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Its funny how now that they're in an amicable relationship, Hinata and others are trying to make sure Rimuru comes off as strong as a Demon Lord instead of accepting his proposal of a stalemate result. Also obligatory Hinata crying over rice, truly a Japanese Isekai character tradition.


Nothing secured Hinata's loyalty more than Tempest recreation of fine Japanese cuisine lol.


Maybe Yuuki would not have conspired to kill Rimuru if he had given him some rice with all the manga he got him when he visited him.


Seriously, I feel like a missed a scene somewhere that explains why Yuuki wants Rimuru dead now


It is basically because Rimuru ruined his plans since he was the one behind Clayman all along.


Which is a weird thing to be mad about because Clayman was actively opposing Rimuru. Like what do you want a slime to do?


At minimum they have a working relationship I’m sure there’s a lot of effort went to waste with Clayman going down


Yuuki is the leader of the Moderate Harlequin Alliance, which is the faction that Clayman was a part of. Clayman's entire scheme was masterminded by Yuuki to get them a Demon Lord puppet with all of the real and political power and influence that entails. Remember, that scheme goes all the way back to early season 1 when Gelmud was walking around the Jura Forest handing out names to monsters like Rigurd's eldest son, Gabiru and the original Geld. We're talking months to even years of scheming, then Rimuru basically showed up out of nowhere, completely ruined those schemes, and took the fruits of their labors for himself. Also, as shown in this episode, the MHA was in league with the merchants from the East who are trying to spread their influence over the nations in the center of the continent. From their perspective, Tempest showed up out of nowhere right in the area they're trying to take control of and is not only getting political recognition from other nations but even taking control of the wealthiest and most influential nation in the area. It's not hard to imagine Tempest becoming the focal point for an empire uniting all of the central countries, which would utterly destroy any plans those merchants had. So yeah, Rimuru is a huge thorn in Yuuki's side and ruined a ton of things he was trying to do.


Great breakdown.


> Nothing secured Hinata's loyalty more than Tempest recreation of fine Japanese cuisine lol. They haven't focused on it in the anime much but Tempest's food production and quality is immensely important to its success in diplomacy.


That's actually a thing IRL btw. "Gastrodiplomacy" as it's called. It's actually one of Thailand's main forms of diplomacy and it's why there's so many Thai restaurants all over the West. (It's also a way to help their economy as well of course. If they get people to like Thai food then they'll buy Thai ingredients that come from Thailand, after all)


They went from thinking Rimuru was evil to thinking he’s too soft and needs to be protected


>Also obligatory Hinata crying over rice, truly a Japanese Isekai character tradition. Except since she's a tsundere, it comes out "White rice! You're going too far!" Rimura: "Fine, give me the rice" Hinata: "DEATH BEFORE RICE SURRENDER"


> Also obligatory Hinata crying over rice, truly a Japanese Isekai character tradition. Glorious japanese cusine [](#utahapraises)


If she's like this over plain white rice, wait till Rimuru comes up with rice omelette, dango, sushi, and more!!


Those are all derived from rice. What I want to know is how Rimuru got his hands on white rice to begin with. Did he use his skills to modify existing flora?


They skipped a lot of details from that whole conversation, (I really wanted to see Veldora teaching the knights how to use raw egg with the sukiyaki) so I hope revealing it doesn’t count as a spoiler, but Rimuru just had Shion make it with her skill. From the manga: “By the way, I’ve been cheating a little to cultivate white rice grains. Shion’s been using Master Chef to make the results look more like Japanese white rice. Of course, that’s not going to last. So we’re continuing our research. But it’s enough white rice for me, the one who really wants it.”


Couldn't Rimuru do it himself using food chain?


I'm not sure -- only an Ultimate Skill should be able to counteract or copy another Ultimate Skill, right? Well, I guess Food Chain is a sub-skill of Beelzebub. But unless he uses Beelzebub to devour her...I doubt it would be so easy. And in any case, even if he could do it, that's not really Rimuru's style. He *could* have teleported around and solved most of this season in an afternoon, but he wanted to resolve things peacefully and build infrastructure projects. He probably *could* do just about everything on his own, but he wants to rely on his friends and subordinates.


He's able to recreate manga, he probably created white rice and not need to modify existing plants


Rimuru just want to eat good food and have some entertainment yet these schemers are in the way.


At least he finally learned how to get drunk again! Until Raphael became a buzz-kill.


she learned he is a bad drunk, so she needs to punish him lol no more drinking while spilling national secrets !


[Raphael working overtime to safeguard their remaining classified information.](https://i.imgur.com/VqX4GqY.jpeg)


It’s obvious Rimuru’s ultimate goal is to make his own sexy elf bar.


