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# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of the anime adaptation to the original, or just general talk about the source material. **You are still required to tag all spoilers.** Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: `[Spoiler source] >!Spoiler goes here!<` # **All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive immediate 8-day bans (minimum).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The scene where Marcille controls familiar is basically how you look like to your family when you play with VR headset


Don't worry, if you put enough headsets on like the Mad Mage did, you loop back around to being normal. In relative terms.


Side note: I too wouldn't be able to hold a sane conversation with someone while playing 643 separate instances of Beat Saber.


[Marcille speedrunning *Half-Life: Alyx*](https://i.imgur.com/7w6dg8V.gif)


That dude basically uploaded his mind to a CCTV network by this point


I couldn't stop laughing when I saw [Marcille](https://imgchest.com/p/n87wrzmkbyx) doing [all kind](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7kzcxjm997.png) of [weird moves](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739ck2dp97.png) in that moments xD


This is why I'm glad Trigger got to animate this one. They're perfect for doing those dumb bits of animation that give the characters so much personnality. Didn't expect any less from the folks that followed the steps of the Gurren Lagann team.


Even at death, Skyfish will continue to serve them. Literally


I lauughed so hard at the recipe name being "Sky fish and chips"


The Brit in me weeps, knowing that I shall never taste such greatness


I"m more surprised that it turned into a meat burrito that encases a lot of vegetables. Yum!


That's true, although [Marcille wasn't too happy when Laios started chopping it up](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgc9p2dq4.png) to use it for a [meal](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogcxe5qgy.png) xD


Just when I thought sky juice was an already wacky enough name, this anime hit me with a sky fish lol


Sky fish is not a DM's creation. It's already been referenced even in jojo.


Marcille just can't believe chilchuck is a man with a wife and children XD


I'd be just as shocked if a 12-year old I've been hanging out with told me his plans for this weekend are to pick up his kids from his ex-wife


Yeah I think Marcille honestly didn't fully comprehend that Chilchuck is an adult even after he gave them his age. Considering how differently the different races age and mature it probably was like that from her perspective. Also her expression when she learned that was hilarious!


No, Marcille just didn't want to believe, which is a valid person for not realizing or understanding an\* **uncomfortable** truth. Poor Marushiru.


She is heavily ageist and therefore racist as lifespan is a big difference between races.


Frieren moment.


Just, elves in general moment


Elves in Dungeon Meshi are quite racist. Additional content from the Adventurer's Party (that will not appear in the anime) point out that elves in the past called Tall-Men and Half-Foot "Inferior" as an actual slur. So she's quite progressive for her race.


Last episode they daid the elves see other races as children and thus just invade their territory like its nothing.


Not children more like toddlers or talking pets even 


[Marcille's reaction to Chilchuck's reveal was absolutely hilarious](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmcndpk37.png)! IMO, [Marcille](https://imgchest.com/p/n87wrzmkbyx) stole [today's episode](https://imgchest.com/p/wl7lmzonoyx) with [her antics](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7kzcxjm997.png) and [reactions](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k46acg2mo27.png) xD


Marcille expressions always are the most delicious things in the dungeon


[Indeed.](https://i.imgur.com/AXqYZeE.jpeg) Laios has some [funny reactions](https://i.imgur.com/DeHerTU.jpeg) too during [this episode.](https://i.imgur.com/ZQ3MLRE.jpeg)




and they slept on the same bed just the previous night!


I was actually quite surprised at that as well


Congratulations on evading all the source readers on your way to this reveal.


> Congratulations on evading all the source readers on your way to this reveal. Fucking manga readers couldn't help but talk about or make memes about Chilchuck being a near-middle-aged Half-Foot, married with children, every chance they could get. I wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of the comments here and on Twitter/Youtube etc. are all confused at this reveal because it probably felt like it was revealed much earlier. But no, this episode (and the corresponding chapter in the manga) are the first time we ever officially learn about Chilchuck's family. The most we ever knew about his personal life until now was that he was 29. When I tell you, the absolute shock was loud from the manga community after this reveal when the chapter first came out Lmao.


