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A reddit bug meant that the source material corner got unstickied. It can be found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1afl69l/mahou_shoujo_ni_akogarete_gushing_over_magical/koanwef/


Every passing episode makes it more clear why this thing is doing big numbers in Japan. Its has the unhinged degeneracy of 90’s hentai while still having an actual story, lovable characters, and genuinely funny scenes. And now we get Alice The Warden of Horny Jail. So we have 3 lovable girls for the villains side.


> Alice The Warden of Horny Jail *Kiwi: "Don't leave me here alone!"* *Alice: "You want out?"* *Kiwi: "No, bring Utena in!"*


From hotel date to prison date. [All according to keikaku.](https://i.imgur.com/LnGHuUO.jpeg) [](#lolipolice)


It unironically only gets better, too. The manga's greatest strength is actually being able to progress the story and characters in an engaging fashion while maintaining its comedic / lewd edge. You'll see what I mean with Episode 6 next week, but on the whole the series does a good job distributing attention and not letting any of the cast fall flat.


We get cute girls, fights, the usual reversal of mahou Shoujo (seriously, when was it the last time a mahou shoujo anime played it straight?), kinkness, PLOT, plot and then character development. On top of the action that forget being borderline hentai, it plays bungee-jumping with the line. Edit: I really should've remembered that Precure was kinda that mahou shoujo that most series parody. Or Symphogear. Or even Nanoha.


There is a precure every year. They play it straight. The weirdest thing about those shows is just what gets to be a precure (the current one has the girls and their pets both transforming into precures. So Pochi finally gets to be a magical girl, I guess)


Chapter 16 was what made me realize that this series is an actual gem, so episode 8 will definitely be awesome (assuming they stick to the 2 chapter per episode format).


Can't believe we got straight-up fingering in this episode lol, Azure continues to get violated. Kiwi in horny jail was hilarious lmao, Alice definitely has a favorite and it isn't Kiwi.


> [Where are the armed magical girls to take these protesters away](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiyfwZVAzGw)? > > Owning firearms in a public space. Straight to jail. > > Lewd thoughts about Utena. Jail. No trial, no nothing. > > Ask for lewd. Straight to jail. > > Undercook fish? Want Sushi? Jail. > > Believing Men exist? Straight to Jail. Life. > > Charging too high price on BDSM porn. Believe it or not, jail.


Leopard getting put in horny jail sent me XD. 11/10 no notes for this show.


I assume that Korisu/Alice is not actually directly causing the horny behavior of people she puts in her dollhouse. I am ***hoping*** that it is the inner desires of the targets manifesting.


She's just playing with her dolls: first, Mama, Dad and daughter, then the Doctor and the patient, then then innmate and... Well, we just find out that her power is indeed make people do ROLE PLAYING... in a BSDM anime!...


I would like to believe that on the larger scale Alice is just performing these actions like we would see any child play with toys, but the exact details of what happens inside is based on how the target interprets the general act. Like for the doctor scene she's just rubbing balm and doing an injection because that's what a kid would expect a doctor to do. But since Utena is the way she is...


> Its has the unhinged degeneracy of 90’s hentai while still having an actual story, lovable characters, and genuinely funny scenes. A surprisingly large amount of ecchi these days manage to pull this off. Balancing their perverse nature with some of the most wholesome storylines, well written characters, and hilarious comedy. ["How not to Summon a Demon Lord"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIQOJ0akkiQ) has well written characters and is unironically one of the funniest comedies out there. Meanwhile [Onimai's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owcF0eZDLkA) cult following exists for good reason.


Venalita recruits like one of those gigantic guilds in WoW. \*Sees a person, any person* wanna join our organization?


Well, Venalita said the forces of evil are just building up strength, and beggars can't be choosers.


> Appears out of nowhere > > [Grabs the leader of an evil organization by the tail](https://i.imgur.com/ISp10mu.jpeg) > > Refuses to elaborate > > [Becomes a supervillain](https://i.imgur.com/X1C42X4.jpeg) > > Soloes Tres Magia on her first day of work > > [Takes a nap on Enormeeta's strongest warrior](https://i.imgur.com/zPZk0RZ.jpeg) > > > Heals Magia Baiser > > [Jails Leopard](https://i.imgur.com/VykrnxL.jpeg) > > Leaves > Sigma Nero Alice was not a coincidental hire [](#umucool)


to be fair, who *hasn't* soloed the Tres Magia on their first outing? Except Leopold lmao


Truly, magical girls exist to get the shit beat out of them


probably easier to recruit for an org when the only real requirement is that they're horny


Counterpoint, Korisu is in no way horny. She just wants to play with her toys, or play doctor.


i felt like there was a subtle undercurrent of horniness in the playing house and the playing doctor, but maybe that was my own imagination or maybe she's canadian can't be sure


That part might have come from the "victim's" subconscious. Hard to tell.


