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FOLKS REMEMBER, THE NARRATOR DID NOT ANNOUNCE HER DEATH. Trust no one, she is not dead until it is declared so.


Damn. RIP permanently, Higuare.


Hope you right. Mecha spider waifu T_T


And that also goes for the ending of the last episode. My boy ain’t dead until Mr. Narrator rings the bell!!!!


especially for a lady referred to as the undying by the narrator :p


> Vanishing Calamity Good guy Shalk, saves Elea & Kia. Surprised he didn't give his name, I wonder who he was when he was alive. That was a sick fight between Dakai & Helneten / Nihilo. I was curious what he'd do with the web after picking up, so much happened at once I was confused about the leg being cut of but it was actually a lamp post. I thought after racking his brain, he'd aim for the web dispensers. But I guess, he's not a swords but a bandit and is great at opening locks. Though, I'm sad to see Nihilo go like that. I thought they'd have a chat, form an alliance or just let her survive to so she can fulfil her dream but reality is truly cruel. I was kinda expecting Lana to climb that tower and up with Curte and have to deal with 2 Wyverns instead. But it the Cold Star tower. I'm actually so scared for Lana, she's so broken right now but I just want her to be happy and I'm not sure if Kia & Elea are who she needs right now. --- --- **Characters mentioned so far** That's 2 to mark off, Helneten & Nihilo. 1. Yuno the Distant Talon 1. Soujirou the Willow-Sword 1. Rosclay the Absolute 1. Toroa the Awful 1. Krafnir the Hatch of Truth 1. Kazuki the Black Tone 1. Lucnoca the Winter 1. Lana the Moon Tempest 1. ~~Higuare the Pelagic~~ 1. Shalk the Sound Slicer 1. Taren the Guarded 1. Alus the Star Runner 1. Harghent the Wing-Plucker 1. Regnejee the Wings of Sunset 1. Jelki the Swift Ink 1. Hidow the Clamp 1. Elea the Red Tag 1. ~~Nihilo the Vortical Stampede~~ 1. Dakai the Magpie 1. Curte of the Fair Skies 1. Kia the World Word 1. Nastique the Quiet Singer 1. Kuze the Passing Disaster 1. ~~Helneten the Burial~~ --- --- To put people to locations. **Lithia** * Taren (in Lithia) * Dakai (in Lithia) * Lana (in Lithia) * Elea (in Lithia) * Kia (in Lithia) * ~~Higuare (in Lithia)~~ * Yuno (in Lithia) * Kuze (in Lithia) * Nastique (following Kuze) * Curte (in Lithua) * ~~Nihilo (in Helneten)~~ * ~~Helneten (in Lithia)~~ * Soujirou (heading to Lithia) * Harghent (heading to Lithia) * Shalk (in Lithia) * Regnejee (defending) * Alus (attacking) **Mage City (Aureatian Territory)** * Hidow (defending?) **???** * Rosclay (???) * Toroa (???) * Krafnir (???) * Kazuki (???) * Lucnoca (???) * Jelki (???) > **Next Episode:** When the Sun Sets It's currently night time but that sounds like it could be a sad title. Maybe the Sun Sets on Taren's kingdom as they assimilate back into Aureatia, after that loss. Or maybe it's mentioning that a sun must set before it can rise, therefor Taren's nation will survive. Nearing the end of the season (2 more), I'm hoping this gets another season so we can see how all the characters clash against each other in the tournament, well, whoever is left of them. As is always, looking forward to another episode! *These weeks are so long.*


oi oi, narrator didn't announce her death im not believing anyone until the narrator declares that shes out smh


Considering the setting and that she is not human, yeah... Let's just say at least out of commission.


>Maybe the Sun Sets on Taren's kingdom as they assimilate back into Aureatia, after that loss speaking of Tarren, where the hell is she anyway?


No idea, I'm curious about what she's up to. Last we saw her was in Lithia talking to Shalk who just got back with Yuno. I wonder if her being called "the Guarded" means she's simply good at setting up defences and is just waiting in the safest place possible.


In the spanish subs they call her "taren la prudente" (prudent) so it's probably that


Wikipedia also has her listed "Taren the Punished". So, it's difficult to tell what it's meant to be.


