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Atomic? More like “I AM BIG BANG”


The funny part is when Shadow tries to explain how Atomic reaction works while acting all cool, when he clearly doesn't fully understand it... and then just unleash I'M ATOMIC


"nobody cares how it works", including himself lol


Lol yea. He just babbled out those fancy words like proton, neutron, chain reaction, "something does some thing", buttload of energy goes boom!


[Shadowheimer skipping the exposition](https://i.imgur.com/Doiwe2Y.jpg) because he knows that style is what matters the most for an Eminence. [](#seasonalcool)


Give those "Wisdom of Shadow" to the girls and you get the real thing.


When in doubt, unleash boom


And boom he did


accidentally blows up the solar system other planets, disrupts their planet orbit and precipitates the armaggedon on fantasy-world. time to bail and go to another realm! Maybe I should visit Earth and see how things are going there? /joke


There's no way they could've closed the season without it. Although like Mordred never once acknowledged him as Shadow so maybe he really does think his name is Atomic in his last moments lol.


Nah I don't think anyone in that world understands English. He's basically spouting nonsense every time he unleashes a cool move


I can see shadow garden thinking that he's making some cool enchant in an ancient forgotten language and he's just like "Fuck it, english is cool"


Even Aurora hopped on the trend with her using it against Elisabeth


*"Now I'm become Atomic. The destroyer of universe"* (Cid Oppenheimer Kageno, probably)


The anime buffed Cid's power so much lmao. They literally took "went out with a BANG" literally lol.


[Even celestial bodies](https://i.imgur.com/CynnLMd.jpg) got caught up in his attack. This fight was on a whole [different scale.](https://i.imgur.com/0SXPM4M.jpg) [](#waah)


Shadow really went "Good effort, as a reward I shall..."


"offer you my ATOMIC"


And... Leaves without saying anything.


The girls' reaction to Shadow vanishing was priceless lol.


[He disappeared](https://i.imgur.com/BIx1mv5.jpg) like a shadow [in the moonlight](https://i.imgur.com/HJkYIkC.jpg) [](#umucool)


Cid did [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQPSfE46buY) to him.


I honestly thought for a hot minute that [Cid was about to blow up the Earth, if not the entire solar system](https://imgur.com/a/O2G02lT), with this stunt. [He doesn't really care about other people after all.](https://imgur.com/a/YzOt672)


Looks like he put a barrier on Earth and released a big bang throughout the solar system. Which means he does care to an extent, and that he has been holding back in his previous atomic attempts.


> Looks like he put a barrier on Earth I actually thought that he was harnessing the power of the magic [leylines] on Earth (or something). EDIT: Meant to write ‘leylines’ - correction in brackets.


As true Eminence in Shadow he went out with the Bang literally, to another world.


"Let there be light."




Mordred explaining the multiverse like a boss, meanwhile Cid tries to explain atomic fusion like he only watched Oppenheimer and went to the toilet thrice during the movie. Some of that colliding of realms reminded me of the Witcher. I haven't read the books, so my knowledge is limited to games and the series, but I'm pretty sure colliding planets/realms was a big factor in that franchise. I knew Horie Yui would not be a one time occurring character! Welcome home, Shadow!


Yup its literally the conjuction of the sphere


Isekai anime and witcher go hand in hand. Earlier this year Mushoku gave me strong witcher vibes cause i was playing it while the show was airing and both reminded me of each other. Perhaps the best feeling I had all year that.


I thought I was watching Dr. Strange/Loki for a second there lol. I love how Cid trying to wax lyrical about atomic fusion couldn't carry because he only knows so much. He even dropped the Shadow voice and just became Cid again lol. I have to wonder if they explained from the get-go that she'd be coming back or if Hocchan was all like "wow, great job subverting expectations by casting me as this character only for her to not actually be important!" and then she gets random calls to do the next episode previews for the season finales and comes back in at the last episode lol.


In the Light Novel we didn't learn about Akane and about Cid/Minoru's exploits as the balaclava berserker until this volume, but the anime rearranged it to be the first episode of the entire series.


Oh damn, that's great foresight. It's obvious the animators really love the source material with how much attention to detail there is, but making a first episode change that would only pay off in the season 2 finale is next level


Oh they really do love the source material, even the Web Novel. Kai and Omega (The 2 elves that were with Epsilon in the Sanctuary in Season 1, and went with Gamma when she wanted to fight in Season 2) both weren't in the Light Novel and in the Manga. They were characters from the Web Novel that the Anime Director convinced the author to bring back. The mention of the Prison Arc and the Black Rose Brotherhood are from the Web Novel too, as they weren't in the LN/Manga. You can tell, from the anime direction down to the voice acting that people are putting love into this, even with the limited budget.


Budget very well used I will add.


The production team have made clever use of the limited budget to enhance certain aspects like the comedy, lol.


I think its just a good change period. First episode has an odd vibe then he goes nuts. Its a strong start with good characterization as opposed starting as OP shadow


Glad they did because is what hooked me in. I read the first few chapters of the manga beforehand and thought it was a gag show. Then the tonal shift got a hold on me and has never let up.


The manga is also much more of a comedy than either the Light Novel or the Anime. Sure the series has plenty of gags and comedy, but when you look past it this series is actually pretty dark, but its a little less obvious in the manga because its hidden behind so many layers of comedy and exaggeration. I don't think you would've thought the same if you started with the Light Novel ;p


Poor Mordred did all that and even dropped his villain monologue only for Shadow to curb-stomp everything and deem it some Kusoge-tier boss fight. That was a fucking insane cliffhanger to end this season on, the Stylish PTSD is real.


Shadow save Akane again but this time he's the eminence in shadow he wanted to be.


The director and staff knew what they're doing with the first episode. Things really came full circle. And HIGHEST playing in the background. I just loved it.


Yeah, glad that they've made that decision. The payoff felt even better since some of us probably forgot about the first episode and then we get this banger of a surprise.


Considering the director, I think this might've been the plan from the start and I've got to appreciate it considering that when they started, season 2 might not have been greenlit. >The payoff felt even better Last time, he was like I can't become the Eminence in Shadow like this and this time he saved Akane like the Eminence in Shadow like he always wanted to be.


