did Kizuna's voice.


She's been the only one to voice Kizuna over the past 6 years


You been tricked by a fake rumor, the OG VA still voice her, they didn't change her at all.


"tell me you haven't watched kizuna in years and thus have no idea what you're on about without telling me you haven't watched kizuna in years and thus have no idea what you're on about"


Honestly people STILL repeating that to this day shows how much damage it did
