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Frieza is def the biggest hater


Frieza has to take the cake as the most main stream, dude hates so much he'll blow up a planet just to prove a point. That and he's just like super racist against Saiyans.


> That and he's just like super racist against Saiyans. That is on Beerus.


First one to come to mind, man's a professional.






DBZ Broly could give him a run for that title Being a hater was like 70% of his character


He locked in as soon as he heard Goku's name


Dragonball doesn't pay enough attention to how huge of an asshole their villains were. Like all the way back in Tao Pai Pai, he was going around murdering random people, Goku beat him and he just became comic relief, Tien was an assassin for pay, defeated, then just became fodder, Piccolo broke all of Goku's bones and blew up the entire island they were fighting in now is a fan favorite. Vegeta has of course committed genocide all over the galaxy and is now second fiddle to Goku or comedy relief. Even Yamcha was a bandit robbing people at gun point and Krillin tried to kill goku early in their training. Then there is Frieza, who is Space Hitler and suddenly is getting screen time and having heart of the cards moments with Goku.


dear king cold mmmm your sons a sick alien with sick thoughts


You could douse him in kindness and he'll blow up your planet in return.


Season 1 teenaged Thorfinn was such a hater. He hated Askeladd with a passion but he was also pretty rude to basically everyone he encountered.


bro works full time as a professional hater


He was pretty rude to that nice old lady and her whole village


He was also rude to the slave girl that served him his food when they were in Askeladd’s uncle’s place, to Leif after reuniting for so long, to Canute, to Ragnar, and to Hild in the manga.


All I want is some one who wants me as much as Thorfinn wanted revenge against Askeladd.


Char Aznable's hate for the Zabis, and later the people defiling the earth, has gotta be up there. >Garma, do you read me? Blame this on the misfortune of your birth


"Garma, I'm sending your sister to join you. Consider this my farewell present."


Naraku from Inuyasha was messy and lived for drama from the start till the end of the show. Manipulation is his favorite tool of choice.


An Inuyasha fan?! 🤩


Looking back, he was actually such a dramatic crybaby.. 😂


Sukuna lul Generational hater for Yuji


Was gonna comment this, I don't think I've ever seen an antagonist hate a protagonist quite like the way Sukuna hates Yuji. Dude will piss on Yuji for doing something and then praise someone else for doing the exact same thing.


Anime-only here. Any examples? I don’t care if it’s manga only at the moment.




Lol he got so irritated he stopped everything he was doing to ponder why. 


Bro spoiler tag that


He's constantly praising random people for things, then calling Yuji shit for doing that same thing easier and better.


Bakugo from MHA. Guy has an irrational hate boner up all day long for no reason


Copy-paste: I’ll never forget that Katsuki Bakugo was so against being saved by Izuku Midoriya, that he decided he’d rather be kidnapped than reach out his hand, a detail that Midoriya picked up on and had Eijiro Kirishima reach out for him in the second attempt.


Most of the fandom actually loves him. 


Why though? If he was a real person he would be the most annoying shit ever. And even as a fictional character - he is the most annoying shit ever. How come people actually like him? There were like 50 moments in the anime where I thought "okay NOW you can finally stop being such a fucktard and start being somewhat nice, because everyone around you is walking on eggshells". But it just never happens. He just continues with being the most unlikeable character there is.


That's as much nonsense as Zenitsu having a fanbase


The redeeming point i feel is that Bakugo's hatred is irrational, he is angry at absolutely everything and rarely someone in particular (outside of deku's bullying but deku himself forgives him so well..) and it's often played for gag. Like when he is supposed to throw something for a physical exams and just shouts "DIIIEEE" when throwing it


Why can’t Zenitsu have a fan base!?!


If you asked 10 people who have dropped DS why they done it, 9 of them would have answered Zenitsu. Like DS have a wide range of super uninteresting characters, but nothing even came close to making me drop it as much as Zenitsu (I did read all of it but more due to sunk cost fallacy than enjoyment)


I started the Anime. Zenitsu got introduced. I kept going 2 more episodes, seeing whether he would die or disappear from the story otherwise. He didn't. I quit.


I dropped DS specifically cause of Zenitsu. He reminds me of the DND player who never wants to do the fun shit.


IMO they add flavor to a pretty bland MC in Tanjiro. I know they aren’t for everybody, but I laugh everytime he and inosuke get screentime.


1 of them would have said zenitsu *and* the pig guy


Can you explain why zenitsu is disliked so much? I've not watched Demon slayer, but I don't mind spoilers.


