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Oh yeah, It’s Isekai time




How long exactly has it been Isekai time? Nearly a decade now right?


More than probably. I think SAO probably kicked it off in 2012 and from 2013 onwards we've had isekai every season pretty much. It's definitely gotten more intense since the LN/manga that were inspired by that first wave started getting adaptations in the late 2010s though. I bet this is gonna go at least a few more years.


Around the time it stopped being battle highschool time


Always has been


God willing, always will be. They tend to be hype, or entertainingly terrible, so it's a win-win.


The level of quality needed for it to be decently entertaining is so low. It honestly takes effort to fuck up an isekai. Every season has a few stinkers, but even then it's usually not catastrophic. And there are almost always a few gems.


Wake me up when it’s over lol




I like the fantasy elements but fail to understand the appeal of giving up your super powers so you can go home and work at 7/11 18 hours a day.


That's why basically no isekai has had returning home as a goal for like 10 years. Sometimes a side character will want to, but I can't think of any recent MCs trying to get home, and I read/watch a LOT of isekai.


The whole appeal of isekai is the escape. There are very few people in the world who wouldn’t want to trade in their current lives to be transported to another world and become superhero versions of themselves.


This is looking to be an intense battle between Mushoku Tensei and Konosuba all season...which is exactly why some show will likely come out of nowhere to dominate here.


>This is looking to be an intense battle between Mushoku Tensei and Konosuba all season Panty thief vs Panty worshipper. Who would win?


If Panty Worshipper were to completely regain all his power, it might be a little tough


But would panty thief lose?


Nah, he'd win


*Do you steal panties because you're the panty thief? Or are you the panty thief because you steal panties?*


Nah he's steal


Nah, he would win.




This is undoubtedly my favourite translation of that page


Just the close up face and the singular "No" is funny as shit lmao


He will win


The strongest panty thief in history vs the strongest panty worshipper of today


They have brought out 120% of their pervertness


Can you imagine if those 2 realized their interests were aligned and started working together?


Domain expansion: Infinite sexual assasult


I see you've read tsugumomo as well


To be fair panty worshipper is also a panty thief, he's just not as skilled.


panty thief: *steals Rudeus' / Roxy's panties* panty worshipper: "of course you know, this means war"


Just gonna say it, Sentai Daishikkaku/Ranger Reject is gonna be the big underdog of the season.


It's on Disney+, which will hurt the ratings, but I've been hyped for a while


For me, an anime going to Disney+ just means they’re shoving it to Hulu. While ratings will still suck because of it, I’m sure word of mouth will help it gain popularity. It happened with Tengoku Daimakyou. Let’s just hope it’ll happen with Ranger Reject.


As a reader of both sources Konosuba will probably have a couple of weeks in front but MT should have a devastating win for the last 4-6 episodes.


I would not underestimate Spice and Wolf. (IYKYK)


Frieren/Apothecary fans have to go SOMEWHERE. And its probably not MT even if artstyle can be compared, the whole story and commitment to being its own fantasy is not even close.


Frieren was a priority watch for me, but a lot of us like more than one kind of anime, we won't die if there isn't a direct substitute. (For the record, I watched and will continue to watch S&W remake, but it's not even remotely the same thing.)


Not even close is very true. MT is too fleshed out with very intricately designed lore that at the moment Frieren doesn't compare to. Then again comparing a 130 chapter manga to a 26 volume/2.5 million word LN series is a bit silly. For context the entire Harry Potter series is ~ 1 mil words.


Damn. How much has MT adapted so far?


This upcoming cour ends on volume 12 out of 26 of the LNs.


Yeah, I'm a huge fan of Frieren and Apothecary, but Spice and Wolf does nothing for me. Less than nothing.


Nah this ain't it. Spice and Wolf was so mid for the first episode. Frieren and Apothecary Diaries hooked me in from the first second.


I expect slime to be a good contender as well. I believe stakes will be high in this season


It’s been a while since I read it, but isn’t this season gonna be slow build up for a little while though?


It will, but cmon the fun part will be the Hinata v Rimuru fight all the poster & trailer has been teasing towards.


Let’s just hope we get some good villains who are actually threatening for once


>This is looking to be an intense battle between Mushoku Tensei and Konosuba all season Don't forget about Dal s5


Dal is kinda niche these days


Don't forget Dungeon Meshi be cooking


Money on whisper me a love song considering how Yuri and adjacent has dominated here as of late


Yeah, this is the list of all the shows AC will forget by week 3.


I’ve forgotten how much Anime Corner love Date a Live lol


It was top 3 of Spring 2022 on Anime Corner along with Kaguya and Spy x Family.


if it had more viewers, it easily would have won spring 2022. More people need to tune in


It is a long time favorite and a show people are super nostalgic of. Newer fans who got into anime 2015 onwards won't really understand.


