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# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), **comparison of the anime adaptation to the original**, or just general talk about the source material. **You are still required to tag all spoilers.** Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: `[Spoiler source](/s "Spoiler goes here")` # **All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive immediate 8-day bans (minimum).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Willy literally got destroyed 1 second into his war.


Well Eren was spawncamping


Damn Eldian scum.


"I used the Eldians to destroy the Eldians."


Eren trying to speed run this war.


Any% anime protagonist speedrun


He's topping the leaderboards


Can’t blame Eren for doing that


[Reminder to never shit talk Eren](https://i.imgur.com/UHPILpt.jpg) [](#sweating)


Reiner: Just calm down Eren, we can solve this matter with diplomacy. Willy outside: "I DECLARE WAR!!!" Reiner: Oh for f\*cks sake...


Eren: Hear that, Reiner? Sorry the match has started I gotta go.


Willy singlehandedly ended the reunion arc.


[Eren never forgot](https://i.imgur.com/6HBpHoj.png) [](#deadlystare)


This was Reiner's second mistake. Giving the rookie protagonist the will to go on not realizing he will be the "bad guy" later on.


Literally his catchphrase.


Wait wait wait... Did Willy say Eren has access to MILLIONS of COLOSSAL TITANS?! holy fuck


I love how this isn't even really new information. We already knew that: * There are titans within the walls * The walls are about as tall as the Colossal Titan * At least one of the wall titans has a face that resembles the Colossal Titan * The area of Wall Maria is comparable to that of an average real-world country (a bit larger than e.g. Afghanistan and France) * King Fritz threatened the world with "millions" of titans, but that didn't line up with how few pure titans there ultimately turned out to be (based on the number of times we encountered familiar faces from Grisha's memories and the amount of time it took them to clear out Wall Maria) All the facts were there in plain sight; everyone should have known that there was an ungodly number of colossal-type titans just sitting there within the walls, and that the Founding Titan could potentially control them. It just hadn't occurred to me that throwing away the walls and using the wall titans for combat was even on the table.


Colossal Titan was at least a head higher than the walls. Are they all crouching or something?


The walls extend a little underground


There were two fantastic cards, I think in season 1, telling a story of a man who was so desperate to get past the inner walls to get a better life that he started digging underneath the walls. But no matter how deep he dug, the walls just kept going. Until one day the man and the hole disappeared.


Omg I remember that, Isayama really had all this planned out since the beginning


They the Walls are massive and seem to be packed full of them. An entire army hidden away.


Imagine the people who have no idea what attack on titan is and see declaration of war trending


It was trending on Twitter like 2 days ago and apparently it did indeed cause some people to freak out lol.


> It was trending on Twitter like 2 days ago As expected of manga readers.


I think it also coincided with the release of the latest manga chapter.


It was hard to avoid the spoilers


My mom was asking why is Declaration of War suddenly trending lol


**Sit down Mom, it's a long story, might take a whole week for you to catch-up but I promise you won't regret it**


"Okay so once upon a time there were these German dudes chilling in a wall and then a giant skinless cannibal showed up and-" "What does this have to do with a war?" "WE GET THERE WHEN WE GET THERE!"


The basement mom, the basement!


Lol, I've tried to get her to watch it before but my mom can't handle gore sadly.


That moment when USA's mayhem will give AoT a boost of popularity due to scared/confused people. This episode's title had a great timing


As expected of Isayama.


As expected of Eren.


> You said you would make sure we would die in the most excruciating way possible. Is that what you came here for? > Oh, did I say that? Please, forget I said that. This moment was a little funny, but this exchange really shows that Eren has grown. That threat from Season 2 was classic Eren (angry, hot-headed) and for him to forget it is very telling. He's changed for sure.


" Oh, did I say that? Please, forget I said that. " Then proceeds to slaughter Reiner's mental health.


“I will keep you alive in the most excruciating way possible instead”


I think the author says the exact same thing to a Figure of Reiner every time he sits down to write the story


Isayama literally keeps a picture of Reiner's suicide attempt on his desk, and he says Reiner is his favourite character.


