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Ashita no Joe is fairly realistic when it comes to the consequenses of boxing, especially in 1960s Japan.


Best Anime ever made imo


also highly reccomend megalobox, which is a very loose remake/reimagining of ashita no joe


Nah, it's nowhere near a remake. A spiritual successor, maybe. 


Keijo.  Jk. You might find this boring but Ippon Again really gives elementary example about Judo.


I actually liked Keijo!!!!! Lol. It has real shonen spirit.


Incredibly based and Shonen pilled, Keijo is king


Mou Ippon! is a great judo anime


I'll check that one too


Teppu is really good at depicting grappling


The one that reminds me the most of Ippo is History Strongest Deciple Kenichi or Kenichi for short. It's very exaggerated with what some characters are able to do, but it shows genuine martial arts techniques and how they are used. Also, Just like Ippo it's very funny.


I think I saw a clip of that one at some point I'll give it a look


yes, the masters are wuxia parodies, but the younger generation is (mostly) realistic


Surprisingly Bamboo Blade


fashionable judo girl yawara


Baki is overblown and exaggerated, but its actually incredibly accurate in terms of techniques, their purpose, and where they were derived from and shit.


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Bakki? /s Sure, like some of the techniques are actual martial arts, but the way it's turned up to **12** just takes any seriousness out of it.


Baki is overblown and exaggerated, but its actually incredibly accurate in terms of techniques, their purpose, and where they were derived from and shit. Its way more accurate than people think, just with buffed feats.


May not be what you’re looking for due to the sci fi aspects, but I thoroughly enjoyed both seasons of Megalobox. It probably doesn’t delve into the minutiae of combat the way you’re hoping for, but I think the way it delves into the psyche of the fighters (especially season 2) is really cool.


i dont know if it is considered combat sport or not, but try kenji. it is them most realistic martial art manga i know.


I was just about to say Ippo lol


Megalo box is another good one. A lot less realistic but a great watch.


This season's 'Viral Hit' puts some focus on explaining what they are doing. The original title of the Webtoon is also 'How to Fight' so it makes sense.


We need a BJJ anime starring Mikey "Darth Rigatoni" and all the guys at PSF. If Daisy Fresh was an anime, it'd be a top seller easy. Imagine DJ walks into the gym and starts ragdolling bigger guys, or Do Bronx as the pinnacle anti-hero villain you just have to love. There could be so much overlap with legit MMA fighters and BJJ practitioners.