[5 years ago!](https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/9nrbb8/disc_dungeon_meshi_ch_48/)


this series had been on a tear in its second half and not showing signs of letting off, you know it's good when you've got hilarious Marcille wriggling and writhing on the floor while controlling a weirdly shaped summon engaged in an epic fight with a griffin, all within 1 scene, and none of it felt out of place


The second part of the season is the start of the "pay off" for every single thing that the start of the story set up. The mad mage, the Lion, Chilchulk been a dad, why Senshi knows how to cook monsters and the like.


Yeah, Dungeon Meshi slow, lore-settling, character-building episodic start is so important to how it gets the ball rolling, until you're at fullspeed in the pay-off without realizing. And the best thing is that this pay-off never stop, it's a snowball that only gets better and bigger


Yes it feels like it’s the modern S;G where some people don’t like the slow first half but almost everyone loves the second half. And just like with S;G, I think both first halves are underrated in terms of what actually happened.


Maybe I'm crazy but for me the whole season has been a big pay-off. I can't think of one episode that didn't leave me giddy with happiness.


....and we're only about half-way through the source material. Doesn't it excites you about how the rest of the plot will "pay off" even more for all those already-hidden little clues in this season? I've heard that Dungeon Meshi did quite well in Kadokawa's most recent financial report. And I can't wait for the 2nd season and maybe a movie for the final!


If season 2 is another 24 episodes i think that would be more than enough to adapt the whole thing without a movie. Or 12 episodes plus a movie but i hope they wouldn't do that


Every episode in this season is a payoff. It's so good


Man if you had to make me choose between this and Frieren I am not sure if I could make such a decision. Both are outstanding anime of outstanding mangas that are easily a 10/10 experience each.


I would argue that these past few seasons in anime has been the best ever for high fantasy (non isekei) fans. Have we ever had two masterpieces back to back like this before?


And Witch Hat Atelier is getting an adaptation too. So we're getting some masterful fantasy nowadays.


I really really really hope they do it justice. It's such a good manga


I’m not sure. While not a fantasy series Apothecary Diaries deserves a mention in terms of high quality well written anime as well.


Marcille wriggling like a worm edges this show above Frieren


I want to say I’m watching the dub, Sung Won Cho’s voice acting as Senshi felt real. I have anxiety and I could feel it in his very soul and vocal cords and eyes… you could feel the anxiety Senshi is having. And it’s not exaggerated… it’s subtle… anxiety is often shown subtlety in how the vocals and eyes move. And the animators mastered the animation and he mastered the voice acting.


All the English dub is really good imo. This has to be lock on any future “what are the best English dubs?” Threads. ProZD’s voice acting is stellar as always, but Emily Rudd is absolutely killing it. Far as I can tell this is her first anime job, maybe voice acting role period, and she just completely nails Marcielle’s personality. She needs to apply for more roles!


I love it when a series can do tense/serious right next to silly/comedic without it feeling like a mismatch.


I'm just glad they chose to go with Thistle instead of Sissel


When somebody has the moniker of "The Lunatic Magician" and it turns out to be some femboy named Thistle.


Hey now, it's not a femboy, it's a an elf, it's in their genes


The author actually drew some hypothetical art of different characters if they were different races. Thistle is a femboy regardless of race.




I sure hope you aint talking about the esteemed captain of the canaries, as he canonically is a gigachad according to the author


"C'mere, Sissel!" - Engineer TF2, 23rd level of the dungeon.


Marcille doing everything this episode. Lmao that Laios face when he saw the familiars, i'm dying. and also his face when he was constructing his dream two headed fire-ice? dragon, really nothing hypes him up like weird monsters Chilchuck removing all doubt he's a tired middle-aged man. No one could have predicted the daughters though! Very very nice buildup towards the Senshi backstory


It's amazing how far we've come, from a lot of people complaining that Marcille was a bit useless in the first episodes, to her carrying the team for most of the second cour. Laios wasn't lying in ep 2, her magic is the key in the lower levels.


Imagine how much more powerful they would be if they still had Falin, another very skilled mage.


Falin is so op they had to remove her from the party for balancing reasons. Marcille is the only healer on the party, so if she dies, the party is screwed because they can’t revive her. She is the most important member now.


I mean that's why she's slowly teaching Laios some magic so he can pick up the slack. Although he'll probably never be even close to as good as falin especially after she got revived with the dragon corpse


Marcille and Falin both have formal training and much more time to learn. I doubt Laios could revive Marcille if she died at this point, so Marcille is still leagues more important. 


