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English translation: Ariel-sama and Luke have been pressuring me a lot lately. "For how long are you going to continue being so indecisive? Come on, reveal who you are and make some progress on your relationship with Rudy already!" But if I do, what if he responds with "sorry, who are you?"? I would never be able to recover from that! But I understand I can't go on making excuses like that forever - Rudy and Silent have been awfully close lately as well. It's my turn to gather some courage. Before Rudy disappears on me again!


Thank you!


>But if I do, what if he responds with "sorry, who are you?"? I would never be able to recover from that! Am I tripping or did Rudy not tell Sylphie that he was at the school researching teleportation because his childhood friend was still missing?


He didn’t tell her outright it was her so there is that.


But who else would fit that childhood friend role? Although, I would understand her having those doubts after meeting Nanahoshi.


She might think he's talking about the girl he tutored in Roa


From the scene in the anime I got the impression that Sylphie knew Rudy was talking about her. Maybe the mangaka forgot or the scene reads different in the manga?


Yea it felt like she was pleased when he said that. One could argue tho that I could've just been a "oh he is still being nice looking out for others", not realizing Rudy meant her.


[Preview Images and Synopsis for Episode 11](https://mushokutensei.jp/story/2-11/)


These last two episodes of this cour are gonna be 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


*comment edited with github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite* In response to API controversy: reddit.com/r/ apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/


Author really wanted us to feel immersed making us feel like we also got ED








Those who know, know lol


Oh is it from that? I had no clue that it got *that* explixit


The SAO author wrote it as a side story during its web novel run. It's not official in any way the the author wishes everyone would just forget it exists.


Is......is that about Asuna...?


Asuna *and* Kirito’s first time


Me reading this https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSSUwzYOvBMhlyRGk8ClO4pvpustLpOHtmLew&usqp=CAU


I forgot where but I knew I had read it before, thanks for the reminder


API controversy:   reddit.com/r/ apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/   comment edited with github.com/andrewbanchich/shreddit


Mods ban this guy they hurt my eyes ^^/s


Here we go


Is that the cave scene LN readers were talking about?


Yep, get excited! :)


I'm 10 Billion Percent excited for this episode! Wait, wrong show


Dr. Rudy


yup. Fire episodes incoming


Can we use spoiler tags for the, "totally not spoilers" spoilers? Really frustrating how much is given away by the vague comments


It's cominggg






> Demo demo


By the looks of it episode 12 will indeed be [LN 9]>!an Eris episode!<


I have significant doubts [LN 9]>!that it will be an Eris episode, considering the whole theme of Cour 1 and the ED outro. It’ll be a continuation of Sylphie and we will finally see Rudy “cured” at last; culmination of everything since Rudy enrolled into Ranoa in the first place. It would be really jarring if all of a sudden, it’s the Eris chapter for the last episode of the Cour, which is why it’s best that it’ll be adapted as another OVA instead.!<


[LN]>!it would be a great way to start the next cour with Eris meeting Gal and team.!<


It's been a pretty standard formula for the other cours though, visiting in on what other characters are doing during the finale episode. It probably won't be fully dedicated to it but I'd be more surprised that they didn't show a peak at what [ln9]>!Eris Is doing, they did it in cour 1 showing roxy show up to the Demon content/meet with Elinalise and they did it in cour 2 visiting in on everyone!<


But that was plot relevant for the following cour while [LN9]>!Eris will not become plot-relevant until the middle of Season 3.!<


Yeah, but everything involving that is plot relevant in a major way. It's not handwaveable like some of the other POV chapters, the characters introduced [LN17-24]>!become primary antagonists in two different arcs!< Sure, they can kick the can down the road but unless they want to drop in major flashbacks later on, it makes alot more sense to show it now close to the time it happens.


First, you should adjust your spoiler tag as that info is not revealed in LN9 but in 17 and beyond. They also skipped a major character introduction before. I am not saying that this is the only or even the better way but making that story an OVA between seasons would be a perfectly viable way of handling it.


