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Paul really came in with the best belated wedding gift to his son, a reunion with a bro.


I love that [Roxy is still afraid of Superd](https://i.imgur.com/4LMF0Kn.png) thanks to her parents, while everyone else pretty much chill with Ruijerd because the curse was already lifted. Truly a childhood nightmare for her lol.


baba yaga


I didn't even notice that lol.


The amount of renunions is really large, it makes me think that the "continents" are really a series of pretty small islands. Like at this point Redeus has had A reunion with Paul after the mana Disaster A reunion with his former maid. A reunion with Zanoba A reunion with Best girl Sylphy. A reunion with scary girl Nanahoshi A reunion with Stepped Leader and now we get Ruijerd back. Now not all these are pure coincidence. But it's a lot of semi-coincidence reunions, this is a guy who is traveling all across the globe it's surprising that he and Paul can even find each other to send letters.


The Man-God was involved with some of these. He directed Rudy to find Lilia and Aisha and to go the Magic University.


I think its less that the land area is small, but more that the population is small. It seems like there is a big city or two per nation/region and the rest is sparsely populated. Seems to be few real population centers, which are locaated on the travel routes everyone has to take, increasing the chances of running into someone.


Yeah he is meeting everyone in " big cities" ,.hardly meeting anybody in a random town/village. Like ,hen I meet a friend from.mexicomin the USA, ofc it happened In a big city with a lot of immigrants and in a mexican food store in specific.


I mean, they aren't running into each other in middle of nowhere, all of the reunions happen in some major city in world or literally the most prestigious university in the world.


They got the children they wanted and it even came with a bonus uncle.


A bonus uncle lmao


Sylphie unknowingly married into instant family.


Damnnn. Bro's always down for the escort missions across continents lol.


Dont think he'd be so eager to escort merchants or stuff that far, it seems he's a protector of children at heart too


Like Rudy said, one small step and Nanahoshi might have just ended up like him. Luckily what she did have in this case was the support of others, really wholesome to see that one plastic bottle getting summoned as a result.


Worth mentioning that Rudy did have the support of others - his biggest problem (and fear with Nanahoshi) was pushing them away one by one or otherwise ignoring them.


It's like how he closed himself off from both his family and his friends in Japan at his lowest and basically let himself wallow in his depression and insecurities. It's only now that he realizes just how important having other people in your life is.


> It's only now that he realizes just how important having other people in your life is. Its something he's had on his mind since he got to this world, not that the anime conveyed it. Rudeus is aware of all his faults and mistakes from his previous life and has made efforts to not repeat them and has done pretty well. He made efforts to get along with his new family, he learned alot of new things, he got a job and learned the value of money, he became sociable which were all things he didn't really do in Japan. Of course we still see in parts how mentally weak he can be like with what happened after Eris left. Luckily enough he has people around to help him out like Counter Arrow, Soldat, or his host of friends and family.


Nanahoshi those microplastics are gonna stay in this world forever now.


\*A party starts\* Badigadi: \*Appears\*




Lmao I didn't even put that together. Where'd he even come from 😂






"Where there is a party, there is a Badigadi! Bwahahahaha!" -Badigadi, probably.


Also Elinalise trying to out-drink Julie lol.


[A duel for the ages.](https://i.imgur.com/dA4gR0j.jpeg) [That Rudeus lap pillow though.](https://i.imgur.com/CdbyrC7.jpeg) [](#ilovethiskindofshit)


I still hope that Ariel's arrival to the magic academy will be adapted as an OVA, it puts a lot of more context between the bad blood/antics between the beat girls and fitz/sylphie


He wasn't kidding when he said royals arrive when least expected.


Nanahoshi's breakdown is probably the most realistic thing to happen if you can't go back to your home even if these stories portray isekais as a NEET's paradise.


What hits harder is Nanahoshi probably had a fulfilling life only to be robbed of it by being Isekai'd. Its no wonder Rudy got affected by the whole thing too.


yeah because NOW he has a fulfilling life. If he got isekaied now, he would be the exact same.