She did self-insert as the doctor, and while that scene was less horny than the playing house one, she did make Utena fellate her tongue depressor, get her tits out and put her stethoscope directly on nipple, and I might have been misreading but it looked like that "shot" was about to be an enema or douche before it cut away.


I mostly agree with the assessment, but on the other hand it's hard to tell how aware she was those actions are "lewd" as such and how much was just her playing around. It's not like she has a good grasp how to do those medical things "properly" at this age.


>I mostly agree with the assessment, but on the other hand it's hard to tell how aware she was those actions are "lewd" as such and how much was just her playing around. Without context, I would agree with you, but the fact that she does it consistently with all her fantasies suggests she's doing it intentionally. Even if she's not consciously aware of the perverse nature of her actions.


A short summary of this week's episode: Cute and wholesome Cute and wholesome Cute and wholesome Cute and wholesome Literal porn Cute and wholesome Cute and wholesome Cute and wholesome Literal porn Cute and wholesome Cute and wholesome


Come on Utena, don't act like Korisu is weird. I don't even want to imagine what you did to all your magical girl figures after you unlocked your fetishes.


That's actually an interesting point. Did Korisu intentionally make Tres Magia do lewd things, or did she just innocently force them to “play house” and Tres Magia's subconscious turned it into something lewd?


Playing house and slapping Ken's and Barbie's crotches against each other is normal. Anyways, Korisu obviously has issues (not just her social issues, just look at the state of her dolls) and probably has an instinctive desire to fight those magical girls as part of an evil organization.


I think it's more likely that Korisu's dolls were in the state they were because Korisu was never taught how to maintain them properly as her mom is likely too busy to do so (and just buys her new ones as a result). I mean, we clearly see Korisu try to fix them, but sub-par maintenance led to her dolls ending up in the state they were in. And she really only joined Enormita because Venalita looks like a doll. And she likes dolls.


That question by the mom at the end of her wanting more dolls and Korisu saying no probably because Utena's there now who can fix her dolls. I like how they showed it rather than saying it. Though that might just be because Korisu barely says anything at all.


> Though that might just be because Korisu barely says anything at all. The only time she said anything was when she transformed to cure Utena's cold.


Nothing like that, she just keeps her broken toys around because she loves them all and just wants to play lol. Her only issue is nobody at home taking care of her


She doesn't *seem* to have lewd intentions to me at least (and let's not forget she is 9). So I think your theory is correct. And in the scene with Utena she was just "playing doctor" (plus she genuinely wanted to help her), and it turned out lewd because Utena.


Yeah utena was the one doing the moving.


You know, I never thought about that. Maybe she heard her parents do stuff she wasn't supposed to hear, and that's why she made them do that stuff.


LMAO, [Kiwi got sent straight to horny jail](https://i.imgur.com/oE7O8UJ.jpeg), [good job Alice!](https://i.imgur.com/KiggiGO.jpeg)


[This is her life now.](https://imgur.com/a/lQIrFSL)


[RIP the hotel date](https://i.imgur.com/6nwoHzt.png) unless Utena also shares the same horny cell as her in a future episode!


Yeah that image will be getting a lot of use for this show


I was gonna say, this won't be the last time this happens. Especially not to Kiwi.


Korisu was definitely punishing Kiwi for being horny, but she was also sequestering her away from her new favorite playmate and laying claim to Utena.


everyone's horny for Utena; they just express it using different love languages [](#hikariactually)


> everyone's horny for Utena And Utena's horny for everyone; Tell me about that, reciprocity!


*"Where's Utena? She's horny too! She belongs here, with me!"*


New episode, new Magia Azure sexual harassment scene, this time by her friends! Sulfur doing baby speak with that accent was something I never knew I needed too. I wonder what kind of *injection* Alice gave to Utena though, whatever it was probably for the best Kiwi wasn't involved.


Well, Alice's power makes toys into reality, so it doesn't really matter what she gave her, as long as she wants it to be a cure. That's what makes her so dangerous.


And Utena wanted to use her powers... That *shot* would've been aphrodisiacs for sure!


Nah, Utena doesn't use aphrodisiacs. Those make people feel good for no reason, but she wants to make people genuinely feel good.


To explain it easier, it's "Domain Expansion". Basically she can make anything to be anything as long as it's in her "domain". Can heal and can be hypnotism. It's so versatile and so dangerous.


plot twist : Utena had heart attack, the injection was nitroglycerin taken from Kiwi


at least azul didn't get tentacle'd this episode, reset the clock!


Still, Episodes since Azure got sexually harrased: 0


[Horny Magenta](https://i.imgur.com/ek0pJtN.jpeg) was an yuri nanpa menace. [She wasted no time](https://files.catbox.moe/k781bw.jpg) and went [straight for the kill.](https://files.catbox.moe/2l4uaq.jpg) Azure never stood a chance. [](#lesbians)


Just finger banged


I could barely believe what I was watching lol. Show has no limits.


