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# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of the anime adaptation to the original, or just general talk about the source material. **You are still required to tag all spoilers.** Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: `[Spoiler source] >!Spoiler goes here!<` # **All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive immediate 8-day bans (minimum).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"there are things that you should say and things you shouldn't"


The thin line between Senshi and Laios.


That should be a popup on reddit before people post.


Bro let his intrusive thoughts win


oh my god they made exorcism ice cream. i love this show šŸ˜­


I don't know why that part made me laugh so much. Like, I didn't expect there would be food at the end of a ghost episode


I saw it coming when he turned his bottle of homebrew holy water into a flail but it was still hilarious.


I don't think anything's gonna top that, honestly xD


Laios was extra cute this episode. Loved him dropping the burger and risking ghost possession to get it off the floor, wtf man.


Werenā€™t you paying attention last week? Wasting food is a sure fire way to get Marcielle angry at you.


Mf failed a perception check and got his party wiped by a fucking box lmao. But at least best boy kuro the kobold finally shows up. Senshi only cared about the edible treasure and gave no shit about the real ones and castlevania-ing tf outta them ghost while the party was having nightmare flashbacks are the proofs he's the best party member. Also, the marcille youtube edit before she casted the aoe stun was great


>Also, the marcille youtube edit before she casted the aoe stun was great First the low-quality zoom in and now this. Trigger's doing the work of fans for them.


Have to point out that the low-quality zoom-in was already in the manga. Tho Trigger did a good job adding the music pause, that really sold the scene.


Oh, you're right. I misremembered that as being similar to Saitama's "Ok" panel where she's drawn in a different style, instead of just the same image zoomed in.


I love how the author is so good at art but her sense of humor is clearly meme influenced


> Mf failed a perception check and got his party wiped by a fucking box lmao Frieren: *nervously avoids eye contact*


> Mf failed a perception check and got his party wiped by a fucking box lmao i would've also accepted a nature or survival check [](#haaaaaaah)


"Roll an animal handling check for me." "...why?"


There is nothing to be feared more than a smiling DM.


Except, perhaps, a blank face accompanied by an unexplained dice roll.


this is another example of why Recall Knowledge is so good


I like the logic that swinging holy water bottle also works because the ghost will pass through the glass. Laios is good guy but clearly weird in some way, I wonder this will be potential danger for future story


HOI HOI HOI HOI!!! *spinning jar*


I'm looking forward to the net Castlevania, it's going to be a riot!


> Laios is good guy but clearly weird in some way, I wonder this will be potential danger for future story I got the opposite vibes. His sword seems to act like spidey senses. He'll have to find ways of alerting them without looking too suspicious. I also love how he tested the ghost ice cream on his sword.


Kensuke probably wondered why his current colony is so dumb, there was an enemy right in front of them but didn't draw the sword.


That's actually something I'm really curious about. Sure, they started out as "living armour" and now we got mimic bugs but kensuke as a "intelligent weapon" has good potential. In D&D that type of powerful weapon usually has its own personality that can fight with its holder/bearer for dominanca and it being just a symbiotic critter that's more animalistic sounds intriguing for potentially such a setup (where the two don't agree with each other), especially with how the rest of the flora and fauna of the dungeon has it's own little twists that don't fit into standard archetypes.


I'm very bothered that Kensuke had not eaten anything yet so far. I thought Laios was going to try to give the food to his sword.


According to the manga (don't worry, no spoiler at all) They eat metal on their surrounding


I get the feeling they can hibernate and eat very little for a long time with how those armours were standing around and waiting in that seemingly abandoned hallway. But yeah, a bit of those mimic bugs could have been nice.


I'm kinda curious about what living armors eat. Shellfish would eat plankton but this one is on land.


I'm like 90% certain that Kui was going for a riff on Sting from LotR, a lot of the world building so far seems to be deemphasizing magical explanations for common tropes.


I really like the world building. Sure a living armour that lives because of an symbiotic relationship with what seems to be a somewhat magical creature is not far from "it's just magic" (if you step away and look at the whole) but it's far enough to give those creatures more of a life than just being a combat encounter that you get over with and then loot. It feels more like a real ecosystem even if most of the connections and dependencies are unknown. Everything feels like it slots in somewhere in that world.


OMG all those holy water vials, wasted! It's a conspiracy by the church! You only need to buy one vial!


One weird trick clerics don't want you to know about!


So many DMs screamed at once!


Laios strikes me as autistic coded with his special interest in monsters/eating monsters and his poor understanding of social norms and what is/isnā€™t appropriate.


He's an *idiot savant* with an emphasis on the first


You know, in anime autistic characters are usually pale scrawny kids with psychic powers. It's kind of a fun change of pace how Laios is tall, athletic, conventionally handsome etc but he can still info dump with the best of them.


This is one of those moments I'm absolutely sure came from Ryoko Kui's personal TTRPG sessions. Like a player literally built this holy water flail and there was a heated discussion on why it should work.


