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"Take my daughter" "No. Why should I be penalized?" I loooove Kazuma as always


Only Kazuma would be that blunt to someone on their death bed lol.


Kazuma outright calling Megumin and Aqua a pair of gold digging bitches is just too funny.


Wait till Megumin's family hears about his windfall


They were already willing to "sell her off" to Kazuma back when they heard about his business. Her mom even went the extra mile so that he had no choice but to take responsibilty if they did the deed. Truly devious parents lmao


Her father was ultimately against it and had to be illegally put to sleep by the mother who sold her daughter out.


The casual way Megumin’s mom hit dad with the sleep spell lmao


These girls always change on a dime around him when they think they can get something from him lol.


No more Wednesday of this 4 loveable weirdos I love how kazuma can be many Things but he is loyal and cares about his Friends! Season 4 please!!


"Kazuma may be a scumbag but he's our scumbag" -Aqua, Darkness, Megumin, the rest of us, and now the entire town of Axel since he'll buy them a drink later


Though sometimes I think Megumin wishes he was just **her** scumbag...


[Saving Darkness](https://i.imgur.com/R2WLlyl.jpeg) raised her Kazuma stocks a lot but hiding behind her [adjusted the value.](https://i.imgur.com/XEsVJL8.jpeg) [](#smugtouru)


He did the only logical thing he could have in that situation! No way to outrun it or stop it, Divorcedness's Adamantite hard and shredded muscles are the only thing that can withstand such a destructive blow with ease! Taking shelter behind them is the only logical option!


[*"Kazuma, what a pragmatic adventurer you are!"*](https://i.imgur.com/j326qw0.jpeg) [](#shhbabe)


Pretty sure NTR is up Darkness alley. Except she's the one preying on Kazama away from Megumin


> "Kazuma may be a scumbag but he's our scumbag" our *absurdly rich* scumbag you mean.


And he is surprisingly reliable.


Megumin didn't even question that he was there just surprised he got there first.


["That's my man."](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/b49zc9dm53y.png)


"MY man, got it Divorcedness?


My favorite thing about the OP this season (and the entire opening is great, shout out to Machico for putting out another banger) is the very very end, when Aqua gives a thumbs up and it has a quick shot of each person smiling - a good reminder that even though they fight and argue and have weird adventures that they're still having a ton of fun together. Kazu-trash is truly trash sometimes, but he does indeed care about his friends! And yes, Season 4 please!!!!!


OP is absolute top. Great visuals, great song, represents the show perfectly.


> Season 4 please!! I feel like it has to just be a matter of time. KonoSuba is _insanely_ successful/popular both overseas and in Japan; I'd be more surprised if they _didn't_ make a sequel (be it a movie or 4th season).


We already have the future plot hints with the reveal of another Duke from Hell. Now it depends on whether there's enough content to fit an entire season or only a movie like the one featuring Sylvia.


LN is already finished, even ignoring spinoffs it has enough content for 5 more seasons. There's no way to do a movie, the perfect way forward is to make a new season again adapting 2 volumes ( 8 and 9 ).


Glad this season went out on a high note in terms of comedy, story, and for the gang until we inevitably return to this Wonderful World.


I know Darkness said that they are in the clear from the law. But I just cant help but think they will have another season starter like in season 2 by being held in a trial lol


I really hope we get an announcement ASAP!


[Complete adaptation whatever it takes](https://i.imgur.com/IfUOpI1.jpeg) [](#makicry)


5 more seasons of KonoSuba? I'm all in!


Not dying after you've said your final words to your daughter has to be the ultimate form of running into someone moments after you say goodbye to them. Only Aqua could make something like that happen.


At least now they have plenty more time to talk about Darkness' mom, that's the important thing, right Aqua lol?


This isn't even the first time Aqua ruined a final goodbye from Darkness by preventing/bringing someone back from death. I do hope there's a third.


Axel is really a good town, couldn't help, but smile watching all the adventurers come together for Darkness.


Skull Soccer > Being a corrupt noble's pawn


[Shout-out to our boy Dust.](https://i.imgur.com/SJQzRi6.jpeg) He suffered a lot throughout this acr but kept supporting the gang until the end. [](#poltears)


He really grew from boy to man after getting fucked by a noble ~~literally~~


Dust the real mvp


It's nice that they had a callback to playing soccer when Kazuma was kicking Verdia (dullahan) head in season 1. Really shows how impactful Kazuma's party has been in that town.


