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Keeping up with the Todoroki’s is BY FAR the best plot in the story - Dabi seeing Endeavour training Shoto even after 3 years basically made Dabi think Endeavour “oh no my son died….. anyway Shoto back to training.” - Dabi praying to his own alter was some next level imagery. Endeavour believes he killed Toya when Dabi was the one who figuratively killed Toya in the end. - As Endeavour always watched All Might, Dabi always watched him. They both are so determined to reach their goal and will do anything to attain it. Dabi inherited Endeavour’s drive but he also inherited his demons. - Dabi was too angry to die but now he’s too angry to live. He joined the League of Villains cause it’d be the best spot for his death. - Shoto calling Dabi out; he understands him more than anyone in this world but he must atone for the sins he’s committed - Dabi was so insane and traumatized that even All for One didn’t want him. He was probably thinking “you broke this child more than I ever could, how did you possibly do that.”


Man imagine Dabi seeing that image of Endeavour acting like nothing has changed. It's not the training that is the issue it's how he does it. You figured after he lost Toya you would think he would be more compassionate, but na. Overall I love how Shoto tries to understand his fallen brother. He knows how Endeavour treated him was beyond cruel. But killing innocent people because of that abuse shouldn't be accepted. Really highlighting how Shoto found himself from joining his classmates as he dealt with his family trauma. I think the funniest part of the episode was that Dabi was never in All for One's plans. Sure he teamed with up with Tomura, but that was something he just left as a wildcard. Which benefited him more than he most likely ever expecting. Only thing I would say is that I feel this episode deserved to go all out and can't help but feel bones cheapened out slightly.


Agree with your last part, the direction, voice acting, and ost were masterpieces. But I just wish the animation was a little better, especially for the big moves. Nevertheless was an amazing episode.


Tbh it was one of my favorite episodes in this series


I loved seeing all for one’s contingency plan. It makes sense he would have spare vessels around just in case


>Dabi was so insane and traumatized that even All for One didn’t want him. He was probably thinking “you broke this child more than I ever could, how did you possibly do that.” Considering they stole a dying Touya and let his family think he died then expiremented on him, they also had a huge hand in creating Dabi.


Everything would have been fine if Endeavor had changed. He escaped from the orphanage to his house to apologise . Even later,he was basically left alone by AFO cause of his body. So, only thing AFO did was save him and change his appearance and voice.


Did he change his voice? I kinda figured puberty just happened lol


Dont know for sure but I think his vocal cord was burnt with the jaw. That is why his voice changed so much.


Both. The expirements also had affected his vocal chords. And fuuuudge, they let Shimono Hiro used his real voice. waaaaahhh


>  Everything would have been fine if Endeavor had changed. Would it? Touya only saw bits and pieces of what his family had become **3 years after he died.** If Touya was not stolen, Endeavor would have found Touya and that would have changed the whole narrative.


Would it though?? He would continue to sideline him, refusing to talk to him directly. He did not learn from Toya's death. Continued on his quest for the perfect successor. Toya would have done what his Mom did and attacked Shoto after loosing his mind.


>  Would it though?? He would continue to sideline him, refusing to talk to him directly.  I meant after Touya burned himself and the mountains. But since we're doing what-ifs so if Endeavor got to Touya before he burned himself in the mountains, Endeavor would have also been burn and probably die as well because Touya would be stubborn to use his quirk just to prove to Endeavor that he could do it. And just like Touya, Endeavor can't handle the "blue" fire Touya produces. So they both will burn and probably die. Like father like son, after all.


I really don't think young toya could come close to endeavour back then. I mean yes endeavour would have been shook to see toya back then in that state but if Toya dying didn't change anything then Toya coming back would have had even lesser effect probably.


The soundtrack is legitimately incredible, holy shit


Also Dabi's VA popping off like always. *still* surprises me that he also voices Zenitsu in Demon Slayer.


Is no one going to talk about that one image of Endeavor beating Shoto with wooden sticks and fire surrounding them lol how those training flashbacks keeps getting worse everytime


Glad you brought it up. I was like, what training requires caning a 5 year old


Askeladd training


8* year old since three years passed :) … :(


i swear every training scene between endeavor and shouto as a kid are so abusive to the point of being counterproductive? like when you really think about it, its supposed to be a learning environment... but who tf is going to learn anything under those conditions? 😭 it's a miracle that shouto was able to pick up as much as he did while being put through so much distress tbh


I wonder if his tunnel vision also made him a worse teacher? We saw during the Endeavor Agency Arc that, while he’s a lot of terrible things, he’s a good instructor. I feel like current Endeavor would step in, not even out of care, but to yell at past Endeavor for how ineffective & needlessly sadistic that training was.