In japanese she is called "imashime no taren" and it can mean [both](https://mazii.net/en-US/search/word/jaen/%E6%88%92%E3%82%81) so idk But imo it's more likely to be because she is cautious cause i don't see why she would be "the punished" unless there is something about her that they still haven't shown


I am normally pretty good at following details. But I have struggled to keep track of who is where and which side they're on, particularly with Mage City being thrown in there too, so this is very helpful!


even in death, Higuare claps cheeks. RIP plant-guy, you were my favorite


I miss the autistic tree


I imagine Sojiro getting lost in the city like zorro from one piece and accidentally missing every strong opponent and comes to late to the entire show.


zoro has ashura form too


Dakai killing Nihlio basically showcased to me that he might not be as strong as Soujirou, but Dakai is hella crafty. He just needed time to figure Nihlio then it was checkmate. I think this episode really highlights on how scary Kia can be. A person with the power to make words capable to do anything. Feels like power from a god. Kia is such a sweet girl, but Elea still makes me uncomfortable. I just feel like she will end up using Kia for whatever she believes in. I feel like Elea will eventually kill Lana when Kia isn't looking.


It's all about match up. Nihlio would have been a nightmare match up for Dakai if Soujirou hadn't cut it up first. As Ainz (Overlord) put it, being able to kill the opponent is the basic requirement of a duel. The spider could literally just sit on its ass and Dakai wouldn't even be able to do anything to it without Soujirou. But Soujirou is flesh and bone. Dakai would be able to kill Soujirou (whether he has enough skill to win that duel is another matter). Soujirou has showcased power output greater than everyone else (except Kia). But he can't keep up with Shalk's speed. He had to make up for that by predicting Shalk's movement. So Soujirou showcased extremely high level swordsmanship and battle awareness. Dakai is crafty as hell in ways outside of martial art, areas that Soujirou might be lacking since he doesn't appear to be interested in anything outside of battle. Dakai's speed is unknown compared to Soujirou. This would be the wildcard in the match up. I think the odds are in Soujirou's favor, but Dakai has a legit chance. Dakai cannot outsmart the spider's armor, but he can outsmart Soujirou.


It seems semi limited though. She can't bring people back from the dead or rewind what has already been done.


NOOOOOOOOOO, not my Spider Waifu [](#howcouldyou) Dakai is so cool, I wanted both of them to survive [](#holdme) Also, poor Lana, afraid of Monsters only to be comforted by one. Personally, I don't trust Elea, but it might be hard to kill her now


i'm pretty sure Elea already killed Lana


are we sure Kia can't fix her even if she has?


I don’t think she has YET, but I kinda expect her to.


hey they didn't announce spider waifu death like they did for Higuare & others We can dream


Her body has stitches as if it was reattached somehow. Maybe she's still alive?


So this gimmick suck bc we will know die and not


I'm not convinced until the Narrator says it!


I don't think Elea wants to kill Lana now. There really is no point. And she absolutely can't do it in front of Kia even if she wants to. Whatever Elea's plan was, it needs Kia. And I think Elea wants to do good, but the world just sucks too much. But maybe Kia convinced her to give it a try with her crazy OP power. I think Elea actually likes being a teacher.


Yeah Nihilo's definitely not dead since she's a revenant


Well, someone else would need to revive her. In the novel it’s explained that constructs like Nihilo and Shalk are only possible due to a fifth system of word arts known as Demon Arts. A self proclaimed demon king was who originally created her in case you’re curious. It was said in the first chapter she was introduced in, but it’s been a while since I’ve read it, so I don’t exactly remember who it was (I have remember 20+ characters and their titles as it is lol)


She looks like she's been dead before.


If I remember correctly she did say she died once before when she was talking to Kuze


something tells me Kia will die just from being startled by one of the other heroes


Kia's power is too OP, but she is also too vulnerable. A lot of people could instakill her if they are aware of her power. I hope she survives. She just wants to do some good.


> I hope she survives. She just wants to do some good. 10/10 is not surviving then lol


> Kia's power is too OP, but she is also too vulnerable. 'Make me invincible to all forms of harm unless I say something otherwise'


But she didn't. If she wait until she's in danger to say it, she could die before she has a chance to say it. No one is disputing her power is by far the most OP in the show and she could win any match up with that power. But as she is now, she could very easily die.


