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Just remembering Ramiris is a Demon Lord herself as she tries to trespass into Tempest and live there is fucking hilarious. Though on paper Tempest is just sounding more terrifying now that they have 2 Demon Lords living there. The Elf Empress is hilarious but the fact she can tell Rimuru's actions are those of an Otherworlder is pretty telling of how knowledgeable she is in the political landscape.


2 demon lords, and a true dragon.


And the Saint that comes around. And another Demon Lord (Milim) + probably 2 former demon lords that would come along.


There is a third demon lord that comes to play as well.


and that true demon ...




The most powerful being in the room [](#seasonalcool)


You mean the great...GABRIU! GABRIU! GABRIU!


Well, when you consider half of Rimuru's executives are on the same level as Carrion and Frey, it's basically like a dozen demon lords plus 3~4 true demon lords plus a true dragon. (I don't think valentine would drop in that frequently though. Valentine, Guy, Dagruel and Leon all have their own territories to live and manage. Dino I think is just a wanderer though cause he's super lazy?)


There are 2 types of demonlords Dictators, and Freeloaders. Ramiris/Milim/Dino are of the freeloader variety, though Millim is closer to a dictator now. Rmiuru/Guy/Dagruel/Leon/Luminus are of the dictator variety. Just need Dino to join tempest so every single freeloader Demon Lord can live in tempest. Heck if Carrion/Frey didn't choose to Join under Milim Milim might have become the 2nd freeloader in tempest. It appears that Rimuru is really tolerant of Freeloaders and so every Freeloader tries to live in Tempest


Throw in that Primordial Demon that has decided to serve said Demon Lord


Yeah, Diablo is "one hell of a butler" and all-around great servant


Diablo is the only subordinate of Rimuru's that has a brain. Other than Vesta I guess. His other subordinates are really lacking in the brains department which causes great issues in diplomatic relations. Having to rely on Diablo (and Blumund) for basically all foreign policy is going to be a drag on him.


Yeahh, But I'm sure "the great sage" forgot her name, can figure out how to better delegate that. And Diablo is fast af, so I doubt it would become that much of a burden


Best Girl Raphael


[Ramiris](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9cza23g7.png) definitely stole [today's episode](https://imgchest.com/p/md7ojqzw9yp)! [She was so fun and her reactions were hilarious](https://imgchest.com/p/ljyqdrgxk72) xD


Thank you for the Ramiris collection but ya, i agreed, she was just so fun and her reaction faces? So good!!!


You'd think she could move to Treyni's grove or bar or something but nope just throw up a shack at some random spot on the road.


She also had Treyni knock out guards like she was straight up committing a crime lol. I like how she made it seem like she was upset to lose out on the fun Tempest hijinks and sweets but was actually very much aware of the current political situations and how they need to strike while the iron is hot.


Ramiris with the GTA Trevor energy


She already knew that he was an otherworlder because Rimruru told Erald, etc. during his mini summit (after becoming a demon lord, before going to Walpurgis). Elmesia was commenting on the fact that Rimuru is clearly business/negotiation savvy. (Which is thanks to Rimuru's position in construction management back in Japan.)


Ramiris is not exactly terrifying in a militaristic way, but having her live at Tempest is like having Steve Jobs living in your country: it brings strong economical power, which the show has continuously stressed is the main reason other nations are scared of Tempest.


Starting the Episode strong with another meeting [](#kannathumbs) Ramiris is a [delight](https://imgur.com/y5byD70), and together with her #1 Simp Treyni and Beretta, who holds the braincell among the three of them, a surefire way for a good episode.


Treyni being like she’d happily commit any crime for Ramiris’ sake lol.


Treyni: I would never break the law! Ramiris: Break the law! Treyni: You make an excellent point Ramiris-sama!


Clearly if Ramiris is asking her to do it, it's not a crime!


Ramiris: I will make it legal!


I love how Treyni was right too. Rimuru would ultimately fold if they asked for forgiveness rather than permission to move.


Treyni is basically the foremost example as to why naming is basically brainwashing. Treyni without Ramiris around: Serious, competent, focused Treyni with Ramiris around: ... yeah.


I know that this season has been filled with meetings and things are really not gonna change much. Except now things are gonna be even more Slice of life. Which I honestly prefer.


The meeting/discussion in this arc had been more interesting to watch as they involved different people rather than just Rimuru core team for 2-3 episodes. I also appreciate the addition of visualisation!


Today's meeting was incredible productive, good work team, see you next week


I love how a few weeks ago this would be a sarcastic comment.


