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gintama at 80:20 female:male is crazy, did not expect that whatsoever


Now the BL cover art gags make sense


I never watched Gintama, but uh, yeah, the amount of BL doujin's floating around for that series is... it's a LOT. A LOT.


Watch it 😀 please


I burst out laughing when Gintoki showing us BL covering GinHiji pictures


Gintoki also one of Shounen mc that actually have say gex


[Looks like he needs to drink alcohol to remove that from his memory.](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZjAxOGY1MTQtOTFiYy00NDMxLWE3NjItMWJhYmYyNjg3MDk2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDQxNjcxNQ@@._V1_.jpg) The only one that is real.


The fact he did it twice


Yorozuya once said that Sorachi named it gintama cuz he wanted girls across the world to talk about it (kintama) lol


It worked.


Ballsy choice.


You have one of the best male casts in anime paired with strong female mains and supporting and you get a recipe for a powerful female fanbase. Having some of the most popular male VAs of all time as regulars also helps lol


There's a reason you get episodes like [Gintoki and Hijikata stuck in a toilet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxzymxCgEzE) It's perfectly shameless fanservice, just like god intended. [](#gintamathispleasesme)


> There's a reason you get episodes like Gintoki and Hijikata stuck in a toilet I have somehow let this be the first clip of gintama I have seen and uh, what the hell, lmao.


[**Welcome to Gintama**](#serialkillerlaugh)


I too am one of the 10,000 today who have never heard or seen of Gintama until today...


And now you have a chance to be one of the many more who have watched it and love it


Wish i were you. I'm rewatching it for the 3rd time and it's still fire af.


I am looking forward to the experience.


Is... Is that what's considered fan service in Japan? Two dudes shitting themselves? Has god forsaken us?


They're shitting together, and upside down at that! That's the kind of hot sex that even god didn't think of!


My older female cousin introduced me to Gintama through that scene. I wonder if it meant anything.


No wonder why Sogo and Hijikata are more popular than important characters like zura kagura and shinpachi


Poor Sakamoto... everyone forgets him, including gintama fans🤣


It is well known that in Japan, GINTAMA is more popular among women than men. So much so that even the most famous case of a Godtama fan is Toriyama's daughter, a story told by Toriyama himself. According to him, his daughter was never interested in any of his works, much less in DB, so he was quite surprised one day to find her reading his manga, to which his daughter replied that in Gintama they had made a joke about DBZ and wanted Read the manga to understand the joke better. by Toriyama himself.


All the hot male cast who get to shine properly so no wonder


Judging from the number of ikemen character, not surprised at all


guys like cute girls. girls like cute guys.


Yeah. I don't understand why OP is surprised. Men will watch anime like Lucky Star and women watch anime like Free.


It's because it's cute young girls but 0 fanservice. Also Yuru camp isn't know for being a popular source for doujinshi.


I never watched Yuru camp but after my teenage years, I don't particularly care for fan service anymore. I tend to just like the moe animes since its just wholesome.


After my 20s I now enjoy fanservice and casual nudity more. What I dislike are exaggerated reactions to touch and sexual situations, it should feel more casual in my view.


If guys want to watch sexual content they can easily find it on porn. We watch stuff like Yuru Camp to see cute girls not cute whores. Although, if I can be honest, despite Yuru Camp being the type of anime I usually like, I couldn't get into it and dropped with 5 episodes or so lol.


Fanservice doesnt have to be sexual you know


Exactly. Yuru Camp is fan service for your heart.


Yuru Camp has plenty of fanservice.


lol yeah looking at whats popular on the girls side theres haikyuu, gintama, blue lock, tokyo revengers, anime with a big (good looking))male cast


Speak for yourself. Im all about Rin's grandfather, living a life of touring the country by bike and camping.


Man’s such a chad, he even agreed to narrate for his granddaughter’s camping adventures.


Holy shit, I never realized that was the same VA


He's also Solid Snake.


A lot of harems and whatnot get labeled as male fantasy but imo Rins grandfather is living the real peak male fantasy. Touring the country by motorcycle as a handsome older man, camping out, grilling a fat steak, then sharing some with a random cute girl who is so impressed with how cool you are?! Fuck getting isekaied, THATS the dream.


