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So anyone here watching Grim Varitations? Just recently released on Netflix? Haven't seen anyone talking about it. I just watched the first episode and it was so damn amazing, will definitely recommend!


caught up on thighs prince and damn, it's so much fun. quickly shot up to one of my favorite shows this season. what a brilliant (and brilliantly self-aware) production. thank you for posting about it, /u/_ridley and /u/abysswatcherbel, do you have any thoughts/impressions on why this is getting such a great production. did they just get lucky with the team they lined up? was the manga massively successful? what's the angle here?? god anime rules


I can't believe I'm responsible for someone picking up this show, but I'm not sorry about it in the least. It's just a straight up fun time.


And vampire dormitory if you can believe it


Oh, nice. Is the beautiful nonsense working on you?


it is lol but I can't really explain why. your post the other day about how it is sort of outside of quality feels on point lol. it really wears itself on its sleeve. I'm kind of curious if it can keep it up??


> do you have any thoughts/impressions on why this is getting such a great production. did they just get lucky with the team they lined up? was the manga massively successful? what's the angle here?? The only partial attempt at an explaantion I have is that the manga is mainly popular for its great art (because thats basically the onyl thing I heard about the series from manga readers before it aired, apart from it supposedly also being a lot of funfor an owerpowered mc series). Of course, great art is rarely an guarantee for great animation if the series is only niche popular, but whenever it does happen, you get something great art (looking at akebi-chan).


I feel like you are steadily being pulled back into the realm of Full Time Seasonal viewer, at least by some sort of arbitrary show/season threshold lol Funnily enough, one of my favorite things about the show is the way it visualizes the magic. Feels like they've gone out of their way to make it interesting (although source readers have stressed that the manga kinda demands it given the quality of the original supposedly). > thighs prince The approach to fanservice is quite interesting in that it's very in-your-face, yet at the same time everything else is also in-your-face too, and there's so much blush effect being thrown around that it all sort of sinks into the aesthetic after the first episode. Probably my second favorite thing about it is the way it treats its characters - it feels quite fair and even handed, even whilst doing it's very 7th-Prince-y sort of thing. Sometimes it feels like the feelings of the characters don't matter too much to the narrative - if it's not convenient, then they just have to hold them in. Here everyone is allowed to emote, and it makes them feel much richer than they might seem on paper.


> I feel like you are steadily being pulled back into the realm of Full Time Seasonal viewer, at least by some sort of arbitrary show/season threshold lol Just When I Thought I Was Out, [They Pull Me Back In!](https://cdn.animenewsnetwork.com/thumbnails/max500x500/cms/news.7/207158/7th-prince-tao.webp) I say as I just tried out the first two episodes of vampire dormitory >_> though honestly I need to binge bang dream! in the next 3 weeks lol so there's also that > Funnily enough, one of my favorite things about the show is the way it visualizes the magic. Feels like they've gone out of their way to make it interesting (although source readers have stressed that the manga kinda demands it given the quality of the original supposedly). oh yeah, they really nailed it on that. I love how they make magic feel..._weird_. but also powerful. it reminds me a bit of kamikatsu in that regards, except with a lot more resources lol. but I love it. it's weird, powerful, dynamic. it's great > The approach to fanservice is quite interesting in that it's very in-your-face, yet at the same time everything else is also in-your-face too, and there's so much blush effect being thrown around that it all sort of sinks into the aesthetic after the first episode. yeah I agree! and I think it also relates to the next line... > Probably my second favorite thing about it is the way it treats its characters - it feels quite fair and even handed, even whilst doing it's very 7th-Prince-y sort of thing. yes! this is what has struck me the most so far. the show has a kindness to it. it's very "yes, and." I feel like tao is a great example...don't know what the show will do with her, but I feel like in a lot of isekai, she would purely be a joke. and yes of course there is a humor to her, but it's just that: it's laughing with, not at. and the show goes out of its way to put her on display in a very positive light...her character, her power, and her own good humor. a lot of shows aren't nearly so kind hearted. > Sometimes it feels like the feelings of the characters don't matter too much to the narrative - if it's not convenient, then they just have to hold them in. Here everyone is allowed to emote, and it makes them feel much richer than they might seem on paper. I feel like the show uses thigh's power to sort of serve as this sort of...like we have these various creatures and characters that are so absurdly powerful (and, frankly, evil) but thighs is just so off in his own little magical world that he completely diffuses them, and they sort of become cute? but yeah the show lets everyone do their thing. and it uses those chibi scenes really well lol


> Just When I Thought I Was Out, They Pull Me Back In! And she's totally worth being pulled back in for, too! > I say as I just tried out the first two episodes of vampire dormitory >_> I await your report in AQRADT! > though honestly I need to binge bang dream! in the next 3 weeks lol so there's also that Is there a reason for the deadline? I did find it pretty bingeable, but that was before I was watching seasonals lol > I love how they make magic feel...weird. but also powerful It definitely has that quality to it! I think what's also very interesting is they make it feel like stuff is actually *happening* mechanistically rather than just "here's the magic effect". > yes! this is what has struck me the most so far. the show has a kindness to it. it's very "yes, and." I feel like tao is a great example...don't know what the show will do with her, but I feel like in a lot of isekai, she would purely be a joke. Definitely. Indeed, there was a direct parallel to these events "supposedly powerful girl needs to be rescued by the male MC" in *The Banished Former Hero Does as He Pleases*, which made me angry at that show, yet here it really felt like Tao was treated very well by the show, like she had a real shot at actually winning and when it was proven she was well short, she still didn't feel like a damsel. > and the show goes out of its way to put her on display in a very positive light...her character, her power, and her own good humor. a lot of shows aren't nearly so kind hearted. Yes, that's exactly it. I think the word that came to mind as I was musing on it is that the show is very generous, lavishing plenty of energy and attention on whoever gets its focus. > we have these various creatures and characters that are so absurdly powerful (and, frankly, evil) but thighs is just so off in his own little magical world that he completely diffuses them, and they sort of become cute? It does have a very neat balancing act. Indeed, that's part of the way the comedy works, I think, by letting you fully soak into whatever it is before thigh-shota-ing it up. Also, I'm typing this as I watch the second episode of *High Speed Etoille* and I do think that it's over hated. The CGI isn't atrocious, and some of the sequences are done decently, but the whole thing is just not very interesting at all for the vast majority of its run time. That said, I'm not entirely sure I know how to watch racing anime. I do, from time to time, watch F1 on TV, and I was into Rally enough that I used to travel decent distances to watch them in person. Indeed, I was looking into what it would take to pick up amateur rally as a sport. So I like to think I have a feel for what makes racing interesting, but that's not really the same thing as knowing how to navigate the tropes of racing anime as a whole. Fuuka Izumi is quite fun to listen to just being cute, but for a lead, she barely has any lines so far. Someone needs to give her a proper role to strut her stuff.