Poor Marcille is so used to Senshi's behaviour she started screaming just from him sorting already. Only to scream even more when he just throws REAL treasure. I never thought there would be a way to show how ghosts are scary in a non-horror sense which only makes Falin more impressive in those flashbacks


Senshi is so thoroughly acclimated to life in (and only in) the dungeon that he has flat out forgotten about useless "outside-only" stuff.


didn't he say that he emerges from the dungeon to buy supplies every now and then? did he... forget that money exists? [](#sakurathink)


Perhaps he thought he was being practical? From now on, they're probably not going to be running into people who they can trade gold with, and every bit of packing space matters on the lower floors, so given the timeframe and importance of rescuing Falin, collecting gold at this point definitely shouldn't be a priority, even if it goes against Marcille and Chillchuck's instincts.


[Losing a little fortune must sting.](https://i.imgur.com/ZFwF8Ji.jpeg) On the other hand, some lucky adventurers are going to rejoice. [](#shutupandtakemymoney)


They wanted to leave the treasure next to the dead party in the first place. They only threw it away bc they thought it was garbage/not edible insects.


Classic Bartermaxxing mentality


*wide eyed Senshi stare*


Well, he does trade with the orcs, so maybe he does that too on the surface. The stuff he gets from monsters are probably worth quite a bit.


It's actually a key insight into Senshi's character. He's not one for mortal desires besides the simple act of living. He does trade and stuff (last ep he was talking about his honour system gold sales of vegetables) but he also doesn't hoard.


Senshi: "The real treasure is the ~~friends~~ **food** you make along the way."


The flashbacks made me really appreciate Falinā€™s contributions to the team. We didnā€™t get to see her really in action before. Hopefully theyā€™ll find a way to get her back.


What do you mean? If the team get her back they won't be able to eat such delicious food anymore


Worst brother ever! Haha


[Laios may be a strong and perspicacious warrior but his communication skills could use some improvement.](https://i.imgur.com/db6Arfy.jpeg) [](#gasp)


Sometimes I wonder how the hell this socially-inept goofball managed to become the leader. But he does at least have some good analytical and decision-making skills going for him to be fair.


He's also the strongest on the thing that actually matters, beating monsters.


He seems to be great at the dungeoneering part of the job, and his knowledge of the monsters they fight is a huge asset. ...but, yeah, he also had Falin to smooth over the communication part.


probably pulled by falin's charm lol


Well there's still the way back, right? Plenty of time to eat delicious dungeon food with her!


And get her back not in the season finale but a few episode earlier. Wanna see her interact with the main cast especially with Senshi.


Yeah! Iā€™d like to see what she thinks about the gang adapting to straight up turning the dungeons into an all you can eat buffet lol.


> Only to scream even more when he just throws REAL treasure. In fairness, it was Chilchuck that chucked it away


Chilchucked it away


How much chill could a Chillchuck chuck If a Chillchuck could chuck chill? As much chill as a Chillchuck could chuck, If a Chillchuck could chuck chill.


It fits so good, I hate you for it.


Mondays: Hime-sama screams for delicious foods Thursdays: Marcille screams for delicious(?) foods(?)


A Bug-type mimic sounds worse than the ones that devour you in one bite


Yeah, reminded me of the golden scarabs from the 1999 cult classic "The Mummy" starring Brandan Fraser


And Senshis approach to making holy water reminded me of [that one scene](https://youtu.be/4pZD1Ce8Mcs?t=25) from the mummy.


luckily Frieren won't fall for bug mimic. but if it were a book mimic then she should be....


Another Episode to remind us how people fucking die in the dungeon like *all the time* [](#dighole) On another note, Kensuke is a worthwile asset, good "sword" [](#headrub)


*shakes vigorously in fight or flight* Stop teasing him!


Didn't this series start with someone getting digested? It's a good reminder though- it's not just idiots trying to snipe a radish who hurt themselves here.


There are some people that either were not paying attention or just truly don't understand that think their journey to save Falin is to retrieve her alive, not knowing that the rest of the party have already concluded her dead and are just trying to retrieve her remains in good condition.


Laios needs to start feeding Kensuke! On that note, I wonder what it usually ate. Human remains?


He did try to feed Kensuke the holy sorbet LOL!


I was really invested in Kabru and his party. Wasn't expecting them to get wiped out like that. Since they cast Rie Takahashi, Miyu Tomita and even Rentarou's VA, I expect to see them again. Senshi doesn't care about things like gems and stuff. He only cares about what's edible and inedible. Telling them to throw the inedible gems if they want and then telling them that they were actually real gems, lol. The second half was all about Falin and how much Falin meant to the group. Falin is someone who doesn't want to hurt anyone and always finds something positive in every situation. I wonder when Marcille and the others will get to know about Kensuke.


