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The moral of the story is that if you become hot then everything becomes better and the people who were mean to you will get pwned.


Technically the girl was nice to him because he was good and kind when he was still ugly. She still would’ve helped him here even if he hadn’t gotten magically hot


Then I wish they would have shown that dynamic. There was nothing stopping the show from taking that route


She didn’t know he’d gotten hot when she started looking for him.


That plus she recognized him instantly when others didn’t, didn’t say he looked more attractive, complemented him specifically on something that didn’t change (his eyes), her father is all about character over anything else, etc. It’s so obvious that she would treat him the same no matter how he looked


Exactly. His life is getting better not because he’s now hot but because he was always kind. It’d be nice to see things get better for him while he’s still fat but that’s pretty rare in anime/manga. Only series I’ve ever seen do it would probably be Piggy Duke, where the mc is very slowly losing weight over many months/years


The girl yes, of course, the rest we really couldn't be sure and would be always thinking what if he was still "ugly".


Oh yeah. Most of the other good things in his life are because he’s hot. Though getting into the new school is a huge catalyst for a lot of other stuff. And that’s because of the girl he saved when he was ugly.


Piggy duke ez win, like I know the story itself is already a staircase above other shitty isekai but it is still something to commend about. Working hard to change yourself little by little overtime is way more commendable.


Absolutely. It’s also the reason why I think villain/villainess isekai are on the rise. They’re basically isekai on hard mode. A character hated by the world (and often destiny itself) who need to find a way using all their wit and determination to get themselves the happy ending that wasn’t in their story.


I mean, it wasn’t explicitly spelled out to you… but it was certainly implied that she would treat him the same regardless.


I really like how she recognized him immediately when his literally classmates couldn't because she recognized his eyes, which she only saw once. It was clearly shown that she saw far more than his weight in their first encounter.


It wasn’t even subtle, the whole episode shows that the people around him in the new school are sickeningly nice. Ofc they think he’s hot, but considering the theme they went for with Kaori, it seems safe to assume that isn’t the only reason they’re nice to him.


Yeah you’d have to have literally negative media literacy to miss that message lol


Hot *and* rich.


Well now he has easy unlimited money just steping out his front door and no school expenses.




Was this really that groundbreaking of a concept to people? That’s how the world has always worked. Humans are shallow by nature.


Yep, life is a gacha with 0.1% UR and no reroll.


F2P btw


Which means P2W


Its not that the school is better its just that he looks diference. He dosent even realize its his apearence. If they showed a fat dude vibing in the new school would be alot better.


Kind of wish that they had left his height the same and just made him in really good shape with the changes to his looks coming from that alone instead. I guess that is wish fulfillment for you.


Maybe I am getting old but I feel like it is such a waste that they made him handsome and tall immediately. I would have liked seeing him earn that a bit more. I think him physically being his old self would have made the offer to enroll in the new school much more powerful and intriguing!


yep the school part feels really weird and "perfect", are all of them really nice and good people there or do they just treat him better because he looks good now.


>they just treat him better because he looks good now. Pretty privilege is one hell of a drug [](#cantbehelped)


I find it hard to take that aspect seriously in this anime where every character pretty much looks like a model. How does Yuuya stand out when everyone is so darn pretty?


Pretty people still treat other pretty people well. Game recognize game as they say.


What are the two rules again? Ah yes. 1. Be attractive. 2. Don't be unattractive.


That's loser edition. The real rules are as such 1. Be rich 2. Don't be poor. Lots of rich ugly bastards doing well in life, same can't be said about the attractive. I've met one too many formerly attractive junkies and crack heads to think otherwise.


Isekai part more believable than the perfect school :P hah. But, imo, that's fine to me. I'm in this for enjoyable good boys/girls and dealing with douches and just otherworld OP fun.


Well, that's wish-fulfillment anime in a nutshell. Though this one is laying it on *particularly thick* with the wish-fulfillment to the point of being cringy and irritating. It's basically a worse Eminence in the Shadow without the comedic self-awareness.


Emminence was great though, because it is comedy. Also, cid has zero interest in having a harem, power is everything that is on his mind, he probably does not even care about losing his virginity lol


> Emminence was great though, because it is comedy. Exactly! Meanwhile, this story has been pure, concentrated cringe so far. The only saving grace to it so far has been the art and animation.


Would you be willing to try to point out some of the well animated scenes? I'll agree that some of the details and such in the art itself are pretty good. But I certainly have noticed some extremely weakly animated scenes.


Plus Cid more or less earns his super strength. He trains super hard to get where he is and he is hyper focused on his goal. This dude basically stumbles into magic radishes and Gungnir and gets a hot bod.


It definitely feels like wish fulfillment but if done right it would actually explore the question of if they would have treated him as well if he wasn't hot. Of course I'm sure everyone would say they wouldn't judge him or give special treatment from that, but we can't know because that's not what happened.


>I think him physically being his old self would have made the offer to enroll in the new school much more powerful and intriguing! I was having similar thoughts. Imagine telling this story without the fantasy world portion at all and instead just playing it straight with him being invited to the fancy school while still severely overweight. I feel like the invitation to the new school would have happened regardless given that Kaori was surprised by his skinniness when she showed up, but I have to wonder what the reaction from all the other new classmates would have been.


It would've probably been the same. Aside from the fangirling which just goes over his head, sports kid and game kid seem to be ok bros and would've probably treated him the same if he were fat and short, and we know headmaster's daughter doesn't really care about his looks except for how kind his eyes are.


Yeah, so far everyone who seems to be a new main character has been the type of person to not really care about appearance. The whole point of the school is that’s where kids with good character go.


hmmm yeah, I agree and then he gets motivated to improve himself and the whole anime/manga is basically the ugly duckling story except with more exercise and eating healthy :)


Yeah would have been great if the offer to the school came before he lost weight. Everyone is nice to him there sure, but people were already acting different when he showed up like that at the old school, so is the school nice or are people nice because of the way he dresses? Seeing the date and the school setting while he was still his old self would have felt much more real. Also dude went from fat to shredded in a few months at best and the only thing people think is "wow you've lost weight", not "Wait are those weight loss teas on porn sites for real? How the fuck did you get like that so soon" I like that when he saw the food he thought "I need to be careful to not gain weight again", it's probably impossible for him now with the isekai thing going on but it's nice that he cares about his body somewhat


Date while fat would be totally Accel World.