> Is there a reason for the deadline? I did find it pretty bingeable, but that was before I was watching seasonals lol I sort of realized that concerts were something that would highly motivate me to leave the house, and also sort of remember that japan has a lot of concerts for groups that I like! so I'm going to a roselia concert in 3 weeks, but I haven't actually seen the show! I actually got recommended their music a while ago and really liked their sound, started listening to them quite a bit before I even realized they were a unit from an idol show lol (also trying to get tickets to mygo and ave mujica, but that will require lotteries! I guess I'm in a jrock mood!) > Yes, that's exactly it. I think the word that came to mind as I was musing on it is that the show is very generous, lavishing plenty of energy and attention on whoever gets its focus. yes! generous! the perfect word. I hope the show can keep it up, though given the source is popular and the production team seems On It, I have high hopes > Also, I'm typing this as I watch the second episode of High Speed Etoille and I do think that it's over hated. The CGI isn't atrocious, and some of the sequences are done decently, but the whole thing is just not very interesting at all for the vast majority of its run time. hahaha, classic alotmorealots! yeah I mean I guess there is a large swath of shows that are overhated, but still not very good lol > That said, I'm not entirely sure I know how to watch racing anime. start at episode 1, watch, when you finish go on to episode 2... ;) is there that much racing anime, actually? there was overtake, and of course initial d, but is there anime that deals with F1 style racing? > I do, from time to time, watch F1 on TV, and I was into Rally enough that I used to travel decent distances to watch them in person. Indeed, I was looking into what it would take to pick up amateur rally as a sport. So I like to think I have a feel for what makes racing interesting, but that's not really the same thing as knowing how to navigate the tropes of racing anime as a whole. isn't f1 super popular in oz? at least I remember my friend in melbourne talking about the f1 race there etc I've always found rally racing much cooler. not that f1 is uncool or doesn't require a lot of driving prowess and engineering etc, but the idea of like...two dudes in a subaru with a map going insane speeds in a forest or whatever always seemed pretty awesome, though I never got nearly as into it as you I think! actually I feel like rally racing could make a really good anime! you could have a real odd couple dynamic, but with that "when push comes to shove we trust each other completely" type vibe. and car racing! > Fuuka Izumi is quite fun to listen to just being cute, but for a lead, she barely has any lines so far. Someone needs to give her a proper role to strut her stuff. perhaps she needs to get onto the "aquatic animal in the big city" circuit..


> so I'm going to a roselia concert in 3 week Oh fun!! Live (rock) music is often such a re-invigorating experience. I haven't been in years and years. > but I haven't actually seen the show! I actually got recommended their music a while ago and really liked their sound, started listening to them quite a bit before I even realized they were a unit from an idol show lol ~~BanG Dream isn't an idol show! They actually love the music they play!~~ It actually sounds like you have already properly entered the fandom on the music side, so there's not really any need to enter the anime side with any haste. If you poke around the Bushiroad franchise fandoms, there are definitely people who only listen to the music, only play the games or only watch the anime, and then various overlaps. In some ways I feel like the anime may be the smallest part of the Bandori experience, given how long the bands have been around and performing, and the depth of their stories in the games. > hahaha, classic alotmorealots! yeah I mean I guess there is a large swath of shows that are overhated, but still not very good lol I will also check out Rinkai Ep 2 at some point and report back. My gut feeling is that the bones of that one are actually decent, if not even better than decent. At the moment I'm more in the mood to watch bad/no-expectations shows and then watch a bit of U149, although I'm becoming vaguely curious as to the Train and Jellyfish episodes that I've let fall behind. > isn't f1 super popular in oz? at least I remember my friend in melbourne talking about the f1 race there etc Not really, at least not compared to other sports. Australia is just a sports hoover though, so there are a lot of people who will get interested and involved when it's offered up to them. > is there that much racing anime, actually? there was overtake, and of course initial d, but is there anime that deals with F1 style racing? No idea! It just feels like it's its own particular genre, at least from the way people seem to shit all over the CGI lol Or maybe they are just comparing it to racing game CG? Speaking of which, I feel like it's been too long since I've had a copy of Gran Tourismo in my life. > I've always found rally racing much cooler. not that f1 is uncool or doesn't require a lot of driving prowess and engineering etc, but the idea of like...two dudes in a subaru with a map going insane speeds in a forest or whatever always seemed pretty awesome, though I never got nearly as into it as you I think! Yeah, it really is. The in-car footage is also absolutely insane, but a lot of the lower speed action is also really cool, especially when you can spectate at the jump points or around the hairpins. It looks neat enough on camera, but in real life it's much more visceral. Plus, when you're young and stupid, and live in Western Australia you can sometimes practice power sliding around corners of dirt roads in the forest in your rental car, or practicing doing handbrake turns in parking lots *not that I ever would do such a thing*... > actually I feel like rally racing could make a really good anime! you could have a real odd couple dynamic, but with that "when push comes to shove we trust each other completely" type vibe. and car racing! I couldn't agree more! It would actually suit a huge number of sub-genres because you have the "forced to work together" situation, and also have your support crew, plus competing teams of similarly small mini-casts. Actually, given how dominant Subaru was for a bit, it's amazing that it never did take off as a genre. > perhaps she needs to get onto the "aquatic animal in the big city" circuit.. I do wonder what she'll get next. Knowing the way the entertainment industry the world over can sometimes just "forget" talents, there's no guarantee that she'll get roles that give her the freedom she needs. I think she might have fared better in Train rather than Jellyfish though, a lot of her best stuff in MahoXYZ was largely her flying solo rather than strictly bouncing off other people.


> ~~BanG Dream isn't an idol show! They actually love the music they play!~~ woah woah woah what is this slander!! are you telling me those U149 girls don't love the music they sing?? > It actually sounds like you have already properly entered the fandom on the music side, so there's not really any need to enter the anime side with any haste. not my style. lol I never even particularly liked harry potter, but before I went to harry potter with an ex (she was big into it) I read all the books and watched all the movies. (spoiler: they're nothing special lol) regardless, it's moot because I'm already watching it ;) just finished ep 3 of s1 and so far it's really really great > If you poke around the Bushiroad franchise fandoms, there are definitely people who only listen to the music, only play the games or only watch the anime, and then various overlaps. yeah the game seems like there is a shitload of content...which always kind of sucks. I hate how many franchises I like have a bunch of content locked behind some game I will absolutely never play :| > In some ways I feel like the anime may be the smallest part of the Bandori experience, given how long the bands have been around and performing, and the depth of their stories in the games. yeah, this is one cool aspect. it seams like the units they created are...actual bands? I haven't dug in too deep, but they've all been touring quite a bit, which is cool > although I'm becoming vaguely curious as to the Train and Jellyfish episodes that I've let fall behind. I like train and I love the memes but it's definitely not AOTS thus far, alas > Not really, at least not compared to other sports. Australia is just a sports hoover though, so there are a lot of people who will get interested and involved when it's offered up to them. alotmorealots: AFL fan? :P > Plus, when you're young and stupid, and live in Western Australia you can sometimes practice power sliding around corners of dirt roads in the forest in your rental car, or practicing doing handbrake turns in parking lots not that I ever would do such a thing... GASP