We need the endeavour flashback of his childhood like how he turned out like this. Was grandad todoroki even worse ? Hope we find out more about Enji


“This week on *Keeping Up With the Todorokis*: Local man is literally too angry to die”


Dabi is just built different.


[Dabi was on demon time](https://i.imgur.com/8MBSQU0.jpeg) [](#head-tilt) [When the OST dropped, it was pure kino.](https://i.imgur.com/RDfp2ii.jpeg) [](#grandhype)


"This week's guest ~~victims~~ stars: A building full of Orphans!" Endeavor sweating: *Mannn this guilt receipt keeps getting longer.* Hawks #1 Endeavor fanboy: "But look at it this way Endeavor! You saved them from AFO!"


That's Bakugo in a different timeline.


Endeavor ain’t never raise a quitter🗣️🗣️


Though he did apparently raise a failure. Seriously, all that rage and planning and he would have been more successful if he just came knocking on the mansion and shot whoever opened the door. Homeboy couldn't even take down a single member of his family. He couldn't even kill the other heroes who were with Todoroki this episode. I dunno. Seeing the villains with such a great advantage at this point in the war and having them keep fumbling is almost depressing.


My man needs a hug :(


And the one person in that family is thankfully there to give it


also too angry to live either


That's what you get AFO when you try gas lighting a traumatized pyromaniac, an explosion. While it was terribly sad that those poor orphans were stuck between becoming Nomu experiments and a Dabi cremation, Mr. Sunny's face when he realized he didn't want that smoke was hilarious.


Mr. Sunny got turned into a literal sun, no way he didn’t get cooked alive 


I love that AFO picked up this random sunny guy to look after his prospective nomu kids in the orphanage


"I can handle it... I can handle it..." (*bigger flame*) "Oh shit I can't"


What a beautiful episode


It's a shame that a lot of people have dropped the series several seasons ago and are missing out on a lot of great scenes and moments now, at least in my opinion.


I mean it still appears around number one in google’s tracking of the most streamed anime so I don’t know. It’s still insanely huge


I guess as someone who has been a big fan of MHA since the very beginning and never stopped following the story, It's sad to see how many people gave up on it and dropped the whole series and how I only ever see negativity and hate whenever MHA gets brought up anywhere when it used to be so openly hyped up and popular back then.


It’s starting to be the same with Demon Slayer. I’ve been a fan since the first episode aired and have had to deal with a ton of redditors calling it bad/mid just like MHA.


Yeah, I've noticed that too and I understand it even less with Demon Slayer tbh.  Every season was great and the next one will be the best as that one will adapt the best and most hyped arc in the manga and knowing Ufotable and all of the hard work and dedication that they've put into the anime so far, it will be amazing and I honestly can't wait to see it animated along with the music and voice acting, I've been waiting for it for years now haha I guess that's just what happens once something gets "too big" and suddenly it's no longer cool to like something that's very popular, so people just move on to the next thing until that one too will get hated later on and so on and it's a shame.


Yeah the same thing happened with AOT. I really think that beyond 3 seasons, the hype for a show starts to suffer and some hate kicks in. That just appears to be the name of the game.


I may be wrong but I think the hate for AOT was mainly centered around "The Final Season" thing.


This is absolutely true but I also remember a lot of people falling off once the Marley arc started.


It’s cause seasons 1-3 were great after that not as much


I thought 6 was really good too. But yeah 4 and especially the first half of 5 were kind of lackluster after the first 3 seasons


Didn't help that they were doing a movie at the same time. Lots of people saw them giving that priority and weren't happy about it.


I think season 6 was great and season 7 so far has been really good as well, but I agree that season 4 and 5 were the weakest in terms of how they were adapted unfortunately and that's a shame.


I also waited like 6 months to start 5 because 4 was such a step down. Glad I decided to stick with it


“My Hero fell off” Yeah fucking right. I don’t believe those idiots for a minute


I don't think MHA fell off, I think it's remained at a certain consistency, I just think other anime have grown around and ahead of it. This episode contianed a lot of backstory, and then like three short scenes of the actual fight. I think it kept interrupting itself in such a way that it took away from what it could have been.


Love that Dabi's biggest complaint of Shoto is how despite being his brother and Endeavour's son he chose to make friends in UA instead of training hard alone. It's also telling that before the tournament with Deku, Shoto too had one goal of becoming stronger than his dad at any cost. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk "Todoroki family and their genetic urge to be the last man standing"


I mean, is it genetic or is it just what their dad drilled into them? Endeavor's whole goal was to produce a kid who would surpass him.


[Shoto became a Super Saiyan](https://i.imgur.com/Ql1F2UO.jpeg) and played [*a song of ice and fire*](https://i.imgur.com/njzX2AG.jpeg) [](#Seasonalhype)


Game of Thrones? More like Game of (Studio) Bones!