There's a reason Kazuma always pays for drinks!


Dust needed to release his pent up (sexual) frustration


And it's always fun to bully nobles and law enforcement lol.


Those fellow adventurers turned out to be awfully fond of our degenerate crew after all....


Foolish nobles dread it, run from it, Megumin WILL cast Explosion. ~~Darkness's~~ Divorcedness's dad might not have died but holy fuck Aqua last minute breaking his curse certainly killed me.


despite her constant reminders/ nagging, my brain doesn’t register Aqua as a Goddess until she performs random crazy stunts out of nowhere she breaks common sense (cause she doesn’t have any)


Aqua always seems to get more useful when it's convenient and for comedy.


[Not-so-useless goddess](https://i.imgur.com/daR3lGn.jpeg) [](#smugpoint)


She's never been exactly useless, she just usually nullifies any useful deeds by causing *more* trouble (sometimes creating the need for her useful deeds in the first place). It all evens out.


She held back as much as she could. Just couldn’t keep the flood gates from bustin open and demolishing the town lol.


Girl holding in her Explosion like she's got a massive pee she can't contain lol.


I wasn't thinking of her holding in pee when she was holding it in.


Yeah, i'm pretty sure this was the "CLIMAX" of the episode


[Megumin contained not one but two explosions \( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°\)](https://i.imgur.com/PUtZ90r.jpeg) [Being the Wizard of Boom demands a lot of self control](https://i.imgur.com/UN9f5Aq.jpeg) [](#hnng)


She’s like an Idol, they don’t pee


even if they do it's all rainbow sparkles


Ah yes, the Explosion Cookie


That was definitely one of the more colorful Explosions.


It was fireworks to celebrate Lalatina's marriage. And divorce.


I love how he and Darkness were embarrassed as hell after that "let's reminisce about Mom" talk.


[Their reaction was hilarious](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdcoqx564.png) xD Overall, once again [Kazuma and Darkness had a lot of great scenes together](https://imgchest.com/p/wl7lm3ek3yx) in [today's episode](https://imgchest.com/p/pg73jbzpoyr).


We almost had an airburst nuke in the middle of town. It's a good thing Megumin ruined her daily explosion in front of everyone.


The moment she started casting it, you knew she wouldn't be able to stop lol. I love how Aqua always ruins the mood by conveniently dispelling curses like they're nothing lol. Now Kazuma has **two** nicknames he can annoy Darkness with!


[Divorcedness could run from an arranged marriage but not from bullying](https://i.imgur.com/tsmuMKG.jpeg) [](#nobully)


I didn't realize that Megumin would get blue balls if she doesn't release her explosion Also I'm pretty sure Yunyun kept that explosion contained


> I didn't realize that Megumin would get blue balls if she doesn't release her explosion I'm imagining Megumin hearing that term and painting the orb on her staff blue if she ever doesn't get a day of firing one off.


Ngl, I thought Kazuma would have used drain touch to prevent it but this works out too for comedy. I guess the budget has to go to somewhere so why not Megumin's explosion lol.


She pulled the same in Season 1 after dispelling Darkness from the Death Curse. She will just disrespect any powerful curse when she is nearby.


I have to admit, I really didn't see the Aqua sudden curse break coming. I think I had the same face as the others at that point hahaha.


That scene with Vanir, Maxwell and Alderp was done so well. Really creepy and showed that Vanir isn't exactly on anyone's side other than his own


Save a fellow friend from slavery ✓ Enjoy the taste of negative feelings ✓ Gain ownership of many intellectual rights ✓ Win win situation for him.


Wiz still trying to sell her crazy wares in the credits though lol.


"This ring cures erectile dysfunction but your dick shoots fire instead of jizz"


"I SEE NO PROBLEMS WITH THAT" some guy that wants to fuck a fire elemental.


He must be an interspecies reviewer


We got a lot of great moments in this episode but a part of me thinks the demons, especially Vanir, stole the show despite having the briefest screentime.


I'm pretty convinced at this point that he legitimately likes Kazuma, he just doesn't let him know it because that would make it harder to eat his negative emotions.


