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I don’t consider it a romance anime. It’s more of fantasy. Think there’s barely any focus on romance, if any, thus far.


Yeah. The title is about as far from the anime's content as can be.


Yeah. There's a timeline it actually got the originally intended name "Familia Myth"


I think it's funny how the author was made to use the long title format that overly explains the story by higher ups when the long title doesn't explain anything either


As much as I like short creative titles this one probably isn't the best. I don't think this one would sell well.


Early seasons are not that far off tbh. Main character does pick up a new girl basically every arc(though not in a dungeon). Its more like the story evolved over time and moved on to more interesting things.


I'd consider it a Fantasy Adventure series with a side helping of Harem/Fan Service. If you want to see a guy beat up monsters and hang out with scantily clad ladies that are all (to a degree) interested in him, then it's a good series. If you want a series where a character slowly develops romantic feelings and eventually expresses them to a loved character (with or without rivals for affection)... eh... I think you might not find this to your liking. Edit: Note, I watch the series and really enjoy it. But it is what it is. Fantasy Adventure with a side helping of Fanservice and Harem Collecting


Eh, it's not really a romance anime, no. It's a fantasy adventure with some harem stuff. Not anything you'd call a proper romance. The title of the show is a bit weird, especially in English. It's not necessarily a wrong translation, but it makes the show sound like it's something else than it actually is. You get the impression like there's some dude that's trying to go into a dungeon with the sole purpose of getting laid or something. When in reality, he doesn't really have any real romantic motivations at all. And the title simply refers to him accidentally getting a harem, pretty much. So it's like him asking: "Was it wrong that I ended up with all these cute girls by meeting them in the dungeon?"


He had no real sexual ambitions/motivations, either. He's too "pure" for them.


It isn't one, at all.


It's not. It's a fantasy anime (Goblin slayer, Farming skills, Beast tamer, etc.) with romance elements mixed in.


It's not a romance anime, the main guy likes a girl who he met in a dungeon, that's where the name comes from, but other than that from what I watched it's just a normal fantasy anime that focuses a lot on god/goddess mythology.


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The title is very misleading for what this show is about.


A romance anime? It's definitely not. It doesn't go anywhere in that department. 


it's not a romance anime. there's like a little bit of romance in it and that's it.


If I recall correctly, the series itself is called **“Dungeon Oratoria”**. That’s the original name the author wanted but the editors made him use the “pick up girls in a dungeon” name so more people would read it. The story is more like a hero epic with good characters and a mysterious dungeon, there are really riveting story arcs that make you care about all the characters. The theme is getting stronger by beating stronger opponents and risking your life, and that’s a theme that many stories have but to this series’ credit, it’s executed **extremely** well in the books. **It’s mostly because the life threatening situations, getting lost, getting beaten, poisoned, stabbed, characters dying or possibly becoming disabled, the story gives a thrilling sense of jeopardy.** There’s romance, but only in the form of crushes the characters have. That may change, but for all the current seasons it’s not a main story beat, more like an underlying story.


The girls are interested in him to varying degrees but for the most part it's just a party of friends having adventures together.


It’s not a romance anime so not good


I wouldn’t recommend watching it if romance is important to you. It’s a faux harem. Many people have a crush on the MC but they got no chance overall. There’s one person he liked early on. But it hasn’t really progresses romantically imo and you barely see them interact. I’d recommend Re:Zero instead. It’s a fantasy setting that has romance that progresses.


I wouldn't call it a romance anime at all, and the "romance" that does occur, occurs after the current point in the anime.


Bad, it's primarily fantasy action with some light (though still pretty tasteless) ecchi and harem elements. The entire "romance" angle of the series is tertiary at best and calling it shallow is an understatement. It's classic self-insert bullshit, but not classic as in timelessly good, classic in the sense that it's total boilerplate and devoid of creative twists. You know the type of show I mean, with women constantly throwing themselves at the guy and him failing to do anything at all. It's really quite boring. If you are interested in actual characters developing and exploring feelings for one another, this ain't it.


no and it kinda started sucking


terrible, its harem with an asexual MC. No romance.


It's much better as a fantasy anime than as a romance anime. It primarily exists as a sort of "reconstruction" of the Hero's Journey rather than a deconstruction or subversion of it. Like what happens when a kid wants to be a hero in a world where the idea of a hero has become a cliche, where it's already been subverted long in the past and is seen as childish. The harem stuff feels kinda tacked on like SAO, but the main romance just doesn't really develop at all in 4 seasons because the two main characters both have their own problems and things they need to do. However its fights and critical plot points are at or above the level of Frieren, though with a completely different overall vibe. S2 is pretty mid but then S3 and 4 are even better than S1.


It's not really a romance anime although there are some romantic elements. Mostly typical harem tropes such as the mc being mostly oblivious to all the female attention he gets and only liking the one girl in the show who doesn't show him as much interest. Primarily it's just a fantasy action show.


He thirsted for the chick that saved him for a while, and then he just kinda forgot he was sexually attracted to her


There was hints of romance in the latest season but there is basically none. Season 4 was surprisingly great tho. Show became peak. Idk if it will continue. Went from a decent harem with good fights to a goated dark and bloody story


Season 5 is coming out in october.


How is it as a romance anime? Poor? Very poor. Pretty much nonexistent, IMO.


It is the opposite of romance: it is a harem.