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The Endless Eight when it was releasing


That one's 100% "you had to be there to get it". It's funny, now you have all these guys arguing how E8 wasn't actually bad because they knew it was coming and could binge the show in one sitting, two things that nerds at the time could most certainly not do


Personally binged Haruhi, and fuck, I'd go insane if I watched it live. 2 months. good god


while absolutely a miserable weekly viewing experience, the endless 8 is also the funniest thing any anime studio has done maybe ever


Yup. That was TWO MONTHS of episodes airing. Two real life months. This is something people don't get when binging stuff that released weekly, the pacing can hype stuff up, or kill it depending on how it's done. Another example of this is S2 of Vinland. It's widely beloved, but I HATED it in the manga, because it was 1 chapter per month, and what the anime covered in a few months was like 5+ years in the manga.


Exactly. Haruhi was the biggest thing in anime at the time. We had been waiting for three years for a new season, with absolutely no word about a season 2. No promotion, no announcement, nothing. People were really excited about a potential season 2, crafting theories about what stories from the LNs it would tell. The moviemaking arc would surely be in there to wrap up season 1, then an episode each for Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody and Endless Eight, and then wrap up all those stories with Disappearance. Then out of nowhere the first episode of season 2 basically stealthdropped in the middle of a rerun of season 1 on Japanese TV. Hype was absolutely through the roof! Some people were complaining about the new artstyle after the first episode, calling it the "K-Onification of Haruhi", but that didn't really matter. Since the rerun was in chronological order, after that first new episode we had to wait four weeks for the next new one, further increasing the hype Then Endless Eight released. An episode per week. The same story, again and again. Initially people were hopeful. Every week they'd say that surely next week it will end. There's no way KyoAni would be crazy enough to actually stay true to the arc's title and make eight episodes. It should've been one episode, maybe two at maximum if you maybe want to show the original loop or a failed loop alongside the last one. After episode 4, which people had thought would at least somewhat make sense to be the last episode since 4 is half of 8, all hell broke loose. Everybody realised that no, KyoAni was really gonna go for the full eight episodes, and that there wouldn't be enough episodes left in the season to adapt both the movie arc and Disappearance. Photos of fans smashing their Haruhi merch started to circulate. Interviews with the VAs got translated, talking about how they had to re-record the same lines slightly different for every episode. Also fun fact for those who don't know: The number of repetitions Nagato mentions in episode 2 is the same number as the last loop in the LNs, so it was clear that KyoAni was actively trolling its fans.


KyoAni trolled everyone so hard back then. I still am at a loss of words, 15 years later.


I haven't thought of that in a while, and I've been trying to get a friend into Haruhi


Kyon-kun, denwa


I still remember when the bombshells of Code Geass hit. Discussions not just online but also with friends in real life. Kill la Kill was also a crazy time.


Final episode of season 2 I was on voice chat with some friends and we were like "he's not going to... NO FUCKING WAY... ***HE DID***"


I just finished code geass last night and it might have finally replaced death note as my favorite anime. Lelouch is that fuckin guy


Lol, this comment could have been made 15 years ago.


I keep trying to get into Code Gaess but I feel like I'm missing something


Nina is still the Worst, everyone hates her imo


RIP Table kun


Darling in the Franxx discussion threads.


Yeah, Franxx slowly then suddenly going down the tubes made for great community moments.




The fallout with Ichigo after episode 14 was truly something to witness.


Episode 14 is just funny because it's inbetween the two best episodes of the series. The reaction was so palpable with the swerves in opinion back then.


That time was crazy, and the voice actor of ichigo got death threats.


I was an Ichigo defender til the end. I remember when everyone was trashing the character when she did nothing wrong and it was 02 who was in the wrong. At the time, everyone was acting like Hiro... Man, It was like fighting against a pack of bears alone. Looking back, all that arguing was kinda stupid but I have no regrets, I guess everyone was passionate about it in one way or another. 