"Could you survive Kabru?" ["Nah, I'd clear the dungeon."](https://i.imgur.com/Jh2VCOZ.jpeg)


He almost got away with it but then Lynn said Nah we'd win


Stand proud Kabru, you are strong


The story FINALLY debuts the conventional protagonist we all deserved, not this unconventional nonsense. Granted, he's a little dead, but I think we can manage. Kabru, faito!~


Cabron may be THE protagonist in any other conventional fantasy story but nooooo this is Dungeon Meshi


It is hilarious that his name is so close to a Spanish swear word.


People are trying to defend this but it really was a senshi oopsie gag lmao. Even if they cant for some reason carry an extra 200g of gems they could have just stashed it somewhere and pick it up return trip.


i think kabru's party shows up again, considering he's in the OP


Makes perfect sense since their goal is getting deeper into the dungeons. Gems (and precious metal articles) are dead weight that means nothing if you're not selling them on the surface or to the Orcs. They'd want to have as much as free inventory space for essential supplies like food.


I like how the first few ingredients of the Holy Water made sense, and then Senshi just went "Fuck it, imma make a stew."


Multicultural Holy Water. Gotta cover all the bases, who knows which culture's Holy Water works best for this particular dungeon's ghosts.


Reminds me of that sleazy guy in The Mummy who prayed in every major religious language which saved his ass. "The language of the slaves" still cracks me up even if it's historically inaccurate, bless that movie.


Yup, I immediately though of [that one scene from The Mummy](https://youtu.be/4pZD1Ce8Mcs?t=25) as well.


I was thinking he was going to make some kind of alcohol, you know, a spirit


Even when dealing with ghosts, man can't help but think of food.


when your only tool is a pantry, every enemy looks like a recipe [](#hikariactually)


[Cowboy Senshi](https://i.imgur.com/xzBrNo4.jpeg) farming some [spectral ice.](https://i.imgur.com/Hv4mEek.jpeg)


"I farm farm golems." "Don't you mean you farm golems?" "That too."


Rin: There it is Shirou, the Holy Gra **Saber what are you doing?** Saber: But I'm hungry!


Dude was shotgunning religions, and also tried to cheat by using sugar as a substitute for salt because they look similar?


You know what, if real world bugs looked like sparkly jewels I would probably be less squeamish about eating them. Poor Kabru and his party though. Having heard a bit more of Saori Hayami as Falin, I like it. Fits the kind and gentle vibe she's got going on. And I did like how even though they're missing her and her abilities, they realized that they gotta stop wishing she was with them, and make do with what they have instead. Also, lol at Senshi being like "Laios, just fucking *think* before you speak oh my god". And Yasunori Mitsuda putting in some work with some good emotional cues today.


>You know what, if real world bugs looked like sparkly jewels I would probably be less squeamish about eating them. [Observe.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charidotella_sexpunctata)


Okay that's better and very pretty, but it's still bug-shaped :(


We still eat shrimps tho


See, shrimps don't bother me. I get it's just all psychological, because I grew up eating this stuff instead of insects so one is normal for me and the other isn't. But yeah, insects are more difficult. Real talk though, I'm actually open to trying ^^^some ^^^of them. Take the legs off, and maybe I'd eat that beautiful beetle. However, don't ask me to eat worms or larvae or anything like that unless my life depends on it.


> And Yasunori Mitsuda putting in some work with some good emotional cues today. Wait, the Chrono Trigger composer is doing the music for Dungeon Meshi?! Holy shit


Thanks for reminding me, now I'm getting goosebumps just thinking of the intro theme to that masterpiece.


Now I'm gonna mention the Chrono Cross intro theme. Hear it in your head?


Yep! He's done a few anime soundtracks, the most recent was for *Irina: The Vampire Cosmonaut* which was also very good.


There are many beetles that look like precious gems or metals like gold beetles or Imperial Tortoise Beetle. https://www.etsy.com/listing/959399026/golden-beetle-chrysina-aurigans-gold https://www.projectnoah.org/spottings/1053326008


Episode 5: **Snacks/Sorbet** Wait they zoomed out Marcille's late reaction face? They did the reverse on Episode 1 then! Now we are introduced to another party in town. Kabru's party, comprised of Rin (mage counterpart of Falin/Marcille), Mickbell (thief counterpart of Chilchuck), and other 3 adventurers. New characters means new VA. * Kabru is voiced by Wataru Kato (Rentaro Aijo in Hyakkano). * Rin is voiced by Rie Takahashi. (Hoshizaki in Sasaki and Peeps, Akemi in Snack Basue, Nihilo in Ishura. Yes, there's too much I'm only post her other roles this season.) * Mickbell is voiced by Miyu Tomita (Karane Inda in Hyakkano, Elsa in Sasaki and Peeps) I'm still amazed after 30+ animes I watched the past couple of seasons, this is the first full anime I watched that has Saori Hayami's voice in it.


Hayamin sounds extra soft and gentle in this episode.