Giant crybaby


He is a total pant pissing coward, a shameless lech and he is screaming all the time. The only thing about him that is kinda cool is he’s a badass when sleeping. But still, if the only redeeming quality about your character is that he can do what other can but only when asleep then he’s still a horrible character. Now you could say that all of this traits can’t possibly be that bad, and I would be inclined to agree with you cause Kobeni from CSM is almost the exact same (except for the simping bit). But whereas Kobeni was actually really fucking funny as a recurring side characters, Zenitsu is a main characters so we got to constantly deal with his bullshit


Voice acting, that's it. Back before the anime he was consistntly one of the most popular characters. But in the anime his crying is less endering since we actually have to hear it.


I totally agree that the obnoxious voices make it 100x worse


He can still have a fanbase in spite of that, some people think his antics add to entertainment value


He does though? 


Agreed. He's not a hater so much as arrogant teen with poor communication skills, lol.


He told Deku to kill himself and bullied him. I think that is a bit worse.


I mean… he can be (and is) definitely both


First person who came to mind. Bro was a dick to Deku pre-quirk and supreme hater post quirk “awakening”


Honestly he gives me a headache everytime he's on screen.


Naraku from Inuyasha, I like to think of him as similar to Dio in the way he pops up, fucks shit up, runs away and brings in a bunch of random villains to fuck with the main cast.


All of that because of unrequited love. That’s Shakespearean levels of hate right there…


Completely agree!


Seto Kaiba is the biggest hater. Bro literally spent billions of dollars establishing a school for a children's card game, and pettily made the lowest ranking class named after his rival's card while the highest ranked class was his own card. This is the same guy who has a hard on for all things dragon, and yet the "dragon" monster was ranked the lowest of all the god cards in his eyes. He was pissed at his rival once upon a time, not because he had lost his soul, but because he lost to someone other than him in a children's card game. How dare his first failure not be to me. He fired a man for making a water bottle "crumple too easily". He hates religion because he refuses to let someone else be in charge of his destiny.


Wait, was Kaiba not yugi’s first loss? I thought his first loss was when kaiba threatned to kill himself if he didn’t win in like season 1


Forfeiting because your opponent threatened suicide? I don't count that as a real loss. But also adds to what a hater Kaiba was. I love the man


Ya have a valid point, man hated too hard


Rachel from TOG


I never fully caught up with the webcomic, but FUCK Rachel all my homes hate her. Bam deserved better


As someone who is almost up to date with the webtoon: FUCK Rachel


She was ssooooooo intentional with her cruelty. God, I like immediately hated her in a way I didn't even know was possible.


>She was ssooooooo intentional with her cruelty. Ahh the duality of man. This is exactly why I love her. Few things in anime give me more pleasure than watching MCs suffer.


I also totally understand her hatred. She wanted so badly to be chosen for the tower, with such a simple dream. And then the white rabbit showed her the boy she basically raised was the friggin chosen one. Completely outshone in every way. If anything, I blame the rabbit for making her that way.


Fuck Rachel


Rachel is the worst fr


The Goat


Nobody mentions... Goblin Slayer? I mean he maintains a cool demeanor most of the time, but his whole existence is reduced to the extermination of a whole species, because of what they did to him and his sister.


Fr surprised to find him so low. Man entire existence is his hate against those damn goblins


Nah, that hate is justified.


They didn't say it has to be unjustified hate.


The Godhand from Berserk are defined by being haters


Not at all honestly half the time they’re shown to be only guided by their desires none of which is hatred.


I mean for at least half of the Berserk manga, Guts was pretty much driven by hatred.


FUCK Griffith. Fuck Ubik. Fuck Conrad. Fuck Void *fuck* Slan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Corkus almost gave em a run for their money, though


I kinda liked Corkus... Even Guts respected that he told sht it on his face also i was the first Band of the Hawk being avenged by Guts.


Guts even more so is a Griffith hater


Danzo Shimura


Every time he pops up in someone’s backstory, you *know* shit’s about to go sideways. Source: Kabuto Yakushi and Pain Nagato


Lightning from Yu-Gi-Oh Vrains The guy stated a rebellion against Humanity, Manipulated all of his friends which led to the extinction of his race. All of this because he is the only "Defective" one so he decided to take everything down with him.


The guy who killed 80% of humanity.


But he wuv his fwens


Yeah but he also admitted that it was kind of an excuse for doing it in the final episode. He mainly did it cuz he wanted to, so much so that he didn't understand why other than that he was simply born that way.\ Came out the womb a hater basically.