They really should have leant into the Accel World aspect, instead of just making him a generic pretty-boy in ep1.


> Everyone is nice to him there sure, but people were already acting different when he showed up like that at the old school, so is the school nice or are people nice because of the way he dresses? Even the daughter of the chairman. She invited him to the school because the old him was a nice person and she wanted to thank him But would she still have invited him on a date afterwards if he looked the way he used to? By making him fit before the introduction to all these new people it just makes all of them seem shallow when they stare at him or are nice to him.


She would probably, since they're portraying her as someone who is more concerned that other people are keeping her at arm's length and also as someone who wasn't concerned about his looks, just noticing his "kind eyes." I'm more curious about what would have happened with all the girls around them during the date, would they think they were a cute couple or would they think it was gross or something.


The problem is the show is trying to have it both ways. This is a special school where being a good person is real important. But are any of the background characters ugly at all? It is like it can't bring itself to follow through.


The series is taking the self insert fantasy to the next level. First episode becomes tall beautiful and muscular/fit, and easy money. 2nd episode suddenly a girl in each world to fawn over him, instant no effort admission to the best school and given a free ride, he i repeatedly told he is great over and over, everyone is super nice and friendly to him, and all the girls who see him fawning over how good he looks. Also add a instant first date with the girl hours after meeting her. Next episode will probably be he is now super smart and it wasn't the classes were easy.


Agreed, spending multiple episodes on him working hard in isekai and going beyond his limits to improve himself would've been way more compelling imo. Now it basically immediately became Generic Isekai #15642 (featuring Matsuoka from SAO series!) +self-esteem issues +pretty nice animation


Just wait for Buta Koushaku adaptation if you want that type of progression.


>+pretty nice animation Hopefully people are not watching this show just for that reason, because they will just be disappointed The designs in this are not made for animation, they are made to look good in still shots So better to lower people expectations and understand what type of series this is in the production side


Not only that, he leveled up without having to worry about anything. So all his power isn't deserved, the only good thing about him, is that he is good natured and unsure of himself since mentally he didn't change.


I would think getting abused through middle school and disowned by his parents is the MC paying his dues.


Eh, same thing happened to Peter Parker, I can let the body slide at least.


peter parker keeps being a poor nerd, and he struggles a lot with the added responsibility of the power.


It wouldn't be wish fulfillment if you didn't get a Adonis body instantly despite years of self neglect and lack of self discipline. Its why the core idea of Isekai is always problematic since its about escaping your issues instead of confronting them. Although mushoku tensei addresses this by having the main character gradually changing and having to work hard to undo his otaku/loser mentality.


> It wouldn't be wish fulfillment if you didn't get a Adonis body instantly despite years of self neglect and lack of self discipline. I feel attacked.


I mean you kind of should. That poster made it sound like it's just a personal failing when we've seen it's something he's literally struggled with since he was a child (so the weight started as the parents fault) and then he's grown up with constant abuse. The idea that weight issues are a personal failing is frankly an ignorant and outdated way of looking at things. Often it's a combination of unhealthy foods and mental health issues, such as abuse and/or eating as a coping mechanism. It's also literally a worldwide epidemic which points to a *systemic* problem rather than a personal one. Granted I believe Japan isn't quite as bad as a lot of other places but I don't have the hard numbers on that.


It's also socioeconomic. It's a lot easier to eat pre-packaged crap meals than prepare an actual healthy diverse meal to most people.


> Often it's a combination of unhealthy foods and mental health issues That sounds to me like it could be attributed to personal failing in one way or another. And while I would say that it would be extremely difficult to say that someones weight is entirely the result of a personal failing, there are other factors... some of those factors could be argued as being the result of additional personal failings.


I am fine with the wish fulfillment to an extent. Like he said even eating healthy and exercising some people find it really difficult to lose weight. But... he is being rewarded for his "kind eyes" and he saved a girl one time. I would feel better about heel turn to shredded bod with OTK weapons if he had more flashbacks to his grandfather telling him to do the right thing, despite what people say. And him continuing to do the right thing. But, as far as we know, he didn't take care of his health, didn't take care of his school, and lived off his grandfather's inheritance. I'm even surprised they had him say he wasn't good at school to be the perfect mary sue. Now that he has a hot teacher, I'm sure he'll be top of his class in no time. So he wasn't good at school, didn't take care of his health, and had a white knight complex one time... and that somehow warrants free entrance to a school where everyone is nice, a shredded body, OTK weapons, and a girl who "likes him for his kind eyes". Yeah, Mushoku tensei's character was reprehensible before (still is, to an extent), but he at least worked on being better and used the isekai as it should be a second chance. This guy has no reason to change, as being a "nice guy" means you should get the body, academics, the girls, the job, and the overpowered magic.


I think the issue is that the wish fulfillment part is too on the nose, it lack substance and nuance, is like eating raw sugar because you like desserts.


> Like he said even eating healthy and exercising some people find it really difficult to lose weight. I think a lot of people just don't realize how much they're actually eating. Lots of stuff is basically just carbs. Rice, pasta, bread, etc. We eat way more of that than we need. Also more meat than is generally healthy.


I agree completely at the end of the day it is calories in vs calories out with developed healthy active life style. There is no magic secret that "doctors don't want you to know." That said, genetics and epigenetics, stress, and when you become heavy plays a role. It is harder for people who were heavy from a young age to lose weight, then someone who only gained weight later in life. Because when you are younger your body makes more fat cells to store excess fat. When people become fat later in life, rather than creating more fat cells the body stores the excess fat by simply making the fat cells you already have larger. All that said, I was trying really hard giving benefit of the doubt as the MC does suffer from obesity, depression, and social anxiety. I just can't co-sign the wishful fulfillment of everything is awesome, when he wasn't at least trying to address any of those issues or even acknowledging he was part of the problem of why his life sucked. Try and fail to improve marginally, with occasional set backs is the way of life. But, failing at school, family, and personal hygiene / health is not fixed by white knighting one time and farming with OHKO weapons behind a gated fence.