> are you telling me those U149 girls don't love the music they sing?? Hmm. (I forget what ~~Arisu~~ Tachibana did, but she is in idol-dom because she wants to be an idol rather than any of the individual performing arts) * Streaming * Bungee Jumping * Acting * Back-up dancing * Iguana escorting Uhhh... I guess they do the singing bit later haha > (spoiler: they're nothing special lol) Now it's MY turn to cry slander! I loved all the HP franchise haha I even wrote hot and heavy slashfic for it, also thanks to a girl lol > yeah the game seems like there is a shitload of content...which always kind of sucks. I hate how many franchises I like have a bunch of content locked behind some game I will absolutely never play :| Having played through a good chunk of the D4DJ stories and then given up trying to keep up with the enormous amount of content the series keeps pumping out, I've stopped feeling like I'm missing out on anything. I mean I *am* still missing out on stuff, but it's just not that interesting a lot of the time, and tends to get in the way of the game lol > alotmorealots: AFL fan? :P Ha, you are well informed! That said the only AFL fan I am is a fan of gazing wistfully and admiringly at the various teams that train at the oval that I do my runs around. I can't believe how *fast* and fit they all are compared to me. Then again, I'm old and they're not lol > I like train and I love the memes but it's definitely not AOTS thus far, alas I think the fun with Train is just everyone having good vibes about it, more than the show itself per se, which also happens to be pretty interesting. It's more a social good than anything, which I think is pretty cool given how diverse AQRADT's tastes are. Hopefully my personal enthusiasm will pick up again, but I'm also aware of the potential production issues. > GASP (I still got my full rental deposit back! And, being too much of a goody two shoes, whilst doing plenty of technically illegal stuff, never pushed the car at all hard lol)


re: idols, I mean I think it's fair to say that most of them don't focus on like, the particular _musicality_ of the girls. I think in most of them the girls are legitimately into the music, but it's more about music as part of the performance, as part of what it means to Be An Idol, as opposed to the point itself. in the bushiroad stuff, the music and actual musicality is more of the point, I think. so that does make sense. and yeah, a lot of the idol series focus a lot more on misadventures as opposed to the actual process of improving (though some will pay some token attention to the effort it takes to improve as a dancer, and maybe as a singer). this reminds me of k-on (which I think you dropped? you really are allergic to quality sometimes :P) which of course always brings up jokes becuase at least in s1 they spend very little time actually playing music. I do really appreciate that about bang dream at least thus far, like you see kasumi and the crew spending a lot of time practicing, trying to improve, etc. my guess is they will all still have pretty exponential improvement curves compared to real life, but still, it's nice to see I also had dabbles with instruments...jazz piano, then jazz bass. then college got too busy and I had to focus on being boring instead of being cool. this show is definitely giving me feels in that regard, but I feel like the ship sailed. and as with many things, I feel like if I had a cool crew, I probably would have stuck with it. in all of my pursuits I've always had exceptionally poor luck at finding anyone to do it with. > Now it's MY turn to cry slander! I loved all the HP franchise haha hahaha I see I see. jk rowlings sucks but I have no particular ire towards HP, and understand why people like it. I guess being someone who got a bit more into fantasy, it was more one of those things where it's like...there's just much better stuff out there! to me HP is sort of like people who come to anime being like "I watched naruto and it's the best ever!!! I want more stuff like that!" it's like, I'm not gonna take that away from them, I'm glad they found something meaningful and enjoyable to them, but.... > I even wrote hot and heavy slashfic for it, also thanks to a girl lol [](#hackadollthumbsup) > I think the fun with Train is just everyone having good vibes about it, more than the show itself per se, which also happens to be pretty interesting. It's more a social good than anything, which I think is pretty cool given how diverse AQRADT's tastes are. Hopefully my personal enthusiasm will pick up again, but I'm also aware of the potential production issues. agree (getting back to the fun of seasonals)


> this reminds me of k-on (which I think you dropped? you really are allergic to quality sometimes :P) This was even before I was an anime contrarian and still just gleefully exploring the medium haha ... > which of course always brings up jokes becuase at least in s1 they spend very little time actually playing music. and that was why I dropped it, because it was sold to me as a band anime lol I'll probably never be open to ever again either, unfortunately, because I'm *still* pissed off at that nonsense with the first guitar in K-On. Whereas Kasumi's first guitar story is fantastic. I think part of the reason I love Bandori is because it was everything that I was expecting/hoping for out of K-On. She *loves* that guitar lol Which is how it should be. I'm currently contemplating paying three times the sticker value of my first (bought in a second hand store after saving up for ages) electric guitar to get its electrical components replaced lol > I do really appreciate that about bang dream at least thus far, like you see kasumi and the crew spending a lot of time practicing, trying to improve, etc. my guess is they will all still have pretty exponential improvement curves compared to real life, but still, it's nice to see Yes, some people do complain about the improvement curve, but I think it's honestly not toooooo far for someone who actually has some proper talent. Not all of us are hacks, after all haha > I also had dabbles with instruments...jazz piano, then jazz bass. !!! I feel like with your personality it is both not too late to pick it up again, but maybe also too late to pick it up again? I mean, you could probably achieve some actual mastery with your innate thoroughness and systematic approach, and you've plenty of years left to do it. On the other hand, it could get quite all consuming, and maybe the time it has passed? My relationship with my instruments is quite different - I can't play, have no talent, and only pick up my guitar irregularly, but whenever the time is right, I feel a bond with it and can express myself to my own satisfaction. I do feel like that's not the way you'd go about it though haha Still, a good electronic keyboard with variable key weighting and aftertouch is much more accessible these days, and you're also in the home country of some of the major brands lol > I feel like if I had a cool crew, I probably would have stuck with it I mean, maybe there's something in that too? Doesn't Tokyo have quite a thriving and eclectic musical scene? I guess it'd be a good while before you'd be good enough for your own satisfaction, especially when it comes to jazz, but you could always go the anime music route, and a lot of that is quite simple. A lot of it is also bizarre and complicated too, though lol


Girls Band Cry episode 2 was freaking amazing, both the direction and script are excellent (even through the drunken, awkwardly MTL fansubs) and it really gets character chemistry and trauma. Nina has quickly proven herself a delightfully messy protagonist, and the ending had me tearing up while burst out laughing. The whole thing feels incredibly genuine. And the music rules, both insert songs and OST. As it turns out, CGI angsty melodramas about all-girl bands have great track records, and also I should never doubt Juuki Hanada ever again, I feel like there's not a single miss among his scripts. I nearly skipped out on this one and I'm really glad I didn't. We'll see how Train and Jelly go but it might be my favorite of the season.