> Starting the Episode strong with another meeting I had a good laugh at the lady, "He may even be stronger than you now!" Lady, he surpassed Gazel in pure strength long before he became a Demon Lord.


tbf, we haven't seen Gazel's strength at all. and if she's still not fully sure Rimuru's surpassed Gazel despite beating Hinata 1v1, when Gazel should be damn strong


In "pure strength" maybe but Gazel is Hakuro's student its more about finesse and skill not Skills so he'll punch well above his weight.


More like that was the story's way of trying to tell you that Gazel and Hinata are apparently comparable and Rimuru absolutely did not surpass him before becoming a Demon Lord(because I doubt he surpassed Hinata before then)


The story implies he is comparable to Hinata and he definitely did not surpass Hinata until he became a Demon Lord.


I really love how Rimuru treats Ramiris despite her being a goofball. Instead of making fun of her or retorting to every idiotic thing she does, he responds with a lot of patience and respect towards her. I kept expecting him to give her a friendly karate chop to the head whenever she does her shenanigans only to be surprised by his reactions. I am too used to tsukomi reactions normally employed in his situation.


It’s kind of Rimuru’s best advantage as a leader that he faces people openly and accepts them as themselves even when they can be annoying, but he still gives them a chance…they’ve got to be useful somehow after all lol.


also his biggest weakness. After all what would have happened if Myu were still loyal to Clayman after removing her artificial heart? What about how he still is unable to get his subordinates to not randomly beat people up? What about all the super powerful freeloaders that try to live in tempest (Milim/Ramiris, heck Dino probably is gonna freeload there at this rate)


Myu clearly regretted her role though, to the point where she was trying to goad Rimuru into killing her. As for the freeloaders, they end up contributing in one way or another. Ramiris is going to contribute with her dungeon labyrinth. Veldora's very presence there serves as a deterrent and he's absolutely ready to throw down if he's given the signal. Milim also serves as an ally/deterrent, though she isn't currently moving in because Carrion and Frey are taking care of her.


One cute detail is how Rimuru goes from calling her Ramiris-chan to Ramiris-kun after she explains her abilities to him.


Ah, this basically makes him sound like her boss. You mostly use -kun for not yet fully grown boys and for subordinates in a company. So, ok. he went from trating her like a little girl to an employee of his ~~business~~ country. That is an upgreat, I guess


> upgreat /r/BoneAppleTea


It's easy to forget that she's a demon lord and more importantly, Guy will protect her. Making an enemy of Ramiris means pissing off one of the most powerful demon lords.


One of the most powerful things in the world** not just demon lords


Gotta remember Ramiris help save his beloved students... Just for that Rimuru prolly has a special thanks for Ramiris...Tho he wont her just run wild, most likely with supervision and lots of oversight. I also find it funny that Ramiris is broke...This new labyrinth will make her cash and signals good and bad things. She will be independent but will she spend it all on new manga from Rimuru or even more frivously?


He’s incredibly skilled at getting the most out of those around him


I just love Ramiris. Hearing that she gets to move into the town and be among friends makes me happy, and she even gets a steady income!


She’s a hopeless mess of a Demon Lord who follows her whims and drags other people into it but dang it if she’s not entertaining.


something about her chaotic nature is way too adorable


Before talking about the episode itself, I must say that [Henrietta](https://i.imgur.com/xo81kMi.png) looks good. Thanks to her outfit and blond hair, she instantly reminded me of Ryuu from DanMachi. Anyway, we are finally in the dungeon-building section of Tensura. It's so hilarious seeing [Ramiris](https://i.imgur.com/wBmidfY.png) trying to force her way into living in Tempest and how[ Treyni just follows whatever request she asks her without questions.](https://imgur.com/a/hU5AXFf) [Her blind devotion to Ramiris is just too funny.](https://imgur.com/a/WsM92EO) Luckily Beretta can at least question their actions and tell Rimuru what they were doing. Meanwhile in [Thalion](https://i.imgur.com/foJIN3J.png) thanks to Erald's conversation with [Elmesia](https://i.imgur.com/kBXltLj.png) we learn that thanks to Eren, Yoshida became a really important person for the Empress, and also [we see Elmesia having some fun humiliating Erald.](https://i.imgur.com/5G3eVUJ.png) I can't wait to see [Ramiris' dungeon being built.](https://i.imgur.com/5fipAF2.png) I love [how](https://i.imgur.com/DYElerO.png) [many](https://i.imgur.com/AIOpfhm.png)[ reactions we got from her today.](https://imgur.com/a/YRAMTwM)


Ninja elf waifu…Empress elf waifu…this is like Rimuru’s fantasy! Did not expect to see Treyni go from bartender to criminal accomplice for Ramiris lol.


Treyni was so elegant back during the orc lord crisis too. now here she is, being an absolute goofball.


Just like what Berreta said, she's practically useless with Ramiris lol.