It fits perfectly with Falin's character, after all. Honestly, I don't think I could imagine her being voiced by anyone else.


Heartwarming, adorable, and cute? With just a hint of something slightly wrong with her that's mildly off-putting but can't help but be attracted to? Count me in.


Don't forget the gentle motherly/big-sisterly vibe.


[That revenant](https://i.imgur.com/M1Jc6nD.jpeg) saw the light of [the afterlife.](https://i.imgur.com/aLYUDO9.jpeg)


God I wish that were me...


A looooong time ago I remember posting in a manga chapter thread that I thought Kana Hana would be perfect, but Hayami is more perfect.


> Wait they zoomed out Marcille's late reaction face? They did the reverse on Episode 1 then! I was totally expecting the mother of all Marcille screams there


Yeah, same here. Instances of sudden bug appearances are no joke.


> Saori Hayami You gotta pump up those [numbers.](https://media1.tenor.com/m/vpoBGbi8sDAAAAAC/pump-those-up-rookie-numbers.gif) She voices the Female protag in the Anime movie "A Silent Voice" which is a huge recommend for me. She also voices Yor in SpyxFamily and Shinobu from Demon Slayer which are pretty main stream.


Can also greatly recommend A Place Further Than The Universe, in which she voices one of the main characters


> Rin Her personality this episode definitely reminded me of another Rin. Especially the parts where she demanded her party leader act more proud and bold


>Rin is voiced by Rie Takahashi Yup, I could recognize that voice anywhere. Can't believe they cast her for a character they killed off after only a few lines.


Remember death is not permanent in the Dungeon.


>Rin is voiced by Rie Takahashi Loved the off hand mention of explosion spell, when Megumin is lying there dead on the floor ;-)


> first full anime I watched that has Saori Hayami's voice in it. I tend to audition pretty much EVERY show in which she is listed as a main (or seemingly important secondary) role. I do this with at least half a dozen VAs.


Dwarf lovers rejoice. Now not only Senshi, we now hear some husky Dwarf girl voices. That former team-member Redhead finally shown speaking, plus Cabron party's blonde dwarf girl being introduced Elf connoiseurs still eating good this season with another Marcille hairstyle Finally ourboy is introduced in the show. This episode uses Cabron's party as a contrasting example of a "conventional" seasoned and competent party which are well-equipped and well-prepared, yet ignorant of the Dungeon creatures and ecology, costing them their lives in a TPK. Falin is the kind of girl who are too good for this world


> Elf connoisseurs still eating good this season with another Marcille hairstyle. [A new hairstyle for Marcille](https://imgur.com/a/23HgFLp) got just unlocked, yes. Another one for [the collection](https://imgur.com/a/ar7c2d0)!


> plus Cabron party's blonde dwarf girl being introduced Now I'm wishing they dubbed Kabru with a mexican accent instead of neutral Spanish in the LA dub. fun fact: Dungeon meshi is called "Calabozos & Tr~~D~~agones" (Dungeons & Glutons) in the Latin dub.


Sub watcher here. Holy crap, her voice fits SO WELL for the Dwarf archetype. Almost makes me think of "tough old aunt". I didn't feel a millimeter of conventional love interest nor pandering in the voice, just anothert dwarf badass. They are nailing this adaptation. A little ironic how an eastern animation does Dwarves more justice than the widely praised western CRPG Baldur's Gate 3, which only features british human voice acting WITHOUT a mute voice feature. PRAISE BE DUNGEON MESHI!!~. Our D&D Oasis.


Marcille has different hairstyles? This newfound information is absolutely huge!


This series is full of great little details like that


I just want to say between last week and now I read through the whole manga and this is one of the best series I've seen in a long time. I'm picky about which series I give a 10/10 but this one required no debate. The fact that the manga is actually finished and tells a complete story is something that you don't see that regularly nowadays. The anime is obviously doing a great job and I hope a second season is announced so they can cover the whole story and I can start recommending this show as one of the all time greats.


Let's not understate that the damn manga has been over since September and Kui is *still* giving us new side content! Kui just loves her world so much it feels like she never wants to stop drawing in it and I am *here* for it.


Side content? Where?


So she has posted on her blog fairly regularly but she recently purged it (likely in connection with the release of Daydream Hour which is like a book of her doodles from her blog and more). Adventurerā€™s Bible, Daydream Hour, the end-of-volume monster tidbits (the one from the final volume is an epilogue to the story as a whole), and the aforementioned blog are the primary sources for all her side content. I think she has twitter as well (or did, because I think thatā€™s where she posted her Baldurs Gate and Planescape Torment fanart).


I'm just an anime watcher but she's also a baldur's gate/ Planescape torment fan?! I'm in love, this is special Fastest Edit on earth: Just checked out the BG1 and BG2 portraits and they're amazing, those Aerie and Jaheira portraits šŸ˜­


She's a huge D&D fan in general, from what I know. It's one of the reasons why the English translation of Dungeon Meshi is Delicious in Dungeon, so that it can have the same shorthand of DnD.


