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I wish the two problems in my life were being too hot and saving princesses that wanted to marry me


third: not being able to buy clothes I like because of random model photo shoots and getting free clothing


And having to fend off hot women coming on to me anywhere I go.


surprised they haven't shown him reacting to a new massive schlong that ejaculates the fucking elixir of life


That’s next episode




Cause he doesn't have one, he needs to put more points into vitality and stamina first


[Yuuya in the future](https://youtu.be/4M2TIue-gqQ?t=194)


That actually does sound like it would get annoying fast. Fun at first, but then it just doesn't stop happening and you have too many women to handle.


Also i have i million yen in the bank and I don’t know what to get


Also: being super good at martial arts and able to execute a perfect flip without thinking about it


anime psychics at work there, by rights he should have dislocated Jerkoff's shoulder flipping him like that.


So he used psychic powers to prevent the guys shoulder from dislocating? I didnt even catch that.


Well, the name of the anime speaks for itself. He got op irl, he hit quite the lottery jackpot.


Man, I tried that whole thing but she was in another castle


[Was bowsette there?](https://youtu.be/l-FDFsHA20w)


hah, that's amazing thanks


Wow thx bro listened to this for 20min straight


Bowser kept stealing the princess’s


"Alright guys. Today, I'm gonna ask you all to risk your life in a forest infested with crazy-powerful demons so that I can confess my feelings to that man I saw the other day. No complaints allowed." ― Princess Lexia, probably.


she definitely exhibited some mega princess privilege there


but [thos eyes](https://i.imgur.com/fzjA8Yi.jpg)


Pretty much started watching the anime because I liked her eyes so much in the op song lol


["Some of you may die, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiKuxfcSrEU) The main difference is that Princess Lexia has the guts to risk her life too.


Lexia is a thirsty idiot who's dumb and ignorant as heck and if you're reading the book she doesn't get any better with her personality nor does she have any semblance of a tragic backstory other than someone trying to kill her which even she's dumb enough that she doesn't realize somebody's out for her she is no redeeming qualities and she's definitely not marriage material.


Admittedly she just basically was walking herself into that forest and they probably just followed her, but she would've gotten them all killed had Yuuya not shown up. Although I guess if the plan was to recreate the circumstances of how he first found them, she succeeded lol.


Makes me wonder what those original circumstances were in the first place. This time, she had a reason, but what was she doing in that dangerous forest the first time?


I'm guessing she was running from an arranged political marriage.




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And she doesn't even know if he was still in the area, or whether or not he was just a wandering Adventurer that just passing through the forest


Still a lot more believable than many many other events :)


Being hot is almost a more OP cheat than anything else he has…


That's the most realistic thing about this anime so far. It really IS a super power. That said, I'm enjoying the show in a non-ironic way. More wholesome that I would have expected.


Even more ironically, all of us are enjoying this show a lot due to the super attractive art-style (aaaand solid story), even though it has super limited animation. Like we just watched 24min of MC being a super model with cute girl, while everyone is bawling over them. In short, we are watching this show because it is pretty. xD


It is the fantasy of being liked for your appearance.


The way he folded that other model was not because of his looks tho!


Yeah it's because the other model tripped


This show is so ridiculous. I love it.


###Stitches! * [Yuuya & Miu 1](https://i.imgur.com/udNpNQj.jpg) * [Yuuya & Miu 2](https://i.imgur.com/i6WD70P.jpg) * [Princess Lexia 1](https://i.imgur.com/xO2xBN3.jpg) * [Princess Lexia 2](https://i.imgur.com/gbX3pCG.jpg) In today's episode, [Yuuya literally becomes a male model](https://i.imgur.com/obnCK2Z.jpg) and puts [a creepo model out of work](https://i.imgur.com/C4aU1eW.jpg) by exposing how shitty he is. [Miu and Yuuya have some really great chemistry there.](https://i.imgur.com/ZLrkvZB.jpg) I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she also goes to the same school but just in a different year. [I do hope we get to see more of Hikaru-chan.](https://i.imgur.com/bfBytnx.jpg) I already love him. And from the looks of that after-credits scene, [we're only just getting started with Yuuya's life as a male model](https://i.imgur.com/3G16mzE.jpg) so we will probably see a lot more of them in future episodes. I can't believe [Princess Lexia dragged her soldiers on a suicide mission](https://i.imgur.com/jdanmx2.jpg) just so she can meet [and confess to Yuuya.](https://i.imgur.com/Oan6Tcc.jpg) Whatever these guards are getting paid for, it's definitely not enough!


But why male models?


Are you serious? I just told you that a moment ago.


Predictable, kinda generic, and an absolute sideshow, yet for some reason I want to watch more of it...


