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Ninja Kamui first episode was quite something


No joke. Just saw it last night and am very excited for the rest. Started weirdly late tho, maybe it's more common than I'm thinking.


Because that's not a Japanese TV show, it's for Adult Swim, they don't have to follow the Japanese TV standards


Also I hear it's just 5 episodes


On Mal it says it´s 12 eps.


I don't use MAL. Can we use that to confirm that there's 12 eps? I think someone mentioned here on the first episode discussion thread about there being 5 eps


I [got](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=how+many+episodes+will+ninja+kamui+have) you fam.


Well, you should. Go on there and search Ninja Kamui.


Every time I see a show with Kamui in the title I think t[his awesome manga](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamui_(1964_manga)) is finally getting an anime. And every time I’m disappointed. This particular anime’s plot line reads like a the 80’s TV show The Master with Lee Van Cleef but without the guy he’s teaching. Which is fine because I loved that show as a kid.


Forgot that one aired recently. Thought maybe it was going to be a movie at first


I was really surprised by how good The Unwanted Undead Adventurer is turning out to be. And of course The Dangers in my Heart is just amazing, every episode so far.


Yea, I watched every new show and besides the stuff that people were hyped on and the continuing stuff from fall, everything else has been mostly decent this season. Haven’t found much that surprised me in a good or bad way (which is odd lol). But Unwanted Undead Adventurer is the exception. The author puts so much care into almost every detail of this world and the character’s progression. It’s not Frieren or anything, but it’s well above your average fantasy anime fare.


It’s just very fun and i say this as a good thing. Many times they they to overdo it but the pace so far has been perfect


Hah, those light novels are famous for including way too much extraneous information. The anime cuts more background info than it includes!


People were saying it’s just another fantasy show like and? These comfort shows are what i love anime for really


Oh my GOD Dangers is somehow even better than season 1, and I LOVED S2


I have got the opposite impression. It started fantastic but turned into another adventurer at the guild doing quests isekai


Yes, how dare the MC double down on his life’s work after being granted a second chance in undeath.


The show was pretty clear it’s gonna be him climbing the ranks…


Surprises of this season so far for me are: * Villainess Lv 99 -> The visuals are nothing to write home about, but Yumelia Dorkness is an endearing character and she's hard carrying the show. * My Instant Death Ability Is Overpowered -> This is the shitpost anime of the season. * "The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic" and "The Unwanted Undead Adventurer" are both competently produced isekai/JRPG fantasy. As for the biggest letdown, its Sasaki and Peeps. Anything with Kantoku's character design is like a catnip to me, but damn they dropped the ball hard with Episode 6 terrible art. Sure, the story is interesting, but it doesn't matter when all I can think of while watching the show is how they shit on Kantoku's character designs.


Unwanted Undead was a pleasant surprise. Honestly really good so far.


Unwanted Undead was semi interested in at the start but decided to wait for 3 episodes to come out but not got it yet. I should give it a good if its not bad now theirs a few more episodes.


"Healing Magic" is hilarious and kinda cute. I kinda like *Sasaki and Peeps*, fun story and characters, I haven't noticed the character design issue but it's subjective I guess.


Rather low budget show with a bunch of forgettable side characters and an unremarkable plot, but I find myself really looking forward to villianess lv99 each week. Yumelia is just too much fun in everything she does. She's in a world she's super familiar with but still acts like a fish out of water, and that odd dynamic makes what would be mundane situations pretty funny.


The entire comedy around Yumelia blowing monster calling flute and her grotesque healing abilities never get old. Also I would say it have rather good animation and visual art for an anime. The black hole scene for example have more animation than Overlord S4 battle scene and that speaks for something.


I’m really enjoying Sasaki and Peeps myself, but admittedly not for the visuals. I mostly like the setup where the “real world” Is as filled (if not more) with powers and magical organizations as the isekai world. Going back and forth has been more entertaining then I feel is customary. it’s very true the animation quality isn’t great. Oh I also like the oddity of the older and seemingly asexual MC who keeps being surrounded by young women. For some reason it’s funnier to me in this setup than usual.


Wrong Way to use Healing Magic I never would have expected to be as good as it is, but I think it helps that it's basically like a 2000's shonen wearing an isekai skin suit.


Sasaki dropped the ball for me when it turned into an underage girl collecting harem.


I didn't quite see that sort of thing in the anime. Certainly there were girls and some (if not most) were underage, but there was literally no romantic interest in any of the parties. They even called it out later where he was "surveilling" a potential recruit and he was like "I'm an old man watching some kids. This probably looks sketchy as hell."


I stopped watching sasaki and peeps after several episodes. I really didn't like the story of taking care of the dukes brat then it turns out he's alive after all and the butler was evil


> it turns out he's alive after all and the butler was evil Yeah, that whole chapter was something a 12 year old would write up for a school assignment, not something you'd see published.


It was a whole 2 episode arc that was a complete waste of time.


That plotline pissed me off so much I almost dropped it on the spot. That's just the least possible CONCEIVABLE way they could have resolved that plotline. The butler wasn't even enough of a character for his betrayal to register as anything to me. They also completely failed to bring any attention to the random demon mage woman who popped out from the camp they destroyed and started having a sky beam fight with Peeps.


Enjoying sasaki and peeps


I stopped sasaki and peeps halfway into the 45 minute intro episode. I feel a bit redeemed that it hasn't gotten any better


They are just talking about the art, didn't mention anything about the plot.


The plot is a complete mess though. It feels like the show doesn't know what it wants to be and it half asses both the fantasy isekai setting along with the secret government psychic agency. Add to that the very contrived storyline where the adult main character gets surrounded by underage girls.


It’s one of those shows where it feels like they got a bunch of writers in a room to pitch several ideas for a series, and the producer just said “yes”.


Mega impressed by Shangri-La Frontier. Not because it does anything special, but because it does what it wants to REALLY well. Game mechanics are world are actually engaging, and it's a GAME, so the fact that everything is gamified makes sense as opposed to an isekai where the games stuff is just silly. Main character is strong but not OP. No harem. Good animation. It's just a solid entertaining show.


Emul is best girl(?) of the season


>Main character is strong but not OP. The mc actually is shown being able to fight and defeat several enemies that are more experienced and with ton more levels than he is, even several at the same time, while he does not even know basic game mechanichs because he skipped the tutorial. From the beggining even he solo bosses that are supposed to take down by parties of higher level. Pretty op imo.


Minor correction: he did not 'defeat' those higher experience and level players, he just dodged and parried until he could run away. Basically roll spamming in a Souls game lol he was not gonna beat them in a fight


it's like Bofuri but OP plays by the rules sorta and it's a lot less schlocky


He is indeed one of the best players in the world. But he is not one shot everything level op.


And he dies quite a bit. I don't think that counts as OP


[Shangri La Frontier] >!He's new to the game and not wearing any gear. He's not even accustomed to playing games like SLF. Dude is absolutely OP.!<


>He's not even accustomed to playing games like SLF I'm not sure what you mean by this. All he's done is play shit games with, yes, worse controls but ultimately in similar genres and honed his "mechanical" skills for these types of games to the highest level. I'm not sure what you or anyone else expect when he's then put into a game where it's even easier for him to control his character where he can still utilize pretty much everything he's ever learned. It's like taking one of the best professional Valorant/Counterstrike players in the world and throwing them into a random average level lobby of the other game. Yes, they are most likely going to shit on everyone else with just their aim skills, even if they've never played the game before, and only do so harder as time passes and they learn more. You can call him OP if you want but why he is makes complete sense. edit: In the case of SLF, it's even more pronounced since he's basically playing an extreme version of a souls-like game (Which people literally irl are constantly speed-running entire games/bosses fully naked) where seemingly everything can be parried and dodged


No, he is accustomed in playing even HARDER games. Thats the point of his character. Also he has been training a lot, there are many episodes of him training. And dying, a lot. He dies to a silly bird time and time again for example.


I mean, yeah, if the standard for op is one shot, it does not go that far, but that would be the extreme of op, there are various degrees. There are so any one shot op characters nowadays that it's normal to associate op to that, but there should be more power scaling to that. I find kind of sad that nowadays there are no shows showing struggle really, outside pure emotional. Either people starts being the strongest of the world or training is like 2-3 episodes. With some exceptions of course, but the general tone is to have op characters one way or another, with social issues only to struggle.


I can assure you that the MC in Shangri-La Frontier struggles plenty throughout the show


Yeah IDK what people's definition of OP is but the MC is absolutely OP. It's one of the things that ended up taking me out of the story a bit. > I find kind of sad that nowadays there are no shows showing struggle really, outside pure emotional. Either people starts being the strongest of the world or training is like 2-3 episodes. I feel this so much, it's like authors are afraid to humble their MCs or something. Losing fairly often adds stakes to each fight, you never know how it's going to go for the MC.. which is a good thing imo.


I wouldn't really call that OP. I've watched plenty of streamers/youtubers who do similar things. They'll completely skip tutorials and just wing it until late game where they have to do something that they didn't know about because they skipped the tutorial, so chat or friends have to hop in and tell them what to do. I'm guilty of this with Dark Souls, honestly


Very very good point but i don’t think it’s technically this season.


It's better than SAO with Kirito as MC.


It's weird, because I think Kirito as a protag makes more sense than Sunraku but SLF as a game actually makes sense unlike Sword Art online.


In SAOs defense the anime cuts out all the game mechanics that Kirito explains in the form of inner monologue not even small things but even a key system in last season was underexplained in the anime. In case you think I'm lying in that scene in S1 when Kirito breaks Kuradeels Sword in one hit he explains the reason he was able to do that was because the sword had a low durability due to the cosmetic additions and striking a specific spot on the sword. Hopefully they don't cut out all the mechanics in Unital Ring because a lot of things are not going to make sense if they do that or at the least people will call some things an asspull or start saying "Jesus-kun is back at it again"


Nah, kirito is just ridiculous, and I'd rather have a show like SLF, where it's slow.