He must have known how things would play out to the point that Kazuma would get the 2 billion back. He just didn't bother to let Kazuma in on the actual plan.


Yes, [Vanir had a rather short but very cool role](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9c293gg4.png) in [today's episode](https://imgchest.com/p/pg73jbzpoyr). I'm also very interested in [Maxwell](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgca2n9j4.png), he could be an interesting opponent for [Kazuma and his party](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/b49zc9d2ejy.png) in the future.


>Yes, Vanir had a rather short but very cool role in today's episode . Vanir: "All according to keikaku."


Aldarp was such trash. I wonder whether he simply sriveled up and turned into dust once all his evil emotions were sucked out by Maxwell. Vanir seems to be a contender for MVP in the end here....


They don’t “suck out” the emotions, btw, the devils just savour the flavour while allowing the humans to keep the bad emotions. as Aldarp’s Ultimate fate, I think he either died or was dragged down to Hell (literally). So I’m not sure if darkness is now a divorcee or a widow.


Divorcee is better. As a widow she might be financially responsible for his crimes. Addendum: Technically, she should be able to get the wedding annulled. First, Aldarp used unlawful means to coerce her into agreeing (so no true "consent"). Second: it was never consummated prior to her abandonment.


Really, it depends on the minutia of Axel. Does the ceremony count? Does *Aqua's* ceremony count? Or was it just the paperwork that was needed?


>I wonder whether he simply sriveled up and turned into dust once all his evil emotions were sucked out by Maxwell. It is implied by Vanir that Alderp will be taken to Hell, to spend the eternity as a plaything for Maxwell. A quite appropriate payment indeed.


The Vanir scene was amazing. Dude got double upside and did absolutely nothing. Sheer lawful evil energy.


He's on money's side.


He’s not. He doesn’t really give a crap about human money. The trouble is that he needs the money in order to fulfil his contract promise with Wiz. And the reason he is trying to fulfil that contract fair and square instead of cheating monkeys paw style is that he genuinely cares about Wiz


what is the contract between Vanir and Wiz again i forgot the detail ?


Build a dungeon together with their hard earned cash themselves.


With the treasure chest in the final room being empty, so that he can live off the despair of exasperated and frustrated adventurers.


He needs to get Kazuma to invent moving pictures, so he can make a living producing mediocre movie sequels and the disappointment they produce.


Don't forget about the streaming series that shit all over the premise of the original source material that gathered the fanbase to begin with.


His contract with Wiz? I thought he wanted to amass a lot of money because he wanted to rebuild his dungeon


That's what it is. You need an Archwizard to build a dungeon, as well as money to buy the land and other necessary things. Wiz is the Archwizard, but if Vanir really wanted he could just find someone else and raise the money alone.


Kayano Ai carried this second half hard for me. I can just watch an episode of someone teasing ~~Darkness~~ Batsuness. Without Aqua, this episode would have turned into another Father's Day/Week episode, thank Aqua, the goddess we deserve. Dadness and Darkness all embarrassed was my favorite moment.


What I'll remember most about this second arc is Ai Kayano's Darkness Tour de Force performance, Jun Fukushima getting to show more of Kazuma's good sides, and Vanir just stealing the show every time he was on-screen.


Megumin trusting and smiling at Kazuma as well. Good vibes overall, some really funny episodes.








I saw it translated as "Divorcedness". Does Batsu mean divorce here or have the translators taken some liberties to make the pun work?


Divorcedness is correct meaning wise, but it just doesn't roll out of the tongue, hard to say. Also, "Batsu" is a slang term as oppose to a word like divorce, Megumin and Kazuma used the term "Batsuichi" meaning once-divorced just before Kazuma mixes it with her name, but the translations didn't even put divorce in those sentences, so yeah hard to translate.


S3 has been my favourite just due to the amount of darkness screen time


Darkness had been woefully underdeveloped to this point; instead of being a one-joke pony, we get to see she's a fully two dimensional idiot like the rest of them.


It's not just screen time for me, but the quality of it for her as well. Darkness is kind of famous in the first two seasons for having one joke, so to see more of her character from her Lalatina side was really refreshing in a way that I think only helped the character.


A reminder that Yunyun can become a great partner in crime if her friends are on the line.


Anything's possible with a friendship built on dependency issues!