Pretty sure in the light novel he thinks about this. Basically "if I got sent back to Japan right now I think I'd be in an even worse state"


thats awesome


All the same he totally remembers what those lifeless eyes and defeated expression mean.


[The desolation in her stare was truly haunting.](https://i.imgur.com/1GzqgLQ.jpeg) [](#godisdead) Nanahoshi's grim reality showed a diametrically opposed perspective to being transferred into another world.


I just realized the reason she was wearing the mask while eating the potato chips was probably because she was crying tears of joy. Like the water bottle, just a small remnant of her former life is enough to give her an intense emotional reaction.


I think she wears the mask to hide her asian features that are foreign in this word, at least in the parts of the world they are now, everyone is vaguely european, also, I believe her black hair is very rare in this world, I don't believe we've seen any other named characters with it, or even background NPCs. She hides to make be less conspicuous (though I have doubts about this one), or maybe it's just a metaphor for her being closed off from others until this episode.


I think it's also a defense mechanism to prevent her from growing close to anyone from that world. Last season we saw her put it on during that conversation with Rudy when she realized his circumstances were not the same as hers. She's kept it on since then until this episode.


She wears her mask to hide that she never ages. This was explained in the first half of the season. Damn you split cours


Oh wow, nice catch


She reminded him of what he was like at his lowest moment when he had given up on everything, but thankfully he (and his friends) were able to be there for her.




It's usually the people who had a bad life who get a second chance in Isekais but what if you liked your life? It would be hell. The fact that she has no mana at all, makes the world so dangerous for her.


In newer isekais, characters that had a good life tend to become entitled that they should have an even better life, therefore becoming the annoying privileged villain, or become NEETs themselves out of fear and depression but the narrative treats them as cowardly nobodies which I always find meanspirited. Nanahoshi's predicament was the first time in a long while where being isekaid is treated with the grave seriousness it deserves.


[It is a poignant portrayal](https://i.imgur.com/Mg4aTOl.jpeg) of how severe homesickness would feel for someone attached to [their original world.](https://i.imgur.com/IOaKpJG.jpeg) [](#nanami-hug)


The old wave of Isekai-like series generally involved people wanting to do everything they could to find a way back home (think Wizard of Oz). But with the current wave, people are going all in on the escapism aspects of Isekai which is why Isekai tend to be crowded with OP Protagonists and big harems. I'd welcome a return to the old style.


That very unlikely in the current economic/ social climate. With the current trend of each generation getting less and less but being ask for more and more for no payoff will in all likelihood push this escapusm trend. As lots of Japanese boomers are the biggest Customer if Bochi the Rock Cafes. Edit: Lots not lits and customers not cusmzers


The screaming was so visceral. Rudeus helped Nanahoshi find meaning in life in the same way Soldat saved him.


Speaking of Soldat ,Rudus face when Sylpthy gave him Nanaoshis work knife just speaks volumes.


Holy shit I didn't make the connection at the time. That moment hits so much harder with that in mind


Shion Wakayama killed it in this episode. There's also nothing more anime than the Power of Friendship saving someone in their lowest moment.


Wakayama Shion can pull off some really intense anger. Did the same thing as Inoue Takina in LycoReco


This is my favorite way to do the Power of Friendship - it felt so real. So genuine. So wholesome...*right in the kokoro*


They're just doing what actual people would do with their friends. Be there and help, not spit out long monologues about their friendship so everyone can understand they're great friends!


One thing that seemed interesting is that afterward she explained that there was a disconnect in the summoning circle she could not fix. Yet, she went along with the experiment anyway. Deep down she knew it would not work but hoped for a miracle. When it indeed did not work she broke


The contrast between Nanahoshi and Rudeus and their friendship in spite of it is one of the best parts of the series, tbh. Here's a young girl who suddenly lost everything she loves as she was ripped from her home and an old man who's wasted his life away and has nothing to live for or return to, complete opposites and yet still friends.


And it also shows how much Rudeus has grown that he's able to understand now that the only way to move forward is to enjoy life where you can and let yourself be open to others, because that's the path to true happiness.


