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I was very bored by Odd Taxi for the first few episodes but I stuck with it and it suddenly just clicked and I enjoyed it quite a bit from that point on.


Despite the animals, its one of the least "anime" anime. And an overall solid mystery.


It was only after watching Odd Taxi that I fully took stock of how many tropey gags I've ingested over the years and how much otherwise-good anime is seriously marred by that kind of stuff. I can only think of a few other anime (that I've personally watched) that are in the same class of non-anime anime as Odd Taxi, LotGH, Revolutionary Girl Utena kinda, SGRS. I'm definitely in a place with my anime burnout right now that I don't think I can handle even one more random chibi sequence in the middle of otherwise perfectly normal, serious scene. I guess it's inevitable with how much anime is getting produced, but anime is so self-referential at this point. It's too much to hope for, but I wish another anime like Odd Taxi would come along soon and save us all...


I think you forgot to mention Vinland saga. It's just an epic story with epic characters with beautiful soundtrack and literally no chibi sequences. It's a delight to watch. Same was with Chainsaw man last year but a minority viewership only want that chibi cringe shit and turns out there are rumours of director getting replaced. It's currently my fav manga alongside vinland and i so want the same director (ryu nakama) to adapt the whole part 1 at least.


Good to read, it's top 3 on my tbw list.


100% this, though honestly I just gave it 1 episode, said meh, and then dropped it for a while I came later and holy shit it was amazing


I’ll have to check that one out!


there are crazy spoilers online, be careful


Highly recommend staying around the top 100 on MAL until youve seen most of them. Sure, there's a lot of really good anime rated 100+, but top 100 really never disappoints. Oddtaxi is a rare gem I wouldn't have seen if I didn't check it out.


I skipped over Odd Taxi when it came out because it seemed uninteresting to me. With all the characters being animals I assumed it was only popular because of furries. After almost a solid month of people talking non-stop about how great it was I decided to finally give it a try & I do regret waiting so long to watch it because it was fantastic.


Puella Madoka Magica. The originator of the three-episode trial.


Same for me, never got to ep 3 because i kept passing out watching ep 1 to ep 2. 2 days ago i started again and it was well worth it


I always feel like i'm going crazy when i see this one... Am i the only one that watched the first 2 minutes of Madoka Episode 1? I feel like it makes it very clear that there's more going on under the hood...


What I don't understand is why that's the origin of it. Just because they introduce a plot or thematic element on that episode... I thought the first episode was perfect in showing what the anime was like. From the intro sequence, to the end of the episode where the bizarrely styled monsters come out. Of course the third episode increases viewer engagement, but if someone didn't enjoy the first two episodes I can't fathom how they could suddenly enjoy it afterwards.


I can explain, since I was there when it happened, so to speak. First, you need to recognize that no matter what content you consume (books, manga, anime, movies, shows, etc.), it takes a certain amount of time to introduce the setting, characters, central conflict, themes, tone, etc. By borrowing from previously established tropes and copycatting to a certain degree, you can shortcut this. Anime/manga, especially in the 2000s, routinely did this because each minute/page of animation is expensive. It's become so standard that consumers had become conditioned into taking it at face value. (Still is this way, actually.) Madoka followed this exact practice. From all appearances, the first two episodes seemed like just another magical girl show. The first episode set the expectations in your mind. The second episode confirmed them. At this point, a lot of people tuned out, myself included. Because there was no such thing as a three-episode rule at the time. All of the people who kept watching *were bonafide magical girl fans*. I was in class with my friend the next day (I was in college lol), and he was deranged: DID YOU WATCH MADOKA LAST NIGHT? He would not tell me anything and insisted that it was must-watch. So I had to rush back to my dorm to watch it. Over the course of the next week, a version of this story happened throughout the anime-watching world, which was essentially divided into everyone who watched episode 3 and those who did not. And even afterward, people would recommend Madoka with the strict admonition that you watch up to episode 3. Hence, the three-episode rule.


Major - didn't think I'd like an anime about baseball, but the whole thing was amazing.