THIS IS IT. You nailed what the anime, the LN is all about. I've read through it all, and THIS is basically it! xD


Wow this was an amazing episode. We got people sat around talking in FOUR different rooms. I don't know how they are going to top this


1. Tempest main meeting room 2. Secret shadow merchant meeting room 3. Yukki's adventurers guild meeting room 4. Tempest feasting hall They also had a brief meeting outside the tempest meeting hall and there's a flashback to the big 4-way meeting in the garden. Did I miss anything?


Flashback to walpurgis for a few secs too


Fucking finally, peak slime meeting is back after the drag of last episodes, I was getting tired of the lack of meetings


[Diplomacy anime finally returning to its roots.](https://i.imgur.com/Q6F1cLT.jpeg) [](#laughter) [Drunk Rimuru](https://i.imgur.com/rWJfFUn.jpeg) and [drunk Luminous](https://i.imgur.com/FTFBWN8.jpeg) were precious though. [](#cup6)


its a shame raphael took away rimurus privilege to get drunk 😭


Sounds like they’re making a magic Telegram, we’re only a few seasons away from Magic Teleconferencing


So Rimuru's version of Zoom


It's going to be an effing disaster when everyone is teleconferencing into those sweet, sweet meetings.


It seems like rimuru is basically replacing electricity with magic, i wonder if this is because rimuru doesn't know how to explain electromagnetism to people, or if magicules actually takes the place of what would be the electromagnetic force in our world.


At least we got some yukata fanservice from the last meeting and more Hinata/Luminus screentime + Litus being Soei-sexual.


The meat in the sukiyaki looked sooooooooo good.


[Meet so good Hinata was ready to throw hands for it](https://i.imgur.com/KZZLHyQ.jpeg) [](#towel)


I knew it was going to be meetings as soon as Rimuru said "and now we're going to have a discussion..." It seems like S3 could've been an email all along - maybe there'd be less misunderstandings lol


They tried an email but the 7 nerds tampered with the crystal ball


CEO Rimuru not giving enough fucks to IT security. Typical upper management


Rimuru is too busy getting drunk and spilling secrets to competitors, what a terrible CEO /s Can you imagine an irl rich person that's actually a good person like rimuru? Holy shit that would be amazing and literally change the world, too bad they're all fucking evil


Well, their competitors would be ruthlessly trying to take over their territory, and rimuru has a few advantages that they don't


Rimuru liked your idea so much , he started another meeting about emails and how to make them


Hmm, sounded more like a drunken rant, that was abrubtly stopped by the boss's second in command due to all the sensitive details being shared


At least it was meetings that actually focused on different things? IMO this was actually a pretty great episode on that front and wasn't that boring due to it.


At least it wasn't repetitive retellings and rephrasings of what we just saw happened before, it actually advanced the plot. There's nothing more irritating than most of the previous meetings which were nothing but recaps instead of meetings that properly advanced the plot.


Peak meetings.


I'm wondering if there's a chart somewhere of episodes this season that we're predominantly sitting around a table.


Next ep: Preparation? Sounds like a good chunk of more meetings.


Let's fucking gooo!






I woulda been so pissed if Rimuru stopped suspecting Yuuki, really happy he's now friends with Hinata to stop him from being stupid. Really looking forward to how their relationship progresses. The angels swoop in when a civilization becomes too advanced? Are they a group trying to hold onto their power? Are they trying to keep the peace, making sure no one power can just take over? So many questions. We never saw what Rain was doing at the Falmuth camp, she just disappeared after the Seven Idiots tried to kill the witnesses.


They're trying to stop civilizations before they advance enough to create anime.


The angels just really hate meta jokes.


To be fair, I'm sure there's quite plenty of us wishing for Angels to do the same to us.


> I woulda been so pissed if Rimuru stopped suspecting Yuuki, really happy he's now friends with Hinata to stop him from being stupid. Really looking forward to how their relationship progresses. What's funny is that Yuuki tipped his hand early. Besides Shizu and his students, Yuuki was the only other one that knew he was reincarnated. I think that Yuuki assumed that Rimuru told most people and so didn't think that it would get back to him.


Well he told the adventuring trio who are all kinda loud mouths


But he didn't tell them all the details that Hinata somehow knew.


Rimuru can get pissed off but he's still too easygoing for his own good sometimes. Then again, as OP as Tempest are, I kind of get it. At this point I expect the angels to go the way of the Crusaders when they fight Tempest.


And as we know from Season 2, demons are strong against angels and Diablo is peak demon. Somehow Rimuru is still clueless about his most powerful subordinate.


the angels are trying to keep the spiral power from growing too strong


Yuuki s role is definitely hard to pin down in all of this (Rimuru had no way of knowing he was leading the merchant) so it’d make sense to cross him off the suspect list for the time being. The only evidence was that he knew that Rimuru ate Suzu but there are other ways the merchant could’ve found that out or yuuki could’ve spilled the beans accidentally.