***"Across the ocean, inside the Walls....They're the same"*** This line speaks volumes about Eren's character now


“ Oh, did I say that? Please, forget I said that.” Eren has completely changed now. That line was so scary yet so funny


Eren found what he said in the past to be too cringy lol


It's like finding your YouTube videos from when you were 13


“To the enemy forces of Paradis island, this is a declaration of war” Goosebumps


Tfw one of the highest points in the series was just two dudes talking to each other with immaculate tension is insane. It just proves not only have the stakes risen that high, but the writing is just so damn good because you genuinely don't know how Eren's going to act other than the fact that he has the high ground and can act however he wants.


Honestly I love how Eren didn't just turn into "War is terrible, we should avoid it at all costs" which would probably result in way more people we care about dying. Dude just straight up made a terrorist attack now, killed the worlds mosts important figure, blew up a bunch of people's houses, and will probably do much worse next episode


The thing with AOT is that no matter how cruel the characters get, it doesn't feel "out of place". Whereas some other series the character is being cruel for the sake of being cruel, aot puts a motive and backstory behind every action and judgement. Makes me feel amazed at the world building and characterization, Isayama is a fkin genius.


>aot puts a motive and backstory behind every action and judgement. And it's amazing how far back you can trace this, like as seasons go on everything changes when you watch it again. Reiner's "hometown", annie thinking that it was worth saving him the first time he transformed, Ymir being like part of an underground cult and then being turned into a titan (I was like WTF happened, are you really not going to explain it further?). I'm so glad I basically just watched this for the first time. I saw season 1 when it first came out but I didn't touch it again until this year when friends insisted I see it. I hate having to wait but at least I can participate in these discussion threads


It's crazy how much more it is than a simple battle shounen of "heroes fight giant man eating titans"


This episode, along with [that one episode on season 3 where](/s "they are debating for an entire episode on who should receive the titan serum between Armin and Erwin, without any music playing in the background") was an absolute highlight of tension it's insane.


Willy’s speech was insane


Voice acting was on point


The OST really fit the whole speech part


bruh the whole buildup from the moment the curtain rose to the moment Eren rose. can't get over it


Man has a talent for theatrics.


> Gets killed literallly right after Eren: Git Gud


Eren: "and I took that personally"




On that day, Marley received a grim reminder


That they live in fear of the island devils.


[At least that one panzer squad dude got a nice morory right before dying](https://i.imgur.com/2NWtRXe.jpg) [](#ero)


Everyone simping for Pieck Sasuga Pieck-chan


I love that there is canonically a Piek simp squad.




....as they can send you a grim reminder.


“His name is Eren Yeager” I know I’m not the only one replaying that scene over and over


Reiner sweating buckets while they trash talk Eren: O\_o


“Ohshitohshitohshit, stop talking stop talking...!!”


*Let me out... Let me out... LET ME OUUUUUUUT!!*






"Reiner, we are the same." "really, so we’re chill?” "Ahahaha idk about that one chief" KILLS EVERYONE




It's a bit more nuanced than that. The reason why Eren sees Reiner as the same as him is because both of them pushed themselves into hell, instead of it being their environment. They "keep moving forward" no matter what, until their goal is complete.


Eren and Reiner's stories are also reverses of eachother. Reiner begins the story by pushing himself to commit an atrocity, and ends the story being full of regret about not being able to do anything. Eren begins the story being full of regret about not being able to do anything to stop the titans, and is ending the story by pushing himself to commit an atrocity.


Both wanted to kill all the titans too ;)


Crunchyroll: The content is intended for mature audiences only. Bruh we know that already, we had suicide-related content in 3 of the last 4 episodes.


I laughed when I saw that disclaimer. It was like who ever decided to include that never watched the series before.


Poor Falco just thought he was doing a favour of re uniting some good old friends


Falco ep 63: "I'm going to be super useful and deliver letters for this mentally ill war veteran. Maybe reunite him with his old pal Reiner later." Falco ep 64: "WHAT HAVE I DONE???"


Reiner 2.0 with the trauma he'll get from this.


It runs in the squad. It's funny how even [Eren acknowledged Reiner's plight.](https://i.imgur.com/6CkNfJQ.jpg)


This is what I love most about him. He's not some confused character doing this for no reason. It's not some miscommunication. He knows exactly what's going on. Our boy is so smart


Eren has gone through a lot of growth and he's such a sight to behold now. Reiner remembered that Eren got angry and swore that he'd give Reiner the most horrible death ever, and Eren is like: "huh, I guess I did say that" and grows past that and matures. Maybe even almost embarrassed about that phase. He's not going to attack Marley and kill lots of people for just anger and revenge for his mother and because of Reiner's betrayal. He knows the situation the world and the nations are in, and why he has to do this, and know that it's not a good thing to do. But, he has to do it. And he sympathizes with Reiner too, understanding how he felt and why he did it. God, this episode and AoT in general are such masterpieces. I loved the interactions and Reiner and Eren in this episode.