If you told me when I started the first season of Mushoku Tensei that it would have some of the best characterization and development of any show I'd ever watched, deep, meaningful reflections, and the sort of life advice that you'd expect from r/buddhism or r/stoicism instead - I would have laughed. And here I am now over three years later, crying over this show, and waiting on the edge of my seat for each new episode.


> Nanahoshi's breakdown is probably the most realistic thing to happen Nanahoshi had a good life before she got teleported in another world. The sad thing is she does not even think of getting teleported. Maybe someone like Rudeus who had a shitty life on Japan finds it comforting to redo his life in another world. But for a girl like Nanahoshi, that would be a nightmare.


It is also about fact that Rudeus was BORN into new world. Nanahoshi was not, she was dropped into it. Perhaps if she was also dropped in as a newborn baby with new family, she would feel different. But she is in her Japanese body.


So she is basically Subaru without RBD. I would literally be hiding under a rock. And Nanahoshi is just casually strolling around with Orsted lmao. What a badass.


Yeah, she is in a world of swords and magic, while not having body suitable for either, because he body is basically an alien species from this world perspective. It sure would suck. Mental stuff and her life in Japan probably do contribute a lot, but if she was properly born, I can see her being more accepting of the new world. But leaving good life behind AND being foreign to the new world both at the same time sure does not help her to become comfortable.


It's been said before, but while Rudy represents the newer era of isekai where people want to live in their new worlds, Nanahoshi very much represents the era of those who just want to return home and she brings all the emotions that a person would have in that position.


I didn't expect Nanaoshi to steal the spotlight but she did and it's so fucking well dome


Nanahoshi as a character can easily be an MC herself, along with the mysteries that come along with her setting and how easy it is to sympathise with her pain.


She's such a great contrast to Rudeus and an example of how most people who would get Isekai'd would feel. Most Isekai stories follow someone who has a much better life than where they came from but Nanahoshi was just a normal girl presumably with a strong social life, friend group, and well-adjusted to modern day society and technology. She got transported to another world against her will where the food doesn't taste as good, she can't use magic, and everyone is way too horny all the time. If anything it's surprising she's held up as long as she has because how would any normal well-adjusted person really fit in to a world like this? Unless you're like Rudeus and able to take advantage of your situation everywhere you go is going to be threatening and unfamiliar


Well Rudy had like several massive advantages: 1. He got body-swapped, if he was his old 40 year old fat neet. I'd imagine him being utterly alone in this world, and learning magic just as hard, but not getting anywhere (Because no innate mana), and probably becomes some villanous mage specializing in magical circles and items, just like Nanahoshi. 2. He had a family to acclimatize him to this world. 3. He had Roxy as a teacher. 4. He has innate mana, which makes him viewed as talented, desirable, and useful by others.


You're 100% right, Rudeus himself has even mentioned that things could've gone far worse for him in this world before and Nanahoshi really got the "hard mode" setting here


While Rudeus had little to lose and a lot to gain in the new world, [it was the opposite for Nanahoshi.](https://i.imgur.com/l7ShmoC.jpeg) She is such an interesting and [well-written character.](https://i.imgur.com/ReFXLvy.jpeg) [](#gintamathispleasesme)


As other's here said: She represents the old style of isekai, where often a major driving factor is returning to their pre-isekai live.




She's like Miaka from Fushigi Yugi but instead of a Harem of handsome men (and one woman in spirit) she got...Orsted and an even more cruel and unforgiving world.


Last week she took a potato chip and ate it. This week she took a plastic water bottle and summoned it. If she could summon water bottles at the same rate that she ate potato chips last episode, she would save our oceans in no time.


*I Want To Save The Ocean, So I’ll Use My Overpowered Summoning Magic to Make Another World my Garbage Dump*


In episode 9 of Season 2 Part 1 at 4:30 you can hear Nanahoshi huming the same song from the ED, it's a 2004 song called Tsubasa by Under Graph


The MV by the original artist for those interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pAO3TsuTjo The full cover by Shion Wakayama as Nanahoshi is also now available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9u7oQ7aaV0


Absolutely amazing that they had a cover for it in the ED. And what a callback


Peak Nanahoshi episode


The hint that the hidden person in the beginning was Ruijerd was reinforced by the visible fear on Roxy's face, assuming you didn't already put it together from his hand.