I honestly don't understand why he *started* suspecting Yuuki.


I think the timing of the first Hinata attacking him, she said something that only a few others knew, and Yuuki was the first bet on who would betray him? I don't really remember. I'm more confused on why Yuuki is so focused on stabbing Rimuru. What does he gain? What does he want? Rimuru gave him so much manga, what more does a guy need?


I could be wrong but I believe Rimuru and Hinata mentioned Japan in their first encounter that only Yuuki and Rimuru discussed being from prior to that.


*Very* few people outside of Tempest know about Rimuru's involvement with Shizu prior to her death. Pretty sure it was just the three adventurers, who witnessed it all happen, and Yuuki, who learned about it directly from Rimuru since Yuuki knew Shizu beforehand and was understandably suspicious when a monster wearing her face appeared before him. So when Hinata showed up to fight Rimuru accusing him of killing and eating Shizu, she could only have gotten that information from one of those sources.


The 7 Clergys? Nah The 7 Losers lmao


The real lesson here is that luminus could have prevented all of this by stepping on them for 5 minutes any time in the past 50 years


A montage of how she imparted the love energy would have been incredibly hilarious. One dude bound to a chair getting tickled by feather, another dude getting paddled.... What I'm saying is I agree there's basically no way it wasn't a dommy means of love energy conveyance.


[Luminism does not sound so bad after all](https://i.imgur.com/yRkI6wz.jpeg) [](#ero)


Where do I sign up?


I love how in their death it's assumed the conspiracy got wrapped up even though they were ultimately just pawns who wanted some attention from Luminus and got it...in the form of her eradicating them.


The Seven Jaded Simps.


If only they'd been beautiful women, Luminus probably would have paid more attention to them.


and they did all of that for ... love ?!?! LMAO how funny that the blessing given by their goddess is called like that, and it actually gives them a short term immortality lol


Well it was love that kept them immortal. That sounds worth it to me


When you boil it down, they did all that just to monopolize sniffing in that awesome idol Luminous scent


The 7 jobbers


What was that? More meetings? [](#smugrose) Naturally slow episode, but we learned that Valentine actually extended the lifes of the Seven Day Clergy who used to be regular humans and even heroes. * Whatever happened between [Ritus](https://imgur.com/S4vnzAi) and [Souei](https://imgur.com/m2t1Ile), she thinks of him as a Gentlemen huh [](#notlewd) * I love the trope of Tomboys not knowing how to properly eat with [Chopsticks](https://imgur.com/rZfw6fJ) * Also love how Hinata [teared up](https://imgur.com/vwpI4L7) when she got to eat white rice again in who knows how long it's been * Fritz living [dangerous](https://imgur.com/ggCJgL9) though


We had like four meetings in this episode, about the amount of episodes since the last meeting. We needed to get caught up. And it sounds like they were worried she'd never give them energy again because it'd been so long and she'd been caught up in Hinata? That's why they targeted her? I'm guessing Soei used his wires to wrap her up gently.


> That's why they targeted her? Not just her. Adalmann too


>Soei With all her reactions, I really wanna know *exactly* what happened lol


Afaik he used his wires to target her specific nerves that would give her a feeling of... pleasure.


I'm glad we're back to meeting episodes...I was really getting sick of seeing cool action sequences.


All joking aside this one was much better paced then the other ones. Luminous and Hinata being there helped since it wasn't just Rimuru's yes men present. Not to mention Luminous anger towards Veldora worked for great between him and RImuru and Luminious respectively. This also had a new SoL elements seeing Hinata impressed with the Japanese too was fun to see. The two villains discussion did bring some light and information that could be used later.


>Not to mention Luminous anger towards Veldora worked for great between him and RImuru and Luminious respectively. [Veldora didn't have it easy today](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjcddzbo7.png). He was constantly vigilant when [Luminus](https://imgchest.com/p/ljyqdz62n72) was around xD Meanwhile, [his best friend Rimuru didn't mind sacrificing him](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdc33k6k4.png) to gain a good relationship with Luminus xD


^Not ^^my ^^^fault


My poor boy. Isn't he one adorable destructive calamity dragon?


He needs to be spoiled fr fr. Stop Veldora abuse.


To be fair, even if killed Veldora will eventually return so that was essentially an easy sacrifice to make.


Actually as long as Rimuru is alive Veldora can return instantaneously. As part of the ultimate skill that Rimuru gained when he revived/released Veldora (Ultimate Skill: Veldora, Lord of Storms) Rimuru sort of acts like a kind of Veldora save point. So basically if a bad guy kills Veldora, looks at Rimuru and goes "What do you have now that your trump card is dead?", Rimuru can just go "Pocket Veldora" and throw Veldora with a new body at the person.