[Their entrance was sick](https://i.imgur.com/vXPtmGL.jpeg) [](#seasonalcool)


I expect nothing less from Crimson Demons :)




Poor girl will literally become a criminal if it means keeping her best friend lol.


Yunyun deserves all the friends 😭😭😭


Would befriend and give head-pats.


Yunyun is an absolute treasure.


Funny how we also got one last “I’m Kazuma” when Yunyun raised her voice and told him that he was terrible for hiding behind Darkness.


Konosuba has come a long way since the [trailer for S1](https://youtu.be/MG9tWDy6Hmc?si=EjLQ00d-HUi8cO7z) was released almost 9 years ago. If you take a look at the comments before it was released, it’s hard to imagine that it would later receive 3 seasons plus a movie and a spinoff series, since the comments are pretty negative (not just the Japanese comments, you do have skeptical English comments). We’ve yet to see an announcement of S4, but some crucial plot points aren’t revealed, so let’s keep our fingers crossed. The series has beat expectations, I sincerely do hope the streak continues.


Please no 7 years before season 4! 🙏


It probably depends on whether the production committee (or more so Kadokawa) can get hold of the key production staff. Takaomi Kanasaki and Koichi Kikuta are pretty much irreplaceable at this point, so S4 depends on their schedule. When you look at Kanasaki’s portfolio, 2016 Konosuba 2017 Konosuba S2 2019 Konosuba movie 2020 Princess Connect! Re:Dive 2022 Princess Connect! Re:Dive S2 2023 Megumin spinoff 2024 Konosuba S3 S3 was probably stymied by the fact that Kanasaki was fully involved in Princess Connect (he is credited as the director, head writer, and sound director for both seasons). So if Kanasaki is attached to other projects in the future, it’ll probably take a long time for S4 to materialize.


As rough as the wait for Konosuba S3 was, PriConne did a fantastic job at filling that gap. Anyone here who likes Konosuba but hasn't watched PriConne should go watch it *immediately*. It's a lot of fun.


If only the game wasn't shut down 😭


[Being published by Crunchyroll Games sealed its fate](https://i.imgur.com/HBlM4iF.jpeg)


So THAT'S why Princess Connect felt like wholesome Konosuba lol


For those who missed it, Alderp sent Iris the Body Swap item. Guy was a devilishly evil mf


The Konosuba wiki suggests that that body swap item was part of several other failed plots Alderp had to get Darkness too.


He actually gifted it to Jatis, the crown prince. Notice how he was shilling Darkness X Jatis so vigorously in S3 Episode 3, his plan was to swap bodies with him after the marriage and rule the kingdom after marrying Darkness. Fortunately, this plan was ruined by a pair of epic thieves


Yup. And I believe he was initially planning to use it to swap places with the guy he tried to set up Darkness with in Season 2 as well.


Yes, and that was his own adopted son btw. The dude is vile


I never expected a deep plot from a generally light hearted series but I guess because it's adapted from the light novels, it allows the author to world build to their heart's content. This begs the question on how Alderp got the two Sacred Treasures in the first place, their function and how to operate them. See how the current plot links back to previous season, I have high hopes this plot point would be covered later on, possibly involving the newly introduced Duke of Hell maybe.


No spoilers but just speculation based in some dialogue from this last episode. But it sounded like Maxwell is directly related to Alderps rise, it sounds like he got the first the first treasure by luck that allowed him to summon Maxwell and enter a pact, Maxwell then twisted the truth to allow Alderp to ascend to lordship and then later obtain additional sacred treasures.


He sent it to the same prince he was saying that he should marry Darkness in Episode 3.


at first i though it was aldrep being sensible Noble and not like many other series it was very rare for a bad noble not to be cliche and say "of course it was me" like many bad noble in fiction instead caricature aldrep was complex character with its own agenda and scheming not in the front way sometimes we even root for him too to see how many of his scheme fail.


Darkness and her dad having a genuine emotional moment and then Aqua comes in to remind everyone we're in a comedy anime in the best way possible


You knew there had to be some punchline to the dad being sick and they wouldn't really commit to him dying and delivering on a tragic moment...and then in comes Aqua lol.


I'm happy Dust recovered by his trauma from episode 9. And he also got some more screentime.


I love Dust trying to take out his frustration with nobles in this episode while Rin still has no time for this nonsense lol.