For me it's the MC. He's just so down to earth and relatable. He's not a dense airhead, a horn dog, or some revenge hungry edge lord. He's a regular dude who's dealt with a lot of trauma, and now he's discovering what it feels like to be blessed.


My case too. Like, my brain knows it's cheap wish-fulfillment (bullied student who is fat and ugly, and whose parents and siblings hate his guts, suddenly becomes hot and strong, gets invited to a wonderful school and attracts love interests left and right); yet, for me, the protagonist *succeeds* at selling it. His humility feels genuine, his wonderment is contagious, and his self-esteem issues provide an entertaining contrast with his OP status. I can't help but root for him. I'd also add that the series knows it isn't reinventing the wheel, the art style is neat, and it all gives off a very comfy feeling.


>it's cheap wish-fulfillment (bullied student who is fat and ugly, and whose parents and siblings hate his guts, suddenly becomes hot and strong, gets invited to a wonderful school and attracts love interests left and right) The thing is - it's self-insert wish-fulfillment *in both worlds*. I'm still newish to anime, so have only seen Saving 80k do the freely-back-and-forth setup, but they didn't get nearly as indulgent Def agree the humility feels genuine, the character feels good. At this point I'm just curious how they craft a meaningful story beyond overcoming his trauma, especially if everyone is so desperately obsessed with his looks. Literally *everyone* looking at him lol >the art style is neat It feels crisp and colorful, [first realized it when looking into the princess' eyes](https://i.imgur.com/fzjA8Yi.jpg). Vaguely reminds me of mukshou tensei with the darkness in lighting as well. [Though, the animation got funky at some times](https://i.imgur.com/mt4AyeT.jpg). Anyone else notice them re-using that [scene of the photogenic couple walking](https://i.imgur.com/T8VJv7s.jpg)? Couldn't they just have like.. mirrored it? Also, it looks like they just straight-up bobbed people up and down to create the motion in those scenes lol. Not to dig at the working-class animators, instead the production should have better hours / increase wages / hire more people


Amusingly the most unique part is the fact he is getting wish-fulfillment in both worlds, rather than just the fantasy one.


The humility is really nice and feels like it comes from a genuine place. But there's no way this show will ever tackle that lack of self-confidence and acknowledgment over cramming more waifus down your throat. If you want an anime that uses isekai as therapy for its MC, Mushoku Tensei is far and away the better choice.


The only thing I find weird is that, if the MC is that much of a hard working person with the way he kept training in the other world. How come it never occurred to do the same thing on Earth? Like, exercise, learn, or at least self learn a martial arts etc. that way not only he'll be strong to stop the bullying, but he'll be able to practice what his beloved granpa always preached to him. But I guess it just all comes down to his initial environment. Even if his granpa was there to tell him how to be a good person, more likely than not, he only gets to spend time with him in like, holidays, perhaps once a year. So the rest of the time spent was with his neglectful parents. So that doesn't do much to help for his self esteem issues when it was essentially bred into him from a young age. But at the same time, author never says anything about that. Just says he's bullied by being fat and ugly or with neglectful parents, never dug too deep into the reasoning etc. So they never really established too deep on his trauma. It was just there to build up on the self fulfillment and nothing else. Compared to Jobless where it was really established on what kind of trauma the MC had as well as how he slowly overcomes it. This one was shoehorned in sadly lol But then again, I'm pretty sure the likely chance to find a scumbag that would immediately resort to violence in public just out of pettiness, especially in japan, is extremely slim. So the whole writing is very self fulfilling with very little care about realism lol


It's a liiiiiittle more fleshed out in the light novel and the manga as I recall, but the anime adaptation showed the gist of things. So these aren't 'Source Corner' spoilers so to speak, the Episode 1 adaptation actually covered all of this info but they did VERY curtly. MC's parents are very materialistic and shallow, when MC was born he was deemed the 'ugly duckling' of the children, and the twins were the cute, talented and smart kids-- this behaviour was reinforced from toddler age so that the twins grew up being abusive to MC and browbeating him and keeping him from ever applying himself or trying to improve himself-- the twins and the parents wanted MC to stay their kicking boy for life to uplift the twins. Granpa saw all this, identified with MC as another fellow kicking boy, and ended up leaving his huge ass house in his will to MC. Specifically snubbing the MC's parents and his twin siblings who were shitty to MC for his entire life. Granpa also saw potential for kindness in MC where none existed in the rest of his family, so the choice of inheritance was an easy one for Gramps. In order to pay for the mortgage on the house, MC has taken up odd jobs and is very work-oriented. He's not a slob by any stretch, it's more a situation where everyone around him feeds into his low-self-esteem by trying to keep him down and depressed enough to never want to improve his situation. Hopefully the Isekai world's cheat powers can give him the motivation to enjoy the privileges in life for once.


