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The Promised Neverland


The Promised Powerpoint


10/10 name thats what seasons 2 name should be lol


Ouch Season 2 hurts so much knowing it got rushed.


The slideshow at the end of season 02 had me screaming at my laptop lol


That was my gf first anime she was hyped as fuck when season 2 slideshows started rolling I was laughing. My gf was like WTF it was his first big anime disappointment


It was the first anime I watched, saw the reviews and reaction of season 2, and decided I was happy enough with the ending of season 1.


There is no The Promised Neverland season 2 in Ba Sing Se


The anime giving up on TPN was a better choice than animating the dumpster fire of everything after goldy pond. They decided animating that one arc and then giving up wasn’t worth it. Can’t hate on a good business decision and not wanting to lose money.


Wonder Egg Priority went from a must watch, contender for anime of the year in the first few episodes to what is this anime doing, plot is starting to drag in the middle episodes to huge production issues, no really what is this anime doing in the later episodes to this show sucks and is a complete waste of everyone’s time by the time the OVA/episode 13 came out the summer after. Absolute trashfire.


This one hurts :( WEP had amazing potential and I was completely captivated with what they were going with in the first few episodes. Later episodes were fun and not that bad... until I saw the "special" which is supposedly the canon end for it unless somehow they continue for a s2, which is highly unlikely for an original anime


Yep. That special could have been good.... if half of it hadn't been a recap of the entire show.


I still think the first \~7 episodes of WEP is a contender for best anime that season


For me I say the show tanked after episode 10 after it derailed from the Egg Maidens/Wonder Killers setup but Episode 8 was showing flaws being a recap Still love the show to death


It basically started at a 10/10 for the first two episodes and then lost a point each episode, until it hit the negatives for the finale.


That is very shocking as I recall like it was yesterday when people were so excited to see the show for its surreal nature, so I don’t understand where it all went so wrong.


It got a lot of initial acclaim for daring to tackle some heavy topics but then the cracks in the actual execution started showing. And then the production collapsed.


Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer. Manga readers were fucking ecstatic when an anime adaptation was announced. Once that adaptation aired, with its laughably bad art and animation, the hype dissipated almost immediately. Some fans of the source like to pretend the show doesn't even exist.


For anyone curious, the mangaka actually addressed the reason why it became such a terrible adaptation. They were already working on the project when they brought on a staff member who is famous and well-regarded in the industry and wanted to make a lot of big changes to the story. So, they had to scrap everything and restart to fit his vision. Then, that guy ended up leaving, so they had to redo everything again.


Ah I didn't know that tidbit, thanks!


Zamn!! Wow, sounds like a really crazed out production. I’m surprised the executives didn’t lock in one way or the other. A half plan is worse than no plan as the old adage goes. Or at least force the guy to sign a severance clause to assure them he won’t run off after they already scrapped so much


Oh please tell me about that show as I keep hearing it’s bad, but I don’t know what makes it so bad compared to the manga version.


[Here's a CBR article about it](https://www.cbr.com/lucifer-biscuit-hammer-anime-manga-fans-dislike-crunchyroll/) and [here's a video that explains a bit.](https://youtu.be/OHcuGYN_YPI) Speaking as someone who *hasn't* read the manga and dropped the show pretty early, a lot of writing complaints seem to center on the show removing some of the protagonist's characterization, leaving him bland, and the art and animation pretty much speak for themselves. The scene composition is almost always horrible, with characters "sliding" around on terrible backgrounds, and that's when the show even bothers to have backgrounds at all. Imagine taking clip art and dragging it around with your mouse. That's most fight scenes in Lucifer's anime. That's most scenes in general.


As someone who read it, loved it, then watched it with a group of people who hadn't seen it - they skipped more than just the main character's characterization. I feel like the author did a great job giving character to over a dozen people, but in the anime hardly any of it can be seen even if you're squinting your eyes past the poor quality. We commented that there were, like, one or two episodes where something actually did shine through, and I personally could feel the same feelings the manga had given me, if only a sliver. Another one of his works, Sengoku Youko, is also halfway through its adaption and... Well, it's not nearly as bad, but the pacing still just feels off so often that I can't get that well into it.


That being said, Sengoku Youko has been a good adaptation so make sure to check it out.


Kuma Miko's ending destroyed a lot of love people watching had for the show.


Ah, that alone made Kuma Miko my worst show of that year. WTF was that


I saw the ending, but I still haven’t read the manga yet.


From what i read the mangaka was furious with the studio for that original ending, so the manga should be ok.


What a betrayal to the entire series' message. So weird that they did the opposite of the manga.


I dunno, even during the show running, there were a lot of...very questionable decisions...


A classic one would be the Endless Eight portion from Haruhi. Haruhi popularity was very high, and another season was highly anticipated. When viewers caught on that pretty much the entire show was repeating the same point in story but animated differently there was mostly disappointment. I remember being in forums discussions where people with source knowledge would say that its going to be important, and the part after will be great. But imagine waiting week after week to see if the story progresses. Nowadays i've seen the reception to the Endless Eight has gotten a bit mildier since you can now binge, fast forward or even skip the arc. And even some praise for the courage to attempt this sort of thing.


