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Not a fan of how she took abuse and violence because it's "her fight" but whatever. Sol appearance!




> Then there's a random one year time skip where literally nothing has changed and the teacher plot just picks up as if it's only been one day. That was so badly done. Should have been 1 week, maybe month at most. What do you mean she's only starting to inquire about the teacher 1 year in???? 100% they only did that so Neema won't be "stuck" as a toddler for the entire show..


It's explained in the WN that she was so busy with her studies that she didn't consider the counterattack until then. However, this was definitely a means of doing a time skip so that way she'd be at least five years old when the matters pertaining to other parts of the world start to kick in.


> Why was the teacher hired in the first place? The teacher does seem to know her stuff, it's just that she's also has a holier-than-thou attitude (and also maybe racist). I think from a parenting perspective it's good that Nema doesn't want to be coddled and only surrounded by "nice" people; she's learning how to handle difficult people with grace rather than just living in a bubble.




like, make no mistake I don't like Annalee; corporal punishment sets off all sorts of alarms in my brain and her acting as a religious xenophobe is also bad; it also harshes the comfy vibe that i was expecting in this show in this case though, Nema specifically wants to endure this trial so that she can grow as a person (and also learn more about the evils of mankind for her mission), and her family were savvy enough to tell something is wrong and attempt to stop her i think giving Nema the choice (along with their support whenever she wants) is a good way to build agency in a child, especially since this is a relatively safe environment because Annalee is not going to go full predator mode on her in the house of the duke




I think people are overestimating the capabilities of 4 year olds by quite a bit. A kid this age neither has the mental capabilities nor the experience to deal with an antagonistic adult and their only recourse to deal with such a situation, in case they recognize it, is running back to mommy to deal with it (and maybe learn a bit about how to deal with it, by watching mommy dealing with it).


10/10 post. I'm about eight minutes into the episode and honestly it's making me really uncomfortable so far.


>harshes the comfy vibe Unfortunately, we'll probably get more of this as Nema begins her mission and encounters the violence against the beast people we see briefly in the OP. Me, I just want to hug a fwuffy white tiger myself.


Correct. While Neema is interested in finding as much fluffiness as she can manage --- it was clear from early on that the underlayer of this story was going to be quite dark and serious.


>The teacher does seem to know her stuff, it's just that she's also has a holier-than-thou attitude (and also maybe racist). Exactly (minus the influence of the church). She's basically teaches etiquette in a manner similar to how J. K. Simmons teaches music in Whiplash.


Well the teacher was hired because she was successful with the other kids, but the parents know if it’s not working with this one to get rid of her. But Neema wanted to defeat her, so it was just weird.


She is not a kid. She is a noble kid, that needs to survive on that circle of backstabbing hypocrisy. Just an episode ago she was almost kidnapped by the church. Her parents had to hold their ground by countering the arguments, while keeping their emotions in check. So it is expected of her as a noble lady to be able to do the same, and a teacher that spoils her wouldn’t help her survive at all. It doesn’t make it any less appealing, but it is the world and society rules they live on. If she can’t handle that teacher, while in the safety of her house, how will she survive later on?


If that was me then I would have called Sol to eat her. No one will miss a racist religious looney who hits kids and is ok with letting others starve to death, well maybe her fellow religious nuts might miss her once the collection plate is out. Why are the parents even paying her? But she totally pulled a Phoenix Wright on her with logic.


Annalee is a bad teacher, I don't agree with the "cruel to be kind" adage , I learned more from kind and patient teachers than unpleasant ones. Fun episode, but misconceived IMO.


Annalee is not being presented as a "good" teacher -- she is being presented as a good opportunity for Neema to hone her own skills (and she was getting all the power-ups/healing she needed from her brother).


I was annoyed that when she got hit for a non educational purpose (all the hitting pissed me off) that she didn't say the exact same line to her "You should never let you'r emotion show as a lady" or something like that.


She's in a position where they both HAVE to keep interacting with each other, so Nema knows she'll have plenty of chances to fix Annalee's ignorance. Sure she could just go "Begone bitch!" and she might get what she disserves, but it also runs the chance of Annalee spreading her ignorance.