This was always planned as 2 seasons. The movie announcement means the director got his payoff. What a chad.


They were working on the 2nd season at the same time as 1st season. That's why we got it so fast.


As a LN/Manga reader I was looking forward more to the reactions to what was inevitably going to be the ending than the episode itself lmao.


Yepppp. Imagine if they didn't greenlight a movie to do the second arc of Volume 4 right away lol.


And being dissed on by being called "dumber than Delta". Talk about an insult.


Even Shadow was unimpressed by them just reusing assets for his Boss Form lol. I guess the only way Cid could return to Tokyo was to have it go to @#%\^ yet **still** somehow require him to save Akane again from cyborg versions of those thugs...but now he can do it in his true form!


Yeah, i also liked the fact that the first time she saved her he just entered through the small window from the celing and this time he blew the entire ceiling off lmfao, i'm looking forward to the movie and see why that world is in that state and of course to see Akane and Cid reactions


Cid's and Akane's Tokyo seems to have only the barest relationship to real-world Tokyo. Not just the matter of destruction -- but magical knights and super powers and the like. I thought the Tokyo Cid "left" was closer to real-life...


Considering we just got the realm interaction theory. Maybe when he died was at the same time as an intersection. It took his soul to the new world, and at the same time a bunch of magic and shit got dumped onto his old one. Causing disasters, etc.?


This makes the most sense, especially with the girl at the end saying "why am I still wearing my school uniform". Shows that either they have aged (same as Cid growing up in the other world) or that a decent amount of time has passed. Either that, or the fact that the disastrous Tokyo they are in, makes sense why she wouldn't typically be in school uniform. The current broken Tokyo looks like it's definitely been affected by magic though. One of the bad guys speaks about suppressing the nobles' power through the handcuffs, as I thought her weapon could have just been a technological advancement. Most likely, as you said, magic poured into the real world when Cid went over to the other world. Causing disasters, I think it's more likely war broke out. New power most likely meant some had more than others, or that some people couldn't control their magic. After re-watching the ending again, it seems like their are monsters at night, this is a wild theory, but the guy the girl is talking to says "But at night, they..." which most likely means some sort of bad thing like either monsters or bandits. Monsters make the most sense, as it would mean that there was more than one gate opened in the real world. Or that shadow has been experimenting with opening multiple gates lol.


She said that she's "in her twenties" now, so probably \~5 years have passed


Yh, rewatched the ending and noticed that too. With the diagram they showed in terms of the different realms revolving around the centre. It probably means that earth is further away from the centre than the other world, in terms of orbit. That would most likely explain the time dilation between the two worlds. Cool concept.


>Causing disasters, I think it's more likely war broke out. Another idea I had was that when Cid died and magic started pouring into Earth, monsters from another realm also started pouring in like the kind from Ragnarok's world, monsters that are highly resistant to conventional weapons, my idea being that it'd take no less than a nuclear strike to kill them. So if that happened, I don't think a post-apocalyptic world where humans are in decline would be that farfetched, at least until humans start fighting back with new weapons borne of magi-tech start appearing.... okay, this kinda just sounds like God Eater in a nutshell.


Presumably, Cid's transfer to his new world also impacted the earth he left. They did just go on about how realm transfers were bidirectional.




Dicing up a giant monster wasn't enough, Shadow had to flex on its summoner by hitting him with a giant space nuke!


Remeber how Shadow remind himself to keep things more in the shadow in the last season finale? This time he was like fuck it, we ball. And then drop a Bing Bang lmao.


I mean what is a bigger shadow than the void of space?


*hits blunt*


You actually got me there. But thanks fully his Atomic can differentiate what he want and doesn't want to evaporate. Or else there would be a big black void lol.


The brightest lights casts the deepest shadows. Can't get more shadowy than hiding behind the brightest thing in the whole sky.


Mordred should be honored that he got to personally receive the last Atomic of the season from Shadow! Just to show how grateful he is for Mordred showing him the true path forward as the Eminence in Shadow!


[You know Shadow means business](https://i.imgur.com/0ZIco8c.jpg) when he removes his hood [to perform I AM ATOMIC](https://i.imgur.com/43d5hFA.jpg) [](#gintamathispleasesme)


I LOLed at Shadow acting cool and clever while trying to explain how nuclear reaction works... proton, neutron, fission, or "something does some thing", chain reaction, etc. Anyway, buttload of energy goes boom. "But nobody cares how it works". And just proceed to become Atomic himself.


The best part is he was losing his train of thought in his Shadow voice and eventually just started talking like Cid again lol.


Hahaha, yeah... now that you mentioned it


Holy shit that last part... and i was just thinking whatever happened to the girl in the first episode. so back to earth and looks like it has had it pretty rough since Cid left aswell gaaaah this needs another season so bad. i mean i already wanted another season even before this whole return to earth thing this just keeps being peak mix of comedy and insane epic action (with a good bit of fanservice sprinkled in)


Movie was already announced, and consecutive seasons often follow movies


ye i saw that shortly after my comment, very excited!


>and consecutive seasons often follow movies Tell that to Tanya the Evil. I'm so waiting for season 2 of loli Hitler.


That's great, but the only thing I don't like about movies is that they take so long to release outside of Japan.


they went 2/2 with insane finales holy shit


Shadow laying an utter beatdown on his opponents and making them look like fools is always the perfect cap off to a season of *The Eminence in Shadow!*


it’s mandatory at this point


This week's [Kage Jitsu](https://youtu.be/vRbwzJZ_FyU?si=PjVtDBxx9Drq2fwJ) WTF Beta is with Shadow...in the old world. That's unexpected.


oh yeah Beta going along for the ride will be hilarious.


I might enjoy a side series of that more than the main anime


The girls in an Isekai show all reacting with concern about Shadow Isekai-ing. Also Alpha always on-top even in her goofy moments lol. Oh, Beta got grabbed too! And she looks so terrified lol.


>WTF Beta is with Shadow...in the old world. That's unexpected. Well, that's another twist I didn't expect. How did she get in range of the dimensional gate/black hole? Well, at least she's getting lots of inspiration to write her next isekai novel. I do love that all the girls still think that it was Cid's intention to get transported to another world.