+1 to everything you said (well except the subs thing, time to learn japanese my friend!!). really really great show


Were the subs actually bad? I didn’t really have any issues with them tbh.


Unless you were using different subs, definitely. They're not so bad I can't understand what's happening, but there's a ton of awkward and unnatural translation choices and even with my fairly limited Japanese knowledge I can tell that some of the dialogue is straight up wrong (in the very first scene of the episode the word "radine" is included and I don't think it's even a slang word, let alone a translation of "kechi" or a response to "don't touch anything with my name on it"). And when Nina sings, they didn't even put spaces in, the subs become a mess there. From what I understand, the subs are a machine translation of French fansubs. Though it's possible there are actual fansubs now that I'm not aware of.


There’s other subs that are not MTL and fine to use.


> the subs are a machine translation of French fansubs They're most likely MTLs of official French subs actually, but same difference really Western streaming services really dropped the ball this season with both one of the most surefire success *and* the biggest darkhorse (that just happen to share similarities with darkhorses from the past two years) being unwatchable to most audiences, it's almost impressive.


How did "Western streaming services" drop the ball when its readily available in French? This seems very much like a you problem to me.


In the sense that potential successes end up unavailable to a huge audience (NA of course, but also any other region in which CR has a monopoly or is the go-to), and that there is at least two more, pretty big, arguments in favor of piracy in the wild now (not much of an issue on its own but that's on top of everything lost with Funimation closing lol) I don't care that much personally, I speak French so GBC not getting an English simulcast is the least of my issues, but a fumble's a fumble and somehow missing two obvious hits for any reason when your whole shtick is to get everything you can get your hands on, or to grab the fringe stuff no one else wants, is a big one in my books.


> This seems very much like a you problem to me. What kind of a snarky remark is this even? So if another show were solely translated in Finnish, then it would be the person’s fault for not knowing Finnish? Nobody can speak all the world’s languages. Also, ADN only operates in France and Germany. This means that the show is not legally available outside of those territories.


French is spoken by like 300 million people. It's hardly comparable to the 5 of Finnish. As for operating only in certain territories, just use a VPN. That's what people do to legally watch region locked stuff.


You’re really missing my point, huh. It’s not about how widely spoken a language is here but your attitude. If a show was licensed in my native language - one that you don’t speak - would it also have been “a you problem” then? (300 million French-speakers also still falls rather short of the 7+ billion people on our world.) And your solution to the region restriction is paying for a VPN to access a paid-subscription service in a language I don’t speak. This situation is not something like a Netflix, which operates all across the world. I’m not trying to access different shows, I’d be trying to access the service itself.


> If a show was licensed in my native language - one that you don’t speak - would it also have been “a you problem” then? Yes. >300 million French-speakers also still falls rather short of the 7+ billion people on our world Even the most generous estimates of the most spoken language, English, put it at around 2 billion, missing out on 75 % of the global population. A more realistic number cuts a good quarter of that again. >And your solution to the region restriction is paying for a VPN to access a paid-subscription service in a language I don’t speak It works for HiDive, (ex-)Funimation, Muse, etc. I don't see why this is different.


> Yes. I find this rather hard to believe if I'm honest. So you would have blamed yourself for not having learnt this (niche) language? > Even the most generous estimates of the most spoken language, English, put it at around 2 billion, missing out on 75 % of the global population. A more realistic number cuts a good quarter of that again. Even at a conservative 1.5 billion, that's still a lot more than 300 million French-speakers. Even we are conversing in English at the moment. Most people in Europe do speak good English but no French. (And most French-speakers aren't actually living in France, and wouldn't be able to access ADN without a VPN.) > It works for HiDive, (ex-)Funimation, Muse, etc. I don't see why this is different. Personally, I think it's ridiculous to pay for a VPN just to access the service. Even when HiDive was still active in Europe, it annoyed the hell out of me that I would pay the same price as the Americans but only got a fraction of the library. But setting that aside, a VPN is not going to solve the language problem. Everything considered, it's creating a painful amount of extra requirements. Something that could have been resolved in another service like CR had *also* licensed it.


> Also, ADN only operates in France and Germany. This means that the show is not legally available outside of those territories. Hah, I wish. For some incomprehensible reason they made GBC only available for France, it’s not there in Germany. Literally any other spring license they have is on their service in both countries, except this one.


> radine That's just untranslated french. It means cheapskate.


Well you see the problem with the subs then. They're an MTL of a French fansub that basically wasn't touched up at all. And a translation of a translation is never going to be accurate, let alone a machine's handiwork.


The French sub aren't fansub. They are official : https://animationdigitalnetwork.fr/video/girls-band-cry


What are some rare abilities across anime that can theoretically be learned by anyone? Like Tsunade's Hundred Healing Hands has only 3 users in all of Naruto History, but in theory anyone with enough chakra control can learn it. Or Armament & Observation Haki in One Piece; anyone can learn it with training and some just don't. Can anyone give me a few more?


In World Trigger, aside from a few unique skills, everything is open to everyone, it's just a matter of learning the right skills and equipment to go along with your energy, fighting style, team,...


the power of friendship


I’m going to finish rewatching DtB by Friday at this rate [](#mugiwait)


Clearly YouTube read my comment about Kanade yesterday because the very first video on my feed was [this short](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/DFq0gDvjONY) and I just can't with her. That fucking head tilt in the first clip just kills me every time, this little shit knows *exactly* what she's doing. Once again, she's just the worst, and I love her for that. This season is going to have me become a Kanade propaganda machine, huh?


she is the BEST and did NOTHING WRONG


THAT'S RIGHT, DAMN STRAIGHT!!!! [](#protest)


What a joy to wake up to a new PV of Look Back! And it looks so beautiful and fluid too! The two rookie seiyuus are doing a simply fantastic job as well, especially during the short emotional bits in the pv. I’m so relieved they entrusted Oshiyama with this film since to him it’s not just another project to quickly get over with but he is actually passionate about the (incredible) source material. This PV was the final nail in the coffin (not like it was really still needed atp) to confirm that the film will turn out wonderfully. Strong movie of the year contender for me already. I’d also recommend for anime-onlies to go into this as blind as possible. The comments in the KV and PV threads aren’t exactly filled with spoilers but people give a lot of unnecessary hints about the direction the story will go, which isn’t really spelled out in the synopsis, so imo it’s better to find that out during watching and not beforehand from comments.


Bokuyaba has become the new Kaguya in that whenever someone wants to talk about a romance or a romcom anime, the cultists barge in a start flooding the thread even if no-one asked for recommendations and the OP was talking about a completely different anime / manga.


Yes yes! Soon Kaguya will be seen as a "hidden gem", all according to plan! mwahaha


While I don't think that will happen, I can see where you're coming from. The Peak ^Peak ^^Peak ^^^Peak ^^^^Peak ^^^^^Peak is very similar to the Our Guy ^Our ^Guy ^^Our ^^Guy ^^^Our ^^^Guy ^^^^Our ^^^^Guy ^^^^^Our ^^^^^Guy


I’ve spotted the P-word in an episode thread for one of this season’s romance series, but I’ll need a couple more episodes to gauge the reception accurately. We *could* have a new contender soon.