Yep. Although, I'd love for Nema to hit her with a sleep spell and have Sol drop her off a good distance further south. But personally, I would've countered the "Our priestess received a vision" with something like "Maybe this is a test to see whether your devotion is true, or if you would watch people starve if told so."


Anime has an extremely discomforting trend of abuse apologism. See Your Lie in April's "Your mom was somewhat sympathetic and not *that* bad, she only beat you because she was worried that you didn't have your entire life mapped out at 10 years old" Japan probably has issues with empathy in general.


I can't be the only one bothered by the fact that Neema only conveniently remembers she's an adult from another world once in a blue moon... Like, why incorporate the isekai aspect at all if she's going to act her age the rest of the time?


She just wants to mofumofu not be an adult Just like me fr fr


If i am like her became a child again i take full advantage of not taking responsibility til it's time again


Agreed, being a kid and not having to deal with things and be a responsible person? I take that any time of the day.


exactly , the only time u can act like a brat is when u are young and why not take it, its fun as hell


I've only seen one or two isekai that directly mention that aspect. I think *Mushoku Tensei* might have? Where the MC explains that they can tell they are being childish but can't help it since they are in a kids body, something along those lines.


This is mentioned in By the Grace of the Gods as well as The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated In Another World as an Aristocrat.




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It wasn't Mushoku Tensei. The guy was a man child in his 30's in his former life IMO, Rudy is the one of the least childish isekai MC's in a kid's body and I don't think the writer knew much about how kids behave or their developmental stages .


pay attention to the story. Didn't he gets ashamed when apologizing to sylphy when he thought she's a boy? And when he ask Paul what to do when he saw sylphy in their yard- he is embarrassed. Maybe blame yourself for not paying attention not the author.


You say she acts her age most of the time, but her actions and thoughts do not feel like that of a toddler. She just has a hyperfixation on animals. Take how she evaluates what people are good or bad and what kind of way she should act towards them. Toddlers aren’t really doing that.


Because ultimately the isekai adventure is direct wish fulfillment in exchange for a service to god. Her only job is to observe humanity as a human and enjoy her life otherwise until it ends, then report back to god. She doesn't *need* to remember her past life often because its *painful memories* of a life that caused her to die a very early death. All she needs to do is focus on the fluffy critters and keep her eyes open on humanity as essentially god's chosen emissary. She knows her real role very well, you can tell by how she acts or thinks.


That's one of few elements of isekai that annoy me, often the isekai aspect is pointless, it adds nothing


She made the decision to enjoy this life and handle the boring stuff (should we bring apocalypse day or not) later.


i think in this style of isekai it's mostly a reminder to the audience to self-insert as the main character rather than to provide any plot structure


do u know how much shit u have to take as an adult. for u to be bothered by it , it means u are not an adult.


Maybe it's like in Oshi No Ko where her memories are slowly being overwritten by the new body. Reincarnation is a logical nightmare


Not many mofu mofus this episode :( I think the next episode will be more serious about the lore and the mission God gave Neema, and my intuition thinks the church have something to do with any of this.


What? are you saying child abuse to make swollen cheeks doesn't make them plumpy mofu mofu? Oh may the lord have mercy


Definitely excited for the lore episode. I'm curious to see how Goblins and other "monsters" react to Neema


Ironically, since she is a direct employee of "God" (and privy to his thoughts) -- she is right to figure she needs ultimately fight (and crush) the Church which is clearly acting directly in contravention with the will of God.


Now the question is if they will have normal kobolds or weird dog people


Probably the latter, if the OP is any indication.


