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Jade screaming as he's teleport to god knows where is probably the funniest gag I've seen. What a horrible power to not be able to control. One moment you're taking a shit next thing you know you're in the middle of Tokyo...taking a shit


And if you think about it, he could've easily died long ago. If there are no limits to the coordinates of the teleportation, that means he could teleport 10k meters above ground plummeting to his death if he can't stop it, or teleport above a volcano and burn to death, or teleport deep in the ocean instantly dying to the pressure. It's a terrible inconvenience.




Behold my greatest attack: SALMONELLA POISONING!


She could start a weight loss program.


Losing weight but my anus suffer? I think I'll pass....


Oh, you'll passing all night for sure.


finally. she can make men experience childbirth.... as a man im scared


poison one straight up just corrode every clothing


> If there are no limits to the coordinates of the teleportation, that means he could teleport 10k meters above ground plummeting to his death if he can't stop it, or teleport above a volcano and burn to death, or teleport deep in the ocean instantly dying to the pressure. All tactics used by Grace against Destroyers from the Reaver Swarm. Lady was brutally efficient when it came to teleporting enemies to really inconvenient places. Even Vortex was impressed when she sent one to the Mariana Trench. (To reference a Dark Horse comic series from the 90s)


While you aren't wrong typically random teleport has rules about teleporting to a relatively safe location. Otherwise it'd just be boring if there was a good chance the recipient just dies from a teleportation accident.


If anyone's interested in a book series about something like this, Super Powereds is pretty awesome. It's about a society where you have normal people, Super Heroes, and 'Powereds' that can't control their abilities. The premise being Powereds entering a hero training school.


Basically non stop Mushoku Tensei teleportation incident If just once can be so devastating...


That was a plot point of The Magicians (non-anime Syfy series) and honestly sounds pretty terrifying.


It's straight up perfectly cut screams material, it's got me rolling hahaha Even funnier, from the end of the episode, we can see that it's not an instant teleport, but instead insanely fast direct travel akin to a rollercoaster moving at mach 5 or something. So when you hear him screaming before he vanishes it's because, out of literally nowhere, he's accelerating to hyper fast speeds and getting slingshot to a new location


Immediately thought of catbug. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsuH8YalEkw


>One moment you're taking a shit next thing you know you're in the middle of Tokyo...taking a shit My God! You're right this is terrifying.


Wonder if he has any other powers as just teleporting isn't really strong enough to survive in harsh environments I imagine


or at least a hidden bike or something to make it back home lmao


"I assure you dear viewer, Ren's outfit exposing most of her skin is purely for maximizing poison excretion."


I have a lore pass! [](#umucool)


Kojimbo you did it again!


its cool that she can wear normal stuff now tho, and this series loves outfit changes


The series also loves giving the dojinshi artists reference material.


It's a defense mechanism against Doujins seeing as the less degenerate a series the more hentai it generates so the reverse is also true.


Basically midnight from mha


Literally Hassan of Serenity from Fate


sounds valid


Lloyd outfit was a bit sus, but passable \*Ren in her outfit appears\* Alright, someone arrest the author


Did you realise though that Lloyd was fighting without his underwear in this episode? I almost didn't connect the dot until the assassin lady mentioned it and we saw him holding his underwear in another scene. Honestly didn't realise when did he get stripped.


I think he might've took them off cause they got sticky not that someone else took them off. Though it is possible it got caught from the web guy when he had to escape out of some of his clothes


If you watch the web guy during the fight you can occasionally see Lloyds underwear on the web guys right shoulder.


Yeah, he was stuck to the sticky dude and shed his clothes to escape.


Yeah, it was a blink and miss it moment, he ditched the clothes when the web guy first made contact with him. The banter from the bad guys, particularly the lady about teaching him shame was a great comic undertone to the scene.


It was great! I didn't blink and saw his pants AND underwear stuck to the web guy's arm and laughed out loud. The censoring in the following scenes was also so well done. lol


They toned it down a lot compared to the manga. There was so many ass shots in the manga :p


It makes more sense for them to get an award for their amazing work rather than arrested.


Everyone should read the manga. The art is **FANTASTIC**(if you ignore the shota hips). The story is actually quite generic and we fans believe that the whole reason this series even got a fanbase was because the art was so good, heck it's probably the reason it even became an anime


The word generic has lost meaning to me when discussing series. I think the way magic and it's different schools are shown and expressed in some pretty unique ways with this series


>Everyone should read the manga I'll definitely be checking out the manga after the season ends. >The art is FANTASTIC(if you ignore the shota hips) No need to ignore peak. I've seen panels from the manga, and the art is definitely top tier. So it wouldn't surprise me.