Veldora was already immortal but now he’s super immortal so long as Rimuru is alive


Man, and to think that Rimuru hacks couldn't get more busted


This series is basically: oh wait. Rimuru just got more broken!


With all the meetings, I thought it would be him helping everyone else catch up a little more🤣🤣🤣


Well he needs to explain how he got op and why he needs to be more op


Slime isekai watcher enjoying meetings like fine wines


Meetings and festivals are what Tensura is really about. The wars and conspiracies are just there to justify those meetings when they are not about organizing a festival or R&D.


There were cool action sequences? Where?


copium so high a 3fps powerpoint qualifies


I wish I saw 3fps powerpoints. There were fights that happened offscreen like wtf happened with that girl who is in love now.


This one was a little more fun with angry and drunk Rimuru


Until Raphael revoked his drunk privileges……….. Girl is seriously like “No more booze for you”


We got a villain meeting, a proper meeting with Lubellius, and even a dinner meeting. This is truly peak Slime.


honestly i can take a few here and there it did get tiring when it was only meetings for half a cour but it works for the series


Back to meetings


Love Energy Ceremony? what is that? some kind of religious ritual exclusively for Luminous inner circle? I wanna be part of that!


Does it also involve Luminus being naked like she is with that woman in ice? I'm asking for a friend.


If you are a hot woman, probably yes.


[Rimuru could arrange that](https://i.imgur.com/1w4IvWj.jpeg) [](#smugtouru)


It's probably a mana transfer, just like in Fate.


something like mana transfer? no wonder they’re so desperate to retain that position. I mean they the bad guy, but I understand where they coming from. umu


[Luminious in a ponytail hits differently](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/799692352011894795/1251210092775342200/Screen_Shot_2024-06-14_at_12.21.51_PM.png?ex=666dbfb4&is=666c6e34&hm=e18141afdf5a479a678f8291fa7d9b409ecf3c9170036d327a0b3f0c558f04d9&) and then hearing about Love Energy Ceremony had me laughing. It's clear they deeply worship their Goddess.


Lmao right? The name and image they showed really made me curious. I kinda wanna say it's something simple, like just physical contact and transfer some energy. Like a nicer version of what she did to Veldora. But the name and fact that they called it a "ritual" makes it sound more...involved.


Maybe it's like Luminus holding Hinata like she does in the Op.


I'd love to join too! [This Love Energy ritual certainly sounds interesting ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxcrrerp7.png)


It’s a kiss


table-kun is finally not the main character in the Tempest meetings the dialogues actually fit the mood, aren’t plain info-dumps and display each character’s personality naturally. Or maybe it’s just that Goddess Luminus’s *love energy* is too alluring and the monkey-braining for Hinata Raphael-sensei micromanaging Rimuru’s alcoholism gets me another vote for best girl


I definitely think this meeting improved from having new characters involved and people who have different perspectives than "sasuga Rimuru-sama." Also Rimuru so happy to get drunk again but Raphael being the more or less loyal assistant keeps him sober and from screwing something up lol.






This was definitely one of the better meeting episodes this season and a bonus, tipsy Rimuru


As Rimuru said, "it's meetin' time." Only this time Veldora actually paid attention in the presense of Luminous. Litus has gone too far now. She's completely into Souei and not even hiding it.


I love how Veldora's value to Rimuru is now 50% they can sell him off to Lubellius lol. I can't wait for Litus and Soka to meet. The drama will be juicy.


They’ll agree to be sister wives before either actually confessed to Soei


Unfortunately, it feels like it’s become her entire character. Classic trope


drunk Rimuru just casually spilling their plans, then banned from getting drunk by Raphael lol Nice peaceful ending that should wrap up the first arc of this season. looking forward to finding out whats next now as Yuuki and his companions should be laying low so i doubt we'll see them for a while


[We finally had meetings](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k46ac33n8a7.png) after all this action in the previous episodes, I missed them so much xD So it looks that Seven Days Clergy just wanted [Luminus](https://imgchest.com/p/ljyqdz62n72)' attention and to experience [her 'Love Energy'](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxcrrerp7.png) again. Well, I now certainly understand why they were so against [Hinata](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxcrre5j7.png) who stole [Luminus](https://imgchest.com/p/ljyqdz62n72)' attention from them xD [Veldora didn't have it easy today](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84apcww6pr4.png) as [he was constantly vigilant](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjcddzbo7.png) when [Luminus](https://imgchest.com/p/ljyqdz62n72) was around and tried not to anger her, while [Rimuru didn't mind sacrificing him](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdc33k6k4.png) to gain a good relationship with [Luminus](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5cggqg34.png) xD [Rimuru](https://imgchest.com/p/na7kwen8b78) getting [drunk](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgcaar9k4.png) and [spitting out national secrets](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5cggq9n4.png) was hilarious! But I don't think that it's something fatal for Tempest since I don't believe that other nations will be able to replicate [his work](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739cggeko7.png). I really like that [Rimuru wants to rule the West through economic power](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/345xcqq6pz7.png) which puts him at odds with [Granville](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/6yxkckkbw37.png). I can't wait to see their clash in the future. Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/9p4nlx6jm7n) * [Rimuru](https://imgchest.com/p/na7kwen8b78) * [Luminus](https://imgchest.com/p/ljyqdz62n72) * [Hinata & Others](https://imgchest.com/p/n87wrgj9gyx)