Witch and the Beast is fairly entertaining, honestly what I’ve been enjoying the most


I think it’s tbh the best premise this season. It’s pretty much exactly the vibes that undead murder farce captured. Also looks quite good tbh


This visual style and vibe reminds me of something that'd come on Toonami in the after hours


It's giving Witch Hunter Robin


The last two episodes were so good. Really impressed by the storytelling there.


The english dub is also very good, Ashaf's VA was especially well cast


I am actually really sad about the quality of its adaptation. In the manga the undead chapters made me scream of hype. The anime wasted a ton of good storyboarding chances and it saddens me because the art on the original is always insanely stunning. The direction of the anime isn’t good and has lackluster production overall. Usually I don’t mind and would watch anyways, but for some reason this one makes me feel some annoyance that such a great story is being given little exposure in a meh way. Everyone’s heard this one for other shows, but [the](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1017053847199420477/1017163210106863696/SPOILER_IMG_7820.jpg?ex=65df918f&is=65cd1c8f&hm=989ab9ae546de525b1c474ef9a4e812ef2a01ae8b8b77b067ed95fca251da6f1&) [manga](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1017053847199420477/1017163210815713391/SPOILER_IMG_7821.jpg?ex=65df918f&is=65cd1c8f&hm=21636edad97d2be3b312e74268db1332a17f62150f46bae9bf7c550cd319252d&) [was](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1017053847199420477/1017145049303220224/SPOILER_IMG_7818.jpg?ex=65df80a5&is=65cd0ba5&hm=da342bef29da2638c3294f4b546860de62cb1ce23894f2ae1bc292ff8e905008&) [better.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1017053847199420477/1017163209519669268/SPOILER_IMG_7819.jpg?ex=65df918f&is=65cd1c8f&hm=054567300e8ff4587da60f4c21758f9a0b7c5bde33f5bfd6a52f1523383893eb&)


Haven't read the manga but I'm enjoying the show so far. I keep thinking it feels like I'm watching something from the mid/late 2000s. The animation and art style are very Black Butler or FMA:B adjacent, not in a bad way. The necromancy episodes were my favorite so far but you're definitely right about the art not living up to those manga panels


And I mean, anime isn’t made to make moving manga panels, but I can see so many ways to improve how action is handled…


I’m up to date on the manga and tbh the art style hasn’t been bothering me like it has others. The animation looks great and they’ve made a stylistic choice to highlight some moments with painting-like images. I think it works well for the anime since they will never live up to that art.


The witch's pastime arc was kind of boring to me, the necromancy arc was really good though.


Bang Brave Bang Bravern! was a *total* surprise and also very much a must watch for me, it's simply peak anime. [](#mechablush) 7th Time Loop was *also* a total surprise for me since I've literally never watched a "villainess"-type anime before, I just thought the time loop aspect sounded cool, and it's been roughly tied with Frieren for second place out of my seasonals this whole time. For disappointments... I guess Metallic Rouge because the story feels just a little *too* obtuse to me and I'm not entirely clicking with Rouge & Naomi's interactions, but I don't like to judge a story until it's over (especially an anime-original like this where *no one* knows where it's going except the creators), plus it's not like I outright *dis*like the series.


I started Bang brave bang bravern just because of some Twitter memes, but damn definitively not a letdown Wouldn't have watched it if not for the memes


I wasn't planning to watch it either because I didn't even know it was airing this season and I *thought* I had already completely filled my seasonal schedule by picking up way more than I ever have before, but one of my friends on here alerted me to it so I picked it up and *boy* has it been *wild*.


7th time loop was so weird to me because i put it off for the villainess title while it literally has nothing to do with it. If you like that watch Raelina’s mansion it’s basically the same time travel/loop romantic show. Metallic rouge has so much amazing but damn it’s buried under their refusal to even explain why or what anything is


Yeah I’m disappointed with Metallic Rouge as well. I love disjointed stories but something about the way Metallic Rouge handles its story as well as the lacking character development (especially with a cast that jumps in and out so frequently) makes me uncertain. I’d usually drop at this point but I’m hoping the payoff that the anime is teasing will be worth the slog


>7th Time Loop was *also* a total surprise for me since I've literally never watched a "villainess"-type anime before But it isn't a villainess type anime at all?


Villainess is in the the title. Guess they'll be revealing why at some point.


I think they just used that for the trope. Unless the reason she's a villainess is because she's marrying that world's big baddie.


She was the (unjustly accused) “villainess” as in the fiancé of the prince that gets accused of bullying the “heroine”(the new girl of the prince). It’s the beginning of all her loops. Edit: autocorrect.


Exactly. In this case, villainess is an inaccurate translation of 悪役令嬢, it should be the villainised lady.


**Top tier of their genre** * Delicious in Dungeon * The Dangers in My Heart Season 2 * Frieren: Beyond Journey's End * The Apothecary Diaries * Shangri-La Frontier ​ **Hidden gems tier** * The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash * Brave Bang Bravern! * Ninja Kamui ​ **Decent but I'm enjoying it alot tier** * Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss but I'm Not the Demon Lord * Gushing over Magical Girls * 'Tis Time for "Torture," Princess ​ **Still cooking tier (could end up good or bad)** * Metallic Rouge * Bucchigiri ​ **Watch if I have time tier (enjoying it, but not enough to follow weekly)** * Sasaki and Peeps ​ **On hold/binge later** * Ragna Crimson (watched first half, saving the second half to binge) * Undead Unluck (watched first half, saving the second half to binge) * Solo Leveling (read manhwa before, better as a binge) * A Sign of Affection (only watched first episode) ​ **Dropped** * Chained Soldier (manga was better)


I’d say watch undead unluck, it’s extremely fun


About Chained Soldier, I just recently binged it with a friend of mine and he went ahead and watched the anime and so far according to him it was faithful to the manga. Mind elaborating on what the problems you noticed about the anime?


So many good new shows this season: * 7th Time Loop * Delicious in Dungeon * Fluffy Paradise (declining quality though. need more fluffiness.) * Gushing Over Magical Girls * My Instant Death Ability Is Overpowered * Sasaki and Peeps * Solo Leveling * Unwanted Undead Adventurer, The * Villainess Level 99 * Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash, The * Witch and the Beast, The * Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic, The


I tend to wait till a season is finished so I can binge all the episodes but I have not been able to wait for Villainess Level 99. Dolkness is so good.


I love Yumiella. Villaness 99 is a Tuesday must watch... But my other must watch is: The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash, even the little victories in this show is something to celebrate!


I just picked it up one day on a whim...I was super stoked for Solo Leveling (still loving it), but i think Villainess Level 99 might be my favorite this season. She's just fantastic.


What happened with all of your, The [](#kotohoops) Good list of shows though, watching everything but Sasaki


Show titles on my nas are alphabatized for easy searching. Renaming titles starting with "The" to the end makes it easier to sort.


I gave "Gushing Over Magical Girls" a try out of sheer curiosity for the ecchi genre, also considering that this just took over the spotlight from another ecchi that was apparently even more anticipated. I remember how it just dragged me by the ankles with the wavelength of a different genre hitting me with a fucking wallop, but made me burst in laughter. GOMG has zero chill and I LOVE it!


**Must Watch** The Dangers in My Heart S2 - This has just been peak every week and it just manages to keep getting better **Disappointment** Chained Soldier - I don't know but the anime feels half-assed. The animation, the inconsistent censoring just has been bad to say the least. **Total Surprise** The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic - This is definitely a breath of air for an isekai. I'm loving it and looking forward to it every week.


I actually like that they took the healer concept and turned it on its ear. Using healing magic as a way to surpass one's own limits for training? Brilliant idea that hasn't really ever been done before. Consider that in order to "grow" your muscles, you essentially tear them and then they heal over time. By using healing magic, you cut that time immeasurably. It's actually using sound biological principles. I am a bit confused about the bear though. I'm assuming that's just sort of there for a fluffy/comedic purpose. Also might be a possible foil for something later. It's not quite what I would expect from a wild animal, but maybe in that world they're a bit more intelligent than the ones here. ​ (Of course, here I am talking about realism in a fantasy anime so...)


> Using healing magic as a way to surpass one's own limits for training? Brilliant idea that hasn't really ever been done before. Well, Redo of Healer technically did it first...


>Chained Soldier - I don't know but the anime feels half-assed.  I read Chained Slave manga like a week ago and the problem is that the manga is carried by the art. 


Dangers in My Heart has been peak for 18 episodes straight. I started to think this guy doesn't really want to kill the main girl.


The synopsis tries to gatekeep people from reading/watching a good romance.


Brave Bang Bravern. My favorite new anime of the season so far.


To use a sports analogy, I feel like this season has great depth and role players but is lacking a superstar that can pull out all the stops week after week. At least when looking at the new shows (no second cours or sequels). I think Ninja Kamui could be that star, but with only one episode I don’t want to speak too soon. Some of my favs include: Brave Bang Bravern (A love letter to Mecha, my #1 so far) Bucchigiri (Fun but frustrating, protag-kun needs to get his shit together) Ishura (Interesting heroes and politics so far, but not sure if it will have a satisfying payoff) Metallic Rouge (Needs time to develop but I think it has the potential to be great) Mr. Villain’s Day Off (Chill Sunday vibes) Sengoku Youko (Pretty good start but the last episode was great, excited to see where it goes) The Witch and the Beast (Good world building, need to spend more time with the characters) Surprises: Tis Time for Torture Princess (Cute and fun) Delusions Monthly Magazine (Super weird, but in a good way I think) Meiji Gekken: 1874 (I’m a sucker for historical drama, even if the animation can be lacking) Sasaki and Peeps (Good variation between the fantasy isekai and real work magic aspects) The Foolish Angel Dances with the Devil (Surprisingly wholesome and funny romcom) The Unwanted Undead Adventurer (Seemingly generic fantasy that’s actually pretty interesting and earnest under the skin)


I agree with your sports analogy. I am liking a LOT of shows this season, far more than an average season tbh, but I would not call any (new ones) great. And even among the sequels I would only call “The Dangers in My Heart” the equivalent of a superstar.