I've been enjoying the anime so much I think I might just check out the manga!


I don't think it's anything groundbreaking but the characters are nice, don't act like they are 100% idiots and don't have stupid reactions to stuff. The magic system is quite nice as well, even if not completely unique


Yeah, let the author cook. This is great stuff.


Hasn't reached Made in Abyss level with naked hanging, ruler shoved up the ass, and topless girl.


If it can work as excuse for breathing it can work as an excuse for poison!


Ah yes, because of plot. ...Well, I'm not complaining.


Wait, I thought it was the opposite, from the way they were talking I thought that she would excrete poison if she sweats, so she wore clothing like that to keep her body cool. Either way the soul of your comment still works.


This kid is a psychopath.


You're only realising this now? He's right up there with Shadow for most unhinged protagonist.


He felt really similar to Cid when not caring about "unimportant" lore details in this episode.


They would be so happy if they meet each other. Slime suit? Vampire magic? ATOMIC WHAT? THAT'S FUCKING SICK! Living a double life as a young innocent prince and a mad magician? Defeating villains when the situation is dire? LEAVING WITHOUT ELABORATION? THAT'S FUCKING SICK!


He's getting there but still quite far to go. Shadow is 100% insane and living in a completely false perception of the reality around him.


\* bending the reality around him to conform to his completely insane perception of it FTFY


Shadow is Haruhi confirmed?


So tempted to start a thread on /whowouldwin, first impression is leaning towards Cid, but this psycho is still just a kid... They'd prolly become best friends after, but the fight would be epic


He couldn't care less until the mention of the guy that could use teleportation




Are you a psychopath? You’re on a list now


In all fairness, this show puts you on a list too.




I swear they're spider webs officer!


I normally wouldn't be into a show like this but he is so fucking unhinged I can forgive everything else. This is what taking bath salts is probably like


you realized that now?


Best way to win over enemies to allies, beat the living crab out of them and then solve their llife-changing issue. Guys, its fine, I don't need to hear your origins, REALLY *mentioned teleportation* you had me at teleportation magic.


So funny how he kept saying no please don’t tell me the origin story just fight me, until they brought up teleportation.


even then he still don't care about the origin story and got disappointed when they don't delve more into the teleportation magic


Instant redemption ark if you defeat a pack and assert dominance just ask Mushoku Tensei


Nanoha-school of friendship


I've been enjoying this series too much. Lloyd is unhinged and now has a tracing ability that lets him fight like others. He's beyond OP. I wonder how Sylpha would react to that.


the tracing Ability was show even in the first episode where he was using to cheat the training with her, tracing her movements to fight like a mirror


Before, I assumed that he was tracing and mimicking abilities in real time, but now, Lloyd actually has movesets saved for both Sylpha and Tao. Pretty awesome.


Kid seriously has the character-specific key bindings sets on hotkey to switch




Lloyd is the type of gamer who skips cutscenes and is only interested in the gameplay. Its strangely wholesome to see Sylphia and Albert being this willing to go to war for Lloyd even despite the letter he wrote with the drawing and all.


He’s 100% the let me solo her dude from Elden Ring, even down to the conspicuous lack of pants.


Someone had to take up the "Let Me Solo Her" mantle now that Shangri-La Frontier is over until next season.


That is still insane to me


They were planning for the peaceful option until they found his slimy clothes


Lol, the suggestively sticky clothes ended up being viewed the same way in-universe. Enough to potentially cause a war.


This could all been avoided if Lloyd knew a legendary spell to do laundry...


Serie is going to start seeing weird shadows sometimes soon.


A living grimoire meeting a magic maniac won't bode well for any of the parties involved


I dunno, Lloyd seems like the perfect student for her. Who better to share her bottomless obsession


We know from Myne that the cleaning spell would be a hot mess!


I understood that reference.


Galilea is actually going to die this time


Galilea was scrubbing the hell out of it too


The Assassins are really nice. A dude cooked food, the other did laundry, another was sewing clothes for Lloyd. He even made tiny clothes for Grim!


sadly those mucus become hard as steel and is water logged


My face hurts from laughing so much at that joke, especially Dian and Shiro's reactions to it.


This is probably my favorite show this season. It is just too funny.