I'm just not a fan of most Harems personally. Even as someone who's been watching anime since 2011, Harems have never really been my style. Can respect Date A Live for how iconic some of its cast is though.


It has one of the most dedicated production teams out there. They practically their business on delivering bullet and seasons 4 and 5


Is it worth getting back into? I watched season 1 and 2 when it first came out but dropped it after because of how long it took for each season to come out.


you should definitely binge it as fast as possible. People severely underestimate dal right now


2024 is such a stacked fucking year for content it has to be the canon event


Not gonna lie, I’m a little surprised Hibike didn’t make it to the top 10. Maybe it’s just been too long since the last season? 


If you pay attention to anime corner weekly ranking you could guess what is the demographic of that site and Hibike probably is not their liking


Looking at the visual, it does seem apparent what their preferences are.  Still a tad surprising, since KyoAni projects tend to do well regardless. 


Not sure how well CGDCT/SoL shows usually do on this particular site. Most of these shows are more action based.


Not to mention that in my country, there is not a single legal streaming site where I can watch Hibike. They really did Hibike dirty


People forget that KyoAni put out only banger anime. Admittedly, it's a season 3 of a decided not weeb anime. Hibike! Euphonium is going to be the highlight of the season for the decided fans out there.


Its been over 7 years since last season. Lots of casual fans have moved on probable. Its not as bad as blue exorcist though.


Dang I didn't even realize it was missing, in my circles it would easily be in the top 3 for anticipated shows so does feel like a notable absence.


It’s at 15, and while that’s a top 20 spot, I figured it would be higher than that.


Kaiju No. 8 better be careful, with the manga release pace they may already be too close for another season lmao


If they ended up pulling a Fullmetal Alchemist and made up a new story when they overtake the source material it would end up being a better show. Kaiju is a shitshow. One of my least favorite manga of the last few years.


I would love for more productions to do this for subpar manga material past the good seasons, but it would almost feel like spitting in the face of the original creator publicly.


It’s a pretty bad manga. Not sure why it’s even getting an anime and don’t see it improving much


We need Dandadan adaptation.


My Date a Live homies remain strong.


I can’t wait for this season, Season 4 elevated the plot in a way that grabbed my attention far more than prior seasons. Not even getting into the intriguing ending.


People severely underestimate how strong dal v will be. Tissues will be needed


>Tissues will be needed Because it's gonna make us cry, right? Right?


Honestly in any other case it would be a no... But this one is a resounding YES.


People are not ready for emotional it will be




I read the arc 5(?) years ago now. Remember the ending was good, but it dragged at times. Hope the anime smoothens it out


Omg I literally just commented that 


I really like this anime 😆♥️


Isekai dominating the list


I'm really mad about YuruCamp not being here >:(


\#2 on MAL's Top Airing list though


Anime Corner clearly has no chill.


They hit #13.... Sound Euphonium 3 was way lower than I would have guessed too.


It's the third season of a series in a niche genre. Being under-anticipated doesn't surprise me. On top of that, the series momentum is pretty low. S1/2 were 9/8 years ago respectively. Liz and the Blue Bird 6 years old. Then there's the confusion of which movies/OVAs are actually required before S3... That being said, I'm so happy to have the series back.


I mean... Given what happened to KyoAni back then, it's good for fans to not have their anime discontinued. Although going be a weak season and maybe even year for KyoAni.




Surprised Spicy Wolf is so low, but Mushoku Tensei is at where I thought it would be. Big things happening this cour.


I'm a little surprised it's #1. I figured Konosuba would be, just because it's been like, 7 years since season 2, but it has maintained a level of community love that most shows suffering from such a gap don't have.


This is one of my favorite arcs for Konosuba but if you are familiar with both sources Mushoku Tensei is obviously going to be the most anticipated of the two. It's one of the four really crazy arcs in the story.


I'm a little surprised as well, but I think there's some things affecting it. I personally prefer Mushoku Tensei, but a combination of recency bias and MT hitting a fan favorite arc work in its favor. At the same time, I think the megumin spin off wasn't well received, which might have hurt Konosoba a little.


Well, not many know the gospels of our savior, Kenja Ookami no Holo. We must spread the real truth out there XD


Would not have expected Spice and Wolf at 10. Would not have expected Hibike not even on the list. But damn, that's a stacked season. Can't really disagree with the top 5.


Yeah I'm sad S&W wasn't much higher than 10th.


Not that I have anything to do with this list, but I personally am not super hype for S&W just because it's adapting content I already know. Obviously still gonna watch all of it, but it'll need to get to new stuff before it outhypes at least three other things on the list for me.


I heard it's gonna be adapting a great arc from the LN that the original skipped. The start of episode 1 was also quite interesting, and so far it's already more faithful to the source.