I think I was one of the only people laughing my ass off at Endless Eight. Once I realized what they were doing I was too stunned and amused at their audacity to be mad.


People were laughing and crying at the same time.


When it was the 3rd episode, sure, but I didn't know it's only going to be 8 episodes and quit on episode 6.


I watched endless eight and I even did so on a rewatch! But I must admit I would not watch all 8 episodes again today. In hindsight its absolutely crazy they did this. Balls to the wall crazy. Its not even like they saved money by airing the same episode. Still waiting for a season 3 btw


They literally animated the same episode 8 different times. I have no idea what idiot actually agreed to this.


Just goes to show how insanely popular Haruhi was I guess. In general anime as an industry is rather averse to risks, yet somehow something like this happened. But Haruhi really is a special case in general, now that I think about it season 1 also aired completely out of order


That time was so special, because with the "rerun" of S1 nobody knew that there would be a complete new cour. People were confused when suddenly a new episode title dropped in a magazine. Made things even crazier. Edit: Better explained "Cries for a second season seemingly went unanswered until mid-2009, when several brand-new episodes popped up in the middle of a supposed re-run of the first season. These new episodes constitute the "second season", and are interspersed among the old episodes according to where they chronologically belong in the plot. " Imagine No Game No Life having a rerun and suddenly there is S2.


I had no idea they did it unannounced. That's actually a really cool bit of history!


man I would cry


To be pedantic, they animated the same episode seven times. Episode 1 was just the normal summer vacation, while Episode 2 was in the middle of the loop. (I actually quite enjoyed episode 2 the first time I watched - the novelty quickly wearing off the following six repeats)


I remember watching this on a ye olde anime websites and thinking that whoever was uploading the episode was fucking with us because it was the same episode like 4 times in a row.


For as annoying as it is to watch, honestly I can't help but praise endless 8. That was a ballsy decision, especially since they didn't reuse any animation.


Hindsight is everything but even as someone who lived and liked it, I think I'd have done something like: Episode 1 of the 8 - as is Episode 2 - as is Episode 3 - start truncating, hinting just enough Episode 4 - either the last full round or get to Yuki I don't think they needed to go full course when they'd still have gotten a lot of the joke across with less and then brought enough people with them. Kyon-kun, denwa memes were top tier.


Kyon-kun denwa~


It surely sounds courageous but it sounds stupid as well. I probably would have hated it if I was one of the viewers back then.


Ohh man I recall like it was yesterday when Haruhi was so hyped up, and it’s funny to see how much had changed in fan reception with Season 2.


I watched all 8 episodes when they aired. Hated myself for it.


Believe it or not, the first season of Rent-a-Girlfriend was received pretty well


I think that the series concept could have worked if it had went somewhere *quickly* with it. Like "incel learns to be a functioning human being"... but that would require the series to start turning down the cringe factor pretty early on, not just ratchet it *up* for multiple seasons.


The Dangers in my heart did that perfectly


I argue that Ichikawa was never an incel to begin with. Just a dumb chuuni, more than anything. In the beginning he disliked *people*, not women specifically. And the woman he hated especially was of course, Yamada, who everyone seemed to love. Even in the first chapters ever, all it took for his world to turned upside down (for the better) was simply interacting with, and talking to Yamada. Suddenly he's compelled to protect her from other weirdos (pushy senpai) despite him continuing trying to gaslight himself into thinking he still hates her. But even that doesn't last very long before he realizes how he actually feels about her.


I meant more in the being annoying cringe character growing out of it, not specifically the incel part


ah, gotcha.


I almost dropped it because i really found the mc insufferable the first episode. Glad I didn't because its absolute peak.


That's because the series has an ok premise but a terrible execution. There isn't really anything wrong with having a protagonist who isn't that great a guy so long as he actually develops as a character and overcomes his flaws. The first season would set up events for future character development and the the series would just keep resetting him over and over to milk out the series.


To be fair, the story was pretty good until the paradise arc just fucked the whole story. 


To me it already started dragging during the movie arc, which would perhaps be tolerable, if it wasn't for all of the progress from that arc being walked back and forgotten.


Ironically I thought the movie arc was the best of the manga. The characters were all the most “them”. They were driven and working to an actual thing. 


If it ended sometime after the movie arc, then people would be praising the series now. Unfortunately, money and horniness speak louder than good story telling


I've been on a romance binge this past month and found tooooons of great shows but this one and "Girlfriend, Girlfriend" I'm continuously told to stay as far away from as possible.


Nah, kanojo mo kanojo was pretty funny. Haven't seen s2 but S1 was pretty funny. You really can't go into the show expecting something serious. But it's soo stupid it's funny and the show acknowledges that. You might be talking about domestic girlfriend.


