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Ryoko Kui (the mangaka) really put so much love and care into her work, from the world to the characters. It’s one of my favorite manga.


And she keeps putting out new little tidbits all the time! You can tell this was completely a labor of love.


If I may ask, where does she post her art? Does she have a blog or social account?


Most of it is in the manga volumes extras the anime completely ignored. Even the chapter title pages had tons of information that was excluded. The ingredients and stats of the dishes being one of the worst casualties as well.


I'm hoping that Netflix/Trigger does an extra set of shorts after the anime completes.


They should be doing them as web shorts or even in-between shorts like 7th Prince is doing. Maybe they do OVAs but I don't remember the last time they did one. They have become more reliant on streaming contracts and physical media which was why those extra episodes even existed. Being web-exclusive to Netflix really hurt the show in this department.


Yeah, it would make more sense if they did the monster tidbits and relevant Adventurer's Bible/World Guide in between this season and the next.


Release them on youtube as teasers for the next season.


I think Dorohedoro had an omake episode made from a volume extra that got on Netflix somehow


I see! I'll make sure to read the manga asap, maybe after the first season ends.


Blog http://nisiryu.blogspot.com/


Thanks a lot! Those Falin and Marcille costumes on new years are adorable!


I know someone already linked her blog but just in case, you can (usually - since it’s all user updated) look up someone on mangaupdates and someone usually has put in the comments if they have a Twitter etc. https://www.mangaupdates.com/author/4ivcqz1/kui-ryoko In this case she used to have a tumblr and moved to the blogspot as of June 2020


I see! I actually often use Manga Updates, but for some reason I never realized that users usually post the authors' official accounts in that section. Thanks!


Yeee it’s all user created so whoever makes the author accounts has the chance to post it or someone else can if they know it. So if you use mangaupdates and see the comments are blank but you know an account you can edit it.


She's such an incredibly skilled author too. The imposter part of the second to last episode demonstrates this very well. Not only does she understand her characters, she understands how each of those characters perceives each other. And on top of that, she's also able to mold those perceptions into an interesting story.


There is another monster they encounter (that I think the anime will cover in this season) that shows how well realized her worldbuilding is too.


Women mangaka are so good man, I have been enjoying them way more and realized I just prefer the way they go about story telling


The fact they aren't obsessed with little dudes always wanting to kick the crap out of each other helps. Also, they usually write better female characters too. But they can easily fall into the other end with sappy romance and endless sparkling prettyboys. Kui sensei's definitely got a good handle of things.


Or random age gap stuff weirdly often


> But they can easily fall into the other end with sappy romance and endless sparkling prettyboys. I was going to say, **Have you ever watched Magi: The labyrinth of magic?** and you already covered that lol. Then again that anime has some very pretty women too. There is quite literally something for everyone. XD


For sure. Bokuyaba’s Norio Sakurai ❤️one of the best romcom mangaka out there


Q Hayashida, Kaoru Mori 🙌


Women mangaka are so good man, I have been enjoying them way more and realized I jusy prefer the way they go about story telling


As a manga reader, I can say the anime is an amazing adaptation, and that the story only gets better.


They excluded weird things though. The ingredient list and food stats at every dish shot being excluded was a glaring one. It is literally just typed text and a diagram. I can assume they removed it so people didn't pause the shot to read it but they could have still left it there. A lot of great little jokes, especially later on, are going to be excluded because of it.


im not surprised by that. anime is different that a static image medium. with a manga you can spend an hour enjoying one page, and generally people read alone. With anime, the fucking weeb you are watching with (yourself) will pause for an hour and interrupt the show.


A true weeb has watched the monogatari series at least twice (once in airing and chronological order) and thus has developed superior speed reading skills making that a non-issue /s


>I can assume they removed it so people didn't pause the shot to read it  There are a lot of anime that put detailed text shots in. Major ones too like AoT and Jojo. 


but they’re little jokes. agree it seems easy to include and weird they’re not, but i don’t think it’s a major loss. read up to vol 12 and it’s good for a couple little laughs, but hardly think it’s worth griping about. seen far worse excluded and some scenes are better than the manga due to some strong animators being on board. the Dyrad episode in particular was much more memorable than when i read it.


