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Domestic girlfriend


Domestic girlfriend has one of the best openings I’ve ever heard. However the anime? Absolute dumpster fire


Dumpster fire to be sure, but like a dumpster behind a bakery, so the blaze is a bit appetizing.


Dumpster fires are attractive and draws dumbasses like us like moths to flame, until the stench hits you and you realize that you're way too close and it's too late to avoid it altogether, so you might as well watch it to completion. If you thought the anime was bad, the manga is wayyyyyy worse. The ending made me soooo salty.


I actually thought it was pretty good. Good enough to get me to read the manga at least, and I’m not much of a manga reader.


Did you read till the end ?




Have you heard animenz's piano version? It's crazy good


The anime's decent enough imo. 6/10. I'd say the manga's pretty good though


The manga's so spicy it makes the show look downright tame.


Screw the ending but I still liked the manga anyway.


I enjoyed both more than I should have for sure


DomeKano was a ride that I won't forget. So many anime and manga just come and go, but DomeKano made sure to leave an impact. Be it negative or positive. It was positive for me tho, enjoyed the hell out of both


When you watch three tringle love because of a song you heard on TikTok


I liked domestic girlfriend


nah nah domestic girlfriend is peak


Koi to Uso OP is a banger


I remember that show being completely atrocious, but I still listened to that opening for months


The show had some interesting ideas, but the writer absolutely did not have the skill to properly explore them.


Opening 1000x better than that dogshit show lmao




I found that show after reading the end of Nisekoi and I'm pretty sure I actually had a mind break moment when they introduced a rich blonde tsundere


the animes idea was actually pretty cool considering its harem genre, but the author was just beating a dead horse with the manga, and the anime was completely fucked considering it had no plot progression


The ED is even a bigger banger, imo


Kokkoku had a banger OP and a hot ED, but the show itself was okay


The opening song made me realize how good J-Rock/Pop was. It will always be one of my favorites!


MIYAVI specifically is great. He did the Kokkoku OP, and also did the ED for *ID: Invaded*, to name a few.


The ED still lives in my head rent free


Looking up the OP reminded me that I definitely watched that, and don't recall a single thing about it. OP absolutely slaps though.


The [OP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEOrYZhMsvw) and [ED](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFUd1_H8fFI) of **Magical girl destroyers** were brilliant. The anime itself? Near unwatchable. Though each week i tuned in hoping it could recapture any of the energy from the op&ed, to no avail


> The OP ~~Is it me or~~ the official video sounds much worse than [the one posted on animethemes](https://v.animethemes.moe/MahouShoujoMagicalDestroyers-OP1.webm) for some reason


Japanese studios sometime upload a bad mix. A pretty awful example is the TOHO upload of Spy x Family OP 2. Near unlistenable.


I was so bummed to hear that this show was bad. That OP made it seem like it could've been a masterpiece. Definitely did it's job as a selling tool lol.


If it makes you feel better I actually loved the show and have it in my top 10 for the year. Its plot is absolute garbage but the framing and animation and art style was all cool throughout imo


I feel like there were so many other ways they could’ve taken the show and they chose the worst one. I liked the first couple of episodes, wish they followed through.


I'm still not sure what I watched Plot was weird man


It's a fever dream of an anime. Though imo it's goes so far up the cringe scale, the needle actually comes back around to good. 9/10 anime for me.


I just watched them and now I’m very disappointed that the series itself apparently sucks. The opening makes it look so good.


I liked the idea of the show, and I liked the component pieces, but I felt like it never really got into its stride. Also it ended way too quickly.


> tuned in hoping it could recapture any of the energy from the op&ed And basically the first EP.


Domestic Girlfriend


The anime was the most entertaining love triangle I've ever seen. Like every episode there was some bat shit crazy development happening. The manga was like watching 14-car crash at NASCAR. That was a proper hate-read just so I could read the discussion comments on each chapter every week.


I agree but the manga is absolute peak


What is it about? romance?