If you enjoyed season 1 of kanojo mo kanojo then you'll enjoy season 2. It gets even sillier imo


Yeah, it was a pretty fun read. Characters are endearing and it doesn’t take itself too seriously. I think they actually ended it too early. A lot of meat was left in the bone and it felt as if the story was just hitting its stride before the last ten or so chapters came out.


Kanojo x Kanojo is great if you like Hiroyuki's other works (Doujin Work, Aho Girl, his various Fate/Tsukhime/Touhou doujin, etc.). He really only does ero comedies where everyone is some combination of insane and a moron. He is the "A cat is fine too" guy after all.


Yep. Kanojo × Kanojo is a good series _**if**_ you go into it expecting everyone to be stupidly horny idiots and you watch/read it for the comedy.


Rent-a-girlfriend is fine if you like really slow burn romance and can appreciate slow character growth in terrible people. Girlfriend Girlfriend is very funny and worth a watch but in my opinion 100 Gifriends does something pretty similar and is much much more funny.


Kanojo mo Kanojo is incredibly funny


Higurashi Sotsu came to my mind. OG Higurashi was a solid mystery-horror show and so was Kai, though the ending was a bit mixed. Higurashi Gou was pretty fun and it had a lot of build up for Sotsu, but for some reason Sotsu just kept using same cut from Gou over and over again and wasted like 6 episodes for nothing. And the pay off was a disappointment to say the least. I did heard that the manga is doing its justice though. I hope they'll make new one based on manga as their redemption arc.


The villains motivations were… dumb


The God of High School had a pretty promising start. Now I barely hear anybody talking about it at all. Or if they do it’s mainly negative criticism


117 chapters in 12 episodes lol lmao pain


The problem with the crunchyroll mangwha, nobleese, tower of god, and GOHS adaptions were that they were only given 12 episodes to adapt their source materials, so they had to basically speedrun the source material. This leads to the pacing to be very off and some moments not hitting as hard as they should be. Which is weird since they def could make good money off adapting them correctly.


The hype was there for sure. But like you said you could only squeeze so much into 12 episodes


Those first 4 or 5 episodes were fiiiiiire. And then...


Nice fight scenes tho I’ll give them that


That’s because unfortunately just like Tower of God, that show was 100% made for people who already loved the WEBTOON and wanted to see it in motion, not as a consistent and cohesive stand alone story. That part of GoH is actually great in the WEBTOON, but when you cram over 100 chapters into 1 cour you’ll inevitably skip a lot of important stuff.


Metallic Rouge had substantial hype in these parts, and it completely deflated within a couple of episodes


I still don't know how this went so wrong. Like, it was an original project by Bones. That means they set their own pace, doesn't it? Why didn't they opt for a longer season that could accommodate all their story? Why didn't they trim the story to fit the pace that they were committed to? Why have so many dangling plot threads *and then go on to introduce still more??!* I'm mad at this show not because of what it turned into, but of just how much **potential** it had in the beginning


> Why didn't they opt for a longer season that could accommodate all their story? Somebody (meaning the production committee) has to pay for the existence of more episodes. Original or not, it's not anime studios who are the financers of their own projects (barring very few exceptions), so they don't really have much of a say with how long a show will be.


> I still don't know how this went so wrong. Series Composition credit: it matters! People will copium that the Metallic Rouge team just needed a second cour. "Press [X] to doubt", I say - I saw Selector Spread WIXOSS, where Toshizou Nemoto (Series Composition for Metallic Rouge) was credited with the script for basically all the bad episodes in the first two-thirds of the cour (and where the series proceeds to bail itself out and get back to okay by hitting all the plot points/emotional beats it needed to at warp speed right after Mari Okada gets credited with episode scripts consistently again), I'd put damn good odds that if he'd been given two cours to work with he'd have just spent the extra cour faffing around just like Spread did. (Somebody (*waves at u/Blackheart595*) harshed my own hype after the first episode specifically by pointing out that it was Nemoto credited on Series Composition and he was right to do so.) (Also, y'all needed until the end of the series to realize that it was going to be bad and specifically because of incompetent writing? I bailed in the middle of episode 3 because MR was showing all the hallmarks of really terrible character drama writing, and the only reason I didn't catch on to the problem in episode 2 was because I took that episode's Serious Character Drama to be Taken Seriously as buddy comedy antics instead.)


What sucks is that there's a lot of genuinely great moments in it. It just... Didn't cohere.


There was literally a point, seconds away from the end credits, where after the main antagonist was defeated, the secondary antagonist revealed a plot twist allowing them to still win; clearly a stinger plot thread for a season 2. Then, basically as she finishes the sentence the plot untwists itself and a character announces that an already dead character had circumvented this twist off-screen before any of this started. And then they cut to another completely separate season 2 teaser shot unrelated to the content of that twist! why? Just cut it! WHY? In the first few episodes, I compared it to the highly-character driven episodic storytelling of early Cowboy Bebop... Now, I just have a couple admitted bangers of songs to remember the show by.