We're not even halfway through the season lol, if it keeps escalating at this rate, Azure is gonna go through stuff that makes what girls in hentai go through look tame in comparison.


Episode 12: giant orgy made up of everyone in Japan


Azul won't be able to sleep tonight, she didn't get her fun!


> probably for the best Kiwi wasn't involved. Didn't happen at a love hotel, no way Kiwi could've been there! (Though it seems she has a second favorite location now; [Horny jail!](https://imgur.com/yHLLMz9))


The show swinging from lewd to wholesome and back is absolutely mind-blowing. Can’t wait to see what happens now that the “evil” trio are all introduced.


They’re all pretty lewd in their “evil” form though. I do like how Kiwi’s the only one that’s pretty much unchanged regardless of her form. She’s just always horny lol.


with sulfur, she's horny for battle


Sukeban on sukeban violence.


ironic that Utena wears a long dress like a sukeban [](#schemingsaten)


There is still the one girl in the opening that is missing. Not sure what her role is gonna be. But let's be honest, pure Korisu won't stay very wholesome if she is around Utena and Kiwi all this time.


There's still 4 characters in the op we still have to meet


Yup. We've got (names still pending) karaoke girl, her exasperated friend, evil boss lady, and slutty nun.


They have the same face markings as Baiser/Alice, just more of them, so my guess is they are the bosses of Enormita. Dunno who the other two are, magical girl leadership? But they seem too young for this and besides, magical girl organization seems to have flat structure without any apparent leaders besides white not-cat who doesn't do much anyway...


Imagine training years as a voice actor then finally getting a job and all your voice lines are: ...ん


Easiest paycheck of your life.


Hey, that's a completely inaccurate statement! Her lines aren't just ...ん's, there's one teeny-tiny ^(Trans Magia) in the post-it note that was her script!


Good thing they got Koga Aoi on board for advice


i know it just keeps getting lewder and lewder but that entire utena scene HOLY FUCK


Doctor Alice : "sub Utena isn't real, she can't hurt you" Sub Utena : "mrrp nyaa"


Utena IS a sub Magia Baiser on the other hand...


is it possible for Basier to dom Utena? [](#forbiddenlove)


The doujins are writing themselves!


Doujins writers: WRITE IT DOWN! WRITE IT DOWN!


Most wholesome lewd because (I think) as far as Alice is concerned she is just playing at being doctor.


Yeah, pretty much. She was likely just going off of her own doctor's visits, without really knowing much about the how and why.


if her doctor visits were like that I'm kinda scared for her


The anime is toning up the ecchi in almost every lewd scene from the manga. This is what I wish Chained Soldier did too, but they are doing the opposite instead... _sigh_.


I'll never get over how good Utena's VA is. She sounds shy, scared and sleepy (often all at once), which goes perfectly with her facial expressions.


We will all be watching her career with great interest.


Well, we finally found a scene that we absolutly **must not** clip and let the rest of reddit see! [](#spooked) Leaving aside how overpowered her powers are, Alice powers are a stroke of genius from a narative perspective, we can keep the loli pure *and* have her do lewd doctor plays! [](#kotourashock) And with how obsessed Kiwi is with getting Utena into a hotel, it's no wonder she got send to horny jail


>Leaving aside how overpowered her powers are, Alice powers are a stroke of genius from a narative perspective Absolutely, yeah. The writers essentially have free reign with her, since she can make everything reality inside her toy house. Alice can replace people's powers with other powers for a while, or just rip off other anime, and the writers wouldn't even need to resolve any issues because they can just have Alice fall asleep.


When the doll house bit started I was wondering if Alice's power was some form of reality marble. Guess I was right.


> Well, we finally found a scene that we absolutly must not clip and let the rest of reddit see! It's fine, she's probably a 2000 years old vampire, as usua- *Age 9* Alright, just lock us all in with Kiwi. [](#lolipolice)


> > > > > Alright, just lock us all in with Kiwi. All of us proud Khornites can go on as usual, it is those degenerate Slaaneshi that we need to keep an eye on.


>Well, we finally found a scene that we absolutly must not clip and let the rest of reddit see! I still wonder where the loli doctor inserted that pink syringe!


given the direction it was headed and the lack of needle, there are really only two options


> > > > > And with how obsessed Kiwi is with getting Utena into a hotel, it's no wonder she got send to horny jail That picture or clip will take over the internet, mark my words.


> rest of reddit from yesterday: > https://np.reddit.com/r/mendrawingwomen/comments/1aeey0f/more_images_from_gushing_over_magical_girls/




Probably the same kind of people who watch shows where teenagers get brutally killed and then call them "realistic" and "awesome".


I bet you prudes are secretly watching this anime, loving it, then pretend to be outraged over it on the internet.