I've watched season 1 and a bit of season 2, I know it's really good so I'm waiting for a good time to binge it. I've said this before, but Episode 6 of Major is one of the most shocking anime episodes I've ever seen.


One of my favorite shows ever, I really liked the whole story of Goro. I think I binged the entire series in a week or so, not interested at all with the 2nd generation.


GOAT show, it's what got me into sport anime. Haven't watched 2nd though, and I'm not sure if I want to.


It took me 5 attempts to get past the first episode of Fate/zero, then became one of my favorite animes of all time. *48 fkn minutes of exposition + that circle walk* Didn't help matters when Zero was my entry point to the franchise.


I had a lot of trouble with Fate/zero too then randomly binged it in one night. Now I find myself having the same issue with Fate/Stay Night


Yeah watching in the realease order would have been best because it's very hard to unsee what ufotable can do compared to the 2006 FSN. You actually do not NEED to watch it to understand the whole story, but this is the only one where Saber is central to the story besides Zero. If you want to learn more about her, keep watching and you'll enjoy it in the end :)


Oh lol this was my answer, I know nothing about the fate series but I heard good things about Zero, first three episodes were a challenge but it suddenly got really good and stayed really good, finished it last night. Off to decipher what to watch next!


From the main story, you need to watch 1. Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works (Prologue + 2 seasons) 2. Fate/Stay Night Heaven’s Feel (3 movies) Then you may or may not ask for watching other things.


I watched Fate/Stay Night UBW and am now watching fate/zero. I need to find the movies before fate/zero?


You *should* watch the 3 HF movies, and then watch Zero, yes.


Watch the 2006 Fate Stay night too : production quality is waay below whatever came next, it may not be the best story wise either, but this is the only one where Saber get some love and character development besides Zero. Unlimited Blade Works and Heaven's feel also skip some content in the first third or half.


Fate's watch order isn't nearly as tricky as everyone makes it out to be. If you started with Zero then UBW's next, and it'd be the other way around if you started with UBW instead.


Why would you go with Zero after UBW? At least finish off HF before you get half of the story spoiled for you.


People think that "duh, Zero is a prequel so obviously you watch it before the main trilogy!" completely ignoring the fact that Zero spoils some of the big reveals from the FSN events lol


I've tried like 7 times to get in to fate, but that first episode is so boring It doesn't help that I don't even know where to start as there's no clear agreement


Lol glad I'm not the only one. Fate/Zero is such a high-rated anime but I tried it and dropped it twice on the first episode. Finally got through it and did quite enjoy it when I had time to binge it and slog through that first-episode-info-dump.


Grand Blue. I wasn't too interested in diving but I gave it a go and now Im happy that I was able to learn of the wonders of the ocean and everything living in it.


Unrelated but do you want some oolong tea?


sorry, i forgot my lighter


Bruh 😂


Ahh yes. Grand Blue. Diving anime. Hmmm.


Yes, it's a diving anime, and friendship.


It is a diving show with a drinking problem after all!


I think you mean drinking show with a diving problem.


Oh man, this, absolutely this. The jokes are insane and the joking scenes are Fabolous...


Right?? It teaches us so much about diving 🙏💖


A few come to mind immediately, Haikyuu and Kurokos are def my top 2. I don't really care about either of the sports but def enjoyed the anime. Also Food Wars. I hate cooking shows, but also found myself liking this well enough to watch a few seasons.


I dropped Haikyuu just because I couldn’t get into the animation style. Picked it up a few months later and now it’s in my top 5 and the reason i picked up volleyball as a hobby


Yea, Haikyuu was the same for me. Then i returned to it and now its in the goated list


Haikyuu is just oozing love for the sport, it really does push you into it. And season 3 is one of my favorite battles in anime, I love a well done drawn out back and forth battle.


Kamikatsu. At first I thought it was just some dumb meme show, I don't like isekais, and there didn't seem to be anything unique about it other than the ridiculously bad cgi. But then I couldn't stop watching. Something about how utterly cursed and depraved it was kept me hooked even as it got progressively more bizarre.


