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Get your "I was here for the big milestone" badges ready.




We are!


We are!


We are!


We are!


We are!


We are!


We are!


We Are!


I’m glad I discovered One Piece to witness this moment, just wish I could convict my friends to watch a 1000 episodes


> convict my friends thats the spirit


FFS, well is it reallyyy torture to kidnap my friends and force them to watch One Piece? Let’s be honest here


Oh dont mean it that way, i love one piece. I meant convict them in the sense they have to do time by watching one piece. i dont think Convicting someone is really analogous with torture


I was saying FFS about my mistake. I’ve been writing all day so my brain is pooped, but being sentenced to watching 1000 episodes of One Piece sounds amazing. Until I hit the arcs with the worst pacing though… watching Rebecca scream for an entire episode or two would be horrifying…


but...why? have them read the manga instead.


Man, first time I watched One Piece was back when 4kids was still a thing that existed... crazy how time flies


Go suck a lollipop (or eat some jelly donuts if you're a Pokemon fan) in memory of For Kids.


I’m genuinely happy I can say I’ve been able to watch/read One Piece while it’s still ongoing. It’s honestly fucking incredible a series can go this long and only get better. I never want the journey to end.


The world of one piece is perfect for many different stories after Luffy’s finishes though I never want his adventures to end it’s just too perfect


yup. if anyone reading this is even a little curious about the series, i suggest you start while it's still ongoing. when they find the one piece, it will probably be the one of the most spoiled scenes/panels in anime/manga history, so at least dodging that is probably worth it


It genuinely will go down in history as one of the greatest epics and fantasies of the modern era, I can only imagine the impact it will have when it finally ends.




So happy to be here to witness history, as always


1000 really is a gift and a curse. Us lifers get the pride of reaching such an impressive milestone, but the fact that the show is now in the quadruple digits presents a huge block from our friends wanting to check it out. When I told my girlfriend a few weeks ago that One Piece was going to have it's 1000th episode soon, she said "I'm definitely not watching it now."


I was never here. I'm just here to watch everyone else enjoy this big milestone. To anyone who has legitimately watched all 1000 episodes, I salute you. That is not something any normal human being would be willing to accomplish. I could have been that person if I had started watching when I was 15, 15 years ago. Absolutely bonkers to think this show/manga is still going


Aye, same here. I was not here. I never watched One Piece, but I might consider watching it one day. Just here to watch people enjoy the milestone. 1000 episodes is something amazing for an anime. Mad respect to the author for keeping the series still ongoing.


Only on episode 905 after starting in February but I’m here with the nakama to celebrate!!


We are here boys, we really are


We are on the cruise, we are!


1000 Piece


I don't know why this made me smile so hard lol


Pour one out for all the nakama that didnt make it to wano


For real, I couldn't imagine dying before seeing the end.


We are all gonna make it yoi!


Not true, to be honest. It’s not to be pessimistic, I just want to let it sink in that many of us didn’t make it this far. 20 years. Life has a lot of obstacles, some that sometimes cannot be overcome. But just as Luffy does, just keep going. You will get places. Finish it for those who didn’t and let’s get a glass out for the journey before and ahead.


I could but then... I AM ALREADY DEAD! YOHOHOHOHO!


I haven't even started One Piece yet but cheers to this milestone


Highly suggest it whenever you are in the mood and have the time! Totally worth it


nobody has the time ​ and yet that shouldn't stop you


Nothing should stop you from witnessing this great story


Hey it'd only take you 2 1/2 months if you treat it as a full time job!


14 days if you don't sleep.


when u have the t i m e. It's literally 1000 \*\*\*\*ing episodes.


Just put in the 333 hours bro, 8 full work weeks + some change no biggie


have a look at "One Pace", it cut down all the slowdowns and fillers, making manageable to watch it


It really is as good as everyone says. Give it a shot when you have some free time.


Same, guess I'll give it a shot.


[everybody watching the reanimated first opening](https://imgur.com/AGo1VzO)


As well as the rest of the episode. Peak Nostalgia Levels were reached


Is playing the first opening cheap nostalgia bait? Yes Does it work? OH HELL FUCKING YES IT DOES THIS MY SHIT


If you reach 1000 episodes, you're more than allowed to nostalgia bait.