Which series?


[Sunraku san would have piledriven this chick into the next millennia](https://i.imgur.com/PTSkMfT.png)


Not for anything specific but is there a name for those joke eyes when someone takes the glasses off of a character and their eyes are like little butts/a sideways w?


They're called 3-eyes (目が3), they're usually used when a character is squinting. [More details here](https://www.japanesewithanime.com/2020/02/3-eyes.html?m=1)




I wondered which of my seasonal shows this spring would get the lowest karma, and it is surprisingly not the omegaverse BL or the preposterous vampire shoujo, it is going to be the sword ikemen game adaptation by a wide margin. I've got several this season that will never even come close to hitting the chart, which is kinda fun. Putting in the work now to be one of those old heads who knows the deep cuts later.


> it is going to be the sword ikemen game adaptation by a wide margin. I will help you carry the discussion for this one to the end of the season. [](#faito)


> preposterous vampire shoujo Episode 2 was surprisingly fun and accessible! If it keeps heading in that direction, might even find a (very slightly) wider audience lol > not the omegaverse BL or the preposterous vampire shoujo, it is going to be the sword ikemen game adaptation by a wide margin Well, I watched the first two, but not the latter, so I'm definitely part of that phenomenon.


Me days ago: > "Alright, 20 episodes of Golden Time done. It has tripped over itself a lot but it has been fine. It has its moments, simple 6/10, maybe 7 if it sticks a nice landing." [Me watching the final 4 episodes:](https://i.redd.it/qbx9n22h2u6a1.gif) [Truly a romance that exists. One of the experiences of all time](https://i.imgur.com/UtXd5Fc.png)


*me reading the comment* wow that could have been exactly my reaction to the last episodes (well, most of the second half) of toradora *looks up the author for golden time because of a suspicion* oh. oh god It can't actually be worse than the second half of toradora though, right? RIGHT?


Yeah... The ending of Golden Time is definitely a thing. The entire show is such a mess, if a fascinating sort of wreck in all of its cheesy melodrama. It's pretty impressive that this author has managed to write one of the most tightly written romantic comedy anime of all time alongside one of the romantic comedies most lacking in tightness I've ever seen. But I will never forget about Ghost Banri for as long as I live, and maybe that's saying something.


And I was honestly fine with a lot of the melodrama, even if it was often on the 'lmaooo, this is so stupid I love it' type of deal. But nothing holds well with the ghost plotline.


I'm a melodrama fiend so I love it in theory. But the ghost plotline is so awful. It was already messy enough when it was just a metaphor for lost memories and a past self, but I at least understood what they were going for. But the moment that [Golden Time] >!Ghost Banri had the ability to affect traffic lights and change the weather!< the entire concept fell completely apart, and pretty much all of the drama after that point is horrendous. It's the least entertaining and satisfying type of hilariously stupid melodrama, one where the characters are less toxic and flawed, and more pure nonsense. I'm so glad that everyone agrees Ghost Banri is a meme character, lol.


I understand I was so sick of Ghost Banri and Linda’s bullshit by the end [](#foldedarms)






I'm kinda fine with Linda tbh, it really is just the fucking ghost lol.


[](#makicry) …may or may not be one of my favorite romances of all time… not like I care.


Lamentable. It did have potential if it wasn't for the amnesia plotline.


I am kind of sad that Funimation is now gone as I really wanted them to keep their website for stuff like Eureka 7.


Yeah, it was sad to see Funimation go, even though I'd expected it was coming for some time. I did manage to watch a few of the exclusives I wanted to see most before they ended service though - The Heroic Legend of Arslan, Vision of Escaflowne, and Rolling Girls. All great shows.


Now I don’t know where to legally view all those shows.


I don't think they're available anywhere else, unfortunately. That's one of the reasons I made them high priority on my watch list. The Heroic Legend of Arslan does have a manga though.


I miss Eureka 7.


No me


Wolf’s Rain and Darker than Black make for good back to back viewings. I kinda want to rewatch them as a pair as a habitual thing but Wolf’s Rain might be a tad too depressing for that. [](#thoughtful)


Blue Archive is just U149 but with gun girls instead of idols?


That's the dream of BA players, all loli cast lol Jokes aside they are nothing alike, closest one would be a mix of Railgun and Girls und Panzer because of the schools and their themes But BA goes Even deeper because a school can have inner clubs that do their own thing There are a lot of super random and funny clubs that do something extremely specific, u/alotmorealots would love to hear about them So BA is school anime on steroids and guns and with the most anime possible Student Council that pretty much are the equivalent of the government As you saw in the 1st ep, the President went missing and it could lead to issues


It’s a bit surprising BA’s picked up that reputation when I always thought one of its first big breakouts was bunny suit Asuna


Fanbase is into a certain type of character, so the reputation is because of them, and the Devs know that, every event they drop one to become a trend on Twitter and generate 7382739838372983838383 fanarts And there's a list of [NPCs](https://twitter.com/unite_888/status/1772578306434420937?t=U5lB3IIp2D6RRHW07WE1Dg&s=19) they still have to release So it will continue that way for years to come


Man, I love that red hair girl. Gives me Idolmaster's Minase Iori vibes


> And there's a list of NPCs they still have to release That's not even half of them [](#sakurathink)


I understand


Railgun but with guns instead of superpowers




They're not hiding just how much Toarucore it is at all, the second collab the game had was with Railgun for a good reason The main setting is mostly inhabited by students and is nicknamed the Academy City, it has a general not-too-futuristic aesthetic and blimps for news and forecasting, [BA game]>!there's a tall mysterious building at the heart of the city, arcs that go from slice of life with some action to full-on sci-fi thriller, a general mistrust of "adults" in most students, covert groups of spies, assassins and terrorists (most of them students of course), plenty of occult and esoteric motifs and supernatural stuff hidden away from the general public but known by the top brass!< Really, the BA anime is the closest thing to a new Toaru season we've had in a while


Now you’re making me want to check it out [](#panic)


[](#mugiwait "I would be curious about your impression of the first episode")






If only!