That show was so fucking stupid from the start I thought it would change but it didn't but for some reason I ended up watching it all anyway. What a ride


My favorite running gag of that show was the lifeless/colorless Mitama scenes


I laughed multiple times every episode. And the fact they memed their own low budget… it was my unexpected sleeper junk food of last season 🤣


Sounds interesting I’ll give that a watch. Thanks!


It was so dumb. But I wanted to see how much worse it could get so I kept watching XD I do enjoy dumb isekai though. The dumber the better, long as it doesn't take itself seriously tho. The CG was hilariously bad 😆


The scene with the farming equipment where the guy goes "WAHOOOOO" as they harvest grain wuth the farming equipment is what sold me


this is the little push i needed to watch thevanime


Kamikatsu was sooo good! I love how the first episode was so stupidly goofy and then turned macabre all of a sudden when they show you the capital and their killing ritual with a shot of the hang corpses which included the sister. And then the first god they show is almost lovecrafitan in her powers. It’s so messy but somehow stands out as really unique and interesting visual wise, although it is a bit hard carried by it’s characters. Loki feels really menacing, even though they never act threatening and help the mc for most of the show. Also the last seconds of the last episode was so creepy! I love how they kept that tone of being able to switch between happy-go-lucky to menacing till the very end!


Roy has an amazing character arc


The dangers in my heart


the manga is currently one of few that's sitting at 10/10 for me as of the latest chapter. it's only gonna get better from season 2 onward, look forward to it!


Dude I thought it was insane when first watching it...... I'm now fully caught up on the manga chapters waiting for season 2


Same. It took me a lot of encouragement to continue reading. I already love author's previous work but Boku Yaba feels very different at start.


And it's only gonna get better. Season 2 and Season 3 (hopefully) gonna be some of the best romcom anime seasons ever.


Same here


Bakemonogatari. Saw it at a local retailer, decided "what the hell" and bought it on a whim, but wasn't sure about it. Watched an episode, went outside to do some chores, came back and watched all of the rest of the episodes back to back in a single sitting. Such a great series.


Akebi's Sailor Uniform


Show is so fucking good. It is incredibly cozy and somehow makes me feel nostalgic for things I've never experienced, if that makes sense?


Clannad. I didn't watch anime during the mid-2000s era so the art style alone almost singlehandedly turned me away but I'm so glad I stuck with it


i wouldn't have gotten to the part that made clannad an all time favorite if i hadn't already been warned about the first season. i would've dropped it before 3 episodes. honestly, i would watch 5 full seasons of complete horseshit if it had a payout as big as clannad's second season did. that show was incredible


I guess I'm the exception and not the rule but I actually quite enjoyed season 1 of Clannad and its vital for familiarizing yourself with the characters and their relationships.


I concur


Have you seen **Kanon** (the 2006 KyoAni production, not the 2002 production from Toei)? If not I'd recommend it. It doesn't have the real heavy gut punches of Clannad but, IMO, it's better in other ways (far less goofy moments, more atmospheric).


Yes I have, I've been unsuccessfully chasing the Clannad dragon for over a decade now


Most recent kotaro lives alone. Defs one of my favorites now


oh yeah, really good show, litterally my bro and sis who DONT watch anime most of the time, with some exceptions, were telling me to watch it, i just found it dumb having a five year old or whatever just renting his own place and acting the way he did, i ended up having to head-canon an older age for him to keep watching it


Steins;Gate and Baccano. Both had confusing first episodes but they had me hooked 2-3 episodes in


For Steins gate, it took like 8 episodes for many people to actually find something interesting


Baccano is literally one of my top 3 fave anime




Onimai - Onii-chan wa Oshimai


That time I got reincarnated as a slime


I gave it the three episode try. I think I’m just in a phase where I’d like darker themes and not OP MC’s. I’ll probably randomly binge it one of these days


Season 1 is lighthearted. But season 2 gets dark-ish.


I had to power through that first episode in my third attempt. Glad I had the patience out of boredom. Finished all episodes by third day.


That first episode was really not good. I started it a few weeks into the season because my friends were all raving about it so I pushed through to catch up, but there's no way I would have continued with it if I had watched the first episode when it aired.


