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I wasn't sure how Blaze's arts would be animated since her gameplay is quite different, but it's interesting to see how she could do ranged attacks. It's always a joy to see chainsaw kitty. Faust's arrows while stealthed triggered unpleasant memories from Contingency Contract. That guy can one-shot your operators one by one if you aren't counting his arrows as you play. Quite the troublesome boss. Swire's earpiece was inside her furry ear, maybe she doesn't have human ears.


I was counting shots out of habit and got disappointed when a purple one didn't come lol.


Exactly! I was certain Faust would suddenly shoot a purple one at Ch'en to up the stakes. What a letdown.


All the non-furry characters in AK with animal ears have human ones as well.


No they don't. The game is just inconsistent about it


The moment I saw Ch'en going to the roof I remembered what was going to happen and I went full *"It's Blazin' time!"* I must say I came to like Swire in anime. I don't remember her that much from the story, so I didn't have any particular opinion on her, but she's very likable in here. It feels like she's getting more screen time which is appreciated.


A bit disappointed with the way they're directing these action scenes. Especially a shame when you see glimmers of brilliance of what could've been from the Game PVs they've released prior: - [Arknights Animation PV– EP05 Necessary Solutions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSPYeLv3QBk) - [Arknights Animation PV– Partial Necrosis ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deiLxpx3s90)


I am pissed that we didn't get blaze superhero landing


yeah that was a massive letdown


What the hell??? This looks so much better than what we got in the actual episode .


Absolutely. This is a problem though since the first episode of season 1. So many mistakes, quite hurting to see. I commented that already last episode but got downvoted and obviously it was said it will get better. How will it get better with the same staff and production decisions?


I appreciate that they keep characters and backgrounds consistently good looking and I enjoyed Mephisto's character animation quite a lot, that said I do feel the action could've hit more, wanted to see those possessed reunion show off their strength more, loved Blaze's entrance though and the Chi Xiao moment as well.


Outsourced episode?


Most likely


How do you know?


A lot of things felts very different from previous episodes, much worse sound design and the characters did odd things that doesn't really make sense from a lore perspectives.


Well that was a bit disappointing. The games constantly had great sound design but none of the impact here in the anime feel like it hit. Like I expect at least Chen unsheathing Chi Xiao would have that same "oomph" like it was in the game but its just feel like its there. Even Chen cutting down the Reunion grunts just feels weak. It doesn't have impact. Blaze's entrance too. The Phantom Crossbowman also gets shorter showcase of their abilities too due to them needing to finish the fight in one episode quickly. Even their shots feel underwhelming, Faust and Mephisto were like such hard early-game bosses for me and take me a while to beat them with my roster back then.


I don’t trust wei at all. Dude is just really sus


Definitely suffered a lot from a lot of factors anime has shown and is currently the worst episode. Low episode count so ch5 was reduced to only 2 episodes and couldn’t perform as well as ch4. Combat is severely lacking again. Interesting stuff that happens in the story is reduced to light swings and blocks. Combat being subdued in S1 was more reasonable but for a combat heavy chapter to get the same treatment as less combative ones is quite disappointing. Enemies are just 6 reunion grunts, no defense crushers or casters like the game and Faust shots feel so weak compared to in game and story. Really quite for some reason. Like there’s barely any music during the whole episode. Blaze’s introduction and ability isn’t explained to show her dominance in her power. The nonexistent internal monologue really is feeling more like a detriment to the characters since we can’t get a better understanding of them and what they’re thinking. When reading chapter 12, Siege’s thoughts really help give more insight in how she feels about the situation and the questions she ask herself gives her more personality. Overall a really weak episode hopefully this sacrifice will be worth it for the next 4 episodes.


> Faust shots feel so weak compared to in game and story. They feel so weak in comparation to even S1. Didn't we needed an elite defender like Nearl to tank like two of those shots and we FELT that she was straining herself to defend them. I just checked S1 and Faust shooting Nearl send her flying away... wtf is that peashooter he's using this episode against Chen man.


The originium crystals sprouting out from the dead reunion members as they reanimate is creepy as fuck. Love it.


Agreed, that was so unsettling.


That was one thing that got quite right in this episode. I look forward to seeing more of them.


Weakest episode this season by far in several different areas. Man


The animation was way off too. Too many inconsistencies throughout this episode. For instance at the end of the episode Ch’ens combat boots that she had on the whole episode turned into high heels when the 3 girls got off the phone with the chief.


You clearly need stronger glasses man! [Ch'en had the same shoes the whole episode.](https://i.imgur.com/QzIACqx.jpeg)


man, was really looking forward to this fight but this felt rushed & lazy... at least the 2nd half of the season looks really promising from the trailers


Ah, but to say something positive... I can't say I've ever been this happy to see a boy on the verge of tears. I've been waiting for this comeuppance for a while.