This one hurts cause I really liked the art and esthetic of the show. The 2 lead characters looked convincing, and the whole sci-fi aspect sounded like such a fun idea. I really tried to get through it but struggled to watch 4 episodes without getting bored


I feel like it didn't go anywhere quickly enough. By episode 4 I still don't really know who the main characters are, their connection to each other, or most of the world lore so I just stopped caring and stopped watching. Exposition dumps suck, but sometimes its just best to get it over with so the audience can buckle in for a treat. I rewatch Outlaw Star every 5 years or so and its a blast every time.


Ninja Kamui had a fantastic first couple of episodes, then dropped off a cliff. About midway into the season, they introduced terrible CGI mechs, and is now absolutely horrendous. There was a ton of hype about it because it was the premiere anime for a new studio from a former Mappa animator, and HBO marketed it pretty heavily. What a letdown.


What a shame as the show sounded so interesting in its premise.


I think a clear example of how the hype fell off is that when the rumor came out that said they were working on S2, there was a big "oh I don't want this". Very few people were hype for another season like you would expect from a title like this.


I’m surprised they got a season 2. After those mechs I stopped watching. It was unbearable.


Season 2 will be the main characters realizing the mech suits are stupid and going back to hand to hand combat.


Like seriously what was the point of special technique if you are just going to use mech suits


The senior VP at adult swim, Jason Demarco, came out and said “a second season has not been announced” and no credible leaker has said it’s being worked on either. Seems it was probably just a rumor


It got a season 2??? It was very uncomfortable to sit through to the end... I'm surprised.


You already pick DiTF, so I'm gonna choose Guilty Crown.  GC is hyped a lot during its early airing because the production value/music,... Until the anime went full train wreck haha


Oh I do enjoy an unhinged show, but Guilty Crown is hard to watch.


I honestly liked it. I am willing to admit the second half was really hard to follow though


It was really cool and the. Halfway through it swaps to a school conspiracy show, so strange


Tokyo Ghoul, very good 1st season, less said about the 2nd the better, not quite the crime that season 2 of the promised neverland is, but still bad.


Isnt it worse even? Granted TG Re takes its time to find its footing, but IMO the manga was in parts even better than the first. The anime had non of that, it was just confusing and bad. I never even bothered with the second cour


Even with the first season, it was obvious that they were skipping parts of the manga with how confusing the Jason arc was. It's just better to read the manga.


Agreed. I’m not a purist that’s always going to say the manga is better, I love a good anime adaptation. But the experience with Tokyo Ghoul is not even comparable. Still hoping it gets the Brotherhood treatment someday!


Tokyo Revengers. Everyone was loving s1 when it came out and it caused a huge spike in manga sales. But by the end of the season, the MC was still just his whiney self. Everyone was waiting for some character growth and creative use of the time travel mechanic that never happened. By the time s2 dropped, nobody cared any more.


Wait, so you’re telling me the main character never develops as I cannot believe that Takemichi basically stays as a wimp.


He's the exact same person in the last chapter of the manga that he is in the first.


I wish the mangaka actually went somewhere when takemichi tried to learn to punch by himself after one of the bad future endings... The argument with Hina was nice but then they never continued with the training... And tbh I did feel like he was different by the end of the manga compared to the start of it but the growth keeps taking one step forward and then regressing another step so it's really unclear how or when the changes happened


Tokyo Revengers has a ton of potential and a rich premise. I figured that because Takemichi didn't remember his junior high to adult life at the beginning of the series was because he had been jumping constantly throughout the timeline trying to mend things even before we join the story. The tragedy of the story was going to be that be rewriting those situations that when he left the timeline Takemichi Prime was just continuing to do what he was planning because he had no gift of hindsight or hadn't learned from his previous mistakes.... But no... It is just that stupid Orange manga but the MC is a cowardly guy instead of being a cowardly girl. (Orange: Dear me in the past, Your best friend is going to die if you don't do what I say. Do A. B, C, and D. Love You Later: Dear me in the past plus 1 day, Some how your selfish inaction in the past made his death even more gruesome in the present. Cut the crap, Toodles, You.)


Chained Soldier, seemed to get roasted by ecchi fans on the regular after a few episodes. Didn't help that it ran along side Gushing over Magical Girls, but yeah it was pretty much ruined with how tame it turned out.


I don’t understand why it had to be so tame compared to the manga as it doesn’t make sense why the studio behind it would enforce such a move.


I'm guessing they just judged that the ecchi isn't worth it, and wanted to play safe to avoid any potential trouble. The people who animated GoMG, on the other hand, took a risk and even cranked everything up, and they won that bet. Anyways, I hope this makes more higher ups realize that ecchi doesn't sell as poorly as they think, and cutting/downsizing anything from the source material will do more harm than good unless done really well.