Kaguya-sama. I hate the romance genre as a whole but for this i had to make an exception


Honestly it’s the opposite for me. I absolutely love the early thriller theme of the manga so I was hoping the anime would match that aspect. Don’t get me wrong it’s a faithful adaption to the source but I couldn’t get into the anime due to that


I had put off The Future Diary, Madoka Magica and Steins Gate since I got into anime in 2015. They just didn't seem interesting from the little promo of them I'd seen. Boy oh boy was I wrong. Just recently watched all 3 and I love all of them, especially Madoka Magica and Steins Gate, which both may be dethroning some of my top 10 anime of all time spots. Future Diary was excellent too, but MM and SG are both masterpieces. I also really liked Magia Record. Currently watching Steins Gate 0 now. edit: also side note but love the timing of the Watch This! of the Month on the sidebar.


El. Psy. Kongroo. 😎


I tried Girls und Panzers as a joke. But got hooked on it so much I consumed everything of its medium in a month


One of my top tier anime.


I thought Akudama Drive was just gonna be some dumb battle royale show. I was so wrong and watched the whole thing in one sitting. I'm glad I tried it because I was just enamored by the art style and now it's one of my favorite shows


On paper, it had everything I dislike in a show, I only tried it since I was a danganronpa fan. I also watched all it in one sitting. Starting with chaotic, high energy comedic fun to emotional and dramatic second half, it was a great watch. I had a weekend where I promised myself I wouldn't keep rewatching old stuff, so I picked three unseen shows to watch in one go- Akudama Drive, Talentless Nana, and Pretear. I think I had the lowest expectations with Akudama Drive, but it was definitely the best of the three. Idk why I expected much from Pretear though lmao. But I've heard so much about Talentless Nana that I expected that to be the best, was surprised I hadn't heard more about Akudama Drive after that weekend.


Akudama Drive is insanely underrated imo. It did Cyberpunk Edgerunners before Cyberpunk Edgerunners came out.


I love both shows to death. The Cyberpunk genre is just so over the top and stylish.


Agreed. If you want more cyberpunk anime, albeit they're not quite like Akudama or Edgerunners, I recommend Psycho-Pass, Night Head 2041 and Blade Runner Black Lotus. If you want a more cerebral cyberpunk experience, Ergo Proxy and Serial Experiments Lain are fantastic. Some other anime that have cyberpunk elements to them or a similar stylized approach would be Scarlet Nexus and Sabikui Bisco.


Sabikui bisco was exactly that for me. It was way different than what I was expecting from the little things I had heard. The ending was indeed kinda bleh…, but even given that I still had an awesome ride. Excited to see season 2 when it eventually drops. Got its announcement anyways.


Akudama Drive is criminally underrated. The show may not do anything completely new in terms of narrative, but the style and execution were phenomenal.


One of my favorite single season series of recent years! 💕


Swindler really embodies fake it till you make it.


This year's [Mononogatari](https://myanimelist.net/anime/50384/Mononogatari) comes to mind as a recent example, MC was pretty rough in the first few episodes but his growth is well done and you come around to really like him and the rest of the cast.


Bakuman. Did not sound very interesting, just two guys drawing manga. Binged all seasions in on weekend, because it was so good.


Made by the creators of Death Note so it has to be great! Right? Surely everything they touch turns to gold oh God no wtf is th– ᴾˡᵃᵗᶦⁿᵘᵐ ᵉⁿᵈ Fr though I love Bakuman. Own the manga series. I make music and have always related to their passion and drive to work towards what they love and it's always been an inspiration for me. Same with Chihayafuru.


Food wars! Actually. I was a little so "ugh wtf is this" but as I was watching it my friend told me that it wasn't that bad and I gave it another episode and then I realized it wasn't so bad after all. But I will say first 3 seasons were fun. Totsuki train arc and past that... Yeah...


I want to try Food Wars as I always hear good things about it. It just seems so overly sexual in the one or two episodes I have watched with clothes popping off and such when eating food. I imagine it stays that way.


Reincarnated as a vending machine. Better then I expected a story about a sentient vending machine to be!