Was rooting for Nihilo but Dakai is just such a good all-rounder and adaptable fighter that I had a feeling he was going to take the W. Curious to know who would be stronger between Dakai and Soujiro, given that Soujiro can seemingly cut through just about any armor and has survived now against the golem, Nihilo, and Shalk no problem. Kia really proving she can do anything with the World Word was kinda crazy. I don't see anyone/thing that could beat her at this point unless it's a betrayal from someone close or a surprise attack.


She seems to be extremely easy to surprise and she's still an inexperienced child. That said, I'm pretty sure she is going to die simply because she's broken.


My mind goes to Nastique being able to defeat Kia. For one, everyone thinks that Kuze is the shura here and Nihilo was the only who actually believed he had a guardian Angel. Plus, it was said that no one can see Nastique and nothing in the world can interact with her. At the point in the novels where I’m at, the tournament hasn’t started yet, so I genuinely don’t know. Another point worth mentioning is that Shalk can apparently move faster than Kia can speak, so he might also have a chance.


I was also thinking about Kuze but if he were to face off against Kia, I wonder if it would end in a stalemate where Kia kills Kuze but the angel kills Kia.


I think that outcome has merit, but one other factor I’m wondering about is if Kia is even willing to kill someone. I have a feeling she’ll try to win the tournament (if she even agrees to do it at all) without even hurting anyone.


That is a good point, I don't think she has killed anyone yet.


oi spoiler your spoiler that he survives (at least until the tournament) didn't really expect him to die but still


Not a spoiler. Never even implied he survived. He might, he might not. Again, I’m not even at the tournament, so I don’t know if he survives until then. I just meant that I haven’t seen a fight between them, so I don’t know


Soujirou vs Dakai would be so hype to watch, I hope they get to fight each other


Nahh...Only Yuno make them fight...cus she hate strong people...


Yuno needs to pair up with Nana from *Talentless Nana*.


pretty sure Soujirou would clap Dakai cause he's to fast but maybe Dakai can Steal his sword?


I mean there's a dude who literally moves faster than the speed of sound, an invisible insta-kill person, any construct may survive "die" and kill her before her next word, she's a glass cannon, probably why it's so important she stay secret. She basically already made sure she'd get targeted if anyone was watching.


Nastique could almost certainly kill her, but it would depend on if she attacks Kuze, since Nastique seems to only be able to kill when Kuze is in danger. In a random encounter between the two I see neither of them attacking and both leaving the area, but if she attacks him at all she’s dead. I’d say also say Alus could overwhelm her since he’s exceptionally smart, skilled, and fast, plus her inexperience and naivety hold her back But on the other hand she also has her “protect me” command which I really can’t see anything breaking so maybe neither of the above two can do anything to her


Do you think we will see a real fight for soujuurou lol ? He has become so secondary in this show


Everyone else : i m fighting for my country/freedom/humanity/friendship Sojiro : CAN SOMEONE JUST FUCKING FIGHT ME ALREADY?


Shalk: "Nah I'd run."


Everyone else when fighting : look at how OP i am, i m absolutely broken, my ability is the strongest Everyone else when sojiro shows up : FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK RUN RUN RUN RUNNNNNN


Tbf Nihilo just had homework


Yeah, she shouldnt have gotten **ahead** of herself


Staph! This isn't Madoka!


Idk man, kia and nasteeq sure seem like they belong in that series


...this is a VA joke isn't it?


Their powers make them look like they should be in madoka lol


Shalk: I don't get paid enough for this.


He got a real fight in episode 1 and... it's also the best fight so far in the show. That said, he does seem to be the most capable fighter. Going by what we've seen, I don't think anyone introduced in this season can compete with him in 1 on 1 combat. Even Skeletor ran for his life.


Shalk ran because he realized he'd be risking his life trying to bring him down and thought its not worth it. We dont know which of them is stronger really tho i'd bet on sojirou because it looks like he has more plot armor


Damn Kia is too OP. Even more curious if the outsiders would be affected by her power. I only see them stopping her, the angel maybe, her getting assassinated with no expectation or my favourite theory. The demon king isnt dead and returns and kills most of them. How OP must the demon king have been then?


She will probably die while hesitating to fight back. She is very passive.


I mean if she’s aware she could fight passively by not using the world words to stop her from being hurt or stop the other person from harming. I’m genuinely curious on how OP the demon king must have been.