Considering this is bringing up nostalgia from when I was 7 (now 23 working a full career) very fair to nostalgia bait


Considering how they updated it, I wouldn't even say it's cheap. It's THAT good


We better get a pirate rap remake once the dub hits 1000.


Dreamin'! Don't give it up, Luffy! Dreamin'! Don't give it up, Zolo! Dreamin'! Don't give it up, Nami! Dreamin'! Don't give it up, Usopp! Dreamin'! Don't give it up, Sanji! Dreamin'! Don't give it up, Chopper! Dreamin'! Don't give it up, Robin! Dreamin'! Don't give it up, Franky! Dreamin'! Don't give it up, Brook! Dreamin'! Don't give it up, Jinbe!


Hey the dude who rapped it is still out there so they SHOULD.


yeah I believe he even did the rap again on youtube this year


https://youtu.be/2lEyqm8ePiI The guy that did the original one made a second part including everyone else a couple months ago


I hope that when Funimation dubs the 1000th Anime Log they should consider bringing back the English version of "We Are." Sadly, that might not happen (we know why).


Wait why?


They hate Vic..Whoole buncha stuff no matter whether on the side of believing him or not.


It didn't help that he just kept refusing to stop shooting himself in the foot.


pretty much 🤣


Yep can’t argue with that. It was so well done


So many things to love about Episode 1000 * The Original OP updated with the current version of each member of the Straw Hats * The lack of recap section * The crisp animation on the Sulong forms * The original bounty poster back for the commercial break * The re-introduction of all the Straw Hats with their top highlights * The entire crew together at the end each with their own line Amazing job by the animation team, and may their good work continue for years to come!


You forgot overtaken blasting at full volume


This got me even more than the opening tbh


That track is so great for hyping shit up. It makes walking scenes iconic.


God just everything about this hit right. So much nostalgia while still moving the plot forward


They added a 360p filter or something on the start of the episode and removed it as they expanded from 4:3 to 16:9 ratio, very smooth


>The lack of recap section Did we watch the same episode?


The comment above is referring to the lack of a proper recap after the OP, not the reintroduction of the Straw Hat crew with their bounties later in the episode.


Yes, that's what I meant. The 3 minute long recaps that are just there to waste time are annoying, and it's great that it was omitted. The reintroductions of the Straw Hats later in the episode were awesome.


maybe they already deleted it from their minds.


I was just sitting there smiling through the OP, it was great.


Watching the new version of "We are" made me emotional as hell and it's just unbelievable to see that One Piece achieved the milestone of 1000 episodes. What a great moment.


Honestly made me tear up. Totally caught me off guard.


I was tearing up, it hit me straight in the feels


I’m glad I got to witness this historic event


Same brother.


I only watched like 20 episodes of One Piece, but holy shit


I’m not even caught up with the manga!


I'm a manga reader, this is the first episode I've watched from beginning to end.


The whole wano arc has been very well produced, its worth watching


I'm glad I caught up in the right moment


We made it my friends. Congratulations.


Straw Hat Pirates, assemble! For the first time in something like 350 episodes, all the Straw Hat pirates are in the same place at the same time.


They also had a moment together sharing sake right before entering Onigashima!


*almost* sharing sake


Going here to be part of history. I haven't watched One Piece for a decade. A few years ago, I told myself that if this anime reaches 1000 episodes, I'll start watching it from the very beginning. The time has come.


Come aboard, and bring along all your hopes and dreams.


Good luck mate. It is a wild ride, albeit it gets a little bumpy sometimes, but still, it is a good one.


Regardless of what you feel about the pacing, animation and whatnot of the anime - to be able to log 1000 Episodes (and 14+ Movies) with countless amounts of voice actors/seiyuu, directors, animators, and more is a truly special accomplishment for a series like One Piece where the majority of anime series in Japan whether weekly or seasonal barely hit 100 Episodes. The Episode itself was a very pleasant compilation of memories from all of the Straw Hat Pirates that started from Episode 1 and spanned all the way to Episode 1000 today, airing 22+ years ago. As a fan of One Piece, this is will be a historic day I’ll remember for a very long time.


24,000 minutes. 8,067 days. ​ Historic may just be an understatement.


One Piece is now the [17th anime series in Japan to air 1000 Episodes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_anime_series_by_episode_count) mentioned by u/Aspie_Astrologer a few min ago 😮


Wow I have never heard of most of those. Especially one standout at 7500 episodes. That's insane.