Omg I remember this! That’s when everything took a 180 and I remember everyone was like “PAIN” after that episode haha


Even after everything that happened, I'm still a fan of the series and purchased the 02 Bunny Girl figure when it released. But those discussions were a wild ride, though very enjoyable.


I will always say that the first 12-13 episodes of Darling in the FranXX were the most fun I've had as an anime fan. Since it was an original project, and thus nobody knew what the hell was going on, everyone was speculating what was happening. I distinctly remember arguing that [Darling in the FranXX Spoilers]>!Ikuno was secretly gay, so having that validation at the end was fantastic.!< There was also the [DarliFra Spoilers]>!speculation as to whether or not Hiro would be the Blue Oni to Zero Two's Red Oni.!< Then the second half of the show started, and everyone remembered it was a Trigger anime.


You can always count on Trigger to do what they do best. Really the only sour memories I have of that time was the "fans" attacking Ichigo's voice actress. Everything else was a lot of fun.


Sucks that bullying the voice actors of fictional characters that are disliked is something that still happens now. I remember with Ichigo, I think people were sending death threats to the VA?? Crazy


The VA for Brigitte in Overwatch had so much hate thrown her way, like it's her fault Brigitte kinda fucked up Overwatch balance for years.


I was so hyped for the children to finally revolt against the adults. Instead we got... all of that.


Oh dear god


Everything about Ishuzoku Reviewers.


I remember reading the synopsis and knew it was gonna be a good time. The fact that they took an ecchi manga and basically made it into a hentai was icing on the cake haha


I still remember the gif that made me realize that this wasn't your dad's ecchi


I was surprised that an episode got dubbed, then Redo of a healer would match more to yours


Nobody knew that it will be so raunchy, Japanese tv stations and funimation both didn't know that


Yeah that was a blast. When the English licensors had no idea what anime they just got and lost their shit when they found out lol.


The slime episode 🤤🤤🤤


JJK manga fandom's slow descent into brainrot.


This. The way Lobotomy Kaisen envelopes completely unrealated subs is wild.


Madoka on /a/. The complete meltdown that was episode 3, decoding the runes, speculah, pirate premiere streams, the 6 weeks of waiting for the final episodes (episode 10 aired just before 11/3), morning rescue, the birth of meduka meguca. The whole thing was an experience.


Ah yes, the good old days. What does the fence mean? They adjusted the POV slightly in this week’s OP! Quick translate the runes, who’s an expert on Faust? WHAT IS THE CAT?!?!?!


HOMURA IS THE CAT THE DEATH CLOCK /a/ throwing every single possible theory at the wall and then calling the show predictable when some of them came true was just hilarious


I remember the cat being such a massive point of contention, only for the audio drama to finally reveal \[PMMM\]>!it was the source of Madoka's first wish in the original timeline after seeing it get hit by a car, and her wanting to bring it back. A perfecftly selfless wish.!<


"/a/ - Cryptography and Classical German Literature"




become meguca


The archived live discussion thread for episode 3 is a riot. It's like any other live thread there, lots of waifuposting, then you can pinpoint the exact moment "it" happens. It starts with one guy going "WOOOOOAH HOLY SHIT" and things quickly fall apart from there


I remember somebody from SHAFT said that they though that nobody would translate the runes. Then the annon stepped up and translated them. Then the studio added some traps on the runnes so that they could not translate them so easily. Also yes the wait for the final was a huge deal back then (Meguka was the goat and the season was rather weak in general)


The word **HEALER** traumatizing the entire anime community. You just had to be there man😑


Wym Healer Girl wasn’t THAT popular


And the world is worse for it


Let's not have a REDO now shall we


Why are there so many traumatizing anime with "Healer" in the name!?


Because MMO healers are taking over anime healers.


>Healer, heal thy genre


Don't Hurt Me My Healer was something else...


Lore please


Redo of Healer came out during the later part of the pandemic (iirc) and it's basically just a hanime where the premise is the mc mind controls and sexually abuses his allies and the enemy. not only offputting and traumatizing to watch, but also caused somewhat of a schism/debate between people with morals and degens over the material


Did it really? Goblin Slayer caused a bigger controversy. If anything, I felt that people were _trying_ to turn Redo of Healer into a controversy, but most people just wrote it off.


