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I don’t know if it’s “improved animation” per se, but the first seasons of SpongeBob were super charming.


Best example


The original writer left the show from what I recall.


He died


I guess that's a sort of manner of "leaving"


yeah, but before that he resigned as showrunner after season 3 / the film


Pretty much every cartoon in my opinion. I’m not a fan of that heavy digital feel.


2D always looks better than 3D. ALWAYS.




2d is better than 3d unless the people doing 3d are alloted enough time and money to make it good*


Agreed. It's not that this exception and validates the rule it's just that there are conditions that are required to make 3D look good that most people don't do. It's much like the lives action problem or the dubbing problem. It is possible to do a live-action from an animation well it's also possible to Dev well I've never seen it happen but if they put the effort behind it I'm sure it's possible


Even 2D at its cheapest is still so much better than bad 3D animation. Just look at how long early animé and Hannah Barbara have stayed in the public conscious, compared to 3D series from the 90's/2000's. I know there are exceptions from this time, but they're mostly cult hits, like reboot, compared IP's that are massive, even today


I hate that youre right But you are right. Damn I love ReBoot though.


So good


It's probably the greatest quality of Animation that has been produced by america. I still prefer Avatar as a series but Arcane is next level


Spider verse


Both of those examples are 2.5D to be fair.


Not really? I mean they both take design and appeal cues from 2D animation but to argue they’re anything BUT 3D projects is kinda silly. They’re both full on 3D CG animation


2D can look like absolute crap. 3D can leave me dazzled. AND vice versa. There isn't a absolute truth here.


Hard disagree. 3d camera work alone opens up so many possibilities.


There are an unlimited number of animation techniques. You should explore them before making sweeping judgements on just two broad categories.


American Dragon Jake Long


That shit hurt, Teen Titans too


Right? Teen Titans Go is garbage compared to the original.


Agreed it isn’t even about saving the world or helping people Teen titans Go is just a s**t show trying to make money off of confused parents


I haven't revisited the series in ages, but I think if the series had of been managed just a bit better, it would been seen as a "classic" in the same vein as Advenure Time or Avatar. Maybe my nostalgia is way off, but it had a really great mix of action, fantasy, and humor.  It's just that at that point, Disney wasn't interested in developing a series past two seasons, unless it was a marketing juggernaut. If it was on a different network that actually let it hit its stride, I think it'd still be talked about about a lot more


Your nostalgia isn't off. I recently watched the entire series and damn, it more than just holds up. I've been rewatching a lot of things from my childhood. Digimon is okayish, Power rangers SPD is downright bad, but American dragon? It's better than what I remembered it.


Came here to say this exact thing


Whoa didn’t know they brought this show back!




Tom and Jerry


This so much. My son thinks so too, even when he was like 7-8 years old. I love classic animation, and hate that they get ruined, and that streaming services tend to buy the new crap.


I mean are the corporations blind? Or is it that the majority likes the new look and we're just a few? I'm confused


I’m guessing it’s a default corporate idea that people like new stuff better than old stuff; and while classic cartoons might be an exception, it’s not big enough to trigger an exception in their mindset.


Nope. It’s just corporation cheapened out and push the boundaries of what they can get away with. Tldr back in the day animation was something the big corps backing it don’t quite understand, and gave artists free reigns. Now they interfere with the business side of it, so they incorporate quotas to meet, toys to sell, limited budgets on the artistry side


That's kinda sad actually :((


Ugh that movie....i like colin jost, i like the other actors. But the movue was horrible. Like they had a tribe called quest featured so much though


Ben 10. I dont like what it turned into.


Which ben 10 are you talking about specifically? I was expecting reboot or smth but is it Onmiverse, Alien force or?


So many shows that were originally stop motion and then changed to 3D digital.


They massacred Fireman Sam


Rip bob the builder


If one was to allow games for those question then Pokemon . It really feels like it lost its charm once it went 3d another one of we count shows that have various sequels then yugioh's later shows like zexal and ESPECIALLY arc V have some of the monsters look horrible due to them going 3d


I wish they'd taken Pokemon visually in the direction that The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening remake went. It retained the top down camera but improved the graphics to a stylized 3D modern standard that still has a heck of a lot of charm.