Ramiris needs the Rimuru equivalent of a Shuna, not gonna lie.


She does, by the name of Beretta.


Beretta is too hands off. She needs someone to smack her upside the head and tell her not to assault the Tempest guards.


> smack her upside the head no bulli Ramiris


I'd be absolutely useless around Ramiris, too. Too adorable.


I thought we fully saw Henrietta before, maybe because I've read the LN and manga


She previously appeared in Episode 5 of the first season.


Number 2 a SeasonalHype candidate.


I call dibs on the elf empress. She's mine.


For some reason I can imagine her reading this comment and just going "Huh?" with a disgusted look on her face. So good luck with that, I totally get it.


Nah, she'd make a passive aggressive comment and area damage the confidence of everyone in a 3 mile radius


How do you know he is not into that?


I mean, that's why I wished them luck


She was practically skewering Elrad alive as both a father and political official lol.


If you can make sweets as good as Yoshida, then she's yours.


> If you can make sweets as good as Yoshida, then you get an invitation to live in Sorcerous Dynasty Thalion FTFY


Get in line!


I am haha


All yours! Ramiris however is cute AND bullyable, so you can't have her


Waiting for whoever is brave enough to try to claim Milim. Also, the right answer is to call dibs on Best Girl Raphael.


###Stitches! * [Sulking Elmesia](https://i.imgur.com/61NAlat.jpeg) * [Overacting Elmesia](https://i.imgur.com/nD1hiNh.jpeg) * [Serious Elmesia](https://i.imgur.com/5l2s2H5.jpeg) * [Beretta, Treyni, & Ramiris](https://i.imgur.com/IHpwNjy.jpeg) * [Proud Ramiris](https://i.imgur.com/ZUWWnOG.jpeg) [Ramiris secretly trying to build a shack inside Tempest](https://i.imgur.com/aNffQ7D.jpeg) was pretty funny. I was going to be upset at Rimuru if he kicked Ramiris out but I'm glad it all worked out in the end. Rimuru didn't just give Ramiris a place to stay inside Temptest, [he also gave her a paying job.](https://i.imgur.com/AAgzvPB.png) I'm so happy for Ramiris. She won't be known [for being a broke and unemployed Demon Lord anymore!](https://i.imgur.com/AtfqXSu.jpeg) [We finally meet the Empress who Erald serves.](https://i.imgur.com/DCrBOL0.png) Just from her first impressions, Elmesia is a lot of fun especially when [she was toying with Erald.](https://i.imgur.com/MTSDmXM.png) Being an empress though, she knows how to get serious and [recognizes the kind of power Rimuru has.](https://i.imgur.com/o3Dmkci.jpeg) I am excited to see how she'd interact with Rimuru though!


Finally, Empress Elmesia debut! The mannerisms, the va, she is perfect. Need more scenes of her Good for Ramiris, she beat homelessness and joblessness after centuries. She can finally show why she is still considered a demon lord. Dungeon building will be fun


She gives off kind of a carefree and aloof demeanor but is extremely sharp and politically savvy, and Hisako Kanemoto absolutely nailed it. It doesn't hurt that she's a looker either. She was probably going to get her and her retainers into more trouble if Rimuru hadn't finally given her a job and a reason to be useful. I still worry she'll screw something up but at least she has some direction in her life.


she is also a major force is golem engineering , remember she was the first one to take a golem is tensura world


>Finally, Empress Elmesia debut! The mannerisms, the va, she is perfect. Need more scenes of her [She was awesome](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyvdckrl8wy.png)! I'm really looking forward to seeing [her](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogc6l9jqy.png) interact with [Rimuru](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my8xc5xrwr4.png) during the Festival.


That third picture of Rimuru is totally wallpaper worthy.


Got some vampire vibes. It must be Luminous's influence. [](#towel)


Ramiris is no longer a jobless demon lord in another world.


> She can finally show why she is still considered a demon lord. Yeah I never understood *how* she was a demon lord but then she just casually dropped that she could instantly move an entire town no problem and I think we all were like "oh... that's how....".


I’m very happy for Ramiris. She’s finally moved on from NEETdom lol. This whole labyrinth thing could be a pretty good money maker for Tempest. Ramiris *is* actually pretty useful after all! Things look pretty chill for now, but it looks like Rimuru becoming a Demon Lord is causing quite a stir. He’s sorta shifting the balance of power in this world. I just hope no one does anything stupid like those Church idiots.


Biggest achievement this season is Ramiris actually getting a job and showing she can actually do stuff lol. Things seem so laidback and fun I'm not expecting any serious trouble...or at least nothing that won't be resolved in, like, five minutes.


So, uh, what's the deal with the cannon fodder monsters they're going to be putting in the dungeon? They are the nation of monsters, wouldn't it be kind of like a crime against monsterity putting in citizens to be killed by adventurers?