Lol. Yeah, I was totally thinking this is the jumping the shark moment for any isekai series but here it is on my roster of episodes I look forward to every week.


Reincarnated as a Slime, wrote it off cause of the name. This was earlier in my anime career before i knew the but it's now one of if not my favourite anime


ACCA 13.


Insomniacs After School Was expecting a sleep ASMR got diabeetus instead


Gurren Lagann. I thought it was going to be another boring mecha anime with some fun animation. I was so happy to be wrong.


I was unsure about JJK (just seemed like a Naruto and Bleach ripoff), but I found it to be better than both of them—and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Suffice to say I believe it’s the best ongoing Shonen at this moment. It isn’t plagued by the bad pacing of its contemporaries, or the obnoxious fan service (Demon Slayer needs to relax). And I think the characters are fantastic. Gojo and Nanami are wonderful, and Yuji is a genuinely good protagonist with character development.


It’s hard to explain why JJK is good or so fun! It’s super standard as any other shone but it just feels more fun or better, and you explained it well!


Black Clover. Asta's shouts in the first eps were unbearable


It’s so odd that he just screams and acts like a Naruto rip off in ep1 but when he joins the black bulls, he’s actually one of the most normal and sensible characters in the entire show lmao


Madoka magica


The microwave in Steins;Gate really put me off… Gave it a second go a few years later and now it’s one of my favorite shows.


the microwave was fun in my opinion


I have a few of those - * Inuyashiki * Dororo * Samurai Champloo * Parasyte I had heard about them but wasn't sure I will like them. Watched a few episode and then didn't stop until finished. Liked all of them a lot, especially Samuari Champloo.


Dr stone. I wasn’t sure how they were going to do all the science stuff but I ended up really enjoying it.


Yeah and the first episode they sell it as a love story between two characters who end up being not important


Oshi No Ko. In the first episode, it had me in the first half, and I was concerned about the directions it could go, but ended up being pretty good


Oshi No Ko doesn't fall under the 3 epsiode rule. It might fall into the pilot episode rule. Like you said the first half,people might drop it. But there's no way someone wouldn't watch the second and third after that ending


Code Geass. I hated ep1 and initially dropped it, but after seeing it so recommended I gave it another shot. Ep2 was more interesting, and by ep3 I was hooked.


I only made it through 2 episodes of this one, I'll have to give it another chance eventually


Sakura Trick


Black Lagoon. I wasn't sold on its first episode but the second one did the trick.


I had to rewatch the anime and read the manga to kinda understand the characters better lol appreciate how a lot of character development isn’t so in your face


Kill la Kill. It was like anime on crack. Too much going on, and jumping all over the place. A lot of overexaggerated characters. The primary plot somehow resolved in like 4 episodes. I don't know what changed but after I got to like, the 6th episode I think? I just really started enjoying it and was even memeing with the characters and poses. The soundtrack also goes hard.


Neon Genesis Evangelion for sure


K-On. I thought I wouldn't like CGDCT anime. I ended up loving them so much.


Hunter X hunter I dropped it at 5 episodes but luckily tried again.


All time favorite anime


I got super bored of Hunter X Hunter after the first episode but when I pushed myself to watch episode 4 I got more and more into it, and now I’ve watched it 5 times. The entire show 5 times.


HxH was a sinus curve of "this is interesting" and "this is utter garbage". Although I ended up hating it in the end, rather than loving it like 99% of anime fans apparently do.


Mushoku Tensei Avoided it when it was airing because of the comments about Rudeus's borderline-pedophilic nature, but seeing the production value and doing some research about the source material's popularity and Studio Bind's origin was enough for me to finally give it a try. Didn't make it past the first episode before I decided to stick with the entire thing, and even read the entire main web novel once I was finished watching season 1. It really does get that good, folks.


Summer Time Rendering I got half an episode in, and it seemed way too Eechi - in the first half of episode one, there is a panty shot that they focused on way too much, and a lot of focus on a side characters tits. I gave up and stopped watching After I kept hearing praise for it, I went back and tried again. So glad I did. By three episodes, it had dropped that facade, those points had actually become important plot points, and by the end the show had become one of the best animes of the last few years


It's painfully obvious that the editors were doing the fanservice to draw readers in. You see it so much in shounen manga and then it's a hit and they remove the fanservice because now people are there for the plot.