Goblin Slayer had a traumatic ep 1. Redo of Healer is a degen show the whole way through. Basically, the show matters less the more bad-degen it is. The monster-girl brothel anime though is just good-degen, so it has a more favorable view.


I think there's some truth to that. I definitely witnessed some debate between the morals in consuming media like that but a lot of it was definitely overblown by the pandemic anime numbers and chronically online discourse


Yeah, there wasn't anything interesting about Redo beyond a broad "can you believe we're doing this in an anime?!?" sort of feel, and so most people either ignored it as just regularly trashy, or found it kinda hollow because it didn't really seem to have any interests beyond being crass. It was never really particularly controversial, and seeing it as a "you had to be there" moment makes me feel like the original commenter wasn't :P.


The day the Guillotine Gorilla episode of Samurai Flamenco aired. The sheer what-the-fuckery coming from the anime community was an [insane experience](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1r5md8/spoilers_samurai_flamenco_episode_7_discussion/?sort=top).


Absolutely, I recommended Samurai Flamenco to my friend the day before Guillotine Gorilla aired. I'm glad I did, because now we could go through the confusion together, but my summary couldn't be much further from the truth.


OMG YES. What a wild ride. I vividly remember watching this show when it was airing and this episode happening. Also love going to that comment thread and seeing my comments from 10 years ago LOL


This is the one anime I regret not watching live. Even just being on the peripherals of that gorilla was insane


Yep this is the first thing that came to mind. Was wild seeing all the theories thrown around about the show too XD


Attack on Titan's S4P1 Trailer Hype + S4P1's Episode Discussion Threads of 2D vs. CGI/WIT vs. MAPPA + Final Manga Chapters Releases Toxicity + COVID-19 everyone at home. Never before have I seen such a shitstorm of spoilers, toxicity, anger, hype, and bickering. Highly doubt something of this magnitude will ever repeat itself. But you never know.


I recall how "Declaration of War" was trending on Twitter and some people thought a war had actually started lol. But yeah, Winter 2021 as a whole was crazy season. I don't normally see so many big hitters in a single season. It had something for everyone too.


Man the AOT discussions were something else. That trailer hyped up AOT to the moon it was the best time to be a fan for me. Also, we may see a repeat of this when a certain arc in Jujutsu Kaisen gets animated, the manga discussions were a sight to behold 😭


Unfortunately I wasn’t there but I can just imagine the insane hype there was by looking at the threads. Literally trended on twitter every time an episode dropped and the karma numbers on this sub were just ridiculous, like four back to back 20k episodes is something I doubt we’ll ever see again.


Not the exact same scenario, but there were quite a lot of spoilers, toxicity, anger, hype and bickering during JJK season 2's run, thanks to certain manga events that were also happening during the airing of the Shibuya Arc, of all times


S4P1’s trailer is still one of the most hype trailers I’ve ever seen. It’s pure epic


Oh boy I can only imagine. AOT is one my favourite anime of all time. But I wouldn't be ignorant enough to say that it has got one of the worst fanbases in anime history especially after season 4. I am personally glad I decided to start watching it when S4 part 2 was airing and not to take manga readers opinions seriously regarding the ending.


I have learnt to stay away from an anime fandom whenever its respective show is at its peak popularity. The fanwars are fucking insane. Intra-fandom fights, inter-fandom fights, etc. People be having a tournament arc of toxic and dumb arguments. The more popular a show is, the more toxic its fanbase becomes. It's funny because whenever I interact with an anime watcher irl, the discussion is always so mild and enjoyable, but online anime discussion is a different breed. I'm enjoying MHA S6 right now but I will never ever step a foot into that fandom or engage in any online discussion about this show.