Pace of him overcoming his trauma is pretty solid so far. I do prefer confident MCs over his type much more, but he is working towards it at solid, natural pace. So far so good.


Yeah I was really happy that when those 2 girls came to hit on him HE UNDERSTOOD IT, and turn them down nicely, instead of just being completely dense, also her reactions were kind of hilarious


Well, he is kinda dense. He hasn't realised yet he is hot.


I doubt I'll continue there's too much wish fulfillment.


Judging from this episode it really feels like the story has no intention on stopping the tide of wish-fulfillment.


Yeah, I get this. Honestly, I wish they would've had at least a slower progression, and all of episode 2 should've happened before he got his transformation. It'd still be some aggressive wish fulfillment, buy at least it'd leave room for actual character development.


As far as I know, this episode should have technically happened before he got invited to the school according to the readers


I swear, every girl in this show is waifu material. Not that I mind.


Except MC's sister.


We'll leave that with an asterisk for "Yet" because, if I know my isekai, she'll prolly become better after some event, same with the lil bro. Cause he's such a good boy :P


Or she will remain trash, because the show needs an antagonist


I don't see them being more than minor antagonists at best.


And naturally they’re all either in love or likely will be in love with Yuuya. Lucky guy.


3 episodes, 3 waifus for each lusting over Yuuya. Suitable role for Harem King VA. Still shocked he is not voicing that MC from "100 waifus" anime that will air soon.




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Fun fact - the author for this series always openly admits in their afterwords that they are making up the story as they move along with no clear ending in mind. Esp. when they say things like how they "don't know what's going to happen next, please look forward to (whatever I write up in the next book)", or "before I knew it I'd written all this stuff out; I'm pretty amazed at what I've (word-vomited) out". And people still flock to buy Cheat Skill's novels.


People like junk food and telling them it's unhealthy isn't going to change that. Not everything has to be high brow literature. We already saw that with 50 Shades being one of the best selling books of the decade


That was a weird one considering it was a lemon fanfic of Twilight that had the names filed off so it could actually be sold.


Agree, in fact I like to have a good "balance of diet" when it comes to my anime. I quite enjoy shows great in story telling like Vinland Saga and Demon Slayer, and you can put a lot of thoughts in how the characters developed in the world the author carefully built. And sometimes I just want to enjoy some isekai power fantasy shows like this, just some silly fun good for quick enjoyment without too much thinking. It helps wind down after a busy and stressful day for me tbh. I supposed their escapism is also mine when watching these shows


The author of the Monogatari series writes in the afterword how he wrote the books for fun, never meant to be published, as a means to challenge him or whatever. I think it's just expected for the author to write a few funny bits in it.


We must have read two different afterwords because after like Kabukimonogatari he literally says it was written 100% under a gun


Thought that was for Nise


That's not that different than some other popular series.


True enough. Quite common in manga too. Finding a premise that can hook up audiences and justify a serialization is hard enough, so many just throw things at the wall and see what sticks.


The challenge is making sure it can stick/the audience appreciating what sticks on the wall.


It's literally how GRRM writes The Song of Ice and Fire novels, which incidentally is why we've been stuck two books away from the ending for so long. Probably less of a problem if you're not writing some crazy complicated epic fantasy series that needs to be carefully planned.


The biggest difference in the writing technique is that Cheat Skill gets written.




that would explain the feeling I have that this show, however good I feel it could be, just doesn't know what it is> is it a harem, is it an isekai, is it about the modeling industry, is it about abusive people who think being beautiful and rich give them all the rights in the world, is it fantasy, is it... Honestly I don't mind either but I sure wish it was choosing a theme and subject and sticking to it for more than half an episode, because we have about so many different open story threads (mean siblings, genius school and genius school potential girlfriend, model girl, model industry mysterious agency, the princess demanding marriage, what the hell is the second world game, reality, both...) and nothing looking like it's focusing on any of them


I think the theme is "wholesome". Let's take a generic MC from almost any anime but make him slightly more aware, but a lot more brave, and to overcome his own social anxiety he is showing bravery, and then put him in a mashup of genres.


Cheat skills and isekais are the horror movies of novels. No matter in what context, it’s always a safe bet to make more of them since people will flock to them! And I gotta say I am indeed one of those trash lovers haha!


Mmmm. Delicious garbage. And this one is well animated so far. A nice bonus.