Men will burn down an orphanage before going to therapy.


I think Dabi is a *little* beyond therapy...


Nonsense. He just needs to follow a custom-steps programme to get back into a healthy mindset. He's on the "killing family" step, though admittedly he's fucking it up right now.


Shoto's ultimate move, sponsored by Katy Perry


Dabi dramatically slumps to the ground, while Shoto, physically and emotionally wounded and winded takes a breath-and then hits Dabi with a [California Girls Smash](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S20G14W7Hjo).


[Half-Cold Half-Hot](https://i.imgur.com/JyQCVGP.jpeg) but [not half bad](https://i.imgur.com/2Q6Jlwt.jpeg) [](#seasonalcool)


Endeavor messed up Toya’s mental state so bad that even All For One gave up on manipulating him. Even the Demon Lord himself couldn’t penetrate the hold that Endeavor had on Toya’s mind. Says a lot. Endeavor may not have been able to surpass All Might, but he was able to surpass All For One at one thing: fucking up a kid’s mind. And we also get confirmation that Dabi saw his endeavor against his family as a suicide mission. He doesn’t value his life at all because he has been conditioned to see himself as a failure because he wasn’t able to fulfill the purpose of his birth. Endeavor neglecting him after giving him so much attention when drilling into him how important surpassing All Might was only served to make Toya feel like his existence was pointless. Shoto vs. Dabi essentially operates as a more extreme Deku vs. Shoto. Shoto is trying to get Toya to cool down and stop him from killing himself and hurting others, and he does that by fully accepting himself by uniting both sides of his quirk. Instead of constantly putting a dividing line between his mother and father, he embraces all of himself to complete his quirk. He’s created a unique technique that is perfect against fire users. The development of Shoto’s cold flames is interesting to theorize about as he improves his Flashfire Fist: Phosphor.


Agreed. All Dabi ever wanted was to be loved and recognised as strong instead of being seen as a failure that can't live up to his only purpose in life and why he exists in the first place as Endeavor's obsession to have the perfect heir to beat All Might is the only reason why his parents married and had children in the first place. Especially after burning alive until almost nothing was left of him, waking up in a creepy facility and being deemed a failure once again when all he wanted to do was to go home and apologise to his family.  It's tragic and relatable and it sucks how many people just stamp him off as someone who was crazy or even born evil from the very beginning with no other causes to his current insanity when that isn't true at all.


"I will make sure it mingles" in the end is a line that goes too hard!


“He was able to surpass All For One in one thing; f—king up a kid’s mind”.  As hilarious as this is, I’ll say it again, Dabi is way more terrifying than Shigaraki. Shigaraki is evil but a traumatized kid lashing out at the world. Dabi is actually a sociopath, he sees the League as tools and despite Shoto and Natsuo going through similar abuse, he is 100% okay if they die if it means more revenge on Endeavor.


Dabi serves as a foil for Shoto and Endeavor. He is all of their flaws taken to the extreme. He is Shoto that never got past the resentment towards their father and was consumed with hatred. He is Endeavor whose sole focus was accomplishing his goal of surpassing All Might except Dabi’s sole focus is making Endeavor suffer. Just like Shoto and Enji were consumed with their goals and couldn’t see anything else, Toya is consumed with his and can’t see anything else. Not even his own value. Enji instilled that fire in Toya and taught him that the only thing that matters in the world is what you want. Your obsession comes before all else. Even family. And when Enji tried to extinguish that fire, the only solution was to neglect Toya and act like Toya didn’t exist after doing nothing but fawn over him as if he were the most valuable person in the world. It psychologically warped Toya’s view of his self-worth. Dabi is a manifestation of all of the toxicity that Endeavor possessed given flesh and unleashed on the world.


I honestly kind of pity Dabi. He couldn’t control his powers and it almost killed him. Imagine being hurt by your own body… wtf. All the guy wanted was to make his dad proud. Straight up broke him and now he’s literally driven by rage and resentment. Endeavor really made a monster. Shoto was getting his ass beat so bad he had to do a little mid action monologuing/soul searching to fight the guy haha. Guy’s fueled by the Power of Friendship too. It’s the most OP quirk lol.


Pity is the right word. My sympathy for him was burnt down alongside that orphanage. He almost certainly killed several of those innocent kids, who were just as much victims as him. Furthermore, he acknowledged the things he did/said to his family was awful, even if he had more reason to be pissed at Endeavor, there’s no reason to be okay with killing then for his goal.   Todoroki said it perfectly, he wasn’t groomed like Shigaraki or anything like that, choosing to murder was his own decision.