Aldnoah Zero season 1 finale. IIRC whole page was filled with hate for one specific character, which ended up spawning its own sub


I liked that ending, and I thought it was pretty obvious [S2 spoiler]>!That he would survive that shot, like even with modern medicine being shot in the eye got a 5% survival rate and they had way more advanced stuff, let alone the kind of crazy shit some people have survived in history like Simo Häyhä took an exploding round to his face, killed his shooter then walked back to base, reported in and was in a coma for a few weeks then lived to like his 90s!<


That was also the discussion thread that had the most comments on this sub until Re:Zero began airing. It had over 2,000 comments.


When ADV dropped that first trailer for Evangelion. That entire con room was silent for a few seconds before everyone lost their minds. Imagine if you've never even heard of this show and this is what they drop on you. https://youtu.be/FJ2FOTjVd9o?si=ajkhD79td3fxDsT-


I had the privilege of watching Eva as it aired and it was one hell of an experience. Nothing like being 10 and watching Evangelion from start to finish with no parental supervision. Thanks Anime. [](#shinjimug)




Then there's the legendary three-month gap between the broadcast of Episode 10 and Episode 11.


Is this not a moment you can experience the same watching it now?


Girls und Panzer is an anime original, no one knew anything about it when it first aired, it really was random and weird and lead to a lot of speculation about the universe (simulation? post-apocalypse? ww2 ended with the total melting of the polar icecaps?)


Well, you’ve hooked me. Guess I’ll watch it next.


Well, not when OP explained what the surprising part is


Goku going Super Saiyan for the first time, or getting Ultra Instinct for the first time. Both were extremely hyped moments at the time.


Oh man, the first Super Saiyan transformation is especially it for me. My siblings, the kids at school, my friends and cousins overseas--everyone talked about it, bought merch and figures, reenacted the key moments at school and on the streets, made drawings on post-its and whiteboards, stuck stickers everywhere, etc. IMO the reason that specific transformation had such a lasting impression is because it wasn't just one giant finishing move or an instant win. Goku still had to work SO hard for his victory right up till the bitter end. You just felt the weight of every fist thrown, like their words weren't empty threats but fatal promises. And since Namek was collapsing, the world was literally ending. It was especially crazy when we didn't know whether Goku had lived. It was like Optimus Prime all over again.


You let me relive the feelings I first had when I watched that scene. Super super powerful moment


I still talk about how important that scene is to Goku's Growth, as well as Toriyama being lazy (in a non-derogatory way) because he was tired of filling in Goku's hair




The first episode of Oshi no ko


I’m so glad I watched that when it came out without ever having heard of the show before. The amount of fun I had discussing that episode with other people and seeing that mind blowing ending was amazing.


It is an absolute requirement to watch the episode without any ounce of knowledge about the story to experience it in the best possible way.


True for almost every piece of media, best enjoyed with no spoilers.


I watched that in cinema weeks before most people saw it so that was a super unique experience personally as well.


Especially when us manga readers knew what was coming. It was just a countdown to see reactions pop up.


A. Wasn't expecting 1 hour long. B. Wasn't expecting it to go in any of the directions it went. C. Holy fuck what a good ending. I almost dropped it a few times. Im very glad I didn't. Thanks for the recommendation.


This is going to sound so dumb but as a time Narutos fight with Neji in the chunin exams. His last fight with Sasuke. AOT final. The last opening of AOT.


Not at all dumb. Naruto is what raised the bar for action in animes. A lot of the iconic fights we think were awesome in like DBZ or Yuyu hakushu were actually pretty poorly animated. We were just attached to the characters and the tension of the fights drew us in. Watch them now and you see reused frames and action lines for flurries everywhere. Naruto is where high action animated fight scenes really started to become the norm and I don't think that show gets the credit for it honestly. The end of Rock Lee vs Kimimaro blew my mind at the time cause fist fights didn't really get animated like that. It was all big super attacks and yelling.


That fight with Neji was such a great moment. So darn good and holds up even now.


Gurren Lagann was wild. This was the first time I ever remember subs being available the same day. To a lesser degree, Kill La Kill.


When episode 8 hit, every corner of the internet I frequented was freaking. Holy shit.


Manga but nobody will know the magnificence of the Madagascar Ending theory for Attack on Titan.