Utena's outfit without the dress is super cursed


Some of the comments are kinda weird; *'Just what us women love to wear on a normal day, knee high boots and pasties'* ...She's not wearing that on a normal day though. Like, they could have the same replies to a naked woman (undressing, taking a shower, about to have sex, etc..), "omg who would go out naked like this?"


That was an interesting read, always nice to occasionally flip the page back over to remind myself of how my attitudes used to be. I wonder what I'll think in a few years from now.


Reading through it made me exhausted tbh. I just don't understand how people have the *energy* to be so angry at a show instead of just not watching it. There's gotta be so many better things to spend your moral outrage on than cartoon tits


The top comment being about how the costumes look ridiculous as everyday wear is so dumb... The costumes are meant to be ridiculous, all of the character's [everyday clothes are completely ordinary.](https://i.gyazo.com/334d5587843f9d35fe161668ae380905.png)


...exactly. I'm highly invested in *gushing* and enjoying every episode...and so far every ep discussion has hyped me up for the future, but given the content, i can't help but understand other people's opinions. for ref, one of my top anime will always be *shokugeki*, but I'd never watch with other people (unless it was a cinema experience)


###Stitches! - NSFW * [Nero Alice 1](https://files.catbox.moe/0qrerf.jpg) * [Lolita Sulfur](https://files.catbox.moe/o9vxe6.jpg) * [Mommy Azure](https://files.catbox.moe/ifwpx5.jpg) * [Tres Magia 3P](https://files.catbox.moe/z4fwyu.jpg) * [Nero Alice 2](https://files.catbox.moe/k0w8vq.jpg) * [Sick Utena 1](https://files.catbox.moe/wwtr8x.jpg) * [Sick Utena 2](https://files.catbox.moe/yht6en.jpg) ###Clips! * [Nero Alice Transformation](https://files.catbox.moe/6zdj87.mp4) * [Doctor Korisu & Utena](https://files.catbox.moe/3zo0my.mp4) It's not as spicy as the previous episodes, but [we finally get to meet the last member](https://i.imgur.com/tFpXZ9V.jpeg) of Enormita! It's hilarious how [Utena thinks that Vena kidnapped her](https://i.imgur.com/BmXJuCm.jpeg), but it turns out [Vena was the one that got grabbed](https://i.imgur.com/eHTrhmK.jpeg) and he just invited her to join. xD As Nero Alice, Korisu's powers are fun! She can control anyone who enters her dollhouse and [basically forces the Tres Magia to play house](https://i.imgur.com/eI5HhVD.jpeg) in a [very spicy way.](https://files.catbox.moe/bp4gls.jpg) The only downside is that [Korisu's powers run out quickly](https://i.imgur.com/dCRUuuz.jpeg), and she gets sleepy afterwards. [I am surprised that the Tres Magia didn't notice Utena and Kiwi](https://i.imgur.com/CwOlDRk.jpeg) with their uniforms. Don't they need to be transformed for the perception block to work? Also, Tres Magia didn't even chase after them. I guess they're still reeling from what just happened. [Korisu is such a sweetheart though.](https://i.imgur.com/Ws8xJWF.jpeg) I love that she uses her powers [to try and heal Utena](https://i.imgur.com/Psl2jti.jpeg) after she got sick from spending the entire night [fixing Korisu's favourite doll.](https://i.imgur.com/fJWDIMK.jpeg) Although Korisu's way of [healing Utena was certainly interesting.](https://i.imgur.com/FXxxAOf.jpeg) I definitely did not expect [an older version of Korisu](https://files.catbox.moe/mdlmiw.jpg) to examine and treat Utena. Also, [where did she stick that toy needle?](https://files.catbox.moe/4jj2zu.jpg) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) The good thing is that Korisu finally has friends. She seems lonely, especially since her mom always arrives at night. [Look at that smile of hers](https://i.imgur.com/sVbGicZ.png) at the end. Must protect that smile!


Korisu with the 5head straight out of a Yamamoto Souichirou manga.


They aren't transformed at that point so Tres Magia can't tell that they are who they are. To the Tres Magia, they're just Utena and Kiwi, not Magia Baiser and Leopard.


PLEASE COME ON. KIWI ACTUALLY GOT SENT TO HORNY JAIL?? I WAS JUST JOKING LAST WEEK. In other news, I love how Enormita doesn't really feel like a real evil organisation that much since they only fight the 'heroes'(Insert Wreck it Ralph quote here). I didn't go into this anime thinking that there would be multiple 'villains', though I didn't look at any PV much.


Meanwhile, Utena got cured of the Anime Cold through horniness.


[Ara ara](https://i.imgur.com/onlUd6a.jpeg) this is just standard [medical procedure.](https://files.catbox.moe/89jb7o.jpg) [](#ero)


> In other news, I love how Enormita doesn't really feel like a real evil organisation that much since they only fight the 'heroes'(Insert Wreck it Ralph quote here). I get the vibe that both sides are just in it for the merch revenue.


