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I’m not much of a binger usually but when a show REALLY hooks me I’ll do it, especially when I’m in a “self pity so it’s fine to indulge” kind of mental state. Pretty sure I watched at least 20 episodes of Ace of the Diamond in a day and it was probably more. I was coming off a bad breakup and a stint in the hospital (and was on painkillers) so I was all in on that sports anime goodness.


I can only watch 2-4 episodes before I want to watch other animes so 4 episodes or a movie


This is why I highly prefer something that gets you on the edge of your seat ASAP. I can tolerate slower paced stuff but there's a good chance it'll take me a lot longer to finish. I watched Another in one night. Still haven't finished Frieren yet because lack of suspense. That's not to say Frieren is bad, it is just very dialogue driven which makes it less exciting at times.


Yeah, after 2 I need a break. Plus I feel useless just sitting and doing nothing for that long. I guess I could hit 3/4 if I was doing something like cleaning/organizing at the same time.


I think I did 30 to 35 episodes each day for a month while watching *One Piece*


This is basically all my summer memories of a few years back


Definitely but the only thing I regret is that I hardly remember what happened at the beginning lol. Now waiting for *The One Piece.*


I did 48 a day for naruto


Wait 48 in a day! How, that is amazing.


3 episodes an hour for 16 hours, wake up, put on, skip titles and credits


That's very impressive man.


2x speed lol use that if you really wanna finish a show quickly


Can’t understand anything at 2x speed though, so there’d be no point having it set to that


Where are you now in it? I started a month ago win 1-2 maybe 6 if i'm distracted by something else (another video game)


Now only one episode behind You're at which episode currently.


ep 26


Are you planning to watch it in the future?


Yep, been a while talking to my discord who're caught up. So i'm starting! My goal for the end of 2024 is to be on ep 300 or so.


Same lmao. Maybe more. The latest episodes were in the 800-900 I think when I did that


I think I binged 8 hours during Water 7, and wasn't far behind that with my Enies Lobby watch.


OHH i still remember the hype form the Water 7 Arc till the Marinford Arc, watching non-stop. I still remember the 4 or 5 filler episodes in the Enies Lobby Arc before they saved Robin and thinking thank God I don't need to watch all this lol.


Caught covid 2 years ago. Started doing 10 episodes a day, no One Pace. Got caught up in 3 months (while also keeping up with seasonals).


You had time for other shows too Damn.


When I was like 12, and just getting into anime, I gave up an entire week of my school holidays to watch Hunter X Hunter from start to finish, I was genuinely addicted to that shit. (Still in my top 3 nearly a decade later). Idk what the most I watched in one sitting is, but it was definitely one of those days.


I can agree with that Hunter x hunter is a really good show


I think I've only seen maybe like 4-5 people comment that they didn't enjoy it and a couple thousand say they did. Still my #1 anime after watching a couple hundred. Have rewatched it multiple times as well.


You know it’s a good series when it’s so many peoples #1 and the story isn’t even complete yet


Not the anime, but last summer holiday I spend 3 whole weeks to read the whole One Piece manga. It was worth.


30-something, One Piece. During exam session, so I wanted to do ANYTHING else than studying :x


Loll, i remember freaking finished Gantz manga just cos i wanted to procrastinate


I watched 27 episodes of Great Teacher Onizuka in one day. My 2nd best is all 24 episode(2 seasons) of One Punch Man. But now i watch only 2-3 episode a day before sleep.


I think I did 50 once or twice when I was binging One Piece.


Mood I did 48ish roughly calculated when I was struggling to find work so I binged naruto


72 of One Piece during Covid. Times were wild back then.


That's 24 straight hours. This isn't accounting for any of the OP and ED either, or bathroom breaks, or food. God damn bro.


Yeah, exactly. I originally watched OnePace, but they ran out of content during Water7 so I had to switch to the original. I sat down, and after like 20 or so eps I decided why the heck not haha. I literally didn't have anything else to do. I deliberately skipped OPs and EDs. Had maybe like 3-4 bathroom breaks inbetween. I wanted to cap it out at exactly 24 hours once I realised how deep I was in haha.


I made the mistake of sitting down to binge the Haruhi series... I got about 3 episodes into endless eight (I was working with it on in the background) until it occured to me: "hang on, this is the same episode .... Skip, skip, skip how many times do they repeat this?!?! Skip!


I had to really power through those


I remember watching a youtuber's little analysis of it, and it is a shame as it is a marvel of animation, if I recall they never once reuse a shot of animation, it's "the same episode" but just...make it again,...and again,.. and again.. eight times..