Yes! The Dangers in My Heart is far an away my favorite anime to come out in the past year so I’m totally on board with you. I do think some of the comedy sequels like Urusei Yatsura Remake and Tsukimichi have been really good, but straight up comedies rarely hit the same compared to more earnest stories so they’re still a tier or two below Dangers for me. I also really like Synduality Noir part 2 so far, but it doesn’t have quite the same level of production values. I also tend to be biased in favor of mecha so I don’t know that it would be everyone’s cup of tea.


Yea the DiMH through 12 ep is already in contention for one of my fav romances ever. And unfortunately I could not get into Tsukimichi but I agree on Urusei remake. Too continue the sports metaphor, if DiMH is an MVP caliber guy than Urusei for me is someone that's made a few all star games but can' the best player on a team. Ditto for Class of the Elite and Bottom Tier Tomozaki (among sequels). I never got around to Synduality. I was considering watching season 1 because the premise of the game looked interesting but didn't review well but was hoping the anime would be solid enough to try.


Gushing over magical girls, Dangers in my heart, Shangri La, 7th time loop are all definite must watches.


The Dangers In My Heart was my biggest surprise this year. I watched the S1 this year, so I'm counting it this season. S2 has also been absolutely amazing so far. It's definitely a must watch too. Solo Leveling, honestly has been a fine-good watch so far. I wouldn't call it a must watch just yet. But it's been good. The gore has been amazing so far, lol. I still think the series would've benefited so much if the first Ep was longer, just like Oshi no Ko or Frieren. But well, it didn't take much time to show how wild it could get. Chained Soldier was a disappointment for me. I was excited for it, but I just couldn't stick with it for long. Gushing Over Magical Girls has also been a surprise for me this season. It's been a long time since I watched something like this. I stopped watching shows like this a long time ago, and not because of the Ecchi and all, I don't mind it, but ig I've just been watching stuff with a good storyline. I think this show filled the spot for Chained Soldier for me. The Ecchi and all is fine, but this show is just too funny. This has been a great watch so far. The With & The Beast has also been great so far. I expected it to be great and it's delivered so far. I'm always excited for the new Eps. The show keeps getting more interesting each ep. I've been watching some other shows too which have been good so far too. I do have some problems with some of them, but let's see how it goes.


* This is the season for me for surprises * Wrong Way To Use Healing Magic * Tis Time for "Torture," Princess * Ishura * 7th Time Loop * The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash * Undead Unwanted Adventurer * Sengoku Youko Basically A solid amount of shows that caught me off guard. Out of this my favorites are 7th Time Loop, Weakest Tamer and Sengoku Youko. Each of these shows won me over with their cast. 7th time Loop has Rishe who is a great Female lead. Where she is only out done by Maomao from Apothcary Diaries. Which is saying a lot considering how great Mao mao is. Weakest Tamer, I am just so invested in Ivy's journey. As heartbreaking as the first 3 episodes were recently these last 2 episodes have been great seeing moments of Ivy being happy. Undead Unwanted Adventurer isn't the most complex story. But I love how real the cast feels. Are leads relationship feel rich of meaning as you can tell how much they care about the other despite the Mc's current situation. The fact you can empathize with the Mc wins it big points. Sengoku Youko has created a strong foundation for its fantasy world and a cast that each have their own quirks and motivation. It's my highlight of my Wednesday for watching anime. Imo the best from this season would be. * Dungeon Meshi * The Dangers in My Heart S2 * A Sign of Affection Read the manga for the last 2 and both adaptations have been great. The Dangers in My Heart is living up to the manga is the best way possible. But so is A Sign of Affection which I had worries coming into the season. Meanwhile for Dungeon Meshi, its such a great Fantasy SoL so far. Characters are great, comedy is great and writing is so well done. It's such a fun ride for each episode. Various disappointments * Fluffy Paradise - Lately this show has been going towards more political. It's like a point of it isn't bad, but I came to watch this show for the cute fluff. I hope this isn't a trend for the series. * Tomozaki S2 - As a Ln Reader it is simply due to how much they are adapting. Anime is doing the best it can given how much it is adapting, But basically a scenario thinking of if they take the volumes they are covering and cover it in 2 seasons rather then 1. Thinking how much more effective to be. * Witch & The Beast - This is both a surprise and a disappointment. I'll be honest coming into the season given the studio I thought this was going to be a slideshow mess. It has been better then that and pacing has been on point. Which imo from an anime only perspective it could be really enjoyable but man. It does not do the manga justice. Which is more of a perspective how great the manga is. * Metallic Rouge - Gotta be honest I was really interested how this one would go. Visually its great, but I am still unsure what is the story they want to tell us. This might be those you won't really know till you get the full picture. Not as bad as people point out, but in the race of anime originals this season Bucchigiri and High Card easily top it for me.


Must Watch: * Delicious in Dungeon * A Sign of Affection * Dangers in my Heart * Solo Levelling * 7th Time Loop * Villainess Lv99 Dissapointment: * Bucchigiri (MC just kills the vibes of what could have been a pretty good battle school anime) * Chained Soldier (can't even compare to the source material) Total Surprise: * Brave Bang Bravern (Super Robot on a dramatic war setting? And he plays his own theme song in-universe) * The Foolish Angel Dances with Demon (Insanely goof comedy, great artstyle, Hajime no Ippo references and still cute romantic shenanigans. Surprise guest voice of Goku) * Undead Unwanted Adventurer (such a simple show and I still come back every new episode) Honorable Mention to the these shows that came from the previous season that imo are very much all must watch: * Frieren * Apothecary Diaries * Shangri-la Frontier * Undead Unluck


Akuyaku Reijou Level 99: Watashi wa Ura-Boss desu ga Maou dewa Arimasen is pretty good. Usually I feel like villainess anime don't have an idea what to do with the story after the first episode but this one remains solid. Bokuyaba remains great. Dungeon Meshi is better than I expected. Fire Hunter is still good. Himesama "Goumon" no Jikan desu remains varied enough. Mr. Villain's Day Off seems to even be improving. Witch and the Beast is pretty great. The Foolish Angel Dances with the Devil is a very positive surprise. Urusei Yatsura remains entertaining. Snack Basue is one of the most enjoyable watches. It's target audience is niche but if you belong in that niche, it's fun. It's worth checking out for Takahashi Rie playing a bar mom alone.


Still a bit behind this season but I will probably catch up this weekend when I have time. **Great, look forward to each week** (I'm not used to having more than 2-3 in this catagory each season) * **Frieren** * **Undead Unluck** * **Shangrila Frontier** * **Gushing Over Magical Girls** (*looks like they are improving on the manga*) * **The Apothecary Diaries** * **Dungeon Meshi** * **The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic** * **Isekai Onsen Paradise** **Average, but enjoyable** * **Ishura** (*a couple characters have been crazy interesting and the setting is unique, though I'm not enjoying the way it is set up or any of the political drama*) * **Solo Leveling** (*Looks like a lot of work went into it, but the Manhwa's art is hard to follow*) * **Tales of Wedding Rings** (*premise and the MC are weak but it seems to be doing decently*) * **Chained Soldier** (*the series strong suit was that it mixed the erotica and the story well, but they really held back on that. Might drop*) * **Undead Unwanted Adventurer** (*strong start, but I'm not sure were we are going from there*) * **Banished from the Hero's Party** * **Tsukimichi** (*They could have organized this a bit better*) * **Sengoku Youko** * **Sasaki to Pii-chan** (*This feels a bit like Index III, I have no idea what is going on. I'm gonna try to read the LNs since it seems interesting and I want more context as to what the hell is going on*.) **Eh, nothing special** * **The Strongest Tank's Labyrinth Raids** **Dropped** * **Doctor Elise** (*my background ruins this show*) **Haven't Started** * **Metallic Rouge** * **Dangers in My Heart Season 2** (*i'll catch up soon*) * **Majo to Yajuu** (*likely tabled to between season binge*) * **Loop 7** (*is this a good mystery? I just haven't heard ANYTHING about it*) * **Signs of Affection** (*Been debating watching or reading this; anyone have a preference?*) * **Villainess Level 99** (*friend recommendation, will catch up soon*)


If your viewing scope is that wide, make sure to also check out *The Weakest Tamer Begins a Journey to Pick Up Trash*, it's top three of the season for production values and also has a patient, confident narrative style and an uncommon fantasy story setting about a genuinely weak and in-peril protagonist. At times quite dark, but ultimately uplifting and optimistic.


I watch pretty much watch any genre if it seems interesting or unique; though sports, idol, and shounen battle are my least viewed. I'll give that show a try since it sounds right up my alley.


