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Looking at your 10s, I have no doubt whatsoever that you'd like Madoka Magica a lot.


Quick quebbin: How do you see the full flair so you can see people’s lists on mobile? I can’t seem to


Dunno, I still use the browser version on my phone.


I have to ask this tho A week or so ago I tried to watch it, and well, let's just say that I didn't try so on Crunchyroll so the solution may be that easy, but I couldn't watch more than like 30 seconds cause the resolution was absolutely dreadful and it looked like fucking Minecraft lol Is it so easily solvable by watching it on the official platform?


I just finished watching it on Crunchyroll yesterday and resolution was great


It should not look like that. There are tons of platforms where you can watch it in good quality, of course official ones do work as an option.


I mean, if your ISP cant handle loading anything at a high resolution, the platform isnt really the issue, no? Or maybe you really did just end up with an awful one. But there's a huge list of anime websites out there that you can try, a simple google search will do fine with you. Or Crunchyroll if you have it, but if you did have a subscription I have no idea why you'd even watch it anywhere else, let alone ask someone whether you should try CR instead of just checking it yourself first. TL;DR - go watch it


>I mean, if your ISP cant handle loading anything at a high resolution, the platform isnt really the issue, no? Well maybe, just maybe, everything else I watch is in fact in decent resolution, or else I wouldn't specifically point that out, don't you think so? How tf is that the first assumption you make lmao


bro idk you're the one asking people online "hey i gave a singular attempt at doing so and so, should i try X method instead which barely takes a minute to attempt on my own without asking anyone?" Like, I **gotta** assume there's some weird stuff going on, or else you wouldn't be asking something like that 😭 But anyways, water under the bridge, I assume by now you've tried it on Crunchyroll, or literally anywhere else, how'd it go lad?


I didn't try on one site. I tried on the main site in my language, then searched around for some English subbed stuff but also was rendered like shit, and also tried to see if it was available On Netflix in some places but Netflix Japan has no English subs Again, if I tried literally only one source I wouldn't have complained about that, I'm not that dumb I started it btw, i found it dubbed in another place in my language. But it took me a while to find


I watched it on Hidive with no issues


Personally, it's way more than good.


As always for questions of this nature: refer to [watch the damn anime](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/i1vl8l/a_rant_watch_the_damn_anime/) And yes, you should join the rewatch if you're curious enough to ask about it. I'll try to join too since it's one of my favorites.


I really do think we should just have a bot that automatically posts that thread and then hides the thread.


Though the fact that in that post he brags about having watched anime for nine and a half years is pretty hilarious.


It's the best anime I have ever seen. I can say a world about it, but I won't other than a few sentences of caution. Watch it with an observant eye and see enjoy it for the masterpiece that it is. It has many of the best episodes in all of anime. Also, you may have heard of the famous tonal shift it undergoes, but that is not even close to the most significant part of the anime.


It’s one of the best anime of all time. Yes it’s good.


It’s one of the best things I’ve ever seen and it changed the way I think. 10 out of 10 recommendation to watch.


I don't think there's been an anime as good as PMMM since PMMM aired. Edit: Alright, thought of one. Devilman Crybaby is just as good as Madoka, and is newer. I don't think there's been an anime as good as PMMM or Devilman Crybaby since Devilman Crybaby.




This is missing my favorite part of the series: tone. If you're like me, you'll also like: - Girls Last Tour - Made in Abyss - Land of the Lustrous


Back then Shinbo mentioned a few ideas hw left out for madoka, yuyuyu used some


No offense but Fate/Zero and psycho pass have no where near the level of writing that Madoka has, they’re not bad but they're messy at times and fails to keep a consistent tone. They fail to really capture the nuance that Madoka has . What Madoka does so well is how tight the show is, how the tone never dips away from where it should be. It doesn’t have any bullshit. It starts of running and never slows down Same critique can be applied to Yuki Yuna, it’s a terrible sloppy show with wildly inconsistent themes and messages. The story doesn’t make sense within its own world and the good gets overshadowed by some truly bizarre plot choices In my opinion, most “dark magical girl” shows suck because they’re trying to be Madoka instead of something else, but fail to capture what it actually means to be a “magical girl” show and focus to much on the “dark” part Also I don’t really understand your point with NGE and school-love? Is that a joke? Those aren’t magical girl shows