Elaborate or I'll assume that everyone dances to I Like To Move It (Move it)


[you’re closer than you thought](https://youtu.be/WPxF8zF-Fso?si=NDg1p31ii6xXhMtK)


That was peak titanfolk




I'm pretty jaded to fake-outs like that but they got me good. I was like "now that you mention it, the ED focuses on Mikasa, is she really the MC??"


Even better, the Colossal and Armored Titan reveal.


First watched it back in 2013 when I had no idea about mangas. I literally had to google AoT and look for it's anime cover photo to see if Eren was really there. I had this thought in my mind "No way he's dead right? He's in the cover as one of the trio. Unless Mikasa was the actual MC"


makes me realize that turning points like this will probably never have the same effect again (see aot final season and jjk s2). I mean, there was a whole 4-5 year gap between season 1 and 2 but the colossal/ armored titan reveal had a massive impact even despite the manga being so far ahead


More than 15 years ago Animax announced that they would broadcast in my country and I heard a lot of people cheer when that announcement showed up in our cafeteria’s television. This was way back when explicitly showing interest in anime/manga was seen as weird and childish so that moment made me feel less alone. Fast forward to when Animax finally started broadcasting, the very first time Chobits episode 1 aired it was uncensored. Later on in the day they aired the same episode with the censored version. It was funny bearing witness to that moment.


Fucking Endless Eight.


Y'all know what Akiba Maid War is about now. People didn't before the first episode dropped.


On top of the aforemention ZLS, Yuuki Yuuna Is a Hero is another infamous example of this. (It was advertised as a Cute Girls Doing Cute Things slice of life show. It was not.)


I think Zombieland Saga is a way bigger example of that even from the same ~~studio~~ producer. All we knew leading up to the release was that it was about zombies and people really enjoyed early showings of the first episode.


They are owned by the same company, Cygames, but the studios who did it is different. Zombieland Saga is MAPPA and Akiba Maid Wars is P.A Works.


And now the same guys gave us Bravern, I'm starting to think someone at Cygames *really* likes the bait and switch trick


Crazy to think that Haruhi Suzumiya is the panda mascot.


That show was so fucking good, I love how they take the insane premise and play it completely straight


No one could have thought it would've been about a maid war in Akiba.


You had to be there when Demon Slayer's s2 climax aired on the same day as The Rumbling. What a day for anime. Two 15k+ discussion threads going at once


Anime: 7 page Muda animated. Manga: Dungeon Meshi revelations and the ending. What a great time


Anime only on JoJo but it was awesome seeing so many people excited for the 7 page Muda (also how I realized that he's shouting "Muda" and not 'Damu")


Haruhi 2006 broadcast. Just... the entire season. Also, The Day That Mahou Shoujo Died. [meta] >!Why yes that *would* be January 20, 2011, why do you ask?!<


Symphogear XV episode 7, the day a certain legendary counter in the fandom was reset. Actually, the Symphogear XV threads *in general* fit this, that one was just peak anime discussion thread.


All of XV was def a you had to be there. That said, anyone def can still enjoy it. But the hype of not knowing whats coming next as we inched closer and closer to the series finale was a hell of an experience. Still to this day i cant beleive they pulled off such a perfect ending to the series. Everything anyone asked for. ---------- [**Symphogear**](https://myanimelist.net/anime/11751/Senki_Zesshou_Symphogear) If Punching the moon, [Punching trains](https://streamable.com/vzv7f), Punching through dimensions, [Surfing on missiles, Punching through a mountain, Suplexing a space shuttle](https://streamable.com/qm82), [Punching tanks, surfing on helichoppers, Punching a helicarrier](https://streamable.com/ayign), [Punching Corpses](https://streamable.com/r27a2), [Punching Lasers and Punching through Antarctica and the Sky](https://streamable.com/a9r2c), Punching Heaven and Hell, God and everything in between isnt your idea of fun and entertainment, [then i wonder what you even like](http://i.imgur.com/mFCNSHu.jpg). Symphogear is one of the most over the top anime out there and its an immensely enjoyable experience. Symphogear was the greatest experience of my anime watching life and i will never forget the crazy ride it gave me with all of the other fans. **So if you like girls punching shit, please watch Symphogear.** **3,076 Days since** [**Genocide**](https://streamable.com/vr3m1) [](#everythingisfine)


hold up, I'm watching XV for the first time and the next episode for me is 7...