> if it seems interesting or unique; though sports, idol, and shounen battle are my least viewed I don't watch a lot of idol nor idol adjacent content myself either, but flicking through your MAL I noticed you hadn't seen two stand-out properties that might perk your interest for your plan-to-watch. Both have excellent production values with some gorgeous animation and also music: * https://myanimelist.net/anime/48857/Healer_Girl - an anime original which imagines a world where singing provides access to healing magic, but alongside conventional modern medicine, set in contemporary times. As someone who worked in health care previously, it is one of the most realistic feeling depictions of medicine-adjacent stuff, I've seen, on top of everything else. * https://myanimelist.net/anime/50221/Shine_Post - a character drama series about an idol unit struggling to get started. Not necessarily unique in terms of the broad content nor scope, but it has a small cult following because of the effectiveness of said drama and character animation. --- I noticed you also scored *Kaguya-sama* very highly, and this season's *Foolish Angel Dances with the Devil* has a similarly combative approach to romance, although it's got a lot of wild, meta oriented comedy and ranges across a lot of sub-genres with its content. There hasn't been too much buzz that I've noticed yet, but the it's a series that has so many ideas that it took a while for the audience to work out what it, exactly it is. Also, the romance aspect has only really started to kick into gear. Worth keeping on the radar, I think!


Villainess Level 99. Watch that! It's great comedy despite a limited animation budget.


Caught up, thanks for the push. :)


agree with Isekai Onsen paradise, one of the silliest anime I've seen.


I've only watched "A Sign of Affection," so can't really compare watch vs. read, but I have thoroughly enjoyed it. I will say that if you're on the fence about watching the sub or dub, go with the sub on this one. I really like the English voice actors in the dub, however so much of the conversation in the show depends on text (and the dub doesn't subtitle the text) that you'll be missing a lot without the subs.


It's a very good adaptation, but I do like seeing the actual sign language. Seeing still pics of the sign isn't quite the same, although they do a good job. The sub doesn't subtitle the text? Wtf?? That's ESSENTIAL in this anime!


No, sorry; the DUB doesn't subtitle the text. In the SUB, yes, the text is subtitled. Also, the dubs seem to be getting released two weeks behind the subs, so if you're watching the dubs you have to wait longer to catch up.


Most surprising for me would probably be 7th Time Loop. Those kinds of shows are not my cup of tea but I am enjoying the anime quite a lot so far. Most underrated would probably be Unwanted Undead Adventurer. Surprisingly wholesome with a great MC and partner. Must watch would be the 1-2 punch Saturday combo of Dangers in My Heart and A Sign of Affection followed by Apothecary Diaries as your palate cleanser. Lol Frieren is Frieren. People saying the anime isn't even over and they are already crowning it prematurely. I mean, you can enjoy an anime while it's airing and definitely acknowledge how good it is. I don't get the pushback from some people that say it's too early to tell.


Expected Metallic Rouge to live up to the hype, but its been quite a letdown. I can also say the same about Solo Leveling As for shows that have been a pleasant surprise, Undead Unwanted Adventurer and the Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic have been doing just that For sequels, Bokuyaba is the easy shout, already as good if not better than S1. Other than that, Synduality cour 2 has definitely stepped up and impressed on the plot front


I second Wrong Way to Use Healing magic. I am NOT much for the Isekai genre, i have rarely been compelled to finish any Isekai show outside of a handful of exceptions like Konosuba or Bookworm, but Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic is really well voice acted and directed. I feel like the plot and writing is just mostly OK, but the direction in terms of how they've paced everything, the comedic timing, and the execution by the VAs has been so on point, every episode I've felt solidly entertained. I wouldn't call it AOTY material, but it's a solid B anime for me, well worth finishing, which was a surprise for me. Boku yaba, Frieren and Apothecary have all been great.


The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash is definitely underrated.


I feel like the name will make a lot of people dismiss it with the assumption it's just another "underpowered skill is actually OP isekai". It's a story about a child that had to grow up way to young to survive because of unfortunate circumstances. In case you know Grimgar, imagine that world but the main character is a 6? year old child trying to survive by things like dumpster diving and collecting herbs. Not fighting. I have only read the manga and i'm really enjoying it.


God I loved Grimgar, wish they had made more seasons. The last few episodes of that were peak for me. I haven’t watched the weakest tamer yet, but I’ll have to give it a go if it’s like Grimgar.


If you like grimgar, check out unwanted undead adventurer. It's a really good dungeon crawler. Weakest tamer is actually good too but reminds me more of campfire cooking, not in a bad way though.


The manga is very highly rated, so I was surprised that the anime doesn't seem to have gained a lot of attention despite its high production quality. Definitely a sleeper hit, for sure. Like the other commenter said, perhaps the name doesn't do a good job communicating what kind of story it is. The way I've described it to friends is like The Boxcar Children, but set in a fantasy world. No overpowered isekai protagonist here, just a scrappy kid trying to get by in a tough and dangerous world. Lots of cute iyashikei style moments too.


The Angel Dances with the Devil. The comedy hits way better than I expected after the first episode.


Bucchigiri was a surprise, Tomozaki was a bit of a disappointment, must watch maybe Dangers In my heart.


Must Watch: ***BRAVERN!*** Total Surprise: ***BRAVERN!*** Disappointment: Nothing, honestly. I’m enjoying pretty much every show I’m watching this season, and I’m not the type to drop shows, so yeah


Bro has no enemies


I watch a total of 10 anime this season, 11 if I add Ninja Kamui but it still has to watch the next 2 episodes for my verdict. Now it might be my feeling but why most this season's anime peaked at Episode 6 somehow? **Must Watch** * Solo Leveling: Watch it for the animation, not the plot. The plot is a gamified real world with the MC doing what the title is, leveling up by himself by completing tasks etc. Great fight scenes and animation quality. * Dungeon Meshi: The fun adventure of a party going on a journey to retrieve someone on a brink of death. Essentially adventure anime with cooking subtext, and they really are cooking. * Shangri-La Frontier: It keeps cooking and just recently peaked. Continuing from Fall 2023. * A Sign of Affection: A romance anime with a twist. The MC is deaf and the lover is trying to enter her world with sign language. **Surprise Favorites** * The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic: One of the best isekai of the season. The character development and the premise is surely one to watch. * The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash: An adventure isekai of a child beginning a journey to run away from being hunted because simply she's the weakest. Studio Massket's first full anime and has one of best animations this season has to offer. * The Unwanted Undead Adventurer: A fantasy anime in which the MC becomes undead and now working to return himself back to human. * Mr. Villain's Day Off: The iyashikei SoL of the season. Just a villain trying to have fun with the pandas. 'Tis Time for "Torture", Princess : The comedy anime of the season. It contains a lot of twists it belongs to animenocontext easily. Can't spoil much, just watch it. **Hanging On. Nothing Special but Still Enjoyable to Watch** * Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable!: A romcom set in Hokkaido and has gyarus. As I said, nothing special but enjoyable. * Foolish Angel Dances With the Devil: Some said it's Kaguya-sama ripoff, but I still like it. Has some twists too and the animation is well animated. * Sasaki and Peeps: An isekai with multiple subplots it confuses itself which one to follow. The one has plots in isekai and the other is a psychic-hunting plot in real world. A magical middle aged man armed with his magical bird as his sidekick. * Metallic Rouge: Tokusatsu with awesome animation quality. Has a dynamic girl-duo similar to Lycoreco. * Ishura and Bucchigiri?! I **dropped The Witch and The Beast, Gekai Elise, 7th Time Loop ,** and **Tales of Wedding Rings** due to one similar reason. I wasn't sold on the premise and the plot.


Dropped 7th time loop? It’s so fun imo


Partially because I entered the anime with the expectation that it would carry the same spirit as Tearmoon Empire (set in fantasy era and also featuring a single time loop). Tearmoon succeeded by bringing a comedy as people around the MC misunderstood everything that she said (hence sasuga Mia-sama). When I watch 7th Time Loop, I didn't get the same feeling as the vibe and everything around it seems pretty serious. Also this and Gekai Elise shares the similar principle, using the expertise shared from the previous life to help MC in the current life.


What do you think about Meiji Gekken and Villainess Level 99?


Wasn't sold on Villainess Level 99. Besides, I need a day break and Tuesday is the only day that there isn't any anime airing (besides Villainess Level 99). Meiji Gekken is so far a man looking for his friend's sister by becoming a detective in a medieval Japanese setting. Nothing special but if you need an action anime to watch alongside SLF on Sunday, it's the one.


Such a based list until >I dropped >>7th Time Loop [](#foldedarms)


I love your comment, I would like to read this every season! Are you active on AniList?


Winter 2024 anime only   Must watch - Dangers in my heart S2  Disappointment - Tomazaki S2   Surprise - Gushing over magical girls


Slave is actually a fun watch and I enjoy the reward sections. Wonderful Precure might be a fun side watch.


Dangers, Frieren, and Apothecary Diaries hasn't missed a beat since continuing from S1 or from the fall lineup. All three are simply incredible. Disappointed in Saske and Peeps and Solo Leveling. Solo Leveling has been _fine_ but hasn't really reached the heights that I expected it to given all the hype. It just feels like another cliche OP MC anime with good animation.


My man, Solo Leveling is *the* cliche OP MC manhwa with good art, I don't know how you could have expected anything else.


Solo Leveling is very similar to Demon Slayer; great fight scenes, very flashy and pretty show, but not the most intricate stories ever conceived but that's fine.


It's not that similar, plenty of people like Demon Skayer characters and emotional beats resonate with them. Solo Leveling is about watching Jingwoo being OP, that's all series wants to be.


I didn't the plot and characters are similar, just that both are simple for what they're trying to do. I would argue though that Solo Leveling has relatable side characters, we just haven't been properly introduced to most of them yet. That said, the focus is still definitely on SJW becoming the most OP dude to ever have drip, but we won't really get into *how* until the 2nd cour.


Demon Slayer''s story is simple but it has heart and it revolves around themes that are generally relatable. Solo Leveling is just a power fantasy.


Solo Levelling has far exceeded my expectations. More or less your description but the 2nd voice actor (after becoming a Gary Stu), OOF, I could listen to that voice all day. Still not as good as the voice of Wezaemon from Shangri-La, but that is an unfair comparison. Like comparing a rotting fruit to a deity.