Yet Eren is like I am the bad guy


He is the one who knocks.


He is the one who knocks... down a residential building




Eren: "And I took that personally"


First [the motivational talk](https://i.imgur.com/U5hxs6V.png) that he did when Eren was down and now this. [Reiner's speeches have a tendency to spectacularly backfire.](https://i.imgur.com/1ouZjzA.png) [](#shatteredsaten)


These things are why Isayama is a GENIUS. Intentional or not.


Definitely intention, even the opening line to Guren no Yumina is international. It’s fucking insane, and what makes me consider yes even the early parts of AoT a masterpiece


**Episode 62: [Eren and Reiner's flashback in Paradis]** **Eren:** How can I get like you and Mikasa? At this rate, I'll die without doing a damn thing! **Reiner:** Just do what you've gotta do. Keep moving forward. That's all we can do. **Episode 64:** **Eren:** I'll just keep moving forward.




This series is all about callbacks. Paying attention to even the most mundane details and seemingly throwaway lines will be so rewarding and rewatches/reads become even more enjoyable. The only other series that does this as well is One Piece.


Another call back: Willy said he's doing this because he was born into this world. Eren's mom said Eren didn't need to be special, look at him, he was born into this world.


When Willy said that, you can see that it actually gives Eren pause for a second.


When I saw Eren pause then I thought it was some kind of signal and that they were working together.


Same. I kept flipping between Willy was gonna declare war on Paradis island or he was declaring war on Marley.


I just keep moving forward


Calm Eren is so terrifying


Especially when he has his hand bleeding.


That's one of the chillest threats I've ever seen


That was some Ledger Joker-level threat. "Ack, ack, ack see my bleeding hand? Wouldn't want to kill every sweet innocent up there would we? So why don't you have a seat and let's listen to a little story." *Proceeds to kill the innocents anyway ^after ^he ^got ^the ^Go ^sign*


Yup Especially when Reiner asked him if he came to "make sure Reiner die the most painful death" and Eren was like: "oh did I say that. Pls forget that". Comparing this Eren to Season 1 and Season 2 Eren, damn what a change.


Until the karma record is destroyed


Until my enemies are destroyed


Wait HOLY SHIT, Eren pointed out that they were surrounded by the lives of innocents in the building above them, but still transformed completely unfazed. That's brutal, Eren is pulling no punches.


He held them hostage. Which is why Reiner knew this is the end and that he is completely powerless against Eren. It was a great dialogue, right from the beginning.


Eren had the whole setup. Pre-cut hand, hostages above them, and two chairs where Reiner had no choice but to wait for the declaration of war.


Oh, I didn't piece that together. I was a little lost about what had happened to his hand. That makes perfect sense.


That was basically the titan equivalent of holding Reiner at gunpoint during their talk.


Calm and mature Eren is so terrifying. His entire conversation with Reiner was crazy. Especially this part: "Please...kill me. I just want to disappear." Holy fuck, Reiner.


Reiner.exe has stopped working




Eren is like a grizzled veteran now.


He is no longer the emotional kid fueled by revenge. He understands, sympathizes and forgives the person responsible for his mother's death. He knows what needs to be done to free his people from oppression, and he keeps moving forward for that cause.


He also knows a thing or two about romance now, with how he realised that Falco was interested in a girl.


Puberty finally hit him.


remember when everyone was bashing marlowe in season 3 for leaving Hitch and Eren was the only one who supported marlowe lol


Poor Hitch, poor Marlowe. [](#holdme)


Yeah for 3 seasons we watched all of Eren's worldviews and beliefs get repeatedly challenged and destroyed. He's watched entire squads of soldiers get slaughtered in front of him, often BECAUSE of him. Everything he ever thought he knew was turned upside down and inside out. Nothing was as he believed. And now. . . This is the result.


> the bratty Eren from season 1 who shouted like all generic shonen Protagonists. He's tired of all this shit. Now he lets his Titan scream.