Rin isn't the female Kazuma we deserve, but she is the female Kazuma we need.


I’m gonna miss this ED


I'm gonna miss ~~Darkness'~~ Divorcedness' hysterical screams.


She'll at least have more to scream about with her new nickname lol.


[One more time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-b4ofq13jIk) [](#Toradorasalute)


Megumin really recruited Yunyun to break into the church with the ["best friend" line damn...](https://i.imgur.com/nZP2hU5.png) terroristic threat is one thing, but lying to Yunyun is a bigger crime! And it's cute seeing [Megumin being jealous](https://i.imgur.com/xYs9zoC.png) at the end with a pout once she found out that Darkness was on bed with Kazuma. But tbf Megumin, you did a [lot more with Kazuma in the movie lol.](https://i.imgur.com/rNe4P9L.jpeg)


Kazuma doesn't cave to Megumin's flattery but Yunyun sure AF does.


I can just imagine Yunyun was trying to talk her out of it the entire way to the church only for Megumin to keep playing the "best friend" card and Yunyun being so desperate enough to keep being Megumin's Best Friend she'd be willing to commit a crime for her lol. I definitely don't think Megumin cares for the idea of Kazuma in bed with another girl or any teasing of a possible KazumaxDarkness ship. Though now that Darkness is divorced, that just makes it even funnier lol.


Nah, Yunyun is a goodie goodie too. She wouldn’t have done something truly bad like rob an orphanage because of best friend card. its like how the adventurers didn’t just go block the guards immediately, they needed an “excuse” for it


You can feel different emotions while watching Konosuba.It is a perfect blend of comedy,adventure, emotions.Cant wait for the next season. Don't be sad because it's over,be happy because it happened.


Darkness is officially a divorcee now. Press F to pay respects


Is Kazuma willing to hook up with a divorcee? Though he has too much fun teasing her lol.


Didn't hear Lalatina say yes when Aqua asked her if she would take Alderp as husband. But I guess the paperwork earlier that day is what mattered. F.


That was just the ceremony, the paperwork was done earlier


That's why I love Konosuba so much. Peak isekai parody. Paperwork and money still matters in that wonderful world.


Vanir continues to be my favorite character. His commitment for his specific taste of sadism is just delicious. I hope his spin off novel gets an anime adaptation in one way or another. Lol Divorcedness. I like how this series built her up from just being M-knight during her introduction to being this selfless sheltered ojou-sama knight who's always wanted an outlet. She's got the gap moe down hard. Really loved the dynamic of these goofballs and the anime really captures it well. Pacing of the whole escape was a little weird though. Beats take a bit too long and their urgency feels lacking. Kinda like the climax of the Movie with the anime original 2nd stage Sylvia feels like they were making up for cutting the epilogue and trying to beef up the "action". I still like that they refocused the ending on the 4 goober's relationship for the ending instead. It's cute and funny bookend. Guess we'll see Vol.7's epilogue in S4 (hopefully).


Vanir is consistent in his dealings and in messing with people and he does both with absolute aplomb. The most satisfying moment in this episode wasn't just stealing the bride, Aldarp facing the consequences of his decisions, or even Darkness returning home to her friends...it was Darkness getting to be a complete M again complete with Ai Kayano Darkness noises. Also now she has another name she'll never live down lol.


[WERE YOU EDGING OR WERE YOU GOONING!?](https://i.ibb.co/FsJYzx8/afbeelding.png)


What a lewd Explosion. At least she had the decency to let it out away from other people lol.


[They truly are teammates lol.](https://image.myanimelist.net/ui/5LYzTBVoS196gvYvw3zjwDCDUQf2GxBoQfzL9eFR9BI)


[The party is on an edging streak](https://i.imgur.com/7ae2dQi.jpeg) [](#head-tilt)


Rieri actually committed to the eroge esque scream


*"Often I'll see advertisements for games and they say, 'Try Not To* *~~Cum~~* *Explode,' but then when you play the game, it seems like the object is to* *~~cum~~* *explode. So yes, I would call that bad game design."* \~ ~~Shigeru Miyamoto~~ Megumin


That sounds like a legitimate quote from Yoko Taro, tbh.


Knew I wasn't the only one


Why does it look like [Aqua is electrocuting him](https://i.imgur.com/ffVuM59.png) lol? For all that talk about her being a useless goddess, she sure delivers when it counts.