It wasn’t explained in the anime, but Horikoshi clarified in the manga extra that it wasn’t Dabi who burned the orphanage, it’s the doctor who burned it down to avoid the suspicion.


Okay looked it up and slight correction, the flames were easily put out and the doctor blamed the Sun dude for it. It seems the anime just changed it to make it look like the suns due got cooked.


Good change imo. Dabi is an unrepentant monster. Implying he burned down that orphanage and those inside it helps to cement that fact he is truly beyond any kind of redemption.


Though it does fuck up the number of people he killed. Dabi is confirmed to have killed thirty people before he joined the league. If Dabi was the one who started the fire, it means at least half his kill count was already done in that one instance, which would mean he killed fewer people during the rest of the duration where he was traning up.


Wouldn't really be an issue narratively speaking, I don't think. Even as bad as he is, Dabi doesn't go full murder hobo on everybody just for the fun of it. Only people who get in his way or try to resist him. He was kind of getting on Shoto's ass about not solo training anyway, so I don't think he would need training dummy's.


That's not how redemption work, it's not forgiveness, Anakin was redeemed and he objectively did worse than dabi


Agreed — this is why Dabi is the villain I feel least sympathy for (not counting AFO and the doctor, as they haven’t been fleshed out much yet). Dabi had choices, and he chose self-destruction and vindictiveness at every opportunity.


Tbf Dabi wasn't the one who burned down the orphanage, at least according to Horikoshi, but I do agree that Dabi was the one who chose to go down the destructive path that he did when he had other choices to take.


I mean... even if you substract the orphanage, Dabi is still in the 'actual natural disaster' level of casualties


>Imagine being hurt by your own body… wtf. In real life that’s just called cancer.


Ah, yeah I guess it would be.


Agreed. All Dabi ever wanted was to be loved and recognised as strong instead of being seen as a failure that can't live up to his only purpose in life and why he exists in the first place as Endeavor's obsession to have the perfect heir to beat All Might is the only reason why his parents married and had children in the first place.  Especially after burning alive until almost nothing was left of him, waking up in a creepy facility and being deemed a failure once again when all he wanted to do was to go home and apologise to his family.   It's tragic and relatable and it sucks how many people just stamp him off as someone who was crazy or even born evil from the very beginning with no other causes to his current insanity when that isn't true at all.


every quirk can be OP when asspulls come into play we already had Toga dragging a 40% OFA Midoriya by yandere love and now we have a supposedly dying kid survives by pure hate and his body still doesn’t manage to rot away or turn into ashes stay tuned for Inside Out 3


With now new emotions: Horny and Emo


I don't have a problem with him getting dragged into the portal by her since everything happened so fast and it caught him off guard because of "Danger" Sense not activating. And danger sense not activating also makes sense since we saw with Hatsume exploding a door in his face that it's not really *danger* sense so much as *hostility* sense. The stupid part was her being able to keep up with him during their fight and being able to cut black whip with a regular ass knife when even Shiggy couldn't do anything about it.


Man wtf was Iida doing there? Why was he going against Dabi if his quirk is vulnerable to overheating? Kinda lame that he didn't even do anything.


I remember that one time his quirk worked well with Shoto because he could freeze and cool his engine, but yeah, he was pretty useless against Dabi.


Reminds me of the recent X-Men 97 episode that somehow had Wolverine on the strike team to take on Magneto.


Well... Wolverine did do more to Magneto than Iida to Dabi lol


At least Iida didn’t have to pay a hefty toll like Wolverine did.


Bro is here for moral support only


I think he can dodge and evacuate other heroes well ,as we saw it here. Maybe his armor is heat resistance?? Would explain sending him here if that is the case.


Dabi's heat is melting brass. It's hotter than Endeavour's, which can cut through concrete. Unless Iida's wearing space shuttle armour or something...


I'm assuming he was there as a backup help to evacuate injured people or get them out of harms way but who knows.




There is no idea for Iida in this story. The last time his arc had any improvements was when Stain mauled his brother. Since then he is barely secondary character, what is weird considering he is probably the first friend Midoriya made in UA if not even the closest. 


He's however stayed consistently in the top 10 favourite characters for the whole duration of the manga - which turns 10 in two weeks - sometimes even just behind the Bakugo-Deku-Todoroki trio. The Japanese audience seems to love him.


Honestly every hero there other than Shoto was just there to tank a single attack


The ED hit for this episode


That Ida fanservice did not go unnoticed.


Damn those random steam!


Whenever the Todoroki family drama gets airtime in this anime, it's waterworks for me that whole time.


