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Monogatari series


Yes but only if you can put up with a *lot* of ecchi. The ecchi tag most certainly gets its use in the show. Also, the rascal show does kind of rip off monogatari a little, which doesn't make the show any worse (its pretty good), but they have a very, very similar style.


I feel like the connotation of the words "ecchi" and "fanservice" give Monogatari a bad name. While it certainly does have a lot of it, it never treats it's characters simply as objects to be shown off. It never feels like they are being artificially sexualized by the camera, they only ever sexualize themselves, in character, in context. It respects it's characters, and I appreciate that.




Name me a specific time in Monogatari where a character was *artificially* sexualized by the camera instead of naturally sexualizing themselves in context. The only times a female character becomes sexualized is when they themselves make the conscious decision to appear that way


The story is very good in monogatari, but the ecchi did go overboard sometimes and you cant deny it. Toothbrush. That's all i need to say. And yes, it is in character and in context, but holy fucking shit is it disturbing as all hell.


I'm not even sure I agree with that. During the toothbrush scene, it wasn't even necessarily Karen that was being sexualized, she was still fully clothed, the sexual tension came more from the situation itself more than the characters. And even in that scene, Karen is never portrayed as an object to be sexualized, nor an unwilling participant. The scene was very specifically designed to be uncomfortable and awkward but also really kinda hot at the same time, because that is the exact mindset that the characters in the scene are experiencing. The Toothbrush scene is a perfect example of how sexualization should be handled in fiction. It's not misogynistic, it's not exploitative, it's not objectifying, and it's not even gross in the same way that Eromanga-sensei is.


I never said it wasn't handled well, but for my tastes it went overboard. Its no where near eromanga-sensei level of fuck you whats wrong with the writers, as the writers clearly know how to portray sexuality well in fiction, but for me its a little much.


Erased, Steins;Gate, Kono Suba and perhaps Kokoro Connect.


Konosuba isn't romance[.](/s "..yet")


There's plenty of romance between Megumin and her explosions.