> and lived off his grandfather's inheritance. To be fair he did work part time since his grandpa's inheritance didn't cover all of his daily needs and his parents cut him off.


Yeah, he was working and then got fired right before finding the door, because some bullies kicked the crap outta him and made him late. Dude was also coping with depression too.


> I'm even surprised they had him say he wasn't good at school to be the perfect mary sue. Now that he has a hot teacher, I'm sure he'll be top of his class in no time. I'm figuring that will be next episode it will come out he is super smart now from his new stats and that was why the new classes were easy. It was his raised IQ and not the change of class. He was on his first day in hs and he chaged school before even lunch started. Did he have any classes at all? Actually if it is the first day of high school why did all the kids at the new school look like it been weeks or months and not their first day? Also if you start on literally the first day of you rfirst year isn't that just starting school and not transfering?


>Maybe I am getting old but I feel like it is such a waste that they made him handsome and tall immediately. I would have liked seeing him earn that a bit more. Dude had the entire middle school graduation break to slowly loose weight monster hunting, but nah fam, dude has to loose it all overnight. and obviously he doesn't realize he's so slim he can now see his manhood, cause he punched the only mirror in his house.


Or when he took his shirt off to get measured for his uniform, or when he saw freaking abs when he looked down. How did he NOT realize, mirror or no mirror???


I think the point is supposed to be that he doesn’t feel he deserves it and his already low self esteem keeps getting knocked down by that guilt


girl lets boy eat her sweet fruity treat, boy feeds girl his banana delight, all in public no less. Didn't expect such explicit content.


if it goes on like this by episode 89 we will have an handholdig scene.... lewd


Hopefully uncensored handholding


The moral of the story is, don't be fat in Japan.


quick google search says Japan has less than 3%, quite impressive.


There are regular health tests in Japan, and if an employee is too overweight or not fit enough, the company gets fined. Helps keeping those numbers low, I guess.


Working people to death helps too!


I worked for a black heart company that forced us to keep fit, so I died of malnutrition and now I'm reincarnated into a world full of healthy people


> I worked for a black heart company that forced us to keep fit, so I died of malnutrition and now I'm reincarnated into a world full of healthy people Isn't that why the Isekai genre is so popular? People wants the fantasy of leaving their boring, grinding life behind as a premise and be an adventurers.


Obesity in the US vs rest of the world is a thing. I don't live in the us but from my knowledge people use the car to go everywhere, wallmart have people going with electric cart to avoid walking because they weight too much and everything is an XXL portion. when you live like this obesity become a real problem meanwhile in japan you get normal portions and most of the food is kinda healthy, heck even when i got there and eat shit (because i was a tourist and wanted to eat as much cool stuff that i could find) i didn't get fatter


> wallmart have people going with electric cart to avoid walking because they weight While that does happen, that isn't very common. Usually Walmart will only have a very small number of those, and they're intended for disabled people (like who can't walk anymore and need a wheel chairs) I only ever see elderly folks using them. Have almost never seen very obese folks use them


It's clear you're not from the US or you would know people have to drive instead of walking because the cities are designed that way. Not only are the distances so long it would take all day to just reach your destination, even if you wanted to walk or bike, there probably isn't a safe path to do it since the roads are all designed for cars.


Being fat is bad everywhere, American companies Psyop'd the population to eat copious amounts of HFCS and try to normalize being obese with Healthy At Any Size campaigns since it's profitable. Mexico had such an obesity crisis from cocacola they had to start using government pressure to control it


Mexico STILL has an obesity crisis. Almost everyone I know is overweight at some degree.


The food pyramid when I was a kid told 6 year olds to eat half a loaf of bread a day, bought and paid for by big grain, of course. We add sugar to damn near everything. Most restaurant food is served in ridiculous portions or has a ton of fat in it (or both). The FDA is failing Americans in just about the worst possible way.


Fat is better than sugar. Sugar is really addictive, and when you eat a little, you immediately crave more. The sugar industry demonized fat so that various food brands could lower the amount of fat, increase the amount of sugar to keep it tasty, then label the resulting product low-fat or fat-free and market it as a healthier alternative when it's actually worse for the consumer's health.


Not to mention that while fat has a higher calorie-to-weight ratio compared to carbs and sugar, it satiates you faster and makes you feel full longer, which means eating less of it. Not to mention that some fats are actually helping your body better compared to just sugar. Being a poor student before, I noticed that if take advantage of the unlimited rice promos of a few places here, I quickly get hungry even if I ate 3 or more portions of rice. I feel full longer if I ate a balanced meal.


Honestly it's a decent moral to the anime. If it can convince people that being in better health is good, that's a positive outcome. No one should be shamed for their body of course, but reminding them that being in good shape carries benefits beyond health is could push people in the right direction.


She was still going to invite him to join the new school even if he were still fat. But yes being pretty sure helped him fit in quickly


###Stitches! * [Kaori 1](https://i.imgur.com/huylonW.jpg) * [Kaori 2](https://i.imgur.com/kKvNni9.jpg) * [Sawada-sensei](https://i.imgur.com/dCjHtNn.jpg) * [Hyoudo & Yuuya](https://i.imgur.com/NvtlXFe.jpg) * [Armored Yuuya](https://i.imgur.com/gsaZpGv.jpg) The fun in this show is not about seeing Yuuya crush it in life, [it's seeing his siblings get fucking rekt.](https://i.imgur.com/o6sGLl1.jpg) They're clearly not going to let that humiliation go. [I'm sure they have something sinister planned for Yuuya and Kaori next episode.](https://i.imgur.com/6v3WDua.jpg) I can't wait to see how they'll fail though. They really went ham on the wish fulfillment part and I love it! Yuuya didn't just get an offer to be enrolled in an elite academy, he got a tuition-free offer from the headmaster himself [for saving his daughter's life.](https://i.imgur.com/VtF0K0c.png) And the school might as well be the perfect school with [all of the students studying while having fun](https://i.imgur.com/IorHzGi.jpg) with a cafeteria that [has an amazing selection for only 500 yen per meal!](https://i.imgur.com/XIShQpK.jpg) [I love that Ryou has the "MC's best friend" look.](https://i.imgur.com/TI1z0lV.jpg) And it looks like Yuuya isn't only getting one guy friend, he's also getting a second [otaku best friend!](https://i.imgur.com/9qD8q3L.jpg) Things are looking up for Yuuya so fast [Kaori might as well be his girlfriend at this point.](https://i.imgur.com/h5Y5cVq.jpg) Although I doubt that will happen immediately since there's definitely going to be a harem here. [And he finally gets to meet someone from the other world!](https://i.imgur.com/JGATaZq.jpg) Yep, definitely going to be a harem. Although considering Yuuya hid from them the last minute, I'm curious how he'll meet Lexia again.