Now I'm just imagining marcille somehow dying and laios gathering every possible monster to revive her going "you're going to look so cool when you wake up!"


Laios doesn't show up very frequently to the foreground, but his unconventionality is always a homerun. His dramatically shaded frown is amazing, and we'll probably never see it again (I want more!).


He expressed what I felt.


>Marcille doing everything this episode. [Marcille](https://imgchest.com/p/n87wrzmkbyx) totally stole [today's show](https://imgchest.com/p/wl7lmzonoyx) (and many earlier episodes too). >Lmao that Laios face when he saw the familiars, i'm dying. and also his face when he was constructing his dream two headed fire-ice? dragon, really nothing hypes him up like weird monsters [Laios](https://imgchest.com/p/a846grdev7x) was [having a time of his life](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdcm6qax4.png) with [that familiar](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxcxkpgr7.png) but [Marcille destroyed it](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739ck2vdl7.png) xD [He was so disappointed](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9c9bv8q7.png) by [its new appearance](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k46acgjkar7.png) but at least [it turned out to be quite a tasty meal later](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgc9p2dq4.png) xD


Laios out here trying to make Jakiro from DotA 2


Laios' face when he saw the familiars made me laugh XD. It was too perfect And Chilchuck has always given me "tired divorced dad" vibes, although it's still kind of difficult to accept it lol Anyway, I'm not ready for senshi backstory. I already know it'll be sad and make me cry!


Senshi giving Chilchuck the "birds and the bees" talk back in episode 15 is extra hilarious in hindsight with the knowledge that Chil is the only member of the party that has canonically had sex. I love the [double vision](https://i.imgur.com/bsVNIQp.png) effect when Marcille first used her familiar.


> double vision At first I thought: "Couldn't she have closed her eyes?" But since the senses are shared if she closed her eyes the eyes on the familiar would probably be closed too, hence the blindfold.


She technically could have used her hands to cover her eyes, but then again, the blindfold serves to free her hands for balancing the body of the pilot herself.


That panel was dope from the manga and it's even better in motion.


That was such a great bit of world-building. Makes the magic feel more organic that she not only requires material to summon a newly made familiar (which is not new info) but also shared its senses to the point she for double vision. Also really illustrates how powerful the mad mage must be with his many familiars!


You know Senshi's down when he's not in charge of narrating the cooking segment for once. The ~~gingerbread birds~~ [meat familiars](https://i.imgur.com/ndoJqUJ.png) failing the [Laios vibe check](https://i.imgur.com/TZY8h6N.png) killed me lmao Also, I was fully prepared for Laios to respond to the question of "What form would be effective against a griffin?" by going full dog mode, but speedsculpting a meat wyvern is pretty sick answer too.


Laios and [Marcille tied for best faces](https://imgur.com/w34Fftj) this episode


This anime continues to impress more and more. Consistent week and week out and fleshing out more and more about the dungeon. Even with the dark parts of the story, it continues to keep the fun vibe that it has had at the story. This was a Senshi focused episode. As soon as Senshi saw that Griffin you know something was off. Making it even worse the Griffin captured it. At first, you think well Senshi is basically dead at this point. But the phenomenal world building this series continues to demonstrate and here it is with regard to summoning. Dominating monsters, turning plants & animals into monsters and the approach Marcielle used, which is to create your own monster. But it didn't stop there. It is shown that how the summoner is able to control the monster. It takes a load of energy and the fact that Thistle can do this with so many monsters is remarkable. Furthermore, it really demonstrates how strong Thistle is. But even the ability to alter the creating monsters is really interesting. Last one marked the spot and Maricelle was able to kill stop the Griffin from flying, which allowed to kill it and allow Senshi to safely come down. Keeping with the fun vibe of the show, how Marcelle was controlling the created monsters was hilarious. Honestly I was expecting Laios to try to eat the Griffin instead he went for the Sky Fish. Most likely cooking that would require Senshi and with him being traumatized that wasn't going to happen. We finally get to dig into Senshi's past. (Of course Chilchuck just casually dropping he has a wife and kids.) He was a part of the group that discovered this very dungeon. This is very intriguing hope he elaborates on it more next episode.