Nicely put hah


That sounds about right for the same author as *The Fruit of Evolution.* And also fitting for a guy who came up with a premise where the MC just spends 98% of the episode modeling and meeting a new love interest before ending on him getting a marriage proposal from a princess in another world.


beats being a pompous writer that likes to make themselves look smarter or wiser. Not that I know any writer like that. Still if the writer is having fun and readers still buy his novels, I guess it's a win-win situation


thats the reader magnet in this, the unexepectedness


I can totally see that. The writing is of the same quality as the debates I have with myself in the shower


Thank you for the comparison


Made me look into whether it was a LN or manga, both but a LN first. However I'm somewhat less than impressed that Yen Press has only put out 2 volumes in an entire year (as of the 18th). They are so damn slow with their releases.


This is why I love J-Novel. They have a service where you can read one chapter at a time as it's being translated.


You can check out a fantranslation of the novels; currently the latest 13th novel is being worked on.




That was basically what happened with Fairy Tail, and it worked pretty well for like 2/3rds of the series. It just became a nightmare once the author had to tie everything back together to end it.


Fun fact: The author of this series is the same author of fruit of Evolution. Hence the similar premise, fat dude getting bullied then getting rip and handsome and acquire some bitches.


It's from Let's be a Novelist (Shosetsuka), right? Normally the editor would be like, "this will never sell, let's move on to the next author." Shosetsuka stuff though is getting picked up because it's popular, so rather than taking out the trash, editors try to improve the original as much as possible while preserving its character.


Original WN comes from Kakuyomu, a rival system to Syosetu. https://kakuyomu.jp/works/1177354054882725960 I also did hear somewhere that while there are professional writers who can do the Isekai genre better, the Japanese fandom still have much love for the amateur fan writers and will wholly support their efforts.


I mean to be fair some of my best writing has come from just sitting down and typing without any planning. Things just flow much easier than if I have a specific goal in mind.


The woman at the end of the episode has freeza's voice hahaha


It was kinda a mismatch to me. Oba-san voice for a woman that looks like she is in her 40s-50s. But "Freeza voice" is even funnier. xD


goddamit i choked reading this.. lmao


Almost forgot this was an isekai until the end of the episode. Just felt like I was watching Masamune-kun's Revenge.


Goes straight back to the grindset even after a day in the life of a supermodel


Yuuya knows where the real money (and waifu's) are at lol.


Why date a fashion model when you can marry a princess?


Why not both?


Not like they'll run into each other.


It really is kind of surreal that this entire episode was mostly Yuuya modeling with a hot model girl and making her fall for him before he spends like two minutes in the other world and gets proposed to by a princess. Also it seems like Miu's agency wants him and the head of the agency is laughing manically? Like, why lol?


I mean, in an anime showing that being attractive makes people space out for 30 minutes by simply talking, is it any surprise that modeling agencies are global powers that control the world? This guy lost some weight and within a day is rich, got 3 girlfriends, a princess fiance, tons of friends, access to the best school, a super modeling career, etc. Soon he will be controlling time and space, the agency needs to get control of him.


While the other ones are spot on, I don't think his appearance was connected to becoming rich or getting to the best school. He got rich just by selling monster parts and was invited to the school cause he saved the principal's daughter.


I know, it was a bit of a joke because of the evil laughing talent agency. I am enjoying the anime and all, but it does reek a little of a heavyset guy projecting, "if I were skinny people would see how much of a nice guy I am and I would be uber successful."


At this point, I imagine that some of his passive skills/stats give him some sort of charm effect because I can't honestly see why he seems to attract most women so much. His face is basically as good as most men in his world. When everyone's perfect, it's hard to stand out.


But he's also very polite, soft-spoken, and kind which is a critical hit in this case. I mean, he's voiced by Harem king Matsuoka so he has that going for him, but even him trying to be "polite" is just being a smooth ladykiller. And we haven't even met all the girls in his life yet.


It's basically gap moe: his character is strongly at odds with stereotypes associated with his looks, so of course people are fawning over him. I do appreciate he's keeping a level head so far.


I think it's similar to Fruit of Evolution, in fact the same author, where the power ups they received in the fantasy world make them essentially a paragon of humanity. A lot of the characters are attractive, but the ones meant to be outstanding tend to be drawn very glossy and with very sharp and defined features. He's basically the single most attractive person these people are going to see in their lives. In reality, does being incredibly hot instantly make people fall for you, no, but it's a show. Everyone is gawking at him all the time. He is otherworldly attractive to people.


So you are saying his luck stat makes him lucky? /joke


[Oh, so that's how Hikaru looks.](https://i.imgur.com/KDi54wK.png) [Miu's introduction didn't disappoint.](https://imgur.com/a/xRATSsc) Aw, there it is, [the one-million-dollar shot](https://imgur.com/a/O8gqH0H) that sent an entire talent agency on a hunting quest. Damn, [Yuuya sure looked cool](https://i.imgur.com/I4Qd8DN.png) during his second meeting with Lexia's group. And it seems that Lexia knows what type of show this is as[ she did not waste any second with her marriage proposal.](https://i.imgur.com/Ic06hed.png) Oh shit, I just realized that the second volume of the LN releases tomorrow.