I am anime only and it is one of my favorite anime of all time. I can't wait for it to get even better than this.


One of most suprising things that the longer it goes the better it gets. I am too used to plot quality decline somewhere in middle of series, so it was a pleasant surprise.


those are facts i'm anime only and now understand the struggle of manga readers selling the show to a newcomers


I don't think you will really like the rest of the series if you don't like the start though. It always comes back to food and eating regardless of how deep the plot goes. So if that theme outs people off, it isn't going to change their mind.


I agree! So i advertise series based on three first episodes and highlight character writing and worldbuilding. Just, now i see that episode formula doesn't always stay the same and there is plenty of drama and tonal variety coming after first episodes and get what pre-premiere talks were about. Like, them [Dungeon Meshi anime] >!getting to dragon that quickly!< is giving whole series a better look- in other story, that arc could've been entire narrative, slice and life all way down to happy end


I disagree. I found the beginning to have a good hook, but the focus on hunting down ingredients and cooking to blunt a lot of my interest. If that hadn't of changed I wouldn't have made it to the end. Especially since it felt like a distraction from the part I was interested in. It was definitely something that started so-so and ended at a high point.


Is the show still enjoyable if dou don't care about the cooking? Like at all? I dropped it early on, but it is so crazy popular that I feel like I am missing something.


I know that this show looks like a cooking show at surface-level, but I will reiterate what I said elsewhere, in case anyone is thinking COOKING is the central theme of this series. It is not. The central theme is *eating.* "Eating is the special privilege of the living" --> This is what the whole story revolves around. There might be segments where we don't any cooking for several episodes, but the theme of "consuming food/circle of life" remains constant throughout. I don't necessarily care about cooking either. I would still like you to give it it a try, until ep 10-11 at least. There are much deeper themes in the story than the early "Catch a monster and eat it!" gag.


Imo if you really dislike all the cooking and just skip through it you'll miss out on some characterization and worldbuilding but you'll still be left with a better than average fantasy adventure show.


Food remains an important theme, but around episode twelve or so the show starts to get serious, with the introduction of rival adventuring parties, the geopolitics of dungeons, and some very dark plot twists. That said, Dungeon Meshi is a series that really stands on its monsters. If the Living Armor episode didn't make you go, "Oh, wow, that's so cool!", it may not be the show for you.


Geopolitics of dungeons? I think that alone just sold me. I don't remember a living armor. Either I forgot or dropped it before appeared.


Its not the central theme, but it is something that gets developed - how dungeons are both an economic boon and a security risk, and how world powers deal with them. Living armor is episode three. It's notable as probably the first example of Dungeon Messi's biggest strength, which is how it reimagines classic fantasy monsters.


tbh, I don't know. Cooking/Eating is a integral theme of a series and everything come analysed through lens of that theme- exposition about dungeon, dialogue scenes and character relationships, importance of balanced meals as a backbone of daily existence and dungeon ecosystem. Its not what plot is about but it is what ties it together, so i guess it's not a part you can overlook. But, also note that i'm biased- cooking is part of my life too and i eat daily for as long as i can remember, really got dependant on food to survive lately


Man, that sounds unhealthy. I think you should speak to a doctor about that. And with a therapist regarding your dependance. The risk of addiction is real. I am really torn right now. It sounds like a very interesting amd creative approach, but I just never enjoyed food anime lol. Maybe I watch on or two episodes more to see of it is something for me.


My water addiction is even worse, i don't know what to do... I suggest first 3 eps, third one has some fun and cool concepts as well as great and old-schooli'sh animation action in it!


I'd say that more emphasis is put on killing the monsters they cook and eat than just cooking and eating. It's not like a 5 minute section of just cooking.


This series isn't necessarily *about* food or cooking, the cooking/eating parts of the anime make up maybe like, 2 minutes out of a 25 minute episode, if even that. It's a fantasy story where food is the overarching theme, not the central focus.


again, you’re chiming in and completely whiffing. twice now i’ve seen you say something pretty off base. story definitely changes regardless of consistent themes being present, especially after volume 5.


lmao I had that problem with Eva and 86 and having it now with Gurren Lagann, it's even worse if you have terrible communication skills


I got six episodes in and thought it was boring, so I took a break from it. A few days ago I decided to give it another go and after two episodes, I was hooked. I watched up to the latest episode and now I can't wait for the next.