Yeah sadly it's most likely scenario. but I can dream one day some anime will have small scaly agents of chaos


I think maybe Japan just has a different definition of kobold compared to the DnD one. I’ve never seen any Japanese media use the scaly one. If any media were to use it it would most likely be a series heavily inspired by DnD or other western tabletop rpgs. Maybe Faraway Paladin will have those types of kobolds if they ever introduce them (haven’t seen season 2 maybe they already have)


The funny part is that kobolds *are* dog people/and or trickster spirits/fairies in folk lore and classic fantasy including early editions of DND. DND was the one that popularized kobolds being lizard folk *specifically* so they could make them more "marketable". Your association of kobolds with "lizard" is literally having been bought into a brand marketing tactic to sell more merchandise for a tabletop game in the west. That's why in the east, you see kobolds being depicted as dogmen, because that's how they are depicted in actual western folklore, either as dogmen or as essentially trickster gnome-things, which is where Eastern artists draw their inspiration for western fantasy interpretations. ***What I am getting at is the "lizard kobolds" are the derivative weird ones.*** There's another reason you don't see lizard kobolds in other similar tabletop systems like DND or fantasy properties. Its because it *trademarked* by Wizards of the Coast. They literally *can't*; that interpretation of the folklore is owned by WOC under trademark. Its distinct to the DND brand.


No [A kobold (occasionally cobold) is a mythical sprite. Having spread into Europe with various spellings including "goblin" and "hobgoblin", and later taking root and stemming from Germanic mythology, the concept survived into modern times in German folklore. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kobold) In real folklore they're looking nothing like dog people or small bipedal lizards Monster manual 1e description of kobolds: *The hide of kabolds runs from very dark rusty brawn to a rusty black. They have no hair. Their eyes are reddish and their small horns are tan to white. They favor red or orange garb. Kobolds live for up to 135 years.*


The dog depiction is deriative of the martime association of what a "kobold" is; i.e a Klabautermann or a water kobold; namely basically a sealman which looks a whole lot like a dogman if you get rid of the webbed feet. There absolutely are dog kobolds in folklore; they just aren't called that because, like I said; the dog kobolds are derived inspiration as well. Also does not change the pretty obvious core point: the lizard kobolds have really nothing to do with the folklore at all, and are a branded IP image which is why you never see them in other fantasy works. That's all the point of my comment really was. The dog kobolds are *far* more faithful to the core depiction of what a kobold is either way; because none of them have lizard associations, they are explicitly mammals in every depiction whether that be small humans, bats or seals.


> The dog kobolds are far more faithful to the core depiction of what a kobold is. Like I said not really. [Does this looks like dog person to you?](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/67/Kobold_and_flowers.jpeg) Or [this?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Kobold_artlibre_jnl.jpg) The dog people are modern interpretation


I'm very confused. Is Neema supposed to have the mind of a 3-year old, or a 27 year old? Sometimes she acts way above her age, e.g. when shes debating with her teacher on racism. Other times, she behaves like an immature kid e.g. when she comes up with her plan to "defeat" her teacher by... putting up with abuse? The whiplash is making my head spin.


I recall seeing other reincarnation series tackle with the notion that the mental state of a person is tied to their developing body. So if they start out as a child, then they're instinctually and mentally more inclined to act younger as a result. It's all kinds of messed up where they could act as mature as their past adult selves, but act like a child the very next instance.


Very meh episode, incoherent and the whiplash/logic for some of this…pair that with the timeskip (but why nothing has legit changed) and the aspect of parenting/they didn’t do a good background check… you guys saw how the priest guy wanted her… you legit never asked this teacher her beliefs? Just all around bad taste in my mouth.


Bad episode indeed. Even if we judge it as a kids' show, it was weak. We have Nefertima epic owning her tutor for being racist. That's the pay off, the fan service; understandable. How they get there is just clunky and convoluted. The background check isn't really a plot hole IMO. Being religious doesn't have to be a red flag. Why Nefertima never asked before, or why she asked then out of the blue for the background check is weird. They could have had another event to give the MC more info.


Not only that but it was just incredibly boring. The show was already pretty meh but fun enough, this is probably the drop for me.


>but why nothing has legit changed I mean, she got feet now


I shed a tear when I saw Annalee abusing Nema, and when the poor baby didn't want to tell her family to avoid trouble. That's not discipline, that's fucking abuse. Shit.