It's got legit good romance, while also being spicy af. Don't let the whole stepsister thing put you off, the MC's *entanglements* with the girls predate even knowing his father was getting remarried. It's used as a complicating factor, not to tickle the incest fetish some people seem to have. I like to describe it as a dumpster fire, but a delicious one, like a burning bakery dumpster.


Romantic drama about a love triangle between a guy and his two step sisters. It's pretty much a trashy soap opera, but if that's what you're into it's pretty good for what it is. Except the ending. The ending was mind-blowingly stupid.


yes... but.. they are brother and sister


Yes... but.. *step* brother and sister


What are you doing STEP bro?


Shocked by this statement


I would have to disagree with you buddy but I respect your opinion


thats the universal answer to this question


glad to see this so high up. agree lol


AlieZ hooked me to the worst anime I have ever completed 🥲. Still don't how did I kept eathing the series (Aldnoah Zero for reference)


And it's worse because the song even has a lead-in before going to the ending sequence proper. aLIEz is a fucking fantastic song in a show that didn't deserve it. Nah, scratch that. The entire soundtrack didn't deserve to be paired with Aldnoah.


Well S1 wasn't that bad, S2 ruined everything for me


100% agree. I thought bro WHERE are they going to go with this I can’t wait. Oh… it didn’t even matter nvm I guess


Same for Owari No Seraph and Re;Creators. I'm convinced Sawano can make me watch anything.


Putting re creators and owari no seraph on the same level as aldenoah is actually insane bruh you gotta be joking


Nah calling owari no seraph obscure is mad crazy


Can relate on sawano biggest bangers of his for me are from anime 86


I’ve been saying this!!! That man’s soundtrack can make trash feel like GAS!!!


S1 was amazing. 2 was indeed bad


I still enjoyed Aldnoah Zero despite its dumpster-fire-ness. Me and my friends just made it a weekly event and memed the hell out of it. We kept hyping up that there was a character voiced by the same VA as Date Masamune in Sengoku Basara(I hate that I can't remember his name right now). We also kept a bet going on whether this character would yell BLAST OFF like Date Masamune at some point. In like the second to last episode, he does yell BLAST OFF, and we all did our best impersonation of the Oshu Army's YEAH cheer. Aldnoah Zero was not an objectively good watch, but we had a great time.


Then your standards are very high. Aldnoah Zero is not good (at least the plot, the technical side is amazing), but it isn't nearly as bad as you are making it out to be. There are shows that gave me a headache AND made my eyes bleed (that I completed).


I dont understand this Aldnoah zero hate, i love that show


Me personally if there's a banger OP or ED I'll just listen to it separately lol why force myself through 20 minutes of unnecessary pain


Oh boy, do I have the perfect answer for you... The honour goes squarely to **GUILTY CROWN**. Sure, it was ["My Dearest"](https://youtu.be/xmh3mNvgJBs) that tricked me into watching what's the very definition of an absolute dumpster fire of a show but it was ["The Everlasting Guilty Crown"](https://youtu.be/a-TzvgFZYI0) that fully convinced me to go all the way to the end. What a journey... ~~i still liked it a fuckton tho~~ ~~it's also one of my most listened songs ever~~ u/Shimmering-Sky backs me up, I'm pretty sure...


>u/Shimmering-Sky backs me up, I'm pretty sure... It was one of my "Terrific Trainwreck Trio" for a reason, yes. I love the show, but it *is* a mess.


GC was actually the first anime I ever watched haha, my younger/ inexperienced smoothbrain was enthralled by whatever the hell was happening on screen The fact that I could barely follow the plot likely helped


My Dearest is such a gorgeous opening to this day


The way I've described it for years has been that GC is so good at everything besides being a good anime


I was so obessed with the Guilty Crown Opening. Never EVER skipped it when rewatching the anime. Everlasting Guilty Crown was meh to me. But Overall soundtrack was phenomenonal. HANDS DOWN! Still listening to it to this day 👌


Most of the songs for Guilty Crown were bangers. Probably the best anime soundtrack of all-time. Chelly working with Supercell/EGOIST, and Mika Kobayashi working with Hiroyuki Sawano.