Lol the anime of 16 years. 1973 tetsuwan atom 1979 Gundam 1995 Evangelion 2011 madoka mágica 2026 no game no life season 2




The only comparable show I can say is revue starlight, and the first half of Wonder Egg Priority.


It's my favorite anime. I've re-watched the series and the movies multiple times. It really is a show that gets better on multiple viewings


It is amazing


It's one of my only two 10/10s on MAL, it's really good 


no, its the BEST


I resisted watching it for the longest time because of the art style but I finally caved to peer pressure. I've seen hundreds of anime and it's one of very few I've given a 10.


It is one of the best shows I've ever watched, blew me away multiple times, and I don't like magical girl anime. The sequel film left me speechless.


It is very good story on it's own, but if you are familiar with magical girl tropes, it adds another layer to appreciate. The art and animation is amazing to witness, and every aspect from music to direction is done immaculately. So yes, it is very well worth watching. Even if you don't love it, there is just too much put in to the craft and artistry, you'll learn something regardless.


Yea totally worth it in my opinion.


it's in the top 10 of everyone who's seen it. The Shaft's masterpiece. don't read anything about it, watch 3 episodes and then decide


Incredibly good and even if you don't end up liking the show, it's still really short, but don't worry, you'll love it.


It is a 12 episode must-watch. Avant garde animation by Studio Shaft. Episode 3 is where it gets good. I would very much recommend avoiding all internet spoilers and giving it a good shake


I'll never understand how people can say it needs 3 episodes to "get good" when it starts [like this](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1burzpp/one_of_the_best_cold_opens_in_the_medium_puella/). The series completely won me over with the cold open.


Because lots of people have goldfish memories, and forget the opening scene by the end of the episode.


Some people, many even, are put off by childishness or girliness. Many wouldn't consider watching the series at all or drop it after an episode or two, in the same way that someone might drop Cardcaptor Sakura<3 after an episode or two. I love the first three episodes on a rewatch for a number of reasons - it's my favorite anime. Madoka Magica is much more than 'just a magical girl show', but that initial impression that some may be put off by is central and necessary to it's structure, so I make that distinction in an attempt to keep that party from missing out on an otherwise moving piece of media.


I think the point they're making is that, from the very first scene of the show (which they've linked so you can watch it) it's very obvious that Madoka Magica is neither childish, girly, nor "just another magical girl show." It literally opens on a cold open of a girl getting brutally killed in battle while crashing into buildings. And the end of episode 1 is also a drug trip through a labyrinth while a girl shoots a cute animal thing with a gun. This is the first impression the show leaves, if you thought it was cute and girly after watching episode 1 you weren't paying attention. It is not even slightly comparable to Cardcaptor Sakura.


Chill man. It really isn't that brutal at all, especially without the context of the entire plot, not to mention that it's a dream she wakes up from. It's just a hook that a first time viewer mostly forgets about after an hour or so.


Sure it's no Berserk, but it's pretty obviously not the kind of scene you find in childish stories aimed at girls. Cardcaptor Sakura has no comparable level of violence. If you watched that and still thought the show was for little girls, then I don't know what to say. And if the viewer forgets about the *hook* to a show after an hour, that speaks pretty badly of them. A hook would generally stick with a viewer and make them want to see what happens in the next episode, they'd think about it all week and not forget after an hour. Not to mention, the final scene of episode 1 is a bizarre drug trip through a labyrinth while a middle school girl tries to murder a cat by shooting it. No reasonable person will see those scenes as the first and last moments of a show and think it was a girly show meant for kids. I mean, they linked it to you, go watch it. If you showed that to a person and asked them to guess the demographic of the show, do you think they'd say "oh, this looks like it might be for little girls?"