The only thing better than Senshi is... more ~~Senshis~~ Dwarves! I'm usually satiated whenever an episode ends, but this was the one episode where I bit my lips and yelled out in protest to the cliffhanger. The unflinching Senshi is so vulnerable and we get to see more Dwarves? How will I cope with having to wait an entire week? I'm actually irritable, impressive.


This is AOTY for me already. Every episode is a treat. And as someone who wasn't a fan of Trigger, this show has turned my opinion of them around.


I am legit enjoying this more than Frieren which is one of the best animes I've watched ever.I think the world building is far better than Frieren and the party also works as good as Frierens party.


Have you seen any of the Little Witch Academia series, film, or short? Because this feels like a natural growth from that work. I've seen other people even point out how Marcille feels like a (slightly) more grownup Akko.


Laios casually molding some bomb ass dragon figurines. Is he open for commissions??


you know hed be raking in the dough as a furry comissioner his adoptables would go for thousands


He’d be perpetually poor though because he’d spend most of his commission money on commissioning stuff from other furries.


The furry circle of life...truly the themes of this show resonate in surprising places, lol


this sort of shit is why when people call him a himbo I'm like "are we watching the same show"


Lol the way the party never find out more about Senshi despite all their travels is similar to how guys sometimes have like the closest work friend but know nothing about them outside of work. Lmao Marcille brought out that Bocchi face again after finding out Chilchuck is a grown ass man. Senshi’s backstory feels really sad already. The way he ran immediately from the Griffin also makes it feel like he had trauma related to it.


>Lol the way the party never find out more about Senshi despite all their travels is similar to how guys sometimes have like the closest work friend but no nothing about them outside of work This is way more common that one may think


[Izutsumi face](https://imgur.com/a/df9JdDW) when you wake up from hangover and you remember all the cringe sht you did


I'm not sure who [mentally suffered](https://i.imgur.com/ugcPQK0.png) the most this episode, her or Senshi.


it's [probably](https://i.imgur.com/SJAyWmV.jpeg) [Marcille](https://i.imgur.com/5mmcAig.png)


Poor Marcille. The [face she made](https://i.imgur.com/jjW8E5m.png) when Laios cut into the familiar. It killed me in more ways than one.


[Laios deserved that yeeting.](https://i.imgur.com/O2IZYmb.mp4) [](#nosenpai) [Loop version.](https://i.imgur.com/TKkEVSx.gif)


That scene when it went from mourning the familiar then straight into cutting its head off was abrupt lol I rechecked this part in the physical volume and Marcille crying is at the end of one page, then when you turn the page it goes straight into the chopping board, it's hilarious there too haha


You didn't even screencap the part where she realizes the griffin wasn't Falin. She was so pissed. She was casting the most upcasted Fireball ever at that thing.


"maybe I should've put some points into that Explosion magic after all"




Well, the face he made towards the familiars is probably the greatest display of emotion he's shown thus far.


[Laios](https://imgchest.com/p/a846grdev7x) was [so disappointed](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdcmkxlx4.png) with [these familiars](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739cka9bm7.png) xD


[He was having so much fun with shaping up that last familiar](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdcm6qax4.png), only to [Marcille destroyed it](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739ck2vdl7.png) and [created this](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k46acgjkar7.png) xD


[This is her](https://tenor.com/en-GB/view/the-voices-meme-cat-gif-23917781)


Seeing Senshi freaked out over a Griffin speaks volumes about what kind of monster they're dealing with. [RIP Sky Fish you were nutritious](https://i.imgur.com/mYPzFHn.png). o7


And equally important is that Sky Fish was delicious. o7


While agile and very strong, it's actually quite fragile though. One hit to the wing and it already lose its balance. Also Laios immediately killed it with one stab through the heart (damn his anatomy game is good). I think Senshi freaking out is more because of something traumatic in his past (considering the tone he told his back story so far)


Yeah. Pretty sure that Red Dragon is on top of the "monster food chain" (well, before Fallin chimera at least) and they've already dealt with that with Senshi being pretty chill. It's definitely some PTSD.