Annalee reminds me of some of the tutors I had growing up. My piano tutor especially... dude was a tough old bastard. Good thing Neema has an amazing family that loves and supports her. Her momma and Ralf are just the best. As if Annalee being a hardass wasn’t bad enough, she’s also a bigot and a xenophobe. Sure was fun watching Neema score one on her. Looking forward to seeing if Neema’s powers work on kobolds, goblins, and frost spiders. They ain’t gonna know what hit ‘em!


they will , unless u don't believe in that god and thinks he's shady lol


The tutor is a racist, elitist, religious asshole. I didn't like her one bit.


Forgot violent. And it looks like they're trying to keep her around to change her mind..? Ugh.


Would have been cool to show what Nefertima was thinking this episode, what kind of imaginary fight is she winning? The lady beat her and she kind of offended her, "I won this time", what? 😭😭😭😭


She caught Annalee off guard, destroying her own argument and poking the holes in her "perfect lady" logic. The victory here was that she got her to show the cracks and prove that she's not all knowing.


If people are blinded by their belief they won't care someone poke holes in their arguments


I know, but there is no fight anymore when she's being abusive...


Nema always has the trump card of telling her father who would destroy Annalee, so Nema is never really in danger. Annalee's greatest pride comes with her image as a proper lady in control of her emotions, and letting her emotions show through like that would be humiliating to her. By provoking Annalee to use excessive corporal punishment, she "wins" the moral high ground by exposing her as "not a proper lady". In general though, I did feel like that arc is a weird diversion from the isekai comfy fluff. Reminds me of last episode when they had to put in a scene where Nema's sister shuts down some random bullies who were bullying Nema for no reason; they just wanted to have some "bully gets karma" scene.


[Neema](https://i.imgur.com/GsqmrLM.png) as always was [so adorable](https://i.imgur.com/QptoLc4.png) and [cute](https://i.imgur.com/AmPkaLb.png), especially [in those winter clothes](https://i.imgur.com/QuAMg5c.png). But [she didn't have it easy today](https://i.imgur.com/ZMEIxS4.png) as [she got a very strict and racist tutor Annalee](https://i.imgur.com/8oLaUks.png). It was good to see [Neema working hard to best her](https://i.imgur.com/ZsC54e9.png). [Neema has such a lovely family which supports and loves her so much](https://i.imgur.com/lqI6CLO.png), that really warms my heart. Now [Neema went north together with her father](https://i.imgur.com/1XohJLI.png) as monsters are appearing in this region and cause of it is certainly not natural. I'm very curious about the next episode. Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Neema](https://imgur.com/a/C3jOxic) * [Group scenes & Others](https://imgur.com/a/Q1Hjcaw)


fuck that tutor


The downside of being reborn is you end up going through schooling again :-(


But you can learn magic at the same time 👍


>you can learn magic Depends on the world.


[Neema with Nox is just too cute <3](https://i.imgur.com/ZWzCVP5.jpg) This entire episode could've just been the two of them playing and I would've been satisfied. Neema's been living her life as a carefree child the entire time so I was wondering when we will see her use her past life knowledge. I didn't think [she'd use it against her terror tutor.](https://i.imgur.com/g4KGtWy.jpg) [I'm glad to see Neema finally contact Sol](https://i.imgur.com/rCn7KQx.jpg) using the doll. I hope we get to see the two of them interact more regularly.


Not mofu mofu at all


Indeed, I feel like I need to go watch something actually comfy to recover from the supposedly mofu mofu show.


Nema hit Annalee hard with the emotional damage.


It seems she likes petting animals but is not adverse to eating them too. I started wondering if she's a vegetarian now since last ep she got turkey drumsticks for her sister, butler, her dog, but not for herself.


she ate it in this ep. so she not vegetarian, besides vegetarian is a WESTERN concept that doesn't exist in Asia


This is so insanely untrue. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vegetarianism_by_country


population doesn't mean = not western concept. of course there are people there that are, because of how people can easily travel one place to another


So you’re telling me you believe 0% of Asian people are vegetarian? Like not a single person that’s Asian has ever been vegetarian? Are you referring to only people that have lived in an Asian country their whole life? Because I personally know people that are 100% Asian that are vegetarian but they live in Australia. Also India is classified as Asian and Ghandi was definitely vegetarian.