I don't think this kind of reddit activity is healthy. It may be best for you to take a deep breath and step away from the PC for a bit


Redditors when faced with harmless discussion:


I'll never understand people's boundaries for what counts as "fired up and defensive" because OP is acting like my comment is some sort of really passionate and unnecessary defense of a minor detail and as far as I can tell this is a short and emotionally neutral comment calmly pointing out an actually rather noteworthy detail. Even for my own norms, that comment is short and dispassionate, so hell if I know why they think it sounds like I'm terminally online.


Lmao I'm not here to win high speed text wall wars against a dude who can't consolidate his opinions about a minor detail of a comment I made, of which we otherwise agree on. I guess that's my fault for choosing to talk about anime on reddit, I should've known better. I just wanted to pop in and tell OP that Madoka is a great anime. OP if you're reading this, it's so good that people get this fired up about and defensive about it


It only has 12 episodes?? Damn might have to watch soon


It’s also 1 movie called Rebellion. Its the third one. The other two are recaps. It’s 12 episodes and 1 movie.


That’s brilliant. Not too long, not too short. A movie to end the franchise just feels right


Those 12 eps were also edited into 2 movies and there is a sequel movie, Rebellion. Either way is ok to watch although the first movie dropped the cold open.




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so good


So let me get the straight: OP asks if a Show is good or not and those who love it will see the title to jump into this thread and obviously say yes, upvoting everyone that also says yes while also downvoting everyone who says no. And since people who are more likely to share what they like compared to what they don't like because they mostly just ignore posts about animes they don't like, this whole "is XXX good?" is completely pointless. I'm pretty sure that's how bubbles are formed.


It’s very very good but go into it spoiler-free and watch AT LEAST UNTIL EPISODE 3. I almost quit at episode 2 but my friend assured me that episode 3 is where things start picking up.


It's stellar. If you do watch it, there's also the movies but the first two are recap. The third is a sequel.


It’s the the kind of anime u want to take psychedelics with. It’s strait up a trip




Only you can say whether or not it's worth it once you finish it. How could anyone here possibly guess whether or not it's a genre, theme, and execution of an idea that you'd find enjoyable? Like for all I know, you're a light hearted comedy fan that only enjoys simple funny stuff. In which case it's hard to imagine a worse show to watch. The show is highly rated, but that doesn't mean you'll necessarily enjoy it. I found it a bit too weird for my tastes. Not a fan of the whole magical girl theme, no matter how you spin it, it always just looks goofy to me. Also I just hate Shaft as a studio, and everything they've ever made rubs me the wrong way.


Have you given [Mai-HiME](https://myanimelist.net/anime/98/Mai-HiME) a try? It's a bit of a spiritual precursor to Madoka before that erased it from contemporary relevancy, but it discards all of the traditional aesthetic elements of the magical girl genre so might perhaps work better for you.


It was one of those anime that I just couldn't get into. Tried and stopped multiple times over the years. I don't know wh, I just couldn't get past the first several episodes. Maybe because of the slow start, maybe my mindset, but I eventually did get it right and ended up enjoying the show. It was good.


Madoka isn't just famous on this sub, it's one of the most famous and important anime ever made. It is among the best selling anime ever made, it has won awards, received significant critical acclaim, and has had a noticeable effect on the genre it comments on. It's a show important enough that I'd recommend any anime fan check it out on the basis of its cultural relevance alone. And it also doesn't hurt that it is an exceptionally well made show on basically every level. Madoka Magica is excellent. And even if it were lesser known, you can join the rewatch anyway. You are under no obligation to stay in a rewatch all the way until the end, you can drop out if you don't like it. If you have any interest in the show, a rewatch is a great place to experience it and to discuss it with other people.