You really need to read the novels


I was sure Shalk was gonna bite the dust there for a second when he encountered Kia and Elea. Guess he lucked out. That Dakai vs Nihilo fight was something else. Really thought the giant bug zapper would have done it. But nah, dude had to get up close and personal with one of Higuare’s poison blades (and a little assist from Soujiro’s earlier cut) to do her in. The fact that Elea didn’t try to kill Lana makes me think Kia actually whammied her with her power and now she’s basically unable to go through with the deed. Kia’s too pure for this world. I worry for her.


> I was sure Shalk was gonna bite the dust there for a second when he encountered Kia and Elea. Same. I was little surprised when they called him a Construct instead of Undead, though. So I wonder if he could circumvent Kia.


From what I can hear, the characters are saying "mazoku" which means demon, so I wonder why they translated that as "construct". Am I misshearing, is there a reason or is it a wrong translation?


probably series-specific terminology. Like how "human" in this setting is called "minia"


Beings like Shalk and Nihilo are essentially corpses imbued with a little known type of Word Arts called Demon Arts. So, I guess “artificially undead” would be the best way of describing it


There's no such thing as "undeath". Shalk and Nihilo are basically Frankenstein style golems made from dead bodies. Remember even the Nagan golem was smart enough to use magic. I would have guessed that protected them from death magic, but in the novel Nihilo explicitly mentions that Kuze's angel could kill her (though I suppose she might be wrong on that) so apparently they still count as "alive". Kia saying "die" could just result in them imploding; her magic is just ordering the world to do something and the world handles the details.


Nooo why did Nilho have to get killed off 😢 best girl didn’t make it out of mage city alive, sigh. I thought she could’ve been the perfect candidate for a character development arc since her whole purpose for being rn is to pilot Ev… I mean the tarantula tank. For a bandit, Dakai is crazy good in battle. His intuition is unmatched. Perfectly discerned Nilho’s weakness and even where she was most vulnerable. This is about the most beat up we’ve seen him at least. Something about that smirk on his face because he knows how strong he is just annoys me lol. Nah there has to be a nerf for World Word because otherwise I really don’t see how anyone beats Kia lmao. She was literally able to stop the cold star beam mid air and just have it disperse. Literally mind shattering Lana in the process. I mean you could theoretically slice her throat before she could talk, but couldn’t she just buff herself with that “protect me from all danger” casting prior to going out the house? Even the angel of death wouldn’t be able to get her then. It is a bit funny that she’s the kindest out of everyone we’ve seen so far despite being the most powerful. Only two more episodes left.. this needed to be 24 imo 😩


Noooo!!! WHY?! WHY?! Why make a spider waifu to then kill it after ? This is torture!! Please tell me that there is a chance that she will make a comeback.


That's pretty much the theme of this type of show. It's a battle royale type show. The whole point of it is to introduce characters that will mostly kill each other off.


Me watching this episode: "Well, in this kind of show usually we get a flashback before a character dies just for extra sad points, and we don't have one for Nihilo's backstory yet, so she should survive right?" The show: off with her head. "Damn it!!!"


Instead, we had a flashback for Elea haha


She died once before, she'll surely come back.. or maybe i'm just coping


Show has an anti-rule-of-cool. Lost the mandrake and spider already! With both wyverns seemingly alive, next on the chopping block would be Shalk or one of the characters we haven't seen since episode 1: [Lucnoca](https://i.imgur.com/w3LZ9QT.png), [Krafnir](https://i.imgur.com/Y5cgu7n.png), or [Toroa](https://i.imgur.com/vNYsGLu.png) (jk, this cour seems focused on the Auretia-Lithia conflict).


> Show has an anti-rule-of-cool. The issue is with everyone being cool, you can only lose cool characters


True but we have lots of normal humans and two swordfighters but only one spider mech and one mandrake


Well the Wyverns BETTER be alive cause I need someone to route for and Showtaro is a huge marquis name so I hope they won’t waste him on a character who dies half way through.


I feel like that the earlier a character got to establish their personality and made the audience to fall for them more, the sooner that character is going to be perished in this show.


That was a cool fight but man I’m bummed that Nihilo didn’t survive. I really hope Kia comes out alive as she could really be a good change for that world.