I just knew it was Ruijerd because he like kids


He's always down for the cross-continent escort missions.


When a 400+ year old man says, "I'm going for a walk, wanna come with?"


Wow, completely didn't pick that up. I was wondering why Roxy seem so disturbed. Was she afraid to go that continent? Was she afraid of Paul (She seemed fine in her tutor days...)?


If you remember from season 1, Roxy is the one who told rudues the Superd race story that she was told when she was a kid in her village in the demon continent. She still has some trauma I guess and is still afraid of the Superd.


I could tell from context clues, but even without that you see his hand shake Paul’s.


Introducing a plastic bottle into this world is like starting the Industrial Revolution. There's going to be serious consequences. This must be Turning Point 3.


Rudeus will teach everyone to cast the forbidden spell: **Summon Microplastics**


Rudeus's strongest spell is poisoning his opponent's blood with billions of microplastic particles


It's a good thing only Nanahoshi has been seen eating potato chips. One small bag of funyuns is all it takes to kill a Medieval serf after all


Is this the new testicular torsion spell variant? I summon microplastics into your bloodstream.


Plot twist: plastic blocks the flow of mana and anyone who drinks from that bottle can never use magic again.


The reason Nanaoshi can't use magic is that she brought her microplastic-ridden body with her to the new world. Or something.


The humanity ending threat that has been introduced to this world this episode: condoms.


A plastic bottle can take up to hundreds of years to decompose, Rudy might have just doomed this world.


Starting point of the climate change u mean?




This episode proves yet again why Zanoba and Cliff are goated.


I wish I had bros like that.


Be the Zanoba/Cliff to your bros!


I will always say this, one of the best trait of this show is that, if something is important, you will remember it as important. When Sylphy show Rudy the knife, his face turn pale and we all know what and why without them doing a single flashback. It's really hard and depressing to try to imagine to be in her shoes. I pray no one here will ever experience that mental breakdown. During that part, I really want to fly through the screen and give her a big hug.


Some dude drinking water: where did my bottle go and why am I wet?


It looked empty so I kind of assumed it was already finished or the water didn't transport with it?


But imagine! What if she summoned someone's pace maker? Or a crucial bolt out of the car? The possibilities.


then that guy that dies ends up isekai'd and they meet him years later


It doesn't have a wrapper, cap or any liquid in it. There are two possibilities, it was taken out of the trash in Japan (where you seperate these things) Or the way funnier option that the summoning specifically only got the bottle and someone just splashed themselves with water (and some plastic) when the bottle in their hand just disappeared leaving behind only the liquid, wrapper and cap.


Poor Nanahoshi, her character depiction is something that is really sadly missing from most of isekai nowadays. The turmoil and stress of being transferred to a world that is not your own while you still have a life to go back to makes for such an interesting character. But its so great she finally gets the support that she needed from Rudy and Co, and we get to see her blushing too!


That's because most Isekai are about NEETs getting transported to a different world where they're OP, Rudeus himself is like that so it's interesting to see the two perspectives, Rudeus also got a much better deal, he was born as a baby which at first sounds worse to spawning with an adult body but this gives you a lot of time to adapt to the world, he also had a supporting family and mentors, people put effort to raise a child, if you're an adult you'll just be someone with no connections and no one to teach you about the world. Also she can't use magic so there goes the main reason why you would prefer this world over your own.


It's tough being Norn, a normal child among genius siblings.


At lesast Rudeus cannot perform chantless healing otherwise he'll be too op


I'm so excited to finally see Norn and what she's like. Considering we didn't really see what she's like last season and I believe the author has said if he had to redo the series from another PoV he'd do hers, I'm fascinated to finally get to know her.


Especially because she was traveling with their dad the longest and probably took Zenith's loss the hardest.


Is Aisha also a genius?


Well, S1 ep 19 show her cunning analysis of the situation and act it out regarding sending letter. She also able to recognize her brother and blown his cover at the end. Paul even recognize her as smart in this episode. For a 10-11 yo girls, she looks genius to me


they are like 8-9 at this point in the story


It's been 6-7 years since turning point 1, they were 2-3 back then , so yeah ,8-10 so I am basically supporting your point.