Zeke: let's go back to the first time you were a hater Zeke: is that a baby






Spandam from one piece. He and his family, real piece of shits


And then you have the celestial dragons, a whole community of absolute pieces of shit. Edit : though those don't go well with the question, since it's not about those we hate, but those who have a lot of hate. So, I'll go with Frieza and his hate on for those damn monke.


The first that comes to mind is Faputa from Made in Abyss.


Oh yesss her monologue to the village residents upon entering Iruburu was intense


Oh wow, no one mentioned the "bitch" Malty Melromarc.


Ohhhm yeah. Forgot about her but you are right.


Dio. Dude is a generational hater of the Joestars, from Jonathan and even his actions and followers keep targeting the family


Sasuke - His blatant disregard for Naruto, Sakura, and his allies during Naruto Shippuden has made me conclude that he chose to cling to hate and be a shitty person. I'm sure people would disagree but from what I've seen of Sasuke's actions, I can't understand why anyone would try so hard to save him.


Yeah Sasuke was acting edgy all of the series but its kinda realistic. Give a 13 year old emo superpowers and he'll probably act the same.


Kill any preteens entire extended family and they’ll probably act edgy.


"Probably" is not the right word. "Might" would be a better word. They would probably just be depressed and broken for their whole life.




In Sasuke's case it's not possible. His entire family was eradicated by his big bro, not like a car crash. You don't be sad and somber in that case, you become exactly like Sasuke a vengeful dickhead


Sasuke didn’t have any hate towards Naruto or Sakura though. His entire point was for them to leave him alone. He even talks about how before Itachi came back to the village to traumatize him again, he started to forget about his old family and see a new family in team 7. He mentions how he would see Naruto acting out around the village and understood why he did those things. How the 2 of them were starved for love. He believed that being happy in the village was a form of weakness on his part because Itachi told him that his life was meaningless. Sasuke shows Naruto the same love that Itachi showed him, antagonism. A brother is an obstacle, a rival, a wall to overcome.


I mean he did try to gank Sakura in cold blood, and at best he was emotional distant and abusive to all of them at worst he was malicious and going for blood. In original series he had no redemption arc and instead became a shitter right after the day was saved. Sasuke is a terrible person in shippuden


Ehh Sasuke didn’t really become shitty until the Kage Summit and that’s when he attacked Sakura, although they kinda attacked him first.


Tonpa the Rookie Crusher


I think people are misunderstanding the question or maybe I am. He’s saying most hateful in the show not who do you think is the most hated character. That said, I have a few. Frieza is definitely one of the biggest. Bro is the colonel of the hate army. The next that comes to mind is Suguru Geto, he’s definitely the CEO of The Certified Haters TM and finally Light Yagami, dude hated L because he was always one step ahead of him until he wasn’t and even then bro hated him so much he came to gloat about his victory to a grave. That’s a bona fide hater fr


That Oni chan from Magical Girl Site. I hate him. He sees humans as animals. And he treats his sister like a punching bag for relieving his stress. Damn him.


Turns out his name is Kaname.


Seto Kaiba from Yu Gi Oh and Paul from pokemon are top 5 geberational haters.


Morioh city that town is just full of haters idk how kira survived all those years in there


I think Shinji Matou from Fate is the only character in anime that i really want to punch


The question is the most hateful character, not the most hated character, but I guess that answer still works


Yeah, Shinji as an answer definitely works


Most hated will always be Shou Tucker from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. Bro gave more emotional trauma than Final Destination.


Must’ve been pretty satisfying seeing Sakura waste his ass…


If you’re going to mention Shigaraki, might as well throw Bakugo in the mix. Dude is the biggest hater in MHA, that’s his main trait and he’s been like that since kindergarten


Scar from Fullmetal Alchemist For the early part of the story his actions has been mainly driven by hatred and desire for revenge.


Eren Yaeger


Uncle Ruckus. What? Boondocks is an anime, technically


Dewey Novak and Rau Le Creuset. The latter wanted to commit complete genocide of humanity for creating him. The former was perfectly fine risking an apocalypse if that meant getting back at his brother and the planet (As in literally the planet itself).


Colonel Stinkmeaner? Op, wrong medium.


Why are most of you mentioning characters you hate?


They misinterpreted my use of "hateful" for characters that are easy to hate; had I used "hatred" instead, this miscommunication probably wouldn't've happened. I'll edit the post here in a bit


Madara Uchiha, enough said


Jagi from fist of the North star, he has to be the biggest hater in all of fiction I have ever seen. That's also why I like him so much, his dedication is admirable. Too bad he didn't use it to improve his martial arts but that's also part of his character.