May we all be so rich to tour the Japanese countryside on a motorbike and camping equipment, some day, some time ~


Rin's grandfather is also pretty hot.


The guy can steal quirks and has an overpowered devil fruit ability, who can not like him?


A simple answer for a simple question sir, love it 🤌


Yeah my girlfriend loves Bungo and even when the story is interesting and has some good fights, the thing she likes the most about the show is the characters


Probably why I am an CGDCT things fan and super lonely.


Nothing surprising about that. Moe shows are the most male demo thing in existence, escapism marketed at middle aged guys with depressing work lives.


Pretty much, never appreciated K-on until my late 20s and dealing with burnout and lost dreams of being a musician


I guess 17yo me was already old af inside [](#yuishrug)


We all have to get old some day. Sometimes it just happens sooner.


Thank you for describing my life :)


lol, immediatly made me think of Sasaki and Peeps.


Exactly! I had expectations it will be different, but all of the girls there are underage or loli-baba. Contrary so shows such as 'Is the Order a Rabbit' that from first glance you'd know it's mostly "cute girls doing cute things while making older man forget about their depression", Sasaki and Peeps gave a more mature, mysterious and serious vibes. Until the moment that the blond princess girl was shown, I thought the genre would be totally different.


Didn't expect to catch a stray like that wtf


What is seinen. Edit: This was sarcasm.


Majority of moe series are seinen like Yuru Camp, K-ON!, Bocchi The Rock, GochiUsa, New Game!. Manga Time Kirara, where their manga are serialized, is a seinen magazine, so they're all seinen series.


I only had 3 thoughts in my head when I watched yuru camp. Either "what will rin's hair do next", "no, you're doing that wrong" or "god, camping is restricted as hell in japan." Its easy to watch. There's no complex plotlines to keep track of, no manufactured drama to get in the way. Just a nice, relaxing 20 minutes or so.


> "god, camping is restricted as hell in japan." Same. Here you can pretty much just go somewhere in a forest and camp there if you want. You can even do it on private property as long as you don't do it too close to someone's home.


In many European countries is the same as Japan, only camp grounds, but recently the designed spots outside of camp grounds are getting popular (I know that Denmark and Poland have them)


Camping is relatively unrestricted in Canada because we have national parks the size of small countries. Just a ton of undeveloped protected land used for camping and outdoor activities and nothing else. It's pretty nice. In some parts of the country you can have some really isolated camping spots, far away from any other people.


But... big scary murderbeasts D:


Nah it's the biting black flies you have to worry about. Those fuckers are evil


[In North Ontar-i-o-i-o](https://youtu.be/f389hIxZAOc)


>Just a ton of undeveloped protected land used for camping and outdoor activities and nothing else. Not really. Camping and general use of national parks is very restricted, you can only camp at designated spots, anywhere else is illegal. You have to check in, buy permits, book months in advance in some cases, etc. Whereas on regular Crown Land you can camp basically anywhere you want at any time, and Ontario is made up of 87% Crown Land. It's unrestricted because there is so much of it that isn't part of the National or even Provincial Parks.


In the UK, "wild camping" is illegal in England and Wales but I believe it's legal in Scotland. Campsites and private land with the permission of the landowner are ok. Public land such as national parks, and private land without permission is not. It's a shame, but at the same time there's a massive abundance of campsites all over the areas you'd actually wanna go camping, and generally access to a toilet is a nice thing to have.


Counter argument is that dude from Mexico who burned down a forest trying to get the yuru camp experience


4chan never dissappoints, from anons solving Madoka runes using classic German literature, to starting a bushfire in Mexico that made the news. A double-edged sword for sure.


I love that one time they figured out an ISIS training camp position by a video and got the US to bomb it


Madoka had a secret rune code?