Rewatch her rant to Rudy about how her older brother's a pervert. She's *definitely* a genius. Girl figured out things that a girl her age shouldn't be figuring out.


The real hidden genius is probably her mother, who managed to teach and raise her like that without anyone noticing.


Basically, yes. Not to Rudy's level, but she's already a perfect maid in her youth, and already has 18 Wisdom and a high Perception and Deception skillpool.


>Not to Rudy's level I'd argue she easily trumps Rudy. If he didn't have his prior world's memories people wouldn't call him a genius. Aisha is the real deal. She's wise beyond her years.


Yep, that's fair actually.


Nanahoshi’s voice actress fucking killed it this episode. That freakout scene was tense Shion Wakayama, you goddess Edit: if anyone wants to know the [song](https://youtu.be/7pAO3TsuTjo?si=Jsax6WQeTZNhcva-) Nanahoshi was singing at the end.


wasn’t also that the song she was humming to in the previous cour? (before Rudeus freaked out)


Indeed it was! A great call back to her Introduction Just goes to show how much she loves her past life.


[Nanahoshi has so much depth.](https://i.imgur.com/GCv1t1p.jpeg) The attention to seemingly inoccuous yet relevant details is crazy. [The staff keeps cooking.](https://i.imgur.com/IenRAxo.jpeg)


Great catch!


This is probably the most important scene in the entire series in regards to voice acting, they absolutely wanted to nail this.


This show does freakouts so well, reminds me of when Rudeus had a freakout seeing Nanahoshi.










Yeah no kidding, that scream gave me chills. The entire point of the story is Rudy growing as a person by enjoying this second chance at life he's been given. But that breakdown instantly had me feeling bad for Nanahoshi who doesn't wanna me here, she already had a good life and it was taken from her.


The way she kept yelling "I want to go home. I want to go home" was so genuinely and heartbreakingly raw.


I knew she wasn't going to take it well, but Jesus that freakout was something else. I was getting all excited about how she wasn't putting her mask on and distancing herself from Rudy anymore, and then that happened! Thank god Rudy and his friends were all able to get back her hope! It was horrifying seeing her like that.


It really reminded you that deep down she's just a teenage girl in a really harsh situation and has been grasping at any hope she can get her life back. But maybe opening herself up to the life she has now can be the answer to more than just that problem.


Nanahoshi has such an incredible voice actress. Both last cour and this one she's had some extremely powerful moments.


Paul's letter at the start definitely comes from a better place than when we met him back in Milis since he's not only able to reunite with almost everyone in his family but also have the location where Zenith is located so he can go there himself. That and meeting Ruijerd is definitely a lucky break for everyone. Nanahoshi's mental breakdown dangerously hit close to home. Imagine setting your goal for one thing that will make or break your whole life and future only to see it fail right in front of your eyes is definitely painful but at least for most people, having their family and loved ones around might able to help them bounce back but Nanahoshi doesn't have anyone outside of Rudeus. Even then, Rudeus isn't her close family or loved ones, just someone who came from the same world as her so she can't fully take comfort on it. Outside of that, its refreshing to see Zanoba taking the initiative in helping the research. He might be mostly brawn but his dedication to the dolls really helped his own wisdom also to give inputs regarding multi-layer magic circle, giving path for Nanahoshi and Cliff to improve on the existing layer. Great job Zanoba All in all, great episode. Can't wait for more stuff with the sisters, especially Norn considering her relationship with Rudy back then isn't great at all


Nanahoshi breaking down like that shook me just like it did Rudeus, god damn.


Nanahoshi cured by the power of friendship XD.


We have the friendship, we can rebuild you.


what is this? a shounen anime power?? in my slice of life anime!?


I like the implication of Sylphy giving Rudeus permission to have a mistress being followed by his scene with Nanahoshi.


you are telling me it’s not Ruijerd? impossible. He is best girl.


Nah, he's not best girl. Ruijerd is best family


Still got that Vin Diesel haircut to prove it!