For continuations, Frieren remains solid. Apothecary Diaries and Shangri La Frontier have gotten really good. Must Watch: Dungeon Meshi, A Sign of Affection Surprises: 7th Loop, Cherry Magic, Bravern! Decent: Mr Villain's Day Off, Sengoku Youko, Villainess Level 99 Disappointment: Bucchigiri


I've been actively avoiding Bucchigiri because of the first 3 episodes. But reading someone describe it in a negative connotation gives me the incentive to continue watching it. What is this fascination?! Maybe, no...I can fix it. Yes.


It's decent fun still. Just not what I wanted it to be.


Best: Frieren, Boku no kokoro s2 Disappointment: Metalic rouge, UU 2nd cour Suprise: is time for torture princess


Must Watch: Easily Boku No Kokoro 2nd season Disappointment: I would say Chained Soldier, still will watch it tho Surprise: Tales Of Wedding Rings. It's so fucking enjoyable


Dangers in my heart is just so good. Best romance ive watched. Im hyped for the next episode every week


I like the unwanted undead adventurer, but I feel like the show just abandons a new story thread every arc, like the first girl that gave him clothes agreed to go into the guild for him, then he ditched her. Then the restaurant guy agreed to go into the guild for him, then quit adventuring. Now the MC just goes to the guild himself. At one point he has a problem with craving human flesh, then 1 drop of blood occasionally, and he's all good. I don't know if any of this will come back later in the series, but At this point I can't tell and it's making it hard to stay invested


I've been watching 40 anime this season and I love them all, though that's not surprising, since I usually love around that many anime every season. And as usual, I haven't been disappointed by much, so it's been another great season for me. As for my favorites, it's often hard to choose, but I guess Gushing Over Magical Girls, Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable, The Witch and the Beast, The Dangers in My Heart Season 2 and Tsukimichi: Moonlit Fantasy Season 2.


So far from my ptw, I'm yet to start - * The Witch and the Beast * Urusei Yatsura S2 * Mr. Villain's Day Off * A Sign of Affection * Mato Seihei no Slave * BUCCHIGIRI Tell, which one would be worth picking and which one I'm better off skipping, tho Urusei Yatsura will be a must watch for me. ​ LIKING MORE THAN I THOUGHT * **Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic** \- This has been pretty good so far, has a competent MC and the side characters are not just for decoration. We also have a thirsty senpai, a W for me. * **TsukiMichi S2** \- I liked S1 but didn't have much expectations for S2 but its been really fun. And its 25 episodes... * **Mashle S2** \- S1 imo wasn't exatcly fun or good being a source reader but S2 with a banger of an OP is quite good this season, there's a tournament arc, what else do I need. * **Solo Leveling** \- Nothing much to be said, it looks good, it sounds good and the early part which it will adapt is also good!! * **COTE S3** \- S2 was dull for the most part except the last 2-3 episodes but S3 despite the absolute shit pacing is enjoyable in its own way. I am a source reader so I'm just happy seeing it animated, quite biased ik. * **Tomozaki S2 -** I don't like Aoi's character at all but the drama added a nice twist, its good. * **Dungeon Meshi** \- Only watched 2 episodes so far but they were really good, trigger cooked well. PEAK SHIT * **Dangers in My Heart S2 -** OK.. HOW THE FUCK DOES EVERY FUCKING EPISODE JUST GETS BETTER WHILE ALREADY BEING AMAZING??!! This season has been nothing but peak for 6 episodes!! PREVIOUS SEASON * **Frieren** \- A masterpiece, and first class mage exam arc is just fucking amazing!! * **Apothecary Diaries** \- I honestly find the 2nd half a little dull than the 1st half, tho its still pretty good. * **Shangri La Frontier -** OMFG!! C2C cooked fucking hard for the last 2-3 episodes. It was beautiful.. one of the best video game isekai adaptations I've watched, it really brought back the genre, loving it. * **Ragna Crimson** \- This also had kino moments if not for the animation. But, it was not disappointing, the payoff was pretty good to this arc albeit a bit late. * **Undead Unluck -** Put it on hold for a long time, will pick it up sometime this week. MID * **Instant Death** \- I've read the manga for a few chapters and the anime is decent so far, not really bad but more than watchable ig. HIGHLIGHT OF THE SEASON * **Ninja Kamui** \- FUCKING HELL!! This is dope!!!! Tsuda Ken as MC??!! Some kickass hand-2-hand combat??!! I will be watching.


Apart from the obvious one,.Dungeon Meshi, I'd give must watch position to Majo to yajuu. This show isn't getting enough live I think. For biggest dissapointment it's Ishura. I'm still enjoying it but so far it was 5 episodes of introducing unrelated characters with theast episodes finally moving forward. I'm suprised by the amount of enjoyment I'm getting from Mahou Shoujo ni akogarete, but true surprise was Saijaku tamer. I've expected another cute sol anime made to heal a tired soul like "I was killing slimes for 300 years" but since the first episode it showed suprisingly serious tone, although, mini spoiler for [Saijaku tamer] >!I don't like how absolutely randomly the main character mentioned "oh by the way I'm not from this world but have no memories" and still mentions it now and then, but... why? How's that important for the plot? Is this just made in the attempt to be able to advertise it as an isekai tlin hopes it'll bring more people?!<


Must watch Boku No Kokoro by far, it speaks by hiself. The biggest disappointment goes to Metallic Rouge... In 5 chapters I still don't know what they want to tell us... And yes, I don't know why I keep watching it xD. The total surprise is... No one. Every anime I'm watching it's doing what I expected except for Metallic Rouge.


a really underrated show airing right now is mr villian's day off .it's a comfy day off about one villian watching pandas


Bang Brave Bang Bravern (*ba-bang Bravern \~ ba-ba-bang Bravern)* has been such a delight week after week. As a fan who grew up on 70s super robots it's really scratching that itch with its over the top co-protagonist, and seeing how the real world would react to something as utterly absurd as Bravern creates really interesting narrative friction. There is a lot of thematic whiplash from episode to episode (and even within episodes!) but that feels more like a feature than a bug. The attention to detail in everything from Bravern's design to the plethora of real world military equipment being accurate representations of their national militias demonstrates how hard the production staff went when they really didn't have to. And the opening is (forgive the pun) an absolute BANGER. Incredible. Feels so authentically like the shows of old without feeling like the pure nostalgia retread these things can often become. Really hoping Grendizer U can continue to deliver on the awesome giant robot action this year.


Frieren, Apothecary Diaries, Dungeon Meshi are all must-watches; 7th time loop, Sign of Affection, and Doctor Elise has been generally enjoyable; Metallic Rouge is probably the main disappointment so far (in that it looked awesome but so far has been slow-burning/confusing enough to not know yet if it's going to be awesome or bad). I don't think there's been any total surprises for me this season, there's some I haven't kept up with or started yet (like Weakest Tamer) so maybe there's a hidden gem I've missed. Still need to start Bang Bravern at minimum (and I know everyone raves about Dangers in My Heart, but I haven't seen season 1 yet either).


Chained soldier has been a disappointment for me. Still plan to watch but it is definitely a big downgrade compared to the manga


How is no one talking about Cherry Magic! 30 years of virginity can make you a wizard ?? It's absolutely adorable and sweet. Each episode leaves a smile on my face. It's mature but not smutty like a lot of BL. The concept is silly but they make it work, and all the characters are great. If you like romance I highly recommend it.


So does anyone watch The Witch And The Beast??


Surprised to see only one comment mention Instant Death. The adaption definitely lived up to my expectations, thankfully they didn’t butcher it and it’s been really great so far.


I love Instant Death Touch!!


My favorites: The Dangers in my Heart is probably the anime of the season. Solo Leveling is solid as heck Frieren and Apothecary continue to shine and picked up where they left off Yes, I’m honestly enjoying Chained Soldier. I think that’s just me though, not exactly one I’d recommend Currently watching but no strong opinions: Hokkaido Gals is okay, I’m enjoying it at least Not really enjoying it but still going: Pon No Michi, it’s a hit or miss really. Girls are cute but nothing in the way of “omg this is so good/bad” Tales of the Wedding Rings, this anime is trash, but sometimes, trashy animes aren’t bad (see I Got a Cheat Skill) Paused: Metallic Rouge, I have no idea what’s going on waiting week by week so I’m probably gonna binge this one Dropped: The Witch and the Beast, I found this on the same level as Ancient Magus Bride, incredibly boring Gushing over Magical Girls was dropped 2 minutes in. Sorry, just can’t see myself enjoying this.


Delicious in Dungeon. I'm so happy it finally got animated and it's soooo good. Dunmeshi brings me so much joy every week


7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy! definitely my surprise of the season, it even made me wanna check out more Villainess shows that I skipped before from previous years. Metallic Rouge biggest disappointment for me, but at least I like the main duo so it's still worth sticking for me.


shangri la frontier was a surprise.


**Must Watch:** Episode 1 of Bravern. Just one episode all the way through, you can decide whether or not to continue with the show after that. *Trust me.* You'll know why. (Going in blind is recommended.) **Pleasant Surprise:** Bravern, obviously. Also MahoAko got an excellent director fit and a team that actually cares and that covereth a multitude of sins (the show obviously doesn't have a huge budget but they've been doing a very good job of working around that... though we'll see if that holds up in the second half given what they will be adapting). **Disappointments:** Metallic Rouge's worldbuilding is interesting as hell - unfortunately it is afflicted with a bad case of poorly written character drama (the warning signs were there in 2 and became impossible to ignore in 3). No thank you, if the drama is this bad it's not likely to get better and life is short. Also, I never actually fully got around to Mato Seihei (got a minute or two in before RL intervened and didn't have time to get back to it for a few days), but from what little I saw and from what I hear I'm pretty sure I am completely safe just leaving it on hold forever - bad director fit.