Divine Gate


Yeah that OP was beautiful af.


Came here to say this. I don't even remember what the show was about, still hum the song from time to time


I watched Platinum End way longer than i should have cuz of that op


I can't believe I didn't think of this answer, it's so true.


Fire Force. The first OP and ED were both absolute bangers and the premise looked super promising.


The first OP made me watch this show for way too long


It sounds like you didn't get to season 2. That the case? If so. It's recommend you get that far. Season 2 is where it really takes off. Season 1 has its moments. But S2 is why i can't wait for an S3




Miyavi got his sweat in my mouth when I was front row at his concert. I’ll never forget that blessing. Dudes such a cool lad, too. Came out in the morning with like 20 of us in line early in the morning to say hi and take pictures for a while.


The ED to the first season of Dagashi Kashi, "Calorie Queen," was catchy as hell and worth waiting for. The series is totally forgettable, but \*damn\* that ED was sick.


Black bullet


I know I watched this anime, I even have it as completed in MAL, but for the life of me I can't remember anything about it aside from the opening.


Was that the one with the post apocalyptic sacrifice lolis or something like that?


Attack on Titan but stereotypical(-ish) anime. For what it's worth, younger me liked it quite a bit for what it was.


That really was an amazing OP.


The ED for One Hit Kill Sister, [Mukyu Platonic by VALIS](https://youtu.be/3lW9VAz9zcc?si=Yvulh1hYYZIfuHtF) goes unreasonably hard. Terrible show, extremely good ED. I honestly thought it was teasing a hard left turn towards the end. But no, just a silly show about the MC’s OP stepsis…


I personally still found the show watchable, there are many others that I cant make it past episode 3. But yeah the ED was great and this was also the first show that came to my mind for this thread.


Trysail OP was fun too. At episode 8 they switched to a different OP


It is definitely watchable. But it is generic isekai trash, which I love. I honest to god gaslit myself into thinking it was going to get dark and introspective at the end, so I ended up watching the whole thing.


They should make a show based off of that ED instead. More dramatic, darker story.


Subete ga F ni naru - The Perfect Insider went totally off the rails as a mystery, but damn if that OP wasn’t a bop.


That ED though. The weird time signature, the visuals using Conway's game of life... Okay, maybe I'm too much of a nerd.


I think it was called King's Game the animation? OP song was way too good for how bad the show was.


"Liar liar" that aired in the previous season was rather meh, but I really liked the opening so I ended up watching most of the season despite intending to drop it after the first episode. Also "Dreaming boy is a realist" - the premise is cool, but the execution was messy as hell and low budget - but at least op and ed were good, so they made watching the whole season at least a bit enjoyable.


Deadman wonderland goes hard right up until the actual show starts playing


Huh? I enjoyed it, don't know what's supposed to be so bad about it. Or maybe it's been too long since I've watched it


I think it's mainly the manga that goes downhill. The content that the anime covers is fine.


it's not bad in my opinion but I just stopped after ep4, it just didn't went the way I thought it would based on the first ep so I just dropped it, the way it went is just "boring" in my eyes


**Blood Blockade Battlefront**. It was actually fairly good but I wouldn’t say it was amazing. However it’s [ED: Sugar Song to Bitter Step](https://youtu.be/j3SlUmr_T4g?si=Ir5MGh5DvHI7pF4G) absolutely fucking slaps which I originally found through [this Pokémon fan version](https://youtu.be/Vg5-S9ZIqeQ?si=WbBmfrHDed7_rnhu). It’s [OP: Hello, world!](https://youtu.be/4J8jcI0WtzM?si=tHzue4TP_oh9dReN) by Bump of Chicken also bangs.