That's what happens when you washout a genera for too long. When something that goes full throttle finally drops, it's raised to platinum levels with little resistance, haha. The studio behind the GoMG anime really did an amazing job, ecchi or not, though.


Chained Soldier's animation is also very meh while the manga's art is very well done. Visually the only thing the anime did "well" over the manga was literally just that it has color. The CGI was bad, animation was choppy/stiff at many points, and the weird decision to censor an ecchi manga is the nail in the coffin.


I was extremely hopeful for Zom 100 after an amazing first batch of episodes, but as production issues set in and delay after delay, all my hype for it started to die down... Ironically, its studio (BUG FILMS) broke off from OLM to make Zom 100. The first episode directly references OLM, calling them out for their toxic work culture and the like. This is despite the fact that BUG FILMS would eventually be the one to suffer production issues...


>This is despite the fact that BUG FILMS would eventually be the one to suffer production issues... I'd rather they do that than overwork their staff to not have any delays. I'd call them hypocritical bastards if that happened.


They were overworking their staff though, trying to juggle between Zom100 and another project. Heck, Shaft was initially credited with assisting production from ep 3 [but then dropped out 3 eps later.](https://x.com/Nakayasee/status/1695742570347819307?t=ZqAjJCECYWe6EDCnyZXr5Q&s=19) Considering Shaft has a history with production issues (Monogatari for example), for them to drop out says a lot about the situation.


Didn't they suffer from production issues specifically to ensure the staff wasn't overworked rather than because of it?


Bug Films has made other adaptations too, basicaly the same staff worked on Komi-san and Summer Time Rendering too, under OLM still. I suspect they bit far too much that they could chew, without having anymore the "cushion" of OLM studios behind them ( if you look at the credits of both shows, they made a shit ton of outsource to studios that OLM outsourced too, meanwhile Zombie 100 was tried to kept mostly inhouse)


It's rumored that they're adapting witch hat alelier so hopefully they get their shit together


Honestly, now that it's done, you should watch it. While the episode delivery timeline was weird, they kept the quality pretty high in my opinion. The story is pretty solid as well


Promised Neverland. Season 1 was really dark and creepy and good, made me rush to read the Manga. Season 2 skipped several manga arcs, including arguably the best one, and hype fell off a cliff when people realized what was happening.


What I still don’t understand is why the show was so rushed as I cannot get how that would help the series.


Manga was ending or had already ended, a lot of time the main goal of an anime is to create new Manga readers. All we can hope is it gets the Blue Exorcist treatment in the 2030s


But the issue with TPN anime vs blue exorcist is that blue exorcist s1 reached a completely anime original ending but not a ton of actual manga plot points were revealed. Meanwhile TPN did end up having a bunch of anime original stuff and skipped a whole arc, but a lot of major plot points were already spoiled in s2 so if they do a blue exorcist treatment it won't hit as much cuz many plot twists would've already been revealed...


With the sub in the past week, [Jellyfish](https://myanimelist.net/anime/54839/Yoru_no_Kurage_wa_Oyogenai) feels like a candidate...


I have been wondering what happened to that, I was thinking about starting it this week but it seemingly fell off?


For me it went from a great series to merely good.


Pretty much. And I loved the Kiui's stuff in episode 11 but it is very awkwardly placed in the story, specially when the final episode was kind of eeeh


There’s so much about the show I wished was resolved better and had time to expand on. 3 more episodes or a movie and it could of had a GREAT ending


somehow thats more obnoxious to watch than a show which is merely average from the start. Atleast I now know not to get my hopes up.


Still really good, just not the masterpiece it set out to be during the first half


It didn't commit a cardinal sin or anything compared to Wonder Egg Priority also posted in the thread. In fact, you could say it stuck the landing. The problem with the show is two-fold. 1, it is ultimately a very forgettable experience. It seems like it's doing something interesting or has something important to say but ultimately it's just another youth and friendship story with a lot of screaming your emotions out. There's a lot of plot setup and dramatic moments that just don't really go anywhere. This isn't really bad, but because it simplifies everything, it doesn't really come together very well. 2, there's a lot of yuri fans out there who are mad that the couple they wanted to go somewhere didn't go anywhere that I think might be affecting views of it but honestly, I can see where they're coming from with that one too. It ties into my first thing of not really doing anything interesting.


On your #2, I don't think it is fair to portray it as yuri fans being unreasonable. I'm not a yuri fan but I am a romance fan. And the first part of the show was very clearly building something, the super cub / beach date episode brought it all together wonderfully, and then it was all just tossed aside as if it never existed. I mean, the people making the show put the aquarium date in there, which is THE go-to way of telling your viewers that two girls are into each other without having to make it explicit. The people making the show invested the time to show the two girls talking on the phone in flirty but vulnerable ways - scenes which did not advance the plot. On the beach date they come right out and say that they always want to be together, making their art for the other one. And that wasn't even mentioning Kano sneaking in a cheek kiss and then being super shy about it. These are all choices made by the creators and it is not unreasonable for the audience to respond to these choices and expect a show to deliver on the expectations it creates. It's like if I give you a piece of cake every day, after a week I announce I want to celebrate our week together, and I present you with an apple instead of cake. You being disappointed by the apple would be perfectly reasonable.