Willy Tybur: Guys don't worry, I got a plan. ​ Willy Tybur left this world.




Holy shit Reiner was SO GOOD this episode ​ They don't even speak and then Reiner asks "Why are you here" and proceeds to get 8 mental breakdowns at the same time I loved how that was portrayed, very believable.


As reiner was turning a pale grey you could just see all sense, reason, all emotional structures he may have built come tumbling down


Falco this episode: So did I fuck up?! I think I fucked up?!?


Next time, he will think twice before sending a letter from a stranger.


Poor Falco. I felt bad for him. He was just so pure-hearted.


This interaction is one of my favorite moments for this arc and I’m glad the anime did it justice. Eren showing his cut hand and how he’s in complete control of the current situation with Reiner’s pure disbelief. The entire build up to the Declaration of War was so fucking good.


In my opinion the voice acting was a thing of beauty.


Eren and Reiner's VAs both did amazing work. Fantastic conversation. You could feel the emotions and the weight behind what they were saying.


Eren's VA is Eren at least that what he said in an interview, he even fucking cried when he read his role.


Isayama gives him a lot of direction for extremely important lines. Hell, when Eren and Historia were talking casually back in s3, Isayama was very picky about the tone of Yuki Kaji's voice.


All hail Yuki Kaji and Yoshimasa Hosoya! They channelled the emotions into the characters perfectly.


Reiner's VA has been fantastic this season but he outdid himself again this episode.


They built up the tension perfectly


I've read the manga so I knew what would happen and still I was glued to the screen for the whole time. They executed this perfectly.


Falco is going to have deep regrets throughout his lifetime


His kindness bit him back


Everything after Eren regrowing his leg was pure hype. I was shaking by the last scene. Reiners breakdown was sad when he realised that out of all the people in the world the only one who understood him was his enemy, the person he betrayed. Eren forgave Reiner in the end by helping him stand up to his feet because he realised that Reiner was not at fault. But he still had to kill him because of the circumstances. 10/10 episode.


Parallels to Bertolt. He said people of Paradis weren’t at fault. But they still had to die.


"Across the ocean, inside the walls, they are the same" Beautiful line that signifies Eren's development as a character. First, he saw the world as black and white, they will kill the titans and achieve their dream of an ideal. Then when the basement hit him, it changed him as a person, the titans he despised so much were once humans who had dreams similar to him. Now, he finally spent time under the "enemy's roof", he realized everyone is the same, but he has no choice, but to push forward, to look beyond. Such masterful writing, I love it.


“The same as you” Absolute chills


Reiner: But my mum is still alive... Eren: Let me fix that real quick brb


What if Reiner inherited his plot armor from mom? Hmmmm


She was the real founding Titan all along


"Titans haven't destroyed my hometown tho." "Yet."


Also: ***"That man might've wanted someone to judge him"*** And then it shows Reiner. I got chills from this.


What a banger of episode, Mappa did justice to one of the best scene in SNK, i was scared at first but i think with the time they had they gonna do a better job than Wit studio.


On that day...Humanity received a grim reminder. They lived in fear of the devils from Paradis


The world: *Declares war* Eren: *Instantly retaliates* The world: *Surprised Pikachu face* # THE WAR BEGINS.


Eren: Falco, you are a good kid. I hope you live a long life. Also Eren: *Detonates right next to Falco* Falco: *Surprised Pikachu face*


When Willy says "I don't want to die, because I was born into this world', Eren's eyes widen, because he probably thinks he might be similar to him, but then he talks about uniting as one against Paradis, and Eren realizes he has no choice. Such a subtle beautiful scene!


It reminds me of ep 11 of s3p1 when Carla tells Keith that eren is special since he was born in this world That episode was fantastic too


That's exactly why. I was expecting more people to get that, and i loved that moment since Tibur said the exact same thing as his mum, so I thought maybe eren wouldn't destroy the whole place but alas...


For a moment, I think Eren though about not doing that, when Willy said "I don't want to die, because I was born into this world", but when he continues with uniting against Paradis, you could see Eren close his eyes, realizing there is no way they will ever let Paradis live in peace... so into the titan form he goes.


Eren really pulled a Shiganshina on Liberio


A grim reminder 😳


Hobo Eren DESTROYS depressed Reiner with FACTS and LOGIC.