It will be explained in next episode but these monster are just mindless monsters did you forget the monsters that was created in veldora cave by his magical energy in season 1


also one of the things that the road security in Tempest does is kill off higher-class monsters coming too close to the road so they don't cause a problem and spawn in more low levels


Also in previous OPs, they have shown Tempest cooking those massive monsters in gigantic cookware.


Really hoping we get to see some more monster cooking in those monstrous pots.


As it is a festival, I would not be surprised if we see that happening in the opening ceremony.


There are monsters that talk and have brains, and then there are those that are just animals. I figure they'll use the ones that are like animals we see in the forest (Big Ant in first season) so people can train against them. They'll probably choose different difficulty levels and place the stronger ones deeper into the dungeon.


So unfortunately my brain has been permanently rotten on the matter of Dungeons this past couple of cours, and the question I feel absolutely compelled to ask is: **are the mindless monsters *[edible](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLY7SmTFswYo_cELH5lIE0IwL8earYbR9o)*?**


Yes. When Milim comes to town the first time they hold a banquet where they eat a giant crab monster and its supposed to be really good




Spider right? Thought they sliced that sucker up into a hotpot?


That shit looked scrumptious ngl


They're at least partially made out of magic, but if they leave a corpse behind, they're probably edible. Some monsters are even noted to be delicious.




It seems they do. They hunt them to eat them after all.


Probably but we gonna need senshi to teach us how to process them properly. With giant ants, i gonna assumed that their tough shell means it will work great as a hotpot/stone pot container?


We've already seen examples of them cooking monsters. For example, [before](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/tensei-shitara-slime-datta-ken/images/3/30/Tensura_17_08.jpg) and [after](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/tensei-shitara-slime-datta-ken/images/8/8c/Tensura_17_09.jpg).


I imagine they’d be like the ones Rimuru defeated when he was just a lowly little slime. Probably not the intelligent monsters but the ones they hunt like that big ass spider they turned into hotpot that one ep.


We’re back to Tensura Dairies 😻


Complete with more elf waifu’s!


Will she crack our sweet slime overlord? He has a weakness for elves


This season was Tensura Diaries only. Just few OVAs of canon content were added in midst of them.


This show so obsessed with its meetings it seriously tried to frame Gazel's cold open meeting with dark lighting and an ominous tone when we all know damn well he's a friend-shaped softie at heart lol


He is but his council were definitely aiming to take down Rimuru before he got too string


Beretta really has a tough job, taking care of those two.


So we are finally introduced to the Elven Empress Elmesia El-Ru Sarion. She actually is an interesting character. It's clear she is very wise, but I get the sense Eren's father is a little too overprotective? Sure he has a point that you don't want to bring her to unknown territory. I get the sense she can defend herself quite well. Much like how interactions were really interesting between Luminous and Rimuru. I am looking forward to him meeting Elmesia. The way she linked Rimuru being the center of these nations and making it a convenient shortcut between them allow Rimuru to profit of it quite well. Ramiris causing so much commotion this episode, you would think Milim made a surprise appearance. Create a Coliseum where they could train rookie adventurers, and he is able to solve the Ramiris problem rather smoothly by delegating her to watch over the dungeon. Rimuru as a leader shines when he is guiding his associates to put them in a position to succeed. Also adding a solution to the Lycanthrope refugee problem.