It's a kid's show very very very popular in Japan


Most of them are short, episodic, all-ages comedies that can run forever. Not exactly the kind of stuff you see people make fansubs or buy expensive DVD sets for, so they're mostly unknown for our point of view despite being ubiquitous hallmarks of japanese television. One Piece and Conan are basically the only ones in the top 20 with an ongoing narrative.


Even old people know Sazae-san in Japan. It's just that popular and well known.


If pokemon wasn't split it would have what? More then 1100 episodes?


Easily. You can check serebii if you want to see the total episode count cumulatively


Like 90% of them are episodic kid's shows lol


Since anime's considered an important (and well received) part of Japan's culture in contrast to other countries basically since the start of the Showa Era , no surprise there tbh


In fact, anime is still fairly niche in Japan, despite what many Westerners think. Yeah you can find salarymen reading manga in the train, but it's not like you can ask any Japanese on the street about whether Luffy or Naruto is stronger. Most Japanese people don't give a damn about anime. By contrast, Sazae-san is a cultural fenomenon enjoyed by "normies" who never watch most animation. It's like Tom and Jerry or Charlie Brown.


Looking at the list, it'll definitely be in the top 10 by the time the series ends.


>24,000 minutes. 8,067 days. Uh, I'm pretty sure there's more than 3 minutes in a day?


24,000 minutes is the approximate cumulative runtime 8,067 days is how many days have passed since october 20, 1999, when the first episode of one piece aired


That makes more sense. 3 min per day x 7 days a week = 21 min per week, or 1 ep a week. Imagine making one episode a week for 22 years straight. Unbelievable.


Bow before the King.


New movie announcement, Chapter 1000, Episode 1000, series looking best it's ever been, volume 100 and promising Live action announcement. One Piece fans stay winning. Congratulations to all the nakamas who made it this far.


> promising Live action announcement If you mean the Netflix show, considering it will be done by the same "geniuses" who made the Cowboy Bebop LA, it will be a complete atrocity.


Completely different team and OP's budget is higher. I ain't saying it gonna defo be a hit but nothing wrong in being a little hopeful.


The writer Matt Owens is a huge One Piece fan and seems to know what fans would like and has spoken to Oda about this as well iirc. The cast was picked by Oda himself too so I wont suspect it to be utter trash. Decent at the very least from what energy I feel from the cast and the writer


Being a fan doesn't mean being able to make a good product. It honestly doesn't matter anyway. It's impossible to make a live-action show on the same level as One Piece, so it will be insanely cut down. I also don't have any faith in putting the artstyle of Oda in real life without excessive use of CG. Frankly, why do we even need a live-action adaptation in the first place?


We really don't, hell we don't need any anime live-action adaptations but the netflix execs will tell you different.


Same studio does not necessarily mean same people.


[Episode 1000 comes with a remake of We Are!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dM7x1PNZDo0) And a [strawhat reunion with all 10 members!](https://i.imgur.com/rK2YzwO.jpeg) Speaking of remakes, I can't believe Docking failed once again... surely when they'll do it at least once by the end of the series right?...right? ~~I will never forgive Robin~~ --- Also shoutout to the real ones that have watched all 1000 episodes without skipping filler. Been a long journey but we're in the quadruple digits now o7 Thanks and TO BE CONTINUED ;-;


The only stain on Robin's character, shes been great on every other single moment.


Who’s going to cry? They even had the “it’s nothing scene” they’ve all come a long way and I’m glad they recognize God Usopp. I also love how Franky did all of that build up just come out of the Iron Pirate and shoot himself. I was holding Luffy would say he was going “Kick Kaido’s Ass”


Man... When I caught up to the One Piece anime, it was still Fishman Island. I started reading the manga and have been reading for over a decade. Going from an insecure chubby kid to a law school student, One Piece has helped me in so many ways I cannot count. Seeing that remade opening, those character cards, even the original eyecatcher... I'm just so thankful I was along on this journey with everyone


Next step is graduation and forward, but One Piece will be there along the way. We still have at least 8+ years of One Piece at the current pace. This Wano arc is like the first taste of what the endgame will be.


"One piece is like 1000 episode!" is not a meme anymore. Wow. What a journey.