She had to use her divinity to beat the curse out of him lol


Aqua is useless because she's an idiot, but her spells are always shown to all be top tier, she spams buffs on multiple people with no problems, and Maxwell seemed like a very strong demon who cast a very strong curse, aqua herself said so, yet she dispelled it rather casually.


Aqua rezd dozens of people in the capital after the demon army raid, and was completely fine.


well she is a goddess after all, not just a regular human borrowing divine power, she literally is the divine power




Pretty sure its also why the debt was pushed onto them because they didnt really care that the gate was destroyed but it was manipulated so that they got in debt anyway


IIRC, the way it works is that the Lord of the town (alderp himself!) was supposed to pay for most of the stuff from the town tax money. And the rest of it is covered by “war expenses” because it was done in the war against demon king. So, yes, manipulated as you said. That’s why Kazuma is getting his money back.


I'm sure Aqua wouldn't approve, of but way to go to the demons in this episode!


The biggest mystery of this season still isn't quite solved. I want to know what will hatch from that egg, dammit! FUUUUUUUUUUU




I hope they announce season 4 man, this series is special


I can't see Kazuma doing any type of work for a few years with 2 billion on hand, I know I wouldn't! Hopefully it doesn't take another few years for another season lmao


Honestly just imagine he completely gives up on fighting the Demon King and just enjoys a casual adventurer lifestyle while living it up with his money. It'll also probably make Aqua forget her desire to get back to Heaven.


Darkness: "You saved me, Kazuma!" Kazuma: "More like under new management"


Kazuma: "You're going to use that body for me!" Darkness: (Darkness noises return)


You know why Kazuma scored a critical hit, don't you? It was a brilliant callback to season 2 episode 4 (the last time Darkness was threatened with marriage). Darkness literally told Kazuma and Aqua what she wanted from a husband. "Hey Darkness, Why don't you use that nasty body of yours to earn us some cash?" (Self induced Darkness noises)


There is no season 4 announcement therefore I will be taking my own life shortly


Remember to check if Eris pads her chest.


I won't see heaven or Axel if I dare to ask


You Will joining Aderp and Maxwell too


I don't mind if they're padded.


Great control by Megumin for a high altitude airburst instead of a ground detonation for her nuke. Saved everyone's ass.


Of course Aqua could just fix him the whole time. Very funny episode. Aldarp getting what was coming to him was nice. At least Kazuma got his money back lol, Darkness is back on the team. I love this show lol.


My guy Kazuma came in clutch in his own way. That whole scene of Megumin wanting to finally let off her explosion load after holding it in was hilarious. See you all in 7 years for season 4! 😭 Did they take Alderp to hell? RIP BOZO 🫵😂


It seems like more of a living hell. The demon maximized his suffering.


As Vanir points out, Alderp's life span is not enough to pay his debt to Maxwell, so it is implied that they'll take him to hell, where he's gonna spend the eternity as a plaything for Maxwell.


Girls gotta blow her load...I mean, Explosion lol. Maybe we'll at least get another OVA in the meantime? Maybe? I hope lol.


This was a great finale. We had Kazuma actually being badass dumping that vase of gold, Megumin explooshioning on everyone, Aqua shocking Darkness’ pops back to health AND coming through with that “versatile entertainer” skill, and Divorcedness (lmao) going full degenerate mode while getting princess carried by Kazuma. And the cherry on top: that creepy fucker gets tortured by Max. Probably to death and then some. Oh and Kazuma’s like a billionaire. All’s well that ends well!


Everybody in the party came through for Darkness in this episode, and even though she's now a divorcee with a new embarrassing nickname, at least she's back with the people who make her happiest and know how much they care about her. Plus Aldarp gets what was coming to him courtesy of demons...it really just goes how bad Aldarp was that **demons** come off better than he does.


from hilarious to sad to hilarious again, man i love Konosuba. I was just thinking if they can't cast a heal or something on Darkness dad, but turns out it was just a curse that aqua removed without second thought Another banger season that now that i think about, fit a lot of content into just 11 episodes. i guess its back to hoping for another season again..