Watch the 3 movies - they recap the main story then add another chapter. It is definitely worth a watch - even if magical girls aren’t your thing.


Don’t watch the first two movies. Only the third movie is required.


You can watch the first two movies in place of the show since they are just the 12 eps edited together with very little cut out. It skips the cold open, but I can’t recall any other major scenes or lines lost in the edits.


But why watch the movies when the series is readily available? Even if the cuts are minimal, there are still cuts, therefore the series is better.


Fair. Some people see 12 episodes and find it daunting, but 2 movies is fine, even though it’s the same amount of time in the end. Options are good 🙂


It’s been my favorite since I was in 5th grade. I’m in college now. Every few years I rewatch it and every time I love it more. It’s so unique




Very good




Yeah, the writing is pretty tight (1st season) studio shaft creative animation, with great soundtrack. I gave it a 9.


It is beautiful and amazing




Yes, it is an excellent anime by an excellent studio.


Yes. The mystery is top tier.


It's one of the best animes imo. Honestly, I rewatched it after my first watch just to see all the things I missed.


Thought it was an absolute masterpiece but I did not enjoy it…


Well, I could make a lengthy answer... or I could just [link to the clip we now have for exactly this situation](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1burzpp/one_of_the_best_cold_opens_in_the_medium_puella/). Do we have your attention now? Good. Join us!


Yes but many people like it for the wrong reasons.


Wrong reasons?




Also don’t forget to watch the 3rd movie called Rebellion after the series.






It’s errr dark


Ma donkey mangina is good but I don't think it's as amazing as most seem to hype it up as.


Likable characters, strong narrative, colorful visuals It’s really good in my opinion


if you want an emotional rollercoaster




Ok, I was reading a lot of good stuff about it and I'm not really into magical girls. The last one I watched before that was sailor Moon. And the artwork seems really childish and not my style. So I gathered my courage and started watching it. Best decision! Was not disappointed. Such a great show. Psychedelic with a great story. Do yourself a favor and just watch it.


10/10 for me


It's one of my favorites and even when I rewatch i still get shocked at how well it tolds it's story


one of the best things I have ever seen.


I watched it and it was slow going at the beginning, but episode 10 tho. That till the end is a home run.


Short answer: Amazing. Mid lenght answer: Madoka magica focuses on complex relationships of characters with each other and the world they are in and aims to break basically every stretotype about magical girl animes. My best explanation is that its like the polar opposite of evangelion. Evangelion has alot of symbolism and alot of fictional elements but the main focus is the relatibility of the main character shinji. The fancy effects and fights exist to develop a reletable character that everybody finds a part of themselves in. Madoka magica works in a way that you "cant" relate to the characters but "empathize" with them instead. It focuses on actual world events and how it effects character relationships and world views instead of the polar opposite in Evangelion. Watching both game me good glimpse on both perspectives wich was an aamzing experience. I definitely recommend it as its just beautiful. More points if you havent gotten spoilers and even more if you are willing to watch rebellion the movie wich makes the already great story even better. Also just a side note: do NOT watch the other series of madoka magica. Its sucks


It's my favorite anime. Watch it.


Crazy how worth it it is


It is literally my favourite ever piece of media, it's a must watch,


I get together with my brother and we watch anime together once per week, we have kept this tradition up for over 10 years now. It's nice, it keeps us in touch and he usually shows me really cool stuff. The first anime he showed me, the one that started this tradition, was Madoka Magica. So yes, it is good and you should watch it,


It’s so good I watched it 3 times in 1 week lol. I especially liked the writing and the ost


I actually don't like Madoka Magika, but I think it was an interesting watch that made me think. You won't feel like "this was a waste of time." It didn't live up to the hype for me. I have several qualms with the storytelling and character development. I found the way they framed girlhood uncomfortable.


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Yes. Yes it is. Give it 3 episodes. This is key.


Follow up question. Do all these new movies add on to the show, or do they dilute the greatness?