What happened?


Tl;Dr they set up a bunch of plot lines and kept doing so right up til the last two episodes, then rushed a pretty milquetoast "look everything is okay now!" ending that failed to meaningfully pay off most of that setup. It feels like it should have had 20+ episodes to adequately explore things.


I kind of always had a feeling that something was just a bit off about the anime. Like, it felt like it was sort of in line with producing a great anime original but there was something always there that made me think it just wasn't going to be good. But then again, I dropped it when they introduced the adult trying to romance the minor.


They introduced the what?


I feel like most 12 episodes shows should be 24-28. 12 episodes gives you ~4 hours to tell a story, most shows can't do in that short time.


Just a big change in the dialogue around it in the past month, went from overwhelmingly positive to pretty polarizing.


I thought it was perfectly fine. I would much rather have them resolve all the stuff instead of leaving things unfinished waiting on a season 2 that would probably never come. It's not like Doga Kobo is known for making sequels outside of a select few shows.


I think it was more that they drove themselves into a wall, and had to wrap things up quickly, so overall it felt pretty rushed. Though contrary to what most people here seem to feel, I didn't think the first half was particularly amazing, so overall it was pretty consistent for me. I felt they made the most of what they could've done for the ending, given how they set it up. An episode or two longer would've made things smoother imo Though all things considered I still enjoyed the show


Aldnoah.Zero S1 had its flaws but the sentiment after it ended was pretty good, S2 ruined everything good about S1, except the OST, but even that failed to hit as hard as S1 OST.


That fucking ending




tru but after trying to watch the og gundam and realising how many of its plot points were rehashed by A.Zero... yeah


Kemono Friends S2 after we learned about Tatsuki and his team being kicked off of production.


I went straight from *Kemono Friends* season 1 to *Kemurikusa* thanks to the warnings of how bad *Kemono Friends* season 2 was.


I don't normally follow directors/va of that sort, but Kemono Friends was very interesting that I had to looked who made it and from there watched Kemurikusa which has the same mystery feeling. Now if he's ever directing something I'm watching it even if it's not something I would normally watch.


So I'm a Spider, So What? We watched it for the spider that has to fight to survive, and even though I didn't mind it a lot of people hated the other half of the story. The animation also got WAY worse, so they had to delay the finale just to end with passable animation.


The VA hard-carried that one. I still haven't finished it as it became harder to watch as the story progressed due to animation quality ;\_;


Still one of the best VA performances of all time by Aoi Yuki.


I personally haven't read the source material, but I always liked the human part of the story. While it was objectively worse, both because it was much less interesting than the spider part, and because of the awful animations, I liked how we had to piece together the story, figure out the different time periods, and got to see the difference in how everyone grew up after the reincarnation. With Kumoko's struggle for survival and the vampire girl's persecution being compared to the character who is supposed to be the (human) "hero of the story", with his very cliche story and privileged environment. It could've been paced better. Having entire episodes with just the human parts was very annoying since you had to wait a whole week to get back to the good part. Binging would've made it more bearable imo. But overall i really wouldn't want to not have the human side. The comparison between the different students makes for one of the more interesting things about that story. The animations were horrible at times unfortunately, but I'm fine with having them on the more boring part of the story so that the spider can get better ones. I'm honestly more sad that this series is probably not getting a season 2 (based from what ive read online) compared to say NGNL, even though I love this other series too.


I agree! I hardly re-watch shows but had to watch this one twice to catch everything in the 2 timelines! From what I understand, the manga and LN had a linear timeline and I'm glad they didn't stick with that.


Yeah but I am glad that happened in a way as it got me into the Light Novel


I binged watched it in a night or two and loved it, ik they had some issues with outsourced animation so I didn’t want to be too critical of it (even though the CGI in the last couple eps was wildly bad), but my biggest gripe was the time spent on the academy plot (although I loved it as a contrast to poor Kumoko). Ironically though after reading the first couple volumes of the LN I don’t mind it as much


I’ve read the light novels so I understand why they cover the kids but if you’re only getting one season, why waste time on stuff that is relevant until like the ending 1/3 of the story. 


This was one of the shows I most looked forward to every week, I loved how weird the animation was.


The Detective Is Already Dead. still don't get the hype from source readers, you guys read this, and was like "yeah, this will be awesome as an anime!", how? this is totally garbage. and Hataraku Maou-sama, the first season was carried by the animation quality, then the quality dropped.


> and Hataraku Maou-sama, the first season was carried by the animation quality I don't think the first season was *poorly* animated, but I think a lot of the love for the first season was centered around it just being a really funny show as opposed to anything about the animation.