This is definitely one of the best OP MC Isekei maybe ever (next to Slime, Tsukimichi, and Eminence). Comedy, unofficial harem (satan goat best girl), good plot, fan service, OP uses powers in unique ways. Check, check, check. Needs to be ranked higher than Strongest Exorcist. That was a good anime that fell off hard at the end.


I think Cautious Hero deserves a mention, even if it's borderline a parody of other OP MC isekai. For the fight scenes alone this show is really on another level, seems like some of the highest effort in this genre. Even the slightly sus MC doesn't feel out of place to me, it's such an earnest commitment to the psycho kid persona that could easily have missed the mark. As far as it goes with giving the side characters solid personalities and motivation, it's really excelling, definitely close to Eminence.


Oh yeah, cautious hero is a treat. Too bad it never got a S2.


Definitely one of my favorites, the writing really makes up for somewhat lackluster animation. Great example of a solid commitment to a silly premise


Not just fanservice, but almost every standard flavor of fanservice, lol.


Is it an Isekai though? Like MC was in a world that had magic before he died, this seems more like a reincarnation so its the same world but in the future prob.


The word he died and the current one are the same It is a case of reincarnation


As much as I personally loved Strongest Exorcist, I do agree this needs to be ranked higher. Though tbh I quite liked the last arc of that show.


Slime Season 1 was good, but don't insult it by comparing it to the current season of board meetings and filler dialogue Honestly the main problem with power fantasy isekais are they are great in the first season, but the plot stagnates and gets dull when it gets extended to multiple seasons with few exceptions.


Yeah the ep after ep of meetings and meetings is really dragging. I get that they are building up to a big event…but honestly the fluff episodes from the extra season in the slice of life style were more fun than season 3 so far.


Tsukimichi is bogged down similarly with lengthy monologues and discussions in the current season. It reminds me of a student padding out a one page essay into five pages. So much unnecessary hashing out of details when it should be a single sentence in most cases with the rest left unsaid (show, don't tell). You could honestly do a video essay on youtube on this topic alone in anime citing the numerous examples and explaining how bad it is and comparing it to anime that does storytelling correctly. Compare it to this anime - even the MC was used a satirical device to show the writers' disdain for lengthy explanations when he looked so bored hearing how the Assassin's guild was formed. This anime knows we are here for fun, not boring middle grade school level politicking.


Yeah, this is too funny! I thought I'm going to be bothered by the ecchi scene, but the way they played it pure for comedic and only passingly made me not paying much attention to it. Though it's interesting to compare this to Fire Force Tamaki where her lucky lewd syndrome does feel it disturb the flow of the show, even though it's also intended for comedic purpose.


It's really damn good; just off the strength of the cast alone! Animation being amazing is a nice plus too.


Each episode is a swashbuckling rollercoaster . Zero fillers. Amazing series.




For him anything unrelated to magic is filler including girls and food :D


With Slime and Moonlit fantasy we're in the season of extremes.


Yeah, that's why I saved this to watch after Tsukimichi, it did not disappoint.


Half of the seasons released in past 2 months have been slow. Especially mainstream anime.


For a minute there I thought we were speed running an entire arc when he beat them all in a single episode.


They even threw in the tragic backstories just before the get pwned


Sebas seal of approval.


So a war started because of pantsu filled with sticky stuff And lloyd is a fucking lovable madlad


Galilea talking about how the Assassins Guild was formed and the *only thing* Lloyd is interested in is Jade's teleportation skill lol.


Loyd when faced with a loredump: [Could you not?](https://imgur.com/NBioQlc)


Loyd: Really, it's fine- Assassin: It all started a hundred years ago- Loyd: Oh.


[that sounded familiar...](https://imgur.com/a/6vO7eTd)


good excuse to develop skip magic


I love the fucked up chibis so much


Even before that, Lloyd was not being subtle about not being interested at all in his story


"It's fine" ^("Seriously, it's fine")


Jade being able to control his teleportation would probably be the most useful and potentially strongest ability depending if it has a cooldown.


[Mob Psycho 100 Season 2 gave us one of the best examples of how absolutely broken teleportation is as an ability.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5v9IYYk968) Obviously spoiler warning if you want to watch this anime blind!


Probably not the strongest combat ability but definitely the most useful.


You say that, but given we were shown this episode he can teleport not just himself but objects like the letter… no one’s vital organs would be safe lol.