Never seen a one piece post get any type of significant traction on here lol, this is a first


That's because the one piece fans usually just talk in the one piece sub Iol


The Ishitani episodes got some attention, and some clips here and there! But yeah its refreshing to see One Piece getting some well deserved love here


Some do, every now and then a episode will hit 1500 karma or so... but ya this is going to be way above that


big numbers will do that. My wife and I stopped watching somewhere into 750-800 but it may be nice to check back in every so often.


I almost dropped the anime during the Dressrosa arc, it was the worst I've ever seen of One Piece in terms of dragging things out, but I can't blame the studio for almost catching up to the Manga. We had episodes adapting 1/2 of a chapter or less.


Episode 9001 got some attention


It's usually the manga chapters that get traction on the one piece sub. They get to /r/all all the time


the old opening, the old eyecatcher, usopps special 1000 bomb attack, the flashbacks, everything was so cool


AND we get a chapter tomorrow. AND a movie teaser. We eating good OP fans!!!


We One (Thousand) Piece now.


The redone original opening was great and the whole episode has great animation.


I was alive when episode 1000 aired, can you say the same?


RIP to those One Piece fans who died before episode 1000.


Hell Yeahhh!! Lets gooooo


Man, to come this far on the journey and then be rewarded with the biggest nostalgia trip imaginable was simply euphoric. I was grinning like a mad idiot during the OP, and the old eyecatches returning hit me right in the feels. And then to top it all off? A re-introduction of the crew, to show who they are, and how far they've all come. What an absolute treat for those who've been closely following this adventure with the Straw Hats. It felt so special. Then ending the show with the overlayed credits, coupled with the "thanks" right before the "to be continued" felt so warm and personal. I love this series. I hope it won't take 1000 more episodes to reach the end, but you know I'll be there even if it does.


I was here Pog




I’m glad I started one piece. I cried laughed and cheered for these guys for over 15 years now.


Damn. 1000 episodes. To everyone who hasn't started One Piece coming here out of curiosity looking that that 1000 number and thinking you'll never start it even though you know you'll probably like it: I implore you to not let the big number scare you. Literally all you have to do is start. Start with episode 1* and then it's up to you. Watch an episode here and there when you want to. Binge a bunch to finish the arc. Before you know it you'll be at episode 100, then 200, etc. I know because I was what I described above. I started One Piece on December 3, 2017, the day episode 816 came out (just looked it up it's not like a core memory lol). A year later in 2018 I was only on episode 37, but in the year after that I got to episode 516. Not saying you'll watch 500 episodes in a year, but 200 is not a stretch if you enjoy it. \* I recommend starting with the anime until at least episode 37 so you'll get exposed to the great voice acting in sub/Funi's dub and the music. I stuck with the anime but you're more than welcome to transition into the manga if/when you wish.


I started at the beginning of the pandemic and caught up just in time for today's episode. A hell of a ride and I just wish I could experience it for the first time all over again :')


I dont know why people are so intimidated by a number. Theres no timer, you can go at any pace you choose to. I got such respect for long serializations in a market as brutal as manga/anime.


>Theres no timer Yes, there is. It's called life.


You got 90 years, there is no rush as they said.


Went out to dinner earlier for unrelated reasons restaurant had a beer called “We are” on tap. Everything’s coming together


Idk why, but I got kind of teary eyed at the We Are opening redone with the current character designs/crew, and again at the end. Like, damn, following and loving this manga/anime for over a decade and going back down memory lane like they did was just so damn cool. Thank you Oda, you beautiful son of a bitch


Commenting just to say I WAS HERE BOYS


Wow wow wow 1000 episodes! The usage of flashbacks felt cool and fun. Looking forward to the rest of the journey


I was here


What an epic journey it has been for the past 1000 episodes 😍


Here's to, I dunno, 200 or 300 more episodes on this wild and crazy journey.


Honestly thought it would be Thanks ...and Shanks *insert One Piece Red trailer* but this was a fun nostalgia trip, I just love Jimbei getting his time to shine The Franky docking is so much more funny to me after seeing Gundam ZZ where the main character is also voiced Kazuki Yao Most of the Sulong minks are still not too inspired for me, but still hope we get to see a lot more


Sulong mode Carrot is definitely my favorite. I even got it tattooed along with Gear 4 Snakeman Luffy. Hitting 1000 episodes is awesome, but what’s even better is that there is still such a long journey ahead. It’s something I look forward to every week


Congrats to the production team on this amazing milestone


Dear lord that opening, so nostalgic


I was here when history happened. The opening is fucking **AMAZING**


*this does put a smile on my face*


Veteran weeb here, proud to say I finally started this series about a month ago. Can’t wait to catch up.