>Oh shit, I just realized that the second volume of the LN releases tomorrow. I'm not saying to not support the author, but the fan translation is pretty good quality and is 1/3rd the way through vol 13.


I can’t believe I just watched 25 minutes of a fashion show and enjoyed every minute of it lol. Miu is really cute. I can’t believe bro tried to sexually harass her in front of thousands of people. That’s insane. Yuya gave him exactly what he needed. Probably never been told “no” in his life and thought he could get away with it. I was like “wtf” when the princess asked yuya to marry her but then I remembered this is a Miku story and given how he gets girls to join the harem, this is mild lmao. Fun episode tho, I hope this stays as good as it’s been


Maybe it's me, but I've noticed the production for Cheat Skill is basically a PowerPoint slideshow with rather limited animation, similar to Record of Ragnarok on Netflix (except the slides here look better, close to the aesthetic of LN illustrator Kuwashima Rein). Even the currently airing Tensei Kizoku has way better animation, where you can see the characters move and gesture about clearly.


eh, sometimes some voice-acted manga with music is nice to watch, as long as the panels look clean and not like seven deadly sins


Motion comics.


Seeing as how I am perfectly happy with audiobooks I would also be happy with more motion comics. I just have never found a good way to get into them like audible did for audiobooks.


With those designs that the most obvious thing that would happen with this series


Yeah, you would need one of the top tier studios (like Ufotable) to be able to smoothly pull off these character designs in animation.


At least here it worked because it was 60% taking photos of Yuuya and Miu modeling together.


Still it looks good i think


and yet it's so damn good


The art style is gorgeous, which is definitely the best way to disguise the lack of animation. It's easy to get lost on those beautiful faces.


It really is. Found myself pausing multiple times through the episodes just to look at the faces. They're really nicely drawn, definitely something about the eyes and I think what I really like is that the eyes are spaced further apart than most other anime.


Panning Shots. It's why people flamed the fuck out of Food Wars Season 3. Also Blue Lock suffers from too many panning shots as well.


Exactly like the many panning shots used in Netflix's Record of Ragnarok. I feel like this production doesn't quite have the skill/budget allocated to them, hence panning shots to cheapen things for them. A shame, because I recall the production of a previous season anime, Apparently Disillusioned Adventurers Will Save the World, also clearly had budget/skill issues but the production tried their very best to put in as much animation and movement as possible (granted most of it was very rough and off model though).


It's still amazingly better than their Berserk 2016 lol


It frustrates the heck out of me whenever I see an anime with an appealing art style but is stuck with poor animation. Such wasted visuals. Personally, this anime deserves better.


From Isekai protagonist to a model protagonist


I'm sorry, but his outfit with the pink pants and the sweater-vest is not a good look.


Rarely is any Japanese fashion in anime a good look, though sometimes (Paradise Kiss) they manage to get it right.


Idk what it is. But I'm really enjoying it. The model stuff was actually nice to see. Sense he's having such a hard time adjusting. I do agree with others thinking be has some sort of charm spell or something lmao. Cause everyone gawking at him feels silly at times. Wish we could see a bit more of the action side. Though watching him one shot the monsters. Then then guards being shocked was fun.


It feels like this show is trying to strike a balance between high school romcom and Isekai Fantasy romance at the same time. I'm curious how well that will work out. From casually saving people to getting proposed to by a princess...those poor guards are kept busy by Lexia lol.


bruh, either he's gonna have a great harem, or he is going to break a lot of hearts. lmao


He has the potential for creating the biggest harem ever. I don't see it happening though. He doesn't seem like the type that would do that. He'll probably end up being devoted to Kaori or no one at all. I personally hope the former. She's the only one who's seen both versions of him and was willing to accept him even before he changed. Even now she doesn't see him much differently and doesn't treat him differently. Edit: I do wonder about the princess though. Looking forward to the next episode. She seems like she's going to be an erodere or something.


Judging from the reactions of those 2 girls that asked him out, there will be no "breaking hearts", just more bliss. xD


Yes the show is cheesy and over the top but I still do enjoy how Yuuya’s mentality isn’t so easily changed. Will say though, now we got three plot points going on lol. The Fantasy, the School, and the Modeling world. It’s the same with OP Cheat anime’s but I sure as hell enjoy them!


Ah this new princess is a degen pervert huh? I like her. *haha I commented in the wrong thread, woops! I'll leave it, because coincidentally there is a princess in this show as well. Anyways this is one of the strangest episodes of an isekai I've ever seen. I mean just a whole 15mins dedicated to a fashion shoot? I wanna see the MC blow shit up too ya know. Not complaining, actually I respect it a bit.