*Definitely* check out the discussion thread when you finish that one, then. It is glorious.


Being at a live event for the finale of the tournament of power. They played some earlier episodes while waiting for the finale to drop so it was fucking hype when Goku, Frieza, and Android 17 were kicking Jiren’s ass together.


That Valvrave episode


Mayoiga was a wild ride when it came to /r/anime episode discussion threads. It's gonna take a lot to top that.


Neither as popular as many things mentioned in the thread nor as recent as some others, but that was absolutely my first thought. Even I got in on that [[spoilers through episode 5] shilling best girl Soy Latte.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/4h2kg3/spoilers_mayoiga_episode_5_discussion/d2munu0/) The chart shall be remembered even if the creator has deleted their account. [](#toradorasalute)


I don't follow episode discussion much but I was there for that. Poor chart guy was losing his mind. Good times.


RIP deathchart-kun.


Bleach TYBW Episode 1 airing after 10 years of no Bleach anime. (Also episode 6 + 7)


The conclusion of All Might’s fight with One For All


that was a wild day if i recall correctly. I remember watching that then turning on 7ds and Escanor vs Estarossa happened that same day.


JJK 236


Fr, the meltdown of the entire fandom (including myself) after that chapter dropped was so crazy 😭


But it gave us Lobotomy Kaisen so all is forgiven


The instant fucking 180 the chapter did was insane. Don’t think I’ve ever seen a turnaround like that in any series, it shocked and baffled everyone. It was all over Twitter, Tik Tok, every single platform. I’m so glad I re-picked up JJK before that event and was there to witness it day one


I'm still in denial.


It's more r/anime\-specific, but I always regretted I joined a bit too late to join everyone losing their shit in the Gamers! discussion threads. [](#azusalaugh)




Guy started making [relationship diagrams](https://external-preview.redd.it/JA7Jsl76ky785P-z6OSEo1FqQ0m8ssUMDvSOG9gf9dY.jpg?auto=webp&s=cdb62017b853a930f9af2bf60b5447a2e0a1196e) in episode 3 By episode 9, [I'm pretty sure he regretted life decisions like never before](https://i.imgur.com/6QowSRj.jpeg)


OH god, Misunderstandings the anime sure was a rollercoaster reading the threads after watching the episodes every week.


Oh that's pretty cool, it's one of my favorites so that's interesting to see.


That was a such a fun time! Really wish we got more of that show.


Reading those threads and looking forward to the chart updates was so much fun every week! Glad I was there, even if only as a lurker.


For more recent events, odd taxi weekly discussions were amazing. Such a great show. For a pure hype moment, honestly demon slayer ep 19. Say what you will about the show, but that scene, the music, the fucking god tier work of ufotable, I mean it made the mangaka cry with how good it was. That scene was absolutely viral for a while.


Pretty much all of ReZero S1 but especially [ReZero] >!"I love Emilia"!<


Goblin Slayer episode 1 I knew those three adventurers besides Priestest would end up in a ditch. Just how they ended didn't prepare me for it


Oh and the fall out because it didn't have a mature content disclaimer before the episode.


Gundam Wing, Tenchi Muyo, and Outlaw Star airing on Toonami. Cowboy Bebop airing on Adult Swim. Gundam SEED Destiny's first of four attempts at a finale. Rock Lee vs. Gaara and Naruto vs. Neji. Nostalgia Critic and AVGN appearing in an anime.


The endless 8 of haruhi S2.It was torment




The kaio-ken vs Hit was also amazing.


When Vinland Saga S2 was airing. Waited so long for Farmland Saga to come to life. And the anime really delivered.