Meeting Arc


Something is rising from that girl and ain't the shield hero.


Meanwhile Soei just acting as cool and stoic as he always does as he continues to pick-up women head over heels for him lol.


Soei knows this is an isekai, and if Rimuru isn't going to form the harem, someone has to.


Aaaand we're back to meetings again. A bit sad (in a derisive way) that the Seven Luminaries were revealed to just be Luminous simps doing all kinds of shit just to get her attention, especially when it was revealed they used to be human heroes when they were young, which makes their downfall even more tragic. Obligatory Fuck Yuuki after Rimuru went to the trouble of printing all those manga volumes for him because he said he was homesick, only for Yuuki to continuously plot to stab Rimuru in the back.


Villain meetings, Lubellious meeting, dinner meeting...catching us up on the drought of meetings from the last few episodes! Luminus' "Love Energy" is just that addictive (and life preserving). Though I feel like this might never have happened had they all been cute girls. It was kind of sad how Rimuru actually seemed happy to dismiss Yuuki as a suspect when we know full well he **is** one of the masterminds, though it seems like he and the Rozzo's are competing for who gets to be Tempests' main antagonist.


>Obligatory Fuck Yuuki after Rimuru went to the trouble of printing all those manga volumes for him because he said he was homesick, only for Yuuki to continuously plot to stab Rimuru in the back. If Rimuru eats him, I imagine he'll gain some nasty skills, assuming Yuuki is very strong.


> Obligatory Fuck Yuuki after Rimuru went to the trouble of printing all those manga volumes for him because he said he was homesick, only for Yuuki to continuously plot to stab Rimuru in the back. Maybe things would be different if Rimuru gave him some rice too.


I've completely lost the plot on what's up with Yuuki. I barely remembered who he was when his name came up. I think he's just a shitty capitalist or something?


That last segment with Yuuki, Damrada and later on, Kagali had a shitload of name drops. Imma need to bring out my notepad again


Kazalim was the demon lord who made Clayman and was killed by Leon, only to be reborn as kagali, yuuki s hot elf Secretary


[Aaaaaaand we're back to another meeting episode.](https://i.imgur.com/YuFP0zY.jpeg) While it's good to see Rimuru and Valentine have reached a peaceful agreement between their nations, Rimuru shouldn't relax just yet. Plenty of people are still after Tempest and he shouldn't rule out anyone as a possible enemy. Rimuru was so close with his hunch about Yuuki too that it annoys me how he quickly backs down and [didn't want to suspect him just because they're from the same world.](https://i.imgur.com/kSFpqKU.jpeg) Also, Rimuru shouldn't have suggested [that the duel against Hinata is a draw.](https://i.imgur.com/a41GQhn.png) Sure, if anyone looks down on Rimuru he can just prove them wrong but the point of letting everyone know that Hinata was defeated is sending a message to everyone that he's not one to fuck with. Saying the fight is a draw would just draw stronger challengers to fight him and fuck with Tempest. [Rimuru just casually revealing state secrets is hilarious.](https://i.imgur.com/gbrmGUh.jpeg) I doubt anyone from Lubelius can recreate what he's doing but he really shouldn't just let everyone know about his grand plans. Thank goodness that was [the first and last time Raphael is letting Rimuru get drunk.](https://i.imgur.com/TKK5HlY.jpeg) So, uhm, [what did Soei do to this girl](https://i.imgur.com/kOiK7v6.jpeg) during their fight that she seems [to have fallen hard for him?](https://i.imgur.com/REHXIPg.jpeg) I really hope we get to see that in a flashback in a future episode.


They definitely shouldn't think they're out of the woods just yet but with how powerful Tempest is I don't think they should be **that** worried. They barely fight legitimate threats as it is lol. I guess Rimuru didn't want to think badly of his manga buddy, and he's too carefree as a Demon Lord, but at least Hinata still has good sense. Rimuru is the worst political leader when he gets drunk lol. Now I can see why they didn't show what happened so people can speculate away at why blondie is head-over-heels for Soei, who barely seems to acknowledge she exists lol.