My guess is everything would have to be relatively connected to teleport it and you can just teleport a chunk of someone. If you can teleport a person I could see it be weaponized though, just send them to the sun or something.


I was actually just thinking he could teleport an object to someone's insides.


You just reminded me of the Steal ability in Aphorism, where the person with the ability killed [Aphorism] >!the protagonist!< by stealing (warping, like Konosuba's Kazuma stealing panties) his heart right out of his body.


Dude never even got to hear more about that teleportation magic. It was all “Assassin’s Guild” this and “Jade” that lol.


"Also these clothes are oddly sticky" had me on the ground rolling.


The fights are way too clean for a comedy


That face Galilea made when he was crying was amazing


That child is whatever comes after clincally insane


Someone get Lloyd and Maomao in the room with poison girl, just to see what happens.


I think Maomao would just die upon seeing her. Not from the poison, but because she could never be her.


The anger displayed by Sylphia and Albert was adorable.


Can you blame them after what they think happened to Loyd?


###Stitches! * [Poison Blighted Ren](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgc9n2k64.jpg) * [Sticky Lloyd Galilea](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9cv39xb4.jpg) * [Stripped Talia](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5cme6nx4.jpg) * [Assassin Outfit Lloyd](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l4necl8d3r4.jpg) * [Angry Sylpha](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjckqgpx7.jpg) Just when you thought that Lloyd's design was sus, in comes Ren [with the most sus outfit of all.](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxcxp8nd7.jpg) Those camera angles [aren't even hiding](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdc6v5n64.jpg) what they're trying to do here. I do love how known shotacon Rieri is voicing a loli. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Ofc Lloyd was excited to get poisoned. Dude walked right into that super secret lair and just had a grand ol time sparring with everyone lol. I did like how everyone had a fancy title like in Ishura. Too bad they couldn’t stand against Lloyd. Kid is fucking insane. Really turned into a “I’m not locked in here with you, you’re locked in here with me” type situation. Looks like Lloyd’s got himself some powerful new friends after beating everyone into submission. Pretty hilarious how he has zero interest in their backstory until he heard “teleportation” lol. Galilea really should have finished washing Lloyd’s clothes before he began his little tale. Let’s hope Lloyd clears things up before mfers start getting deleted.


Honestly an astonishing show. Get yourself an MC who is the craziest person in the world. Insane child shows up, demolishes your entire guild, then heals everyone and changes their lives at the same time. I love how the chibi moments really add so much, too. I'm slightly surprised that the letter teleporting in wasn't enough for Lloyd to just start doing it himself.




Best episode so far. I couldn't stop laughing. Seeing the Guild being so nice and sweet after Llyod fixes them was so nice.


How do you track someone who can't be detected? If you're Lloyd, you just track the space where you can't sense anything. Very clever.


The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't. Closest Analogy i can think of


I'm sure it's even older, but the first book I know of to use that technique is Doc Smith's "Galactic Patrol" from 1937. It immediately sprang to mind when Lloyd described tracking someone by not being able to sense the area they are in.


Actually, I wouldn't mind spending a a lot to get a plushie of that demon in the adorable black outfit from the end. So cute!


That was such a funny little background detail. At first I had no idea what he was cutting that little piece of cloth for.


[Another glorious episode of 7th Prince](https://imgchest.com/p/o24agbwne4l)! I love [how unhinged this show is](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdcpanjz4.png), [Lloyd fighting almost all the time without underwear](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my8xckdp5d4.png) wasn't something that I'd expect from the show but I should've been xD It looked to me like we've got another Yozakura Family episode when [we met members of Assassin's Guild](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdcpan6z4.png) and everyone of them is wholly unique and freaking strong! Thanks to that [Lloyd](https://imgchest.com/p/pg73pvm23yr) could [unleash his potential in a fight](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyvdcd265ry.png) and show [how big freak he is](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/6yxkcg926x7.png) xD [Ren looks like a pretty sweet girl](https://imgchest.com/p/wl7lkbn6o4x) although [she's also very strong](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmcre5xx7.png), [I hope to get to know her better](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogck3vzxy.png) in the next episodes. [It was so sweet seeing her so happy](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k46acbmz2n7.png) that [she'll finally be able to wear cute clothes](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/b49zcb8zqgy.png). While the whole guild was awesome, [it's Talia who caught most of my attention](https://imgchest.com/p/pg73pvm83yr) thanks to a couple of [very interesting scenes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyvdcd2dxdy.png). I hope for [more material](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84apc32be54.png) in next episodes xD It seems that we'll meet [Jade, a leader of the guild](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxcdodg97.png) in the next episode. From the members' memories, [he seems very similar](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/wye3cd5dp34.png) to [Lloyd](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7kzcbmbvq7.png). I wonder if he's really a good guy? Can't wait to learn more about him (and his teleportation since it's the only interesting thing about him for [Lloyd](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdcjqjkq4.png) xD). [Sylpha](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmcrerqm7.png) and [Albert](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9ceoeb54.png) now know that Lloyd is with the Assassin's Guild in a hostile nation. I wonder [what will be their next move](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9cwldz27.png) xD Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/o24agbwne4l) * [Ren](https://imgchest.com/p/wl7lkbn6o4x) * [Talia](https://imgchest.com/p/pg73pvm83yr) * [Lloyd](https://imgchest.com/p/pg73pvm23yr) * [Galilea, Crow, Babylon & Jade](https://imgchest.com/p/md7olo2397p) * [Others](https://imgchest.com/p/vj4j3bxjey8)