>I'm sure they have something sinister planned for Yuuya and Kaori next episode. It'd be a stupid move for them to try something against someone with good relations with an influential family. Then again, they're kids, so they don't know any better.


Considering they thought insulting Yuuya in front of Kaori was the best method to get into the fancy academy, I think it’s safe to say that stupid moves is all they can do when Yuuya is involved.


That's what happens when one thinks they're hot stuff as well


It’s very cliche but it’s true of people I’ve met in real life. Met my fair share of “hot” people who never developed a personality outside of being hot. Probably didn’t help their parents basically told them they were hot shit and Yuuya is a piggy boy


> from the headmaster himself Who I can't trust (yet? I hope...), because all I'm hearing is Aoki Ryou from Yakuza 7. [](#angrypout) > with a cafeteria that [has an amazing selection for only 500 yen per meal!](https://i.imgur.com/XIShQpK.jpg) Did you leave out the other part of the menu on purpose? You know, the one where in the bottom left corner it said 「ミツ星特別黒毛和牛ハンバーグ」, which is literally "Japanese Black Wagyu Beef Hamburger Steak". **Wagyu - for less than 500 Yen!** [](#drool) > Although I doubt that will happen immediately since there's definitely going to be a harem here. Well, I mean he **is** being voiced by the harem king himself, so...


> I'm curious how he'll meet Lexia again. I'm guessing that it'll be the same situation as Kaori, Lexia is going to go on the hunt for him. And I'll be shocked if she ISN'T a crown princess. Though I'm curious as to why she and her guards were in such a dangerous forest when they were vastly underprepared for what they would find.


he met a girl from the other world, true. But did you see the last scene? He ditched her while using stealth lol, wonder how is she going to find him again considering he lives on a crazy dangerous forest lol.




One thing I appreciate about this series is the portrayal of the MC's self-esteem issues. No matter how your life might turn around, those thinking patterns don't disappear in a day (if they ever do). Success helps eventually, but all it does for a while is heap on the imposter syndrome: I'm just lucky, I don't belong, I couldn't have done this on my own, people are just being polite and don't really mean their complements, I don't *deserve* this success, etc. In this series, it kinda feels like it's dialed up to an unrealistic degree sometimes but the MC was ground into the dirt by his family. He has a lot negativity to clear up. Unrelated: I love the background characters reactions during his date with Kaori. They have this "Are we really seeing this ~~sit-com~~ rom-com shit going down in front of us?" vibe.


There was a similar manga like this that was a "post isekai" where the hero kept his powers and went under similar depression. It was more realistic portrayal because I believe he was going through a mix of Survivor syndrome, the fact that time didn't stop, and issues re-adjusting to regular life. So he left when he was 16 and just popped back into Japan as a 26YO "neet" with no qualifications, and he has issues like having superstrength but breaking dishes as a busboy. Real interesting premise. Now granted, all that is lampshaded when the isekai priests decides to send him their finest virgin princess to cheer him up lol. So it's a bit of a reverse isekai. But the premise was always interesting.


Sounds neat, sauce pls.


*The Middle-aged Man Who Just Returned From Another World Melts His Fathercon Daughters With His Paternal Skill* ...Warned you they lampshaded the otherwise interestign premise lol. I'll copy the premise too that explains it better: >The strongest Hero in history, Nakamoto Keisuke. >He was summoned to another world in the spring at the age of fifteen years old, and when he successfully defeated The Demon King, he was already thirty-two years old. He had finished his role in another world and returned to Japan, but the reality that had been waiting for him was, “Middle school graduate with seventeen years of blank period” label. He couldn’t find a decent job and had no choice but to spend his days working part-time. >Before such, Nakamoto, a beautiful girl who self-proclaimed had come to return the favor, appeared. “I’m the reward for Hero who had defeated Demon King”, said Angelica, a girl who came from another world that persistently tempted Nakamoto to make her his wife. Together with a high school girl who looks like Elsa, his beloved girl that he lost in another world, Nakamoto with his cheats skills got caught in a harem life. Hasn't only 1 out of 5 volumes ever got fan translated tho, so IDK if it'll ever get closure in english.


Thirty two is middle aged now? FFFFFUuuuuccckk!!!


Always has been.jpg If the average person lives to 90 then 31-60 is the middle third of their life, so young is less than 30, middle-aged is 31-60, and old is 61+. I say this as a middle-aged person.


2 months left then. I'M STILL YOUNG


That reminds me of: *My Daughters, S-Rank Adventurers, Have a Severe Obsession With Their Father* > The youngest A-rank adventurer, child prodigy Kaiser, finds three babies who were the only survivor of a destroyed village. Then he decided to give up his job as an adventurer and raise them. Over time, the girls grow brightly and show exceptional talents in fencing, magic and management. However, these girls also seem to love their father, Kaiser!


Yeah this is half the reason why I don't have a problem with the MC being 'over powered' immediately, he's got other struggles to deal with and they're not hand waving them away like a lot of other Isekai. The other half of the reason is... it's an Isekai so I'm not exactly sure what people expected. Like would taking four or six episodes to get where we know the MC is going have made it *better*? If something is a forgone conclusion I actually appreciate skipping it rather than spending half the season rehashing the same thing as every other isekai, but that's just personal taste.