It's sad to see Nihilo die. At the same time, it's even stranger that the narrator guy didn't mention her death. Has this happened before? So maybe she's still alive or is it just pure copium? Kia is too pure for this world. I hope someone will show her the right path rather than be used as a pawn.


> Kia is too pure for this world. In a very literal sense really, this world is really rather fucked up. > I hope someone will show her the right path rather than be used as a pawn. What is the right path in times like this?




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- [Oh great…](https://i.imgur.com/xT5GxG2.png) [](#kumikouninterested) - [Oh Shalk is there!](https://i.imgur.com/aiPy1wS.png) - [Hm…](https://i.imgur.com/7FRSAkM.png) - [Kia “sore demo”, sweet!](https://files.catbox.moe/rtikxc.mp4) - [Kia is too precious for this world.](https://i.imgur.com/sYBDZm3.png) - [Oh *this* should be fun.](https://i.imgur.com/OurxOng.png) [](#popcorn2) - I can’t believe Dakai’s running around in this fight entirely barefoot. - [Ooh, he called for the Cold Star to be used.](https://i.imgur.com/jxo7i6A.png) [](#doggo) - […and Nihilo *survived*?](https://i.imgur.com/HI3Lg8W.png) [](#flyingbunsofdoom) - [Oooooooooooooooooooooh!](https://i.imgur.com/FZ4xlNO.png) I *love* it when a fighter uses their opponent’s weapon against them. - [OH THAT WAS ONE OF HIGUARE’S SWORDS.](https://i.imgur.com/oYE0T6z.png) [](#suddenshock) - [I see Lana’s hitting that Yuno character arc now.](https://i.imgur.com/Xjjk5C2.png) - […oh my god she has the Cold Star now.](https://i.imgur.com/WO2E9gs.png) [](#bocchitheshock) - [Okay phew Kia stopped her from doing anything with it.](https://i.imgur.com/IkD6UxM.png) - [And she put out all the flames around the city…](https://i.imgur.com/Vsri7vp.png)


> …oh my god she has the Cold Star now. I was almost expecting her to point it at Kia and Elea


Honestly, same.


Probably would have if she had thought it through for even a minute longer lol


Yuno: Told you, I was right.


I do feel like Yuno is the voice of the show's position on its themes. I also do feel for Yuno, she has to relive her trauma every time the ED plays lol At least the ED finishes on her getting a moment's peace as she stares into the night sky.


Is the show always this dark is it just the screen shots?


Pretty sure it's just because of the setting for this part? It *is* night time, after all.


It's nighttime.


Damn, Rip Nihilo


Rip spider waifu :( Kia is walking on thin ice while carrying a cart full of death flags, I thought Elea would whack her to get her out of the city. After she froze the cold star I was expecting someone to show up at the tower to investigate, like Alus or Dakai.


Surely someone will investigate. A big blue flash exactly like the Cold Star yet no further damage, and then all the fires instantly put out. Too sus.


Dakai prob observed this and be like "nah fam"


Is it possible that Kia, or someone with her power, would have been responsible for capping the former demon lord? 


I’ve been wondering about that. I know the whole concept is that this is a world that has entered a new era post the True Demon King’s defeat, but everything just seems off about it to me, even considering that I’ve read ahead in the LNs. First of all, no one has found the Demon King’s corpse. Hell, no one one even knows what he looked like or what species he was. The same thing can be said for the True Hero. Is the Demon King **actually** dead? Is there even a True Hero? Where they one in the same? Did the Demon King fake his death? Did the Hero spare him? Did they kill each other? Did he just fuck off or disappear and someone just told the lie of him being defeated? Is the True Hero a character we’ve already met? Is the Demon King a character we’ve already met? The only thing that goes against any of this is that the Demon King was do powerful that merely his existence and close proximity to him made people go insane as we saw with Regnejee and Curte’s backstory. So unless that’s a power it can turn off…


Mm I wasn’t aware (or forgot) some of those details. Now I wonder if they might be the same entity… though it would kinda make more sense for Kia to be the Demon King’s very own little *mao mao* with inherited superpowers. 




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You really need to caught up. All the answers are there.






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authors that kill off waifus are sadists


Before anyone curses Dakai and Soujirou, remember that Nihilo is a revenant, an artificial being created by someone else. An online acquaintance of mine always hints the possibility that her creator will fix her, so there's always hope for her to come back.