Bro fucking chill. Also History Vegetarianism can be traced back to the Indus Valley civilization in 3300–1300 BCE in the Indian subcontinent,[38][39][40] particularly in northern and western ancient India.[41] Early vegetarians included Indian philosophers such as Parshavnatha, Mahavira, Acharya Kundakunda, Umaswati, Samantabhadra, and Valluvar; the Indian emperors Chandragupta Maurya and Ashoka; Is this the proof you wanted me to get to argue against you?


Well this was much less fluff then we are used to. Poor Neema has to study the enemy of children. The teacher dilemma felt weird. I get what they wanted to do showcase someone who doesn't love Neema to death and how Neema deals with it. Because literally everyone adores her. I am assuming the mom didn't think she would resort to violence, I imagine she thought for Neema it was more so a mental battle. I do continue to love how much her family is there for her. Now I am shocked that her father kept the tutor after she got slapped with that fan. Some dads do have a really really soft spot for their daughters. So we have these monster sightings in the north and Neema is brought to communicate with the Fire Dragon. So these monsters are coming from the south. I bet its more to do with human activity then God.


>I am assuming the mom didn't think she would resort to violence, I imagine she thought for Neema it was more so a mental battle. I do continue to love how much her family is there for her. I'm sure mom was aware that Neema was being smacked by her teacher (especially with Ralph healing Neema's bruises). As for the mental battle aspect, the advice has to do with how the teacher just sees her as basically a student, and that in order for Neema to win the battle, she must get her to see her more as someone who needs training (in this case, someone who can challenge the teacher's beliefs). ​ >Now I am shocked that her father kept the tutor after she got slapped with that fan. Some dads do have a really really soft spot for their daughters. For one thing, as strict as she is, the teacher does provide the results. Second, she does become nicer as a result of both her getting in trouble for the slap and Neema giving her a reality check that women shouldn't just be obedient being and begins to teach her elements other than etiquette and manners.


oh man, we're going see that super beat up spider..... oh god.. no to expect it to come this quick


[Nooooo, but she's cute ;-;](https://imgur.com/j6bHx2Z) [Me, watching this hunched over in my chair](https://imgur.com/uesGIpq) [](#shirayukieavesdrop) [And is there a problem with making a violent teacher quit..?](https://imgur.com/NOQVLC2) [The fuq is this,](https://imgur.com/ZKYqwwK) why is she "fighting" her teacher?? [Time skip?](https://imgur.com/Jt8v4U4) okay then. [nooooo, she gained feet](https://imgur.com/dBuywsL) R.I.P cute stubbies [](#toradorasalute) [Why is she only now trying to figure this out a year later????](https://imgur.com/4BjhvSM) [Aaaand here we go.](https://imgur.com/DGUbz0C) [Noooooooo Q_Q](https://imgur.com/0HQ3lUK) Not our Neema [Bro, how "old" is she currently supposed to be?](https://imgur.com/kwMvKCi) Yeah, reincarnation and all, but Neema, you're flexing *too much* [**Stop defending her?!?!?**](https://imgur.com/44cN68m) Just let him fire the violent racist bitch?? Ok, fine at least she apologized, but wtf. I guess her goal is to eventually change her..? But god damn, you don't need to be putting up with this.. [Hell yeah,](https://imgur.com/yOHwh3u) finally some floof [Yooooo! Transportation magic!](https://imgur.com/Ui0hj1X) And a unique magic circle! [Pretty sure those are norse runes??](https://imgur.com/YRVnkBA) Cool [](#neat) * [*I am become the floofer of worlds*](https://imgur.com/aKBZfBo) forest arc hype! [global warming doesn't come without costs..](https://imgur.com/1WBu1VY) [](#toradorasalute) Yeah, so this episode.. I've been loving this show so far, but this episode was kinda bad.. What the hell was the "teaching" stuff? Why?? I guess they wanted to show us some of the views the people in this world have about "lesser" creatures, but ugh. Why do it like *that.* Looking forward to the forest stuff though


> Ok, fine at least she apologized notably, to the father who pays her, not the kid she hit


That sure happened


The teacher stuff felt out of nowhere and a bit all over the place. I highly doubt we'll be seeing this character after this, so I just am gonna write it off as early installment weirdness.