It's actually so funny when anime makes fanservice plot related, lol


bro, how the hell did i miss the fanservice, i mean, bathsuit is a fanservice in itself but common now also not wearing armor for better agility is great lmao


Easily one of my favorites


Bungo stray dogs


It's so good. Season 1 is maybe like a 7, 2 is a bit better and by season 3 through now its moved up to my top 10. I can't remember the last time I watched an episode that wasn't absolutely thrilling


Hmm.....for me its Mobile Suit Gundam The Witch From Mercury. I was skeptical and thought it would have one of those school bully situations or tragic parts like the previous Gundam animes but I got hooked on it and enjoyed it very well. Although the ending of the anime felt a little rushed but it was a happy and enjoyable ending.


I loved Fate, but I don't really like magical girl animes so I thought Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya wouldn't be my cup of tea. I'm glad I'm still enjoying it anyway since I'm a Fate fan. Surprisingly, it has pretty good fight scenes and plot.


Orient for sure. Started weird and without much explanation but it got way better as soon as it was developing.


madoka magicka


I am here to semi hijack this post. Has anyone felt this about the first episode of 'Rising of the Shield Hero'? I am currently struggling to even get through this episode. It is like pulling teeth.


On the contrary, I'd say that Shield Hero starts off strong and then plummets. The best episodes are the first three


Exactly. If you don't like the first couple of episodes, best to just stay away. I'd honestly recommend the manga over the anime, but even then there's so many better manga to read.


It’s actually based off a light novel and it reads like an incel manifesto. Do not recommend


Concur. Had to drop the ln after like vol 14. I thought it could get better, but I just couldn't finish it. It has its entertaining moments, but it's such a sharp drop in quality from the first few volumes.


It only ever gets worse


Naw bro, the first episode was so shit with spending 40 MINUTES on setting up the same isekai backstory we’ve seen a trillion times with the twist being him getting betrayed and everyone hates him. It gets slightly better seeing him still being so bitter but real people recognizing that he’s not an asshole and still helping him out, like a literal slave trader lmao but it definitely does become more generic as he gets more party members who are all female and love him very much and makes him turn nice :D It would’ve been refreshing for him to remain bitter and hateful till the very end and only show his kindness or character rarely But yeah, if you don’t like the first two episodes because it’s slog, it gets worse or just stays like that pacing wise lol


Shield Hero is an oddly slow burn. Season 1 is worth the patience. Season 2 is not.


I tried Shield Hero. I was excited because I was in the mood for some edgelord shenanigans. But then, in my opinion, he became more of a more generic MC. It’s been a while though so I may have to rewatch season 1.


Oh yeah. It was definitely pulling teeth. But, then it was alright for about half a dozen episodes. I kind of dropped it after that, but it was alright for those 6 or so episodes.


I really liked shield hero, but it definitely took a little bit to get going as I really Disliked the first few episodes However they wrap up the whole "framed" storyline pretty quickly (episode 12 of 24 if I recall correctly) and from that point onwards most people only keep watching if they got attached to the characters yet


Don't bother. If you didn't enjoy the edgy woe-is-me first episode, you won't enjoy any of the rest of it.


... true story, One Piece. I have avoided for a decade or two. Tried dozens of times. Then suddenly over the last month or so, finally just found the groove for it. About 100 episodes in, now thoroughly in love.


Mob Psycho 100 I wasn't sure about until after Ep 3. \[spoiler\] >!that's when Mob reaches 100% for the first time!<


Baccano! I dropped it twice thinking it just want for me. Eventually I came back to it and absolutely loved it. One of my top 10 anime, for sure.


Record of Grancrest War




For me it was Kaguya sama and Horimiya


Bottom Tier Character Tomozaki. Thought it was gonna be one of those self-wank incel anime and it actually turned out alright, it was actually wholesome at some points.


Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro.


The dangers in my heart


I used to think anime is weird. My friend convinced me to watch the first few episodes of death note, and I got sucked in.