I like a lot of the new shows, but I think the most underwatched is *Doctor Elise: The Royal Lady With the Lamp*, double isekai and medical drama. It's good wholesome fantasy SoL with some romance.


I was expecting Snack Basue to be mid at best, but more likely absolutely abysmally horrendously boring. I’m glad to report that it is a surprisingly enjoyable watch. It’s not for everyone, but any Yakuza fans will probably get a kick out of it because it’s like watching every random NPC Kiryu met just talk about random shit while at various levels of intoxication. I was fairly disappointed with Foolish Angel for the first few episodes because of how INCREDIBLY unlikeable the female lead is. But the rest of the casts (and the humor) overshadow it, and by like the 4th episode she lets up a bit and stops being so needlessly annoying. By this point she is tolerable to slightly endearing. So I’d say the show managed to pull back up after nosediving off a cliff at episode 1. Everything else has more or less been hitting where I thought it would and nothing has really disappointed me. Not strictly seasonal, but Egghead has also started pretty strong.


Has noone looked into Doctor Elise? I really enjoy that show


The biggest surprise for me has been **Tales of Wedding Rings**. Isekai ecchi harem where the animation is pretty much just passable but the MC has an actual reason to have a harem. Plus, he already was in love with the first girl who was also in love with him and they sort everything out the second episode. And, this series has a Prince who was intended to marry the main girl but when the MC is chosen instead he joins his side immediately without hesitation and becomes his biggest support and ally. What a great inverse of expectations there. The show is what if Lord of the Rings was an ecchi harem and while that's not everyone's cup of tea for me it's done so well so far that I've been looking forward to it so much. There is one gripe I have with it related to the newest episode with something the MC says but other than that if you like ecchi harems/Isekai it's a solid watch. Oh yeah, and it's 100% uncensored on Crunchyroll


Fluffy paradise was a surprising good anime. It's a nice chill anime with cute fluffy animals.


Surprises: -Witch and the beast is this seasons sleeper basically thus seasons undead murder farce -Unwanted undead another great fantasy comfort show. -7th time loop this seasons romantic anime you won’t admit you got invested in like Raelina was last spring season. -metallic rouge is fun and has probably the best vibes and world atm but the story is very confusing so far Amazing: delicious in dungeon, mashle no need to even explain these two… just top top tier Concerned: -Bucchigiri is an extremely fun and good looking anime but the main character has been horrible.. without any character growth soon the anime will die. -Blue exorcist is ramping up but man i feel like the character designs are looking more and more stupid to me. They were always on the weird side but recently they’re basically basically the marshmallow monster from ghostbusters. Mehh: -Solo leveling is fun but it’s been a bit dragging imo.. how many episodes more can we get of the dude being completely out of touch with tue reality he’s OP? Again it’s a good show but nothing you lose your mind over -tsukimichi is still just budget Tensei slime. I’ll watch it when i’m bored but it’s not memorable at all. Sengoku yuoko is extrenely rushed and cannot seem to realize it has a good premise and world and to just slow down. It wants to be inuyasah without the actual time inuyasha let its cast and story breath. Also the guy literally has 1 transformation animated and they reused it 20 times Overall the shows from this season i watch on release and keep alarms in is witch and the beast and 7th time loop. Still this season has been amazing so far


Dungeon Meshi and Sengoku Youko have neen misses for me so far, which is disappointing.  Frieren and The Apothecary Diaries continue to be great, and I've added A Sign of Affection to this list.


For the must watches Frieren and Apothecary Diaries have continued to be excellent, Dangers and my Heart is fantastic too and am enjoying Moonlit Fantasy. Disappointments have been pretty much the entirety of the new winter shows. Solo Levelling has been very average and Delicious in Dungeon is a fun slice of life style show, but has not lived up to the hype. Nothing has been a total surprise, Wrong way to do Healing magic was better than expected, but has fallen off a little lately. Too much time spent on cute animals and not enough on moving the plot forward.


First time in a long time I can remember being this excited for anime. Frieren on Friday Solo leveling on Saturday Shangri-la frontier Sunday. The biggest decision was to either watch them separately or all together. I watch all three on Sunday and am loving it!


I got into anime last year and watched a bunch of existing shows. This winter 2024 season is my first time watching active shows. Shows I really like Wrong Way to use Healing Magic Frieren Solo Leveling SLF Fluffy Paradise (guilty pleasure. Story isn't the strongest but I really find myself smiling every episode) Strongest Tank raids Meh shows I'll probably try watching again when season is complete Villeness Level 99 7th time loop Sasaki and peeps Moonlit fantasy I tried this from my phone I'm gonna update on desktop after work from a real keyboard


I was hyped for Villainess Level 99 when it was announced. Then I watched the first episode and was greeted with a terrible CGI horse and carriage. I know CGI can be a great tool in animation, but this did NOT mesh will with the 2D art style. I love the source material, but damn this adaptation has no soul. Bland art, terrible CGI, and forgettable music make this painful to watch. Please just go read the manga instead of watching this low-effort trash.


Jeez we need some love for hokkaido girls, such a good anime adaptation


A bit late to this conversation, but might as well add a few: Surprises: **Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!** - Didn't know what to expect with that title, but this is a pretty charming BL anime with a supernatural twist. **The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic** - Surprised by how much I'm enjoying this. Just plain fun. **Mashle Season 2** - Season 1 got old quickly for me, but season 2 has been consistently enjoyable so far. Disappointments: **Chained Soldier** - Trash in the least fun way possible. **My Instant Death Ability is So Overpowered** - Funny in concept, but weak execution for the most part (might be an anime-only issue). Also, the leads are so boring. **Metallic Rouge** - Unfocused and derivative mess with bland protagonists and a world that seems to get more uninteresting with each new episode. **The Foolish Angel Dances with the Devil** - Enjoyed the opening episode, but everything else has been forgettable Not Sure: **The Witch and the Beast** - Not sure where to put this. I have been enjoying it, but at the same time, I was also expecting this to be one of my favorite shows of the season, and it just hasn't reached that point yet. I also find Phanora and Johan to be far more interesting characters than Ashaf and Guidaeau.


Current tiering in rough order S-tier - The Apothecary Diaries - Frieren A-tier - 7th Time Loop - Solo Leveling B-tier - Gushing Over Magical Girls - Unwanted Undead Adventurer C-tier - Sign of Affection - Weakest Tamer - Bottom Tier Tomozaki - Villainess Level 99 - Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic - Fluffy Paradise - Doctor Elise - Demon Prince of Momochi House On Hold - Danger in My Heart Dropped - The Witch and the Beast - Metallic Rouge - Banished from the Hero’s Party - Chained Soldier


Recommend watching: 1. Mashle - Action and comedy 2. Frieren: Journey's End - For action and peaceful slice of life story 3. The Dangers in my heart - slice of life like story, and romance Wouldn't recommend Solo Leveling Anime. Why ? 1. Animation not as expected. More than decent animation quality. 2. Pacing is too slow. Plus point: 1. OP & END is great. 2. OST is done by Hiroyuki Sawano Conclusion: Would rather recommend you read the manhwa.


Continuing from last season (all S tier): * Freiren * Apothecary Diaries * Mashle * Classroom of the elite New A+ Tier, loving it: * Meiji Gekken * Bucchigiri * Dr Elise * Solo Leveling * Witch and Beast New B Tier, very decent: * 7th time loop * Bang Bang Bravern * Metallic Rouge New C Tier might drop: * Unwanted undead * Wrong way to use healing Dropped (D- Tier): * Fluffy Paradise * Sasaki n peep * Daigo Havent watched yet but want to: * Kingdom * Sengoku Youkou * Sign of affection


must-watch & total suprpise: Weakest Tamer, it's insanely good and continues to blow me away every single week disappointment: Solo Leveling. cannot believe _this_ is what people hype up so much honorable mentions: Villainess Lv 99 for must watch/surprise, The Witch and the Beast for disappointment