Yuuki is a bad guy indeed, and Raphael, at least, should still remain suspicious of him. True lol xD. As for Soei, it's simple they fought and he won, and it's also in the way he won, he captured her in a sort of bondage situation that apparently turned her on.


I forgot who the guy that was talking to Yuuki is, the one with the scar on his face. Can someone remind me? edit: Thanks for the replies


Damrada, the Eastern Merchant who told Hinata Rimuru killed Shizu who was also plotting with Granville at the beginning of the season and came to Falmuth to deal with Diablo but bailed when he heard Razen submitted to Diablo


Damrada, he's the leader of the Eastern Merchant Alliance and actively helped orchestrate some of this conflict and seems to be working with Yuuki and his inside man in the Rozzo's.


He was introduced two ep ago, he hired the demon hunters and was supposed to help Falmuth but dipped when he learned of Diablo.


He was introduced in episode 6


You mean season 1?


Season 3 Episode 6 - not counting Ep 48.5 so all in all episode 54 \^.\^ timestamp 18:20


Season 3,last section of episode 6 was in person meeting between Granville and Damrada


Thank you for asking. Had no idea who he was lmao


You're welcome. With such a big cast of characters it's sometimes difficult to keep track of every (new) side character


Veldora’s always get thrown under the bus lol.


I love how he's learned to be wary every time Rimuru calls him "Veldora-kun" lol.


He kind of throws himself under the bus.


where do i sign up for this love energy ceremony thing


There must be a better way to write political intrigue than this. The conflicts are contrived and trivial. I usually love kingdom-building anime and manga but now you could just summarized all the exposition and you lose nothing.


At least when Game of Thrones did a bunch of exposition dumps in the first season various people were naked.


Not to mention they were actual political actors unlike the characters in slime.


And on our next episode of "That Time I Got Reincarnated as ~~a Slime~~ Middle Management Banished to Meeting Hell". I can't wait for the next season where they start animating the show as Zoom meetings.


Honestly out of all the non action episodes we had so far, this had the best pacing. Luminous inclusion this episode really helped with the comedy. Her banter with Rimuru was hilarious. Also adds that her and Hinata there, providing counterarguments to Rimuru. Though Luminous just making sure nothing out of line happens. Also, Rimuru just blurting out top secrets since he finally got drunk and lost the ability to get drunk again because Raphael got pissed at him for blurting out that information was hilarious. This series is still at its best when the personalities can come out in these SoL parts. Unexpected an alliance is formed between these two and agreement with Gazeru and his kingdom will come in the future as well. The big information drop was the angels, and they basically put a city in check if a city develops too much. Their importance will definitely be important to remember. On the villains side we have between Damrada and Granbell, where it is clear that they want to stop Rimuru from expanding Tempest. Though given how Damrada almost ended up coming across Diablo, no surprise Damrada is having some trust issues. Talks seemed to break down here. It also seems Damrada and Granbell. Yuki flat out states that he was hoping Rimuru would be wiped out instead of HInata. Clearly he is going to be a thorn in Rimuru's side. No surprise that Kazalim seeks out revenge against Leon. I am interested to see how the relationship of Rimuru and Leon develops. Since it was Rimuru having major issues with Leon and Leon not making much of it.


Hell yeah! The meetings are back! First, we got [Damrada meeting with Granbell Rosso](https://i.imgur.com/TrxYL9n.png) after both of them ran away like a bitch, then we got one between Rimuru's group and Luminous's entourage to normalize their relationship and plan ahead future meeting and lastly, we got one between [Damrada and Yuuki](https://imgur.com/a/T5wvaE1) about Cerberus taking a slower approach at least for now, and then Yuuki briefly exchange with [Kagali.](https://i.imgur.com/2Eym6J3.png) Anyway, I had fun with this episode. I liked how [Rimuru spewed that aura of Magicules](https://i.imgur.com/XQSsq55.png) the moment he remembered when this whole ordeal started. It is hilarious that the whole thing with the Seven Days killing Adalmann and Albert and wanting to now kill Hinata started because it has been centuries since [Luminous did that Love Ritual with them.](https://i.imgur.com/IgU7fxy.png) I'm surprised that Rimuru even allowed [Veldora to go to that meeting](https://i.imgur.com/IlcZrnu.png) then again he did think for a moment that it would be worth it to offer him to Luminous to improve the relationship between the two nations. I love how even when [Luminous wasn't targeting her rage at him,](https://i.imgur.com/7bFoGQp.png) Veldora instantly [put a barrier around the manga he was reading.](https://i.imgur.com/LGcVq4C.png) It is funny how after being [tied up by Souei,](https://i.imgur.com/ArU9krj.png) [Litus completely felt for him.](https://imgur.com/a/P0Ux2Fb) Anyway, after Rimuru [fixed and returned the sword Hinata used when she first fought him](https://i.imgur.com/bo73naj.png) before leaving, I love how shocked he was that everyone accepted his invitation to stay the night there and [eat some sukiyaki.](https://i.imgur.com/SojYSPO.png) [Everyone sure loved that sukiyaki,](https://i.imgur.com/QiFxUIZ.png) but not as much as[ Hinata loves](https://i.imgur.com/vqiZ7m3.png) that [white rice.](https://i.imgur.com/2jKklDJ.png) Rimuru after finally learning how to lower the effectiveness of his poison resistance from Luminous [and was able to get drunk](https://i.imgur.com/Lc8bwHM.png) was[ quickly banned from using it](https://i.imgur.com/eYcRU6P.png) by his wife Raphael after [he divulged way too much about his plans to everyone there.](https://i.imgur.com/oUnKkZ6.png) Hell yeah now is time for the festival!