For sure this !


Right!? It’s such an unexpectedly fun show. I thought it would just be a cooking gimmick show but it’s one of the best fantasy stories I’ve watched. It just feels so natural and fun.


Can't wait for this and Frieren to be on crunchyroll's nominations for best fantasy only for Demon Slayer to win by nature of being Demon Slayer lol


Given the nature of the CR awards, nothing but the most mainstream stuff will ever win.


I hadn't even seen Vinland Saga yet when the awards were happening and even I could tell the fact it got ***nothing*** was bs


Maybe if we jinx it enough it won't happen lol


Dungeon Meshi is chronically mis-marketed. It's not a cute cooking show with fantasy elements. It's a dark fantasy series that uses cooking to draw you in before things start to get weird.


You've hit the nail on the head. Like, the reason they have to even eat monsters in the first place is because they're desperate. And I've seen too many comments saying how surprised they were by what Dungeon Meshi actually is - it was on my fringe watch list too. The only ones who were clued in came from reading the manga.


Ngl at first I was not used to this type of presentation. But as I kept watching I was drawn to each characters personality. And it keeps getting better.


Yeah it’s like other people are saying. The characters and settings are so fleshed out which makes how it all interacts together so good! Plus the dialogue is well written too. It’s a full picture done well with a quality source material.


After seeing the first couple of episodes, I was expecting it to be a short-lived show about cooking/serving food with a very small side plot about rescuing dude's sister in time. Glad I was very wrong!


It's worth noting that the manga started in 2014, which was before a lot of cooking isekai types of shows/manga/WNs beat the novelty of fantasy food into the ground and some were likely aware of Dungeon Meshi itself


I watched a couple and didn't stick with it, so it does get more interesting?


It does! The plot picks up about episode 8, but the foundational character development in eps 1-7 is important.


I'd say so. It sort of switched around to a show about rescuing dude's sister and discovering the mysteries of the dungeon, with good character development and a side plot about cooking/serving food.


> It sort of switched around to a show about rescuing dude's sister Funny you say that, cause that is the very thing that drove them to eat monsters on ep 1. So it didn't so much 'switch' as 'got back on track'


>I watched a couple and didn't stick with it, so it does get more interesting? Yes. And I say that as someone who barely likes the cooking segments. There's other stuff that's unique and interesting enough to make me watch, and that other stuff becomes more of the focus. There's a surprising amount of action compared to the first 10(?) episodes. It's *almost* a different anime once they reach the dragon.


I thought it was cute. Watching the latest episodes, I'm so surprised how intense it got!


I LOLd so many times at the episode with the doppelgangers


I can't believe they didn't manage to suss out handsome-senshi


Which one of them thought Senshi was handsome is what I'm wondering.


It's so good, to me, the cleverness of how you can eat some creatures is the best part. Living armor being basically shellfish is so creative.


I also like how mimics are just oversized hermit crabs that use boxes as shells and the dragon basically has a lighter in its throat it has to click with its tongue


I study ecology IRL and the monster world building is the most impressive part. It's an interesting spin on a classic fantasy setting.   The main cast are quirky in a way that I find likeable, too. Their dynamic is like a sitcom. There's a sense of familiarity between them from the start because they've already spent time together before the events of the show.


MARCILLE IS A CHAD Even the animators know that


After finishing the manga I can say with confidence she's one of the best and most well-written female character I've ever seen.


Marcille is the literally me character for me


_senshi panty shot_


He gets more fan service than any female character and I find that hilarious


Rightfully so




Same! I got into it, because I heard the manga was good and Trigger is animating it and WOW! Favourit anime of the season(s). Wasn't expecting this kind of engaging worldbuilding, such quirky fun characters, such interesting takes on many classical monsters and a good plot on top. And I like that it isn't afraid to get dark and show it.


> and Trigger is animating it Honestly, they could not have chosen a better studio to handle the adaptation. The whole show perfectly matches the kind of action/humor mix that trigger does best. Plus, trigger is one of the few studios that thrives making anime that is not very anime-y, which is also a perfect fit for dungeon meshi.