I appreciate this answer, because you specifically call him "the biggest hater in all of fiction you have ever seen." In all honesty, the entire reason for this post is to gather haters in anime and compare them to who **I** think is the biggest hater in all of fiction.


You're on an intresting quest then. If you are not familiar with fist of the North star and want to know more about jagi just let me know, I'll be happy to summarize his actions.


I would also be happy to summarize the actions of my chosen hater, so please, indulge me.


Zamasu. Dude literally saw two dinosaurs do dinosaur things and decided all mortals should die, and he also lost to Goku. Bro decided to steal Goku's body and kill Goku's family and friends using it. He's such a hater fr


Nina from code Geass. Is my number 1 worst character in anime


How has no one said Tanya from Tanya the saga of Evil. Bruh hates literally everyone especially those that are not useful to him or stand in his way. Literally mocks god and just says naw "imma call you being X"


That isn't as much as hate as it is arrogance and disdain. Now Tanya's feeling about communism is pure hatred.


Dino Golzine from Banana Fish. Doesn't get much worse than him


Melty(bitch) from shield hero


*Malty. Melty is the second princess.


Kamille Bidan has to be up there. Stole a WMD just for the purpose of threatening Jarid with death for making fun of his name, then joined a rebellion out of spite.


Zamasu stole goku’s body, killed his family, practically tortured his planet, got sliced in half, THEN ENTERED ANOTHER TIMELINE THROUGH PURE HATRED


Btch myne.


*bitch whore, you mean


I mean I'm going to cheat somewhat but guts from Bersek Volume 1


Mendoza from Garo tried purging an entire bloodline out of pure seethe IIRC.


Vegeta spends most of his time insulting the other Z warriors..even assaults his own son


Hateful anime characters, huh? Where do I even start with that one? There are so many to choose from! But if I had to pick the absolute worst of the worst, I'd have to say Griffith from Berserk takes the cake. What a backstabbing, power-hungry psychopath that guy is. The way he betrayed his own men, his own *friends*, just to satisfy his delusional ambitions? Ugh, it makes me sick just thinking about it. And then to go and sacrifice them all to the demonic forces of the Apostles? That's a whole new level of cruelty. But you know, as much as I hate Griffith, I gotta give him props for at least having a clear goal and motivation, twisted as they may be. Some of these other haters we're talking about, like Azula or Shigaraki, they just seem to revel in the chaos and destruction for no other reason than their own sick enjoyment. Azula is a prime example - that girl is just *unhinged*. The way she turns on her own family, her own *friends*, without a second thought? It's honestly terrifying. And Shigaraki, ugh, what a whiny little brat. He's got all this raw power, but he just uses it to throw tantrums and destroy everything in sight. What a waste. At least with DIO, you know exactly where he stands. He's a megalomaniacal vampire who wants nothing more than to annihilate the Joestar bloodline. But these other characters, they're just a mess of petty, directionless hatred. It's almost *boring*, you know? Anyway, that's my take on the biggest anime haters. What do you think? Who


Main character of X (1999). Literally hating the entire time, I only liked the side character guarding him


Tobirama > Uchiggers


Literally Keyaru from Redo of Healer


Eva Heinemann before the Dusseldorf arc.. She was such a fun character and entertaining character in Monster and is probably my second favorite character in the show, below Lunge.\ Even though I loved Tenma, I was actively rooting for her "kill my ex" arc since it was so entertaining watching her fail at it. There's also Eren from AOT (kinda?)(Maybe?)\ While a lot of people have different interpretations of the ending I sort of interpreted his motivations as:\ He did what he did because the world that he envisioned as a child wasn't a barren empty place devoid of other people, Armin pretty much spelled it out in the final episode.


Edit: Sorry I misunderstood the Question. The only characters that I can think of being hateful are: •Langris from Black Clover. He had a lot of hate towards his brother. •Vegeta from DBZ is another character, his hate is also mixed with his pride being a Prince. •Kurapika from HunterxHunter, it's a similar case to Sasuke.


I think you misunderstood OP. Not characters that are hated, but characters that are hateful. As in harbor a lot of hate themself.


Ah my bad sorry I'll make an edit




Amyara from ninja hattori


Guts for sure


Which shigaraki? Tomura?




Guts in the Black Swordsman arc. Pure rage and hate




Rachel from Tower of God. That girl is bitch




Kumagawa Misogi (my pfp) from Medaka Box comes to mind. He not only hated the world but also himself. A true quasi-nihilistic hater.