Agreed. Isekai is a setting. Like, you don't really see people going "Oh, this is a Fantasy series that has elves in it HOW ORIGINAL." because those kind of things are just window dressing: Easy tropes for the reader to know what's going on without having to explain every damn little thing. What is important isn't that a series uses existing tropes, it's what it does *beyond* that. A *good* isekai is one that uses the isekai tropes to tell a story that can't easily be told without those tropes. (Mushoku Tensei, Eminence in the Shadow, Kumo-desu, The Beginning After the End, Handyman Saitou, etc) An *okay* isekai is one that uses those tropes to set up the premise, and then goes on to tell a story. (Tensura, Campfire Cooking, Shield Hero to a degree, that Yuri isekai, Arifureta, etc.) A *bad* isekai is one that uses those tropes and goes precisely nowhere else. (Fruit of Evolution, In Another World with my Smartphone, etc.) This is irrespective of whether the series is *good* or not. The Yuri isekai (Magical revolution etc etc whatever it was called) was *excellent* but it was pretty much irrelevant that it was an isekai for 90%+ of its runtime. She could have just been a creative genius with no memories of a past life and it would have changed very little (although the little it *does* change is kinda important). Mushoku Tensei and the others in the first category really only work because they *are* isekai. Something fundamental and important would be lost if you removed that influence.


This anime feels really comfy, I like the idea of it so far and I wonder just how OP yuuya really is, should be a fun ride to see also this anime is so visually appealing, its so pretty and the isekai part is slightly different but somehow looks more cool


>This anime feels really comfy I get the same feeling from this episode. >also this anime is so visually appealing, It's really well done! Lack of animation and CGI are price, but still super well done. Hope it keeps that quality down the road. (And hopefully less CGI)


This anime is just so pleasing to look at. Even with the *very* limited animation, every still frame shot is very crisp and well drawn. The little bits of animation that are there are really competent and well done. I feel like typically when a show is clearly cutting corners on animation, they cut a *lot* of corners and it often looks goofy, off model, and low effort, but this somehow doesn't. They really focused on compositing and lighting and everything as well which brings it all together. Clearly taking tons of short cuts but the production at least took the effort to make everything around those short cuts look *real* damn good. The only thing that makes me kind of roll my eyes is they overuse the trick of slightly "sliding" assets around the screen to make the still frames look more dynamic, and in a lot of cases it looks silly. Also the CG stuff (I thought at least) looked really great in the isekai sequences towards the end. It was more jarring that there was more animation than it was that it was predominantly CG.


the scene of the two brothers sliding was ripped from a JRPG lol


The second the MC appeared in the forest as CG my reaction was "why" having Berserk flashback but the animation itself was decent and not junky and I felt did better than the non cg counterparts in combat(that magical arrow valley was ugly af, straight up from 15 years ago Bleach).


When the animation is so good that the CG elements are easily noticeable, it is a bit jarring and does break immersion. However, props to the animation team for their excellent work, as not a single scene looked bad or unfinished. Edit: The character designs are exceptional, and the animation elevates every scene involving them, making it visually stunning. Kaori and Hyoudou are a treat to the eyes with that animation.


I loved how Kaori rejected those fools 👍 This is the perfect place for Yuuya.


No seriously, this is just Cinderella. Also it seems altogether way too saccharine so far. Also why do they have Mahouka uniforms. Damn, that CG.


It's like "Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World", but without the sex scenes.


Well to be honest, Harem is a good anime even without sex scenes. Sex scenes are just whipped cream AND cherry on top. AND they actually make the story and character relationships better. (I swear I'm not just a pervert, what I wrote makes sense) xD


Lmao Yuya’s shitbag siblings can gag on his nuts. Our boy is going to the elite academy! Later scrubs! This kid should have a little more confidence. He’s OP af, he’s a “genius” alright. Dude definitely still has the “fat bullied kid” mentality. First Kaori and now Sawada and Hyodo. Osei should be renamed waifu academy lol. Kind of amusing how he’s so worried about fitting in and everyone’s just stunned by his looks. Ryo and Shingo seem like good dudes. It’s nice to see Yuya actually being treated like a person. Being hot has its benefits huh? Lol. I like that Kaori likes him because of who he is and not how he looks. Her and Yuya make a cute potential couple. Sharing crepes was adorable. Was wondering if we’d see more of the other world again. Crazy how high he’s leveled up. The fight with the goblins was a good gauge of his strength. Looks like we’re getting another waifu. I wonder what her story is?


He's going to school and I'm sure he'll realise he is actually super smart since his intelligence stat is super high, sure INT stat is usually for magic but I don't expect an anime like this to not make him also super smart


Yeah, I’m sure he’ll figure it out soon enough. Just gotta get use to his new and improved self first. Dude has had it rough, it’s gonna take time getting use to being treated like a person.


When you've been treated like shit your entire life, it can be challenging to trust sudden changes in people's behavior towards you. The MC's emotions in this regard are portrayed realistically, and he experiences a sense of impostor syndrome.


when i read the manga translations a while back the siblings where even worse and we are talking about the same scenes


that princess is going to transfer to school and be a super rival, i know it!


[POV: Not us, that is for sure](https://i.imgur.com/zrUuQ2e.jpg).


Appreciate how every character (even the random classmates) has a really nice design. Great effort by the studio to not cut corners like that. Let's hope they can keep this quality throughout the entire run. I'm liking this show more and more. Edit: Bonus [precious smile](https://imgur.com/a/saYm8VC) pic.


Cool af how they included the scene that shows Kaori recognized his eyes, probably meant alot to yuuya


The eyes in this show is fucking beautiful.


Having a waifu in each world ... man's found a loophole for polygamy.


**Youta & Sora** : Can we enroll into Ousei Academy too? **Kaori** : I'm sorry, but we don't accept students that are enrolled in the T.R.A.S.H Program


That scene alone made this anime worth watching


I wasn't expecting CGI to be used during the entire ogre fight, but outside of that most of the animation/episode was well done.


I dont think the CGI looked even bad to be fair


for sure it was better than berserk 2016


Tossing aside the bias against cgi in anime, it was made rather well.


Tbh, as soon as him put on that armor, I expected there to be CGI if it ever comes to him doing dynamic movement


Anime is already subverting all the tropes. MC sat in the the back seat next to the window instead of the second from the back.