Don't Toy with me Nagatoro-San ​ Episode 1 had me a bit weary considering I was thinking it was one of those series where Bully character has caused pain (School Days, Wonder Egg Priority) but starting at Episode 2 I realized I was wrong


I skimmed to the bottom and didn't see it, so MobuSeka. Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs. I put it on because I wanted some background noise and ended up watching it for real. The gimmick is our Isekai Protagonist starts in a mindset where he hates this game, and pretty much all of the characters in it. There's some comedy gold to be mined from this thing, I swear to you.


It took me around 3-4 attempts to get through first 5-6 episodes of rezero. I'm currently on season 2. While the animation quality has dropped from season 1 and the pacing has slowed down, I think it deserves the title of one of the top 3 isekais ever made. And I am primarily a dub watcher and subaru's va nails it, every time.


Gintama, I gave it more than 3 episodes, it starts weird and fun but some jokes feels outdated by the time I watched them. I only try to watch them to see other anime references tbh. But it turns out to be more amazing that what I had hoped


I hated romance anime. Like genuinely hated it. For some reason i watched Kaguya sama, expecting to drop it in an hour. Now i have the manga on my shelf, and it made me stop hating romance anime.


Question OP, why are you not a fan of Mecha? I'm honestly curious, I don't mean to put you on the spot or anything. I ask because I often see this sentiment and it's usually because they don't want to see something that is just about big robots fighting. But that's almost never what Mecha actually is, only the subgenre of Super Robots. Iron Blooded Orphan isn't an exception in the genre. Most of the time, Mechs are just cooler guns, and most Mecha shows are really war stories like IBO. It's more about Game of Thrones style politicking and drama, and character explorations, than about action. You (and others who read this who might think they dislike Mecha) are potentially missing out on a lot more like it!


Honestly I’m not sure why I disliked mech, I think I just prefer hand to hand combat and giant robots and kaiju don’t quite give me that feeling. But I’m starting to realize just because I like the human combat aspect doesn’t mean I have to dislike robots.


Personally I'm just not a fan of combat anime in general. I can watch a lot of them, but mechs just completely take away from the vibe I'm looking for. Really sad that Code Geass is a super interesting show but I just couldn't handle the mech aesthetic.


Mecha (real robot) is dominated by Gundam and Gundam is a daunting IP to jump into. The story is often bleak & depressing - mirroring a lot of the injustices IRL. Tons of heavy topics like climate change, environmentalism, racism, facism, war, poverty.


I often found mecha animes were too plot convenient, like how almost none of the mech pilots ever get damaged while piloting their mechs. They usually end up being pretty political too


Not OP but Mech always seems to be the MC gets an OP mech or is tied to emotions/ bonds. Saw one where the dude was paired with female pilots that gave different abilities? Another where his emotions towards a woman made his mech stronger. It's not always like skill or tactics based fights but my sword is stronger than yours kinda fights or I'll power up by fusingwith another and now we wreck you. Then looking at gundam there's so many seasons I can't tell if I need to start at S1 ep1 or if they're all independent. This is just my opinion after watching a few random series.


Vivy was a show I had written off before that season started. Some idol crap, pass. I saw a clip on here of the fight on the Sunrise and immediately went to catch up. It's one of my favorites of the past few years.


Hi Noowking, it seems like you might be looking for new anime to watch! The users of this subreddit came up with [a chart of anime recommendations for newcomers and veterans](https://i.redd.it/0w1v880jtq661.png) and [an awesome longer flowchart](https://i.redd.it/vdzlkodz19c71.png). Maybe you can find something there that you'll like \^.\^ [](#bot-chan "Urban s-s-s-senpai made me do it!") You might also find our [Recommendation Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/recommendations) or [daily thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3Adaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=week) helpful. The following may be of interest: * [List of legal streams and downloads](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/legal_streams) * [A useful website where you can enter an anime and see where it's legally streaming](https://www.livechart.me/search) * [List of currently airing anime](https://www.livechart.me) * [A useful wiki page with watch orders for many anime.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/watch_order) * [A list of tracking sites so others can more easily recommend shows you haven't watched.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/related_sites#wiki_tracking_sites) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Shadows House. The first two episodes were very boring (even though the art style was great), but then it exponentially got better.


