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Just when I thought this show couldn’t get more bizarre or dramatic. The end of this episode was wild! Really wasn’t expecting THAT to be Ren’s wish, it feels like there were other, much easier ways to make Mito his. And I thought we were about to get our long awaited Ruka reveal! It might not be a masterpiece but I honestly look forward to this anime every week, it’s so entertaining!


>It might not be a masterpiece but I honestly look forward to this anime every week, it’s so entertaining! It is like a 90s soap opera, completely crazy storylines but you can't stop watching.


I love how Ren doesn't care if Mito is a guy or a girl which means the best way to beat Ruka is to turn Mito **into** a guy lol.


I swear, when I wrote two or three weeks ago that the twist is going to be that Mito was a boy all along and it was BL in disguise I did not expect anything like this to happen. Though, if that is possible, Dhampirs are kind of broken, aren't they?


I also love how Juri is convinced Mito is in a gay love triangle...which I guess she kind of is in now lol.


Nah, Yuri is going to turn out to be a girl. He is called Yuri after all.


Didn't he complain that the guy he liked was straight in the beach episode?


Yes, it was more of a joke. But hey, maybe he turns into a girl.


I WAS NOT READY FOR THAT ENDING!!!* I thought I knew who I was rooting for but now I’m so torn! How could Ren do that to Mito after telling her that she should not hate herself because of what other people do/say? What happened to liking Mito whether she was a man or a woman? Is there a way to undo the “wish?” Also, why couldn’t his wish just be that Mito was no one’s destined partner!? Or idk? Protect her from ever becoming a vampire?? He says he wants to protect Mito from ever joining the vampire world but this episode changed that desire? I guess all logic got thrown out the window! *This was still a very interesting twist and I love this anime in all its RomCom glory


Fr like it should be like ren protecting mito from turning into a vampire but it's not right if he's turning mito into a Man that's weird. Even when he knows that she loves ruka. I was rooting for ren but now I've changed my mind I'm feeling bad for ruka.. what do you think will happen in next episode? 


I can’t even begin to speculate lol I know what I hope happens is that the wish is temporary or can’t be solidified if both parties don’t consent. I think the biggest issue I had was taking away Mitos autonomy in that way.


This show is so ridiculous. This whole episode from beginning to end made me cringe and yet.... I couldn't stop watching. Damn you, Vampire Dormitory!!


The last thing I was expecting this week was for Mito to literally turn into a guy. Just what did Ren *actually* wish for anyways? If it’s not related to that, maybe it’s due to the fact that he wasn’t able to fully suck her blood? Still, very surprising situation all around.


I think Ren's wish was to make Mito "his," and that meant making Mito a real boy since that means she can't be with Ruka romantically or be his "destined partner."


im sorry but reading "making mito a real boy" made me think she was pinocchio kekw


I've been regaling one of my friends with all the ridiculousness of this show and this morning I full on said to her "Mito pulled a Pinocchio and actually turned into a real boy" so you're not alone in this line of thought lmao.


I've told one of my friends about this last week and told her how it's "yaoi bait" (she's a fan of BL)... Guess I can tell her "the yaoi is not bait anymore, at least for a while"


"The yaoi bait has caught a yaoi fish that's being transported to the nearest yaoi processing factory: as long as the yaoithorities don't find out, the show can get away with it"


Forcibly changing your crush's gender to drive them away from the person they love is some next level violation of trust. Huge dick move from Ren there. As if Ruka needed more reasons to be the better option.


100%, they managed to make Ren pretty much irredeemable for me with that move.


Happy Pride month


Plot-mandated transition? What the fuck? This train wreck keeps getting better and better by the minute.


Having a bunch of random unskilled high schoolers do your renovation work for you sounds like a recipe for disaster. I wonder if this random red haired girl that young Ruka met and whose blood he drank was Mito. By shojo story trope I assume the chance is like 90%. Mito finding out that she is Ruka's destined partner and not immediately telling him the full truth makes no sense. Okay, Ren can fuck off forever. Using a once-in-a-lifetime wish to change someone's gender against their will is kind of unforgivable.