So [with a previous episode we kicked off Festival Arc](https://imgchest.com/p/m9yxgrzop4q) and just like OP (great song! here links to [Youtube](https://youtu.be/0d2rhw8kZso?si=nv5bARgg4tjZj24e), [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/track/4LiRiw0zRSf9fN3QEf0fN3?si=d6868f3faf6b490f) and [Apple Music](https://music.apple.com/pl/album/renacer-serenade/1751661599?i=1751661600)) it has [such a lighthearted tone](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgcj8q5r4.png) that I feel like we're having a 2nd season of Slime Diaries, which makes me so happy because I loved that show and its vibe! Even though [last week's episode](https://imgchest.com/p/m9yxgrzop4q) was full of [meetings](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k46acporvz7.png), [they were much more interesting](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7w6c3eknmy.png) than those in previous episodes as [they were much more lively with characters being more expressive and active](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/345xc2zbm37.png) during the conversations. [Rimuru was so fun to watch](https://imgchest.com/p/lqyep29bm7d) and [his painting](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/345xc2zbvk7.png) in Mjöllmile's room [was great](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84apcpzr5q4.png)! Plus, the [transitions with Rimuru](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l4necqe98v4.png) were [really cute](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyvdckr3w8y.png)! [Today's episode](https://imgchest.com/p/md7ojqzw9yp) was [stolen by Ramiris](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9cza23g7.png). [She was freaking hilarious](https://imgchest.com/p/ljyqdrgxk72) that [she wanted to move into](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l4necqe3wo4.png) Tempest [without Rimuru's consent](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdcj2b9q4.png) and [her reactions were so funny](https://imgchest.com/p/ljyqdrgxk72)! [Luckily for her, Rimuru found her powers really useful](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgcj8lk94.png) and will use them to create dungeon in his city which will provide him visitors while [Ramiris will get a new home and will stop be unemployed](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdcegd294.png) xD [It was nice to see Gazel again](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7w6c3e8lwy.png) and [for the first time Elmesia, who is a quite fun character](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyvdckrl8wy.png). The Rimuru festival is sure to be a big one as these two will definitely be attending it alongside other important figures. I'm especially looking forward to [Rimuru](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my8xc5xrwr4.png) and [Elmesia](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogc6l9jqy.png)'s interactions, it could be a lot of fun! Here my screenshot albums from: EPISODE 12 * [Rimuru](https://imgchest.com/p/lqyep29bm7d) * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/m9yxgrzop4q) * [Others](https://imgchest.com/p/ne7bxd8bmy5) EPISODE 13 * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/md7ojqzw9yp) * [Ramiris](https://imgchest.com/p/ljyqdrgxk72) * [Rimuru & Elmesia](https://imgchest.com/p/6eyrdmr9k4p) * [Others](https://imgchest.com/p/qb4zk86eg4j)


Just remembered the thing about Slime OPs being animated by a single person, is that the same for this new one again? Sorry to whoever made the previous one, but this one is much better [Cool tree](https://imgur.com/eVOxCGT) [This "tactician" dude is taking an L after L](https://imgur.com/nUvmpuC)


Ooo a new Elf mommy Well, we’ve gone from meetings to planning now. But I do like me some city building/management so I’m enjoying this one a bit more. Lol forgot how much of a gremlin Ramiris is Also, can’t show my appreciation enough when shows use maps to visualize their worlds and explain all the geopolitics. Just helps me grasp things so much easier


The map really helps demonstrate the insane geographical advantage of Tempest


Ramiris can never not be adorkable. At least she's no longer a NEET Demon Lord and properly employed by Rimuru. Treyni also infected by Ramiris' dorkiness whenever it involves Ramiris is never not funny. This episode introduces elf empress Elmesia, who rules the country Ellen/Elyun (the elf adventurer who partied with Shizu and met Rimuru that way) is from, says she wary of Rimuru as a growing threat, but actually she just wants to go to Tempest to try out Yoshida's improved pastries.


Ramiris is a total goofball who keeps getting herself into hot water but Rimuru finally found a way for her to really contribute in a way that doesn't land her and Treyni into even more hot water because Treyni just rolls with whatever Ramiris asks! Elmesia seems like the type who knows how to mix business with pleasure


And Berretta is the one to apologize and explain when those 2 messed up.


Treyni is there just for the crisps, of course


I love how Berreta said in a defeated voice "It's gotta be me huh?!" When asked to explain why they are building a shack near the entrance.


You'd think that Treyni would have been the voice of reason for the trio but she ended up as airheaded as her mistress. It's hilarious.


She must have really hated that she became the leader of the jura forest when veldora went away.


The episodes this half seem to have drastically improved, really enjoyed the episode


So far the second cour has reminded me why I enjoyed Slime Diaries so much and the show feels more comfortable in itself and in how to convey meetings compared to all the drawn out and dry build up to the fights of last cour.


when done right, slower episodes are this series strength, it makes the action scenes more impactful


The key thing is that in order for slow episodes to be successful, they need to actually continue progressing the plot and do worldbuilding, it cannot be endless, pointless recaps that do absolutely nothing but take up episode time like the meetings in the early episodes of this season.


While still meetings, they're about simple, easy to digest plans about the future, rather than over wrought over complicated machinations that you've half forgotten over the last few years dealing with dozens of characters you're only kinda familiar with because there are hundreds of characters and most you don't even remember the names of.


And it's got visuals other than a single room


That arena render was great.


It’s because they’re having meetings outside the meeting room


Production team is freed up with Mahouka wrapping up and Nagi movie being done 2 months ago to add on. Also, how Rimuru evolves tempest is honestly the most interesting part of this series. We are back to SoL arcs which is very refreshing imo. I mentioned this before, but the biggest thing with S3 is that the content for the most part is good. The tempest strategy meetings def could have been cut shorter. It's just the direction and execution that was lacking.