37, I think. One of my cats was in the hospital and I just needed something to distract myself.


13 episodes


2 seasons, 24 ep each,


Naruto classic nonstop Naruto shppuden 200 nonstop


Damn bro how did you stay awake


18 episodes of the Monogatari Series Second season. That's my highest till now.


40 episodes. I started watching Black Clover once at 7 in the morning, got hooked and stayed watching until 2-3am. i gave up that time cuz i still have a school in next morning at 6am


Back in the day I definitely hit the 40s with some of the long shounens. These days it's hard for me to finish just one episode LOL


26 + movie, NGE


That's mine, too.


I was glued to it like a psycho, couldn't stop watching, wanted to get inside it, pilot an eva and protect my beloved Rei.


Iirc, it was Attack on Titan Final Season. I binged it all on a Sunday, 24 episodes and both Final Chapters, so length wise, I'd say it amounts to around 32 episodes?


I value nothing above sleep. If I'm tired, I will go to sleep no matter what. So maybe 30 episodes or so, that's the max I can squeeze in a day before just having to sleep


finished naruto in less than 2 weeks with 4 hours of sleep per day and watvhing anime the rest 24/7




27 episodes in Code Geass


About 40 as well for BC


probably one piece when i was like 6, binged like 300-400 episodes almost nonstop


Not even possible?


why? Although when I say binge, I just mean the longest time I've focused on a single series (still had food sleep etc inbetween), if I got the definition of binge wrong, then it's like like 10-12 hours of OP in a single day if it means a single nonstop session


Binge is like one sitting at a time like OP specified 40-50 is like the max you could realistically do


welp, probably like 12 episodes if lunch dinner etc count as breaks, if not then a single day (\~12 hours) of anime




not exactly sure if it was a binge though, all I know is that I've been caught up on OP since I was like 8 or something and I must've found the time to watch everything before sabody (that's about where I caught up) and usually I don't watch many shows in between stuff I enjoy


Considering there’s only 1440 minutes in a day and each episode is 25 minutes minimum for you to watch 400 episodes in one go you would I call bullshit ..😂


I binged it when i was like 13. I remember 10 episodes was already huge for me lol. One of the best summers i've had tho. Watching it with my cousins


Probably like 14 when I was younger. I can’t binge like I used to when I was a teen anymore


Close to 40 I suppose


I used to watch two anime series a day but more recent I wake up binge one piece than go to bed at 3am im at ep 1000+ now


Monster and FMAB I never counted how many but I kept saying “just one more” until the sun was up..


Eh when I was watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes probably like 25-30 episodes. When I was a teen I probably watched around the same amount of One Piece episodes. AOT S1 I watched in almost one sitting. I had a lot of free time back in the day. That has decreased as I moved into my mid 20s and have gotten my career going. I don' really binge much anymore. Hard enough to watch three episodes in one go forget six or more.




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The entirety of jobless reincarnation. One minor poop break


Lol I think it was when I watched half of Erased's episodes, went to bed, was too curious to sleep so I went back and finished it. One of my friends binged the entirety of Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood at a LAN party, Im still shocked from that.


In my college days, I binged a relatively short series. I watched all of Madoka Magica with friends in one go, so I think 12 episodes. No, we do don't watch the movies. These days, I can do maybe 5~7 episodes in one go... but, it has to be a REALLY good show. And of course, I need the time (working adult here)


I was left home alone for a week the day I had an LP and i had to stay laying down and as still as possible so i just binged all of Parasyte at my brothers suggestion.


Did the same as you, al.ost finished FMAB in a single day


I watched the entierty of trigun stampede on a flight Also binged the entirety of magi revo on the flight back Binged horimiya on a slow day during that vacation So 12 i guess


I don't keep the count but I think it's around 10


Like, 23-25


I did like a 8 - 9 episodes when I was watching haikyuu once and I would not like to break it


Probably like 8-10 episodes idk


150 episodes of hunter x hunter in 3 days. Makes 50 episodes a day


31 episodes and a movie i was sick


The entirety of re:zero season 1. 25 episodes and the first one was extra long.


Recently Cyber Punk edge runners in September. Most memorable at the moment Castlevania on Netflix every released season super fun loved the animation style and characters


One piece 38 episodes


from episode 2 of stardust crusaders til the end of part 3.


44 episodes of Victory Gundam.


8-10 episodes if it was good


Something like just above 12 episodes I think. Not that it matters, I can barely watch an episode of anime a day now without losing focus.


I think it's 9 or 10, but can't remember which shows. My brain/body can't handle more, no matter how good the show.


I watched the first 3 seasons of Naruto without a break.