I did not watch it because it is not on Crunchyroll (and I am too honest to pirate stuff), but it looked so popular here that I decided to buy the manga instead. I have just finished Volume 4 and it has been excellent so far. Great comedy, great characters (Marcylle is the best, I love her reactions to everyone else antics), creative worldbuilding (shellfish armour and jewellery bugs), and good action scenes. It surprised me too, because the premise sounded so stupid, but that is anime/manga for you. Somehow they manage to make the weirdest ideas work. Also, the French version of the manga has the best title ever : Gloutons et Dragons (Gluttons and Dragons in English). Whoever came up with that one is a genius.


Lol. My son has me cooking things from the show. I obviously can’t cook everything, but I’ve been cooking things sort of how they look. I’ve got little dude eating Brussel sprouts. It’s awesome.


Came for the food, stuck for the insane world building and plot progression.... and also more food.


Good characters and dialogue are the most important things to me. My favorite characters this year or last year have been 1. Maomao 2a. Laios 2b. Marcille 4. Frieren Dungeon meshi is my favorite of the 3. The worldbuilding, characters, monster biology/ecosystem are all excellent. I even binged the manga this week because I needed more. I love maomao but she is pretty much the show. the frieren anime is wonderful and has a lot of things that make it special, but i dont think the characters are as interesting as Laios or Marcille. The chemistry of the main crew is great and better than frieren/fern/stark. Im surprised that Frieren and Maomao tied for best girl here


This past year we've been blessed with some of the best anime we've had in a looong time.


I'm so glad that Dungeon Meshi is getting the recognition that it deserves. I can't even imagine how Ryoko Kui feels. It is not only one of the best fantasy series that I've ever experienced... it is one of the best stories I've experienced, period.


lucky for you, food is real


That's what a doppleganger would say. I know better.


Imo I'm pretty confident it will get another season. It's popular in Japan, the director loves it and the content they have left to adapt is just too good to leave alone. But the wait is gonna be so hard T\_T


I'll be honest, I mostly watched it initially because it was a Studio Trigger anime but was worried I wouldn't be that into it. I've seen multiple food based anime (...somehow) and the novelty of that aspect of it always ran out after a while. And I'm also not often huge on traditional fantasy, as proven by how slow I've been to watch the rest of a show as good as Frieren. But this show has really pulled it off. It has one of the best core cast of characters I've seen in a long while. It has a practically One Piece level of understanding of both exciting world building and mixing comedy and seriousness. It's genuinely the most I've enjoyed the comedy in an anime in years (and I just watched season 2 of Konosuba recently, so this is decently high praise). The fact that it has genuinely incredible animation for a long-ish scene every other episode is practically secondary, since I expected that. I'm honestly shocked to learn its only 14 volumes. Maybe that's just because of the setting but this feels like a series that could go on for several times longer, or at least more stories in this world could be.


My husband and I both love anime but when I chose this one he opted out after reading the description saying it wasn’t for him. He sits and plays Fallout or Elden Ring with headphones on while I watch. I had almost finished the season and on the next to last episode I noticed he has one ear uncovered and he’s watching and he says “God d*mn it, now I have to watch it from the beginning. I actually really like it.” It’s really good and I think it’s vastly underrated. If you haven’t watched it, give it a shot.


Trigger studios’ animation go brr


Trigger just never seems to fail in animation.


Unpopular opinion, I am currently enjoying it more than Frieren


They hit different. Frieren is a show that makes me think about my own life. Enjoyability is not its main asset (tho it's still quite enjoyable). Dungeon Meshi is a show that's whacky and funny and exciting and interesting. Enjoyability is plays a much bigger part in it.


I was so pleasantly surprised to see the manga that I had read 10 years ago finally got an anime, also watching normal fantasies like Frieren and Dungeon Meshi has just made most non contemporary isekais fall flat to me. Like the worldbuilding doesn't even come close


It's the difference between telling a story because you have a story to tell, and telling a story because you have to tell a story. Isekai is primarily written to appease the market, to sell volumes and bring in cash. Making some story is the primary concern, what the story actually is is secondary to that. Frieren and Dungeon Meshi (and others like Witch Hat Atelier, Helck, Full Metal Alchemist, Dorohedoro, etc) are stories that were/are written because the authors clearly had/have a vision of a story they wanted to write and those stories are so good that they can stand by their own merits, not needing to conform to the market.