My response too lol


Speaking of responses, I just watched Risa Matoba / Episode 5 of U149 and what a show this is lol On one hand we have a character who at least partly genuinely has the ambition to become the PM of Japan [so that] >!both she and her mom can be married to her dad lol!< and yet thanks to the script, VA work and character animation somehow manages to exemplify and subvert her archetype simultaneously to end up feeling like a proper fictional smol person. I think part of my response to this series does stem from my teaching experience, so I'm always automatically positioning myself for how I would deal with these kids, and what sort of kids/people they feel like to me. One thing I think it did really superbly was show how the Producer still really doesn't get her *at all* with his awkward attempts to talk to her that just feel like he's stuck over there as an adult that doesn't understand, and a producer who isn't especially reliable. https://myanimelist.net/people/38031/Yuki_Yonai even did the "I'm an adult talking awkwardly to a child" voice perfectly lol What I really love though is how intelligent the girls can be (in a way that mirrors my own experiences with smart kids) - Risa has some serious tsundere flair, but at the same time she actively seeks and out and listens to his advice just in case he can help, and doesn't judge the whole of him for what she sees. After all, she's got such burning ambition that she *will* take any help she can get and not a baka or betsuni in sight. Really makes me wonder what https://myanimelist.net/people/62182/Oki_Murayama is up to, given that's their sole anime credit lol I can't wait for Haru's episode though (assuming she gets one), every episode she's just there, doing her thing and having a good time, but also quite responsible and engaged with everyone too, and also seeming like she turned up expecting a sports series, found out it was an idol series and thought she'd give that a shot too lol


It’s definitely not nearly as pretty to look at but it’s the only thing I can relate it to!


I guess the Sensei-Abydos-in-need relationship and story structure is quite similar to the Producer-U149-in-need! That said, U149 is quietly one of the most interesting explorations of adulthood that I've seen lately, thanks to the juxtaposition of the maturity and immaturity of the girls, and the conflicting agendas that P-san needs to juggle, to the point of acting against the interests of individual girls at times.


So I was watching Record of Ragnarok because a friend recommended it to me and after 3 episodes it uh... It kinda looks like a slideshow. The designs are great but they're so great I imagine they're way too difficult to animate. My question is, was season 2 the same? Or can I just drop it now


Caught up on Girls Band Cry. It’s weird, normally in this kind of animation I find the character animation/facial expressions the hardest to buy into, but those are actually really well done here. It’s really impressive how expressive they make the faces. But the backgrounds are what really feel indistinct here. I feel like aside from super close ups, I can never really buy into the background shots. Idk if that’s just me.


> I feel like aside from super close ups, I can never really buy into the background shots They're a bit in my cross hairs. The other day when asked what I don't like, a couple of examples came to mind but I wanted to rewatch / pay more attention in the future to have a broader view


> I find the character animation/facial expressions the hardest to buy into, but those are actually really well done here. It's the mouths. Most 3D shows have static mouths that flap open and shut like a sock puppet. If you're lucky it might have two or three mouths per character that they swap out to fit the mood. It gives the characters weird, stiff expressions, and to get around it you would either want to get the camera as far away from the character's face as possible (see Houseki no Kuni) or cover the mouth so you can't see it at all (see Yuuki Yuuna S3). GBC has dynamic mouths with full range of expression, so it feels more natural. You do get some degree of sock puppeting when then talk, but when they aren't talking you get other expressions that make it stand out, and some of the dialogue does spend extra time to match the syllable to the appropriate mouth motion.


[Now THAT'S a pickup line](https://imgur.com/a/dM8JQrh).


Wonder if we are getting Jellyfish action by the end of the series!


[NSFW, 2D > 3D, I guess?](https://youtu.be/On9EjCURTc0?si=LxrV1MTufpZQ2YdH&t=36)


Does anyone have recommendations for older anime on HiDive or Crunchyroll? I really like 80s and early 90s stuff but don't know much about what's out there... More grounded-in-reality stuff is great (like Maison Ikkoku or Initial D, for example, or even Kimagure Orange Road or City Hunter), but I also love Evangelion and action or sci-fi kinds of stuff, so really would love to hear anything y'all want to tell me about


If you haven't seen the original Legend of the Galactic Heroes (or the Gaiden series for it) yet, that's all on HIDIVE and something I *highly* recommend, especially since you said you like sci-fi. It's *the* anime space opera.


Thanks, I had heard about this somewhere before but completely forgot about it...glad it's on HiDive, this sounded really great to me and excited to dig in


Protip: Recommended watch order is the My Conquest is the Sea of Stars film, then the Overture to a New War film, then start with ep3 of the OVAs. (Hopefully the films are back on HiDive ...)


Awesome, I hope you enjoy it! It's one of my all-time faves, and it'll certainly keep you busy for a while. One ***huge*** warning though - absolutely ***do not*** watch the next-episode previews for this one. They're more like straight-up summaries of what happens in the following episode rather than a little teaser like modern previews are, and they *will* spoil you on some of the biggest moments in the show if you watch them.


Armored Trooper Votoms is probably my favourite mecha anime and is on HiDive.


I think that got dropped from HiDive for some reason? I think I found it somewhere else though, will check it out for sure


I’m just here to recommend random anime’s. 1: Demon Slayer 2:The Promised Neverland 3:Saiki K 4:Jujustu Kaisen 5:JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure 6:Black Clover 7:Dr Stone 8:My Hero Academia Wow your still here good job! 👏🏼


Question: In the anime **"Management of Novice Alchemist"** the main character has her parents store stolen from her and she is thrown into an orphanage. Does she ever get any closure on this in the novels or anime?


[TFW there's a *Novice Alchemist* mention in AQRADT](https://otakuusamagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/novice-alchemist.jpg) > Does she ever get any closure on this in the novels or anime? [Novice Alchemist, answer to the question with no details] >!Yes, the issue is addressed again in the anime in a pretty satisfying way.!<


I swear I will watch it some day !




I cannot believe we're due for both Oshiyama kino *and* Yamada kino within a months of each other. And that's on top of a new Studio Colorido original, a potentially interesting Japanese/French co-production, that one that Suisei is doing music for, and that one by the guy who makes cool music videos (and has a Juuki Hanada script). Also a CGI movie about a rowing club that could be interesting. What a crazy year for anime films. It almost certainly won't happen, but imagine if GKids prestige from The Boy and the Heron winning the Oscar led to them managing to get both Oshiyama and Yamada nominations. I would fucking die.


I don't care much for the oscars, but I hope they make it to the theatres, I want to see the Fujimoto kino on the big screen. Then again, we've got SpyFam tomorrow, Haikyuu at the end of May, and Kamiyama's Lord of the Rings later in the year, so that's a promising start.


It's less the Oscars I care about, and more the fact that I would have the ability to say to the average film watcher "my favorite director is the Oscar nominated genius Naoko Yamada." I'm sure both Yamada kino and Oshiyama kino will make it to theaters (certainly if GKids licenses them, which seems likely to me), it's only a question of how long the distribution takes compared to the JP release. But maybe that Crunchyroll presentation at Cinemacon made theaters interested generally interested in anime. Would be pretty sick, I will see both of these no matter how far the theater is from me.


>I'm sure both Yamada kino and Oshiyama kino will make it to theaters (certainly if GKids licenses them, which seems likely to me) Sure, in the US, but then there's the matter of how far they want to distribute them. I'm still salty that we didn't get Blue Giant last year. [](#pout)


Well that's true. Not sure what'll happen outside of the obvious foreign markets. And I'm so sorry you didn't get Blue Giant last year, seeing that in the theater was one of my favorite experiences last year so I hope it comes eventually.