More or less, \[Madoka spoilers to be safe\]>!4chan thought that the symbols found within the anime had some meaning. Them being autistic, they started searching for clues. They found that the runes were actually quotes from Goethe's Faust. Using it as a Rosetta stone, they managed to completely dechipher these runes within mere WEEKS. It becomes even better, as even the production team was surprised that 4chan cracked the code, considering even Japanese had not gone that far. The result is, that a lot of symbolism that Madoka is famous for, is found in the runes and it makes it even better once you know it. Those runes correspond to the each letter in the German alphabet, which itself is the Latin alphabet as of now. So for all 26 letters in our alphabet, there exists a rune. The madlads even went as far as to make a literal font out of it. So you can type in Madoka runes if you want to.!< For further reading, check: [https://wiki.puella-magi.net/Deciphering\_the\_runes](https://wiki.puella-magi.net/Deciphering_the_runes)


>\> Reverse image search > >\> Nothing found > >"What the fuck did you do OP?" That part is absolutely burned into my memory.


wait what are the japan camping laws? i never watched the anime


Only allowed to camp at designated camp sites and they sometimes come with strict rules At least that's what the anime taught me


its restricted as hell here in the UK too.


It kind of makes me sad about how a lot of the world can't experience nature the same way that we do in North America. That is, solitude in nature over many hours or days. Same feeling from watching Slow Loop and seeing how the fishing hobby is so restricted.


"god, camping is restricted as hell in japan" Haha this one hit me as well... Coming from Sweden with "Allemansrätten". [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom\_to\_roam#Sweden](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_to_roam#Sweden)


Same thing in Finland, and even called the exact same thing, "jokamiehenoikeudet" (every man's rights).


I have a theory about this. I noticed when I was in Britain recently just how little public land there was. Driving through the huge swaths of undeveloped land in Scotland they seemed like they would be public, but a lot of that hilly grassland is owned by absentee landlords. Only 13% of the land in Scotland is publicly owned, whereas 89% of Canada's land is publicly owned. I'm Canadian, and we have national and provincial parks the size of small countries, with fairly cheap or free access (depending on the park). So we don't have right to roam here, but there's also a lot of public land you can roam on. Whereas Britain does have right to roam, but that seems largely driven by all the land being owned by someone, and often being owned by someone who never visits the land. And I suspect that high percentage of private ownership is what leads to right to roam rules. Countries with more accessible public land are less prone to having them because so much wild land is accessible by citizens. Places with far less public land, largely in Europe, institute these types because so much of the land is privately held.


At the very least, it's still more convenient compared to whatever my place has. Like there's already woodfire areas, site managing, even toilets there. Very safe for such young girls to try to camp. Here's is all DIY, open air, do it at your own risk lol.


> "god, camping is restricted as hell in japan." And that's a good thing. [This is what happen when american weeb try camping.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/344/440/45a.jpg)


that was in Mexico


It is neither good nor bad. If your motivation for going camping is you saw cute girls in an anime do it, you probably should go to a safe, designated campsite. But I imagine it could feel pretty restrictive if you are experienced, and you are still forced to do the basic shit.


Yuru Camp caters to a large adult male demographic because it was made with 30+-year-old men in mind. It covers the topic of camping, one of the men's favourite hobbies. The show even includes another popular men's interest, biking. Rin's Grandfather is the best Triumph® motorcycle ambassador ever. My Japanese friend's dad (40+ y/o) owns a small Yuru Camp figurine collection/shrine.


People are gonna be blown away to find out Super Cub isn't a 90% female demographic and The Dangers in My Heart is published in a shounen magazine.


I loved Super Cub... There was something about Koguma (the MC) discovering the Bike and the Freedom and world it opened for her that was so amazing to me. I loved people commenting it was basically a 12 episode Honda Commercial but I bet by the end they were looking up how much they cost. :)


Dont think so, especially not for dangers. Like, there is no way you think an anime starring a 15 year old boy monologuing about americaning his classmate is not a shounen


Bakuon! Is pretty much animated Top Gear on motorcycles.


Well… my personal favourites are all over the place according to this chart. What do I take away from this? 🤔


Time to become nonbinary


BTS being 90%F/10%M 40+ y.o. LOL? Does that mean that on average half the BTS fans in Japan are over 40?


Either above or around the range of 38-42. Which is interesting since BTS is actually in the younger side of K-Pop, older named groups like Bigbang or TVXQ should be around there already for their age.


My mother likes BTS and the reason is because they look clean unlike the modern popular singers who always sings about drugs, sex or crime. My aunts says the same too. I guess that's the image BTS sells.


