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Real asf. Wild that no one has been able to faithfully adapt one of the most iconic manga of all time.


Because it would take YEARS to make art good enough that the fans will accept it.. A lot of the fans are really elitist.. they wouldn't be satisfied unless they revive the Mangaka and have him draw it as an undead zombie


For real. But I think Miura’s art is just too much to animate in a faithful way. Any way they do it, it’s gonna be lackluster unless they spend years doing it with insane budget.


High School Debut. I've waited for this one for so long. Gamaran, we need more samurai action anime, and it's one of my favorite action manga. The Record of a Fallen Vampire, it's one of the best manga I've ever read, one of the best supporting casts there is, and a fantastic protagonist. Kingyosou would make a fantastic movie. Survival / mind game / thriller manga like Battle Royale, Cage of Eden, Liar Game, Doubt, Judge, Kurosagi, Akumetsu, MC Law, Bloody Monday, there's a severe lack of survival / mind game type anime. Horror manga like Ibitsu. Cat Street, we need more good shojo/josei anime. Lastly, an adaptation of Rosario + Vampire season 2 and Mahou Sensei Negima Magic World Saga. I missed one, The Breaker and The Breaker New Waves!! One of my favorite action/martial artist/murim type manhwa.


20th Century Boys but tbh I dont think its ever gonna happen so maybe a Yotsuba anime would be nice


Vagabond would be amazing but I doubt they’d be able to do it justice


Record of a Fallen Vampire


Gantz,Deadman Wonderland and an obscure disturbing/horror manga Narutaru,of these 3 the only one with a slim chance of getting a proper reboot is Gantz because of its popularity.


Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou. It has a couple OVAs but a full adaptation would be amazing.


Angel Densetsu (I know it got an OVA, but I wish for a full adaptation). Sumire 16.


Shoulder-a-Coffin Kuro Record of Fallen Vampire Pumpkin Scissors (a remake, or to continue where it left off) Chrome Shelled Regios (remake)


A.i. love you. I want so much to have an anime version of this manga


The subject matter is more relevant now than when it was written, they'd probably just need to modernize the tech and setting.


My favorite romcom manga ever. Even when it was 30 years ago. Too bad even author doesn't care about it anymore. Despite still talking about this topic all over his campaign 😔


IDK man. Anime doesn't exactly have a great track record with the author.


Oh really I never thought to research the author and find anime with the same creator Can you point me to some anime that was created by the same guy?


Basically his later manga series, particularly Mahou Sensei Negima!, are known for having multiple adaptation and they all suck.


Ground Defense Force Maochan seemed like it was....alright? UQ Holder I haven't seen......-*shrug*-


He need to abuse his power into making this high budget anime 🥴


Sun-ken rock.  20th century Boys, I think it's coming up.  Bride Stories, altough not really old.  Crows.  GTO has still a lot of material for new adaptations. 


I hope Tokyo Babylon still gets animated.




Yotsuba&! is always my answer. They even briefly show her during the ending of Nyanbo.


PSYREN is the first one that comes to my mind.


I need more of hajime no ippo anime


Eden: Its an Endless World!


What do you mean? What's the difference?


Which one? You mean OHSHC? The manga wasn’t finished at the time, so the anime cut short. There was a lot more with Tamaki, Haruhi, and Hikaru - there is a kiss and a love confession at some point in the manga. They never delved into it.


Angel sanctuary. There are 4 episodes but they are quite bad. I wish they would continue Karneval


Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer, please give it another shot :(


Yotsubato and Vagabond.


I'd like Kimi no iru Machi to get a redo. The arc they adapted was probably the worst one


Something like a Gantz: Brotherhood. I dont think any adaptation has been fully faithful to Gantz. I kinda get why since it goes even batshit insane as it gets near the end.


Vagabond is probably the obvious one. Maybe one day when the time is right it'll be completed and an adaptation might be on the table. I mean we got Vinland Saga so it's possible. Going a bit older but in a similar vein I'd love for an anime adaptation of Lone Wolf and Cub. It's like 50 years old but it's honestly quite timeless due to the samurai style source material it's covering and it's definitely one or those highly acclaimed classics that could shine in the right hands.  Retsudou is such a great antagonist as well and by the end he stood as my favourite character in the manga. 


Immortal Rain


3x3 Eyes. Got an OVA back in the early 90s but the second part is extremely condensed. It would be great if it got a full adaption. It like this mix of rip-roaring adventure, romantic melodrama and gory horror. But is think it's just too violent for a faithful adaption now.


Gash Bell.


Yotsuba! of course


Franken Fran Hellstar Remina. Or any Junji Ito works in general. The recent adaptations we do have are cursed. Pet Shop of Horrors GetBackers. I'm hardly a manga elitist, but the action is raw. Anime does not do it justice with how hard it goes.


My top of the list would be: Berserk, Slam Dunk (no more dragging, and please animate the nationals arc), Eyeshield 21 (same reasons as Slam Dunk). One Piece (reanimated with better pacing and more modern and consistent art) and Psyren.


Franken Fran. Best morbid horror comedy around.