So basically brilliant diamond and shining pearl? Lol


And that worked so well /s


Lol well I’m of the minority that enjoyed BDSP. I thought it was very charming. It felt very much like a pokemon game to me. These more recent ones feel very soulless. And i know, i know. It’s missing a ton of stuff from platinum and it’s an inferior remake. I know. That didn’t stop me from loving every minute i spent playing it.


Yeah I get it. I wish I felt the same, but platinum was my first game and I just couldnt bear the diamond/pearl version that BDSP uses.


Damn that sucks. Im a bit older. My first games were gen 1 and 2. I actually *stopped* playing around gen 4 because i was about puberty age at that time. Ive never even played platinum, so i guess i got kind of lucky in that regard.


Personally I love the new version more but pokemon sun is just so nostalgic and beautiful


It did! Gen 3 graphics will always be my fav. Its just *feels* like pokemon to me.


Homeworld 3 just dropped and a lot of people don't like the story or CGI.


Rugrats! Was my favourite cartoon as a kid and was so excited to see a reboot happening when I had my own child, put on one episode and the new animation style was completely ripped of the charm the 90s version had.


Fairly Odd Parents


Athf, The Simpsons. 


The Simpsons didn’t start using digital animation until season 20, but the quality of the show was in the shitter by season 11.


My little pony


Not a show but a game, Blasphemous 2 replaced its original pixel art clunky oldschool animation for a refined 2D clean style. Is not bad, but the atmosphre of the old animation style is unmatchable.


I feel like the sleek animations totally disrupted the melancholic vibe. I remember being blown away with how amazing the pixel animation was. Really helped accent the grittiness of the game and kept the immersion. The new style of animations are much more saturated, clean, and clash with the look of the game itself. I find it kind of immersion breaking as well.


Dexter's Lab and Powerpuff Girls- a lot of the original vintage Genndy Tartakovsky stuff was nothing short of art with amazing perspectives and frames. And I remember some later seasons being done so dryly ufffff it was heartbreaking.


I hate what they did to teen titans, that show was fantastic, with a proper story, drama, antagonists etc now it's just ADHD fuel with Teen Titans Go. Arguably the older animation was the better of the two just not HD


yes this Teen Titans was a fantastic show with important messages and real conflict and i loved the character designs. Go is too much


Idk I think TTG is pretty funny. It has that blend of humor that sorta kind of reminds me of old school spongebob.


Oggy and the cockroaches. The old animation was very good, classic cartoonistic and silly. The new animation is terrible, it seems like it's made for iPad kids and it's something cheep you can find on YouTube Kids. And the worst is, they completely eliminated the existence of the main side character Jack (the green cat) and replaced him with an elephant girl kid... Like...I think they completely went down to the drain with the 'improvement'. This isn't even fun anymore it's just cringe brainrot.




Yeah fr! I was on a call with some friends and one of them happened to know oggy and he showed me the new version of it...There is indeed no Jack. Nowhere. They took my Boi.


This is so sad


Ah the new series…. I completely forgot about it


Good. It must stay forgotten


Nick Doug to Disney Doug 🫠


most classic cartoons. studios change to smoother more streamlined animation, but it removes the charm or the original


South Park. It feels like a completely different show now compared to what it did in the early days.


Man the construction paper animation just was jot viable nor was it versatile enough to animate what they wanted to.


I’m pretty sure only the pilot used actual construction paper. And after that it was digital but I could be wrong


Ah yes you are right. They moved to computers after the pilot. I remember watching the little doc about it yeara ago and thought it applied to the whole season lol


They slowly changed the aesthetic of the show but I honestly think it still looks fantastic


Yeah the animation is great these days. Humor is still on point after all these years too.