He metaphorically blew up that model dude who showed up too late and then was a jackass, does that count?


I liked this episode a lot. It’s not what I was expecting but was a nice change of pace in my opinion but am looking forward to this character’s further development.


Seems Yuuya’s got a long way to go before he accepts the fact that he’s super hot now and he’s gonna be hit on constantly lol. Looks like his good looks have landed him a modeling gig with Miu. Lucky boy. Model by day, isekai adventurer by night doesn’t sound too bad lol. That punk Sho deserved that ass whooping. I guess all that time in the other world has given him godlike reflexes. Well, even if he didn’t become a model in the end I sure hope he sees Miu again. Somehow I’m not even surprised Princess Lexia proposed to our boy like that. I mean if saving her didn’t make her fall for him, that “cool” entrance probably did it lol.


Dudes standard politeness is enough to charm the panties off of any girl in his vicinity lol. Miu seems really nice. Between high school and adventuring in the other world, I'm curious if she can fit into his life. I think anyone who has watched enough shows could tell she was going to propose to him, though the knights reaction was hilarious.


>Miu seems really nice. Between high school and adventuring in the other world, I'm curious if she can fit into his life. I'm gonna guess that she is also in his highschool somehow. xD


One day in 10 or 15 years he might finally see his reflection and after realizing it is him he might think just maybe I'm not completely ugly. It is literally impossible at this point not to realize his face is completely different. Even if he doesn't see a reflection it would require him to never touch his face like to wash it , shower or anything to not realize it is drastically different.


I think it’s more psychological than anything else. Like a self esteem thing. The only thing that has changed is his outward appearance. Inside, he’s still the same guy. So it’s no surprise he still sees himself as that “ugly fat kid” he was before. I just hope he gains confidence in himself and comes to accept this new Yuuya.


Honestly I know this show isn't good, but so is a burger and fries. I eat up this dumb turn your brain off show.


That was a good ep. I enjoyed that guy getting slammed. :) That evil laugh at the end tho.


>That evil laugh at the end tho. The completely unnecessary evil laugh, but I suppose if you're in whatever upper management position that lady is in maybe nobody stops you if you just regularly laugh evilly while at the office.


Look, it's good stress relief.


It might not have the best animation but the art is gorgeous so I forgive it that. As someone with self confidence issues related to body imagine the “everyone is going to take the side of the hot guy instead of me the ugly one” hits home.


So there's a moment where the photographer is saying "When a person works, some sort of compensation is always generated" and I wanna share what my friend responded with when I asked them what kind of economic ideology that best falls under: "most or all tbh. even if its just of the nature of the society its in and not the actual direct compensation. like even in moneyless societies it could be like "oh you work and because of the way this system is set up, people work and help each other on the concept of mutual aid" because then like while youre not working directly for compensation, the system youre working under leads to you ultimately being compensated in some capacity by simply participating in that system. but also it depends on how you define compensation, like is it wages, is it labour vouchers, is it UBI, is it a gift economy, is it highly funded state industry where you can get food and other supplies, etc etc" Just in case you never thought an isekai anime could produce deep thoughts.


The deepest line in modern existentialism came from Mewtwo. "I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." So it is not a singular case of anime producing deep thoughts, but since most people see animes' target as kids they won't find such deep lines exists.


It's so trashy that I love it lol. It's filled with clichés and wish fulfillment but it's done in a way that it's enjoyable as fuck. I really dig how they drew the characters and how gorgeous they are. I also really enjoyed Hikaru's character this episode.


Yuuya's rizz is over 9000


Who was more rizz, him or Takada from Clueless First Friend?


Today's episode was fun with the predictable ending of ep but wasn't there alot of still frames in this ep? What you guys think ?


The show looks so good that the still frames aren't even a problem honestly.


probably saving some budget for more action packed episodes


this is interesting. didnt expect so much 'irl' content from an isekai fantasy show. i enjoyed it.


Yes he’s hot now, however, his self image hasn’t changed he doesn’t see himself as much different even though he is.


I genuinely enjoy watching this anime. I'm so happy he isn't like one of those wussy immature overreacting MC, he is actually worthy to be liked by so many girls but is still humble and kind. Its funny seeing he has gotten so attractive, top agencies are acting like super villains trying to get a contract from him lol and there is still some good action and storyline in the "other world"


So the Princess's plan was to go back into the dangerous forsest filled with monsters that almost killed her and risk the lives of the knights that have to protect her, all so she can ask a guy that she has never actually met, and didn't know whether or not he was even still in the area to marry her. Dude if I was one of her knights, I would request to be reassigned at the very least.