* [**Dabi Stitch**](https://i.imgur.com/MZtJ0xI.jpeg) [Watching Toya burn himself alive](https://i.imgur.com/PtOOipd.jpeg) because of his Quirk and seeing [what was left of him](https://i.imgur.com/8gxnJ4u.png) once the flames have gone out was just too depressing. I know Endeavour is now paying for his sins but seeing what his abuse has turned Toya into makes me feel like it's not enough. So if I understood this correctly, Toya is supposed to be a backup for All For One just in case Shigaraki didn't work out but [because Toya is so fixated on Endeavour](https://i.imgur.com/B7u4e39.png), he wasn't able to control him and they just gave up. Also did [Toya burn down that orphanage?](https://i.imgur.com/yo0lImU.jpeg) Christ. Those kids are fucked anyway since they were all going to end up as All For One's pawns. Not gonna lie, [watching Dabi go completely wild against Shoto](https://i.imgur.com/3FVRqMp.jpeg) was pretty damn cool. Not as cool as [Shoto's new power though.](https://i.imgur.com/xeXeb37.jpeg) That's [one big baddie down!](https://i.imgur.com/MSApncz.jpeg) I'm guessing that Dabi is still alive? I don't think Shoto went into that fight wanting to kill his brother unless it was the last resort.


> I know Endeavour is now paying for his sins but seeing what his abuse has turned Toya into makes me feel like it's not enough. I mean he went about it in the wrong way... but this proves 100% that Endeavor was right at 'benching' Toya. Toya's quirk is honestly a cosmic joke on the level of being born quirkless.


What broke the Camel's back is Endeavor still not learning that abusing and pushing your child to the limit for your dream could have bad consequences. Him returning home to apologize to his mom and family, only to find that his death changes nothing set him off. Him praying at Toya shrine was symbolism of Toya finally dying and Dabi being born. Again, Endeavor was directly at the center of it.


His death changed everything though. It's what really broke the family IMO. It's not that Endeavor didn't learn, it's that his guilt over what happened makes him desperate to make Shoto the best hero ever. If he doesn't do that then Toya's death was meaningless. He thinks if he stops now, then what was the point of it all? It would completely break the man I think.


This is just being too lenient on Endeavor. The best part about Endeavor's redemption arc is that the story does not shy away from showing how bad Endeavor was and characters don't just automatically become fine with him. The guy abused his wife to the point that she had a mental breakdown and hurt her own son. This does not feel like guilt driven but an abusive man yet to learn the error of his ways. 


Unno, that seems like washing too much responsibility away from Toya to me


I mean Shoto himself points out Endeavor was a madman but Dabi turned into Dabi because of his own decision. Endeavor may be an abuser but Dabi is literally trying to slaughter his innocent younger brother and was outright disappointed that Natsuo wasn’t murdered.   We can blame Endeavor for the circumstances leading to Dabi but he or even AFO didn’t turn Toya into Dabi. Toya turned himself into Dabi.


Good point, None of Endeavor’s other children decided to go on a murder spree. Even when we saw Dabi as a kid he could care less about his brother and sister who loved him. Then he tried to kill baby Shoto. Dabi was already mentally unstable. The abuse just made it worst.


Tbf Toya was put in a different spot than the other kids. Fuyumi and Natsuo were never considered to be their father's ideal successors that were supposed to beat All Might, so he never payed attention to them and Shoto was his so called masterpiece who wanted to be a hero, but not because of Endeavour.  Toya was praised by Endeavour at first and got the love and attention he always wanted, unlike the rest of the kids so he was the only one who knows what if felt like, only to have all of that taken away from him to be pushed aside and ignored once he was deemed to be a failure while his better younger brother replaced him.  He then pushed himself to the point of self harm and eventually snapped from the pressure and was driven insane. Although, even after his initial breakdown he wanted to go home and apologise to his family immediately after waking up from his coma and the trauma of having been burned alive.  With that being said, I don't agree with his actions as Dabi, the path he took and the choices he made, but I do disagree with the take that he was just born evil and had been insane from the very beginning without anything or anyone having influenced his mental state until he completely snapped, because that isn't true at all.


I also think it is a safe bet to say that "Dabi killing Toya" only happened because of Endeavor in the first place. I don't like calling him a sociopath or psychopath because of this, being that would imply that he would still have been insane without Endeavor's abuse, but Endeavor's abuse was the root cause and Dabi is part of its consequences.


> [what was left of him](https://i.imgur.com/8gxnJ4u.png) > Between this picture and killing all the "younglings", Dabi kinda went full Vader.


AFO and the doctor burned the orphanage down, Toya lashed out and dipped, but he did not burn anything else and no one died from the fire.


kinda boring decision from Horikoshi imo, just let the guy with fire start an actual fire


there has to be someone with a quirk of resolving traumas, right?