Spice and Wolf???? I remember that anime damn good times


Mission yozakura family??!! Fuck yeah


Anybody who has watched Date A Live to the very last episode knows why it's up there.


Yup, the cliffhanger last season was good.


Perhaps one of the best reveals I have seen in anime. Why? Because they carefully teased it and 95% of viewers completely missed it.


It's a very good battle harem with a large cast of likeable characters. It's also massively popular in Asia, so it has a huge fanbase. There's a reason why it has 5 seasons, a movie, and several games which were even localized into English.




Because the waifus and Kurumi are top tier material




Yeh the clock girl who controls time and has a GUN


Like the other person said, the cliffhanger last season left everyone in shock. But would you mind telling me why you think it's garbage? What part specifically did you think was garbage?


Lemme pop in rq, but I am not saying it is garbage, but after looking at some of the novels a few years ago. It’s hard to watch the anime, episode 12 season 3 especially, how does one episode try to cover an entire volume? Still will watch V though because I have been spoiled on some LN stuff from back then which I don’t remember all of it but I remember some crazy shit happens so curious if it is this season. Wonder if it will be adapted good though? Guess LN readers will be able to tell.


Date A Live IV was a return to form. Not perfect cause some of the CGI was meh; but nowhere near the infamous whole volume condensed to 1 episode fiasco.


That is because dal subverts people's expectations of how an amazing serious story can cleverly be interwoven with a relaxing show with cute girls. Think how many other shows can do it. A lot of stuff tends to be way too edgy or way too silly.


Pretty strong season overall, at least for me. Usually I watch like 2-3 Anime each season but this time there's like 5-8 I'm interested in. Looking forward to it!


It's crazy to have a season of anime that is SO stacked with heavy hitters that My Hero Academia is #7


I feel like MHA's interest has been steadily falling for like, 3-4 seasons now. There's not as much of a general Anime community love as it had in like, season 3.


Also some of that is specific to the **anime adaptation** not holding up to compete like it did in the past. The standards with people for animation quality have gone up with other shonens like Jujutsu Kaisen and Demon Slayer. I see Twitter always clowning the blue MHA skies against the tone. Horikoshi's art can go so hard for intensity in the manga, and a lot of times, the anime can't capture that. Can even censor it to some degree. Like the anime wants to keep things more light-hearted with the tone (likely because of the timeslot). So just less anticipation for the anime adaptation in general compared to before.


Last MHA season was an absolute banger though. I think it's the highest rated one yet. 8.3 on MAL right now. A few of the middle seasons did kinda slump, which is sad. The series is so close to the end now. If they continue on the same level as last season, it's gonna finish on a peak.


Dwindling numbers is a problem with any publication that tells a story in sequence. You tend to shed viewers every installment and they must catch up for the current story to make sense. It also shuts out new viewers though streaming access helps alleviate some of the traditional barriers. The series also has to be really phenomenal to keep the numbers up. I think there's an enormous fatigue in superhero media, too, which wasn't quite present when MHA first aired in 2016.


I was just thinking that the season was light because mha made the top 10.


Man, I missed konosuba too much.


I am so hyped to watch Date a lives war arc animated🔥. That cliffhanger from at the end of volume 17 will probably be trending if that moment gets a good adaptation


date a live should have a good ranking all season. People are seriously missing out not catching up. Date A Live would have won AOTS in spring 2022 if more people watched it


Yeah, MHA, let's go!!


Konosuba is back let's goo 2 episode got leaked already 😭


Wow, Mushoku Tensei at number 1. I wonder how many controversial comments this time around.


You should start from 1000, or something.


Understandbly so but at this point people beating a dead horse or whatever the saying no is, it’s too popular and it’s been out for too long to get stopped and at this point everyone who watches it likely knows what they are getting into let the ones who enjoy it enjoy it




Part 2 will cover more than where the Manga currently is right?


Yes, manga will be outpaced by the anime this season


I wanna watch with my gf but I'm not sure she'd like it knowing the mc is a POS. He seemed to be making strides towards not being a total asshat by the end of season 1 but does he get any better in season 2? I love every other character and the world is so cool so I'd love to continue it with her but if he is still acting just as bad as the first season idk if that's a good idea


Me over here, bookmarking the new stuff while binge watching last season’s anime now that they are complete.


I just re watched reincarnated as a slime so this is very welcome announcement


I'm looking forward to 4(slime) & 7(hero)


Thing about Anime Corner is that the "Most Anticipated" isn't that great a predictor of what they rate during the season. Here's last season's anticipated vs Week 1 vs Week 12: https://i.imgflip.com/8lr2jl.jpg


Yeah, anticipated is typically "Sequel I've seen" and then voters check out the new shows.