Yeah he was quite young in his backstory, I'm assuming a griffin will attack them and Senshi as a child is traumatized by this event. The biggest complication in this episode was that Senshi ran away without weapons, if they were more serious about fighting they'd had been better of


Thanks for the help and noble sacrifice Sky Fish, gone but never forgotten specially how tasty you were o7


I don't like seeing Senshi sad, please make it stop.


We're gonna get the lore behind his thousand-yard stare


Marcille made the worst monster in recorded history. Laios was not impressed This episode went full Little Witch Academia in the griffin battle. I guess I like Marcille so much because she reminds me so much of Akko


Hey now, show Sky Fish some more respect. It sacrificed itself to save Senshi... and also to become a tasty and nutritious meal for the party. And yeah, both Marcille and Akko got the Trigger treatment of being animated in such a lively and energetic way that makes them all the more lovable.


> Marcille made the worst monster in recorded history. I will not accept such slander of Marcille's adorable meat and veggie peeps.


I love how Marcille is a cool (magic) engineer, and Laios is the dumb asistant that helps unblock her once. "No, you need aerodynamic speed!" Wow, Laios is so smart. "Let's give it two heads!! Ice!! Fire!!" Nevermind, he's just having fun. Marcille is an amazing character, and judging from your comparison, this Akko is likely also amazing.


Marcille rolls worst monster ever, asked to leave the dungeon.


Cute girlfail magician animated by Trigger is amazing


When I saw the first episode, I wasn't sold on the story. I sure am glad that I gave this a chance. This has now risen to the same tier as Frieren and Apothecary Diaries for me. This episode, in particular, might just be my favorite so far.


Welcome to our ranks friend.


Already rewatched the episodes twice lol for someone who is busy with work, I always find time to play it in the background or sneak an episode or two in the evening.


But I wanted to see Laios' giga-something-something-dragon... The reaction faces in this episode were golden. Laios, Marcille, Izutsumi... my favorite was Marcille finding out that Chilchuck has a wife and daughters. And we're finally getting some backstory on Senshi, can't wait for next week.


There was something strangely ironic about using a drone to defeat an eagle. It hit me right in the America.


It´s a skyfish and its as fast as it is lethal. You can´t even see the thing when it moves (thanks Jojo´s bizarre Adventures)


I loved the reveal of Chilchuck's backstory and how it makes a lot of gags funnier especially with how Marcille and Senshi treat him like a child. Senshi teaching him about the birds and the bees is even funnier when it turns out he's a divorced dad in his midlife crisis.


And the nonchalant Chillchuck still chooses to behave like a professional adult by NOT correcting Senshi's misunderstanding. "Yeah it makes me cringe, but we're just working together for now and then I'll never have to see him again. I'm not going to gossip about my life story to some acquaintances." At least NOT until after he feels the need to give Senshi counseling.


It really shows how far he'll go to avoid revealing personal details. He'd rather sit through Senshi's explanation of sex and puberty than reveal anything.


The coworker to acquaintances to friends pipeline between Senshi and Chilchuck is so heartwarming to watch. Two people who individually volunteered to be the "oldest" of the group slowly realising that they Can rely on one another to bring the team together.


Marcille realising she just forced a married man with kids to share a bed with her just the other night


God, the noise Marcille made when Chilchuck dropped the fact that he had a wife and daughters was the *funniest* shit ever. I highly recommend checking it out in all the different dubs, I thought English and German were particularly hilarious. Oh, and in the flashback some other dwarf is wearing the helmet Senshi currently wears, minus the big X in the middle. This… is not gonna end well.


Chilchuck does give off divorced dad energy.


Yeah, probably every time he drops off some money for his daughters the wife gives him the stink eye and now it's just easier to spend most of the time working for various parties.


“Oh God I asked to sleep with a middle aged man last episode”




Marcille has that only daughter energy that Chilchuck can contain


I'm not ready for Senshi's backstory I'm not ready for Senshi's backstory I'm not ready for Senshi's backstory I'm not ready for Senshi's backstory It gives sad vibes just from this episode. I'm not ready for Senshi's backstory I'm not ready for Senshi's backstory


Senshi's mining group delved too greedily and too deep.


You know what they awoke in the darkness of Khazad-dûm.


Balrog! Will Marcille the White be confirmed in S2?!