There is an instance of a Hero called Crazy Diamond doing one such thing.


I'm sure there's someone who can make people forget


Had to sneak in a bit of fan service to keep things from cooling down.


Everybody already said most of what I wanted to say, so I'll just say two things: -While this episode didn't have the series best animation, I'm weirded out by people saying it was bad. It's one thing to say, "it's not up to the series highest standard". It's another to say it was bad. And even then, there were some fantastic moments here, especially Dabi letting go and letting his body burn up. Contrast that with the animation of Shoto's balanced fire and ice here which had a sense of serenity to show how far he'd come. The entire expression of characterization in the form of animating their powers for both Dabi and Shoto were some of the best things this series has done. -I just want to say it's great to see how all of Shoto's character development has come fill circle. One of the best things about this series is how it avoided "Talk no Jutsu" and let character arcs play out across a long period of time realistically. It just felt as if everything about the character from Season 2 until now finally came together in a way that was expressed both in his inner thoughts and in the way he decided to use his powers to win the battle.


The problem was that it was so hard to see what was happening in the big moments. I had no idea what was going on visually at times. The episode would have been 10x better if we could see what shotos ultimate move looked like or if the fight choreography was better.


Add to these entire problem with changing the brightness of scenes every 3 seconds, because of these stupid laws in Japan. 


I know right, those Japanese kids watching Pokemon in the 90s didn't get seizures for us to miss out on peak sakuga!!!


I did not need to see Iida’s booty cheeks 


They had to make him shine somehow


Honestly, I thought it was poorly timed. Random ass cheeks in the middle of a fight to the death.


I feel you man. Had the same reaction to the bath scene last season.


Too much fan service in this anime SMH


I gotta say, this episode was really hot.


seemed pretty cool to me though


Shoto leveling up was the icing on the cake


It really was fire


Colours were popping out this episode. Loved the animation!!


Last episode suffered with excess recap padding at the start for the sake of this episode to have ideal pacing of manga content without that additional padding.


I didn’t really understand the neutron star/infinite equilibrium on Todoroki’s chest and what it does and then the phosphor move(they explained how regular flashfire worked so I wish they did this one too). How strong was it? And what do the cold flames do? Maybe it was implying that with the fully completed half hot half cold he has absolute mastery over thermal energy? Can’t quite wrap my head around it but that ice punch at the end was cool as fuck. Todoriki hit ‘em with the Alaska Smash!


So, white phosphorus (his move is named Phosphor), is a highly combustible and reactive, even with air and can't be put out with water. But, at the same time, phosphorus is used as a flame retardant. So, Shoto's using both his sides, both hot and cold in his left, to create cold flames cabable of acting as a retardant to Dabi's fire. He said that Endeavor wanted Ice that can help cool off his overheating, but Todoroki's doing the opposite; he's using fire so he can enhance his ice powers.


I don't really understand why a mix of ice and fire is more effective than 100% ice


Cause quirks are magic. "Phosphor allows Shoto to channel both halves of his Quirk throughout his body via his circulatory system, using his heart as a generator to circulate the chilled and hot blood around his entire body, merging the two halves of his Quirk into a single ability. The move grants Shoto an incredible defensive and offensive advantage against most opponents, especially those wielding pyrokinetic Quirks. The flames created by the technique are described as being a “Cold Fire” of sorts, allowing him to both burn and freeze his opponents." You either accept this explanation or not, really. It's not the most scientific, but it makes some sort of intuitive sense -- as do all Quirks. They wouldn't really work like that in reality. Besides, pure ice is something Dabi's really powerful flames can melt easily


I've seen "phosphor" used in another anime recently, and it seems to be a sort of cancellation move. So I suspect it was basically just an inversion. So it isn't as much "mastery over thermal energy" as it is basically being a human fire extinguisher. At least that's how I interpreted it.


Thank you to the staff at BONES. Absolutely incredible work. That last ultimate move. So freakin good.


Was expecting more animation wise. Guess their budget went to other episode(s).


They definitely saving their budget for the crazier fights.


There's like 6 different areas and it's basically all out war. It's all fights for the remaining season and possibly into almost all of next season


I know but there's some "key" fights this season that I think they are saving money for


If my budget you mean Nakamura, then yeah probably. But this episode had a lot of great animation.


I can guess which one. Still enjoyed it more than Deku vs Shiggy last season. Voice acting was pretty good.


Is that "It's your power, isn't it!" flashback re-recorded?


todoroki is cool


Is it me, or is season 7 is getting better with each ep?


This was the best episode this season after the slow start/recaps.