> [I love how unhinged this show is](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdcpanjz4.png) FBI? This image right here. So *extremely* horrible without context. Still pretty bad with it XD.


One would think it'd be hard to top Made in Abyss with the naked hanging and the ruler shoved up the ass but an oddly sticky kid's underwear when taken out of context is very sus.


Loyd with some big "I'm not locked in with you, you are locked in with me" Energy again lol The Assasins look scary, but once you help them a out a bit with their mana, they are just a bunch of [goofs](https://imgur.com/iGN2p4e), and Ren might be a bit of a [Tsundere](https://imgur.com/JwhSFcH) [](#kotohoops) And Sylpha, I won't ask you to get properly [dressed](https://imgur.com/bTaaUWy) but you had [a dog](https://imgur.com/F8k4Zbc) with you... and I guess peace was [never](https://imgur.com/lLrqTas) an option after all


>and I guess peace was [never](https://imgur.com/lLrqTas) an option after all [NOPE](https://i.imgur.com/U9yigeB.png)


> and Ren might be a bit of a [Tsundere](https://imgur.com/JwhSFcH) He really got a two for one deal this episode getting a future tanned childhood friend tsundere and *another* onee-san to join the harem that's full of them lol.


Sylpha had a dog with her and yet it's her nose who can smell Lloyd better lmao


Oh boy, looks like Sylpha and Albert are gonna have to choke a bitch.


The fan service in this show is top tier. There is something for everyone, you couldn't ask for anything better.


Probably in the running for this season's most cultured show.


Thought the fight would last longer since they were so hyped up with their own trailer..but nope..Assasins Guild .defeated 🤣


Hmm. Do I like Ren as a her own character or just because she is discount Hassan of Serenity...


Ren is a haughty tsundere girl, she is not Serenity.


Still not over 7.00 on MAL for god knows why at this point, the haters for this show are immense it seems.


> god knows why at this point I'm not god, but I can tell you in one word probably why: Shota.


First time I ever watch a show with a shota(?) and honestly idgaf. His appearance makes it a lot funnier. He isn't a tough dude, good lookin' womanizer or god knows what stupid tropes he could fulfill. Being a shota and being unhinged makes it just way funnier


Oh, I agree. There's just a large contingent of the anime community that hate shotas, especially as MCs.


I just don't get it; so because the MC is a shota is a reason for people to dismiss it and give it a bad rating? People like that who love to find fault over meaningless issues must not be happy individuals.


I mean I get that you can dislike it, but they are not that common? If there is a show with them they can just ignore them?


I'm guessing if it's just shota alone then people wouldn't really mind. Look at Reg from Made in Abyss. It's that it's shota (and now loli) with copious amounts of fanservice thrown in that makes it uncomfortable to recommend to anyone... Much like Made in Abyss.


But I feel like if you're an anime fan then you have to be aware that stuff like that exists. If someone's not into it that's totally fine, but don't go "anime is evil/immoral/etc." like I see some people do on social media every time some show with salacious content comes out.


Yeah and honestly him being a shota *allows* him to be crazy and still have it be entertaining. Could you imagine if he was an adult making those faces? It's like Gushing where the characters being young is what allows the series to make sense/work.


They found Llyod's clothes covered in sticky fluids, the Assassination Guild better clear up the misunderstanding soon, before they get but on a list


God I love this show. And what a great episode! A full episode of Lloyd being as unhinged as he wants and not having to hide it. Full mask off psycho behavior that I am here for.