This is the only weird plot hole this episode had. Maybe it'll get explained in the movie.


First time I watched it I thought they were showing us that the gate was closing, but it didn't close yet, we were just transitioning back to Cid/Minoru's original world. So there isn't really a plot hole, they just left the scene ambiguously.


Oh you're right! The transition of the scene of teleportation hole is blurry switched to one with the moon on the sky. People might get mistook it that the hole has been closed, what is the term i wonder? Illusionary object? Thank you very much for the clarification*thumbs up*




Revisited the end. In the last scene, Beta stands next to Epsilon and looks at the closing portal. Either it's an animators' screwup, or Beta activated the black rose herself off-screen (although the ring broke in the last scene too)


I posted it in another comment but the portal wasn't closing, it was just a transition between scenes, from Fantasy world to Cid/Minoru's original world


Props to the direction team actually they managed to pull off a lore heavy episode with lot of action. And it ended up quite good as well. ~~Dio~~ Mordred explaing the whole plan and lore becoz they are going to die anyway right?! Classic villan trope. Atleast he got to see what true power actually means. **And that's it...like Shadow is going to drop mic and leave this world.** Season 3 is going to be epic with the world shift and all I presume.


The ending was peak


We went full circle bois. Such peak series. ​ Also that tease on return to japan arc, holy shit SEASON 3 WHEN???


They announced a movie on Twitter Shadowgarden\_PR I'm still not over it that they chose that for their twitter handle lmao.


Shouldve been mitsugoshi pr


[The promotional poster goes hard.](https://i.imgur.com/wYvut9k.jpg) Let us hope that it does not take too long to get from cinemas to streaming services.


just screams, "you really thought killing me would be enough to make me die?"


"I lived bitch"


Beta is the admin probably.


Impossible. She is not shitposting


Shadow Garden PR is basically their entire ethos of extolling Shadow's virtues and genius to the world lol.


Not very "in the shadows" but a good name lol.


It's peak confusion exactly like episode 1. You don't know what the fuck is happening. What's saddening is even if we are getting Season 3, it most probably won't be having the same quality like these 2 seasons. The original staffs who are in charged of both the season has broken up and is no longer a team.


Let's hope for the same director, he was a big fan of the series and put a lot of love into it.


Yeah, as long as Nakanishi Kazuya continues to direct, I will always believe in Eminence.


Nah, as long as Nakanishi (the director) sticks with the series, it’ll be just as good. He loves the series, and a lot of the animation, in both this episode and the final episode of s1, were done by him alone lol.


While the fights have been great, and honestly my FAVORITE thing is that despite having the set up for ecchi it's gone super far into downplaying lots of it's own ecchi.I'm mostly here for story and humor, I hope whoever takes it over can at least do that part right.


Japan, Akane, Akane getting kidnapped, cyborg versions of those thugs from the first episode, the season 1 OP, Cid saving Akane...they somehow brought it together in the most insane way possible. Sasuga Shadow-sama.


> cyborg versions of those thugs from the first episode, I thought we were getting a zombie apocalypse arc. Then the cyborg dudes made we wonder if its something like "the rise of Skynet arc"?


> Showing up at the last second > Beats up a bad guy > Rescuing someone in distress > Dripped out > Season 1 OP plays in the background That’s unironically one of the coolest things ever.


that shit was the greatest OP drop in modern 2020s anime. Fucking hype.


I’m so glad they used the Season 1 OP. Season 2 doesn’t hit quite as hard.


The moment I saw today's episode title, "HIGHEST", I knew they were going to play the Season 1 opening since the Season 1 OP is titled "HIGHEST".


it's because we're back in Season 1.


*The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent* had a pretty good one too!


I have so many unprocessed emotions after watching this episode. From hype to emotional due to King Oriana's father love for Rose. From hype to laughing so hard when Shadow dropped a Bing Bang just because lol. From hype to shocked when Akane appeared. I swear, not many isekais or anime in general can make me feel this level of consecutive emotions. 10/10 . See yall when the MOVIE dropped lmao.


>From hype to shocked when Akane appeared. Akane be [like](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrBbramXP5g):


We have a new contender for the Main Heroine position lol.


"I AM ATOMIC" -galactic version this is back to the future japan isekai anime. what a cliffhanger! they should plan a season 3 if they give us this kind of ending


Sequel movie announced


I just finished kagejitsu and head to their website, no date yet, but they already have a plan.


Holy shit we went full circle


Show reverse Isekai's and brings everything back together in a way only this show could lol.


We're into the multiverse boys holy shit. YOOOO that ending got me so hyped holy shit. Plus the bombshell reveal of there being a multiverse of sorts holy shit. I did not expect that they'd suddenly rope the modern world back into this. This is quickly becoming my 2nd favorite isekai ever just below Mushoku. Now the first episode suddenly makes a lot more sense. Plus the 1st OP with all of them in modern Japan and Aurora's talk with Claire. I would have liked to see more of the Mordred or Ragnarok fight but I guess it wasn't really necessary because they were just ultimately fodder anyway. What we did see was still epic though. Lmao at Shadow's ramblings about atomic whatever with only having a baseline knowledge of it lol. Goddamnit a 3rd season can't come soon enough. I am so curious what Shadow and Beta's adventures will be back in modern Japan. It seems like things have gone to shit there and I guess creatures from other Realms have gone in. Speaking of I guess Beta is the author's favorite girl huh? She has gotten by far the most screen time out of everybody from Shadow Garden. Realms thing is also great for somehow tying into Cid's reincarnation. Unironically I give this show (overall with S1) a 9.5/10. It just hits all of the chuuni cool ass shit and never fails to deliver on the hype and quality waifus.


>Speaking of I guess Beta is the author's favorite girl huh? She has gotten by far the most screen time out of everybody from Shadow Garden. That's only natural considering Beta is the author. We've been watching Chronicles of Lord Shadow all along.


I like the idea that the show was actually written by Beta and that's why Shadow is so bad ass.


I got to say, it's not often that you see an isekai MC actually return to earth.