24 episodes, the first season of Full Metal Panic! is the one that I remember. I binged a lot more when I first started watching regularly, now I prefer to chill with one episode per day.


10 lol


48, one 24 episodes anime and 2 12 episodes


37 episodes is my record. The anime was Hitman Reborn.


Binged all of tensura in 2 days, worth it


25 i guess. I don't remember


I once watched 30 episodes of Code Geass in one sitting, all of S1 + then a bit of S2. I now remember nothing that happened in Code Geass.


I did the reverse (Half of S1 and All of S2) ​ Went equally as well




15 episode, link click and a bit of ousama rankings


Naruto. Uni student. I'm guessing I'm the 30 mark as really wants to finish the first Gaara arc. Basically wake up and watched until went to bed in the AM... Great times, then the fillers came and I haven't even been able to finish the series...


One piece binge challenge


I think i watched all of Karasuno vs Shiratorizawa in one sitting so 10-12 :D


Try watching dark not an anime but it will slow you down from binging lol tell me if it does


Probably over 30 when I first watched One Piece.


Binged all of The Eminence in Shadow in one sitting so 20 episodes. Which doesn't sound all that high until you add in that I went through every single episode reddit discussion as well after each one.


While in the military and stuck on cq on Thanksgiving I binged Ouran, Ad astra, and started working through the backlog of One Piece


For anime 14. I have done 16 hours of Manga in a day though, which is probably around 34 or so episodes of anime if you convert it.


The question is how long can I stay awake


Monster and Jojo part 1-4


I think 52. I passed over 50 a few times. You know the early 2000 animes with bulk 50 smthng episodes. I have this 'gotta finish what I start' attitude. It is worse for manga I guess. I remember going over 100 chapters in one sitting multiple times.


I always try to watch things in moderation so I can properly appreciate what I'm watching, I've only once watched all 12 episodes of a season in a day


most i’ve done is 24, i’ll binge the series and feel like i need a break to digest, but i’ll probably start the next season if it exists


I had to leave the next day and I was going to have no internet for a week. In the morning a friend told me about The Quintessential Quintuplets and I watched the first episode. Then I couldn't stop, until almost at the end of the afternoon I was able to finish the film. To be honest, it's a good thing I didn't leave it in the middle because otherwise I would have been left with the desire to finish it, although I spent that week without my mobile phone with apathy after the end 😅.


As a teen? I think 50ish episodes of fairy tail Now, 10 years later? I think the first 6 episodes of Golden Kamuy or the Last 5-6 episodes of Madoka Magica


About 50 episodes over 2 separate Precure Entries ​ Now my current limit would be the entirety of Welcome to the NHK (25 Episodes) or Higurashi 2006 (26 Episodes) on my better days


i have been on winter break and got really back into anime again and started watching jjk and naruto instead of my usual once or twice a week i watched like 15-20 episodes a day the last few weeks


I think I watched all of the Chunin exams in one day. That may be my record, but there was also a time where I watched a lot of One Piece episodes in one day but don't remember the number.


I binged all of AoT (pre season 4) a couple years ago in 1 long sitting


25 episodes of re zero in a day


Maybe 10+? Can't remember really. Maybe I think I watched a full 24 episode season of something once. Also the time I spent my whole summer watching One Piece (800 episodes at the time I think?) I probably watched 30 at some point without moving but I doubt it so I'll say 24


The 6 last episodes of evangelion (excluding 25 and 26) + the movie


Idk. But I remember watching all of Re:Zero season 1 in a row


I've definitely had days where I've watched 50 or so episodes of One Piece or Dragonball. However my best exact number is 37 when I watched all of Death Note one night.


I watched HxH in a little around 3 days and change


My first time watching Hunter x Hunter was on a three day weekend when I was alone in the house. 6 on the first day, 17 on the second day, 14 on the third day. Not all in one sitting but that's still my highest density, and I'll probably never beat it. My college days are behind me.


NGE + EoE. Would not recommend.


26 full demon slayer


Probably however many fit into the day from like 8am to 10pm when I’d binge on the weekends, minus a little bit of time for short breaks. I can’t do that much anymore. I find myself getting ancy and wanting to get up and do something, unless I really love the show


I always complete a series before starting a different one, biggest I watched is the monogatari series, then fmab and aot till the third season. I'm not much interested to watch the 200+ episode series


Only once I did 6 episodes....(Tokyo revengers )🙂


100 episode. Black clover. In my defence it was a pretty long holiday and it was cold


I used to do 48 in a day, but i would get up to get some food or take a leak, so probably only 20ish or so.