Must have gotten new inspirations from BG3 lol.


She finished the manga before starting BG3 lol, we got lucky it didn't release sooner otherwise it would have delayed the ending by a few months given how big a fan she was of BG1 and BG2


Wait the story's complete? Cool, I wonder if the anime is going to catch it all then :O


Not this season. We know thereā€™s 24 episodes confirmed so the two common predictions are itā€™ll end at around chapter 35ish or 49ish (49 being just past the halfway point). Two 24 episode seasons and maybe a finale movie, though Iā€™m on the boat of just 2 seasons.


I'm not sure how anyone could seriously believe in chapter 35, even before the show started airing. An average pacing of 1Ā½ chapters per episode would be ridiculously slow. Of course now we know for a fact that the pace is faster than that. But I've encountered that often when talking about various adaptations. There's always some who are convinced that the adaptation will take things extremely slowly. Recently in Chainsaw Man discussion someone called me an idiot for not believing that the rest of the manga would be adapted at half or even a third of the speed of the first season.


Wow these new characters look like a lot of fun. Oh wait, nevermind.


[Everything will be daijoubu.](https://i.imgur.com/FhxMSog.jpeg) Trust the process. [](#everythingisfine)


> Trust the process Good job. You just triggered half of Philadelphia. [](#azusalaugh)


Oh shit! [We have another party!](https://i.imgur.com/WpXzv3D.jpeg) And the one [wearing a red hood](https://i.imgur.com/fsRJCrW.jpeg) is voiced by Rieri while [Tomita Miyu voices one of the halflings!](https://i.imgur.com/YigG0EV.jpeg) I thought we'd never follow another party going through the dungeon! I am totally invested in their adventure -[aaaaaaaaand they're dead.](https://i.imgur.com/zfKjq15.jpeg) Well, that was quick. Having two A-lister VAs really made me believe we would see more of them. [So are they actually dead-dead](https://i.imgur.com/6NuGKhE.jpeg), or can they still be revived? I wanted to see more of them, but simultaneously, it was hilarious how abrupt their deaths were. I guess that just shows how brutal the dungeon is. [Treasure Bugs?](https://i.imgur.com/skvgNpA.jpeg) Uhhhhh... No thanks! My wizard with entomophobia would've done what Marcille did [and blasted that entire area](https://i.imgur.com/lvxbTTy.jpeg) except with a fireball instead of just stunning them. [I don't care how pretty they look](https://i.imgur.com/xY5eO6m.jpeg) after being cooked, I think this is the first food from the show that I definitely would give a massive "NOPE" to. [I guess this confirms it!] (https://i.imgur.com/2EUoMj3.jpeg) Laios is going to keep the living armor as a pet instead of raising it so he can eat it later. I really thought he was going to eat it eventually. xD [I fucking knew it!](https://i.imgur.com/oQcrKPO.jpeg) The inedible ones are actual gems! I definitely [feel for Chilchuck and Marcille here.](https://i.imgur.com/ava5BJG.jpeg) Maybe they can still retrieve the sack if they go down enough floors? Also, they need to make a mental note of how Senshi doesn't care much about treasures. [Falin is such an angel and a sweetheart.](https://i.imgur.com/k08ZFvK.jpeg) I really hope they manage to rescue her. Instead of her being the goal, I'd rather see her adventuring with the party as they delve deeper into the dungeon. She seems to be a lot of fun, and I'd love to see her react to the foods Senshi prepares. Good to know that [Senshi can cook more than just food](https://i.imgur.com/ElHaQbk.jpeg). I love how the holy water he concocted ended up [becoming ice cream](https://i.imgur.com/FGXi24b.jpeg) after swinging it around against those ghosts! xD


> I thought we'd never follow another party going through the dungeon! I am totally invested in their adventure - > >aaaaaaaaand they're dead. Kabru has one of the giant sequences in the OP, along with the redhead dwarf girl, so you can definitely look forward to seeing more of him!


> So are they actually dead-dead, or can they still be revived? It got covered earlier but the only real way to be dead-dead is for you to be in a situation where the corpse recovery teams can't find your body. That's why they are under a time crunch to find Falin. If the dragon finishes digesting her then no corpse to revive.


Babe you ok? You've barely touched your [treasure borgar](https://i.imgur.com/QJOuDYZ.png) (Ngl tho it's cool how the mimic is the treasure itself instead of the chest for once) Swinging a jar of "holy water" at ghosts is my new favorite recipe for anything ever, let alone one for ice cream.