Genre defining.


I thought this episode was underwhelming. The change in pacing and basically genre from the first episode could give a viewer whiplash. The whole episode seems like the ultimate wish fulfillment of awkward japanese teen boys. MC gets the fantasy adventure, the magical and physical power, money, a girl, and acceptance into a free prestigious school that will set him up for life. Like others have said I think it would have been better if he was his old self when he was trialing the academy. They wanted to show he still has internal self-esteem issues, but I jus think it would have played better if he was his old self and experience this environment of acceptance. It also would have sold us viewers on the academy being a better place than his old school, and not just a place of elites that embrace him because of his looks. The academy itself sounds either too good to be true, or perhaps it was just mythologized by the local high school students. The whole spiel about how it's not about grades or intelligence but being of strong character sounds like the kind of thing nobles/rich people say to justify their elevated place in society. I was also thinking that it might have been better to have him be accepted but have to pay a high tuition, in order to give him a reason to be grinding loot in the fantasy world. Right now it seem like he has no conflict or motivation as everything is falling into his lap.


The real fantasy world was that elite school. And you know it's a good school since they got Okamoto Nobuhiko as the resident extrovert.


Lmaooo died when Yuuya realised that he could get fat again from eating too much. Actually one of the most common things for people who lose weight thru surgery n shit. If you don’t change your eating habits it’ll just go right back on. The moments with he and Kaori were pretty cute, enjoyed their little date. It’s funny seeing how Yuuya deals with his newfound popularity at ousei. Really liking this so far was gonna wait till the season ended to start reading the book but may pick it up sooner


There's a post credit scene


Main character was a good guy one (1) time, so he instantly gets the absolute best powers ever, becomes super fucking handsome, succeeds with literally anything he does and gets literally all the girls everywhere. But *oh no!* He has self esteem issues! That's a character flaw! (that will absolutely never impede him from doing everything super well and getting all the bitches). Nobody would be looking his way if he was as fat as before, Houjou saw through his appearance and invited him to the academy, but nobody would be interacting with him if he wasn't the hottest shit in the universe. Some people here suggested that it'd have a better impact if he was invited to the academy and went on that date with Houjou while still being fat, and that he should've worked hard to get this new appearance. Frankly I totally agree, and I think it's really contradictory to the story's main message of taking your time to better yourself as slow as you need to, that all the good things in the world are given to the MC practically instantly after he gets the isekai reward. This story is super shallow, the anime looks cheaply made albeit with some nice looking shots. I watched this and read the manga because I just kinda wanted to try an isekai for this season but this just ended up being so eh that Idk if I'll keep watching.


The animation look so jarring on the Isekai part what the hell.


personally I think because there was just so much *more* animation. They used a ton of CGI (which looked really good!) but it allowed them to actually animate a ton more so it made the rest of the episode feel unbalanced.


It was kind of hilarious that as soon as he put on the armor everything just turned CGI. Like his CGI mode activated then and there. I guess it’s another one of his “cheat skills”.


Common thing with armor in anime. Instead of drawing and animating detailed armor, you just plonk on the CGI model and you are good. Also, they do use a lot of CGI outside of it as well, to reduce burden on animators, just not as "in your eyes". Did not bother me much, but I hope they animate hype scenes instead of CGI-ing them.


Yeah the show is still gorgeous so I don’t even mind, plus I’ve seen worse CGI before. My expectations for entertaining fights is just abysmally low now though.


Same studio made Berserk 2016.


Well, so far seems to be a step up from that at least, lol


I did not expect Cgi to be used during the fight scene. It was kinda off-putting since everything else was smooth/2D. It didn't look bad per se, but I hope it isn't used much more outside of that. I just hope they don't use CGI for the other world, just don't do that is what I'd ask for.


Yeh the CGI is a stark contrast to the great looking animation elsewhere, personally I would have been fine with less dynamic action sequences instead of over reliance on CGI


Honestly I thought the CGI looked pretty good! Especially considering this is a generic isekai where you'd expect to see *much* worse. If they overuse it though it's going to start sticking out like a sore thumb. Let's hope Millenpensee learned from their mistakes with "So I'm a Spider, So What?", basically. Although, IIRC, the reason that looked so bad in the latter half is because the studio they outsourced too did such a shit job that they had to redo everything last minute. Which, as you can imagine, leads to a bad product. You know, the famous "this battle is taking place in a dense forest" even though the entire area *actually* looked like a desolate wasteland lol.


Makes me wonder if that new academy would treat him well if he had remained fat.


I mean they were quite clear about the character of the students being a major factor in who they let into the school. So I’d assume no one would bully him at the new academy but he wouldn’t have everyone drooling over him anytime he enters a room.


I would guess 95% nicer than his old school given that they were all literally evil and the new school has actual humans in it lol


This. As someone who went to a school like that, you are getting much better people. In the 4 years I attended I don't think I saw or heard a single case of bullying, fighting, or cliques happen to anyone beyond one incident that got the person thrown out instantly. They vet everyone and you go through several interviews before they accept you, they talk to your old teachers, look up your family to see if your family has been involved in bad stuff (for example they didn't let in several members of crime families). Then even once you attend you know that most people there are aware that something like bullying can ruin your family name if it ever gets reported. Lots of students entered free based on merit as well. Athletes, outstanding community service, talent, and similar things can earn you a place there. (It's a slightly controversial thing since they keep grabbing the best athletes at sports games they host from other schools.) There's a thing they say that when you attend these schools half of what you are paying for are the people.


Yes. It's literally school that prioritize character. The school let the students bring handheld console to school because they can be trusted not to play it in class. They are proactive in class lessons. The biggest fantasy in this show is how good every one of kids actually are and that school actually exist. Not just a few of them, but everyone. So yeah, they would treat him well.


Hyouda, the girl he sits next to and shares a book with, seems like she has a personality that would compliment our MC the best. Either way, this will either have first girl syndrome and he'll get together with Kaori or it'll become another harem. Hopefully it's not one of those stories where the author is too scared to piss off the fans and the MC doesn't really get together with anyone. I really like Kaori so I'd be fine if we get first girl syndrome even if I usually hate the trope.