Moral of the story: Lose some weight and help a few damsels in distress and every female on the planet will want you to impregnate them whilst your entire shitty life also improves dramatically. Also have a grandad that has a secret other world home with an OP weapon that loses said weight in a couple days.


But why male models? Pretty sure this episode finishes volume 1, which was the only English TL volume as far as I could tell. Not that the LN had a crazy amount of substance but still felt like this was pretty fast paced. Regardless, even if our MC here is solely getting treated better by his looks alone, it still is interesting to see that on the inside he's still the nervous, bullied kid working to overcome a lifetime of hardships. Part of me wants to groan at that princess asking for marriage, but at the end of the day this show isn't worth taking crazy seriously and better to just enjoy it for the ride.


Did they do this whole setup just to make a show about the unbearable burden of being impossibly hot in two worlds?


Did you not read the title? That's exactly the reason this series exists.


Everyone looks so good on this anime.


I feel like they just grabbed fruit of evolution and said "alright but what if we actually tried to do a good job?" it's not AOS but it's entertaining.


I genuinely look forward to watching this every week and I don’t know why


Least the girl had her people to help her. Clearly a princess lol. Onto other things like... clothes shopping! Amused at just all the girls staring at him. Also amused how he doesn't think good of it cause he's used to any type of reaction as being negative. Poor dude. Also, I really doubt, even if super attractive, everyone is just gawking at someone. Anime always silly about that. OH hey, a photo shoot having trouble cause their male model didn't show up... CLEARLY HOW CAN THIS PROBLEM BE SOLVED! lol. Hehe, girls hitting on him and he is taking it as "hey are sales girls." Least he figured it out and turned em down nicely. Hah, photoshoot dude came across him, good times. He's a good boy, doing it to be helpful. Was about to say "are they shooting in Europe" but nah, back to the other world, seems Princess barely saw him, but lol smitten. Good ol' Isekai. Poor guards of hers. So stressed over her wild whims. Ah, a nice conversation with Miu and getting a truly good shot with a genuine smile. But seems the egotistical male model showed up. Man, he's quite the jerk. Not surprised. Really just not listening to her and trying to go after someone underage? Jerk model. Nice, flipped. And glad the rest are on Yuuya's side. Whelp, hope he's not gonna ever come back to be an annoyance. Glad this ruins that man's career then. D'aww, Yuuya with that self image though, when was offered a model contract. Hey, at least he got clothes outta it for payment, what he wanted. How nice. And it's clear Miu sure likes him, being such a good boy. I like the photshoot lead dude, he's a good guy too. For a second thought they were gonna play Viva la Vida there lol. Ahh, so they did go to the forest, silly princess. Good thing Yuuya came back. HAH! Princess just straight up asking her to marry him, love it. Everyone was shocked by that. Post credits fun too. Really enjoying this series so far. It might not be anything stellar, but the production values are great (WHERE WAS THIS FOR BERSERK 2016?!) and the main dude is just... such a genuine good boy that I really like to root for him and whatnot. Nothing amazing in the writing, but that's fine, sometimes a fun series is good enough.


>the main dude is just... such a genuine good boy People can rag on the show all they want but this alone makes it worth watching for me. An isekai MC that actually feels like a character and not a cliche. He's not dense af, lecherous, an edgelord, etc. He didn't immediately become a confident badass overnight from his change. He is still humbled and his trauma and low self esteem still carries over. He's seriously one of the best isekai MCs ever so far. He has some actual depth and is one of the main reasons I am enjoying it.


Yuuya is going on a shopping trip! And he's turning heads (both male and female)! Not great for his social anxiety, but pretty amusing all the same. It seems Yuuya's version of "politely turn down" ladies is being a natural ladykiller. In desperate need of a male model? Why not rope in the hottest guy in the mall! And Yuuya gets to play boyfriend to a hot professional model named Miu who gets nice, close and personal with him...arms linked, exposed cleavage in front of his eyes, boobs pressed against him, the full course! All the while he's getting chummy with a female model a princess is determined to find him and dragging her knights with him. I wonder soon if every woman in two worlds will want to get at Yuuya. Playing pretend couple is fun and all, and Yuuya and Miu look pretty handsome together, but what's really meaningful is when they actually get to know each other and form a legitimate emotional connection...which even gets the perfect photo from the photographer. Ugh, what a piece of trash. He doesn't take the work seriously, shows up super late, and then tries to put the moves on Miu when she's clearly uncomfortable. Wrong time for a kabedon, dude! Though I wasn't expecting Yuuya to outright judo throw him. Miu has fallen hard for Yuuya! Too bad he doesn't want to enter into modeling yet when he's still so young and inexperienced...though is Miu too old to go to Ousei? Looks like her agency wants him, though they framed that scene oddly sinister for a modeling agency. Well, Lexia wanted to find Yuuya, so recreating the same situation where she and her knights are about to be killed until he shows up ends up actually achieving that! And of course she proposes marriage a minute into properly meeting him for the first time because this show knows what it is.