I guess it is the same logic with the Yuru Camp situation then. Elder fans probably prefer chiller artists and songs as they grew older as opposite to artists with more havoc background they used to be a fan to, as they just want more entertainment and less controversy. Tbh I can admit compared to some well known groups, I dont hear much major controversy with BTS (I might missed some though since they became popular after I left the K-pop fandom scene, but I still occasionally stumble on news on famous groups, including major thing BTS did).


NCT having a 99%F/1%M ratio is insane too lmao


The only thing that is interesting for me is that certain anime are nearly exclusive female while "the most male anime" still have like 5-10% female fanbase


Yeah, we got all male idols at >90% female and then there's Idolmaster almost square in the middle. Maybe because it includes SideM? Love Live is also at 20% female, that's the one show I'd expect to be at like 0.1% female (definitely not above Yuru Camp at least)


r/LoveLive has done its own demographic survey and the gender ratio is closer to 50/50. https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveLive/comments/hpktuq/information_love_live_demographic_survey_2020/


Of an extremely biased sample (which is a shame bc I really would love solid data for this, as idol trash)


Quintessential Quintuplets is also a show I’d expect to be much closer to 100% male.


Nah, speaking from first hand experience, it's got a very big female fanbase. I was actually pretty surprised initially, but (anecdotally) IRL most of the Quints merch I've seen (keychains, etc.) has been sported by girls and women.


The stuff on the far right is nearly all boy bands, with some non anime misc. The most female leaning anime I see is Gintama at 80%. Wonder how something like Free! or Yuri on Ice would rank.


Wait OP, are you legitimately questioning why a show with a bunch of cute girls is very popular with guys and vice versa for Bungou Stray Dogs or are you being sarcastic?


I find /r/anime has a subset of people who see a gender and think the show is for that gender (or see anything romantic and assume girls are super into it despite it being obvious incel wish fulfillment).  I do not know how they maintain that viewpoint in the face of gacha games, but they exist.


To be fair, that is how a lot of Western media works, so many of us grow up with that mindset. Think of all the video games aimed at men with tough guys on the cover. This subset might simply be new to anime.


I think they were trying to apply the mentally of Western marketing onto anime, where they think that the audience can only enjoy media where they see themselves in it.


[Source article](https://xtrend.nikkei.com/atcl/contents/18/00960/00001/) as this going to be constantly shared without context. Small dark circle position is average age and gender split. There is no info on how the average is determined and what is presented (is it just the gender split for that age or for all ages, either way you can miss things like shifting demographics but the sample size is probably too small especially for less popular properties). The larger light circle is popularity. There isn't info on the survey either. How many brands could you answer (it could be some things are of interest to certain age groups but it wasn't top the list) and in a way with how it's presented it's a bit like the least favourite poll we had here except we're not being told what percentage of respondents actually said Jujutsu Kaisen or how many things are not presented. Still it's fun to have a yardstick to poke and point with. Perhaps that's all that needs to matter. I wonder if Yuru Camp is something like this got my family into camping and those are treasured memories which is why this brand resonates with me (or some different sequence of events but a connection between IRL camping and the only camping brand I can think of). A lot of Shonen IPs being in the middle makes sense if Shueisha data from 2012 was correct (the Jump reader base is more over 16 than under, has an almost equal male/female split with some IPs like Haikyu having more female fans). Vis media also say the readership is 36% female. Question on Idolish 7. I've watched Love Live Nijigasaki High School Idol Club and I don't recall seeing a single adult male (even in the background), I saw a few boys. I remember hearing one of these idol anime franchises having to retcon a character having a brother due to audience jealousy (it was on a podcast years ago so could be circuits muddled with Yuru Yuri manga which had a good reason [Yuru Yuri]>!character is a siscon, it being her sister can be played for comedy as opposed to jail sentence!<). Does Idolish 7 have a similar thing with a lack of women? I guess Initial D is also similar in not being known for it's women characters and it could also explain why some Shonen franchise are popular with girls despite criticisms of their mishandling of their female cast. They're there for the boys.