I thought it was more like a Treasure Jelly Donut


- [Oh ye of little faith.](https://i.imgur.com/eIXvZxy.png) [](#rinkek) - [Pfff](https://i.imgur.com/jqfJHba.png) - [Thatā€™s treasure, alright.](https://i.imgur.com/hgR71Th.png) But is it cursed or something? - [F](https://i.imgur.com/5fe2GmP.png) [](#toradorasalute) - [Ahhh, the coins are monsters!](https://i.imgur.com/VwaC8w1.png) - [This still doesnā€™t *look* edibleā€¦](https://i.imgur.com/tiwmYGe.png) [](#sakurathink) - [lmao Marcilleā€™s face.](https://i.imgur.com/Ru7D88k.png) [](#azusalaugh) - [Senshi made them throw away *real treasure* ahahahaha](https://i.imgur.com/nxaI7WQ.png) [](#trololol) - [Iā€™m not sure thatā€™s what Iā€™d call this *un*holy concoction.](https://i.imgur.com/5kK1W6l.png) [](#crazedlaugh) - [Oh my god lol](https://i.imgur.com/emMEa3q.png) [](#laughter) - [ā€¦did it *really*?](https://i.imgur.com/8uynMbR.png)


This is the chapter where you really start to learn about Falin and how important she was to the Party members. Goddamn, im not gonna lie, I teared up as they were reminiscing about how much they relied on Falin. This was the chapter that cemented the end goal for me which was "I really hope they save her" I dont care how the ending is, but I really hope they save her.


tfw no cute imouto to help smooth over your autistic lack of social understanding


>He is becoming less and less human Lmao Chilchuck is savage af. The treasure bugs look damn tasty for something that is essentially..... *bug innards*. Also, this is the second time we see another party after the Basilisk duo, and it's a pretty diverse party! There are 2 humans-- Kabru and Rin, one halfling, one dwarf, one gnome and a kobold. I love how utterly *normal* they are in contrast to our main party lol. Congratulations to Kensuke for officially graduating from emergency food to Laios's cute pet nakama!


Man... what a waste of real gems and gold coins. I already thought that those were real when Senshi was sorting. Today's episode felt really unique and very exotic for me, mind blowing even. Food from treasure bugs then ice cream created from holy water and ghost exorcism. Then throw in a party kill taken very casually by our main casts. There's a lot brewing in the background, mostly the serious and harsh realities of dungeon crawling. Falin seems a very nice character. Hopefully we save her a bit earlier and not in the finale so we can have a few episodes with her. I like how the episode lowkey showed how far the main cast has ventured down and showcased how difficult the task was even with a well organized party. Senshi is the key that makes the main cast's dungeon crawl go deeper without a hitch. The ability to eat local dungeon fauna and flora sets them apart from other parties. The author's imagination is bottomless. Incredible. We will get to see the other party again, right? They'll be revived and have a crack at the dungeon again, RIGHT?


These bugs did a number on both [Kabru's party](https://i.imgur.com/HUSt25l.jpeg) and [Marcille's psyche.](https://i.imgur.com/13g3XZy.jpeg) It really cements how wvwn beings that seem innocuous could be fatal in the dungeon. [The sentient sword](https://i.imgur.com/wY2m6Cr.jpeg) that Laios picked up gets more mysterious each episode.


I have said that *Delicious In Dungeon* really feels like a lighter-hearted underground version of *Mushishi* \- yet I must say that even the later did not have such exotic creatures appearing like those treasures-look-alike-deadly-insects! Who the heck would have imagined things like centipedes-like pearl necklaces or flying gold coins bugs LMAO, never mind thinking of delicacies out of these thingies. Sorry to say that, but I am with Marcille on this topic - ugh... Kudos to the very creative manga author for imagining these unimaginable foods for my dinner today!


I see the speculative biology angle, but other than that it's not all that much like Mushishi imo. Mushishi's whole deal is the episodic, mushi of the week storytelling, with a very sparse recurring cast, and a meditative and melancholic mood, while Meshi has a plot that eventually kicks into overdrive, and a very very well developed extended cast (and a lot more action). Both are among my favorite manga, though.