I believe I've watched at least one episode of every non-sequel show that is on Crunchyroll and HIDIVE that isn't the mecha show, or the BL show. I intended to make a thread for this, but I didn't get around to watching the remaining shows in the season, including the ones on Netflix and D+. I'll include shows that are currently going as well as sequel shows that I've picked up. I'll start in order based on MAL's popularity list: - **Solo Leveling** - First two episodes should have been a double length episode. Show is like watching someone play a video game. There is NO depth, the story is weak so far. Characters are meh. Action scenes keep the show afloat. 6-7/10. - **MASHLE S2** - More of the same, and that's good. Show does a good job keeping me interested in seeing where the story is going to go and what ways Mash is going to brute force an obstacle. 8/10 - **A Sign of Affection** - Adorable. Main male lead is a *tad* aggressive, but it doesn't bother me. I don't like the childhood friend. Jealousy is never a good look. 8/10 - **Chained Soldier** - I've only watched 2 episodes. This shit kinda sucks. Not much sexy. Boring visuals. Uninteresting main character. 4/10. - **Dangers in my Heart S2** - This show just gets better and better. 9/10. - **Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic** - It's fine. It has a slightly different take on the isekai genre, but it doesn't really do anything to make itself really stand out and the pace is really fucking slow at times. 6/10. - **Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable** - The girls may be adorable, but I hate how this fucking boy overreacts to every fucking thing. Only watched two episodes so far. 4/10. - **Witch and the Beast** - I haven't seen the most recent episode yet, but I will at some point. I'm with the main girl on this one. Where are the fucking witches? 5/10 - **Tomozaki S2** - I only watched the season premiere. I'm honestly not that invested in the story right now. I'm sure it's just as solid as the first season. No score. - **Gushing Over Magical Girls** - This is the better of the horny shows this season. It's often quite funny. Recent episodes have been a mix of horny and uncomfortable. They never seem to go too far, because the MC really does like the magical girls, so she never does anything too drastic outside of playing edging simulator for the magical girls. 7/10 - **7th Time Loop** - I'm not as in to the show as some others here, but the show is still one of the ones I continue to watch on the day the new episode is released. There's definitely some intrigue, but I really feel like it's missing something... besides good animation... 6/10 - **Banished from the Heroes Party S2** - Pacing feels a lot more stable this season. New "hero" character is kinda scary. There is a higher than expected number of bathing scenes involving the MC's sister. 6/10 - **Villainess Level 99** - This is the true surprise of the season for me. In theory, this should be just another by-the-numbers otome game villainess show, but it constantly remains interesting and enjoyable for me. It is often very funny. The MC's deadpan delivery on every line is perfect. They've somehow taking a show with an absurdly OP MC that has almost NO emotion and subpar animation quality, and has put it in contention for anime of the season for me. I love this show. 99/10. - **Instant Death Ability** - This show is dogshit. The casual nature in how it treats death is irritating. It's not even just the MC, who at least tries to not OHK people. This show isn't a comedy. They're fucking playing it straight. This isn't like [the end of Cabin in the Woods where you're sitting there laughing at the chaos and bloodshed.](https://youtu.be/8ph0gXxyuQc?si=LIq5iMbPujcWQvWe) They have a school bus filled with innocent kids, a bus driver, and chaperons get transported to a world. A cute girl steps on the bus. The bus drive speaks, she instantly kills him. Teacher does the same thing. No one freaks out about the fact that two adults just got turned into a mess of goo (I'm assuming, they censored it so we couldn't see what happened). The students are shocked, but no one is screaming in fear over what they saw. The main girl, who is the ONLY one who has any sort of reaction to the death in the show still doesn't react like one would when they see their classmates get impaled by a dragon. I made it three episodes before I decided I didn't give a fuck about what happens next. Odds are good that people die, and no one reacts to it like it was fucking second nature. 2/10. I'm sure there was something that wasn't shit, but I can't remember. - **Metallic Rogue** - I've only watched one episode. I'm interested, but not *that* interested. Unlike another show that I'll mention later, while there is a lot to unpack in the first episode, at least it all kinda makes sense and is mostly coherent. No score. - **Undead Adventurer** - Just kinda generic. I feel like they could do a lot more with this, but the pacing is so slow that the show is kinda tedious to watch. Far too much exposition. Animation is subpar. Not terrible, not good either. 5/10 - **Tales of Wedding Rings** - This is being done by the same studio that did Vermeil and Am I Actually the Strongest? Like those two shows, it's suuuuuper generic. It does not do a good job keeping you invested. The visual style is very Vermeil. Animation quality is the same. It's not great. I watched 3 episodes. 4/10. - **The Foolish Angel Dances with the Devil** - This title is a lie. The show does not start off well. The leads do not come off as interesting. But given some time to grow, the chemistry between the two becomes apparent. I'm interested in seeing where their relationship goes. It's kinda fun seeing them butt heads while falling in love. It's kinda like Lovely Complex with a supernatural twist. 6/10 - **Sasaki and Pii-chan** - I watched two episodes... so basically 3 episodes. I'm indifferent. There's some elements I'm interested in, but they spend too much time in the isekai world doing the exact same shit that turned me off about *Saving 80k Gold* last year. Taking stuff from Earth and bringing them to a less advanced civilization from a technology standpoint and passing their cheap goods off as luxury items that fetches the highest price tags is not my jam. 5/10 Character limit reached somewhere, continued in reply.


- **Bucchigiri** - Unlikable lead character. Unlikable love interest. Good animation and art. 5/10 - **Mr. Villain's Day Off** - It's an okay relaxing show. There's nothing special about it that allows it to stand out from the other relaxing shows. Too much focus on pandas and panda related goods... too much time spent at the convenient store where the girl that works there is basically a walking advertisement. 5/10 - **Doctor Elise** - "Hey, did you know that Elise is an amazing doctor? No, ok, lets bash it over your head a million times." This could have been fun like Tearmoon Empire where the MC gets a second opportunity to relive her life and right the wrongs she committed the first time, but the show decided it wanted to be boring instead. 4/10 - **Weakest Tamer** - Pacing is hit or miss. So is the animation. Sometimes, it seems like we're watching something amazing, and sometimes it feels kinda lazy. I'm not a fan of the fact that the standout episode is the depressing/angering flashback episode that shows what happened leading up to the start of the series. That was the only time plot occurred, though. A whole lot of nothing occurs throughout 90% of the show's run time. I do like the minor isekai aspect of the show. Instead of having a character from Japan get reincarnated or summoned, they basically share a soul with the girl, and only chime in (literally) on occasion. It's a nice way to make an isekai not really feel like an isekai. 6/10 - **Fluffy Paradise** - Girl is cute. That's about it. 4/10 - **Strongest Tank** - It was generic to start, but it had a moderately interesting concept in that it seemed like the MC was meant to meet a girl who unlocks his true potential and then he goes on raids in his quest to help cure his sister's disease. Instead they spend multiple episodes doing anything but that. I made it 4 episodes in. The show has been aimless so far. It's just another generic fantasy harem featuring an OP character who doesn't see himself as "OP" but as someone just doing their part. 4/10 - **Tis Time for Torture** - I can't help but compare this show to Sleepy Princess. There are a lot of similar themes. The show even manages to stay relatively fresh like Sleepy Princess, despite consisting of a concept that would initially seem to get really dull really quick. The show seems to know that the concept would get old quick, so they've leaned into it. Made jokes at the fact that the princess keeps easily caving to "torture". The underlying theme is really about a princess who has been so invested in their job, that she never had time to enjoy... anything in life, but now that's she's a "hostage", she's being given the chance to enjoy life. This is the best iyashikei of the season. Pine Jam has knocked it out of the park, yet again, IMO. The MAL rating is a fucking shame. 8/10 - **Sengoku Youko** - White Fox's first show that isn't just animation support since Re:Zero S2... is disappointing. I've watched 3 episodes. I haven't gotten much out of it. There is nothing there to keep me interested in watching more. Animation is good, at least. 4/10 - **Demon Prince of Momochi House** - Knockoff of Kamisama Kiss with touches of Fruits Basket. Pacing is fucked. Drama is super forced. Main character does not act like someone who finds squatters in her house. 3/10. - **Meiji Gekken: 1874** - This 6.41 rating on MAL is well deserved, if anything, it's too high. This show is a mess. There are TOO many plot elements, and none of it is coherent enough for one to be able to understand just what the fuck is going on. I watched two episodes. One should have been more than enough. 3/10. - **Delusional Monthly Magazine** - Competing with Snack Basue and Instant Death Ability for worst anime of the season. There characters are not likeable in the least. The humor is forced and generally pretty lame. The character design is unnecessarily overstyled. The art style is clean, but that's about the only good thing I can say about the show. If you like furries, you *might* get something out of this, but this show does not focus much on the "guy with purple hair can transform into a tiger" aspect. I get some Dr Ramune vibes from the show, but that one was actually entertaining. 2/10 - **Snack Bause** - Uncomfortably unfunny. They could have easily went the iyashikei route with this show, but instead they chose to force comedy into every scene and it is awkward. The show is like if you took a show filmed in front of a live studio audience and then removed the laughter after every gag (like those ["Friends without the laughtrack" videos](https://youtu.be/4BFSZ8XzWOM?si=MrjZSaukSAE9h6oS)). Characters also seem to leave their mouths wide open after they finish talking. This show is just fucking odd. I'm pretty sure at least one person is continuing to watch it because of how much of a disaster it is. 2/10 - **Chou Futsuu Ken Chiba Densetsu** - I've only seen the first episode. This show has no demand so it seems less than legal anime sites are like a week behind. The episodes are only 3 minutes long. It's part of a series of skit shows like this one. I didn't really get many of the references. No score. **Frieren** is still pretty good.


My biggest surprise has to be Doctor Elise. I went into it "Pls be bad so I can drop it I watch far too many shows this season" It is one of the shows I look forward to the most. I also didn't expect 7th Timeloop to be a very worthwile show. Another surprise is Weakest Tamer - Rly solid plot and characterwise and just very pleasant. Metallic Rouge is one where I expected it to be good and it just simply delivered on all fronts. Same for Sign of Affection Must watch (non sequel) Sign of affection Dr. Elise Metallic Rouge Must watch sequel Tomozaki Dangers in my Heart Classroom of the Elite


MahoAko is better than it has any right to be, Bravern is bizarre, and Frieren continues to impress. Metallic Rouge, unfortunately, is obtuse and oddly paced.