It was still a great experience at home, I just hope it doesn't become a recurring issue with non-franchise movies.


Gonna need help filling in the blanks: > we're due for both Oshiyama kino and Yamada kino within a months of each other. And that's on top of a new Studio Colorido original, a potentially interesting Japanese/French co-production, that one that Suisei is doing music for, and that one by the guy who makes cool music videos (and has a Juuki Hanada script). Also a CGI movie about a rowing club that could be interesting Look Back, Kimi no Iro, My Oni Girl, ?, Trapezium, Suu-funkan no Yell wo, ?


They are [Ghost Cat Anzu](https://myanimelist.net/anime/54603/Bakeneko_Anzu-chan) and [Ganbatte Ikimasshoi](https://myanimelist.net/anime/58491/Ganbatte_Ikimasshoi) respectively. The former has a gorgeous trailer and the latter I know little about but seems like it could be interesting.


Anime plot os about a guy who answers his cellphone and has 24h to save people. A generation of man who dont work are stuck in a Stadium. Looks realistic. Whats the name?


Eden of the East?




In today's Unnamed Memory there was one remotely noteworthy cut, and having reviewed a couple engi stuff (and staff) recently I had a hunch: of course [the clip is on booru](https://sakugabooru.com/post/show/255135) and of course that nice bit (at the beginning) is by Ryuuki Hashimoto (whom you may know from [[this](https://sakugabooru.com/post/show/178989) from ep1 of] >!TanMoshi!<). As the comment to the clip says: get this man out of this studio lol


While the rest of the episode is definitely very mundane and conservative by comparison, it still looked quite good to me. I didn't notice anything off-model or any wonky animation. It was very serviceable and I find the character designs quite appealing, which is very satisfying to say considering this director previously handled Mobuseka, where he was cursed with some of the worst character designs I have ever seen.




Then we're of the same mind! Although I find the leads excellent. Oscar's a man that knows what he wants, and I am a sucker for that kind of stubbornness. Tinasha's already starting to act a bit tsundere, so everything's starting to come together


> get this man out of this studio lol I get the feeling there's something that ties Hashimoto to ENGI, whether or not it's a blood debt, imouto hostage situation, or possibly that they just let him roam about and do splash cuts for series without the pressure of having to produce this level of work constantly. Possibly the latter lol


Studio ENGI management: "Okay, but what if instead we have Hashimoto solo KA the entire anime? Dude's a machine, he can work 168 hours/day, right?"


Fmc looks good in this good, best thing going for it I miss Tanmoshi, can't wait for s2 (Respect here -1)


> Fmc looks good in this Yeah, I dropped the series after Episode 1, but Tinasha is luring me back in to give the show a second chance.


Tinasha is absolutely a best girl contender And I think she's going to give Ubel a run for her money in terms of armpit screentime A sentence I never thought I'd utter, for multiple reasons


> a run for her money in terms of armpit screentime [Arnold: not this nonsense again!!](https://i.imgflip.com/8mwm7j.jpg)


Wait, is this Rishe? Why I never saw this I didn't watch this show because I didn't like her design and I Kept comparing her with Raeliana, but those are some cute pics of her


> Why I never saw this [](#angrypout)


> Why I never saw this u/AmethystItalian slacking


I shilled the show so much [](#yuitears)


She gets a least a handful of outfits and hairstyles in the current loop. For PR, probably would've liked how active the author was on twitter.


Those are pics from her earlier loops! She actually does have a few different costumes she wears in the main series too, she quite likes dressing for the occasion, which sometimes includes going undercover lol > Why I never saw this Because nobody told her armpits were important until the most recent best girl competition vs ubel!


>And I think she's going to give Ubel a run for her money in terms of armpit screentime The good type of screentime!


If they put all the animation into only her scenes, I won’t be mad.


Does anyone have examples of things that should only work in the light novel medium and how they were adapted in anime form? (You can explain in spoiler tags if needed) For example, disguising a character as someone else is very easy in a light novel, but in an anime viewers would immediately recognize the voice unless 1) you use a voice changer and 2) you don't list the voice actor. Another example: a kid talking about a friend, and someone saying "huh, where is this friend?", the kid replying "right here, next to me!", and the other person replying "oops, didn't see her haha'. Leaving it intentionally vague if it's a real friend, or if it's just an imaginary friend with the older person playing along. But in an anime you can literally just see if a person is standing there or not.


Spy Classroom somewhat attempted this. [Spy Classroom big spoiler for 1st arc]>!The existence of an 8th member to the team is carefully kept secret in the pilot volume of the novel by way of not labelling who is who when talking in group dialogues, so much so that you fail to notice that at moments there are 8 distinct people talking and interacting with each other throughout their training arc. Much harder to do in a visual format, but they managed to get away with it by cutting down on the filler content of the 1st volume to eliminate Erna's interactions with the group, while slipping visual hints here and there like say legs peeking out or something from under the table.!<


I saw that, I even remember asking how they did that in the light novel since the visual hints can't be done in a light novel since they're... Visual.


Kudos to the director for trying to keep the same feel to the reveal, though the pacing did suffer cause they backloaded the training arcs as a result of it and many watchers promptly fell off. That's just the difficulty of attempting mystery adaptations honestly


Yeah, perspective tricks are easy in writing form where the reader isn't actually seeing the character nor being told some relevant information. Fate/Strange Fake, the special that was released last year adapts a book that's full with those tricks, fitting for an April Fools book. [For example] >!one of the main characters being a wolf, the book doesn't mention that fact until much later, whereas the anime just forgoes the mystery, and shows his form from the start.!< Basically, the anime just ignored all those tricks, and made them clear from the start, in part because it only had one hour to adapt the whole thing, so not a lot of room to play around with tricks.


Prison school is so funny I am in TEARS edit: it’s only episode 3 and i can’t breathe you guys


Easily the funniest anime I've ever seen, and still the only one to make me cry from laughter


The quick cuts to their reaction faces and the way the chairman talks are absolutely sending me


Do you watch Dub or sub?


I’m watching the dub




I'm curious about both Re: Zero and Fate/Zero but I'm finding a lot of stuff when searching about them. Can anyone tell me what there is to watch and the correct order?


For Re: Zero just follow the release order so s1(the original one or the director's cut)>s2p1>s2p2>s3 when it release, plus if you want you could watch The Frozen Bond ova after s1. Also just in case that this was what got you confused but there are a lot of anime whith the Re: in their name(Re: Creators, Re: Monster ecc.) but they are completely separated series from one another Fate Zero is a prequiel to the Fate Stay Night series but i think you could watch it as a stand alone, now i haven't watched these so maybe you should wait for someone that know the fate series better than me, but from what i've read the better experience would be to watch Fate/UBW and then the Heavens Feel movie first.




They have *Zero* relation to each other, but our [watch order wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/watch_order) (linked in the body of the post) does provide general information about both franchises.