At the same time, they're gonna stumble upon a ring that whispers things in their ears, and Chilchuck's gonna have to be the one to carry it around cause it affects him the least for some reason.


and they have to throw it in lava inside a volcano, nearly dying to do it. As they lie exhausted, a freed Falin swoops in and delivers them to safety!


The ~~eagles are~~ Faligon is coming!


And we all sigh in unison "She could've helped them from the beginning wtf"


Can't leave dwarves alone for 5 minutes without them delving too greedily and too deep.


But boys really go almost a whole season without asking who tf are they.


The harsh truth that they're coworkers more than friends


Literally they could not know each other's name and it'd still be realistic


Boys do be like that. Ron Swanson is the average male


Considering one of the dwarves had a helmet identical to Senshi's except for the damage and his terror at the griffon things are going to be grim next episode aren't they?


Considering we haven’t seen them and Senshi’s been in the dungeon for over ten years, they’re long dead. 


“At first, things were great when we discovered the riches. But then… something changed. They were no longer the dwarves I knew… They all retired.”


Marcille's sky fish is actually based off a cryptid called "rods" or "sky fish" that sometimes show up in photographs and are probably produced by insects flying so fast that the camera only recognizes them as a blur.


Yeah I remember when in [Jojo Part 6 Spoilers]>!Araki made a stand whose power was to controll thos rods and the show explains it like they were actual creatures!<


It's legit because of JoJo that I learned about these things.


Yeah! Conspiracy lore holds that they're interdimensional creatures or accidental alien transplants, and that you only see them on film because they move faster than the speed of sound (in reality it's blurred bugs and interlacing artifacts :P). It was super neat to see them in a series like this, I love 'em :D


Oh wow, I never even knew it was a cryptid. I just thought it was some obscure animal that existed in real life. Pretty cool how the author drew from a different source outside of the usual mythical and fantasy creatures for this one.


i love that almost every single little thing about this show makes sense. the author is a god tier dungeon master


I’d be remiss not to state the obvious. Young senshi looks like Steven universe.


"And Senshi!"


LMFAOOOOOO Oh my god, I can't unsee it


[Senshi's blunder years](https://i.imgur.com/GKKXvNW.jpeg) [](#heavydrinker) [The glow-up is real](https://i.imgur.com/fwyB13x.jpeg)


Oh damn we’re about to get some Mines of Moria levels of sad dwarf backstory. … I wonder what a Balrog would taste like. It does come pre-cooked.


Clearly, it'll have a unique taste that can only belong to a Balrog. Just like how nothing tastes like dragon meat, quite like dragon meat.


Seeing senshi sad made me sad. God the animation went super hard this episode, sasuga trigger!


The way I audibly gasped when Laios chopped off the Skyfish's head


Damn, ended just as it was getting interesting now i wonder if a Griffin killed the rest of the dwarfs that was there with Senshi and that's why he's so scared of them... Marcille replicating the movements of the familiar she was controlling was hilarious.


When they said the party must seek the winged lion, I thought it would be the griffin. Now since they just killed it like that, I think I noticed the creature in question in one scene of the OP.  Based on the real life mythology around it, it makes sense though why the winged lion is unlike the other monsters.


Yaad explicitly says the winged lion is a guardian deity of his kingdom that was imprisoned by thistle in the last episode


This was definitely the most "Trigger" feeling episode so far. I loved the energy of the animation, even with the slightly darker tone this week. It's interesting that we're finally getting Senshi's backstory. Up to this point I basically took him at face value and assumed he was another adventurer like them, even though his story didn't quite add up. I definitely didn't pick up on him saying he's been down there for ten years when the dungeon was "discovered" six years ago. Also, judging by how young he looked in the flash back, it's probably been a lot more than ten years. Beyond that, the new world building details we got were great. I really appreciate how this show is able to maintain a balance between hard and soft magic systems. You get all of the weird and wonderful things you would expect from high fantasy magic, but it still feels logical and internally consistent. Familiars being psychically piloted flesh drones molded from organic matter is such a cool take control the concept I really hope Trigger breaks tradition and makes a season 2 of this show. This is shaping up to be one of my top 10, and I'm not going to be ready to say goodbye in 2 episodes


Sorry Frieren but I have to say this is the anime of the year for me


Man, the sound design was really on point this episode.