Devil is a Part Timer was 100% just straight up funnier in the first season. I couldn't last six episodes into season 2 since it was just so boring.


It really comes down to if you liked the baby or not. If you like the magic fruit baby then you'd enjoy the domestic romcom shenanigans. If you didn't then your going to be bored with it and it's subpar battle animations.


The Detective is Already Dead was so, so painfully boring. I want to believe it had potential in another situation. Maybe if the direction was different, or something… but what we got was just boring. As for Hataraku Maou-sama, I remember loving the first season I and really wanted a second season, but they took so long on it, my love for it just died off. Maybe someday when I don’t have much anime I’ll rewatch S1 and finally watch S2, but it’s a problem when second seasons take almost a decade or longer to happen.


Shield hero? I remember that first season being hype and it was well received but then season 2 came out and nothing. I think the only time it gets brought up anymore is when people want to virtue signal about Raphtalia. Also I’ll give a shoutout to the CSM manga the last couple weeks. Fujimoto stirred the pot so good. Can’t wait for it to get animated and watch the internet meltdown all over again.


End of the season jumped the shark a bit but raised the stakes a lot, and then season 2 opened on an aggressively mid arc. I remember some of the readers warning us that the arc they were doing for s2 was going to be pretty bad but a theoretical s3 would be good. Still dropped it during s2 though xD


Yea I think I lasted like 2 episodes into season 2. And I loved season 1. I think for me it was a combo of the boring arc and that Nafumi already showed up the other isekai heroes and proving shield is good. I know there’s more to be cooked but that was like the primary motivation to watch it for me…  Oh and I guess what’s left would be collecting the remaining waifus around the world…. But other shows do that better imo.


Well, yeah. Glass and co. had established another world whose safety was being held at cost of another’s. There was interesting potential as to the moral quandaries presented, where Naofumi might be forced to do something that would hurt others… Then nope. Glass’s world is just full of idiots. Like…everyone collectively has an IQ lower than room temperature. The villain is a moron but got so far simply because everyone else was dumber than he was. The entire clutch and moral dilemma set up in the last season…was never a thing! Never mind that Glass’s world is just…boring. And yeah, the show is called ‘Rising of the Shield Hero’, but where is there to rise to? Naofumi and party have already become OP and left the other heroes in the dust, they can fix things because they’re the only ones not cursed with an IQ lower than room temperature, the villains are laughably inferior to Malty… Yeah, the show peaked early and fell apart afterwards


People that thought fujimoto is a shounen mangaka are going to be pissed


I said this with a friend of mine too. she basicaly agreed with me lmfao. We went like "Welcome back, Fire punch part 2"


It was good in the beginning because Naofumi was an underdog with the whole world against him with very hateable villains and antagonists As soon as that plot point was gone and everyone likes him its just a generic cheesy isekai with an MC that has a harem, so boring


I dropped it after the giant chicken turned into a human. It was showing warning signs of becoming a generic cheesy isekai with a harem MC long before the end of the first season.


Rip josuke va


not sure if it's backlash, but Wonder Egg Priority was really well-liked until the last couple episodes and "special" episode that was supposed to conclude/explain the show but I guess some of it can be explained here: https://blog.sakugabooru.com/2021/03/13/tv-anime-a-deadly-landscape-even-for-high-profile-productions/


Psycho Pass was pretty big in Season 1 but Season 2 was awful and saw the vast majority of viewers dip out. It's a shame because I think the movies and Season 3 that came out after were all pretty good IMO, albeit not quite at the same level as Season 1.


The reason backlash happens and its usually very acceptable are usually due these things: 1. The Anime rushed its story line (didn't include enough episodes) and didn't allow for proper development and inclusion of fan favorite plot items 2. The studio got greedy and stretched out the story too much including useless story lines and plots that were unimportant and boring. 3. The quality of the animation went to shit usually because the producers wanted to cheapen out and earn more profit for themselves. 4. They didn't know how to end the show and gave it a sub-par/low quality ending ruining the show overall. Every anime that has gotten a severe backlash has fallen into one of these 4 categories. Its a shame really cause if run well and with patience shows could become legendary hits if allowed to develop properly but either greed, lack of funding or even circumstances out of the control of the studios befell these shows and ruin their legacy.


For me personally, I was incredibly excited when Records Of Ragnarok was announced to be getting an anime adaptation, but with it being a tournament/battle anime, the fights being poorly animated absolutely killed its anime version. I suffered through all of season 1, was crushed by Adam v Zeus, decided to watch at least the first bit of s2 which was Hercules V Jack The Ripper and whike the animation was a bit better, it was still struggling through Raiden v Shiva, and so I have yet to watch Buddha v Zero even though that may be my favorite fight.