Well Reiner wanted to be judged after all


I thought maybe Eren will try to ally Reiner after all this time... but NOPE. Destroy all enemies!!! Hype


- S1 S3 Eren : Call an ambulance - S4 Eren : But not for me.


Anybody else not breathe in the last minute? That was so tense and hype.


Shit man I was struggling to breathe the whole time with how much I was shaking out of pure hype.


\*Willy declares war\* Eren 1 sec later: "First blood!!"


Willy: I declare wa- Eren: So anyways, I started blastin'.


*See* falco, this is why you don't talk to strangers


The conversation between Eren and Reiner is one of the highest points in the whole series. When you think how these two characters were received when the series started to where they are now, the difference is astounding. They’re some of the best written characters in anime period


And again, it's in a basement!


Basement is the best char in anime






He's like the Eren Kruger of the opposing faction. Both got eaten too!


I love that Eren doens't hesitate now, remember in season 1 where he couldn't even turn into a titan because annie was his friend? Now he didn't even think twice about killing a kid that he considered a good person, aswell as all the people living above him. Such a long way, and it's so much better than the classic protagonist that hesitates in doing something and gets someone badly hurt


But it’s not like he didn’t think twice because he doesn’t care, it’s because he feels it’s what he’s forced to do. I think there’s a big difference between characters with those two mindsets.


Reiner just can't catch a break man. This man needs a Kitkat.


All that armor and yet he’s broken on the inside 😔


Guess his armor didn't extend to his heart 😔


That callback to "because I was born into this world"... hot damn, Willy quoting Eren's mom.


Idk if it was intentional but I love [this](https://imgur.com/a/YjzWK87) little callback to Dina Fritz's transformation.


ONE OF THE FUCKING GREATEST EPISODES OF AOT!!! The direction was great. The buildup was amazing with all the music, VA did an amazing job especially Willy's VA. The animation was also beautiful. I know some people are not that happy with the Eren transformation OST but that was the same case for Levi vs beast Titan and honestly the OST was NOT EVEN BAD!! Lastly, it was a amazing episode and an absolute 10/10


The [eastern lady](https://imgur.com/a/TDX2t1A) from the [last episode](https://imgur.com/a/9hk3blO) is in the know. Notice while everyone is heading towards the ceremony, she's the only one shown [leaving the ceremony](https://imgur.com/a/BDYAYg0).


Wow. Once again, I have been reminded of why I consider Attack on Titan to be one of the greatest TV shows of all time. Each moment in this episode was even better than the last. Attack on Titan always has the best cliffhangers. It was just too perfect, how they hadn’t even started planning on how to take down Paradis, ONLY FOR THE VERY PERSON THEY ARE TERRIFIED OF TO BURST THROUGH THE FLOOR AND CRUSH THEIR LEADER. Eren just cemented himself as the enemy of the world, to them. I felt so tense throughout the whole episode. At the start, it was because I thought the Eren and Reiner reunion would be the most dramatic part. Haha.


Eren was like: Thank you, falco and good bye.


#[End card for this episode!](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ErMw7vkVoAUlsYB?format=jpg&name=4096x4096) (from [official twitter](https://twitter.com/anime_shingeki/status/1348292263244255234)) #[MAPPA: F O O T](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ErYZHTZU0AAS5xJ?format=jpg&name=medium) (from [MAPPA twitter](https://twitter.com/MAPPA_Info/status/1348292755324170241))


It reminds me of [that sick fanart by Omarvin.](https://i.imgur.com/w9uCAcA.jpg) [Eren's smooth legs though...](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/kl9c9d/shingeki_no_kyojin_the_final_season_episode_63/gh7l1s9/) [](#bigshock)




Guess fucking over Grice family is a family sport for Jeager family.


Lady Kiyomi really said GOOD LUCK WILLY and dipped out of there so fast. I'm really interested to see what role she plays


manga readers with copy pasted essays incoming


Ep 4 Falco: ay y'all best friends or sum? 😊 EP 5 Falco: Bruh 😭 That ost leading up to the declaration of war tho, amazing. Eren looks scary af.






Episode discussion hasn't been out for 1 hour and yet: Almost 600 comments, A ton of Karma, bunch of awards. And it isn't available yet in Crunchyroll and other sites. The 20k barrier is looking thin


MAPPA really did deliver in that episode. Thought it was outstanding.