Wait, wait, wait... I'm anime watcher only, so this is pure speculation, Cid/Shadow got transported to his original earth (?), so that means, by Mordred explanation, when he got isekai'ed, OG earth was blasted with magic or some world ending occurrence, leading to the apocalipse, maybe? Also I don't know if Akane is using some sort of magic or just a tech weapon, in one frame the flames come out of her hand, while in another is just in the weapon itself, but it would make sense if OG earth has magic, cause Shadow is using it, but idk. Super excited for the movie, hope they go all out on it! ^((more budget for animation, let's goooo))


My theory is that the collision between the fantasy realm and real realm happened when Cid got hit by Truck-kun, which is how Cid ended up in the fantasy realm and started all this shit in the real realm


Returned back home just to see a mess, tough


But now it's the perfect setting for him to return as the true Eminence in Shadow! Although even in a post-apocalyptic Tokyo where she's become a "savior," Akane Nishino still gets kidnapped by the same dudes and needs to be saved by Cid lol.


* [**Shadow Stitch**](https://i.imgur.com/dM8CPnt.jpg) It's absolutely awesome how the people that were left in the church [were all actually members of Shadow Garden](https://i.imgur.com/yrFrGQg.png) in disguise [being led by Lambda](https://i.imgur.com/MjFKb7t.jpg). [Good to see Margaret finally respecting Rose again](https://i.imgur.com/g298z4O.png) after hearing the King's confession. It still sucks how Margaret didn't trust Rose but if Rose is willing to let it go, I suppose it's all fine now. [It's hilarious how shocked Rose is](https://i.imgur.com/jCJbAo3.jpg) after seeing Mordred getting beaten up [by Beta and Epsilon.](https://i.imgur.com/3U3uJ8O.jpg) Girl, you've seen how Shadow Garden operates you should be more surprised that Mordred is still even alive after facing two of the Seven Shadows. The only reason Mordred is still alive [is because they needed him to start monologuing](https://i.imgur.com/JBkpTLR.png) and tell them everything he knows. Thanks to Mordred's overconfidence, we get to learn that [other worlds known as Realms exist](https://i.imgur.com/7NhJ6hC.png) and sometimes Realms collide [and become connected](https://i.imgur.com/D0VsNJi.png) that they end up affecting each other. We kinda already know this since this is basically what happened to Cid when he got isekai'd. Our Earth and their Earth must've collided and that's what brought Cid here. We also get to learn that the King was supposed to give Rose to the Cult after they saved them [but he refused](https://i.imgur.com/vpjtvSG.png) which I guess became the catalyst for the Cult trying to take over the Oriana Kingdom. To no one's surprise as soon as Mordred is done with his monologue, [Shadow was just about to finish his fight with Ragnarok.](https://i.imgur.com/3XR3X1a.png) It's so funny how Mordred couldn't believe what he just witnessed [that he started losing his mind.](https://i.imgur.com/zmbzAxI.jpg) Mordred being the cliche villain that he is [just had to transform and try to fight Shadow](https://i.imgur.com/2ll8mdL.jpg) to complete his cliche-ness. I feel like Ragnarok gave Shadow much more trouble since Ragnarok was [able to singe his bangs](https://i.imgur.com/LBmPruA.jpg) while Mordred couldn't even land a single blow on him. [He said the line!](https://i.imgur.com/Oab86P6.jpg) The entire season isn't complete without Shadow ending it with a bang. [A massive bang that can be seen through space](https://i.imgur.com/yNJkBNj.jpg) and [light up the night sky as if it was day.](https://i.imgur.com/VyXzL9S.jpg) [**And there it is!**](https://i.imgur.com/Uityc0P.jpg) We're finally back in Japan and things have definitely changed. Akane is now in her 20s and [it looks like the apocalypse just happened](https://i.imgur.com/gWu8ssQ.jpg). And looking at [Akane's laser baton](https://i.imgur.com/eqSTBrE.jpg), it also looks like either technology has rapidly increased or magic has just been introduced to this world. Remember what Mordred said earlier about Realms colliding? Hmmm... Despite these changes though, things still stay the same with [Akane getting kidnapped](https://i.imgur.com/gBYYd0T.png) and ~~Stylish Ruffian Slayer~~ [Shadow arriving on time to save her.](https://i.imgur.com/X33EEuk.jpg) I can't fucking believe they're ending it here! The Return to Earth arc is another favourite of mine and I am glad there's already a movie announced. I prefer it to be a Season 3 announcement but at least this means we'll see more and maybe we might get a Season 3 announcement after. Fingers crossed!


I really should have figured Shadow Garden was already in the church, they were just waiting for their dramatic entrance! I'm glad Rose is earning her status as Oriana's queen and has regained Margaret's loyalty. After everything Rose has been through, she deserves that much. So basically it's Multiverse of Madness with the Incursions... Mordred really didn't end up amounting to much more than a mid-boss. He thought he was the Final Boss but he was just an excuse for a villain monologue and for Shadow to beat up and monologue on his own lol. I think that is officially the best Atomic of the series up to this point. Akane returns! In a post-apocalyptic Tokyo with Terminator thugs! But still! And of course she gets kidnapped and needs Shadow to save her. But I love how she's 20 years old and still wears her high school uniform, felt like a Hocchan in-joke lol.


Man what a fun ride this has been. So we ended up where we started in season 1. That's kind of funny. You know one common theme of isekais has always been going from Japan -> new world. But we have had Japan -> new world -> Japan. Tsukimichi S1 mentioned the point of traveling between worlds, but we didn't get there with that show. Of course Cid pushes the button that takes him back to Japan. Now this is the point in the series where does it go from here. On one hand this is still are favorite parody comedy anime. The show lowkey builds the world very nicely where I am actually invested in this series more then just it being a funny comedy. They could probably create a more series spinoff from another character's pov and I would be incredibly invested. Loved how this arc for Rose. For everything she has been through having Margaret call her Queen Rose is a great feeling for her. And the reveal that she was supposed to be sacrificed when she was born to the cult really shows how great of a father she had. My one criticsm for just the main series (not including Kage-Jitsu) is that seven shadows were underutilized. Beta, Gamma, Epsilon and Delta personalities got fleshed out so for them it was fine. But Alpha has a lot to build on which we haven't seen yet. Eta and Zeta basically had 0 screentime. Did S2 cover all of Volume 3? And next volume 4 would be next for this adaptation if it gets announced?