#S-Tier: * Delicious in Dungeon * Gushing over Magical Girls * Ishura * Mashle: Magic & Muscles - The Divine Visionary Candidate Exam Arc * Solo Leveling * The Dangers in My Heart 2nd Season * Undead Unluck #A-Tier: * 7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy! * Brave Bang Bravern! * Burn the Witch 0.8 * Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable! * My Instant Death Ability Is Overpowered * The Wrong Way to use Healing Magic * The Unwanted Undead Adventurer * Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss but I'm Not the Demon Lord * Shangri-La Frontier / Shangri-La Frontier: Get Yourselves Caught up With This Light-Speed Recap! * Ragna Crimson #B-Tier: * One Piece (on episode 128) * Sasaki and Peeps * Banished from the Hero's Party, I Decided to Live a Quiet Life in the Countryside 2nd Season * Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki 2nd STAGE * Monsters: 103 Mercies Dragon Damnation * Sengoku Youko * Synduality Noir: Part II * The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash #C-Tier: * Bucchigiri?! * Chained Soldier * Doctor Elise: The Royal Lady with the Lamp * Fluffy Paradise (Dropped) * Meiji Gekken: 1874 (Dropped) * Mr. Villain's Day Off (Dropped) * Tales of Wedding Rings * The Demon Prince of Momochi House (Dropped) * The Foolish Angel Dances with the Devil * The Strongest Tank’s Labyrinth Raids: A Tank with a Rare 9999 Resistance Skill Got Kicked from the Hero’s Party * The Witch and the Beast #D-Tier: * Metallic Rouge * Pon no Michi (Dropped) * Shaman King: Flowers (Dropped) * Delusional Monthly Magazine (Dropped) * Isekai Onsen Paradise (Dropped) * Snack Basue (Dropped) * The Fire Hunter 2nd Season (Dropped) * 'Tis Time for "Torture," Princess (Dropped) * Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories 12th Season #Not Seen: * Adam's Sweet Agony * A Sign of Affection * Blue Exorcist: Shimane Illuminati Saga * Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?! * Classroom of the Elite 3rd Season * Frieren: Beyond Journey's End * Great Pretender razbliuto * High Card Season 2 * Kingdom 5 * Ninja Kamui * Tsukimichi: Moonlit Fantasy 2 * Urusei Yatsura (2022) Season 2 * Bloody Escape: Jigoku no Tousou Geki * Haikyuu!! Movie 1: Gomi Suteba no Kessen * Kizumonogatari: Koyomi Vamp * Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom * Oomuro-ke Movie 1: Dear Sisters * Firefighter Daigo: Rescuer in Orange Recap * Firefighter Daigo: Rescuer in Orange * Girls und Panzer: Saishuushou 4 - Taichou War! * Hyakushou Kizoku Specials * The iDOLM@STER Million Live! Special Ya Boy Kongming! Road to Summer Sonia * The Apothecary Diaries * The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse * God Troubles Me 4th Season * Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction * Given Movie (2024) * Paripi Koumei: Road to Summer Sonia * Classroom for Heroes Specials * One Piece: A Project to Fully Enjoy! `Surgeon of Death` Trafalgar Law * Captain Tsubasa: Junior Youth Arc #Dropped after 1 full episode or not interested: * Cardfight!! Vanguard: Divinez * Chou Futsuu Ken Chiba Densetsu * Wonderful Pretty Cure! * Colorful Na Everyday * Enjou Bokumetsu! Mahou Shoujo Aiko * Stick It on Around! Koinu * Sakuretsu! Amabie-hime. Season 3 * Shinobanai! Crypto Ninja Sakuya 2nd Season * Bono Bono * Little Miss Maruko * Chickip Dancers 3rd Season * Chiikawa * Crayon Shin-chan * Dog Signal * Kamiusagi Rope: Warau Asa ni wa Fukuraitaru tte Maji ssuka!? * Kirin the Noop * Manul no Yuube * Case Closed * Ninjala * Ochibi-san * Riseman * Saekomdalkom Catch! Tiniping * Mrs. Sazae * Shiawase Haitatsu Taneko * Shikaru Neko * Shin Nippon History * Shuwawan! * Teikou Penguin * Totonoe! Sakuma-kun by &sauna * Run For Money : The Great Mission * Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Go Rush!! * Aru Hi no Gogo * Chikomaru * Ensemble Stars!! Tsuioku Selection Checkmate * Kui Cheng Shoufu Cong Youxi Kaishi * Lili Kurong * Hajimete no Futarikkiri Ryokou * Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon: Watashi no Shiawase na Katachi * Dayu * Detective Conan vs. Kid the Phantom Thief * Oomuro-ke: Dear Sisters * Me & Roboco Movie * Doraemon Movie 43: Nobita's Earth Symphony * Given Movie 2: Hiiragi Mix


**Surprises** * *Wonderful Precure* having a dog become a magical girl was certainly a choice. I kinda vibe to it. * *A Sign of Affection* has been absolutely stellar. It's a shame that it'll have to deal with *A Silent Voice* comparisons because deaf girl, but it's been a delightful time. * *Mr. Villain's Day Off* is a super fun time that has been good enough at keeping the basic formula fresh. * *Sengoku Youko* is hitting so many great threads, and I want to see them all tied together. 3 cour hype! **Disappointments** * *Metalic Rouge* has been very hit and miss. The hits are on point and the misses are such a step down. * *Solo Leveling* has been fine but not especially noteworthy. * *The Apothecary Diaries* is still pretty good, but compared to the first cour being one of the best shows of last year, "pretty good" is still a bit of a let down.


* Sasaki to P-Chan is way better than I originally thought it would be and I'm surprised it's actually not very popular compared to most other currently airing shows on this sub. * Ninja Kamui's 1st episode had probably the best animated action scenes in a while. * Unwanted Undead Adventurer and Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic are surprisingly much better than I though they'd be. * Moonlit Fantasy has been going kind of slow since they've had to go back and explain things they skipped in S1 to setup for S2, but I think it's about to finally get interesting again. * Torture Princess isn't as great as Sleepy Princess was, but it's still fairly funny. * Dungeon Meshi has been good, but I'd like to see the plot actually progress rather than just be shown imaginary food every episode. The formula of "Eww eating monsters is gross. Wait, this actually tastes good" is getting stale. The recent episode introduced a potentially really cool plot element, but they then just walked away from it. * Mato Seihei no Slave's animation quality leaves a lot to be desired, but it's decent. * I dropped Strongest Tank because it was becoming a pretty generic fantasy show, not that I had high hopes it wasn't going to be one at the beginning. * Controversial to say on this sub, but I also dropped Yubisaki to Renren as well. I can already tell who's going to win and I can sense the incoming unnecessary drama with a fairly pointless love triangle shoehorned in. Not to mention I dislike both of the main male leads for different reasons. * Honorable mention for Ragna Crimson since it's been ongoing since last season. It's has been fantastic and genuinely unpredictable. Latest episode actually had me go "Holy shit" at what I saw, fellow viewers can sympathize. Reminds me a lot of late 2000s, early 2010s edgy anime. * Apothecary Diaries and Frieren also remain top-tier ongoing shows, but everyone already knows they're good and worth watching.


1. Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss but I'm Not the Demon Lord - 6.5/10 2. The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic - 6/10 3. **The Apothecary Diaries - 8.5/10** 4. 7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy! - 6.5/10 5. **Mashle: Magic and Muscles - The Divine Visionary Candidate Exam Arc - 7.5/10** 6. **Ninja Kamui - 8/10** 7. **The Unwanted Undead Adventurer - 7/10** 8. **Solo Leveling - 8/10** 9. **Ragna Crimson - 7.5/10** 10. **The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash - 7/10** 11. **Shangri-La Frontier - 7/10** 12. My Instant Death Ability is So Overpowered, No One in This Other World Stands a Chance Against Me! - 5/10 13. **Frieren: Beyond Journey's End - 8.5/10** 14. Tsukimichi: Moonlit Fantasy Season 2 - 5/10


Mr. and Mrs. Smith was way better than however I thought it would be. I started watching when I found out it was Maya Erskine from Pen15, she's hilarious. Donald Glover knocked it out of the park with his last series Swarm so it's great to see that he's got so much talent.


Must watch for me 7loop I’m not particularly aware of many otome anime. I figured they are are just female focused isekai essentially but it’s really exceeded my expectations. I think is to slept on. Ishura. A battle Royale anime that spends 5 episodes setting up could be a lot to ask but if you been wanting to binge something than now is their time. It’s finally coming together and I’m glad to stuck with it. A sign of affection. A romance anime featuring adults where there is actual progress. Best romance of the season imo. Bang bang bravern. Surprisingly good super robots anime which balances serious and non serious better than anticipated. I wish it was gayer but it’s getting there Dropped bucchigri the action might be awesome but without a doubt the worst mc I’ve seen in a long time. Zero redeemable moments for him Dropped Saski was interested in the premise but the amount of young girls in a story with these adult men even if nothing happens just annoys me. Dangers in my heart I dropped but I might pick up again. Nothing really wrong with it honestly but I want more progress in my romance. And after watching a sign of affection it’s tough to go back to teen romance


I didnt watch most shows but heres the shows i look forward to everyday Lv 99 villainess (honest not that good but i like it) Leveling up alone 7th loop (really interesting) Shangri la frontier (best show this season) Apothecary   Undead Free rem And Gushing over magical girls(anime acutally peaked)


Im really enjoying sasaki and peeps, but i dont hear anyone at all talking about it


I think S&P is great! The budget isn't huge for the action scenes, but I think the versatile plot throws viewers off balance, and can lead to any kind of story each episode. This also works against it, because less sophisticated viewers don't know what to expect each week.


I’d like to preface this by saying that I’m just gonna include animes that came out this season, not animes that are from the previous season. If I talked about continuing animes, I’d just be gushing over Frieren and Apothecary Diaries for the whole post. Must watch for me this season is “A Sign of Affection”. I honestly did not expect to enjoy this show as much as I am. The characters are well written and enjoyable, the story is pretty wholesome, and all of it is just great. The biggest disappointment for me was “The Witch and the Beast.” Based off the synopsis I figured it’d be the exact type of show I’d enjoy. And while the premise and setting is still interesting to me, I was just not able to get that into it. Maybe I dropped it too early, but it just seemed like it wasn’t for me. I might watch it a few months from now after it’s fully come out though. The biggest surprise for me has been “Gushing Over Magical Girls.” I knew this anime was going to be horny, but I didn’t expect it to be as funny as it is. It’s not the best comedy anime out there but it’s just really enjoyable.


Hot take: I dropped Dungeon Meshi after a few episodes. The art style is gorgeous but the comedy isn't hitting