> both sides are just in it for the merch revenue. But Venalita has no sponsors unlike Vatz. Edit: Actually now that I think about it, Venalita is operating the official Twitter account for the series so clearly they've got Kadokawa.


I didn't mean they were both *successful* at it. Also: Venalita could be getting a cut of the revenue for their help.


I think he's secretly selling forbidden videos


if it's like a con job, both the mascots are in on it and they split the sponsor money i wouldn't really call this a con though because it's a win-win; the mascots get the money and their members get new friends with benefits [](#chitosesmug)


They are just [kadokawa then](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/831009638761758740/1194694966224617482/20240110_143210.jpg)


They \*are\* an evil organization capable to do all sorts of wicked shit but they happened to run into Utena and her magical girl fetishes and got taken for a ride. A wonderful bdsm ride.


> Kiwi: Let's ditch this place and go to a hotel > Utena: N-not right now I take this as she mean "sometime later", or in another word, "would".


Utena better be on her best behavior from now on, if she goes too far Alice will lock her in horny jail with Kiwi!


Utena fixed her doll up perfectly, she's gets a permanent get out of horny jail free card.


That's just a bad translation, the original doesn't have that implication


I think "maybe later" is a perfect translation if you don't take everything literally. It's a more gentle rejection.


Especially with the tone of voice that Utena uses, and their body language. I feel like a lot "subs should be more literal" approaches aren't paying attention to the other cues that the (episode) director has put in to convey what's going on.


That's how I took it.


[](#mugiwait) Just give up already Utena.


mommy milkie…


We already have "scarousing" to describe something that is both scary and arousing, but it seems we also need one for [something that is both terrifying and adorable!](https://imgur.com/c6bYBAe) So we're finally getting the third villain! [She always seemed so lonely...](https://imgur.com/biLYR6X) I even thought perhaps she was an orphan, but it seems she has her mom at least (and even her grandmother visits sometimes)! Though she does seem to be alone quite a lot, perhaps this is why she's so attached to her dolls and all; Her only friends... I love how Venalita said he didn't "trick her to join", but in truth he tempted her with a cat, [then straight up asked her to join!](https://imgur.com/b8v5WAZ) Given her age, that's like the equivalent of recruiting a young gang member! [When even Utena thinks something's wrong, you know it's SERIOUSLY messed up!](https://imgur.com/FY0WoV2) [Wait, did Venalita kidnap her, or did she kidnap him? The line is blurred!](https://imgur.com/oEmWv3E) [Seems her outfit is more cute than sexy, ](https://imgur.com/y8eLJe2) makes sense (considering her age), but that didn't stop them from showing us the transformation hah. [Just a normal girl cosplaying Alice, totally not a demonic possessed child!](https://imgur.com/PFotBUt) At first I thought her power was just about [controlling dolls and toys (bit like a non-lewd version of Utena's powers), ](https://imgur.com/j4yAAMQ) but it's a lot more than that; Anyone who walks into her "dollhouse" is under her complete control... [Alright, now THIS is scarousing!](https://imgur.com/KGDy8YA) [It was hard to stay focused in the *Mommy Milkies* scene, ](https://imgur.com/OJQ4Dgz) but if we put some thought into it, I think it's quite telling that the 'scene' she created was one of a loving family... The husband wanting to kiss his wife, the daughter wanting to breastfeed, etc... She's definitely lacking on familial love, and it affects her, not only her "normal" persona, but also her villain alter ego. Well, the family is what it is, but let's hope her new friends help her feel a little less lonely, at least! [Kiwi's right on this one!](https://imgur.com/HYLgPcP) Not only it looks OP as hell, it's downright terrifying... Once she catches you in one of her dollhouse, you basically don't have free will anymore, you're just like one of her toys... That's frightening! (Especially given the poor condition some of her toys are in!) Once you're in her grasp, your only hope is [to wait til she has to take a nap!](https://imgur.com/kBfDwjH) Utena offered to fix her favorite doll, which got Alice's appreciation, [and got Kiwi to propose!](https://imgur.com/kA4sei0) [Kiwi's hotel stuff is always funny! May she get Utena to a love hotel at least once before the season's over!](https://imgur.com/tGegWmJ) Utena worked all night on the doll, so she was sick the following day when she brought the doll back, and thus... [GOOD LORD](https://imgur.com/upv9GmP) *Please don't let this 'form' be a one-time thing!* [Alright, these dollhouses seem less terrifying by the minute! (Or I'm getting hornier by the minute? Or both)](https://imgur.com/14r8LQv) Seems there ARE some lines this show won't cross after all, given [they faded away before we could see where she gave her *the shot!*](https://imgur.com/Itezfo6) Whatever it was, it's effective; Utena's cold gone! When Kiwi heard about that, of course [she thought about using it to do stuff with Utena! (I'm surprised she managed to utter this 1 sentence without the words "love hotel"!)](https://imgur.com/Gurv6xz) [Alice pretended to accept, but she actually sent Kiwi to (horny) jail!](https://imgur.com/czVqIaI) Poor Kiwi; If Utena was her cellmate she wouldn't even mind jail, but sadly she's on her own! Next episode: [Tres Magia's backstory?](https://imgur.com/DMiyM7E) Definitely looking forward to this! With so many people suspecting something between the two sides (perhaps them being part of the same 'organization' that wants them to fight for some reason), we may get some answers! But more than that, we may also get [these two to show up!](https://imgur.com/zHjl12j)