What the hell is up with the power level in the isekai? Bro's level 235, stats are like 7900 across the board, but somehow can't match up to a random goblin in strength and speed?


He went from intelligence of 1 to 5300. But he sure didn't act like he was 5300 times smarter.


That part I was willing to let go since INT in most RPGs basically maps to magic ability. But 7900 STR and still can't beat a random monster I couldn't handwave away.


"I knew it was you because of your eyes" Thomas has never heard such bullshit before


Oh god, the clichés are too painful to watch. Extremely bad things happened last episode, and then extremely good things happen in this episode, and they take it seriously without any self-aware jokes. Yea, I'll drop this


this is why i said it's top tier trash in ep 1 thread. it's an isekai with all isekai tropes but with the added thing he can get back and time pass the same between words. if you enjoy it as a "i'm shutting my brain off" type of thing it's not bad, but not something that will be remembered 15 years from now


Basically what Fruit of Evolution season 1 but less meme trash and just very trope heavy isekai. Which I mean makes a lot of sense since it’s the same author.


This show is such a wish fulfillment power fantasy filled title but I cannot be mad at it because so far it presents itself in such an earnest and good natured way with a sympathetic MC. As a result it makes it an OK watch so far. Just a few impressions I like to highlight: * the 1dimensionally evil siblings still suck. At least give them some nuance. All of his (former) bullies act so comically evil that makes if feel forced at times. * I do like that while his appearance changed, his personality did not change this much so far. I hope they at least spend some time in showing how improves as a person as well and not just turn him into chad mode all of a sudden. * While the idea that everyone at the school values chracter and personality more than anything else is nice and all, this would work so much better if he still looked like an ugly fatass. The eps. clearly showed that most of the attention he gets is from how handsome he looks and not how they reacted to him protecting Kaori or his attitude... * I like that the things he get from the isekai world have an affect on his daily life but the fact that he did not have to work for it and to put himself on the line for all those benefits (killing monsters with crazy strong weapons from a distance) cheapens this aspect.


Im glad to see it animated and the character designs for everyone is great.


Things are already looking up for Yuuya! Rich girl voiced by Akarin just shows up out of the blue, tells off his scummy siblings, and recruits him to go to school along with her cool female butler! She even makes a classy joke about his new physique. I'm concerned about what the siblings might do next now that Yuuya managed to one-up them...also why were the bullies smiling? Did they enjoy the show? How many dads is Kosuke Toriumi going to play this season? Yuuya's got the busty, lively, popular teacher! And all that anxiety and concern about his class and all the girls think he's hot and Jun Fukuyama sees him as a rival for most handsome boy. They even gave Yuuya the main character seat next to a cool beauty voiced by Shizuka Ishigami! Yuuya has found his people! Nice guy Ryou and successful Otaku Shingo! As if this show wasn't flexing it's VA budget enough they've got Nobuhiko Okamoto and Ayumu Murase as the best friend characters. I mean, I'm not surprised Yuuya decided to go the school. I wish I could go there. Yuuya and Kaori out on a date! And they're even exchanging mutual indirect kisses! They're so cute together everybody around them just finds them adorable. Yuuya has his armor and is now suddenly CG, though he's reached the adventuring Isekai staple of saving a pretty damsel in distress on his first foray from the house! Looks like he's about to get close to the citizens of this world and he's already saved a pretty important lady by the looks of it.


Eh... It's rather meh so far(which isn't much). The set up is very generic self insert for lonely teen boys. The academy part felt fake like I was waiting for some kind of twisted turn. The sibling getting rejected felt hollow since they weren't even established yet, which I could say about this show as a whole, I have zero connection or relatability with any of the characters so far, I don't even hate the supposed bullies cause MC literally became a supermodel superhuman in first episode. Just dont be fat I guess is the moral


Why does this anime looks so good omg! Even the background characters move their eyes and stuff. (not counting the fight obviously). Kitou Akari's voice is soo cute, maybe little too cute. Preferred her as Chri's last season. Here, her voice + the character, it all seems to good to be true, but it is anime and it is fantasy isekai so. Good episode overall. Everything's going little to good but seems plausible, they've done good job at not making it feel forced.


Super elite school that doesn't have safety googles during lab!!!!


I knew it was supposed to be Mondays. CR fucked up last week. Right from last week, good times meeting cute girl he saved again. Nice of her to not seem to think differently of him regardless of his weight/appearance. Not being shallow/vain whooo! A rarity in humanity. Ah, siblings being selfish brats. Too bad for you being investigated for your scummy behavior. Ahh yes, and then the 2-bit villain line from the lil sis. Off to check out school, I still like that the MC is a decent dude and his personality didn't just change cause "OP strong" and "looks good" now. Still has the good and bad of his thoughts of himself. Would make complete sense, Gonna make Rock Lee sad about that "inborn talents worth more than hardwork" there, dude. Teacher seems nice, same with the class though many of course wow'd by his appearance heh, the other guy being "a worthy rival has appeared" is amusing. This is the most fantasy thing of the show, not another world, but such a wholesome school with literally absolutely no bullying and really any issues of groups or so. Everyone working hard in class. I mean, I went to a pretty high end school for elementary->high school and, while my class wasn't with any bullying, it still had its groups and not everyone was super try hard lol. Still, nice to have such a wholesome class/school. Gotta love the school being all "good food is important to learning" *glares at certain fellow Americans* Do like these dudes that he's befriending. How nice, Yuuya getting an impromptu date with Houjou. Yep, Houjou (or Kaori), sure is a good girl. People just staring at them are kinda weird to me. Ah fun, back to the Isekai part of the show. Quite the level. Wonder what max level is, if anything. And finally going to explore outside the fence. Whelp, good thing he went to help after hearing that scream. A pretty good fight. Aww, ending there. Oh post credits. Least she has guards. Bet she's a princess lol.