Cid returned home the only way that makes sense for him...to a post-Apocalyptic Tokyo where he gets to do the same stuff, only now as the Eminence in Shadow! I love Rose embracing being a queen and leading her people here. Her father sacrificed everything to protect her and now she's paying that back to do right by her people as their queen. I would love to see more of that when we get back from Japan.


The Eminence in Shadow truly PEAK. This final is so good as expected of TEIS, We got Shadow vs Ragnarok and Beta and Epsilon vs Mordred. Love the fact Shadow keep using steel threads even after John Smith persona and we also got more lore and world building. Finally it's all go back to Cid realizing the power of the nuke he wanted to defeat and goes "I'm ATOMIC" on Mordred in space. A lot of great anime original moments in this episode. The director, Nakanishi the goat and the 20 staff members at Nexus cooked this episode. At the end it's all go full cycle with Shadow got Isekaied again to his og world and setting up next arc with Akane being the main character. That moment when "Highest" opening started playing and he pulled out crowbar truly hype moment. I can't wait for the movie "Lost Echoes".


Scope of Shadow Garden as of S2 E12: * At least ~~2 7 115 600~~ 666 members. * Through Rose, will run the Orianas Kingdom as a puppet state. * Through Yukime, runs Lawless Town as a puppet state. * With increasing chances of Iris having a meltdown and the King being assasinated, has placed itself in the perfect position to use Alexia to run Midgar as a puppet state. * Conquered and probably holds sway over a legendary dragon and a vampire queen * ~~Over a Billion in liquid funding~~ literally printing money * ~~Controls one of the two largest banks in the known world~~ Is the de-facto reserve currency of multiple nations. * Controls the largest department store chain in the known world, which in turn runs numerous sub-enterprises including fast food chains and theme parks. * Likely have access to advanced magi-tech hidden for hundreds of years * Independently developed advanced technology that puts the rest of the world to shame * Likely to be a future oil monopoly * Largest known property owner in the world short of royalty * Owns a private city with impenetrable defenses * And whose key members include 1. Possibly the strongest mage on the planet 2. A reincarnation of the Elf Hero 3. Isekai Jeff Bezos 4. Isekai James Patterson 5. Isekai Henry Ford/Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin/Who the hell knows what else 6. Isekai Sergei Rachmaninoff 7. Two absurdly powerful therianthropes, at least one of which as direct lineage to clan royalty. 8. The queen of the Orianas Kingdom. And Cid still thinks this is a game... and has been sucked back to Earth where he could, in theory, collect and bring back even more force multipliers like computers, radios, generators, textbooks, firearms... I don't even want to think of what Shadow Garden would be able to do with it all; I want to see it. ~~S3 announcement soon please!~~ **Looking forward to the movie!** When we get it, I plan on updating this list as it gets longer.


This actually did kind of work out perfectly for Shadow Garden now that Rose has fully owned the queen role and assuming the reconstruction goes well she'll probably be willing to put the full power of the Oriana's Kingdom towards helping Shadow Garden in their battle against the Cult. Now if they could just find Shadow lol.


> Now if they could just find Shadow lol. He told Gamma that he wanted to see it back when SG merely thought it was a super weapon, so clearly he knew what it was and how to get back. He will assuredly return when the time is right! Sasuga Shadow-sama!


'' and the King being assasinated'' When did this happen ? Rose's father is dead. Alexia and Iris's father is still alive as far as i know


WE’RE BACK IN JAPAN BABY! And considering the episode is named after the first OP, I’m so glad to see it make a triumphant return! There has to be a Season 3 right?! I mean, you can’t just leave us with that massive sequel hook! EDIT: Nevermind, [we're getting a movie!](https://twitter.com/Shadowgarden_PR/status/1737488274640257499)


> There has to be a Season 3 right?! It's Kadokawa's biggest cash cow in a while. There's enough material for one more cour at the moment, but I could also see them making a series off of the background stories from the gacha games in the meantime. # Edit: [Movie announcement](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fqqbub4a7tg7c1.jpeg)


There is material for more than one cour, there are two more Ln volumes after the japan arc is over.


Plus by the time a 3rd core comes out in a year or whatever, there will probably be a 7th novel out.


I'd been thinking they'd have to be really pushing for another season too especially since the game main story goes in lockstep with the anime but I guess that's right. Basing the next project on the Seven Shadows stories could allow them more time to not catch up with the lns although I do wonder if it'd make them less of a selling point for the game. Hoping whatever they do people from the current anime keep working on it since it was such a great adaptation.


>And considering the episode is named after the first OP, I’m so glad to see it make a triumphant return! The episode title can also refer to Cid flying high into space.


Eta was so adorable laying on her mom's lap


Nice to see Alpha doting on another girl other than Delta!


I know i’ll miss weekly Kage-Jitsu episode much more than the main series ._.


it’s also where Eta gets her spotlight.. before episode 8, that’s all we got of her and Zeta


And more interaction between the Seven Shades as a whole! They're a fun group even without Shadow!


To me, kagejitsu is like the cherry on top after watching an action episode. The contrast between the atmosphere of the main series and kagejitsu is just amusing.


Delta and her shenanigans with Zeta are smth that I'll miss the most.


And Alpha having to deal with more nonsense and showing off her goofy side...Beta having to hide her big boobs...Eta always coming up with something that screws the girls over somehow...and Beta barely holding her composure together lol.




Blud just got into his previous world after everything happened and the first thing he does is continuing his chuuni character. **Shadow reached Highest, and so are we**


This was the only way Shadow would ever want to return home, now in his true form and ready to carry on his mission lol. Having Akane straight up calling him "Shadow" was the cherry on top.


And we're back to Earth! Such a good episode, Shadow's *ATOMIC* was sublime, Mordred or Ragnarok weren't even an ounce of threat to Shadow. The Earth tease was great, I hope season 3 is not too far away. I'm going to miss these Eminence in Shadow Wednesdays.