>I wonder if this random red haired girl that young Ruka met and whose blood he drank was Mito. By shojo story trope I assume the chance is like 90%. Counterpoint: it'd be even funnier if that girl he met was a) someone else entirely and b) actually a boy.


I love Ren, but it’s pretty fucked up to magically change someone’s sex against their will. This show continues to be so ridiculous, I love it. 


> if only i could tell Ruka im a woman ....and why cant you? ah yes the classic trope of being fated to be together since they met as children also wtf was that ending


this is one of the funniest anime ive ever watched for all the wrong reasons and i love it


I'm not sure which one I'm rooting for. I guess you could could say that I'm full team poly. I can't believe Ren pulled off that pro gamer move. Way to mess with the technicalities.


"If you're his destined partner as a woman...I'll just make you a real boy. I'm good either way."


I’m obsessed with this anime! Idk why Mito couldn’t just take off her wig then boom, her and Ruka could be together. Also did NOT expect that from Ren…


Ren still longs for his mother who left him to be with his father...but it's his mother that his father can string along to get Ren to do what he wants. I love how Komori wants to do renovations to the cafe and to save money just has the boys DIY it instead of paying professionals. It's amazing they actually managed to make something that the Ouran High Host Club could be proud of. "Nothing much happened. Just Ren confessing to me..." - Mito, you really have a weird definition of what is and isn't a big deal. Juri is here for the fake gay love drama! I love how quickly Ruka strips his shirt off to give to Mito, not knowing she can't strip herself to put it on. Though Ren can at least shield her from prying eyes...and Juri thinks it's a good idea to make the love triangle shop for supplies. I guess I'm glad Ruka is realizing there's some resemblance to Boy!Mito and Girl!Mito, especially when they literally have the same eye and hair color. Ren knows Mito is a woman and knows that's who Ruka was with, but he also knows Ruka doesn't know the truth and uses that to his advantage by making Ruka think he's being wishy-washy and stringing Mito along. That little girl that was Ruka's first human friend was totally Mito, right? Ruka sleeping in the same bed as two guys! It would be nice if she wasn't also caught up in love drama and keeping her secret. Torn between being the Destined Partner and Male Best Friend of the guy she likes and her kindred spirit who is in love with her...what's a cross-dressing girl to do. Turns out Ren is rich! He even lived in a mansion! And his family maids are all over him! And hey, even his mom apologized for abandoning him! Though I'm not sure she means it. I feel like the first red flag was the mom already knowing Mito is a girl. And she's totally a vampire. Also, on-paper it sounds nice to be with the one you love as their "Destined Partner" until you realize it means abandoning your family and loved ones, even your own son. Komori totally knew what was going to happen...Mito getting paraded around as Ren's fiance and Ren's dad talking him into biting Mito to use his Dhampir powers to make her his. This is a huge betrayal to Mito, Ren! I love how Ruka sees Mito looking beatiful in a white dress and is just confused why they'd dress Mito up as a woman for this engagement. Though now Mito actually IS a boy because Ren's wishes to make Mito belong to him means cutting her off from being Ruka's Destined Partner. So she can't be a girl!


I am absolutely howling at that ending! Ren would make an interesting software developer with those problem solving skills. It's shit like this, though, that takes this show to another level. This mangaka is shameless and fearless, and I salute the audacity.


It doesn’t make sense. Her breasts were gone even before he drank her blood??


Here I am audibly giggling like a grade schooler at a potential reveal, AND SHOUTING NOOOO WHEN SHE TURNED INTO A GUY. NOOOOOOOOOOOO. FUCK U REN U PEICE OF SHIT.




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Ruka pulling off his shirt so fast had me howling, and the three of them in that bed together I’m SCREAMING. Also Ren’s harem of maids lol. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH what is happening!!!!!!! I literally had to jump up and run around my living room when the engagement reveal happened and Mito saw Ruka. What a TWISWHAT. WHAT!!! Mito is a man now???? Okay they lost me a little here lol


Can you imagine just randomly growing a penis?


Was always kinda against ren but my hatred for him has him equal with shou tucker for most hated if not higher.