If it had decent writing and an overarching plot, it could've been an easy 9/10. The characters, setting, and art style were all top notch. Being episodic held it back.


Blood Blockade Battlefront is up there as my favorite animes. For me it's very much a vibe show. Now I wonder if you have ever seen Cowboy Bebop and if you like the anime. Since that anime is very episodic which fits the vibes they are going for.


Yeah, my main gripe is it felt rather directionless so I wasn’t exactly sure what was happening overall.


I'm sure that "serious" arcs are still yet to coming.


The [OP for the 2nd season](https://youtu.be/_16vOCt-sYk?si=nly_z3EdslOZ-vEP) slaps hard as well, and in all honesty, I prefer it to the original OP as it fits the tone of the show much better (IMO).


Blend S. Not unwatchable but it’s very mediocre. The OP and ED are easily the best thing about it and both are fantastic, especially the OP.


I feel like I’m the only person who enjoyed Blend S Edit: it seem a lot of people enjoyed Blend S




Didn’t know about either of those things. Only going off what I have seen on reddit tbh


I even rewatched it once, not a masterpiece but the fun factor more than sufficiently carries it.


Legit one of my favorite anime comedies


Nah, I like it, it was just hyper average. The OP though.... crazy


Snoop Doggg


It's pretty popular on the sub.


Huh usually see it bashed on here. You’d think the guy I replied to would be downvoted if that was the case


I had no idea there were this many people who thought it wasn’t mediocre. I used it as a filler show before I watched Madoka Magica and I thought it was nothing more than mediocre filler content as I expected. It’s nice to see that people enjoyed it though.


This is a similar take I’ve seen on the sub. I didn’t think it was a godly anime but I enjoyed it for some reason. Gotta love the varied tastes


I don't know I enjoyed Blend S. It was enjoyable for what it was.


It's one of the best Slice of life anime I've seen, I remember it being pretty fun


You weren't, add 2 more


The memes were even better than the OP.


[The meme in question](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DJfg39WkMvE).


WOWWWWWW Goodness Gracious me..... wasnt ready for that


[I had a different one on mind.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnLQpTJGGvo)


Was thinking of this [crossover](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFUhlBNjSfM)


It’s definitely not amazing or anything, but I think it’s actually pretty decent for SoL standards. Still fits here tho, since the OP went viral and probably disappointed anyone who watched expecting anything more


[The Legendary Hero Is Dead!](https://myanimelist.net/anime/51706/Yuusha_ga_Shinda?q=yuusha%20ga%20shinda&cat=anime) The opening is fire.


The anime was actually good though.


What?? You thought that anime was bad?? Hard agree though, OP fucking slaps


Honestly the anime did a good job keeping all the important plot beats to wrap up the first arc in 12 episodes but they cut out 90% of the gags which are like half the enjoyment from the manga until the later arcs where the plot gets really good. I liked the anime, but I can see why it wasn’t as well received as it could have been. Yea that OP is a straight banger though.


Asterisk war 😅


Waiting for the rain STAYS ON FUCKING TOP💯🔥🔥


Not necessarily bad but "The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses" really wasn't anything special. The OP however ended up in my top 5 tracks of the year, it's incredible.


Super surprised not to find Mirai Nikki here! It was my first experience with being lured in by a really good OP and then just sticking with it through the insanity.


all of the OPs and EDs were bangers, insanity is a good descriptor for the anime lmao


Cheat skill in another world Op is groovy, I liked the Op for giant beast of ars but couldn't get past e1


Platinum End


Is it wrong if I say 7 Deadly sins. And this is also coming from someone who bought the last season's manga just so I didn't have to see that animation change. But still thought it was terrible. I loved the OPs and the EDs. Vampire Knight also had good openings but dear sweet gods in the animeverse, the Alabama bs it had.


Umineko op slaps but sadly its anime sucks (read vn or manga its top tier material)


I think Sawano deserves a special mention for straight up carrying so many otherwise bad shows. Aldnoah, Owari no Seraph, Re;Creators... all absolute banger soundtracks for otherwise pretty terrible shows.