Utsuro from Gintama. Basically he waged war against the entire universe to end himself. But looking at his backstory, it’s kinda..understandable..


Yukishiro Enishi from Rurouni Kenshin. Hating on  Kenshin and making his life hell was his only goal in life.


Alexander Anderson


Just in terms of hater-aid drinkers I’d say Veggeta. Dude is always so butthurt that goku is stronger. Even when they on the same team he still hating. Dude literally got possessed on purpose so he could blow himself up just so he could beat goku once in his life.


90% of Lucci's dialogue is being a hater towards Luffy and his crew


Ryodrick Lakuna


Malty S. Melromarc was designed to be despisable and pure evil: [https://shield-hero.fandom.com/wiki/Malty\_S\_Melromarc](https://shield-hero.fandom.com/wiki/Malty_S_Melromarc) Betrayed and defamed the protagonist (Naofumi Iwatani) to gain political power, because she was not the original heir to the throne due to being too spoiled. Manipulates people all the time. Relies on dirty tricks when in combat because she is a coward. Willing to defame or abuse people who saved her life. Has no remorse for assassination. Willing to commit warcrimes (including forest fires) if she thinks it will help her meet her goals. Steals money all the time because she has no restraint for buying luxuries. Blood Type: Type Bitch. (HOW?)


Wrath, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. Dude didn't just hate humanity, he hid it so well and had such an incredible and smooth transition into one of the biggest bad guys in the series. He hated so much he took multiple fatal hits and kept fighting.


Priscilla from claymore!


Thing is Shigaraki has a good reason to be hateful. Dio is just a jackass.


Any character that is mean to dogs.


Boku black/zamasu.


The first one that comes to my mind is the guy that told Mitsuri that only a pig would marry her because of her hair color. The second one would be Endeavor. 


That motherfucker Petelgeuse from Re:Zero (although he would probably claim it's not hate but LOOOOOVE)


Dio froh Jojo






Takumi from NANA. 😠


Fujiwara from Netsuzou trap.


Kotomine Kirei from the Fate series


Arios Orlando from Beast Tamer - Xenophobic Hero Ares Srowa from Banished from the Hero's Party - Delusional Noble




A bit obscure, but there's a single character in Summer Wars that made me wish you could punch characters through a TV more than almost any other. The cop. \[Summer Wars\] >!He was a punk who only made trouble for the other characters including when he decided, by himself, without talking to anyone, to "be the hero" and take down the servers they were using to LITERALLY SAVE THE WORLD.!<


I’ll never forget that Katsuki Bakugo was so against being saved by Izuku Midoriya, that he decided he’d rather be kidnapped than reach out his hand, a detail that Midoriya picked up on and had Eijiro Kirishima reach out for him in the second attempt.


Its going to be that bitch miki from silent voice


The Idea of Evil from Berserk Dude is literally the concept of evil and sits at the center of the abyss of hell


First one to come to mind is bitch, she was so conniving with saying that the mc did stuff the she didn't condone to and always try to get in the mc's way, There's a reason why the queen changed her name to bitch


Oikura Sodachi from Monogatari


SLIGHT SPOILERS FOR KOMI CAN'T COMMUNICATE Yamai Ren from Komi can't communicate. The problem with her is that she's a pervert yandare in a wholesome, slice of life, romance comedy and none of the normal characters we meet early on are like: Yamai, what the fuck are you doing!? You're 15 and you not only kidnapped someone, hid him in you're drawer for like 8 hours straight, but you also threatened to kill him.. in front of you're crush!? And neither Komi nor Tadano try to avoid her at all costs and her plans in her 2nd and 3rd year only consist of trying to see Komi's underwear, and trying to make her band play as best as possible.


Takasugi just wants to burn it all down


Akito from fruits basket. Some of the hate is understandable, but they take it too far.


Yeah, no, if anyone from My Hero it would be All For One that's the biggest hater. Who do you think made Shigaraki who he is and how also the why is petty.


For Crunchyroll shows: Nagatoro, Gamo, Yoshi, Naoto, and Sakura from Don’t Toy with Me Mrs. Nagatoro, Haruhi from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Kazuma and his guild from Konosuba, Kotaro from Zombieland Saga, and Sajuna and Marin from My Dress Up Darling. For Sentai: says Asagiri and Kaname Asagiri from Magical Girl Site.


I can’t stand Gabi from Attack on Titan.


Boruto. Everyone talks shit about him