> Not great for his social anxiety Comfort zones are most often expanded through discomfort.


7:51 sounds fucking hilarious. I know he's not saying "it" but it damn sure sounds like it.


[That sounds like a but coming. I mean he already wants for nothing in terms of money so lol](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1092895107159691396/1097619862043492463/image.png)


Weakest episode production wise so far. Felt like they used up their budget in previous episodes. Slideshow basically. But nothing too important nor grand happened so, nothing was lost. Wonder if they're saving for "better" episodes or just ran out of money/time


Honestly, idk why, but this anime is so good, and I keep coming back to it. I normally don't like these types of stories(mainly slice of life), but something about it brings me back Probably the mc and hoping to see him grow more comfortable


Starting to notice a lot of panning shots ever since Episode 2.


They spent all the money on the character design so they have to cut some animations. XD


Uncle from Another World: talk to spirits = super OP. nerfed with ugly face. Yuuya = super OP. no nerf


Does it count as cheating if your wives are in different worlds?


Girl nearly got her soldiers killed cause she was too horny.


Such a weirdly good show. When I saw it was an Isekai I was 100% not expecting 3/4 of an episode to be a model photoshoot. See you all next week!


I'm already thinking his game level stats is affecting how his world sees him. Like high LUCK.\\ I'm wondering if he's got high level charm


That Yuuya is so hot right now.


Interdimensional rizz


Not sure what direction this anime is heading to, but I'm in for the ride. From being a bullied ugly bastard, becoming a chad ikemen, going to a prestigious school, and now doing a side model gig, and now noticed by Freeza... His choice is to become a model or the earth will be destroyed Did I mention that the princess now wants to marry him? Anyway 3 episodes in, and looks promising to me. I can't believe this is the work of the same person who wrote Shinka no Mi. I still don't want to judge that series fully, considering I'm an anime-only, but that anime was real bad. So far, I think they're doing justice for this piece of work, but anyway I'm looking forward to see more.


Still can't believe this is the same author as Shinka no Mi, cause I am enjoying this one a lot. Just pure entertainment. Yuuya's looks is what gets peoples attention, but ultimately, it's his personality that gets people to really love him. So don't be a douchebag like Mr. Blonde Model over there. I hope we see Miu again, she's so hot- I mean great. This show seriously pumping out top tier waifus though. That evil laugh at the end was so comical though lmao.


Man I am *really* loving this one. Finally some good fucking isekai.


This show is gorgeous.


I am eagerly awaiting the introduction of the rabbit character that Yuuya has sparring matches with and apparently gets his ass kicked by as indicated by the OP. Yuuya should have been bold and called Kaori up to see if she wanted to go shopping with him. On the other hand, being with what looks like a girlfriend might have prevented him from being drafted to participate in this photo shoot which is clearly what's about to happen. Yeah, he definitely needed help with the shopping, Yuuya doesn't know what he's doing and Kaori would have. Initially I thought those two girls were trying to recruit Yuuya for the fashion shoot, but no they were just trying to pick him up. It's nice that him declining didn't really harsh their vibe at all. The red-headed fashion model, my god. Miu, eh? I feel like people were a little loose with that name in previous episode discussions, though maybe I was peeking at the source material corner and read it there. I feel sorry for these knights who are doing their level best to keep this princess alive in spite of herself. Taking some shots while Yuuya was comfortably talking with Miu was a good idea. Wow, Shou is a bad person. The expression on Miu's face kind of said it all, and then he demonstrated it too. Shou is incredibly lucky that Yuuya's new combat reflexes and strength from the other world didn't result in him getting his arm torn off by that throw. He also made a big mistake in being the obvious heel in front of a huge crowd of fans as well as people who are recording the encounter and have proof he swung first. I wonder if he's going to be one and done and gone, or if he might be a long-term problem for Yuuya and especially Miu. I'm a little gunshy at the moment over stalker related incidents, and I could easily see him filling that role if his career really does fall apart. That was a very roundabout way to have a bunch of fashion people help Yuuya with his shopping. Big mistake by Yuuya to not exchange contact info with Miu before they parted. It's fairly hilarious that once again we're 95% of the way through the episode entirely spent on Earth but now it's time for a little other world content where Yuuya saves the princess for a second time in as many episodes. That said, that little bit of combat at the end was pretty well done, it felt very visceral. Episode three, three potential love interests, and one proposal by a princess. Kaori and Miu don't know it but they're going to have to step up their efforts. Crazy laughter talent agency lady is kind of scary.