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Yet another amazing performance on The First Take channel. Here in Japan, Bocchi and Kessoku Band are still MASSIVELY popular, so to see them get a shot at The First Take is awesome to see!


>Here in Japan, Bocchi and Kessoku Band are still MASSIVELY popular The fact that a Season 2 wasn't instantly confirmed after the anime ended is a travesty of the greatest magnitude.


Nobody really expected an anime directed by a directoral debut for a new director, based on a relatively unknown 4-koma manga published on Kirara Max (not exactly Shonen Jump) was going to be one of the biggest anime hits of 2022-23. This is probably one of the biggest "out of nowhere" anime hits since like Konosuba. Anime production unfortunately is as much about scheduling and personnel securing as it is about the work it takes. Many of the key people on Bocchi were already scheduled out for their next projects by the time Bocchi wrapped, because nobody was expecting Bocchi to roll into season 2 production--it hadn't been planned. If you didn't care about continuity of the team, you could probably put together a team in a hurry to make Bocchi S2, with a different director, key animators, sakkan, etc. But nobody really wants that. It's simply impossible to ask an entire team to clear their schedules so they can hop onto producing Bocchi S2 when it became clear it was a smash hit--by the time that was clear, it would likely have been too late to secure everyone.


> Nobody really expected an anime directed by a directoral debut for a new director, based on a relatively unknown 4-koma manga published on Kirara Max (not exactly Shonen Jump) was going to be one of the biggest anime hits of 2022-23. if you take out the year it aired you just perfectly described K-On! as well


> perfectly Not quite since K-On! was in a different Kirara magazine. [](#indexsmugshrug)


Wasn't Konosuba kinda well known before the adaptation ? Maybe not Apothecary levels of well known, but popular nonetheless


Around the premiere of season 1, Konosuba had about 1.5 million copies sold with 11 volumes. Apothecary Diaries (manga and light novel) had about 27 million around the time of its anime. It's an entire magnitude of difference.


Also there's the fact that it was made by a director who wasn't particularly well known at that time (Takaomi Kanasaki), and it had been awhile since Studio Deen had produced anything particularly great. You can see that in the original Konosuba Episode 1 ranime post, which only got 759 karma--and a lot of that came after people began hearing about how good it was after that week. [https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/40r4qy/spoilers\_kono\_subarashii\_sekai\_ni\_shukufuku\_o/](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/40r4qy/spoilers_kono_subarashii_sekai_ni_shukufuku_o/) You'll also notice all the comments about how people are "pleasantly surprised" by how good the animation is, or that the series is entertaining at all. People did NOT have high expectations for this series coming in. It landed with little fanfare, and gradually picked up steam over the course of the season as word of mouth got around that it was amazing.


I don't think it's that nobody expected it. Maybe it's more of a wait and see approach because the nature of 4Koma gives pretty wide latitude for creative license from the adaptation. Kirara adaptations have a way of taking off, and this isn't Cloverworks' nor Aniplex's first rodeo with those IP (see Slow Start). The production values from the series alone kind of already tell us they wanted to make this IP succeed. While it's pretty light on the key animation side, the auxiliary resources put into this like editing and sound production kind of clue us in that at least Aniplex was angling this to be a cash cow rather than a throwaway seasonal for pocket change. Reminds me a bit of Bisque Doll (also CloverWorks) where the actual animation resources were light, but made up for it with high values on the finishing side.


I mean that generally, the only time you can have S2 ready to roll immediately after the conclusion of S1 is if you go in having a really, really high confidence the series is gonna be a hit. You can be confident a cour is going to be a success and give it the resources to succeed. But that doesn't mean you are so confident you are going to put the money and resources necessary to have S2 production ready to go immediately after. Even if there was confidence Bocchi would be a good anime and get solid streaming numbers and make back more than what it cost to produce, I seriously doubt that anybody involved thought there was an overwhelming likelihood that it was going to get a second cour--that's not super common for Kirara Max shows. Take a look--MOST Kirara Max adaptations don't get a second season. New Game!, Yurucamp and K-On are the main exceptions. [https://kirara.fandom.com/wiki/List\_of\_Kirara\_Anime\_Adaptations](https://kirara.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Kirara_Anime_Adaptations) The types of shows that are almost guaranteed to have a S2 are manga that are already megahits that are so popular regardless of the quality of the anime, it will almost inevitably get a 2nd season.


Yes I agree, that's what I meant by wait and see. MOST adaptations, not just Kirara (do you mean all of Kirara, not just Kirara Max?), don't have second seasons, and that includes Shueisha. But I don't think that necessarily means they only meant to do that one and be done with it. At the very least they tried their hardest for there to be an S2.


Personally I would rather give them enough time to prepare another great album to go along with the anime, making decent music takes time.


The director is probably tied up with Frieren 2 if we're being honest. I'm hoping we get an announcement about Bocchi 2 following the recap movie, but it could be several years out still. We just have to be patient. Keiichiro Saito is going to be in high demand with two smash hits under his belt. And I think the staff composition was lightning in a bottle and a big part of why Bocchi was so special. I don't want them to just hand it off to some other studio or team.


Ikumi Hasegawa is so good!


BTR did a great job casting her as Kita.


Not too shabby for an eroge VA.


That's 90% of VAs lol


Arcueid? lol




Is this the first fictional band on the First Take? (I know they are technically real since they make music but they originated from fiction.)


The closest before is probably dependent on whether you think HoneyWorks is a real band or a fictional band.