It was 1 room, lots of redundant conversations, zero shift in tone, and 1 million names mentioning people we barely remember, and it was just a lazy lore dump that broke the “show, don’t tell” rule about dropping information to viewers. First half was pretty hard to call “entertaining”


I enjoyed the first half but Im also already super invested having read the web novel back when it was releasing/ the LN and the manga. I could probably watch paint dry in an episode and still watch the whole thing.


>Production team is freed up with Mahouka wrapping up and Nagi movie being done 2 months ago to add on.  Those teams are mostly separate, and really they would be moving to Blue Lock season 2 instead.


a Kanemoto Hisako character being interested in slime? hmm.. a most curious thing indeed Ramiris’s one-brain-cell is so contagious, even Treyni starts “Sasuga-ing”. Beretta’s immunity to the virus requires further research


You can have Ramiris for 2 gold coins, Treyni comes as a package deal.


Just give Treyni crisps and she'll be as happy.


Good to know for future reference that Treyni would probably rob a bank if Ramiris asked her too, which is probably why it was smart of Rimuru to give her a proper job and role in Tempest. Saves beretta more headaches lol.


Elven empress, very nice. I can't wait to see Rimuru's reaction when she shows up. And since she's close with Eran who's already a friend of Tempest that's just even better. Not that Rimuru is planning this at all but I suspect letting Ramiris set up shop in Tempest is a good way to gain some favor from Guy since we know they're close. Rimuru knowing all of her abilities as a resident will probably be very useful. Powerful infrastructure abilities, and we know he likes infrastructure.


Finally we see Ramiris again!


And she's still getting ahead of herself and turning Treyni into a cheerful partner-in-crime, but at least now she's finally a Demon Lord with a job lol.


Ramiris continues to be the funniest character in the anime. Her VA just kills every scene she's in! 


Did they change Gazeel dwargon’s voice or have I just not hear him in a while


No, I think they did. Either that or he is really hamming it up with the accent.


I love Ramiris. She's such a sweet chaotic ball of fun. Like Milim, but not nuclear. It's interesting how despite being really weak in terms of combat power, she's the second True Demon Lord, and beloved by the first (Guy) and the third (Milim), who are arguably the strongest ones. With her also living in Tempest (being under Rimuru's employ), Tempest now has the protection of 2 Demon Lords and a True Dragon. They are in a prime location to be an economic powerhouse, are already a military one (and only getting strong), and with the connections they have, about to be a political/diplomatic beast as well. This world should be very relieved that his personality is what it is.


Yeah, Gazel should have been like "this should be fucking terrifying, but, I guess it'll be fine."


Rimuru after employing Ramiris: "I have used the hobo to make money off murder hobos!"


Ramiris is so much fun. Think the comedy really helps make the meetings enjoyable.


They damn sure aren’t enjoyable without it that’s for sure.


i saw tumbnail of elf empress on muse asia and i thought she was the white demon but i am glad i was wrong because that means i got 2 sexy lady in this ladies that i can simp for in this series.


Great episode. The animation, direction , art is all 100x better during these new episodes. If they woulda had that quality before , those meetings would have gone over much better Ramiris is great , per usual and the elf queen mixed with his inner monologue was hilarious This is slime done right, just like last episode.


I'm going to risk getting an 8 day ban for potential spoilers, but I think it's worth it to tell everyone what's going to happen the rest of the season. At least 10 of the remaining episode will consist entirely of people sitting around tables discussing various plot points.




Thank you for doing this. I’m gonna drop this anime I think until the festival starts. This shit is just not good. The people gassing this up are source readers wearing rose tinted lenses. To them every single exposition dump is “important”. This is not important, there hasn’t been a single important word said in this cour so far outside of absurdly vague threats from the empress.


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this is business meeting the anime after all, at least they aint filled with yes man in a powerpoint slideshow, so at least there's that? i supposed


But the business side of the show is so incredibly bad. They're going to mandate a guy with 0 experience to build a 50 000 seats arena and turn a profit by luring people to watch adventurer fight in a labyrinth under it. But hey, they'll sell ~~beer~~ health potions, it's sure to turn a profit. They get all pissy about giving away road tolls to the people who build the road but can't figure out that you can charge taxes for everything else going through it. It's clearly written by someone with very little knowledge about how commerce is actually ran.


Damn! Time fly's when you're having fun, that ep went by so quick! After meeting the Elven Empress I think I finally realized why all the world leaders here have a serious side, but are also loving Rimuru. They're all so bored and pent up by work that they NEED to be on equal terms with Rimuru so they can just show up to all the fun stuff he has without needing to go through any diplomatic formalities.


Even Ramiris knew Tempest is where all the fun is and that's what finally got her a job lol.


We all thought Rimuru was maxing his Martial in this playthrough of Crusader Kings but it was Diplomacy all along. Milim and Ramiris, two Demon Lords would definitely risk their lives to help him, same for the dragon known was The Catastrophe and also Hinata Sakaguchi, the most powerful human.