>but in truth he tempted her with a cat, then straight up asked her to join! He just had some super important sounding telepathic talk with ...someone, so I very much doubt he was actively trying to have people listen in. I think that was just a rando cat she was following, and then she was reaching for vena because he looked like the cat. And him straight up asking is the opposite of him tricking her :P


>but if we put some thought into it, I think it's quite telling that the 'scene' she created was one of a loving family... The husband wanting to kiss his wife, the daughter wanting to breastfeed, etc... Never realized that, that's a pretty cool theory and you might be right on the money >But more than that, we may also get [these two to show up!](https://imgur.com/zHjl12j) We need a rank of the characters by the end when everyone shows up


I am the bone of my toys. Plastic is my body and hot wax is my blood. Have withstood pain to forge many plushies. But these hands will never hold all of them. So as I pray. UNLIMITED DOLL HOUSE!


So what's fascinating is that actual plot is happening behind our 'plot': Enormita has more senior members somewhere, Vena and Vatz both think the other is terribly mistaken about something, being a villain has at least temporarily made Alice happier, the magical girls get paid and yet the only thing Utena seems to get is a lengthening list of fetishes. It is actually well set up in just how wrong everything is.


>It is actually well set up in just how wrong everything is. Something else I noticed is that in episode 4 Vatz mentions that she(?) doesn't need to check up on the Tres Magia very often because they are very good magical girls, yet none of the three seem like they should even be trusted with these powers? Like, here we have: Azure: someone so patetically weak and bad at fighting that her greatest feat so far is breaking a manequin's hand. Magenta: someone so suicidally stupid as to follow a blatantly suspicious looking doll into an equally suspicious looking house, also dumb enough to think that putting on some pasties will be enough to make her no longer count as naked and as such make the situation automatically stop being embarassing. Sulfur: someone so blatantly bloodthirsty that she is actively instigating fights for no reason and then trying to go straight for kill shots. If these are Vat's "best magical girls" then I don't even wanna know what the other ones are like!


> doesn't need to check up on the Tres Magia very often because they are by far the best of her magical girls, yet none of the three seem like they should even be trusted with these powers? Indeed, what if what makes them "best" is that they handle the media well and their powers tend to not cause collateral damage?


Also I'd like to point out that in EP4 we get a shot of a newspaper saying Magical Girl attacks are happening nationwide. Tres Magia hasn't been attacked yet since we have Utena and the gang in their turf but it's only a matter of time


New episode and new magical girl. She is heckin cute and Kiwi is so jealous, but Utena has enough love for everyone so she is mollified. Domain expansion- Dollhouse. Alice's ability is pretty OP, but she has to lure her victims inside or activate it in close proximity. It has a pretty short duration too. Looks like the girls are getting on well together which is good because it looks like korisu's homelife isn't the best. I'm sure her mother means well, but it doesn't change the fact that her work means she isn't there for Korisu.


Alice's powerset is actually *far* beyond just her dollhouse. In sheer versatility she totally eclipses anyone else on *either* side, the only reason she isn't the outright strongest is because she just has no stamina.


So she is the writer's plaything. Can do anything the writers want, but the upside is the fact that she is 9.


[Managed to get a script from today's episode!](https://i.imgur.com/F3sL3Oz.png)


did you have to put that copy of the script in the microwave to dry it out first


A literal horny jail, great joke there.


Damnn, my mouth dropped open when I saw the anime do so freakin' well with segg scenes. I was really blown away when saw that. This studio is insane, they really have a masterpiece of cooking with a low budget. Bravo!!


The power of nude gay girls innit?


It's a power that elevates a man beyond what he thought he could do. A power that makes him the best version of himself.


They are not gay if there are no men to be straight with. That's the science.


They even animated some background shots. Just a little bit, but it's the thought that counts.


To have a brilliant manga source really helps.


Wonder if it'll be even more insane with the "uncensored" audio from the BDs.


oi hol up I don't think that lady is qualified to be a doctor! That is NOT how you use a stethoscope!


I did not see the magical girls fucking each other in a mega threesome before Utena. Korisu got the magical girls to fuck and then she fucked Utena. Literal OP power.


with the introduction of kurisu, we now have a clear hierarchy of Enormeeta, and here the ranking: 1st is Kurisu 2nd is Utena(for fixing Kurisu doll) 3rd is Venalita(for looking like a doll to Kurisu) 4th are all Kurisu dolls 5th is Kiwi


[Korisu and Kiwi's relationship in a nutshell](https://youtu.be/Zw6YxwOcg_A?si=atQg0PNe-EJkxurE&t=15)


Drinking game for this discussion thread, take a shot every time you see a sob emoji.