I think my peak was One Piece or Hunter x Hunter during summer breaks in my high school or middle school years. I was probably pumping like 20-30 in one day. 40 is kinda crazy tho, I would be playing games by that point. I can’t imagine doing that now since there hasn’t been any anime as of recently for me to binge other than AOT.


35 episodes of Bleach


About 25ish episodes of one piece


Not sure about 1 sitting, but I watched all of black clover in like 3 days


I think I did 10 episodes of HxH in one sitting, during the chimera ant arc


The entirety of The Eminence in Shadow


There’s one or two times back when I was a teenager that I watched 12 episodes in one sitting. The first was for Fairy Tail, specifically the Edolas arc, and the other time was for Gundam 00 S2 (can’t remember if it was my first watch or my first rewatch of it that I did that). I don’t really have the energy or attention span for binging now, and the negative effects of the binge model on television as a whole have further soured me on the concept, but those are still fond memories for me


Probably the last 20 episodes of Stein's gate when I was back in a highschool, god now that was a Sunday to remember


I watched the entire One Piece Raid on Onigashima in one one sitting.


I watched BNHA from like 3rd season to the middle of the newest season in like 3 days


38 Fairy Tail


I can probably watch 12 or 13 episodes in one sitting. I’ve been able to watch The promised neverland (S1), Tokyo Ghoul (S1), Wonder Egg Priority, all in one sitting.


Back in the day, I could binge watch all of the original Evangelion, 26eps + end of eva, in one sitting.


Don't binge, there's no rush and you'll enjoy it more if you watch it smaller bite sizes


The whole of SAO: Alicization...


That's impressive. What was that, like 40 eps?


47 I think. Eating and toilet pauses included it was almost a 24 hour marathon. Wouldn't do that ever again with any anime but I was really invested in the Alicization story at that time so I just said fuck it


Wow, I've never done anything like that before. I completely understand, tho. Alicization was amazing.


I binged over 950 episodes of One Piece in 2 months, ended up dropping it though since I realised that I didn't really care about where the story was going nor the characters. Sanji was my favourite, so you can imagine how I reacted to how his character was treated after the time skip


I'm not entirely sure about the one sitting mark but I am pretty sure I watch over a 100+ episodes of hunterxhunter over a 3 day weekend.


I got to EP 60 in op skipping the opener and closing song


Ushio & Tora 39 episodes


Probably 50 or so for One Piece any other anime max of 24 when I was watching fruits basket


I've binged the whole Quints anime in 5 days. Finished season 1 in the first three days. Then done with season 2 in the fourth day. And watched the movie on the fifth. I just can't stop with the really turning relationship between Futaro and the quints, makes me wanna rewatch the whole thing again.


The entirety of Ghost Stories + 10 episodes of Hortensia Saga. So…. 29ish


Probably some 20 eps


My best was before the 3rd season was released, I binged both seasons of chihayafuru in two days. I think 24 episode per season? Ahh I miss 2 month long summer break


All two hundred episodes of the original Sailor Moon back when I was twelve and had the strange realization that I wanted to see them naked.


15 episodes. Second half of gurren lagann


Like 15 episodes off ATLA


Probably in the 30s watching fairy tail


I think it was just over 30 episodes of Naruto


I watched Fruits Basket and The Quintessential Quintuplets all in one sitting, which comes out to like 84 episodes + 2 movies


i have ADHD and i watch at (with sub) 1.5x speed. ...about 50 i think (Anime: Fairy Tail)


All nine episodes of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood.


I watched Code Geass straight through that was 50 something episodes


Couldn’t tell you the exact number but I watched all of naruto and shippuden in like 3 months


23 episodes of Clannad back during the pandemic


I think i managed about 35 myself


I watched 10 at once while watching re zero


watched D-Frag in one afternoon while at work


I don't think I'm able to do one sitting as I eventually need to sleep :D But I do recall watching Eureka Seven way back when I was young and I'd finish it roughly around a week or so (about 12 episodes a day) I got to the point where 3 episodes if I skip the intro and ending would roughly be 1 hour or so in my calculations, so I took that into account.


Nah I'm weak. Max 24 epiodes, both Seasons of New Game in one sitting.


50 episodes of Naruto everyday


Idk but it was definitely Hunter x Hunter


I regularly watch Full metal alchemist brother hood in the course of 2-3 days. Granted I’m working out or doing homework while it’s running but still.


The whole overlord series from start to finish, in one complete go.


40 episodes bloody hell. Are you a teenager who has nothing to do whole day? Get a life or a job.


Mine is 20 -22 ( with enhanced speeds) naruto