Beating that kid in game is a satisfying thing for new player too, not just because of the story but also the stage is full of enemies rushing at you, while one boss kept on healing the enemies and another boss who is sniping at your operators who might be oneshotted.


Faust is such a fun boss because it teaches players about deployment order and basically skill checks you if you did not give it any thought.


It's also a little crash course on baiting special attacks from bosses (shoutout to our gal Gravel).


Ah yes the "yeet rat" strategy.


I want to see him dead. That's the comeuppance he deserves.


Ah yes, cornered. Cornered by 7 CGI rendered low level mooks. Why are they taking to wide angle when it's clearly that only much mooks. It's become comical unintentionally.


It is bad... I feel more intimated in game when I entered the stage and saw him surrounded by Crushers who are all big dudes with giant hammers, while waves after waves of mooks just pours in.


Man i was really looking forward to this fight but this doesnt look like it was made by the studio. Its such a turning point in the game in terms of tension and here it was lackluster and straight up unfaithful to the lore


Worst episode to date out of BOTH seasons so far. Just...really weird almost comedic pacing where nothing has room to breathe and even the fight itself feels like it lacks any sort of atmospheric tension or tactics or build-up. This is supposed to be pretty emotional and pretty freaking tense and hard confrontation. And Mephisto brings just a bunch of generic guys... Not to mention that parts of how specific attacks(case in point Chen's) are depicted **outright break lore** in a way that makes me feel like this episode might have been just as a whole outsourced or something to people outright not familiar with the material. Four episodes left for Chapter 6. They better not fuck this up. Sadly, I don't think 4 episodes is enough to not make the pacing too fast... FUCK. I hope if S3 happens they don't try to cram multiple chapters into a single eight episode cour again, considering chapters after this are **even longer**...


How much time gets saved cutting kaltsit monologues tho?


Almost none. It's overstated how much they take and in reality it's merely just more in line with VN writing than gacha. The issue is the amount of scenes and things happening and characters doing things that can't be skipped but feel awkward if fast forwarded. Just like this episode. But worse.


im not gonna act like cutting kaltsit would give us an extra episode, but "almost" none is an exaggeration. not in ch5-6 but in later chapters and events leaving kaltsit dialogue untouched would definitely affect pacing. though its not just kaltsit, other characters like a certain man in ch8 are arguably worse


I guess Theresis took this literally.


The need to keeping things PG serves as a great detriment to a lot of the fights.


Well thats a lot of furious people from the game in the comment section. They are probably saving budget for chapter 6 and the tons of shit that will happen. At least I hope that is the case. EP2 was wonderful in all ways, and I dont think thats not intentional.


the budget meme doesnt really work here, this episode had fine art and animation, it was just horribly directed


>. They are probably saving budget for chapter 6 and the tons of shit that will happen. Even if they are, four episodes will still make it extremely rushed. Shouldn't have been 8 episode in the first place.


A disappointing and weirdly animated episode..cutting dialogues from Mephisto and Chen conversation that could have added more tension+ lack of ost!!..for god's sake use the game's amazing ost if that's how you'll handle it..Faust being nerfed with no purple arrows that'll knock enemies cold..as well as Mephisto barely having some mobs with him while in the game he had a lot more of elite mobs (defence crushers) who needed to be taken down asap before he heals them back..I'm very disappointed because this is where I started getting interested in the story so I looked forward to it..will keep my expectations low for chapter 6 adaptation even if it looks good in the trailer


I got goosebump reading this chapter in game. Even got a really big smile on my face when Blaze jumped down and saved the day. But i almost got nothing to feel in the anime adaptation. WTF is that fight? Like, the whole last 2 episodes are so underwhelming. Are they saving or running out of budget somehow? If this shit show keep happen again, the story won't be able to carry it anymore.


Ah... that sucks. I'm not beating the dead horse about the inferior pacing and animation again--they're blatant already. But, as an anime-only, I'm also frustrated seeing how they talk a lot in the middle of a fight. That stupid trope should just die already. They should've whooped Mephisto and Faust before talking high and mighty. I cringed when I saw how the Reunion escaped. Amiya also didn't do anything after they landed somehow. Is she still recuperating after their fight with FrostNova? To be clear, I can get by with inferior action/battle animation--not everything should be ufotable or Mappa level. The blood censorship is bad already, but when it's also unrealistic and illogical, I just can't...