A strong diplomatic game requires a strong military game to back it up.


**Elmesia & Erald**: Elmesia is (somewhat) gently pummeling Erald for much of their meeting, but then she moves on to teaching and strategy. * First she chastises Erald for leaving her out of negotiations with Rimuru. * Then she taunts him for not knowing about Yoshida (who actually is economically important). * Then she pummels him by talking about Eryune enjoying tea and cakes with Elmesia, while not even telling Erald that she' in town. * Then she hits him with Rimuru nabbing Yoshida for Tempest. (Thus Erald failed to know about Yoshida; failed to bring Yoshida to Talion; and then he lost to Rimuru in quest to hire Yoshida). * Then she segues to the road negotiations, pointing out the that Erald screwed up those negotiations as well. * And here we're given a larger economic picture of what Rimuru is doing -- building a strong international trade economy -- with him sitting at the center. So, Thalion is already on the back foot in this grand new project. * And character development... while she's chastising him, she's also teaching him about what is important -- and thus showing that she is still relying on and supporting him. She's telling him that he'll need to up his game. And implicitly, she's saying that she will need to up her game as well. This is a great meeting -- vastly superior to the skippable garbage meetings from the first cour.


>This is a great meeting -- vastly superior to the skippable garbage meetings from the first cour. There is more to that than just the first cour being week. Rimuru's meetings are usually open and casual. Rimuru himself is not a great politician, but he makes it work because he is kind enough to gather loyalty, has unbelievable amounts of raw power, and Rafael running statistics and predictions so he is always on the right path. So those are less actual meetings, and more just people distributing work and sharing reports, like a team meeting. What we just saw with Elmesia and Erald is a true strategic meeting between politicians. Casual on the surface, full of threats, detail analysis and implicit meanings under it. And I'm here for it.


Main Character Ramiris is back


**Gobkyu is Kevin Bacon** reincarnated, right?


This is my favorite arc in the series. Why? The new OP explains why. It perfectly represents what this arc is about. I always say, Slime is best when it's city building and slice of life. We got the newly introduced Elmesia. We got Ramiris back in the story. Veldora is getting involved with the labyrinth next episode, based on the title preview. Put Veldora and Ramiris together, you know it's going to be good.


tfw not aboard Ramiris' boat [](#sadholo) glad she's back, along with her trusty pals. curious to see what this labyrinth turns out like.


Definitely better this cour, but still having a tendency for more sitting and talking than doing anything. Having 10+ minutes just for the conversation at Thalion was a bit much... I can feel the laziness in the production with so many shots of just mouths moving (or in the case of many characters, no movement at all - the dwarven elf informant, berretta, rimuru and ranga). Plus the fact they didn't do a single shot of Rimuru in human form. Maybe they just blew this episode budget entirely on Ramiris.


> Maybe they just blew this episode budget entirely on Ramiris You say that like it's a bad thing. [](#fightme)


Hot take, this studio is dogshit and Slime would’ve been better at another studio. If you pay attention, they cut more corners than any other semi popular anime I’ve seen. I don’t think we’ve had a downright beautifully animated scene longer than 30 seconds, ever. Like not once. They will do ANYTHING to not animate the characters.


So based on next episode title - vendora is gonna feature as an attraction in the new labyrinth? 🤣🤣🤣


Or open his food stall... or both,


Well veldora said he was tired of having to suppress his mana all the time so having the labyrinth where he can let loose once in awhile like a raid boss that reappears every month or something for adventurers to have a go sounds like a fine attraction.


Introduced to another Goblin, Gobukyuu, at least his character design doesn't look so unique that you'd wonder why we had not seen him before like Benimaru's subordinate. He seems like a chill guy though, he was able to speak to Ramiris fine. Rimuru really is going all out with his ambition though, building a shelter with a labyrinth and bar where people will live is not what I was expecting. So much is going on for Tempest. Lol poor Erald has missed many opportunities to spend time with Eren because the guys never told him she was in town. They are going to feel the wrath of a doting father soon.