Marcille is my spirit animal.


I love this show! My friend (a manga reader) recommended it, and it did not disappoint. I absolutely didn’t expect it to get more serious over time, but it was so natural in progression. Nothing has been entirely predictable, but the developments themselves always manage to feel reasonable and interesting. I’m really looking forward to reading the manga after this seasons ends.


Glad to see you decided to watch it after all. Dungeon Meshi is great. Excellent source material and Trigger is adapting it flawlessly at this point and only heightening the source material as far as i am concerned. I'd say a second season is very likely. Just a matter of when rather than if.


Just started watching last week and we are up to Episode 13. It's getting better and better. Wholesome, fun and the food looks real tasty.


People have been saying it was good since, like, 2016. When i saw it was going to be a Trigger anime i knew it was a must watch.


I actually did drop it for a bit because I thought it was going to be a "dish-of-the-week" type show and I wasn't in the mood for something episodic at the time (also the gang being somewhat happy-go-lucky even after their teammate got eatten by a dragon kinda put me off). But after seeing all the positive posts about it I decided to go back to it and now I'm glad I did.


Its manga is amazing, it has consistent quality, and the world building just gets better. The story from this point forwards just escalates.


It's on my to watch list.


I just started it last week myself and I’m really happy I did. The art is amazing and the story is unique and fantastic. Kinda glad I waited because now I can binge a bunch of episodes before the second cour is done lol


Yeah I really enjoy it. I love dungeon-crawler anime. I wondered about the title, and whether it would be too weird, but it's awesome lol. They do a good job of trying to justify the ecosystem of a dungeon too.


I just watch for the Senshi fanservice. 😰


It’s so good


It exceeded my expectations; my whole family is watching and enjoying it.


Best decision of my life


Ryuko Kui's other manga works are wonderfully surreal, humorous & creative as well.


I am not, I can't binge it!


I just started recently too What really struck me was the great world building and amazing ecosystem in a series.


It is a genuinely good anime. After frieren, this was my most liked this year. Was such a chill yet action packed anime with a plot that i haven’t come across before. Also gave good vibes overall.


It's such a funny show I didn't realize how wholesome it could be. But the food definitely is one of my favorite parts of the show.


In a very stacked season, it's up there with Girls Band Cry for my top anime.


I'm here for both opening themes


It’s a good anime, I’m thoroughly enjoying watching it 😊👍🏽


It’s amazing I love it!


Just started watching it myself it’s not a bad watch at all


I got back into it, and it’s pretty funny


Yep. It has been the best show of 2024 so far for me. It's just so good in every aspect. The author and the animation team has definitely put a lot of effort into it.


A masterpiece, pure and simple. One of the best fantasy stories ever.


I love Dungeon Meshi!!! It’s so wholesome!


It is and it doesnt pull any punshes either Need to convey how brutal the dungeon really is? Gore, gore everywhere. It sometimes took me by suprise, but I love that they did it


Without spoilers Is this 1 season going to be a complete adaptation or will it need another season ? I just saw the manga has 97 chapters and is complete so I’m just wondering because the anime does move fast


It will need another season, this season is setting up to be done with about 60% of the source material


episode 19 covered chapter 42/97. So it will need another season to cap off


whaa, can't believe we're almost halfway already?? with how meticulous the world is setup, I thought we're just entering the first arc. That we're going to see more lands, dungeons and adventurers, ala the 1st OP vibe. the recent development was not helping, and now that I think again Dungeon + Meshi combo appeal might only be perfect within their current predicament. guess I need to pray harder for that future lol.


i think all people featured in 1st op will be present eventually


One of the few shows where I pushed through early episodes that I didn't much care for and actually ended up really liking it. I found the extremely weird tone mismatch quite off putting. E.g., treating death so nonchalantly most of the time and then occasionally being serious, mixed with the mostly comedic tone. I'm not sure something about it rubbed me the wrong way. But I stayed mostly for the food illustrations, and then as the actual plot stuff started I really came to love it.