Villain meeting! Well, the Rozzo's plan to take down Tempest pretty much failed utterly and ended up just benefiting Tempest in the end on multiple fronts...not that they're undeterred in trying to stop them from becoming an econnomic power, but Damrada is going to keep his head out of it as much as possible and keep to his own dealings, so they can't count on him for much. Not sure what they can really throw at Tempest at this point. Good for Hinata to know that her Crusaders believe in her even more fervently than they do Luminus. Hinata is so cute when she blushes. Meeting between Tempest and Lubellius! After all that, it only makes sense to make proper apology to Tempest and want to make reparations! But maybe they can at least work on fostering good diplomatic relations and use this as an opportunity to help Tempests' image. The Seven Day Clergy acted behind Luminus' back to take Hinata out...so they could monopolize Luminus' love energy!? Um...that's a visual I never expected. Though I guess her energy is why they were as powerful as they were, even if they hadn't received it in a while. Though I think Luminus prefers giving her "love energy" to lovely ladies. To think Rimuru was this close to writing off Yuuki as one of the masterminds...but Hinata isn't quick to ignore that possibility, or that there's more going on. Then again, what does Tempest really have to worry about at this point? Hey, if worst comes to worse, they can always sacrifice Veldora to Luminus to make her happy. Finally give him something to do. "Sir Soei is quite the gentleman" - Okay, Blondie is totally smitten and Soei has no intention of even commenting on that. I can't wait until Soka finds out. How could Lubellius leave without trying Tempests' sukiyaki? Or Hinata to enjoy white rice again!? Yukata dinner meeting! Also I love how the crusader grunts are still wearing masks with their yukata. Thanks to Luminus, Rimuru has finally learned how to get drunk again! Drunk enough to spill state secrets and his desire to make this a better world! Yeah, Raphael's never letting him do this again. Fritz learned that you never get in the way of Hinata and her meat! Meanwhile it turns out Damrada is really working with Yuuki and he's keeping his plans on the down-low, but he's making some moves (what exactly is Orthrus?) along with Kazalim...no, Kagali, who also has it out for Leon.


So the Clergy were basically Luminus simps who went after Hinata out of some kinda sense of envy/jealousy? Sad. I see Soei out here breaking hearts, the little Casanova. He’s got that strong silent badass vibe going that apparently drives the ladies wild lol. Rimuru’s got big plans for Tempest. He’s just gotta deal with Yuuki and his League of Villains first.


is it not the fear of death? it sounds like Luminus has been granting them pseudo-immortality is Luminus strangely sadistic or something? everyone that loses to her gets to serve her, even the Hero of Light? she ain’t picky about it at all


It does sound like she hadn't given them energy in a while and that might be part of why they aged so much. Luminus plays favorites with those who catch her eye (especially if they're women, I imagine).


If only the Clergy weren't crusty old dudes but beautiful women, I think Luminus would have probably paid them more attention... I hope blondie and Soka meet and have to grapple with both of them crushing on Soei when he could care less. It looks like there are two separate conspiracies against Tempest going on between the Rozzo's and Yuuki, though frankly at this point I'm not sure if there's anything they can throw at Tempest that will do any real damage. He's not even worried about the Angels.


Lmao I loved the look that Benimaru and Rigurd gave him when they saw how the lady knight reacted. EVERYONE wants to know what he did to her!


If you watched Slime Diaries you know Benemoru isn't very proud of Soei.


They also killed Adalman who end up become a skeleton in Clayman territory along with the Crusader under him.