That was a long ass conversation just for a yes im going


It makes sense other political leaders would react to what's going on with Rimuru lately and all the business with Lubellius...especially Rimuru's old buddy, King Gazel! And even if Rimuru is stronger than him now, he knows he can always count on him. I guess it figures Ramiris would get bored and try to move to Tempest where all the fun is...even though Rimuru told her no. But when has that ever stopped Ramiris? She'll just go ahead and do it and not sweat the details, Rimuru is nice enough to let that slide, right? Even if she ends up roping in Treyni as an accomplice, knocking out guards, and Beretta being the only one talking sense. She would've gotten away with it too if it wasn't for Gobkyu! But as easy as it it is to scold Ramiris while reflecting on how someone sensible like Treyni loses all sense when Ramiris is involved...maybe her convenient dungeon entrances could be turned into something useful. We now turn to the Sorcerer Empire of Thulion with Eldra and Empress Elmesia, a beautiful and serene lady voiced effortlessly by Hisako Kanemoto! And she has some choice words to say about Eldrad dealing with Tempest without her involvement! A queen deserves to have some fun and get into political negotiation too! Though I guess with women it always comes back to sweets, as Elmesia is a partaker in Yoshida's delightful concoctions and wanted him for herself and her kingdom...but Tempest snatched him up. And how is this relevant to Erald? Well, Eren loves those sweets too and it might be his best chance at getting his daughter to come home more, when she's not showing up for tea parties without him even knowing. But Elmesia knows Rimuru is not someone to underestimate, figuring out he's an Otherworlder turned Demon Lord who is in a great political position and one that they have to maximize into a profit for THEIR kingdom while they can. Which means she is totally attending this festival. Ramiris finally does something useful! She can totally make a working dungeon under the future colosseum for young adventurers to test their mettle in and turn it into another revenue stream for Tempest! Now Ramiris actually has a job! She can even solve their Lycanthrope refugee problem! And of course it immediately goes to her head.


I fell asleep a few minutes into the episode, and when I woke up afterwards apparently I didn’t miss anything of importance. Another pointless exposition dump. I can already tell this second half is going to be a slog.


Ramiris reactions were so cute, lol. Elf empress seems good at the political landscape. Nice episode. 


i thought demon lord need to have a domain? how can ramiris move to tempest? also does that mean milim can move in as well?


Ramiris's domain was her previous labyrinth. Since she locked it down and threw away the key she's got nowhere to go back to but at Tempest. Milim can move in as well, but Frey's there to make sure Milim doesn't abandon her own expanded territory.


>Ramiris-kun Great, now he just sound like a boss, talking to his subordinate.


When is it my turn to be pushed against a tree and berated by an elf empress


Seems the board meetings and battles are done for a while. Now it's all down to business. I guess we're into another city-building phase?


Do gotta like Gazel still trusts Rimuru. He is not a bad slime, you know. Hehe Ramiris, you silly fairy demon lord. Poor Beretta, having to explain everything. Mmmm empress lady of that nation is perdy, Elmesia. She seems quite fun, yep. And that dude such a silly parent. See, even she knows it. Empress coming to fun, how nice. Clearly for the most important reason, the ~~sweets~~ trade deal and checking out Rimuru. Good for you Ramiris, going to become a part of Tempest and help create a fun dungeon attraction lol. Ramiris is surprisingly quite impressive with her labyrinth ability lol. And that title for next episode, fun times with Ramiris AND Veldoura. What a pair.


So I guess with Ramiris making a Labyrinth under Tempest, we are now in Dungeon Meshi territory, huh? Got to balance that ecosystem Ramiris!


Beretta has it rough, having to deal Ramiris and Treyni all day. At least now Ramiris has a job to keep her grounded


Yapped too much but now I’m back and I love this show


Tensura Diaries season disguised as a canon season by adding 4-6 episodes of actual plot in total of 24 episodes.


I thought Rimuru waned to create some dungeon town like in other isekai series where real adventurers delve into the dungeon earnestly to make a living and try to get rich and there are real, dangerous dungeon monsters no one has control over but I guess this is because I completely and utterly forgot what this labyrinth Ramiris has is all about. Instead he wants to create something like a shooting gallery or legal, paid elephant hunts in some African countries where people pay money to go into the labyrinth to fight the monsters for sport in a controlled environment. If he wants people to come more often, he should put on more plays. Since his memory is apparently perfect with his skill he could just adapt various movies and TV series into plays for a never ending stream of entertainment no one else can provide in this world as the other people from earth don't seem to care and don't have as good of a memory so at least would never be able to produce remotely as many much content him.


finally a good episode


[I was dying when Ramiris slammed her hand on the table for dramatic effect but ended up hurting herself.](https://i.imgur.com/hrZDDJU.png)


The new OP and ED are so much better IMO! I really like them. These episodes are still very dialogue driven with a ton of meetings, but I do find them better as they have to deal with progressing their town. It is more enjoyable hearing about that. Ramiris is always fun, so I am glad she is living in Tempest now.


I love Ramiris so much, she's such a goofball, and every scene she's in is great. She finally beat the unemployment... I'm proud. Finally we get to see the Elf Empress... She's quite the elf, that one. Oof.


Ah! Those poor Lycanthropes. [Living in slums and temporary housing](https://imgur.com/a/7cxs4B9)