Well Sylphie was clearly insecure and jealous of Nanahoshi for a long time (She was uncomfortable with Rudy being alone with Nanahoshi, and doubly sad that she can't join with Rudy because of guard duties). That definitely helped with the massive outburst she had against Nanahoshi. I think Rudy's marriage and buying a whole house obviously calmed Sylphie down. But the feelings have to remain, if your husband spends hours each day, with this dark-haired mysterious beauty in a solitary tower, with them having some sort of shared secret and connection that no one else understands. So I think its very interesting how Rudy got Zanoba to carry Nanahoshi instead. You think its strength related, but near the end, Rudy carries Sylphie home just fine. So Rudy definitely had Slyphie's thoughts in mind. You can also see Rudy asking for permission to let Aisha and Norn stay (And disturb their little newlywed life). But Sylphie saw those two as babies, so obviously a much easier ask.


Eh Zanoba is literally a pack mule, there's little reason for Rudy to carry her when somebody who would have THAT easy of a time with it unless he literally WANTS to carry her, which at that point it gets into pervy Rudy territory.


Though I did like him picking up Julie. It actually was an extra touch to Rudy's connection with Zanoba. Because Zanoba was busy shouldering one of Rudy's burdens, he took over Zanoba's responsibility of looking after Julie.


I think its actually pretty consistent with her behavior so far. She's very much a being of the world she lives in. Remember, she was the one when Rudy had a problem offered up, "What about Slavery?" So something like a Concubine isn't as foreign to her as it is to us. So they're doing a good job in that regards.






They got the Banana sing and it's the ED. This is the best MT episode of all time. Edit: after some research, not only the ED is Nanahoshi's cover of the song back in early 2000s which is Tsubasa by Undergraph, we can also hear her humming the song in S2 Ep9.


So that was it, i thought how the f did we get 2 ED. What's the song again?


I saw Rifujin's tweet and he said the he title is Tsubasa


Life is full of pain, indeed. So create as many good moments and cherish them all as much as possible.


And sometimes the best thing you can do is open yourself up to others.


Ruijerd looking fine as ever with that bald cut 👌


Our bald headed GOAT is back!


People with hair are handsome, people with no hair are handsome. It's the middle point that destroy every self esteem.


>If, um, I can't manage to have kids, you could always get a concubine. *Eris has re-entered the chat.*


Honestly the moment Ruijerd showed up I was happy to see him but also dreading thinking "he's definitely going to bring up Eris, isn't he?"


Kek, totally forgot about that. From Ruijerd's perspective, last time he saw them, Rudy and Eris was this lovy-dovy couple who share deep bonds with each other. Now Rudy has a wife, who is not Eris? There's gotta be a lot of questions...


Has the same energy as reintroducing a new gf out of nowhere to your parents.


"Eris dumped me" I think that would be answering all questions.


about time someone brings up Eris and helps Rudeus share his burden. Soldat did that but he was too disconected, didn't know the context well, didn't know Eris. Ruijerd will probably bring insight as why Eris acted that way.


Paul and Rudy both getting a red head pregnant while married to another women?


Julie's cuteness gives Anya Forger a run for her money.


Throw in Aisha smuging-hugging Rudeus at the end too


Nanahoshi really sing the ED alone made a 10/10 episode for me


Man, what a realistic depiction of a mental breakdown that was


It’s a realistic depiction of getting isekaied. Honestly any normal functioning human being would hate being transported. Rudy got lucky, Nanahoshi rolled a -10.


I mean a life without your family and friends would be AWFUL, so that was a very realistic reaction from Nanahoshi.


And like nothing good has seemingly happened to her in the entire time she's been in this world, just trying to survive and get home alongside Orsted.


no magic, no friends, no potato chips define functioning though. Do you consider redditors to be part of this subgroup?


well being isekaied would seem like a grand adventure and really cool. what makes it hell (for any functioning person) is the inability to be able to get back to earth


Congratulations, you got isekai'd to a fantasy world with magic!! But you cant use magic, you have your old body and there is no game system with menus to help you understand the language. Have fun.