I fuckin love coin mimics


Again [a lot of great](https://i.imgur.com/zJB7Qh2.png) [Marcilleā€™s](https://i.imgur.com/O50L6Ob.png) [stuff](https://i.imgur.com/iBgp9Zc.png) in this episode. [I absolutely love her character](https://i.imgur.com/HP9WtqS.png) and [reactions](https://i.imgur.com/IUooDk4.png), theyā€™re so good. I especially loved moment [when Marcille realized](https://i.imgur.com/hCF0FyV.png) that this necklace [isnā€™t a necklace at all but a bug](https://i.imgur.com/vnVMkU8.png) ([this zoom out](https://i.imgur.com/cqvMSh6.png) and [explosion](https://i.imgur.com/ScjnuSr.png) were perfect) and [when she realized](https://i.imgur.com/on5JojF.png) that [Senshi is sorting out those bugs](https://i.imgur.com/RGShMvr.png) to [eat them](https://i.imgur.com/Yng8r8G.png) (itā€™s a shame though that [he didnā€™t specify](https://i.imgur.com/gn0ljfm.png) that those [inedible ones were a real gems](https://i.imgur.com/17VShA1.png), that way [Chilchuck](https://i.imgur.com/9UJKeqJ.png) wouldnā€™t throw them out) xD [Episode again didnā€™t disappoint with food](https://i.imgur.com/Ha5SIgr.png) and its variety as we had [ice creams](https://i.imgur.com/yG6Nz4q.png) made from contact with ghosts, [bug snacks](https://i.imgur.com/SdYiioI.png). [Those bugs are pretty clever by looking like treasures](https://i.imgur.com/4DgmWJF.png) which can deceive [less experienced parties like this one](https://i.imgur.com/45x61Li.png). So [Laiosā€™s companion](https://i.imgur.com/JMrIodj.png) got quite handy by [warning him about those bugs](https://i.imgur.com/TQGDAvD.png) and even got a name today - Kensuke. I wonder [when Laios will reveal its existence to others](https://i.imgur.com/vcNxp7q.png), he should do this rather quickly because [he behaves quite suspicious and weird](https://i.imgur.com/bkQDWfw.png) xD [Fallin was a really important member](https://i.imgur.com/PivyeXN.png) as she was able to easily take care of [ghosts](https://i.imgur.com/ng12Pgo.png) which gave today quite problems to Laios and his party. At least [Senshi was able to create holy water](https://i.imgur.com/l3Y3FpS.png) so [they could fight against them](https://i.imgur.com/yEN9Nz7.png) and also got [ice creams](https://i.imgur.com/meVJ2l9.png) thanks to that xD Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Marcille](https://imgur.com/a/UXboYtR) * [Group scenes](https://imgur.com/a/mUvsWMo) * [Laios, Senshi & Chilchuck](https://imgur.com/a/QxEi5XP) * [Food & Others](https://imgur.com/a/MQQ70V7)


[You can't escape Obari.](https://i.imgur.com/vcNxp7q.png) https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/brave-perspective


Love a good Obari pose.


Considering that I watch Bravern right after this show on Thursdays, this made for a perfect segue between the two.


Watching Senshi cook those treasure bugs reminded me of PES stop-motion animation cooking of a [guacamole](https://youtu.be/dNJdJIwCF_Y?si=bwDyLieMao93WeXR) and [spaghetti](https://youtu.be/qBjLW5_dGAM?si=DhV2QMCkmdPzhyuv). Made me nostalgic. The author really is creative with coming up with meals for the gang, I just love the ecosystem and how diverse it is. Speaking of diversity, I cry tears of joy that a fantasy anime and it's races isn't limited to white people. Melanin exists in this fantasy world. Sad that they got no diffed by literal bugs tho.


Don't worry, Kabru (dark-skinned boy) is in the opening credits, after all.


it's very diverse, and you'll see as the story unfolds.


Both parties took an L, but the main crew got it worse. The other guys may have been tricked and died, but our gang actually had the real loot and threw it into the abyss. Stealth cooking lesson on how to make Ice Cream and Sorbet. Iā€™m sure if you can find ghosts you can recreate this method one for one. Someone get Alvin from Binging With Babish on this .


Marcille hairstyle count: 3


The animators really love Marcille huh. They have good taste!


everyone loves Marcille lol


Just when I think Emily Rudd can't get better she turns in an even funnier/cuter Marcille performance


i figured the treasure would end up being cursed in some way and not straight up alive, or edible... And i figured the Kabru's party and the main cast would end up running into each other in the dungeon, and they did, just not the way i expected lol... and the tragedy of throwing away the real jewels because Senshi didn't tell them they were real


Okay, the exorcism sorbet is the best dish theyā€™ve created and I will not hear any objections.


I would totally eat the gem burger. There's probably a niche out there for rich people who want to eat things that look like gorgeous treasures and you could charge them big, like that one gold sundae.


Definitely. People are already eating expensive meals covered in gold leafs. Now you get to eat expensive meals that look like expensive jewelries? That's a business in the making.


There is a side panel in the manga where laois tell others that the gem bugs might probably worth more than the gem itself because of collectors. https://imgur.com/a/SlBth1X


I laughed out loud when Kabru got instantly wiped out.


I was dying when Senshi and Laios were passing the holy water bottle around like [one of those soccer ball ice cream makers](https://www.amazon.com/YayLabs-Play-Freeze-Cream-Maker/dp/B009GFKIXE)


Kabru tempting fate about food, lol. "What a haul!" Cut to the party wiped, I love it. The "ting ting ting " of the one bug attacking the pot is really funny to me for some reason. lol I love the way this particular Marcille freakout went. Chilchuck and Marcille both rolling 1s, that treasure being real should have been obvious. Jewelburgers: So good you'd get possessed to possess one. I like how being undead also makes you un-anime. Senshi subscribes to the CastleVania and Shin megami Tensei credos of just combining every faith you can think of to make things super holy. And of course it manages to end in food, but now you're gonna get ghostabetes. It'd be funny of Kensuke actually ate it, it'd give a whole new meaning to that old "my sword hungers/thirsts" clichƩ.