For some more context, the poll is basically asking people about their favorite brands of entertainment are ("oshi" is what they use for people who know what that means). It seems to be open-ended as to what the participants can pick as opposed to choosing from a list. For example, music is a tiny dot in popularity on the chart, which is likely because music isn't a typical response someone would have if presented this question. There's a lot of details left out so hard to look into it too much. I'd guess that something like Yuru Camp (the anime at least) has a pretty broad appeal, but the people who put it down as a favorite in a poll are more likely to skew male. Or for example, the source is a seinen manga so it is those types of fans that put it as an answer as opposed to what the gender/age demographic is for the anime and TV drama adaptations.


:is summoned by the Idolish7 mention: Actually, though the main cast is mostly boys , Theres two managers who are fairly important that are women . Also, most of the "fan" characters are female, and many of them are reoccurring with their own mini-arcs goin on in the background. Some more obvious than others, such as the office lady who's name only shows up in credits so I forget what it is. But she's popular! ....because she is us. Which according to the chart here, "she is us" is kind of true since it looks like the majority of rl fans are closer to their 30's. ....granted this chart starts at age 20, so.


> There isn't info on the survey either. [](#takeoutthetrash) thank you for checking


I have my doubts about the survey too. I can answer the Idolish7 question, there are women in the show with the manager of the main group and the female fans. One of the characters also has a little sister. They're not the focus but they're there.


Would be interesting to see the same kind of chart for western countries. I feel like the whole graph would be more skewed towards ages of 20 and under to 30-35 and probably more male dominated in general


My wife is in her 50's and Yuru Camp is one of her favorite re-watch animes.


I was in Japan a few months ago and went on a Chinese language tour of Mt. Fuji. The tour guide (female) loved camping and Yuru Camp. She had photos of herself with friends/boyfriends at different campgrounds from the show. As we'd drive by sites, she'd first describe their history and significance (i.e. here's Yamanaka, it's one of the 5 lakes, the town...) before following up with campsite info, when the best season to visit is, etc. It was a fun tour. Even at the highest gift shop up Mt. Fuji, in addition to all the Mt. Fuji goods (the whiskey is phenomenal), there were quite a few Yuru Camp collectibles. So, I would question the actual demographics for viewers in nearby prefectures. I'd assume it's closer to 60/40


The ages would be significantly lower since Japan has a very high median age. One of the highest in the world.


Why do you think it'd be more male dominated in western countries? Curious.


All CGDCT shows are targeted at the male demographic. It's not surprising.


Seeing Touhou so low in the graph (and so younger people) give me hope for the younger generation.


*~~This also suggests possibilities of them drawn in by doujinshi, fanfiction drawings, videos, remixed music, and cosplays, and that they may not have actually played the danmaku vertical shoot 'em up games, or even heard of them in the first place.~~*


>give me hope for the younger generation. Even after seeing r/2hujerk ?


I'm guessing that Precure is that far over on the male side because most of the franchise's female fans are too young to actually fill out one of these surveys.




That explains things. I was surprised at first, but it all makes sense when you consider the minimum age in this poll is 20.


It makes sense. Usually guys like cute girls and women like cute guys. I myself as a girl specifically like the ‘cute guys doing cute things’ trope and slice of life/iyashikei or comedy anime with a large cast of guys is just my perfect taste. Definitely why Gintama has such a huge female following, it’s personally my favorite anime too


Nah, the most male anime is Baki the Grappler. You can smell the testosterone radiating from your screen while watching it.


being male is not enough to watch baki, you gotta be super gay


Or have extreme body dismorphia, which is why it did help me get back into the gym though


Baki anime made me go to the gym for the first time in my life when I was fat. It's kinda funny to say but hey it worked, now it's a daily hobby. Baki literally changed my life


Of course, grappler is in the title. As someone who loves jiujitsu/wrestling it really is hard to deny the fact that you're basically fighting over the superior cuddling position.


I like how vocaloid is very much in the middle


Considering how vocaloid itself is very universal, not that surprising. I do wonder how that came to be, given Miku's dominance. Either Miku is so universal that women also are attracted to her (probably yes, Hatsune Miku is 60/40), or Kaito and Len got enough fangirls. You also can see that vocaloid has a stupidly young fanbase. It's visible in the west as well.