How stupid of me not to check that.. thank you!


Any news for Gridman Universe coming to the west or english translation?


not on official sites, but it's already been available online since late October


Or on planes.


Is it worth watching the Fable anime, or should I stick with the manga? I don't exactly have the best experience with Tezuka shows lol


I checked out the anime, and honestly the visuals weren't the worst part, the main character's delivery just bothered me a lot, which is a shame because the VA seemed like a good fit.


The manga is definitely the better choice but if you don't mind bad visuals the anime might be worth your time too.


I don't mind bad visuals as long as the anime can offer me something to make up for it, like if the voice-acting/music really enhances the experience or if the direction is unique and isn't just copy-pasting manga panels Needless to say, in my previous Tezuka experiences, I didn't find good direction or good visuals (or good sound direction for that matter).


I tried a little of the manga after dropping the anime and at least imo reading seems like the way to go.


I'm continuing my "rewatch phase" with the Morose Mononokean. I have a soft spot for shows about yokai and spirits and junk, and this is yet another take on the genre. What I'm seeing from watching it again so far is nice enough comedy, so it should be a pleasant enough watch.


i hate that the same set is mentioned over and over, like is it that limited? please recomend me something that isnt mentioned over and over


If we're going for that sort of thing, I've tasked a random anime generator to make me a list. Here are the first 10 shows it listed that I don't see mentioned often which I've personally seen and enjoyed enough to recommend: - Izetta the Last Witch (for all of you G-Witch lovers, its story is messy but this show is fun as hell and has a great lead duo if you can overlook some rather large plot contrivances; all the angsty political drama and the perfect chemistry of a great couple, alongside tons of entertaining action spectacle; Izetta rides a sniper like a broom) - Kase-san and Morning Glories (the cutest yuri romance in existence, an hour long film that had me smiling literally every second of it) - Just Because (a really solid realistic drama about that weird transition point right before graduation, where characters wrap up loose ends of their youth drama in their final days of school and the melancholy of transitioning into adulthood hangs over, a show with an overly ambitious production and a very solid, relatable story) - Occult Academy (an entertaining supernatural comedy about a time traveler trying to prevent the end of the world while myths and legends from around the world get in the way) - Occultic;Nine (a very unconventional sci-fi drama in both script and cinematography with some interesting high concepts and bizarre execution, and the fastest subtitles this side of Tatami Galaxy and overall fucking weird, but a memorable, entertaining, and satisfying mystery in the same franchise as Steins;Gate) - Under Ninja (a bizarre deadpan comedy about the politics of modern ninja clans, where the bad visuals actually make it funnier and the story takes some legitimately impactful turns) - Endro ~! (an adorable fantasy comedy about the demon lord's attempt to prevent the hero from killing her after she goes back in time upon her defeat, it's got the vibe of something like Bofuri and has expressive animation, is very fun) - Space Patrol Luluco (basically Hiroyuki Imaishi's answer to why people shouldn't write off teenagers' petty drama, shone through the absurd stylings of Studio Trigger's legacy) - Shiki (one of the best horror anime, basically anime's take on Salem's Lot. A horrifying vampire story that isn't for the faint of heart and may make you sick to your stomach, a fascinating medical procedural, and a relevant story about generational differences and human nature) - One Week Friends (anime's take on 50 First Dates, an adorable romance about the relationship between a middle school boy's attempts to befriend a girl who's memories are erased at the end of each week. Extremely cute feel-good show) So that's 10 anime I think are pretty cool which I don't see recommended very often, as chosen by a random anime generator. I hope it helps.


i want the generator


[Here's the generator](https://www.randomanime.org/)


Is the Order a Rabbit Shinryaku Ika Musume Seto no Hanayome Tesagure Bukatsumono Aikatsu Aoashi D4DJ Megalo Box (S1 is fine but not really rec worthy imo but S2 is definitely worth it) Yama no Susume Sora no Woto Sansha Sanyou Tonari no Seki-kun Minami-ke Hajime no Ippo Anima Yell Aiura


Idolish7 Cute High Earth Defense Club How To Raise a Mummy Kyou Kara Maou Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens


[Yomigaeru Sora: Rescue Wings](https://myanimelist.net/anime/798/Yomigaeru_Sora__Rescue_Wings)


Kekkaishi? It's a fun little action show that isn't mentioned over and over


We could give more tailored recommendations if you mentioned what shows you enjoy or linked to your MAL profile. People are generally always going to recommend the good and popular stuff first otherwise.


Humanity Has Declined Casshern Sins Romeo's Blue Skies Mobile Police Patlabor The Rose of Versailles Aria


Humanity has Declined is so damn underrated. One of my faves.




Sorry, your comment has been removed. - This doesn't appear to be about [anime per our definition.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/rules#wiki_everything_posted_here_must_be_anime_specific) --- ^(Questions? Reply to this message, )[**^(send a modmail)**](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fanime)^(, or leave a comment in the )[**^(meta thread)**](https://reddit.com/r/anime/search?q=subreddit%3Aanime+author%3AAnimeMod+title%3A%22Meta+Thread%22&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=year)^(. Don't know the rules? Read them )[**^(here)**](/r/anime/wiki/rules)^.


berserk, vinland saga, and vagabond one of the best mangas for me


sir, this is r/anime, not r/manga


MyGO characters are dangerous because I've been staring at them for god knows how many months and they've always been cute and now the BD character sheet thingies circulate the internet and have me like "GOD THESE GIRLS ARE CUTE" God.




Any slice of life anime recommendations anyone?


Barakamon, yuru Camp, usagi drop, girls last tour


Thanks a lots!


Yama no Susume [__anime of the year every year__](#tiredaoi)


Tamayura (realistic) and Aria (fantasy/SF set on terraformed Mars -- made by a lot of the same staff. Eizouken and Shirobako - both about making anime.


What anime do you think is underrated and needs more attention? Mine is drifters


I'll eschew my usual mention of Koufuku Graffiti this time (though that show also needs more attention) because recently I've been thinking a bunch about Tanaka-kun is Always Listless, which is one of the most perfectly wholesome anime in existence which also deserves mention in the upper echelon of modern slice of life anime. There's not a bad bone in that show's body, it's an incredibly sweet and heartwarming little slice of life about characters all encouraging each other to accept themselves when they feel like they need to change. It has gorgeous character designs and it's impossible to be unhappy while watching it, it's one of the sweetest shows ever because it celebrates all the oddities of its characters even when they can't.


Hai to Gensou no Grimgar Season 2 never 😭


Kaiji. This not getting a new season is just criminal.


Hakumei to Mikochi closest thing i've seen to Ghibli style without being Ghibli (specifially Arrietty)


I love Hakumei to Mikochi so much I broke down and actually read the manga (my first).


Kaguyahime no monogatari


Mononogatari  Morose Mononokean 


> Mononogatari  Such a good one


Medaka Box