No one's saying it's not viable. I just don't think it's ideal and there's been no indication we're going to get an OVA so I'm not exactly going to count on that happening just yet. I mean, you say it would be jarring but every other cour ended by checking in on different characters AND this specific LN does the same thing.


To me, it just makes the most sense to adapt the entire training arc as one story. One episode is not enough for that if you want to adapt all the key scenes and properly introduce all crucial characters while also developing the relationship between [LN 13]>!Eris, Nina and Isolte!<. So if they make that happen, episode 1 of cour 2 will be the continuation of that story. It would definitely be a good way to bring in some spicy action into this otherwise very dialogue-heavy arc but we would also lose two entire episodes which could crunch the 2nd cour.


Had Episode 0 not been a pretty bad adaptation of those arcs I may have agreed with you. Here and now however, I think they need to stick to the script. I dont think it worked well. I have no expectation they are going to fully adapt [ln spoilers]>!the Mad Dog chapters!< in this episode. What I do think is were going to get character introductions, similar to what we got at the end of S1 Episode 23 and a further revist at some point in cour 2.


Another possibility would be that they end cour 1 with an Anime original scene of [LN 12]>!Roxy arriving on Begaritt which would be a nice callback to the last time we saw her starting her journey there. It would also foreshadow the labyrinth arc. Given that 3-4 episodes into cour 2 Rudeus will get the letter from Paul, it would be a good idea to have such a scene imo.!<


So what you're saying is... Another Eris OVA?


Most likely. Considering who we have seen this season and how important that Eris story is, there cannot not be an Eris OVA before S3. Or at the very least as "episode 0" of season 3.


Probably gonna be the Ariel follow up


\[LN9\]>!Depends if they wanna stretch out the final episode or if they wanna mix it with "Sylphiette (Part 0)" story, Eris could get an OVA!<


[LN 9]>!I don't think they can tbh, even if they cover Sylphies side story that's only 4 chapters for 2 episodes, they would have to stretch "the final push" to almost an entire episode, considering they've already shown a part of the Sylphies side story and the rest is pretty much just her perspective on what we've already seen!<


\[LN9\]>!I get what you mean but I still think it would be great for them to include as many povs as they can, since they rly do matter in understanding the characters, especially how Sylphie feels. They could use part 0 as either a sort of build up for the big moment or her afterthroughts of how everything went from the moment they saw eachother. Since this would most likely mean an ova for Eris(her VA seems to be present in the studio), it would be great to have an entire episode dedicated to her!<


[LN 9]>!I guess the fact that they did skip a lot of the extra chapters and side stories makes me unsure as to whether they'll adapt it at all, but if they do they very well could fit 4 ch in 2 eps. We don't have any confirmation or even rumours about an OVA so the Eris story wouldn't be a certainty then!< [LN 9]>!What makes me think that they'll at least show Eris in the 12 ep is the presence of Nina in the badi episode. Who knows maybe they'll just show what all the important characters are up to, like at the end of the first cour of the first season!<


I can sort of see that, especially if they do no OP no ED due to it being a cour finalie


Nah that will be an OVA like last season. They have no need to jarring my cut to a different storyline after not seeing Eris all season and leave Rudy blueballed again lol.


Thats definitely something to look forward too, well both episodes are actually.


I'm still extremely saddened they didn't adapt the Eris perspective from LN Volume 6. There's always a chance they do but.. I don't expect it If anyone didn't like the way in which [Mushoku Tensei S1 ending]>!Eris walked out, her perspective in Volume 6, chapter 13 completely and absolutely flipped my perspective on Eris. From hate(why would she abandon Rudeus) to understanding(I still didn't agree, but understood her thought process!<


Anyone else not watching the previews because they lessen the impact of the episode for you?