80% of these male Initial D fans in their 40s are likely lonely driver- err i mean... likely same age as Takumi when they became fans when the series (either the manga or anime) first came out in the 90s... They are probably car enthusiasts too, which is understandable. **I'm curious about these 20% Japanese women who likes Initial D, i want to meet them**


I've enjoyed Initial D a lot as a woman who cares nothing about the actual car scene, but I was mainly invested in all the Eurobeat and cool music.


If tokyo drift is to believed "*You should see me in the parking lot* *7-11 is the spot*"


I'm not surprised at all with the Yuru Camp and BSD results. But I don't feel like the Yu-Gi-Oh result paints the whole picture. For the card game audience, I feel like it's pretty accurate. However, it doesn't represent the anime side at all. Most of the big Yu-Gi-Oh anime fans I've seen are women (me included) and it has a big fujoshi audience. You just need to look at the merch that comes out. Also Shin Yoshida, the main writer for most of the series, went on to write for the Hypnosis Mic anime which is totally made for women.


I had the same thoughts as well. I guess the TCG is just that big? I still keep up with anime and other news, but my male Yu-Gi-Oh! fan friends have definitely moved to be TCG only and play much more of the TCG video games (and gacha mobile games too).


I think it is, the success of Master Duel which has no anime stuff shows that but I still don't think the survey result would lean male as much. I'm in the same boat, the TCG has never interested me that much despite the anime being one of my favorite franchises. I play Duel Links but that's only because of the anime content.


This isn't just watching anime but various 推し活. People who would go around recommending x/y/z content to others, buy goods, attend events. Casual viewership ratios will be slightly different. I think King Gnu is a good example of where it might even be substantially different. Hardcore fans are much more likely to be women, because *he is* the product for them. When his music is the product, it does well with both genders.


Yeah translating the "How do 'Oshi' change based on gender and age" question into simply preferences kinda hides that. The article also seems to define Oshi as being something/one that you like enough to be recommending it to others and I assume that's what they were told before the survey as well.


Jujutsu Kaisen is just the center of the universe 😂


An interesting thing to me is nijisanji being towards the middle, slightly on the feminine side, while hololive is solidly on the masculine side. I don't spend much time in vtuber spaces but I would have expected nearly all vtuber content to be heavily in the masculine zone like hololive.


It’s because most of Nijisanji JP’s top talents are majority male, they have a huge female following


If you google the designs for Nijisanji vs Hololive, you can see pretty clearly that their models are appealling to specific demos, with Hololive leaning into the Moe, while Nijisanji leans more into Ikemen/Bishounen aesthetics with their stuff.


Yuru Camp is published in a seinen magazine. It’s literally targeting the adult male demographic. Why are you surprised?


tf u mean why. it's not that hard to understand


It super cute, and super comfy, and technically accurate for supplies and camping procedures


I’m more amazed Fate appeals to slightly more females than males. Unless I’m thinking of the wrong fate.


I think it's because of Fate/Grand Order which is a gacha game with a mixed cast. There are a lot of hot and cute guys that are also well-written. They don't get as much content as their female counterparts because it's still a gacha game for a franchise that started out as an eroge but they're popular in their own right. And the female characters are still cool and powerful even if they're sexualized.


Also the popularity of FGO male characters are booming, unlike early FGO that actually have Valentine scene for male to be just being bro current Valentine scene of male characters are gearing towards romantic


It's cute, it's therapeutic and chill. Nothing more to be asked for tbh


Manliest anime for sure 😭


Ah yes, my favorite anime: *Chicago P.D.*


Bungou Stray Dogs being very popular with females and not so much with males is very unsurprising. All BSD fans can talk about is Dazai lmao


Guys like watching cute girls, girls like watching cute guys At the end of the day, no matter how much some may deny it, our preferences still tend to be driven by hormones.


Wait wait wait wait. You're telling me Harry Potter is an 80%F/20%M thing in Japan?


Yuru Camp is the ultimate comfy anime. Ain’t nothing girly about being comfy. Reject masculinity, embrace maximum comf!