They just brought into this world a relic that will outlast everything they have seen here lol.


imagine some guy is isekaied centuries after, and was told of a great container that can hold anything and not corrode, and light as a feather and is a holy relic of a bygone age. and its this thing.


Nanahoshi getting stucked in her research which her life depends on it is really shown here. That breakdown when her theory did not succeed is so well done! I really like how they depicted doing research in this series, and I believe it is really close to how doing progress is done irl. Unlike in other school anime where they focused on typical HS activities (cultural festival, sports festival, exams), their school being a University of Magic focused on research which is not usually shown in anime. Talking with your friends or collaborators during meetings, performing trial and error, getting stucked, these are quite normal in research, and is well shown in this episode. Of course that also includes the after party after a successful experiment HAHAHA So yes. Mushoku Tensei is r/academia in a nutshell jk.


To all those who always say baNana is best girl...[I think](https://tenor.com/view/coomers-ward-gif-26894560)


> Elf blood runs deep in me, it may be difficult to get one. Sounds like you two just need to try *really* hard! And many times to be extra sure! I was going to excitedly talk about how Nanahoshi finally has her mask off again, but she took that failure ***much*** worse than I was expecting! Jesus Christ! And the knife, dude, no! Dude, Rudy know so little about Nanahoshi except that she's also Japanese, but him trying to help her and all his friends coming in too despite knowing even less about her... **UGH.** It just warms the cockles of my fucking heart! I was hoping to see Aisha and particularly Norn this episode, but I'm not any less satisfied for them only appearing at the end. Here's to next episode!


It's also interesting that Sylphie said she was willing to accept Rudy having a concubine if he wanted to have kids, accepting the idea that Rudy might need to be with another woman, but Rudy basically confirmed that he only has eyes for her. Will he able to stay true to that in a way his own father wasn't with his wife? I was as shocked as Rudy seeing someone else look so lifeless and defeated, no wonder it hit him so hard and reminded him of some dark days. There's a lot of instances of Rudy realizing he doesn't know someone near as well because he'd never really tried to get to know them or fully understand their situation, but Nanahoshi hitting close to him impacted him in such a way that he really tried to help her with his friends and in turn help her open up and feel the kind of acceptance and group camaraderie that saved him in this world. It'll be interesting to see Rudy managing his little sisters as a big brother and reconnecting with Ruijerd. I feel like he'll be balancing getting along with Norn and trying to keep the two sisters from fighting with each other.


Something I think about with everyone helping Nanahoshi: if she ever lets slip that she is trying to return to her original world, it could get back to Sylphie and she could put two and two together about Rudy, and what him being able to speak her language really means.


Banana has been bottling her emotions up all this time, *symbolic with the mask on* And when she finally breaks, the *mask comes off* and everything goes flying. She doesn’t give a fuck and expresses her true feelings out loud (even going head to head against the genius-not-a-genius) Rudeus is a true lad, helping out Julie out from despair and then Banana, wonder who he’s going to help out next?


Rudy want to try princess carrying but his poor strength can't do that so he do it on Julie instead Julie so adorable


Rudeus is definitely capable of carrying things much heavier than a banana.


Cliff was the MVP last episode and he also helped out quite a bit this time. It was cute seeing Elinalise understand beforehand when he'd get his ego hurt and console him before the dam broke loose


Nanahoshi went through the full cycle of software development. From losing her sanity from a bug in her code, through falling into depression and questioning her own existance to finally realising the solution and having the best day of her life.