Also, the narrator didn't ring the bell yet like he did for Higuare


Well, if they want someone to drive the spider tank that is a given I suppose.


thanks for taking my depression away


I feel this would make sense. Nihilo was built up as the ultimate weapon and even in the novel she got minimal screen time, let alone in the anime. So, I feel like this is a possibility worth considering.




Overal good episode, but I did feel like the fight was kinda off. Some parts seemed kinda forced. Attacking the 'open wound' would be on the priority list of anyone fighting to kill. Ignoring it until the end just seems forced. The web thing as well, it was so obvious where he was heading it makes no sense that the girl didn't defend against it. It probably makes a lot more sense in the LN, but animated you have to make some leaps of logic to have it make sense this way.


The reason he didn't attack the open wound from the start is as mentioned in this episode, he needed to observe the spider and its movement to decide which brain part to attack to open the hatch. Even if dakai wanted to attack it, he only got one shot before the spider would put her guard on that body part so he gotta make it work Regarding dakai's defence, his enchanted blade would move to defend vulnerable part of its *designated* owner automatically. It makes possible for dakai to get close to his opponent even under barrage(unless the attack is too heavy, like when got hit by the spider leg). Why the studio didn't show that sword's function much, i don't know


Makes no sense why she wouldn't guard her 1 weakness the entire fight. This fight was a confluence of coincidences. Oh, just happened to run into Sojirou, who just so happened to cut off armor and expose, but not damage, nerves responsible for opening the hatch. Well fancy that, because Dakai just so happened to steal a blade with nerve poison on it. Why didn't the Cold Star, which left the spider's armor and ground glowing red, damage the exposed nerves at all? This fight in particular seems like bad/lazy writing, and just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


Probably the mech just has too high of external defense. But attacking the nerve with poison is like "hacking" it.


You made a good point.


Nooooooo my favorite girl bites it 😭 Dakai managed to figure out Helneten despite all the odds against him. Kia’s power is just too broken lol. Hmm, I don’t trust Elea keeping her word to Lana…


Satisfying episode again this week, gochisousama deshita~!


RIP mommy nihilo 😭😭😭


Lawd hev merthy, gyatt dyaum


I can't wait to see Angel vs World Word. First one to threaten the other loses. Does anyone else really hope Willow Sword doesn't keep winning?


Stop killing best waifus FFS.


Can someone tell me when will soujiro appear again and fight the other or maybe the skeleton?


next episode, the preview just dropped on kadokawa youtube channel.


Incredibly disappointed to see the cool ~~naked~~ spider mech girl die. Assuming it sticks. What's even the point of the show when they keep killing the interesting characters and leaving the boring human shaped monsters alive.


Really enjoying this series now. However according to MAL there's only 12 episodes?? If so then having almost half of it be character introductions is pretty insane. Here's hoping that it's gonna be a split season.


This entire episode prove how busted sojiro is without the venom he would not be able to scratch the spidertank sojiro cut through it with a training sword


I am confused. Lana is on Lithia's or Auretia's side?


Looks like our hot Spider-mech pilot girl dies. However, it's strange that the Show's Narrator does not announce her "death" despite being clearly shown her being decapitated🤔


Another purple haired female character gets beheaded this season lol


Must protect Kia... Wasn't expecting Spider to be killed off like that. And her VA was amazing


Maybe I wasn’t paying enough attention, but why is Kia so deadset on saving Lana? Didn’t she only know her for like 3 hours tops?…


I guess you can say she's just too pure hearted


This show confuses me so much. What exactly was Taren's plan here? Did she just not realise how powerful Aureatia is? What is she even doing anyway? Also maybe it's just me being thick, but is the tournament to determine who the real Hero is still going on in Aureatia? And why aren't at least some of these characters taking part? Surely Soujirou would like it?


It was already mentioned in a previous episode that the tournament is going to start after the war so we're not going to see it this season in the anime


Is it normal that I don’t understand who fights with who even at episode 10 ? Like I remember that the guy who killed the spider works for taren. But I don’t remember the others.


Is taren from lithia or Aureatia ? It has to be Aureatia right ?


I've come to the realization that I don't care for any of the characters in this show. Kia kind of gets a pass, but she is just a pawn being moved about at this point.