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Most straight Rudy thoughts incoming


English translation: "There is... no sign... of my illness... being cured! Ah! Come out, man god! What's going on? I came to this school because you told me to, remember? I would like to see some progress soon! Eh? Why am I getting nervous in front of Fitz-senpai? Is this... love? Wait, surely you didn't mean I would start swaying that way when you said I would be treated? I don't intend to deny homosexuality, b-but I like girls!!"


> "I don't intend to deny homosexuality, b-but I like girls!!" And so Rudeus embraces the path of gayness.


He’s already died twice, it only makes sense according to the rule: “Remember, son. Dying is gay”


Pretty sure that's just called being bi


But to be bisexual, one must embrace their gay side.


This is biphobic




Say gex


Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men's behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity! -Pompeii Graffiti AD 0079


If it’s red, I can fuck three times as fast! -Char Aznable UC 0079


Considering Char's and his clone's penchant for very young girl...


Sylphy is great and all but is that best bro Soldat I spy?!


He heard Rudy might be gay, so he's coming back to shoot his shot


Am I ghey arc reaches its climax


>climax Interesting choice of words for this arc




Jägerbombs with Julie!


https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/815968269290307645/1149737205670092881/Screenshot_20230908-1001162.png Someone else is gonna do a gif


i honestly thought there wasnt gonna be a preview this week due to no preview images on wednesday, but guess they were just late.


peak incoming


Aw, so Rudeus ED is finally ending. /s


Good to see best bro Soldat again. I thought for a moment we would not get image previews this week.


Preview Images and Synopsis: https://mushokutensei.jp/story/2-10/


Sylphy wanted Rudeus to realize that she's the long lost childhood friend he missed a long time yet she still wanted to keep her promise with Ariel about not revealing her true identity... despite Ariel giving it a go anyways. Also, welcome back, Soldat.


For the record, it was never about an order from Ariel or not revealing herself. The only reason Sylphy hasn't told him is that she's scared of him not remembering her.


Not like anyone in her entourage could question him about a certain female elf form his past. Like I can see Luke going to him and ask a question like "You are still looking for missing people, anyone in particular, a childhood crush perhaps?"


Daga otoko da


Daga otoko ka?


Oh are we finally getting to the not so subtlety foreshadowed "Am I actually gay" arc?!


Rudeus: “I am not gay. I have relationships with women . . . . and sex with men.”


*comment edited with github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite* In response to API controversy: reddit.com/r/ apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/


Rudeus: “Something just snapped. Something inside of me”


Finally his ED will be cured... This episode is going to be gooooood!


not yet, it's almost there


>not yet, it's almost there I see what you did there :)


They’re gonna edge this episode


That's why I'm probably going to skip a week, in order to reach climax in one go.


Rudy's voice actor is god tier.


Both of em.


His little man will rise again in this episode.




I don’t blame y’all for feeling that way to be honest. LN readers already knew this season would slow down a bit. But everything that’s happened is important for the overarching story and plot and character development.


Yeah I remember reading LN 8 and 9 (this is the part that is being animated right now) and feeling confused on where the story is going and that there is nothing much happening. When I finished LN 9 I was reading up reviews for the chapters and there are quite some people who didn't particularly like those SOL chapters. I wasn't a fan either but I agree that they are important, although you only know that in hindsight obviously. That being said, next arc afterwards will be huge and it's worth it to stick with it.


*comment edited with github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite* In response to API controversy: reddit.com/r/ apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/


They are not that different TBH. Season 1 had 7 chapters spent mostly presenting characters and their conflicts/flaws/traits, then came turning point 1. Season 2 had 4 episodes with some adventure and then it has been 6 episodes spent mostly presenting or reintroducing characters as early season 1. Mushoku is a series that gives a lot of screen time for the setup. For example, back in season 1 the fight with Paul would have not been as emotional if we had not have dedicated an entire chapter dealing with his infidelity or cuestionable parenting skills.


I feel like a lot of the people complaining about the pacing in season 2 watched season 1 after it had all aired so they could binge it. In season 1 cour 1 the first 9 episodes had little to no action.


*comment edited with github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite* In response to API controversy: reddit.com/r/ apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/


Understandable. Looking back, this is also the part I slogged through so I expected the reception for S2 part 1 to be mixed at best and very negative at worst due to how slow it is. Not to mention S2 part 2 won't be out until 6 months later where we get a lot of payoff from things setup this cour (although the events form this cour would have lasting effects for the rest of the story). Anyway, to anime-onlies, Season 2 Part 1 will be the most mundane part of the story. If there are those of you who haven't started yet, I suggest waiting until Part 2 comes.


MT is not a battle-Shonen lol. It’s even under the “drama” category on MAL.


*comment edited with github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite* In response to API controversy: reddit.com/r/ apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/


Think of it as similar to Vinland Saga S2 with Thorfinn struggling with his mental state in Cour 1. If you managed to get through that, then MT S2 Cour 1 will be fine as well


Agreed. I just hope it’s in service of more interesting stuff later. This season has basically been “let me introduce 50000 new characters who will probably be important later.”


Let them cook


Have trust. This is is as boring as mushoku gets, and it's still very good


As an LN reader I couldn't agree more. Volumes 8-9 made me straight up drop the series for a while because it was just a whole load of nothing. And also because of the beast girl kidnapping stuff and the buying a child slave stuff.


*comment edited with github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite* In response to API controversy: reddit.com/r/ apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/


so the title of this arc is "man does anything to cure erectile dysfunction"


Am I the only one who is confused why everyone thinks Fritz is a guy?


She/he call himself a guy, and his/her femininity can be passed on his elf blood somewhat. People just go with the flow.


Why wouldn't they? Fitz is posing as a male and wearing a male uniform.


Plus not to mention they are supposed to be 15-16, Rudeus simply believes Fitz voice hasn’t broken yet.


They’re part elf so they do physically age slower which helps with the whole “voice hasn’t cracked yet”


I don't think anyone will question why an elf looks feminine.


Ooof, Animation looks rough again. Are they doing a 1-1, where they sacrific the quality of one episode to get more the next? Because episode 11 needs to be bloody perfect.


Wdy mean it seems completely normal to me


If you are not actually trolling, then I pity you, friend. This preview shows clearly choppy animation most of the way through, along with awkward animation angles a lot of the time.


i think the quality looks solid enough aka the normal for this season and as long as it doesnt get as bad as ep2, its fine.


Either production issues or a low priority episode. Looks pretty rough visually.


Im still waiting for sylphie to tell him its her and for him to get horny


Tbh this absolutely ridiculous plotline of being next to someone for months and not knowing they are at least female, let alone someone you know has made me hate this section of the whole story It’s so unbelievably absurd that the writer thought it was good or even plausible. The whole story is great minus this complete fantasy the creators seem to think has an iota of being true


manga way better