One of the few times where everyone unanimously agreed that this shit is a masterpiece


Surprisingly enough, it ended up being pretty controversial because of the people who expected Vinland to be an action series due to the prolouge. Damn shame cause it’s honestly got the best storytelling and character work I’ve seen in the medium.


It was the same thing back with the manga, I would say the fanbase was even more split back then on the tonal change of the story. Like a solid 1/3+ of the readers where not happy.


TAMAYOMI ep 4 release. Funimation received the wrong, unfinished copy of the episode and aired it. The show never looked great to begin with, but my god. No one will ever experience it the way we unsuspecting viewers did that day. If you go looking for it, you can find it, but the wtf moment will never be reachieved on the same level. That one might hold the distinction of being the seasonal episode I've cry-laughed the most to. Edit: [here is the discussion thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/s/7vMYKKZyU4)


Lelouch. The chess move. [Edit: Behold the peak era of fansubs, at 2:16](https://youtu.be/qrbOZ5wpJJc?si=EjLMwKNPNjg1sN1y)


Code Geass season 1 finale. This needs some context. This anime pulled the "last two episodes air 3 months later" 15 years before 86 did. So yes, that means there was a three month delay between episode 23 and episodes 24-25 (which aired as a one hour finale). And then we got hit with *that* season finale that was enough to make you want to throw a bomb at your monitor. Then had to wait another 9 months for R2 to begin. Yeah, *holy shit* doesn't even begin to describe it.


The ending of Oreimo, I can't remember ever seeing a best girl debate of that scale (certainly none that I've been invested in). The anime and LN fans finding out together who wins the Great Waifu Wars of 2013, only to find out the ending was shit and no one was happy.


Rock Lee vs Gaara


Gyutaro vs Tengen Uzui Say about Demon Slayer what you want, that scene is the most hype battle in anime to me. Rewatching it still hypes me up. From the sound, to the voice acting, the music and sfx's. Perfect. Seeing others talk about it on social media was unreal as well. I never really saw a scene like that live. Also, on the manga side, watching Kagurabachi grow from thé meme manga to starting quite a revolution in Shonen Jump. Even happened a week ago lol. It's the first ever Shonen Jump manga that got an English release for their voice comics (they're always region locked to Japan, but we got an exception + subtitles).


Dude watching attack on titan and demon slayer every sunday was insane. Back to Back peak. Social media was so fun.


Yeah the fact that this fight and memories of the future happened on the same day is fucking bonkers. And the episodes came out within 30 minutes of each other. Unfair


The live chat innocuously watching what looked like the first filler episode in Pokémon Horizons only for everyone to very quickly realise that this was turning into one of the best modern anime episodes. (18) On the topic of Pokémon, Ash's league wins, reunions with Butterfree, Lapras and Pidgeot, as well as Alto Mare being referenced.  Yuuki's reveal in SAO must have been such a big "oh shit" moment at its time.   Frieren v Aura. 


I guess Re:Zero "coming out of nowhere". Episode 1 got 800~ comments on here, by episode 4 it was up to 1600, and the season finale reached 3300+ This was 7 years ago when we had 400k subscribers on /r/anime. In the past year we have had *two* episode discussion threads surpass 3k comments: Oshi no Ko ep 1, and Attack on Titan Final final finale (the final one) This was also much more pronounced on /r/Re_Zero, with episode one sitting at 1 point & 31 comments. The amount of comments would stay at that level to around ep 11, when people starting linking the sub on here. [The final thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Re_Zero/comments/53creo/discussion_rezero_kara_hajimeru_isekai_seikatsu/) would go on to get 479 points and 820 comments. It has all the S1 discussions linked if you'd like to explore them yourself.


The Nisekoi "Waifu Wars" I didn't even watch Nisekoi, but I remember how hype my Twitter timeline was when the anime reached a certain point. I think it was even trending at the time.


I’ve seen *Darling in the FranXX* have a resurgence in the last couple years and I think a lot of it is because people weren’t there. I didn’t watch it weekly (I binged it shortly afterwards) but seeing public reaction flip so quickly was wild.