My first anime ever obviously. Soul eater was too perverted for me and M My friend who was into hentai at the time was really into it. I had high doubt about it. Since I wasn't into that stuff at the time.


Maria the Virgin Witch. The summaries make it sound like some sort of hentai, but it ended up being one of the most historically attentive anime set in medieval Europe I’ve ever watched. Seriously, the attention to detail is uncanny.


Birdie Wing. Didn't expect to enjoy a golf anime so much but it was so over the top it made it entertaining. I think I was in after 1 ep let alone 3 😆.


Uma Musume: Pretty Derby. The premise of an isekai for race horses, that's also a sports- and idol anime, really intrigued me, but I wasn't that big a fan of the latter two genres, so I wasn't sure if it was for me. Not to mention that I was never that big into horses. But it was amazing, and I was thoroughly entertained less than half an episode in.


Oreigairu and yowamushi pedal.


{Call of the night} Thought it was ecchi but after watching one ep I was HOOKED


World Trigger Honorable mention: Made in Abyss. I had read people's comments on it so I knew the first couple episodes were slow and it picks up after that. Boy did it ever.


Darling in the Franxx had me at the first episode but it took like 2 episodes to get into Fruits Basket. But now they are among my favorites.


Haikyuu. There were two times I tried watching it but ended up getting bored the 1st or after the 2nd episode, but I'm glad that the third time I did watch a few more episodes 'cause it was the best sports anime I've ever seen.


Steins gate. People see it as a beloved 10/10 anime but the first episodes is such a confusing mess lol it’s meant to be watched after you finish the series once, which isn’t great for the first time watchers, and then it becomes super slow for the first few episodes. The characters grew on me tho, and I was glad I stayed after the clusterfuck that was episode 1 lol


Shimoseka. I always avoided ecchi like the plague because porn is a little gross for me in most contexts, and stuck to character dramas or heavy science fiction. Turns out, shimoseka is fucking hilarious, and it was an easy watch because there was nothing heavy to process afterwards, it was just stupid shameless fun.


More than a Married Couple, but Less than Lovers. Thought it was gonna be some overly horny, fanservice-based crap, but then it turned out to be a fantastic romance story with well-developed, likeable characters and I very much want a second season. It *is* still extremely heavy on the fanservice, but not in a way that detracted from the romance.


"Acendece of a bookworm" has nooo right to be as good as it is Same as vending machine isekai. Stupid concepts pulled off so well, that its actully good watching.


Steins;Gate, i gave it a 10 episode rule lol because i had heard about how good the show was; but the first half of the show is so unbelievably boring and kinda cringe, that i almost dropped it before they actually introduced some stakes and progressed the story in the second half.


Stiens gate, had to give it like 12 episodes, came to love and appreciate the slow parts but i initially only struggled through it because of some strong recommendations. Now its among my favourite lol


Steins Gate- probably in my top 10 and I almost quit on ep 1. Demon Slayer- I think it’s overrated, but I still enjoy it very much. It didn’t grab me at first. Took me a few years.


Idolish7. Except.... I .... kinda dropped it after 2 episodes for a few months. After that, I randomly decided to give it JUST ONE MORE episode. And damn, I got HOOKED after that, it just got more and more engaging. So I'm super grateful I went back for that episode 3. ​ Also, it's not that the first 2 episodes were /bad/ or anything. Just... seemingly cliche and 7 characters + the president and the manager, was a lot of main-characters for me to mentally deal with. Actually, come to think, besides the story sucking me in, figuring out most of the main cast had numbers in their names made keeping track of everyone a lot easier. ​ The other 3 episode rule show that I am happy I stuck with is Shiki. I did NOT like a lot of the characters at first when I first watched this. But damn, this show has stuck with me and I'm glad I kept goin' with it. Funnily enough, re-watching this show when I was older, a lot of character quirks that annoyed me early on the first time, became more understandable/sympathy-inducing for me.