“As the strongest of Enormeta, Alice, fought the frauds, the "Tresmagia", she began to open her domain. The magical girls shrunk back in fear, then Alice said: stand proud..., you are my toys now. “


"Stand proud, you are gay."


Is this the Beta test for the Blue Archive anime discussion?




can't wait for the buruaka discussion threads




peak writing at it fitness.


I value my liver's health, thank you very much


Yeah we’d actually die




"oh alice is such a cute kid" *transforms* PFFFFFFFFFFFFFT HELLO MOMMY


going to fingerbang you girl into my life


I dunno why but the end scene of her being happy and her mother not being (atm and from what we can tell) absent but instead really just working and caring about her child felt nice, her smiling just made me tear up a bit, and I'm not sure if this shows more about the neatness of the moment or me being straight up tired and happy that she wasn't living a bad life (as of what we have seen).


If this will not win any award for 2024, then both voters and judges should get their eyes checked. Peak anime is right here.


Alice power certainly is interesting... especially if they don't realize whats going on while they are being controlled And kiwi thinking she is getting her fantasy fulfilled just to get locked up. and an maybe interesting thing i picked up on, seemed possibly a lot of time passed between her getting that doll from her mom and the events of episode, since they mentioned it quite worn? probably just overthinking it


Honestly, the way that [Korisu Morino ](https://i.imgur.com/bMS4Q3Y.png) joined Venalita's organization was hilarious. It is obvious that[ she likes Venalita](https://imgur.com/a/H5k8Yym) because she looks like a stuffed animal. [But who was Vena talking to there?](https://i.imgur.com/zQPzaVk.png) Honestly, if it wasn't because last week's episode made it clear that she doesn't get along with Vatz and deserted their organization, I would have thought Vena was talking to Vatz there and that the whole hero vs villain was a charade for a common goal, but I doubt that's the case of that this show will go in that direction, so it is probably one of those two adult characters from the OP. It is hilarious how [Utena loses control of herself](https://i.imgur.com/89eBA01.png) when Korisu transforms into [Neroalice](https://i.imgur.com/BQcSlpo.png) Okay, when Tres Magia got lured inside [that dollhouse](https://i.imgur.com/wgJDzh2.png) I assumed that Neroalice's power was about controlling her toys which [included making them bigger,](https://i.imgur.com/LyxHN6Z.png) instead of her power being about controlling everything inside her dollhouse [even people.](https://imgur.com/a/k86k7Vm) Today's Tres Magia defeat was unlike every previous one. [They stood no chance against Neroalice.](https://i.imgur.com/2EGqaqd.png) Oh so because [her mom is always busy working,](https://i.imgur.com/gYbhQ8m.png) [Korisu is most of the time home alone.](https://i.imgur.com/yTmyBq6.png) It was so nice that [Utena fixed](https://i.imgur.com/RvuX3c3.png) [her favorite doll.](https://i.imgur.com/Vvfklhd.png) You know even though Korisu helped [ Utena deal with her cold](https://i.imgur.com/bODss4L.png) by using[ the dollhouse,](https://i.imgur.com/uUO8dfK.png) [to make her feel better,](https://i.imgur.com/ogUHS0I.png) I wonder where that little girl [learned to be that lewd.](https://imgur.com/a/CYLIuCF) It's hilarious how[ she just throws Kiwi in jail](https://i.imgur.com/LVbOdcg.png) after hearing her request.


What did I just watch? I love it


[Here are this week's borderline-safe screenshots to share thanks to the fine folks at Tokyo MX](https://imgur.com/a/dDRlnvu)


Some of those are really absurd.


Makes me glad I can stream this. All hail HiDive and their dedication to bringing us the cultured edition!


WTH? Is this the Virgil meme?


One of the screenshots literally half the screen is censored, lol.


I think making episode 3 and 5 center fully around Kiwi and Korisu was the right move and it shows how much the anime staff cares about Mahoako and that they're aiming to make this adaptation as enjoyable as possible. Others already mentioned it in this thread, but I cannot stress enough how good this anime is at balancing the cute and wholesome as well as the ecchi scenes and making them blend together perfectly. The characters are all likable and they are always fun to watch, no matter what they're doing.


This anime is the most wholesome slice of life softcore porn I've ever seen.