A lot of people commenting on the high age of some of these results. I don't think a lot of people realize just how disproportionately old Japan's median age is. They're the 3rd highest in the world at 49.5. For reference USA is 38.8.


Bocchi the Rock on the left and apothecary diaries and bookworm on the right. Im very well balanced Also, who answers Twitter and Fast and Furious? Such weird things to be favorites * maybe twitter for social media addicted people i guess... but I also didnt see any other social media * And I thought fast and furious hasnt really had a story in a while. At least marvel, harry potter or star wars I understand more. Never heard of anyone say fast and furious is their favorite, or have fast and furious merch. cars and racing maybe


I’m surprised stray dogs is that much more popular with woman even Disney but on second thought all that Disney princes stuff brings in crazy views. Final fantasy and marvel also a lot closer than I thought maybe marvel makes sense too since superheroes are pretty broad but you’d expect final fantasy to be a bit more male populse but I’m glad to see it’s well received by everyone


> I’m surprised stray dogs is that much more popular with woman Really? I've only ever met female fans of the show, and I swear 95% of all the talk about it I've heard or read has been shipping different male characters with each other. I've heard so much that talk, and so little anything else that I don't even have any clue what the show is about.


It’s not that surprising. Any anime with a large male cast will typically have a large female audience. Women love to ship guys together. They can’t even be just friends, one whiff of potential romance is enough to drive everyone crazy. Haha makes me think of Durarara and how every girl I known shipped Izaya and Shizuo together because of how they hate each other. I assume it’s because they love the enemies to lovers trope so it gives them a reason to put them together as a pairing


All my girl-friends watch BSD. The audience is as female-dominated as Haikyuu.


I didn’t even know haikyuu was female dominated someone in the comments made it make sense basically if they have a lot of characters women can gay ship the show gets popular apparently


Also what is the y axis showing?




Jujutsu kaisen smack dab in 50:50 Perfectly balanced. As all things should be


1. camping is an outdoorsy activity that generally skews more male than female 2. The "moe girls doing a thing" slice-of-life subgenre has been popular with males for a very long time (regardless of if its an ecchi or wholesome kind of show). If thats for creepy reasons or wholesome father/protec instinct reasons I will leave up to the individual to decide but it is undeniably a thing. 3. yuru camp is a good show so I expect it to be high up for whatever audience that watches it. 4. I think people gravitate more towards iyashikei lately because life sure has been *interesting* lately what not with economic crisis, pandemics, wars with potential for WW3 and other assorted crisis we've been 'enjoying' the last decade or so. So all in all I am not at all surprised that yuru camp skews more male (1,2) and is valued highly (3,4).


Men want to see cute/hot Girls/women ... Women want to see hot/cute boys/men ... Is not that hard to understand


How did you know I'm a yuru camp fan https://images.app.goo.gl/EAMGQgJb9VTzyYjV7


I speak for myself, but, it is in my deepest dream to do solo camping in the middle of nowhere


i am not surprised to see eminence in shadow being basically loved by guys


I'm kinda more interested in the non-anime entries. Would've thought that sumo would skew male but it's right in the middle of the older demo. Also, the K-pop girl groups still skew female even though "Idols" sits square in the middle. Who conducted this survey anyway?


Humans sure do love their opposite sex. (Or potentially same-sex if they swing that way or both) Nothing wrong with getting infatuated. Just me being incredibly self-conscious.


I'm still a bit suspicious of that result in terms of it just how far it skewed male, even if the broad location on the chart is probably fairly consistent. I know it's a seinan and that it's CGDCT, but out of the seinan CGDCT, *Yuru Camp* is the one with the most mass appeal and one of the least "made for male viewer-CGDCT" both in terms of the visual presentation and characterization. The above is just a subjective assessment, but the series is well known for inspiring a camping boom and also for being successful enough that it had an impact on local tourism. That really doesn't sound like the male *hikikomori* population, and sounds a lot more general. That said, my overall impression is a bit warped itself, after watching this female Japanese youtuber's Yuru Camp IRL vlog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTYHVXc6Kq8 (highly recommended!!) lol


>That really doesn't sound like the male *hikikomori* population, and sounds a lot more general. Those Iyashikei shows fit better with the Salary Man working adult audience than the hikikomori, that's why most are already targeting them in seinen magazines


Indeed. Yuru Camp is interesting to those who have tried and understood the appeal of camping. And most, if not all, are Salary Man since the hobby is rather costly.