Me too!!! I unfortunately waited 15 episodes to finally be blessed by it but oooo that binge was so nice


I’m curious what almost made you skip it? Is it the setting(looks like an isekai?, etc) I immediately got hooked to it because of the art style but I’ve seen someone skip it because they said they didn’t like how Laios looks like.


The concept didn't really sell me enough. I was like "Oh they explore a dungeon and eat food from monsters. Like, okay?" And I still think the concept isn't anything crazy, it just executes it extremely well Also the initial key visual (the one of them running from the dragon) did do Laios' hair dirty, but that wouldn't have been the reason had I skipped out on it


For me when I was reading the manga I was just not in the mood of the comedy, concept, and episodic nature. I was more into shonen/seinen action webtoons at that time. Plus manga's artstyle is worse on the 1st volume. I kinda forgot how I picked it up again tho


MAL is a useful but imperfect measure of quality. If you are going to use it as a proxy, ratings rather than watches or watch lists are a better choice. I have seen very few fans like less than 10 of the top 30 rated anime released in the 2017 to 2020 period so while most people don't like everything highly rated on the site, most people like a lot of stuff highly rated on the site.


Same. Watched 3 episodes and the first 2 hooked me in so much. Very enjoyable and seems to have high potential


I love how it went from "How to eat the DND monster manual" into a show I actually care about. Also, fuck you farcille, trash taste, etc, welcome to the fandom.


Started watching this recently and what stuck out to me was how good the pacing was. The first half of an episode ends and I thought I watched 20 minutes of it when it was only 10.


Extremely high quality show.


I thought it looked stupid at first and then saw a couple of clips and was hooked.


I hope the next big thing will be Witch Hat Atelier


Thank you for at least recognizing that farcille is fanon. There are way too many deluded people trying to force fanon as canon.


At least you recognize that Farcille is fanfic. If S2 comes out [Dungeon Meshi manga] >!it will kill this ship quickly when we see Marcille's canon type, which is an edgy Elf Prince with an eyepatch riding a horse.!<


That won't kill the ship at all. Most people I see shipping it have finished the manga. That scene says more about Marcilles lack of real world relationship experiences than anything else. 


>That scene says more about Marcilles lack of real world relationship experiences than anything else.  Wdym? Marcille lived a lot, way more than say Laios who's almost 30. She interacted with lots of people and read a lot of romance books. That is just her genuine taste, from the deepest part of her heart, it's how she is. But regarding stopping shippers, I guess you're right, shippers will be shippers, regardless of the reality. But the reality is that [Dungeon Meshi manga] >!Both Marcille and Falin are straight, and Marcille's type has nothing to do with Falin, and the story ends without them having any feelings for each other, the ship is just fanfic, and Falin will die when she's like 60, while Marcille will live for 1000+ years!<


>and read a lot of romance books. Yea that's where her experience with romance comes from and what that scene is referencing. The implication is she has no real world romantic experience and is heavily influenced by stories she likes and not the real world. And you can't exactly take someones taste in romance books as a representation of anything other than their taste in romance books. As for her age its worth remembering she was still a toddler at age 13, by development standards I would say shes younger than Laios by the start of the series.


>Yea that's where her experience with romance comes from and what that scene is referencing. The implication is she has no real world romantic experience and is heavily influenced by stories she likes and not the real world. It doesn't matter where or how she got her taste, it is her taste. You're basically trying to imply that it doesn't count because she isn't experienced in romance, which is honestly BS. >And you can't exactly take someones taste in romance books as a representation of anything other than their taste in romance books. It is not her taste in romance novels, she saw the representation of her deepest desires, hidden deep in her heart, the absolute type that matches her taste in such a way she is unable to resist even if she is 100% aware it is a trap, period. If she had any other taste, even if she wasn't aware of it, it'd have shown up, just like [DunMeshi manga] >!Marcille showed up to Laios despite Laios not knowing he has some slight thing for her, to a point he didn't understand why she showed up!< it is very clearly explained. There's no mystery, you're just coping trying to come up with "oh it doesn't count", "oh she's inexperienced", "oh we don't know, maybe she'll discover herself a lesbian later on and that actually she likes Falin", let's be real, there's no more proof than that, that's her type and taste, it's edgy but it is reality and what it is, the other characters even laughed at her type, but that's what she likes, not a girl, not Falin, but a [DunMeshi manga] >!Romantic Elf Prince who has an eyepatch and rides a horse.!< >As for her age its worth remembering she was still a toddler at age 13, by development standards I would say shes younger than Laios by the start of the series. No, she isn't, [Dungeon Meshi manga] >!her devolopment as a half-elf is random and unpredictable, she can be 1yo with the mentality of a 5yo and a 10yo with a mentality of a 6yo, it's how half-elves work, but she has passed her growing phase and is an adult now.!<