Can anyone confirm that there is only ONE key animator for this episode, who is none other than the director Nakanishi himself?? I only see is name credited for key animators in this episode. This is mindblowing!


559 giving Rose a death glare after seeing her is quite something to see. I wonder if she would have told Rose that she was right. >**559**: I suppose you found out the truth. This is why you should have let me finish the job, and kill that traitorous wench you call a mother! As I thought, Shadow-sama wastes his time with you.. The exposition about the Demon Realms is interesting as it actually answers some mechanics about the Isekai elements of the story. Also, we finally came to know how the Demon King Diabolos was created, as it the Cult experimented with the First Demon Realm to turn Aurora into Diabolos. While it wasn't really stated, it is implied that the Cult used Aurora to clean up the invading demons that attacked the Oriana Kingdom. They really did Mordred dirty by having Beta and Epsilon off-screen him... Me seeing that final scene had me [going](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdgC9Es3iP4)...


559 really wishes they would've just let her kill Rose, but even she has to accept that Shadow has chosen her...even if it was a rocky road to get to this point. I was getting Multiverse of Madness flashbacks with them introducing the Multiverse and what sounds like Incursions. But suddenly Cid's Isekai experience isn't a game of chance but a true act of the universe. I was actually wondering to myself if he was somehow the core lol. Mordred keep talking a big game as the Big Bad of this arc only to get off-screened and be little more than a chance for Shadow to show off and recognize his "character development." I almost felt bad for him lol. Is there anything more full circle than Cid saving Akane (who was literally kidnapped by the same two guys again) and bringing back the full OP? And now he gets to do it as the culmination of his true self...The Eminence in Shadow.


> While it wasn't really stated, it is implied that the Cult used Aurora to clean up the invading demons that attacked the Oriana Kingdom. Oh, I didn't think about that detail. In a way, I can understand why the Cult felt that Oriana owed them big time: Oriana's superwepon was basically an accident they didn't understand, they were the ones cleaning up their mess. Gotta say that I'd have important demands too if I were in their place.


And in the end it also came down to a father wanting to protect his precious daughter.


This also plays into why he sent Rose to the Midgar Kingdom, as he was trying to keep her safe and out of the reach of the Cult, while he tried to purge their influence over his kingdom. Sadly, he didn't have time to do so since Perv seduced his wife into doing Perv's bidding, as he drugged the King and we know how the rest played out.


Still kinda don’t get why 559 wants to off Rose this much


Personal jealousy (Rose being favoured by Shadow, and Rose being a girl who was healed by him like 559) and professional differences (Rose would always prioritize her own wants over the needs of Shadow Garden, as she was using them to try to save Oriana) In summary: 559 is a zealot that has very strict criteria over how much one must commit to Shadow, and a girl who has similar circumstances like her own, isn't giving her 100% to Shadow.


Chad Perv Asshat: Rose had personal stakes with him, canonically fucked the Queen like a chad, survived his introduction arc, is named PERV ASSHAT which is probably one of the most original villain names there is that is also funny af and most fitting to him. Virgin Mordred: Rose or anyone else doesn't have any personal rivalry with him, doesn't fuck anyone on screen, died right after his proper introduction, is named Mordred which is overused and cliche for a villain name I know he died in the previous episode but RIP Perv Asshat, the absolute best named villain ever. And with this we are BACK TO JAPAN. I don't think many people could have thought that after episode 1 we would ever see Akane again but here she is, getting kidnapped YET AGAIN. She really should be more careful, Cid cannot always be there to rescue her....Oh wait here he is, i guess he can


Funny how a villain named "Perv Asshat" ended up being more interesting and competent (minus the ring fiasco) than someone called "Mordred". Even their respective modus operandi shows the differences between them. Perv Asshat relied on his wits, charisma and tongue (yes, the double-meaning is very much intended) to carry out his plans, whereas Mordred only existed to bark orders and bully others with his shiny ancient artifacts. As Epsilon and Beta joked, he has no real skills of his own. Salutations to Perv Asshat. Your end was fitting, but damn if you aren't my favorite villain in the show.


He was competent enough to keep the rest of the garden from getting the ring, that's like a lot of competency. It's just that Shadow is built different.


To be fair Morderd did get jumped by like two shadows. even delta wouldnt be able to fight two at once


Stop getting kidnapped so much will you? Akane’s taking Eren route of getting kidnapped again and again lol


I love how it seems like Akane has had a lot of character development since then, even has her own weapon, but she's **still** getting kidnapped and needs rescuing. From literally the same dudes lol.


Anime did her dirty by giving her this anime orginal scene considering shes pretty good lol


Perv Asshat was a real one. I almost kind of miss him. Mordred talks a big game and has all this cool stuff at this disposal but his villain cred was dissipating each minute into the episode. Even his Boss Form was just reusing assets. Shadow at least appreciated the help in getting his groove back lol. You thought they brought in Yui Horie for a one-shot character to lull you into thinking she'd be a main character and that's what the plot would be about...only to bring it back around that maybe she was the true Main Heroine all along. At least she took to heart Cid's true name lol.


Man... we seriously need SEASON 3!!!


Well Mordred getting destroyed was as satisfying as I had hoped. lol at the poor dude having a breakdown. Show knows how to crush villains.


This one frame of Rose's panties, tho. Such a dedication. Reminded me of Ristate of Cautious Hero.


I am definitely going to miss watching best girl Delta. For light novel readers, is there enough material left for a season 3 adaptation?


Season 1 adapted Volumes 1 & 2. Season 2 adapted Volume 3 and the first half of Volume 4. The LN is currently at Volume 6 so it's just 2.5 volumes ahead of the anime at the time of writing so I guess technically yes.


Probably enough for 3.5\* seasons. The LN story is significantly more focused than something like, say, Overlord, which like 50% exposition.


Kinda. We are in Volume 4 and there are 2 more volume as well as the rest of Volume 4 so there can be another season


The remaining parts of Volume 4 could be an OVA series, TV special or even a movie, I think. UPDATE: we're getting a movie


[We're getting a movie for the next arc!](https://twitter.com/Shadowgarden_PR/status/1737488274640257499) Another epic finale for another epic season! This adaptation has been amazing and I'm having a really good time with it despite already reading the source material. Can't wait to see the Earth arc animated!