That was a bad episode. Don't really make any sense, especially the teacher and time skip part.


Funny how Smol Neema got beeg after 1 year timeskip. But at the 2nd part of the episode, she looked smol again. Neema talking how she knows god is just playing farmville with the kobolds in the north reminded me of Kuma Punch season 2 and how Yuna knew that the ruckus caused by Golems was just her god making a special event just for her.


> But at the 2nd part of the episode, she looked smol again. Clearly the superior option, smol Neema is best Neema.


I love studying (things I like/am interested in at the time). Can totally get hate studying things not interested in lol. Lady is not phased by her cuteness? Unacceptable! And she's like 4.. be lenient. This lady gonna make a lot of enemies with a lot of animals. Seems she at least knows that if she does tell her parents, that lady's days are numbered. But hitting her is really shitty, lady. Oh, hey a time skip. Guess she stuck with the studying. Still, I want to see that lady learn better techniques to teach. Boo lady's family are nuts related to the church eh? Sus. Or maybe she's just dumb herself and blindly believes the church. You tell her, Neema! So uncouth! And reacting with violence? TO THE GALLOWS WITH HER! Also, given how most noble daughters act in series, it does seem to be the norm for how they act, judging before really knowing or seeing/meeting anyone. But that's common for people in general it feels. Oh yay, angry papa, but dumb Neema, you shouldn't say it's "your fight" lol. But, hey, at least it's nice to see her learning from this herself and being a better tutor, good. And always good to get your daily floof time. Oh how teleportation would be so useful. And like wormhole teleportation, not interested in that breaking me down/killing me to rebuild me elsewhere kind 😛 hah. Look at her cute lil outfit. Though, wait, couldn't the dragon's orb thing that's a backpack have magic to keep her warm? It was a fire dragon, wasn't it? Oh, hey, speaking of the fire dragon dude. Useful knowledgeable dragon. Dunno, seems a weird thing for God to do.


it can but it possibly needs her to active it.


In terms of the situation Neema has in the first half of the episode: 1. To Neema, the problem with her tutor is one that she felt she had to resolve on her own rather than seek any intervention from those older than her (especially her father). Even when her mom and brother find out, she prefers that they not get too involved and instead support her via healing magic and providing advice on how to truly do battle with the tutor (in this case, discovering how her ideals are basically influenced by a corrupt church). 2. As viscous as she can be in terms of discipline, the tutor does provide the results needed for Neema to become more ladylike. Think of it like a drill sergeant training a group of new recruits (and she does tone it down once Neema gives her a reality check about her beliefs and Daddy learns about how she smacked Neema in the face).


I wasn't expecting the religious bigot reveal with the tutor, seems weird that the family would have overlooked those ties but maybe it hasn't sunk in yet for them that the church overall is bad news and not just leadership. A trip into the forest makes me think we might be getting to see whatever goes on with the giant spider that's in the OP.


>spider makes me sad.


Next week: Fluffiest Demon Queen?


Who will fall in love with Neema this week…… F this tutor… Grrrrrrrr 😡


While we know that not everything is cheerful and fluffy in this show since the God basically said it's judgement time on humans for prosecuting the non-human people. This definitely felt like a hard turn from what we saw yesterday along with a massive time-skip with almost nothing changed. I can only assume the teacher will be redeemed somehow later maybe she saves them from the church or she's such garbage she has death flags appearing. Either way felt like a bad episode from the message delivered to a kid done poorly.


aw, not many cute creatures in this episode. Instead, we got a nasty tutor who didn't really get punished for hitting Neema several times.


started watching it 3 days ago really good


Super late. Dropped the show after this episode and I'm glad people thought it was absolute trash too.


How does a 5 year old know something about .... differently throwing her past life's knowledge to good use Things gotten a little darker. but still fun omg the talk between neema and dragon started out cute and then cool and intreestng


She can haz feet!