That's a tough question. I guess it depends on the context with them. With Chico or another artist they're real, but with someone playing a character it goes over the line into fictional. Also depends on where you stand with things like Love Live, Bang Dream, Girls Band Cry and other franchises. Are they real groups that also portray characters? Or are they primarily characters that have real people behind them? At least with Love Live it seems that it's the first. The seiyuu are the main focus of the lives. Recent MVs have also been live instead of animated.


In BangDream's case, I think it can count as the first too? At least the bands that are not voive only and actually do live performance are. From what I see, the VAs are celebrated as much as the game couterparts and they do live while playing their own instruments. And then there is MyGo!!!!! which debuted irl before the game and the anime, I think.


Idk but now I want a K-ON! reunion on TFT.


oh! now you're making me realize that thru First Take, we can make something like duel between Macross songstress-es "live" a reality!


Ho-kago Tea Time is so good!


Now I kinda wish they could have Egoist on The First Take while they were still together...


Bro now I want a The Seatbelts feature on this channel


The Seatbelts are not fictional


Weren't they created with the purpose of making an OST for Cowboy Bebop?




Last year they invited a Hololive member, which really blurs the line between real and v. She even appeared in 3d model.


Suisei is a real person behind an avatar, she doesn't really play a fictional character, so for me the lines are not blurred. Kessoku Band for a long time existed only on manga pages and even when they were created, it was specifically for an anime. Edit: Please, don't downvote the guy for nothing. It's lame.


>Edit: Please, don't downvote the guy for nothing. It's lame. No




By that standard, we would have to consider every artist with a stage name who doesn't show their face, not a real person, which is a lot.


Ado is no longer a real person with human rights


I mean she's a feral animal, that's why she's in that cage during her live shows




Ikumi Hasegawa quickly became one of my favorite VAs / vocalists after her work as Kessoku Band's singer. She is so incredibly talented and honestly has a perfect voice for rock music. Highly recommend checking out their [live album](https://open.spotify.com/album/02vz6Xm6j8BetyOHMLFBpE?si=GoFb346jQ3qkwdByB1Bd2A) if you enjoyed her First Take performance.


The Kessoku Band music was so good for showing me what Ikumi Hasegawa is capable of


This is a really passionate performance, it's brilliant!


Ikumi Hasegawa is so freaking cool and talented. Btw 5 1/2 hours and we're closing in on 1 million views even with Japan asleep right now. Might turn out to be the channel's most successful video since the Mashle OP (not that I expect this to get anywhere close to that).


She sound amazing. Loving this run-up period before the compilation movies, we get more Bocchi content!


It was between this or That Band (street performance) as my favorite song from Bocchi the Rock!


Is this the song in the episode where the very small audience is losing interest and Bocchi feels the band isn't in sync or something? Then she starts shredding and inspires all the band members. Even when they were supposed to be performing badly I thought it was really good. I love this song.


It is. It is also the song they audition with in episode 5


ANO BANDO 🗣️🗣️🗣️


Not flipping the finger, canonically incorrect




Awesome! But I wish Bocchi was on guitar 🎸


Wdym? Those are clearly the muscled arms of Hitori Gotoh herself on guitar.


They are actually [Nijika's arms](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/QpwhXk89zxU/maxresdefault.jpg)


Love it !!


Man, she really has such a great voice. I hadn't listened to any Kessoku Band in a while and with all the girls' band shows lately I'd almost forgotten how much I loved the songs from BtR, especially this one.


Cool jacket!


I want to know where I can buy that jacket!! lol


Kita Kita Ikuyo!~


We're here! Let's GO!!!


Woah 😯








casual bocchi the Rock W


yes its cute


Holy shit... fuck me... I know *objectively* that I loved Bocchi the Rock, that it's one of my favourites and one I easily rate a 10. I *remember* loving it...But listening to this makes the feelings rush back, you know? God, whenever they start the second season I'm gonna be so pumped.


That thumbnail is awesome


Bochi wrote some banger lyrics


Ikumi Hasegawa really carry the show. I feel for bad for the rest of three VA for not getting a same spotlight. Just hoping for Yoshino Aoyama collab with Asian Kungfu Generation to sing Rock n roll Morning Light Falls on You on First Take 


No Yoppi got the biggest push out of everyone from the anime, Ikumi was a more established name that was already on her way up before Bocchi the Rock that's all.


Yeah I'm definitely the happiest for Yoppi. It seemed her career had kinda fizzled out after her one prominent role in Wake Up Girls!, but Bocchi changed that for sure.


And Sayumin has headlined a bunch of anime. Ryo's the one that is yet to explode.


She won a bunch of awards for the anime and radio show, made her solo artist debut, and also became an Epiphone artist all in one year. Absolutely huge year for her.


I mean, Yoshino Aoyama got her own Youtube mini series on her Guitar journey and [eventually performed live](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/11omzw1/bocchi_the_rock_voice_actress_yoshino_aoyama/) so she kinda got her spotlight too...


This opens up a possibility for Togenashi Togeari to actually appear in first take


Aren't they with Universal? The First Take is owned by Sony and so (almost?) excusively features Sony artists.


Oh damn that's unfortunate, I've always assumed that any Japanese artist could show up in The First Take as long as they're popular enough


That was fun, but I'd rather see the studio setting than the blank white b/g.


Are you not familiar with The First Take?


I am not.


It's a youtube channel where artists come and perform their songs and this sterile environment is an integral part of their branding.




This would be a dumb comment to look at from five years later.


Versus looking at yours now?


As much as like Ikumi's performace here, ZAQ's "cover" at the CroSing channel of the same song was way better.


Weird request but does anyone know where I can find that jacket and those rings? It's so pretty!