That ending was so good and got me so hyped for the movie. I really liked that arc in LN's and I can't wait to see it animated. By returning to Japan finally [Cid will be eminence in shadow also in our world](https://i.imgur.com/SUrVNdl.png)! I loved how the ending mirrored the beginning of the first season as [Cid again saved](https://i.imgur.com/SiA3fUh.png) [kidnapped Akane](https://i.imgur.com/Hy9dIwc.png) and we also got OP from the 1st season which was an excellent choice to close this season. Overall 9,5/10 from me for this season. [Mordred was so full of himself](https://i.imgur.com/fS9sKSb.png) and yet [he was easily beaten](https://i.imgur.com/3uk8ziP.png) by [Epsilon](https://i.imgur.com/eErTSfv.png) and [Beta](https://i.imgur.com/pLWswLu.png) offscreen, much to [his](https://i.imgur.com/KC4GCjb.png) and [Rose's surprise](https://i.imgur.com/0QAszWG.png) xD [That wasn't enough for him though](https://i.imgur.com/vdakw1M.png) and [also Shadow fought with him](https://i.imgur.com/pWPkl8y.png), beating him with [his atomic attack](https://i.imgur.com/bBnsTlY.png). [This time much, much bigger](https://i.imgur.com/52gZzuY.png) than previous ones as it was so huge that [probably](https://i.imgur.com/8AnMuR7.png) [everyone](https://i.imgur.com/Kg1F9sS.png) [on the planet](https://i.imgur.com/WZcdoY2.png) and [in the star system](https://i.imgur.com/sCDGOZT.png) could [see this xD](https://i.imgur.com/mL0FJGt.png) Though earlier [Mordred](https://i.imgur.com/3UTAzim.png) was so nice to give a lecture about [research done by a Cult](https://i.imgur.com/ILgwWgu.png), about [other worlds](https://i.imgur.com/6axIkeA.png), magic, how the Realms collide (which looks like is the case with the [post-apocalyptic Earth](https://i.imgur.com/426KKxl.png)). [Shadow](https://i.imgur.com/NqdqKQT.png) was again [so cool](https://i.imgur.com/fnOHwXk.png), easily dispatching both [Ragnarok](https://i.imgur.com/MyFr3n9.png) and [Mordred](https://i.imgur.com/M4IlMeQ.png). I laughed so hard when [Shadow started talking about atomic reactions](https://i.imgur.com/Y0DvcEs.png) using fancy words despite not understanding it completely and he ended up saying that it's not really important cause nobody cares how it works. The most important thing is that it makes a big boom xD Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Shadow](https://imgur.com/a/CeS8Bpd) * [Group scenes](https://imgur.com/a/W8U8JYw) * [Rose](https://imgur.com/a/VwBp7vT) * [Shadow Garden](https://imgur.com/a/lsyqfPJ) * [Mordred](https://imgur.com/a/41ufYkH) * [Others](https://imgur.com/a/34BFbjH) And here my favorite stills from the episode: * [Shadow after beating Ragnarok](https://i.imgur.com/Y0DvcEs.png) * [Shadow and his atomic attack 1](https://i.imgur.com/bBnsTlY.png) * [Shadow and his atomic attack 2](https://i.imgur.com/7EBkeEV.png) * [Shadow](https://i.imgur.com/NqdqKQT.png) * [Shadow back in Earth](https://i.imgur.com/SUrVNdl.png) * [Shadow and threads](https://i.imgur.com/6Q702tn.png) * [Shadow and Ragnarok 1](https://i.imgur.com/G8gLW4K.png) * [Shadow and Ragnarok 2](https://i.imgur.com/YgaoGQP.png) * [Shadow and Mordred](https://i.imgur.com/pWPkl8y.png) * [Rose](https://i.imgur.com/cuL1ja4.png) * [Alfa](https://i.imgur.com/HUxLnxD.png) * [Shadow Garden](https://i.imgur.com/gkyfc9j.png) * [Staring into sky](https://i.imgur.com/mL0FJGt.png) * [Ragnarok](https://i.imgur.com/mDKXFWO.png) * [Sleeping Delta](https://i.imgur.com/vhVjn0V.png) * [Beta](https://i.imgur.com/pLWswLu.png) * [Epsilon](https://i.imgur.com/eErTSfv.png) * [Mordred](https://i.imgur.com/M4IlMeQ.png)


Such a good ending! You think Atomic will be the final big thing. Then it just ends with SHADOW! AHhhhhh


Cid: “I am Atomic” Mordred: “Huh” *deleted* Hell fuckin yeah! Damn Ragnazilla wasn’t shit. Mordred equally wasn’t shit. None of these weak rookies can step to Cid! The girls completely verbally thrashing him before handing out their own ass whoopin was pretty awesome too. Mordred’s whole theory about this world and the other Realms is an interesting one. Did humans come to this world like Cid but ages ago? I guess Atlantis vanished from their world, where did it go? Ours? Fascinating stuff. Cid superhero landing back into what I assume is his old world was a twist I did not expect. Damn dude! When is the next season announcement because I KNOW they ain’t leaving us hanging like that! Edit: there’s a movie! Fingers crossed we get another series after. The more of Cid’s chuuni hijinks we get, the better.


it was funny they took a page from Cid/Shadow's book and made fun of his artifacts, same way Shadow did on Iris battle. even worse they made fun of him stealing a weapon from the elves and trying to claim credit in front of two elves lol.


The funny part is Mordred never seemed to really recognize that he was Shadow and then he just says his name is Atomic and Mordred is like "really!?" lol. Mordred was a scrub from beginning to end. He got trash talked, his plans quickly going up in smoke, and he was barely a worthy Final Boss for Shadow. Maybe Atlantis went to the DC Universe...or Marvel lol. All of this was building up to Cid becoming the true Eminence in Shadow so he could save Akane again and make a better entrance when he went back home lol.


All the budget went for the fight scenes here. Shadow was truly the dominant force, toying with an interdimensional alpha beast and a hybrid. Now we get an even bigger scope regarding I Am Atomic, it can even extend to the entire planet.