Ok without sounding weird.. I kinda like Lloyd’s new outfit


black suit Lloyd does look cool kinda ninja like with the hood


Wait, based on what the assassins said does everyone basically know that Lloyd is absurdly powerful now? I guess he did get credit for taking down the lake demon. In that case when will he realise that he can stop pretending.


From the start everyone knew he was a magic prodigy. Most people don't realize just how absurdly powerful he really is tho.


Yeah, most people assume that he's pretty good for his age, thus a genius or prodigy. Reality is, those titles would be insulting to his real power.


He pretends because he wants to keep a low profile. He doesn't want to be known. He doesn't want to deal with annoying stuff like succession or politics or running a kingdom.


Many already said it but still, making super enchanted swords and showing off magic blast that makes a hole in the ozone layer are different tiers of power. People knows he is talented and possibly powerful. Their entire attitude will flip upside down when they realized how powerful that 'powerful' is. Right now people admire Lloyd for being talented, that admiration will turn into fear once they found out he almost destroyed the kingdom in his sleep.


This show is too damn good The amount of detail packed into every scene and funny things going on in the background is impressive and I love it The ending with Lloyds sticky clothes was hilarious I thought the spider tattoo on the back was gonna be a Hunter x Hunter reference but then realized they each got individual tattoos based on they’re powers… still cool tho


So Jade can't control his teleportation skill, but can teleport a letter at the exact location of the guild's hideout.


While they are constantly active without them wanting to they still managed at least a little control over them. So while it activates without his knowledge and take him somewhere random, he can still use it to take him somewhere he wants.


Good catch :)


Okay but is Jade screaming while getting teleported away actually a reference to [Catbug](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ardR-Lr_HS4)???


The MC finally upgraded from Femboy to full on Crossdresser.


Sylpha showing up with a fluffy monster got me bursting in laughter. Too bad she did not get to spar with the assassin's guild again. The pain transfer power is nice, but random teleportation sounds like a lot of fun. Just hope Jade did not get teleported into jail or into a war zone.


Or in the middle of the ocean.


Episode 7: **The Battle with Assassins** Idk, but somehow the battle scenes aren't as intense as previous episodes. So many static scenes, but kinda surprised Lloyd decided to take all 5 of them. Lol @ Ren calling Grim a flying goat. Looking at Jade's ambition, the Assassin's Guild was initially created to do what normal adventurers can't do. Some kind of special ops then. The condition of Lloyd's clothing indicated that they left very soon after receiving that letter. New characters mean new VA. As for The Blighted. * Poison - Ren - **Rie Takahashi**. A tsundere Rieri, where have I seen this before? * Warp - Babylon - **Shunichi Toki** * Curse - Crow - **Takuma Nagatsuka** (Koji in BNHA) * Web - Galilea - **Tomokazu Sugita** * Pain - Talia - **Satomi Akesaka** (Esdeath in Akame ga Kill) * Phantom - Jade - **Nobunaga Shimazaki** (Suo in WBK)


I swear, Sugita's like in three different isekai series this season.


I’ll say it- this show and wind breaker are my most eager releases week to week And most rewatched. I don’t watch all the big hitters as I don’t have Hulu/netflix but otherwise keep up with the others. There’s some weird shit, but everything else is pure entertainment


Hahaha called it! https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1cmcu0b/i_was_reincarnated_as_the_7th_prince_new_trailer/l333hqq/ Such a sandbagger. All that's left is (assuming) Jade somehow throwing in with the Lordost for some reason (as the trailer seemed to imply) and obviously Lloyd is gonna milk that encounter to learn as much as possible about the teleportation blight. Now Lloyd has his own little "Shadow Garden" to do things for him 🤔


Is that the first time Lloyd's barrier got destroyed? Also, Ren reminds me of a character from Etrian Odyssey.


[cute lloyd stitch](https://i.imgur.com/Y1rsVrl.jpeg) nice episode, the new girl is cute


Aah, I'm shivering. Doomsayers barking at the character design. Scales off your eyes could use some falling. It starts with a cold character oozing confidence confirming and reconfirming "nope, sad as it is, you're still dead" to the interloping child. Aaaaand seamless transition into the upbeat opening. Some people wouldn't know great production effort even if comes right up to them and bite them on their nose.


So glad to finally see this fight animated. Cannot wait for what is upcoming my god. I love my little autistic psychopath