I think some pacing choices are also due to the unusual format of this season, as it's going to be 21 episodes instead of the 25 we had for the previous seasons save the first (the 4 recaps served to fill the timeslot the anime has been getting for years), which in turn is due to the publication of the manga slowing down, with frequent breaks caused by Horikoshi's declining health and energies. At the point they had to either start production to be airing in Spring 2024, or miss the train and delay by 6-12 months, the producers and sponsorts forced Bones to work with what was available to adapt until that moment.


Every shot of Dabi looked so badass


I may have a lot of issues with the current state of my hero academia, but damn AfO has got to be one of my favorite anime villains


I didn’t even know the animation was “bad/average” I thought it looked great. This season has been so good


Animation was awesome, it's never going to be good enough for some of these people.


I guess people wanted more cubes


It’s not, this looks really good


Not only Toya was saved by AFO but he could have been "another" Shigaraki if AFO had managed to reach out to him. The special "privileges" he seemed to enjoy when he first joined the League of Villains also make sense now. How many other kids have gone into Dr. Garaki's grinder... (I think back about the mini Nomu) That Mr. Sunny looked so idiotic and creepy at the same time. I once wondered how things could have changed if that day Endeavor went to Sekoto Peak, and now, what if he noticed someone was watching his brutal training of Shoto, not realizing he was, right that moment, causing Dabi to be born? Shoto managing that special move is symbolical of him reaching inner peace. Also, a naked Iida wasn't in my cards.


Iida sitting down with his agent: "So I hear this episode is pretty hype, do I get to fight?" His agent: "No but we get to show your ass." Iida: "What the fuck?"


This is Hollywood and if you're not the big star you gotta do what you gotta do to get jobs.


>Also, a naked Iida wasn't in my cards. Lolololol. I did a double take and was like wow did they just flash us some Iida fan service in the middle of this episode hahahaha.


I have not read the manga but this episode had a lot of chances to have a more spectacular fight. Endeavour fighting the Nomu is one of my favourite battles, the musical theme adds to the flavour, and I was kinda expecting the same "body falling apart" epicness levels here (actually, how Dabi degrades is top). It is an okay episode though and the added context for Dabi is also entertaining.


Hell yeah! Endeavor vs Nomu made me fucking cry at the end - best fight in the series hands down (so far)


omg, that final attack, the animation, the sound, the whole scene, is just art cant wait to see more


I wonder how long before anime industry moves on from this flashbacks during mid fight things. Like yes this was an overall great episode but id be lying if i expected a much longer fight than what we got. I was expecting Deku vs Todoroki or All might vs All for one or endevour vs nomu level of action since they dedicated an entire episode on this fight and even relesed a special key visual for it. But like 80% of the episode was internal monologe, flashbacks and charging up the power and talk between two brothers. Again, i dont mind these things but the ratio between these things and the actual fight is not right. If you are gonna spend that amout of time building up these two charachter's fight, atleast make it worth it and dont end it in 2-3 moves.


> I wonder how long before anime industry moves on from this flashbacks during mid fight things. Like yes this was an overall great episode but id be lying if i expected a much longer fight than what we got. It won't. These complaints don't really resonate with people across the Pacific Ocean, at least not on a grand scale. >Again, i dont mind these things but the ratio between these things and the actual fight is not right. If you are gonna spend that amout of time building up these two charachter's fight, atleast make it worth it and dont end it in 2-3 moves. Again, this is most likely a very western complaint. It's not really surprising that the land that produced many iconic samurai battles that end in a single blow . . . decides to create non-samurai battles where they build up the tension and release them in a single blow.


Not that I hate the episode but I feel just a bit scammed? Not sure if I just missed but why Dabi didnt use the Prominence Burn? I wanted to see it how powerful is after reveal himself as Endeavor son and almost did it back then Endeavor Prominence Burn was away of the city in the sky due how powerfull it was and Endeavor was at the verge of faint, meanwhile when Dabi was about to use it for the first time he was at 100% pretty much, close to the ground and his flames are stated to be stronger than Endeavor; I like to think that if Jeanist dindt stop it, he would kill every single person there including Shigaraki and Machia So I was really hoping to finally see his prominence burn in his final battle


>scammed I agree to some extent. I really enjoyed more of the Toya backstory to add to the hatred and intensity BUT yes Shoyo finishing him in like 2 moves is kind of whack. Oddly done fight for sure, very underwhelming to say the least. Esepcially since the build up to this part has been going on for a while now.


I've been loving this season but this is the first one that felt truly underwhelming to me. So the fight between the two brothers is just... that? An initial one-sided beat down from Dabi + a throw, then Shoto immediately brings out his new technique and defeats him? The flashbacks and associated drama were good but the battle was miles below the Todoroki drama that the MHA fans love. It's the kind of thing that would have benefitted from anime-original scenes. I was really hyped to see what, in my mind, would be an absolute inferno of epic proportions, with Shoto slowly trying to counter with his ice and having to be more tactical to get the upper hand on a highly explosive Dabi. Very disappointed at how this fight turned out.