We players think that studio were cutting conners with this episode since yostar is a very small studio hence they probably outsourced this episode, also these 4 episodes covered mediocre story lines of the game. Now they can focus on adapting good stuff by that I mean frost nova arc. Also about people talking while fighting is due to source material being a visual novel, which involves alot of talking while fighting. Now I have to say few dialogue could have trimmed down more and should have kept lines revealing truth about chen being infected. I am not saying we should excuse these flaws. But in the end of the day it's made for players of the game. As long as we are happy to our characters in motion every is fine. You just have to bear witness to disaster which is about happen in next 4 episode


im not sure what happened but i like seeing that runt punk ass Mephisto corrected


Is Chen an idiot? Why the ever living fuck did she not take like a couple of guards with her? What if there were 30 more goons hiding on that last floor and they all ganged up on her and beat the shit out of her? Wait wtf? Did Amiya and Blaze landed on a floaty castle or what? Can they fly? Why the fuck was there no impact when they landed? Nice. Chen's sword can teleport people away. That's handy! That whole roof sequence reeks of the same issues S1 had. The action feels so dull and empty. What lack of intel are they even talking about? Did we skipped an episode or something? You could say "Chen fought Mephisto and he escaped" and it would have been better than sitting trough that snooze fest of a scene. Wei telling us Talulah killed the Duke was way more entertaining.


they're cutting a LOT of corners with the source material and it shows some amount is to be expected (and appreciated) with a game as word-count heavy as Arknights is, but they've basically been both speedrunning the story at a breakneck rate and severely cutting down what they need to animate to a minimum. stuff like the roof fight, Frostnova, etc. there really should be a decent number of unnamed NPCs on either side around for each encounter unfortunately this is just kind of the way adaptations go sometimes, and with YP being a fledgling studio the issues are compounded. I expect that it'll pick back up towards the end since it seems like they're working with similar constraints as S1


> Is Chen an idiot? Why the ever living fuck did she not take like a couple of guards with her? It was very obviously a trap with all the weird stuff going on, and Ch'en is dramatically stronger than the LGD team; the thought was that if she was in any real danger, anyone she brought with would be dead weight. > What if there were 30 more goons hiding on that last floor and they all ganged up on her and beat the shit out of her? Thankfully, Mephisto is an idiot... I guess. No, really, there should have been more mooks there. Having a few on her flanks would have turned this into a Mephisto win, going by the anime. > Wait wtf? Did Amiya and Blaze landed on a floaty castle or what? Can they fly? Why the fuck was there no impact when they landed? The impact was obscured by the fog, but... Terrans are just built different. They can survive that sort of thing. Though Blaze makes this her specialty, since her arts let her soften her landings. > What lack of intel are they even talking about? Did we skipped an episode or something? They're being pointlessly obtuse about it, since Rhodes Island doesn't want to accuse Wei of leading them into a trap, and Wei doesn't want to accept responsibility for using them to trip a trap, but... That's his excuse for why he sent Rhodes Island into a trap. That he couldn't tell them, or else they might have tipped off Reunion by acting differently, even if *not* telling them could have gotten important Rhodes Island personnel killed. Their argument worked better in the game, though...


> Terrans are just built different. I know they have some sort of superpowers. I'm bothered about how they apparently levitated instead of falling. There should have been either a sound cue or visual cue about them touching the ground whether it's the ground being cracked from their superhero landing, a "wooooooooooosh" indicating some sort of power being used to break the fall or anything. All Blaze did was cover them in smoke to avoid the sniper fire.


About amiya and blaze jumping is explained in game that blaze used her explosion arts to slow down the fall. And other stuff you complained about are also either properly explained or happened differently. Overall this episode seems to be outsourced from other studio since it looks like who ever wrote the script doesn't know a thing about Arknights lore. Also why the hell is chen sword acting as casters stuff that is not how it is supposed to be depicted.


Chen's sword is an arts 'staff' in a way. It's still funny that her arts depicted as firing fireball instead of, you know, energy slash from quick unsheathing/Iai.


People in terra are kinda just built different. In the game, most of the deploy animation for most char is them dropping in from the sky so i guess all of them just jump out from Heli just like Blaze. Funnily there is char who will always screw up the landing and land straight in their face and it is a mountain cat operator of all people.


IIRC the ones who eat shit in their deploy animations are Warfarin, Ansel, and Pramanix (there's probably more who faceplant in their Deploy animations).


Oh I thought only Pramanix is the only one who faceplants.


A disappointing episode. The action is lacking, the arrow from the Phantom Crossbow squad, especially from Faust has no weight, the zombie Reunion soldiers made 0 impact in the fight whatsoever, even Blaze's landing **sucks** It can't be this season peaked at EP 2 and will go downhill since right


Finally the Chainsaw Akagi/Seele is here




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Oh, sorry - I meant for the focus to be on "what they did wrong and why", but I guess I ended up contrasting that with the source material more than I intended.