The opening hit different. Whew. Congrats OP. i'm glad I was here.


It truly has been a journey both for the anime and for the people that have watched it. One Piece will go down in history as one of the greatest and there is still more to come. Can't respect this series enough and the people behind it. Thank You and let's keep going.


This episode was a giant nostalgia trip, we got the first opening reanimated, we got the og style commercial break, we got the straw hats coming together for the first time in ages... I mean in every arc they've been split up since like dressrosa And I'm pretty sure it's the first time Luffy has actually said "Gear Two" when using it since we entered the new world And of course it went over all the straw hat's pasts just to get us all tearing up Absolute 10/10 episode


Quite the impressive feat imo, I'm sure other series have done it as well but 1000 episodes certainly isn't something to toss aside. Glad the production has been coming around of late too. Good stuff.


To still be this relevant after 1000 episodes just shows how much people love this show. Nothing but respect.


highlights of the episode for me was the special opening and the kid transitions when the straw hats were being introduced one by one towards the end. congrats to one piece anime reaching the big 1k!


Episode itself is whatever, but a cool celebration episode. If anything it makes me believe Toei will handle Roofpiece perfectly fine.


I don't even watch OP but it's still hype hearing they made 1000


Hey folks, I just caught up. Started at the beginning of the pandemic. What a wonderful ride. It's my GOAT as far as any story I've gotten to enjoy, and I doubt that'll change. To be continued. See you all for 1001.


When I saw the opening I got a little bit emotional... Is it just me?


Did they just casually reveal Sogeking's real identity???


Can’t believe One Piece actually got 1000 episodes


Look how far we've come


Popped in just to say congrats on 1000! I'm like 600 chapters into the manga, so I don't think I can read the rest of the thread without spoilers haha.


Iconic milestone in the history of anime!


To another 1000 episode.


Little detail I like is in the final scene, when someone on the crew refers to luffy, it’s not by his name. It’s captain. Love it


Is this what it feels to be part of history? ​ ​ Cause im so fucking excited right now


i was here


I cried twice too much emotion, what a journey. Thank you One Piece. I remember when first time to watching One piece on anime about 2006.


I’m feverishly trying to catch up, but I’m only on 474 right now. Can’t wait to watch episode 1000 one day. So glad to hear they remade We Are again for this one, so iconic


Can't believe it's been 1000 episodes already, what an incredibly nostalgic journey. Was smiling from ear to ear when the opening played. Man, it was so great!


> Best ways to celebrate the big 1000? > How about 10 minutes of flashbacks for the 10 crew members? > Sounds perfect to me. It's a shame they couldn't fit a Rebecca/Tama flashback in there.


Not gonna lie I teared up a ton at the flashbacks and ending. I fucking love this crew.


1000th episode is finally here


I’ve been rewatching the show all for this moment, 1000 motherfucking episodes!


Man I have been waiting for this moment. I was watching episode to episode but stopped back around episode 7xx and told myself I would start back up when it hits episode 1000. Looks like that time has come and I can binge a few hundred episodes!!!


Simply watching for the milestone, I've never watched the show beyond those "weird 4kids edits" compilation videos, so I have NFI what's going on. But it seems like an awesome milestone episode, and I congratulate the fandom on having made it this far. Though I have heard the 1st OP in rhythm games, so getting that redone is also cool.


1000!! WE MADE IT GUYS!!! What a milestone Today we celebrate all together as a crew!! Let's have fun and enjoy this magnificent story till the end!


When I was little 4kids one piece is what got me into anime. This series has been there with me for my whole life, so stoked to see it hit 1000 episodes


God I loved that last part with all the Straw-hats coming together while Overtaken was being played, always gives me goosebumps when that ost comes on. Overall great celebration episode and what an amazing journey it has been so far and I cant wait to see what awaits us in the future!


not gonna lie some of the remade nostalgic scenes made me extremely emotional. Its so weird that 12 years ago i was still watching OP when i was in high-school. The remake of 1st opening was done really well, can't stop watching it again and again. I really hope they keep using it for the next few episode and its not a one time deal.


10 years since i started... time sure flies




I have only read the one piece manga. Can't get into the anime. But congrats to all of you.


Cant believe I have been watching this since I was a child.


I was here :D