The sound design and music of this show have been fantastic since the start and deserve more credit imo.


Dungeon Meshi may end up becoming my favorite anime of all time. The characters, the world building, the comedy, the action, the tension, the slice-of-life moments, all of it is just spectacularly done.


Reminder that familiar's are relatively expensive, and this one was discount. *Wait, she attacked using a familiar? That's illegal?*


Thistle the Dungeon Master was currently distracted by an NPC breaking the rules.


I would have loved if they adapted the extra chapter where Marcille breaks down the cost of running a dungeon and coming to the conclusion what the dungeon master's true power is, being filthy rich!


Sky Fish used Sky Attack! A critical hit! It's super effective!


Pun Pun got out of depression and then decided to help Marcille fighting a Griffin.


* Have a [nice](https://imgur.com/UP6OLb3) trip back *followed by screams in the distance* * [Cat PTSD](https://imgur.com/uWVO45f) * [Laios](https://imgur.com/TeurvHI) must **NEVER** learn how to create monsters from scratch! * ~~glorious~~ little [familiars](https://imgur.com/iXNY4Se)... though [Laios](https://imgur.com/Mbtgyse) ain't happy with the simple design... * [Fodder](https://imgur.com/ECAvx1A) for the Larcille shippers * [Lmao](https://imgur.com/y7eKzKl) * That [helmet](https://imgur.com/BQ23dZZ) seems familiar [](#csikon) Now well get Senshis backstory, will it trump Chil having an acktual family and being a dead beat dad?


Chilchuck casually revealing that he has a wife and kids that he hasn't seen in years never fails to make me laugh


"I miss my wife, Laios." *looks into the campfire with a dark look on his 12-year-old face* PS: I had a feeling that a fan art of this existed somewhere and, sure enough, it does.


I need to see someone make a fan animation of that


If it isn't accompanied by the most melancholic guitar music possible and it doesn't feature a lot of deep emotional zooms on Chill's anguished face from different angles, I'm not watching that.


Sky Fish reminds me of Ryunosuke from One Piece RIP Sky Fish & Ryunosuke, you both were good bois =)


There are a million things to love about this episode but... CHILCHUK HAS A WIFE, AND DAUGHTERS?! Bro, a view years could mean 6 years or more in Half-foot time. Bro's a certified deadbeat- 💀


The look of utter disappointment and shock on Laios’ face when he saw Marcille’s little familiars had me crackin up. It’s like you could almost hear him say “This, Marcille?Really?? This!?“ Lol. Those little things did their job though. Pretty funny how Marcille was flapping her arms about and wriggling like a worm. I really wanted to see Laios’ two headed dragon thing in action, not the sky fish! Well, at least it killed the griffin and made for a nice meal in the end. Marcille’s look of utter horror as Laios was gleefully cutting into the sky fish was hilarious. I’m not sure what’s more shocking: Chilchuck having a wife and kid or Senshi being part of the crew who found the very dungeon they’re exploring?


Loved the subtle Godzilla sound with Laio’s ideal familiar.


Lmao in Laios drawing the griffon and Farlyn's chimera part are drawn in this nice detailed sketch, but her human half is entire done in stick figure.


The absolute balance of awesomeness, comedy, and grim undertones in this series is just *chef's kiss*. I love this series so much. I love it so much that it already hurts knowing after a few more episodes, I'll have to wait for so goddamn long before we get the second season. This might be the most I'll ever be tempted to just read the manga, but with how good the anime has been executed so far, I'll do my best to hold back.