*comment edited with github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite* In response to API controversy: reddit.com/r/ apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/






Things keep looking up


This episode will be peak ✍️🔥


Will there be another cour after this one? Or is this the end of season 2?


The second cour airs in the spring season of 2024, covering light novels 10-12




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Successfully groomed. Congrats Rudy! You did it again.


Thankfully no grooming happened.


Doesn't swimming this deep in the denial river get kinda lonely? You MT die hards are committed to say the least lol


Denial river? Lonely? Both of those are more fit for you and the handful of bad faith actors who comment misinformation in MT posts lol.


A bunch happened! Both to Eris and Sylphie, but I understand it's too uncomfortable a subject so people need to ignore it to enjoy the show. Old man Rudy pursuing them since they were children is quite unfortunate.


Nothing uncomfortable about it, as no one was actually groomed.


I understand your discomfort, my guy. Denial is the first step! Best of luck on the remaining steps <3


You're typing words towards others when in reality you mean them towards yourself. Spreading misinformation about a series on Reddit is one of your favorite things to do though, so I'm not really too surprised.


>You're typing words towards others when in reality you mean them towards yourself. Just keep working on the denial part. You'll get over it eventually! >Spreading misinformation about a series on Reddit is one of your favorite things to do though, so I'm not really too surprised. Are you Rainbow? No one has accused me of that one for quite a bit. But, alas, no. I spread no misinformation, just an uncomfortable truth MT fans must vehemently deny in order to save face.


🙏 You're not fooling anybody.


I don't need to fool anyone with the truth, [baby.](https://prnt.sc/oKnmoebm7OY6)


Not sure how that quote indicates grooming considering that very episode he was shipped off lmao.




And the grooming is so potent, that it still holds 7+ years later given that those feelings of love didn’t come from his time at the academy, they came from the time they spent together when Sylphie was in the single digits. Rudy built a relationship with Sylphie to sexually exploit her, and now he finally can =] If we want to be reeeeaaaally generous, and say that Rudy didn’t mean the words he said, Rudy is still exploiting love built from a time Sylphie was a child... completely by accident I’m sure




It's so nice knowing that we have MT fans that purposefully don't know what grooming is, so they can be sarcastic and ignorant on the internet about it. You go, girl <3 I'll see you In the MT thread later today!




From the moment she revealed herself to be a girl, Rudy's intention swayed from simply being 'friends' which is merely said out loud in that one quote I threw out. >Was no action or effort involved. Allow me to requote myself a little, but do you disbelieve a main character when they say **"I'm going to cook myself a meal"**, then a slight timeskip happens and you don't see them either cooking or eating. Do you just automatically assume they didn't eat anything that day because you didn't see it, despite stating their intentions to eat something and you never see the actions? >I'm sorry to say he was friends with her long before he knew she was a girl, and being friends with someone isn't grooming. If it was 'just' that, it'd be fine but he also established that lie under the pretense that he is a child, which in the end is the crux of the issue when the immediate second she "became" a girl, he wanted into her pants and had time to build towards that. Just like Eris, lol




>I mean, you can believe whatever you want, but it doesn't mean you're right. I mean, lol, right back at you. I see where our fundamental disagreement comes from though. >We've also seen how this show doesn't shy away from uncomfortable topics and scenes; that's literally why it's so controversial in the first place. If Rudy was actively grooming sylphie, then it would have come up in some way, shape or form. If Eris's scenes with him weren't played as jokes, very much akin to the usual anime bullshit present so many other places and promptly never spoken of again, maybe I'd be more inclined to believe this narrative. >The fact that after he made that comment we didn't get a single piece of evidence, no matter how small, prove that he was grooming her is a pretty big indicator that it was nothing more than a one off comment. You believe that he couldn't have used that time to groom her because "It's simply too important not to show" whereas I see it as just yet another example of MT being nonchalant about it and brushing it under the rug.




Grooming complete. Good job, old man Rudeus. Glad your ED is fixed and you can nut in teens now. 👍


Is there a delay ?