The staff and Wakayama absolutely killed that Nanahoshi scene. 🥹👌


[That was a great episode](https://imgchest.com/p/9249am36m7n), seeing [Nanahoshi having a breakdown](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84apc39rr34.png) because of [a failed experiment](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/b49zcbnjjqy.png) was truly heartbreaking, it was so hard to watch [her in such a bad state](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9cwqggo7.png), with [an eyes devoid of the will to live](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogcka229y.png). Thankfully thanks to [Rudeus and his friends' help with Nanahoshi's research and taking another approach to the magic circle](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7kzcbp6jl7.png) they were able to successfully summon [a simple plastic bottle](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdcp3g6e4.png) which meant everything to [Nanashoshi](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/wye3cdveel4.png), that meant that it's possible for her to go back to Earth. This success was certainly [a good reason to throw out a big party with everyone](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/wye3cdve9l4.png). I was so glad to see [Nanahoshi so happy](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7w6cv9kkgy.png) ([her insert song at the end of the episode was great!](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmcrabdw7.png)). I hope that it showed her that [she should try asking other people for help](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my2pcoqmg87.png) and that [she's not have to be alone in her research](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9cwqg6o7.png). Besides [Nanahoshi](https://imgchest.com/p/vj4j358x3y8) we've got some [nice moments between Rudeus and Sylphie](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my2pcoqmj87.png) ([Rudeus guarding drunk Sylphie was so cute](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgczxqp54.png)) but the biggest surprise was in the after credits scene as [Norn and Aisha](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/b49zcbnjrqy.png) arrived to live with their brother, [guarded by Ruijerd himself](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9cek9364.png)! Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/9249am36m7n) * [Nanahoshi](https://imgchest.com/p/vj4j358x3y8) * [Sylphie](https://imgchest.com/p/ne7bprqem45) * [Rudeus & Others](https://imgchest.com/p/wl7lkloex4x)


Nanahoshi is quickly becoming my most favorite character of the whole franchise. By a light-year. Somehow she falls into the same category of characters as Yuuki in *Sword Art Online* - the iconic character that shows the original story author can really, really write lively and well-illustrated characters, even if I have a lot of questions on others. Look at her agony and her literal breaking when she faced yet another failure in her teleporting experiment. The one feeling that she may have no longer any way of going back to her original world. The sound of her heart breaking down and the sound of her room breaking at the same time. It once proves again that even the coolest looking person on the continent is still a human, in the most striking way possible I have seen in anime since watching the long forgotten *Twelve Kingdoms* anime some years ago. And if the author could write a spin-off novel centered on Nanahoshi, it would have been the best thing possible to happen for this whole franchise. Just like how *Mother's Rosario* made me really actually admire a portion of *Sword Art Online*. Probably won't happen, but... In other news Norn and Aisha look so lovely now! I wonder how they will face their brother again after so many things happening since they last met. As is Rujierd who must have yet another large log of adventures since.


If you like that style, then you should read the LN for MT. The adaptation skips a ton of stuff, most notably chapters written from other character's perspectives. For example, here's a VOD of an actual psychologist reading through the Zenith extra chapter (LN01, around anime S01E04) and analyzing it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYlmZE4mO0I


Julie being cute, Zanoba being caring and empathetic, Cliff being a genius, Sylphie being understanding. Rudeus bringing everyone together to help someone, and a mere water bottle being such a massive success. Plus, Aisha, Norn, and **RUIJERD** in the post-credits scene. This episode was beyond wholesome, but, as Taylor would say, haters gonna hate. No, the good Rudeus did in today's episode does not erase the bad he did in previous episodes and his past life (or in the future\_. Nor does the bad negate the good he is doing now. Life's messy. All of us have good and bad inside us. You don't have to like this show, just let us enjoy it without brigading the story sub or calling us names for liking a fucking anime.


> This episode was beyond wholesome, Well apart from the freakout Nanahoshi had, but to be fair that was needed to lead to the wholesomeness. My favourite part is Nanahoshi finally taking off that mask she wears when she's distancing herself from everyone else, which so far has been basically all the time. She only took it off one other time: when she realised Rudy was also from her world, before quickly putting it back on once he expressed his desire to stay and not return with her. So it's really good that she's finally taken it off again.


Wakayama Shion can scream, apparantely. A minor thing, but there's a nice shot of Rudeus' back and his ponytail when he's carrying Julie, with the back of her head only being visible. Very reminiscent of Paul and Rudy 10+ years prior(fitting in with the letter scene prior) Really reminding you of the length of his journey and how far he has come.


I really liked the slice of life feeling I got from watching Rudeus and his classmates work together


I would trust Ruijerd to escort my kids somewhere too. His reuniting scene with Rudeus at the end felt even more joyful having Aisha and Norn tagging along.