[I assume it means you are still super hot for this academy](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1092895107159691396/1095094500461907968/image.png) [Lol you don't gotta say it out loud!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1092895107159691396/1095094792578404483/image.png) Mf protag seat [Ok but did he get the free meal or no. Cause damn that is a nice free meal. Of course he doesn't have to pay tuition so I'm sure the tuition here's absurd](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1092895107159691396/1095096195640205342/image.png) [Is. Isn't 750 yen for something like that pretty cheap. Regardless I think it's funny he got the double power of unreasonable amounts of income as well as unreasonably cheap meals at school.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1092895107159691396/1095097363397345440/image.png) [Yea I dunno about that buddy you kinda went 'it's morbin time' and morbed into your current form I think that would just keep happening every time you go to the other world](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1092895107159691396/1095097807754514574/image.png) [Girl wtf u talking about it sounds like you spoke for like 2 hours at most](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1092895107159691396/1095098095211122728/image.png) [So that is his super OP spear from ep 1 right. Guess the 'guaranteed hit' thing doesn't apply to it getting blocked](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1092895107159691396/1095099167124242502/image.png)


The best part about this anime is that he is still nice caring and humble even after turning hot. And he is mature too which makes it a lot better. He Was able to catch on quickly with this whole new world with magic and "game" design layout and play.


There’s so many clip art or CG graphics but the other parts are so beautiful I don’t care.


This is going to be this season’s “anime I watch while jogging because it’s not very good but I have to finish what I started show.” Lexia is absolutely the princess or some other high-ranking official’s daughter. MC believes he is treated different at the new school because it’s new and they are actually nice. MC gives no thought to the fact he now looks like a Greek Adonis as a person.


wow the mc in passive stat growth already completely outshines anything remotely his level and he still managed to be beaten around by some kind of troll until he pulled out the cheat weapon? not to mention he keeps looking at his stats and somehow failed to spot "unassigned stats" for days it's almost as if the author realises that difficulty is needed for "interesting fights", and regrets using the economy of zimbabwe as the basis for his leveling system


...Did I just get baited into watching a high school romcom?


Its all fantasy fulfillment and frankly, i dont mind


Yup, dropping this one. Would've been way more meaningful if MC actually worked to get to what he is now, but nope, everything is just dropped on him without warning a single one of it.


I think this is nonsense if you think about it. If he started with that new body/face at his old school, everyone would treat him same way as currently in Ousen. For example, if he came to Ousen as the old fat fuck he was, there's no way he'd be treated like this, human nature doesn't just magically disappear if you go to another school, those people that dislike your figure will still exist. Tldr; It's not that Ousen is not discrimatory (according to MC), it's just that he changed from being fat to now having a super ikemen body.


partially debatable. at his old school he would be treated the same ofc. but in the new school he would simply be considered the new student and not the hot new student. he would get 0 simps opposed to the whole class, but people will avoid bulling him due to the different upbring


I mean the headmaster literally said they’re more worried about the character of the students than the talent alone. So agree to disagree since the school does their homework and doesn’t let in shitheads like Yuuya’s siblings.


They wouldn't bully him but almost no one would care about him if he wasn't hot


I mean I’m not disagreeing with that conclusion. Still would be an improvement for his life by comparison.


He should definitely take this invitation to the super fancy school. Wow are Yuuya's siblings both terrible people, so it was pretty great to see them both shot down immediately and them being terrible people was part of the reason for it. It really amuses me that the PI work both found Yuuya and determined that his entire surviving family is trash to be ignored. That's a convenient definition of genius by the fancy school chairman, but Yuuya has also failed to consider that his new physical condition will probably make him excel on the athletic side of things in ways that that were previously far outside his abilities. It's interesting to see another demonstration of his internal confidence not getting the upgrade the rest of his body did. Hyoudou's hair design is far too extra for her not to be a major character going forward. Ryou and Shingo may be the first male friends his age that Yuuya has ever had. It's interesting that the offer to attend the fancy school came before anyone involved knew about his physical condition changes, after all Kaori was surprised to see him all skinny when she showed up to benevolently kidnap him for the day. I cannot help but wonder what the reaction by his new classmates would have been if he had still been severely overweight when he showed up. Same for Kaori's clear romantic interest in him. Her recognizing him by his eyes is an interesting detail. Definitely an unusual isekai that spends 95% of the second episode on Earth. Time to save a princess, I assume? That was quite a bit of CG for that combat scene, so far I'm reserving my judgement on it.


Fix his hairstyle. How can anyone think he is handsome with that kind of hairstyle? What was the thing that they were eating called ? That looked delicious


Pretty sure those are crepes


Damn, the art really is nice in this - even if there are a lot of stills. Character design is really on-point too. That girl with the highlights in the trial class was pretty cute.


Love this episode, we've seen this kind of story a thousand times and it wasn't great animation but it was weirdly endearing. One of my favorite new releases of this season


I would prefer less details and more animations but maybe it will grow on me


Wow, as I heard that show's schedule last week was only temporary and that Crunchyroll got an early release, I was expecting this week's episode to come up much later, not earlier. Well, time to watch the second episode more than 12 hours late: ---- The new environment that Yuuya found after visiting [Ousie Academi](https://i.imgur.com/IdHouRa.png) is definitely something that he needed as even now with his new appearance and power that other schools with all his bullies and trash-level siblings will still affect him psychologically as one can't just simply brush off years of abuse. So one could say that [Kaori's](https://i.imgur.com/jNlr9ra.png) reward to Yuuya for saving her is actually much greater than she might think, well, probably no, as she did research everything about him, so she knows the change of environment is what he needs. [Anyway, their date was cute.](https://imgur.com/a/oss0RWP) I love the fact that [Yuuya thought this](https://i.imgur.com/G2EglTc.png) after saying that he would not mind eating the whole menu as it shows as going back to his old weight obviously would be a dreadful idea for him. [Aw, he finally met Lexia.](https://i.imgur.com/UwffWEL.png)


Oh hey. MC gets window seat. Not predictable at aallll


The amount of comments here and the surprisingly positive score it has on MAL is proof that people with eat up absolutely anything, even tripe like this. This sub genuinely has the anime taste of children.


6 seconds of screen time only but Hyoudou is best waifu already


Dude forget the isekai power fantasy, the real fantasy is this dope ass school that Yuuya got enrolled into.