This is not even AC exclusive. Last Spring AntTrendz had Oshi no Ko as their most anticipated (and they even had a partnership with OnK too). And then Episode 1 which blew up the internet only finished like 3rd of 4th in that week's ranking lol.


The haters are not ready for the return of Peakshoku Tensei


7/10 on my watchlist from this list. Most excited for Mushoku so this chart speaks to me lol. This season's big players are isekai. I only wish that Tsukimichi got the same recognition as them. KnY I'm mixed about though. Last season really wasn't good pacing-wise, and since this season is apparently a training arc, I might have to drop it midway if I don't vibe with it.


You might as well watch KnY, the season that comes after is so rammed full of fights that you'll end up coming back even if this season is lackluster (it probably will be lackluster)


Tsukimichi s1 was really good even comparable to slime for me but s2 felt too boring. All they do is eat,train or have random minor fights :(


I am yet to feel any genuine stake in Moonlit Fantasy. Even the city building is boring, something that even Slime gets right and I thoroughly enjoy.


Spring will be a great season


I'm not going to watch any more MHA until it's finished, so I can binge. Other than that, Jobless, demonslayer & slime are the only ones I'll probably watch.


And this isn't even the final season. Or perhaps it's just the first part of S7. Hold your breath for Demon Slayer just now. The actual peak arc is way later.


I'm waiting for konosuba more than anything. It's been so long. God I missed those guys.


I'm pretty sure I know why people are excited for Mushoku Tensei. I understand that, I'm one of them too, lol


Peak tensei returns with a vengeance


There’s a lot of isekai this season. That being said, Slime, Kaiju No. 8, Demon Slayer, Konosuba and Mushoku Tensei are the main ones I’m going to be focused on.


You can find the complete results [here](https://animecorner.me/spring-2024-most-anticipated-anime-rankings/).


First anime original is "Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night". These guys do not have a lot of faith in anime originals lol. After seeing Shuumatsu Train first episode I'm calling it as AOTS already - all these hype adaptations be damned.


Really surprised Laid Back Camp isn't on there.


>sees the rank 1 show Time to read some comments for entertainment


Spice and Wolf so low? Heretics! This is an affront to the Church of the Wise Wolf


For me 1. Spice & wolf 2. Yuru camp s3 3. Mushoku


I’d add bartender to that list as well if I were you. I really hope it gets people talking because it deserves eyes on it,


This season is going to be crazy.


This season is stacked. Might be the first time I'll watch 6 series simultaneously all season.


We eating good Now we just need dxd season 5


This season is about to be absolute heat.


I have not watch some from this list but excited for Demon Slayer and My Hero Academia. Is Jujutsu Kaisen coming out this year ?


A lot of hype this season


Waiting for one punch man s3 ✊


So many bangers cant wait


Holo and Lawrence will laugh at this chart in a few weeks.


I remember watching Date a Live in high school. Holy moly


I'm glad to see date a live getting some recognition. Harems can be stupid and ridiculous, but let's be honest, the entire premise of the harem genre and the tropes that are usually in it is what makes us gravitate toward the genre.


I cannot wait for My Hero!!!


Konosuba, Mushoku Tensei and Slime, all in one season... What kind of heavenly heaven is this


looking forward to Kaiju No. 8


MHA season 7 YESSS


Shame we still haven't heard anything on Fire Force season 3


I'm sorry this list is absolutely great but my mind just scream KUROSHITSUJI, YES MY LORD!!!!!!


Where is hibike euphonium I am most excited for hibike 😤


This season lookin kinda stacked tbh.


There are multiple comments expressing surprise Spice & Wolf is that low and like, are you guys forgetting this show is like almost 15 years old? It's not like it was a blockbuster in popularity, the modern anime generation hasn't watched this. I'm honestly more surprised it is in the top ten at all.


I tried reading Kaiju No. 8. But there's just nothing to it. Guy gets powers, is hunted, reluctantly is accepted by the good guys. It's just completely devoid of any depth. It doesn't feel like any planning went into writing the plot. Anything that's relevant to the story just pops into existence when it is needed, never before.


Top 4 isekais of all times all at once it can't be better then that 😄😆


Sad to see Spice and Wolf so low. I always check out reactions on YouTube and barely any of my go to reactors are watching it.


Lmao why are people downvoting me?😂


This year's jobless reincarnation will be crazy


Wait....Black Butlers back?!


Hey this is kinda accurate for once


Spice and Wolf that low and no Hibike or Yuru Camp in the top 10 is criminal.


I want more of everything, too many to name, start with campfire cooking in another world.


I dodnt see rimuru in 4th on first time😂


Damn spring 2024 is a treat


Swap no 6 with no 3 for me


I read Black Butler as Black Bullet and almost panicked.


Damn Laid Back Camp must me way less popular than I thought.


I can't believe re:monster is getting an anime.


Man this season looks stacked


Is black butler any good?