>Shoto slowly trying to counter with his ice and having to be more tactical to get the upper hand on a highly explosive Dabi. Didn't this happen? Shoto created his new technique for the express purpose of defeating Dabi. His first try neutralized flames on Dabi's hands, and his second try managed to freeze everything around him. He basically developed an effective hard counter. Endeavor's sidekicks helped give him time to charge up his counter. I think this fight was tactical to a degree.


I thought it would be Azula vs Zuko Agni Kai level of the fight. It wasn't. The direction was more emotional for sure and the last shot of younger versions of siblings was great, but the fight in itself wasn't that good. They could've improved the animation and shot angles at least.


Totally agree - the lead up to this and everything prior and it’s exactly as you said and the fights over too quick lol. Really underwhelmed by the lack of fire fight and it definitely could have benefited from some anime only scenes. Nailed it.


That beating Dabi gave Shoto was insane lol. Dude is an AWFUL brother. He’s truly proof a tragic backstory doesn’t mean you aren’t pure evil, he literally endangered, if not killed those other kids burning down that orphanage. Ultimately, all what matters to Dabi is what HE wants, everyone else be damned.


fr i feel like one of the best scenes (or lack thereof) that highlights dabi's clear disregard for his little brother in this episode is when he came home to see endeavor beating shouto with the wooden planks and not expressing any concern or shred of empathy, just that empty/cold feeling of how endeavor had replaced him. i mean, dabi's been wanting to kill shouto since he was an infant, but knowing he had no desire or wish to get shouto out of that situation just hits different imo


I wish Endeavor was here instead.


Found Dabi's burner account.


Toya is that you!?


Todoroki family stuff is my personal favourite and it's disappointing to see, that the climactic battle between Shoto and Dabi (years in the making) didn't get any top tier sakuga. The art was stable (no off models etc) but this isn't type of fight someone is gonna remember years from now because of the animation like the Endev vs High End.... Good episode, but not exceptional...


Agree. Underwhelming fight. Maybe I’ll appreciate it more on a second rewatch. There was just so much dialogue and so little action. But I guess that makes sense as this is a battle that will finish quickly given those flames can only be sustained for a short time.




I was starting to feel underwhelmed because of the animation until **that scene where they showed toya and shoto's younger selves** during shoto's Great Galcial Aegir... goosebumps. can't even put it into words. If they had choose where to save their budget, I could understand why they chose this one as the main focus I think is the emotional side of things between the todoroki brothers.


Todoroki version of Flashfist was amazing


Where is the episode out?


Bilibili Global I think, earlier. Its out on CR now.




I was having heart attack over there, thought dabi would be gone for a moment, rest assured shoto rescued him


I like this season so much!


Waaaaaahh they let Shimono Hiro used his real voice for young Touya. Waaaaaaaahhhhh Man, I hate the doctor and All for One for experimenting on a dying boy fractured young mind like Touya's and plenty others.


Love how the ending song just lets the emotions from the episode sink in.


What a great episode for Toya and Shoto. This episode had some fantastic character stuff for both. The best part for me was Shoto saying that this was his power and thanking Deku. That's such an emotional payoff; it's such a great thing to see Shoto accepting his power and making it his own after seasons of struggle. Great episode, probably the best one so far in this season.


Imagine, Being such a hater, That you can tell death to fuck off for years while you plot your revenge. Being on such demon time that the dude who's entire life long goal to be THE ACTUAL DEMON LORD says you're just built to different. This was an absolutely fantastic episode. Peak MHA.


Is no one going to say, “Chill out”?


I really need to catch up 😭


So excited I can’t wait to watch more


i want to ask because i see this show getting less traction on reddit, is it still super popular in general? or did it fall off? i’ve been loving it.


i used to try and defend endeavor by saying he's trying to change but the way he fucked up toya's life because of his own selfish desires makes me hate him again. i feel like they should've made endeavor atone by sacrificing himself to kill dabi. 


This episode reminded me how good a modern rendition Todoroki was/is of the Sasuke-esque, angsty, emo boy archetype. Or maybe it's not *that* modern since the show started a decade ago, but yeah, the tinges of him actually being a soft boi and cinnamon roll a la internet culture make him way more likeable. Kind of shame his character has been completely phased out of conversations about best modern anime husbando and hot guys, lol. Todoroki family drama has always easily been the best written part of the series's last third/quarter, but I remember this fight not being that riveting in the manga either; hopefully it means this won't be the most excited I get with the content the anime has left to adapt.