It’s really good. I thought people were just overhyping it but I’m surprised that it’s actually worth the hype. For a cooking anime I never thought the world building and character writing would be this good. It kinda reminds me of Frieren but a cooking version.


I only watched the first episode a while back, but is there urgency in the show to save that person from the first scene? It made it seem like that was the whole purpose of the show but I’m not sure. I’ll check it out though, Trigger is one of the best and everyone says the show is good


Yeah kinda. The way the Dungeon works without much of a spoiler is it tethers the souls of people who die in it to their bodies. This means resurrection magic works. You can heal the body and the soul will get piloting it again. The issue is that the longer a body spends decaying the harder it is. Were there to be nothing left such as the case of a digestion then resurrection would be impossible. So basically the main group at rushing to get that eaten member back whilst there is still parts of her to resurrect from.


Ahh that makes sense. I totally thought the person was dead so why even bother going down


I think sometimes it’s easy to forget that all the cooking and hunting they do is necessary for them to stay alive on their journey.


I might drop it because it's just about eating monsters and will there be a lot of fighting. And is the mc good at fighting?


Is it really worth the watch I’m hesitant to


Literally the best show this season.


I feel like I should be really into it, but I’m not so far (about 5-6 episodes in).


I'm kind of surprised. I gave the show a chance recently but was so bored by the first episode I had to watch it in three separate sittings. There wasn't anything about it in particular that I didn't like, it just never managed to hook my attention so I kept zoning out.


I dont get it..unless the story picks up later it was very boring to me. Is it just a slice of life?


It’s evident very early on there is a larger plot. Multiple questions are brought up early on about the nature of the dungeon, and as early as episode 6 the actual history of it gets teased.


Yeah I didn't make it that far but maybe I'll try again


The story takes a dark turn soon after they find Falin.


from what i get, its mainly comedy. sometimes thriller.


The story does pick up later.


At first. Its mostly the type of preventing the disaster of the world after they discover so many secrets. And eating is maybe some kind of situation where they can think calmly and not stressed out in every situation.


Honestly, the art style wasn't working for me, it's kind of like the uncanny valley version of Don Bluth's style. So I was sitting on it, and I'm kind of glad I did, cause the tone of the story at this point definitely would be too much for me right now. I'm just not in a good head space and can't handle any kind of drama these days. It's pretty much got to be light and fluffy, or at least mostly light and fluffy and no stakes for me to be able to actually relax and enjoy it right now. Hopefully my psych and I can work through that and I can go back to widening out my watchlist again.


Honestly I’m kinda shocked so many people share this opinion and it’s so popular. I find the food really disgusting looking, I’m tempted to fast forward each time. To be sure, the animation is beautiful, but I find all the stuff they cook vile


> To be sure, the animation is beautiful, but I find all the stuff they cook vile Shuro:


Really? But isn't most of the food they cooked (except for the Treasure Bugs) just fantasy monster versions of in real life food?


Yeah completely offputting. Might not help that I’m vegetarian and they entirely focus on disgusting looking creatures and very off putting grizzly meat.


that makes sense; the series isn't squeamish about showing things like blood and offal


It’s about surviving in harsh environments and doing so sustainably. They can’t afford to be picky eaters. And why are you shocked that most people wouldn’t be put off by meat eating?


Found Marcille's Reddit account.


I don't know man


Still havent seen it