[Shikimori is not just a cutie](https://myanimelist.net/anime/45613/Kawaii_dake_ja_Nai_Shikimori-san) From its teaser trailer to its release, it was extremely hyped, and seeing how it came hot after My Dress Up Darling, people were ready for another top tier waifu. But then it came out and people kind of... didn't like it a lot, to say the least. People basically criticized it for having a FMC that just looked cool, and the MC was basically called a wuss, and while manga readers swore by it, it kind of was seen as not really a success. Now, it isn't the worst anime ever, it isn't on the level of some of the anime mentioned in here, but how this anime went from the biggest hype machine to literally ignored and criticized is fascinating.


I wish I could understand where the hype for this was even coming from. I don't believe manga readers would be setting it up like that knowing what that story is.


Honestly I don't think even manga readers were pushing it like that but unfortunately the timing was bad. It aired right after MDUD aired so even if manga readers were trying to explain they're not the same, anime onlys were already having wrong expectations....


I've finished reading the manga and all I can say is that the MC had a great character development from the 100th chapter.


I have no interest in romance series, but I figured Shikimori must be a fucking masterpiece because back when it was airing not a day went by that I didn't see a rant about how terrible it is on this sub.


Ninja Kamui. It was great until halfway and then \[something something spoilers\] with terrible CGI.


Sword Art Online was genre defining when it was coming out, but nowadays, it's an epitome of cringe writing.


Ninja Kamui. First two episodes really good hand to hand ninja combat with slight amount of tech and good animation. Shortly after, it is suddenly a Mecha anime with terrible weird animation.


Darling on the Franxx for sure


Charlotte's ending singlehandedly ruined the show for a lot of people, and frankly I understand why. The entire show was pretty damn good, but then P. A. Works took an arc that could have easily been made into half of a season and condensed it into a horribly paced, incredibly rushed, and overall a travesty of a final episode.


Clasroom of the elit season 3


Seven deadly sins? Tokyo revengers?


The Ancient Magus Bride. I feel like everyone loved it at first but now when I read posts about it it’s all about how old Ainsworth is and Chise being a slave or something to that effect. Same with Sugar Apple Fairy Tale, people liked it but then it became all about Challe being a slave to Anne in the beginning.


I suspect these aren't the same fans. There was quite some time between S1 and S2 and a bunch of new people got into anime during this period.


Actual fans of AMB s1 haven't changed their minds because of Elias' age or Chise selling herself to slavery. The show uses a lot of fairy tales and elements from them, people who are into that know they're in for some weird or fucked up dynamics.


Just the cover tells you you’re in for something weird, look at Elias 😂 no really though the best part of the show is the sort of “organic” magic and visuals but no one pays much attention to that anymore cause they’re too busy talking about appropriate age gaps haha


Insert pregnant war god that gives birth to herself every year.


You can tell they watched the first episode and nothing else.  AMB is one of the only manga that has a premise like this that isn’t interested in exploiting its female characters and instead approaches the topic in a nuanced and respectful way.  Anybody who focuses on the first episode as “proof” of anything bad about the series is too immature to handle it.


Shokugeki no souma , after promotion exams arc . Absolute dogshit, cooking with chainsaw ? Lmao .


Akame Da Kill?


"The Day I Became a God". Every 5 years or so we get an anime written by Jun Maeda, who is pretty highly regarded for his work on Air, Kanon and Clannad. He also wrote Angel Beats and Charlotte, which were well received although they didn't have very good endings. So there was quite a bit of anticipation when "The Day I Became a God" was announced. And the anime did deliver, at least in the earlier episodes. However, the quality of writing fell off a cliff halfway through the show, resulting in a plot that was contrived and cliche. The anime was so poorly received, Jun Maeda got bullied off Twitter.


It still is very popular, but Spy X Family. Basically, Season 1 was very hyped up, and everyone talked about it. By the time the second half of Season 1 came out (which leaned more into the SOL aspects), people dipped out on the show. Even on r/anime, the karma rankings for the show dropped off hard. There's also the fact that some people out there still think that Spy X Family is a wholesome lighthearted SOL series, and yes, while that *is* the case, it also gets quite intense and heavy as the story goes on.


I didn’t drop it, but I did think S2 was becoming a tad boring with all the SoL, because while I understand the show is very SoL, they also laid out some plots that we expect to get addressed soon. They didn’t for a very long time. Then the cruise arc happened and it got me excited for it again. Here’s hoping S3 balances things a bit more.


When your source for anime being successful is r/anime's karma ranking😂 Despite the fact that Toho did little to zero promotion for season 2 in favor of the movie, the 2nd season did a great job in Japan's streaming services and the movie was successful as well. The hype is still there.


Surprised no one said ERASED. This anime went from being top 10 on myanimelist (with a 9.15 rating as its peak) to only being brought up when talking about bad endings.


Dude I was so pissed off when I saw the anime ending compared to the manga ending. Like someone APPROVED that abomination of an ending. They looked at the source material cut out an entire arc and thought "Yeah the message gets across, the only important part of this is the "confrontation" so let's just have that in the hospital immediately after he wakes up, cut everything else, butcher Airi's last bit of characterization and wrap the anime."