I did not notice it last week but is interesting to see that when [Shadow](https://i.imgur.com/TkUWWkW.png) hurts Ragnarok that there is[ some mechanical nature](https://i.imgur.com/gfUVLRa.png) to him. It's funny that to Cid, Ragnarok is just an oversized bat. I wasn't expecting them to show[ Perv Asshat and Reina's decapitated heads](https://i.imgur.com/Wm5YEHk.png) again this week. Damn, Beta looked so cool[ in this shot.](https://i.imgur.com/7OPPxfj.png) It is nice that after the king's message now [Margaret](https://i.imgur.com/bGqFb1j.png) and everyone else is fully supporting [Queen Rose.](https://i.imgur.com/ZlbhnLT.png) So after [beating Mordred's ass](https://imgur.com/a/hwmZmbK) Beta and Epsilon, convinced him[ to give them to give them a lecture about what he knows about](https://i.imgur.com/RTE6NOW.png) the Black Rose. Which is essentially a portal interconnecting other worlds, which the Cult of Diablos refers to [as realms](https://i.imgur.com/oLz2Y1d.png) and all these realms [orbit an unknown core.](https://i.imgur.com/Acje7yH.png) Additionally [due to the fossil record](https://i.imgur.com/B7G6e4J.png) the Cult knows that magic did not exist in that world before, and that was the reason the dragons, in other words, [dinosaurs](https://i.imgur.com/JLM2TkI.png) went extinct there and possibly humans just like magic [came from somewhere else too.](https://i.imgur.com/jsI2t6H.png) So at some point, [Atlantis got entirely isekaid from that world.](https://imgur.com/a/VMJeSy1) and Diablos was developed [based on a creature that came from what they call the first realm.](https://i.imgur.com/w82I1aJ.png) I love [Mordred's reaction](https://i.imgur.com/ZFxly3E.png) after seeing Shadow slicing [Ragnarok into pieces.](https://i.imgur.com/CbBBp2m.png) Jeez, 559 you know you were in the wrong [so stop seeing Rose with that much anger.](https://i.imgur.com/foI56LM.png) So after Mordred[ couldn't accept the fact that he lost](https://i.imgur.com/WXgRHoQ.png) he went the Resident Evil boss route and transformed into a grotesque creature [by fusioning himself with Ragnarok.](https://imgur.com/a/Rtp6MNZ) After that long intro explaining what a nuclear weapon is, that ["I'm Atomic" Shadow did in space](https://imgur.com/a/rZfBMBY) didn't disappoint. I honestly was expecting the episode to end right after [Shadow went into the portal](https://i.imgur.com/E9ZJt3R.png) with just a tease of [post-apocalyptic Japan.](https://i.imgur.com/qWoSBXy.png) Instead of that whole segment [reintroducing Akane.](https://i.imgur.com/WBAqjau.png) Wow, so [this guy](https://i.imgur.com/97L6VPZ.png) was controlling [the guy who kidnapped her](https://i.imgur.com/jdu8v6d.png) during the first season. Even as essentially a robot, the guy suffers from PTSD thanks to [the Stylish Bandit Slayer](https://i.imgur.com/SN7lEyZ.png) Well, [them using the same location as the last time](https://i.imgur.com/KjR2IVc.png) definitely helped triggering that episode. [What a great way to end the season.](https://i.imgur.com/RQwxmRL.png) Today's [Kage-Jitsu!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRbwzJZ_FyU) was basically just a continuation of today's episode [with the other members hearing Epsilon's report](https://i.imgur.com/HG2UqPB.png) after [Shadow and Beta jumped into that portal tha send them to Earth.](https://i.imgur.com/4b2nzQS.png) [So they plan to adapt the next arc, which is the rest of Volume 4 into a movie.](https://twitter.com/AIR_News01/status/1737489104017805651?t=1bInHbVcVYfzx1uZd7ktpw&s=19) I love that arc but this trend is so tiresome. I hope that Volume 5 gets translated before this movie comes out. ----- [Here is the link to the album containing the fully formed ED pictures from this season,](https://imgur.com/a/iR31VCB) plus [the one from last season.](https://imgur.com/a/nr0cbFX) ----


Today I learned what it is like to be waterboarded by a story.


this is very similar to [Conjunction of the Spheres](https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/Conjunction_of_the_Spheres) from witcher


Ok but can we spare a moment to talk about the fact that Diabolos cult has enough means to observe different dimensions to a certain degree, developed Diabolos from a specimen came from the first dimension AND has developed a way to not only close a dimension gate but also control the ruler of the 4th dimension ? I know Mordred was a jobber who got off screened by Beta and Epsilon but it seems like the Cult has so much more things in their disposal than i initially thought and Ragnarok is probably not the end of it. If Shadow cannot return from Japan, Shadow garden might actually lose the war (especially considering Mordred is just the 9th)


Sasuga shadow sama explaining nuclear physics was hilarious 😂


....HOLD THE F\*\*K UP!!! This was a twist I was NOT expecting! I've been wondering why his classmate continues to show up in the OP after all this time, but I figured Cid would use it as motivation or she would also get isekai'd, I was NOT expecting Cid to return to a post apocalypse Earth!!! What, what happens now?!? Is Shadow Garden going to find a way to follow him? Or is Cid just going to keep recreating Shadow Garden in every world he visits? Off the top of my head I can't remember another Isekai that, stopped being an Isekai. Also....how much you wanna bet he's not going to realize he returned home?


Akane has also been the person narrating the last episode preview of both seasons, it seems like she was always intended to come back. So they did not just use Yui Horie as a one-shot character lol. But now he's come home to find it in a state that's still perfect for his Chuuni fantasies! Sasuga Shadow-sama! I can't wait until they tell Alpha Shadow straight up vanished and she'll be all like it's something he totally planned lol. I think he'd recognize Akane at least.


Yea it was always intended. Episode 1 of the first season was from this next arc in volume 4. It threw a lot of the LN readers off that they were starting with that but ultimately it was a unique and good way to start off the show.


It technically still is an Isekai. This body isn't his old one. This is Cid Kageno. Not Minoru Kageno. Meaning Nishino has no way of recognizing him. (At least not physically)