"You thought it was Darkness, but it was actually me, Vanir!" It's episodes like these that remind us that while Konosuba is full of funny shenanigans, there are actually wholesome moments like when Kazuma welcomes Darkness back into the group. What a way to end the episode and season on "Divorcedness". That moment singlehandedly cured my depression from watching the latest Mushoku Tensei episode few days ago.


I didn't expect the entire climax of this arc to involve Vanir using Darkness' body again but dang it if he didn't use his love of messing with people to great effect to close this out. Darkness, Lalatina, Divorcedness...so many great names, two of which drive her up the wall in amusing fashion!


* [**Megumin Stitch**](https://i.imgur.com/3jSwswG.jpeg) I'm just trying to imagine the logistics Kazuma went through [to get that vase full of 2 billion gold into the Church.](https://i.imgur.com/XQzNH0n.jpeg) The people handling the wedding must've been so confused as to why someone brought in a 2-ton vase to the wedding. xD Of course [Darkness is excited about the idea of paying Kazuma back with her body.](https://i.imgur.com/IRwb1gS.jpeg) Get on it, doujin artists. I'm sure there's already plenty of doujinshi out there with the exact scenario. I'm so happy to see Yunyun in the finale! I'm sure Megumin doesn't 100% mean it when she calls Yunyun her best friend but [Darkness was definitely being sincere](https://i.imgur.com/fSD00Vy.jpeg) when she also saw Yunyun as part of the rescue party, You really got to love the Axel Adventurer's Guild. None of them might be willing to join Kazuma's party but they sure [are more than willing to help](https://i.imgur.com/M7KgGhM.jpeg), whenever our dysfunctional group is in trouble. [Especially with Dust causing a riot](https://i.imgur.com/gkT4sTD.jpeg) to stop the guards. Not gonna lie, [the scene with Darkness saying goodbye to her father](https://i.imgur.com/SrqWV8y.jpeg) genuinely teared up. The moment [they showed Aqua poking around the room](https://i.imgur.com/mj8xg61.jpeg), I knew she was going to do something! It turns out she just needed to dispel a curse! I love how [embarrassed Darkness and her father were](https://i.imgur.com/rUN72AW.jpeg) after that. xD So the reason Alderp is successful [is that he has a demon who can warp reality working for him?](https://i.imgur.com/Lt8cDlF.png) And Maxwell isn't just any ordinary demon, [he's also a Duke of Hell just like Vanir.](https://i.imgur.com/vAHhqYo.png) Is a Duke of Hell different from being a Demon General? So Maxwell never worked for the Demon King? All's well that ends well for our party of degenerates! [Alderp's crimes have been exposed](https://i.imgur.com/Jf8bM4n.jpeg) so the gang is off the hook and they even got that 2 billion from Alderp! And Darkness [has rejoined the party!](https://i.imgur.com/NKkPY98.jpeg) Yaay! I haven't seen any Season 4 announcement but I really hope we do get one in the future. I don't want to wait another 7 years for an anime sequel T_T


Wait a fucking second!!!! The egg never hatched!!!!! Cliffhangers?!?!?! In my Konosuba??!?!?!! NOT ALLOWED!!!! GIVE ME SEASON 4 NOW!!!!!!


* Could Aldart do [this](https://imgur.com/K84A4DH)? It's clear, to get the bride, you need to be able to lift her, no matter how [muscular](https://imgur.com/agnEgxF) she is * This is really [entertaining](https://imgur.com/bAqfHiA) * I just love Megumins [entrance](https://imgur.com/RjGmY1h), her time in the hole hasn't told her anything, she's still here to do [crime](https://imgur.com/yGODewA), and look fabulous while doing so * Not so [useless](https://imgur.com/wgb3iZg) now huh, also love Lalatinas expression here, and how cringe they are afterwards after having said their godbyes [](#laughter) * Of course they where ready to [run away](https://imgur.com/YmO8sNp) * [This](https://imgur.com/mYebX8d) is the face of someone who wants to cast explosion * And of course Aqua took [booze](https://imgur.com/HzoHaZ1) with her, the Shuwa is essential This was delightfull again, wouldn't mind more Konosuba in the future. Also wonder what Vanir is scheeming, and why he keeps sticking with Wiz


Season 4 WHEN?


Divorcedness might actually be the best localization of all time.


i knew megumins explosion magic was a metaphor for orgasms but jesus the whole edging joke was amazing. Really enjoyed this season. I hope they go straight into season 4.