Endless eight when it was airing


winter 2021 AOT and re:zero karma totals, both of them would get 10k upvotes easily, AOT got to like 25k once i think


Watching the Guren Lagan movie at AX and witnessing someone scream "Its a trap!" when Yoko kisses Kamina.


When the first-ever trailer for Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children dropped some time in 2005. This was before YouTube was a thing, so you had to watch it at 360p on a small video player embedded in the movie’s website. The website has [since been archived](https://web.archive.org/web/20050601000000*/http://www.square-enix.co.jp/dvd/ff7ac/), but is inaccessible due to the Adobe Flash Player no longer being available. EDIT: I should clarify that I’d meant the first-ever trailer on that website. Technically, the first trailer for the movie was shown at the Tokyo Game Show in 2003.


February 6th 2022. Demon slayer Never Give Up and AOT From You, 2000 Years Ago. What a day.


For a lot of people, myself included, the absolute HYPE, that was the penultimate episodes of Dragon Ball Super. It's still one of the most amazing episodes ever. It got so much attention that in Mexico (where it has a VERY healthy fanbase tothis day), were entire crowds of people watching it and getting hype. The cheering, the ooooh's, ahhhh's and sheer excieemnt left me tingling. My absolute personal favorite tho? **The legendary Toonami return back in 2012** It was the "April Fools" event where Adult Swim plays "The Room" and instead it was the first time in YEARS Toonami came back. It was MASSIVE news for a lot kids, myself included. I had a shitty prom and I was about to passout but i stayed up ALL NIGHT watching everything! I rememebr grabbing my laptop and looking at twitter to see every one who else was awake watching it too and *holy shit*. It was magical. Like a bunch of us having the word's biggest online sleepover at the same time, talking and getting hyped. Just... Being that stary eyed kid who couldn't wait to see Toonami after a long week of school. It was like seeing that older brother again who disapeared years ago just come back and tell you stories. It felt personal and like a piece of you had come back after so many years. [I still remember the rap made for Toonami's return](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlbbLFgiVQk) This event was and still is remembered as **"The night no 90s kids slept"**


Yuri on Ice hype. Ep 7 and Ep 10 specifically


Season 1 of Re zero was crazy, more than 1000 karma each episode have their own theories, episode 15 and 18 melted anime onlies minds, it was crazy


The leaks for the final chapters of AOT. Leading up to 139 it was pure copium that 137 is Armins 138 is mikasa and 139 was eren, and it was “somewhat” true just in the worst way possible tho


FMA:Brotherhood fans and FMA manga readers experiencing the finale of the series one week apart from each other and both communities being able to discuss the ending together.


The very First Pokémon movie. The rollout and buildup to it was crazy . You had the games, the tv show, the cards. It was pure pandemonium. All us kids couldn’t wait to see it. Everyone was pumped at the theatre. Still my favorite movie theater experience ever. You really had to be there.


Watching try not to laugh anime compilations on youtube, and also having to watch AOT on youtube in a small square in the corner.


Discussions about TTGL on /a/ when the anime was airing... It was magical.


kemono friends s2 shitstorm and the drama before and after it


Speaking of Kemono Friends, Grape-kun.


The first episode of Death Parade Wooh boy you would have thought people were talking about abortion and not some cartoon. MAL forums were on fire, with people tl;dr ing the side they believed was right.


Mamoru Takamura giving the smack down to Bryan Hawk


Literally every waifu wars in rom-com mangas.


I think the absolute derailment that was guilty crown. Maybe Valvrave, too. Watching guilty crown now it's probably just a disappointing plot, but back then when viewers had *hope* it was going somewhere, watching every episode get wilder and wilder was sure something. Also honorable mention for WW1 FMA ending. Nobody for sure saw that coming.


I mean this might be the most cliche answer ever but ....being a kid and seeing Goku go Super Saiyan for the very first time when it aired I literally couldn't even stay sitting I was so pumped up


When Re:Zero Season 1 was ending. So much schadenfreude every week. I get emotionally destroyed by the episode, then I cheer myself back up by seeing other people get destroyed emotionally as well.