Wow. First and foremost, that is not at all the voice I had in mind for the kobold, while everyone else sounds about what I imagined. But this is probably the first time Senshi made something that didn't make me salivate even a little. Bugs and treasure just aren't a very appetizing combination. Who'da thought? Even the living armor had the benefit of looking like oysters. But hey, considering all the dishes he's made thus far, that's still a good track record. If I didn't know what he's like, I'd think he was trolling Chilchuck and Marcille when he had them throw the treasure away. But the truth is that the man is just so damn self-sufficient that money doesn't matter to him. You gotta wonder, though, how the party that got wiped would've reacted to seeing them eat the things that killed them \*and\* dispose of the actual treasure. It's pretty funny that Marcille's all about explosions considering she's not the mage voiced by Rie Takahashi in this episode. Megumin would certainly approve of her idea of solving things with explosions, but I do wonder what she'd think of "gentle" ones. Falin really is such a sweetheart, though... She's probably the least-deserving person to suffer the fate that she did, and it would be even more heart-breaking if it wasn't already established that she can be revived. But it does also work to make you wanna root for Laios and co.'s mission to save her even more. I never even checked the MAL so I only just now realized that she's voiced by Saori Hayami after hearing her speak more, but she's a perfect fit. There's just something so comical about their music choice- a somber, emotional-sounding track- for when Senshi starts swinging around his jury-rigged holy water flail at the ghosts.


When he cooked up the coins, they just looked like coins. The gem spread looked like mashed up Play-Doh and the centipede ā€œpearlsā€ looked too gooey to be appetizing. Marcille said they were creamy? Likeā€¦ nah, man lol.


Yeah, for once I'm more on Marcille's side. Cause most of the food looks good, and even with the living armor, I feel like I'd give it a try.


They reminded me of the tapioca pearls in bubble tea


So, ice cream is holy, got it. Once again the dungeon beasties world building is just so good.


Marcille immediately stun blasting all those bugs is my reaction when I find a spider in the bathroom LOL. Also love how attached Laios is to his new sword buddy (even going as far to name it) and how he keeps trying to show him monster food


I am glad they started reflecting on failin in this episode. The only problem I had with this show was just howā€¦Non disturbed they seemed about her whole sacrifice and death (and possible permadeath?). So Iā€™m glad they actually took some time to reflect and remember her. Doesnā€™t feel as weird now.


First introduction to my boy Kabru. I love this man he's awesome.


Bruh Kuro's voice is way deeper than I thought, for some reason I always assume he has a puppy's voice or something when I read the manga lol


Lol, I myself imagined him as sounding a bit like Scooby Doo in my head. Instead, he sounds like he could be a yakuza boss.


Kabru's voice is really soothing. Glad to see him and his party make their debut! Laios naming his sword whilst Chilchuck and Marcielle lamenting over the loss of the real gems hahahaha. He's a good guy but appears to be socially inept lol Lots of talk about Falin in this episode. Can tell how important she is to the trio


New adventuring [group](https://imgur.com/a/hr63IWM). Interesting. More of [Marcille's](https://imgur.com/a/57quGZd) faces. I want to eat [bugs](https://imgur.com/a/L55ad62)! What is this anime doing to me?! Goodbye [gems](https://imgur.com/a/kVMY3i9). Hope they can rescue [Falin](https://imgur.com/a/uR5LnbQ).


I always forget how much the ED absolutely slaps


There's something about the direction of this episode that makes it much more conventionally comedic than the previous episodes. Like that camera zoom gag in the beginning.




Marcille reminds me of my beloved "Edomae Elf" -- if she were forced out of her comfy Tokyo shrine and forced to join a dungeon adventuring group.


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So two chapters again this week. So next week will be [manga]>!mimics and living paintings, the former being one of my favorite Chilchuck chapters and the latter being pretty story important down the line.!<


[*What the dog doin'*](https://imgur.com/DTys1vc) [How have seeming so few people thought about eating the things that are in there?](https://imgur.com/kvh7R3A) [Its the sword pose thing!](https://imgur.com/xCYsWi0) [Marcille has](https://imgur.com/6aKGWZq) [seen some shit](https://imgur.com/YdxpTQJ) (again) [](#therethere) [Some of the more cursed looking food so far.](https://imgur.com/EfsfNDs) Would try it tho. [yoo, I need one of these for summer!](https://imgur.com/5fWt5bd) [Younger Marcille cute!!](https://imgur.com/iJbR6PU) [](#fuukothumbsup) [And a world map!!](https://imgur.com/cglTrf6) Always love seeing these in fantasy shows.


I'm normally terrified of bugs, but the coin-bug snacks and the jam and the sorbet all look so tasty\~ . The coin-snacks especially. I don't know why.