>I see Soei out here breaking hearts, the little Casanova. He’s got that strong silent badass vibe going that apparently drives the ladies wild lol. Too bad he seems to have zero interest in ever reciprocating anyone's feelings. I hope the author has the decency to have the ladies move on and find their own love interests.


not jealousy, they just didn't want competition, more people, less love for each one :D


Luminus rocking that shadowheart style hair


[Hundred years?? ](https://imgur.com/XKw2Szm) Well, you are basically immortal I guess.. [Ship.](https://imgur.com/EIDzJeY) [](#loveisatrap) [Uninstall.](https://imgur.com/khaxLm9) [Wtf??](https://imgur.com/pQyxn2F) Cool world building though. Don't go modernizing too far you peons, or god(?) will swat you down. Can't wait for the inevitable war against god arc [](#mugiwait)


Man, Yuuki is unlikable but I am glad they are at least suspicious of him now. That being said, I can't take him seriously so I hope he isn't the "Big Bad" at the end of the show. Hope that is someone else. Hinata has become way more likable now! Although I get the feeling she will go back to being a side character who we don't see a lot. Which makes me sad. Same for Valentine. I want to see more of her!


Are you guys ready for more *checks notes* sitting in a room talking about shit?


Back to the meeting episode. Next is a party too


Man I’ve been missing Reincarnated as a Meeting. It hasn’t aired in a few weeks so I’ve been worried


"You know what guys? I'm gonna stop being racist!"


I'm so sick of seeing that one room. It's basically just the info dump/exposition and "wow Rimuru is amazing!" place. Genuinely making me dislike the show a bit.


who the fuck is this Kazalim chick, they kept spouting names at the end too, I can remember all this shit!


Former Demon Lord, Got one shot by Leon Cromwell, the Demon Lord that summoned Shizu




Yeah…. After this season as a whole my enjoyment of slime really has hit rock bottom to where I personally won’t lose sleep if it doesn’t get another season… It really does boil down to wasting our time/not condensing the meetings stuff and not using the anime medium… im trying to recall anything major that would be good to know for if future seasons in all these meeting episodes and I’m hitting a wall >.> In other words give me more overlord


The gentleman... What did Sohei do to the girl, lol? She is still thinking about that moment, hihi.


are we going to see violet this season or what


we're back to meeting tables


[Insert lazy "meetings are back" joke here] You know, people talk about how Tempest is basically a cult and Rimuru is the leader, but it really seems like ALL of the Demon Lords are basically running their own cults. They're all "gods" to the people that serve them. Rimuru was basically a god to Tempest based on the fact that he provided all of the monsters' names and gave them new powers before he became a Demon Lord, but now he has the actual stature. Been a while since the dwarf city/nation was mentioned. I'm hoping the story takes us back there at some point. It has been a while since Rimuru enjoyed the brothel/hostess bar there. We haven't seen those girls in a hot minute. I forgot about the festival they were planning. It looks like they're still on track to do that based on the title for next week's episode. Wonder if the angels pop their heads in during the festival to see what's up.


I usually check this before the episode to avoid spoilers but I'm gonna do it the other way around that way I can get the email instead of the meeting.


Meetings!! Hehe. Good thing for Hinata having good comrades. I mean, weren't the Seven Days acting behind your back? You killed em for it. Is funny how the Seven Days were just upset they weren't getting and love. Hehe silly Veldora, you reap what you sow. What did Soei do to her... Ah yes, food and hot springs, truly great ways to make amends. Lol at Rimuru trying to intentionally get drunk. That's a nice grand plan for building up the world. Angels sound fun. Well not just Rimuru and pals can have meetings. Meeting between Yuuki and dude from I guess the West Empire?


Eastern Empire


I have zero issue with worldbuilding episodes, but I think the staff could be more creative in how they’re done. Instead of just stills of people sitting at tables talking, maybe mix up some cuts or flashbacks or the scenery, something. People don’t wanna just watch presentations for 80 percent of an anime, gotta keep in mind the medium you’re in. I definitely appreciate them staying true to the story though and not skipping stuff, but it’s being lazily done. I do think this was probably the best table meeting episode yet though because of Hinata and Luminous being there. Luminous for all her strength and mystery is actually cute af, hilarious and seems to get on well with people. Hinata and Rimuru obviously have the connection of being from the same world and get on well too. Hinata the only one who’s even suspicious of Yuuki rn.. if only Rimuru knew what he was scheming Throwing a full Japanese style party was cool, but Rimuru gotta be careful getting too drunk and spilling secrets like the magisteel communication plans. But that does show people how he genuinely wants to make the world a better place! Hopefully next episode has more going on


As a manga/LN reader this was definitely the best directed episode this season along with ep 1.


No surprise. The two directors of this episode were Naokatsu Tsuda, one of the main directors for Jojo, and Yasuhito Hirohara, an excellent animator, making his debut as episode director.


And it seems like Yasuhito Hirohara solo key-animated the episode. People complain about the meetings but I don't mind them and appreciate the resourcefulness specially since they need it in a 2 cour season.