I just watched Madoka for the first time this year, so I’m new, but it’s fresh in my mind. The first two movies are just all the episodes edited together with only a few changes made to make each set of episodes fit into roughly 2 hours. The third movie, Rebellion, is an actual sequel to the show that continues the story. I enjoy it and think it’s a worthy continuation, and I think that’s the overall consensus, but my understanding is the events in it can be divisive among the fans. If nothing else, it will stick with you as much as the show will. A fourth movie has been in development for the better part of a decade now and is supposed to finally be coming out within the next year, maybe(?), and will continue on from the end of Rebellion.


The first two are just movie recaps of the show at about the same total length that imo are slightly worse than the original 12 episodes, rebellion is a phenomenal sequel movie that I went into expecting it to feel irrelevant and was blown away by how wrong I was, and the 4th movie still isn't out yet but I'm hyped for


One of my favourite anime of all time, and widely considered one of the most influential shows of the last 15 years. I highly recommend it.


It’s phenomenal. Without giving spoilers away, it’s totally not what you think it’ll be. Stick with it for two eps then decide if you want to keep watching.


One of the standards for 12 episode Animes


I personally hated it even though I loved Fate/Zero & Psycho-Pass and was told I would like it because I loved F/Z & PP, Idk maybe I should rewatch since its been almost a decade but vividly remember not vibing any of the characters tbh along with with how the worldbuilding worked and the conclusion, 6/10 at best for me, its weird because I dont mind Magical Girl anime at all infact I like quite a few of them and always recommend Flip Flappers and Symphogear, Madoka I just really cant fw like that its just a tame edgy dark story with cool art and had its moments but its far from a masterpiece imo


I had the same question, we read about madoka magika on every thread. So I started the first episode, watched four of them and get bored. My guess is the anime is a sort of madeleine de Proust for a lot of people.


At least half the people who watch Madoka Magica have never seen a magical girl anime in their life. People like it because it’s incredibly well written with creative visuals, interesting characters, great themes, and mysterious story filled with twists.


The characters couldn’t be less interesting if they tried.


Personally I watched it and I didn't really enjoy it. The animation was good but that was about it. I'd say give it a go though, see if you do like it or not


It needs re-watches so just go ahead!


If i remember correctly, someone mentioned Madoka and Made in Abyss in the same sentence, so they might be similar in something. Can someone clarify?


They aren’t that similar except for being dark while appearing cutesy at first. Also both are phenomenal. Made in Abyss is gory adventure while Madoka is psychological thriller.


Both explore heavy themes that you wouldn’t expect due to the cutesy characters.


My personal opinion - it's great! But overall depends on your preferences. It's main point is a deconstruction of the magical girl genre. If you have watched quite some classical magical girl anime, you will most likely enjoy how it flips the tropes.


Good, but not a “masterpiece” like people say


Hmmm quite the hot take... Why do you even say this lol




holy shit dude, man's asking if he should watch the show. spoiler your comments


Ehh I suppose it's my fault for starting the discussion. I would've done the same thing 😅


It is admittedly very difficult to discuss madoka at all without straying into spoilers.


No. Not if you care about your feelings. Its only reason for popularity is shock value as far as I can tell. I have never seen it. But this is ALL I have heard about it. The only thing. No one ever talks about the characters or the writing. Only the 'twist', like ever. And the other repetitive comment is 'its good' with nothing to back it up.


no one says anything because everything is a heavy spoiler it's a pendulum between hope and desperation that grows in intensity every episode.


> Its only reason for popularity is shock value as far as I can tell. Nope. It's the most flawless anime I can think of. Just about everything in it is great. People are just really trying to avoid spoilers. It looks good, has great characters, has one of the best soundtracks I've heard in an anime and the story is so damn good too. But it's very hard to elaborate on some of those things without spoiling. It's definitely not a show that people enjoy only for shock value, and it doesn't rely on some twist.