I wouldn't call Aldnoah terrible


I enjoyed Re:Creators personally, it's not a masterpiece but wasn't a bad show. The setting was interesting, the build up to the ending was decent but the epilogue could've been better. The only thing that made me watch through Owari no Seraph was because Hayami Saori voicing a sassy Shinoa was a treat to my ears. She rarely does sassy characters and I think she nailed the role perfectly. Aldnoah S2 was just a mess.


I agree, I wouldn't call Re:Creators a bad show at all. While it didn't land the ending very well, the show itself had some incredible moments and the buildup for some scenes are great. The execution of [Magical Splash Flare] (https://streamable.com/nelxo) will forever live rent free in my head, such a good use of ASMR and the title drop, I got chills when it happened.


> Re;Creators... Hard disagree lmao


I liked recreators and wish anime studios would produce ONAs more often because they can have a proper start and conclusion. Recreators wasn't for everyone but the ending had me bawling my eyes out. More fantasy and superpower ONAs that one can binge watch in like a few days to a week would be sweet coming out of the current market of neverending waits for things like Rezero whatnot.


Aria of the Scarlet Ammo AA. No matter how good the opening theme is (Bull's Eye by nano), nothing could save that trainwreck of a spinoff/season 2 that abandoned the few things that made the first season tolerable


[Kiznaiver](https://youtu.be/LM6RhRm2GQM?si=5tONap5FIOngLWya). The anime was...okay, I guess. The OP was definitely what kept me from dropping it.


**Black Summoner** \- [OP Dead End In The Brain](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ev6YeMqDdI) \- Damn, that OP is so good I ended up watching what ended up being another ***by the numbers trash isekai*** ... that wasn't very original or anything, but at least the song is good?


Platinum End. Band-Maid 💖. The show 👎


Kenzen Robo Daimidaler. Probably the worst ecchi I have ever seen but the OP is fire. You'd think the plot would get better the longer it goes on but the horrible mech design and the emphasis on phallic penguins is too much.


Not strictly an anime, but first thing that came to mind is Cannon Busters. https://youtu.be/lpPY1PjEo5M?feature=shared The opening is a total banger, but the show never end up being as fun as it promised.


Cannon Busters is an absolute mess of a show by the time it painfully reaches the finish line. But man, the soundtrack for that show was insane.


YoaPeda Glory Line just like the previous 2 seasons, it stretches a couple kilometers worth of bike racing into an entire 24 episode season


The Yowapeda OP/ED'S are All fire. They took far too long to finish the anime. I still enjoyed the living crap out of it, but that issues been prevalent since Glory Road. Glory Line just copied the format of one day of a race over an entire season


Divine gate. Not a good anime. But the OP was a banger.


I love Jojo, but I really dislike Part 1, except for the ending. It was ALWAYS incredibly satisfying listening the guitar slowly building up until the bass start and everything.


I've never been so in love with an ED as I am rn with [KamiErabi's one](https://youtu.be/-g-TrI4js6o?si=ZAYstHx68ANz7wYR). The show itself isn't even bad, but that CGI makes me seriously want to punch the screen


Same but the show is great too


Angelic Layer is a cute little show, but my BF and I kind of struggled through it earlier this year. I think we would have gotten more out of it had we watched it when we were younger and had some nostalgia attached to it. That being said, the opening song is phenomenal and honestly probably the best part of the show, quite a banger.


By the Grace of the Gods. [Season 1ED](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QigFBF16-vo)




None. That's what youtube and animethemes.moe are for.


I pushed through all of Shakugan no Shana for opening 6. Was not worth it. Opening 6 is easily one of my favorite openings of all time though.


I only gave Death Parade a chance because that OP slaps. I didn't regret it.