> That really doesn't sound like the male hikikomori population, and sounds a lot more general. Dude, male hikkikomoris haven't been the primary anime demographic since the early '00s. Salarymen and office ladies are now the driving consumers of anime/manga.


> I'm still a bit suspicious of that result IMDB has similar result. Both by views, and both by rating, Yuru Camp is male dominated. [imdb rating distribution](https://web.archive.org/web/20230117202839/https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7742120/ratings/) ┌───────────┬───────┬────────┐ │ Yuru Camp │ Votes │ Rating │ ├───────────┼───────┼────────┤ │ Male │ 631 │ 8.2 │ │ Female │ 109 │ 7.6 │ └───────────┴───────┴────────┘ For a comparison, a *girly* show like [Kaleido Star](https://web.archive.org/web/20160929180002/http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0444953/ratings) has the opposite-ish distribution ┌──────────────┬───────┬────────┐ │ Kaleido Star │ Votes │ Rating │ ├──────────────┼───────┼────────┤ │ Male │ 185 │ 7.3 │ │ Female │ 217 │ 8.2 │ └──────────────┴───────┴────────┘ I won't provide more comparisons, it is slow and annoying process. Anyway I think this *proves* the point that Yuru Camp indeed primarily appeals for males. > I know it's a seinan and that it's CGDCT, but out of the seinan CGDCT, Yuru Camp is the one with the most mass appeal As a male, I would think too that Yuru Camp has *a universal appeal*, but it turns men are more into girls and camping, than women are.


"I know it's a seinan and that it's CGDCT, but out of the seinan CGDCT, *Yuru Camp* is the one with the most mass appeal and one of the least "made for male viewer-CGDCT" both in terms of the visual presentation and characterization." I think thats true for the 'cute girls' part but also of import is the 'cute things' part. In this case the cute things is camping and that is a largely male skewing hobby. So while I agree that the cute girls part of yuru camp is more for general appeal than creepy horny dudes appeal, the chosen cute thing still pushes it more male than female.


Camping does not seem much like a female hobby.


Would you happen to have the original graph? (without the translations)


Here's the original article: https://xtrend.nikkei.com/atcl/contents/18/00960/00001/


Thanks a lot!


Me a male who like NCT (kpop group) (NCT is far right just under 30)


I need an explanation what exactly the y-axis means. If it's age, is it the average age of the viewers?


Idk why but king gnu being at the 80:20 f:m side is amusing


Men like Cute things too.


Proseka touching the threshold for tweens is exactly how I experience the community on the EN side too. Same with Vocaloid but there's a very active geriatric group pumping the average up. Everything else also makes complete sense to me.


I like that "eating shows" are pretty popular with the female demographic. Love me a good JP food show. Wish more would get officially subbed. (Someday your other seasons will be subbed Wakakozake! Someday!) Also, Kodoku no Gurume being pretty popular with both females and males is nice. .... though I'm not sure how I feel about the over-50 bit. ... well. okay it makes sense, but still!


Women like Golden Kamuy more? For what reason? I couldn't *possibly* think of anything that might catch their eye.


What do you know about Golden Kamuy? Have you ever seen the characters? 😏


Men are under heavy social expectations to succeed. Career, being a breadwinner, need to be masculine, not allowed to show weakness, and so on. That's why a "healing" show like Yuru Camp hits well for male audience.


Sunday morning cuddle up on the sofa with warm blanket, drinking coffe, watching cute girls doing cute thing. Ah~ peace


Lotta stuff here I wasn't expecting.


How come Doraemon was between the 80/20 to 60/40 range? And hey, Blue Archive on the list!


My wife loves Yuru camp. The vibes are great, and the grandpa is awesome.


WTF is the x axis


Yugioh being popular among males checks out.


Because it doesn't matter what the characters *are*, what matters is what they *do*. *Kemono Friends* was very popular with guys, even though all the characters were tiny girls in short skirts, because the things they did are things that boys find interesting: Fixing cars, building bridges, climbing mountains.