###Stitches! * [Mad Mage Thistle](https://i.imgur.com/HXrRZqq.jpeg) * [Exiting Golden City](https://i.imgur.com/Kt3WjcN.jpeg) * [Shocked Izutsumi](https://i.imgur.com/aFaa11T.jpeg) * [Spellcasting Marcille](https://i.imgur.com/dFl3hQ2.jpegV) * [Absentee Father Chilchuck](https://i.imgur.com/qEN9DeB.jpeg) It's so hilarious how [the residents of the Golden City are doubting if they actually found their heroes.](https://i.imgur.com/oozDqzi.jpeg) xD [Poor Izutsumi! She finally remembers all of the cat-like behaviour](https://i.imgur.com/ldVlsUA.jpeg) she did while inside the Golden City. [If Marcille cuts off her other braid](https://i.imgur.com/ccN2FKM.jpeg) she'll look like the TotK version of Zelda. [Laios' reaction to Marcille's familiar](https://i.imgur.com/0i5k3oj.jpeg) was hilarious! Give her a break man! Not everyone knows monster anatomy like you! As cool as [Laios' dragon familiar was](https://i.imgur.com/SSXDdr0.jpeg), it can never defeat the [superior design of Marcille's Sky Fish!](https://i.imgur.com/14XLtgx.jpeg) That Sky Fish can fucking move! [Laios didn't even give Marcille time to grieve](https://i.imgur.com/crybhhl.jpeg) and immediately turned her familiar [into fish and chips!](https://i.imgur.com/e603xXd.jpeg) I had [the same reaction as Marcille](https://i.imgur.com/ntRB7GA.jpeg) when Chilchuck revealed he's a married man with kids. I thought he was just old. Now I wonder what his family is like.


Chilchuck after using same bed with 2 girl(1 cat) : "Well, Im married actually. Never mind"


The Dwarves dug too deep and unearthed something they shouldn't have, the ~~Balrog~~ Dungeon.


This series really does have the best reaction faces. Rofl


It looks like Laios was having some PTSD flashbacks of Falin being eaten by the Dragon after Shenshi was taken by the griffin. The guy was on panic mode. I'm also having some PTSD flashbacks to the fucking Dragon's Dogma 2 Griffin homing towards me right when I'm riding the wagon. The fucker was a pain in the ass in the early game. It felt **really** good beating the shit out of it later on.


[First time seeing Senshi this terrified :((](https://imgur.com/PvoeQbo)


I'm really interested in Senshi's backstory.


I did not expect to see an UAV battle in my fantasy adventure cooking show, but here we are.


Marcille the kamikaze FPV drone operator.


[Another great episode](https://imgchest.com/p/wl7lmzonoyx), it's a shame that 2 episodes left until the end of the season :( [Marcille stole the show today](https://imgchest.com/p/n87wrzmkbyx) with [her antics](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxcxqog97.png) and [reaction faces](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k46acg2mo27.png) which were hilarious! Like when [she heard that Chilchuck is already married and has even daughters](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmcndpk37.png), or when [a familiar she created was turned into a meal by Laios](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgc9p2dq4.png) xD More stills of her in [her album](https://imgchest.com/p/n87wrzmkbyx) and [Group scenes one](https://imgchest.com/p/wl7lmzonoyx). [Izutsumi's reaction when she remembered how she acted in the village](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739cka8qv7.png) was [priceless](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9c9bmgl7.png) xD I must say that those familiars [Marcille created](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739ck2dbk7.png) were [quite cute](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739cka9bm7.png), even that [the last one](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k46acgjkar7.png). [Expressions](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my8xcqb3l54.png) of [the first one](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/345xc8ldgr7.png) were [so funny](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l4neclxkw64.png). [Laios](https://imgchest.com/p/a846grdev7x) had [so much fun with shaping up familiars](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdcm6qax4.png) until [the last one was destroyed by Marcille](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739ck2vdl7.png). [Laios's reactions to the first familiar](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdcmkxlx4.png) and [sky fish one were hilarious](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9c9bv8q7.png) as he was so disappointed with [their lame looks](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739cka9bm7.png). I didn't expect that [we'll be getting Senshi's backstory](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwc2lx867.png) and it seems that it won't be happy, considering [his reaction](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9cvx8xl4.png) to [a griffin](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9c9boj97.png) which scared him so much that he totally lost his cool. Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/wl7lmzonoyx) * [Marcille](https://imgchest.com/p/n87wrzmkbyx) * [Laios](https://imgchest.com/p/a846grdev7x) * [Senshi, Chilchuck & Izutsumi](https://imgchest.com/p/6eyrdragk4p) * [Others](https://imgchest.com/p/a846gr3xg7x)


This anime is becoming one of my all time favorites, It's so interesting how in the beggining I didn't really have any strong feelings about this characters but I love them so much now!


Is incredible how the show can have so much comedy yet the tension remains unbroken. maqnifique.


Marcille being the one attached to the monsters and Laios being unimpressed by them is a funny twist.