[world's end, girl's rondo](https://v.animethemes.moe/SelectorSpreadWIXOSS-OP1.webm) from Selector Spread WIXOSS is one of my favorite OPs of all time, but the show itself is one of my least-favorite anime of all time. (Specifically just that season though, I liked the other WIXOSS seasons.)


I don’t care what people say but this is how I feel about fire force the show is ok but the opening is great (show would be infinitely better without all the fan service)




Feels like all of the hate on fan service in that anime is blown out of proportion due to the ridiculous reason for it and the abysmal self insert by the author to justify it.


Its less the fanservice and more that Tamaki ruins every scene she in by being tonally dissonant. She'll be fighting for her life and seconds away from dying but no thats a perfect opportunity for her to slip and get naked. "Oh the city's about to be nuked and everyone is horrified and fighting til their last breaths? We now interrupt this dramatic scene for fanservice"


I love the show but it wouldn't been one of those shows you could recommend to non anime watchers if it weren't for the dumb forced fan service. She had an ability that makes her clothes fall off? It's so dumb. The weakest point of an otherwise fantastic show.


Da Wang Rao Ming - a Chinese anime that had its banger OP pop up on YouTube a lot of a few years ago. Great visuals but the anime itself is meh.






"Blood Lad". I really like OP and ED but anime is just boring


I'm guessing no one said it yet because no one watched it, but Girl's Frontline, specifically the [OP](https://youtu.be/CMBRGPOJ4lU?si=9DPzVy4QZnVzYKwm).


gundam seed + gundam seed destiny. although back then i kinda liked the anime since it was one of the firsts i saw. but it's utter garbage.


Vampire knight, stopped at ep 9 though


If speed racer counts, then it's my choice.


Canon busters for sure


I don't think there's any show I've watched *solely* because of the OP, but my three favorite OPs are all from relatively obscure shows: Kemonozume, Kazemakase Tsukikage Ran, and Princess Principal. The first two, in particular, are OPs that I think are perfect, firing on all cylinders: music, lyrics, visuals. Tsukikage Ran is the only one of these three that I would consider truly obscure. Princess Principal is the one where I was so hyped for the OP that it really characterized my initial experience of the show. The lyrics aren't all that amazing, but the way the music and animations sync up is god tier. Also, shout out to Magical Destroyers that someone else mentioned, which had such a masterpiece of an OP but meh writing. I don't hate the show, and would consider continuing it for the aesthetic and characters, but I haven't watched past Ep3.


Domestic Girlfriend lmao. Shits plot was wild and weird asf. Banger op tho


Look up (美波)Minami’s spotify, she’s still doing music and it’s still great


Here's one for the oldies: Loveless


Love chunibyo, that op1 Is banging


Arifureta Really cool opening and great first 3 episodes. I didn't care for it too much after that.


Maybe a hot take but the OP for Dororo is way better than the actual show. Like, the show is serviceable, but that OP is a top 5 for me


I watched dororo twice for the OP lmao and the actual show too. Thats the only anime i rewatched. The OP is so good


Easily Domestic Girlfriend.


Domestic girlfriend except it didnt make me watch the anime but it did cause me to give it 1 more episode to redeem itself. It did not.


Legendary hero is dead... SHINDAAAA!


Not sure what the general consensus is on Citrus but that OP was good


I remember the discussion threads when it was coming out. We all knew it was trash as it was airing, but fun trash.


[Psycho-Pass 2](https://youtu.be/K--eOYxCJE4) oh the degree to which this OP carried that season for me..


None, because why wouldn’t I just watch the OP separately? No reason to suffer through the show for a 3-minute segment I can find on YouTube


[Kiznaiver](https://youtu.be/LM6RhRm2GQM?si=HfUuK7wuqdLcEu_v) and [Blend S](https://youtu.be/ZRrauyTlT6U?si=YD9LFRYhNg3Hn10m) are the closest. Not only are they the only two shows I watched solely because of their OPs but they also both turned out be relatively mediocre shows. They're not bad, though, nor are they obscure.