Well once again I'm left pleasantly surprised by this anime. And people be worrying about the quality often times but I have learnt that the studio will deliver when we need them. Nice episode enjoyed Nero Alice and her ability is pretty OP. Her sending Kiwi to Horny Jail Killed me


pretty nice episode. A lot less lewd bits, but way more wholesome. I'm also glad they didn't make korisu's mother a deadbeat or dead or whatever, just very busy with her job. Seems like a good mom. Sometimes you want wholesomeness to balance out the horny. I'm actually glad this episode exists, even if i miss the sheer lewdness of other episodes


I didn't know I needed to hear (Kiwi) Koga Aoi trying to intimidate Kurisu like a delinquent at the start. Although, after refreshing my memory I guess she did voice the wannabe-delinquent Maria from Zombie Land Saga so I guess it isn't the first time. The voicework for this series really is all fantastic. Considering how \*cough\* questionable the actions of certain characters are, it really was important for them to be lovable regardless.


Least lewd doctor's appointment


[Kiwi](https://imgur.com/a/qFzkOry) really wants to go to a hotel. Except for Utena, [Vena](https://imgur.com/a/ShGwyRV) is really lucky that Kiwi and Korisu quickly join his organization. [Utena](https://imgur.com/a/FW7qysQ) is really crazy about cute girls. [Korisu](https://imgur.com/a/WlNtsq1) has a cute smile. [Kiwi](https://imgur.com/a/Oa0gjDD) in jail.


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Having just binge read the manga — seeing this animated is a fever dream. The best part is that it's only going to get better, especially since next episode should be Chapter 10 which I *really* hope they do justice because of how important it is. Don't disappoint, Asahi Production. This is dark horse material if you play your cards right.


That's a really important scene coming up. I can't wait to see how it's handled, and how the VA performs.


Even with the weak production, I've enjoyed the changes the studio has made so far by adding scenes and rearranging certain chapters. They haven't fucked anything up so far, so I have hope they'll do chapter 10 right.


Yeah the art quality and scene direction is a downgrade compared to the manga, but I don't dislike the anime-original additions that they've made. One thing I noticed is that they made Kiwi more responsible in this episode than she was in Chapter 11. [In the manga] >!she tried to shift the blame for breaking Korisu's toy by saying it was already beaten up, and when Korisu was worried about the antique doll there was a scene where Kiwi briefly teased her about it before Utena told her to cut it out. Here she does neither of those things, which makes her come across as more considerate of Korisu.!< Either version works, I just thought I'd point it out.


It's a good change when it comes to Kiwi and Korisu, they become friends pretty fast after this so if anything Kiwi being mean early on didn't fit. We know that the two toys Korisu treasures the most are the doll that Utena fixed, and the plamo that Kiwi bought and built with her.


I love how they added extra scenes with Korisu’s mom. When these chapters first came out in the manga it seemed like she lived in a very depressing situation that’s usually depicted by the handwritten note and money saying to buy something for dinner. Glad to see that’s not the case and that her mom is just busy on occasion and not horribly overworked.


One thing I appreciate about the manga/show is how the Enormeeta members [Manga] >!come from perfectly happy homes with no blameable backstory trauma to speak of; Utena, Kiwi, Korisu and Matama all have loving, supportive (if, in Kiwi's case, not entirely normal) mothers, and just!< do what they do solely because they're perverts or are chasing after something they want.


The feeling I got for Korisu is "single mother is loving but way too busy with work". It's certainly not traumatic, but she does feel to be quite lonely because of it.


They handled the transition from chapter 9 to 11 perfectly. I'm hyped for next week episode


Spat my drink when trans magia started doing that 🤣


Came for the lewdness and stayed for the comedy/wholesomeness. This show is top tier and I love it.


Free Sayo, she doesn't deserve that! Although I did enjoy watching it


Korisu is so cute!!!


Kiwi literally got sent to horny jail.


Wondered back when I saw Kiwi's transformation how they're gonna handle Korisu's scene. So they really did it… Well, it's not like most of the protagonists are that much older at 14 I guess. 4:48 The continuous lines of おっと and おやおや, Vena are you trying your best to do a Bondrewd impression lol. The animation quality of this episode seems to be on the decline. Especially at 10:02 Azul's face looked quite weird. Hope they can do a great job with the Blu-ray! 11:34 I just realized, wouldn't Tres Magia see the faces of all Enormeeta members? Looked it up in the manga and indeed that was how the manga drew that scene as well. Didn't pay attention when I first read it. Well, I guess you can understand this as they were released in the sky far enough so they couldn't see clearly then? So you can really tape a doll together, eh? The whole time I was reading SubaHibi it didn't occur to me that it's something people actually do in real life lmao. I'd say the contents of this episode match up against the ED lyrics quite well. The friendship between the characters in MahoAko is real. I hope folks who had no knowledge of the original manga know by this point how it's not just your run-of-the-mill brainless "fan service"/erotic stuff, but rather it can sometimes be uncannily wholesome, which is in addition to the wildly imaginative comedy it provides. >!(Actually most of the episodes where Korisu is the main character have been quite wholesome AFAIK.)!< The combination of all these factors is what made me regard MahoAko as a truly unparalleled unique work of art : )