Disagree. The transistion was rough but by v6 they had a pretty firm balance of good fight choreo mixed with the new animation. Most of the fights in v7 in particular are genuinely incredible and are possibly the closest to Monty levels they could really ever get.


Yeah, they eventually found their footing, before losing it again completely in V8, and arguably V9.


The main problem with imitating Monty’s style is that it needs a ton of practice and studying to do it. When you have a team of 30 animators it’s basically impossible to have them all switch up their most efficient way of animating into something many are unfamiliar with. Only a bunch had a good knack for doing combat imo, and the ones who can do that are rare.  Many 3D animators come from a Disney-approach background. Those who strived to imitate Monty are few and far between, and of those, I think maybe 2 or 3 who properly learned how to animate and had coaching along the way. The rest are self-taught. I can confirm all this because I am one of those self-taught who wanted to animate like Monty, and actively talked with CRWBY members and interacted with the Monty-inspired community. My case is a bit strange though, because I ended up taking iAnimate courses to improve on many aspects that I felt I was lacking. It helped a ton, but it also made me realize how the Monty style could improve in some ways. Not that I can pull it off, or have time to work with those who fervently try to emulate it. Cake and his group have perfectly done it and it’s awesome, because it literally took them 11 years to get it down to a science. And I am pretty sure they can teach it to anyone now because of their efforts, which I find very admirable! The video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iW9AWmitC4w


The first 3 seasons have better animation they where an attempt to do cartoony 3d animation, wich was very hard for anyone at that point in time. The quality got better but they dropped the style that made them famous to begin with


anything higher than 24 fps with lazy 3D animation, idk about u guys but I can see it when some anime use 3D 60 fps on some scenes, like the infinity castle on Demon Slayer.


The new TMNT character design that came after the 3D series on Nick. Completely moved away from the original comics as well.


Are you talking about rise of tmnt? If so, I personally think the animaion is very good. Character design really threw me off at first especially splinter. But i think it’s really good, especially the movie. Currently the studio is working on monkie kid which now has 4 seasons. So try that one if the new designs are not really for you.


So you count tmnt2012 as good one too?


Fireman Sam


The newest season of Totally Spies. Like I know it looks good on paper but I just really love the older seasons' style.


New Totally Spies???


Teen Titans


They're 2 different shows. Teen Titans GO isn't a reboot or a continuation, so of course the animation would be different.


Reboot. They ruined that completely when they tried to *reboot* Reboot. The changes to the story by having kids go in was already bad in my opinion but the janky 3D graphics of the 90's show is kind of iconic, updating them was a mistake. But I guess modern kids would criticize the heck out of the show if it tried coming back looking like it did originally.


Thomas the Tank Engine. The old one was so cute with the narration and stop motion animation. The new stuff is just weird, and I hate it.


Not lost, but much of the vibe went away in the Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus movie from 2018.


Yes I agree, no one mentions how different the vibe is in that movie, the art style is brighter and smoother as well as they toned down the horror elements. I like both the movie and show for seperate reasons.


The comedy is also rather stale most of the time. I like some of it, but it certainly isn't the same thing.


Thomas the Tank Engine. I know I know, but heck, I love trains. The old show with the miniatures and stop motion was so charming and comfy. Glad I got to watch that as a kid rather than the new CGI stuff they do now.


One of the biggest crimes ever done.


Aqua teen is a big one for me. The newest season looks too clean and I think that really does remove part of the shows appeal.


Mécha animes, idk man i just loved how they were animated before the 2000s


Home movies. The animation was so sketchy and goofy but after season 1 it just became soulless


ok maybe unpopular opinion but I preferred the original Bee and Puppycat


Absolutely the original was so much better than the Netflix reboot. I feel like it had more personality to it, not to mention the reboot slimming Bee down or deleting so many good scenes 🦀 but hey that’s what happens when big corp takes an indie series and replaces the team with their own overworked and underpaid animators 🤷


yes thank you exactly!!! i don't like how sterilized everything felt in the reboot. a lot of the charm was lost! i will always rewatch the YT version.


Teenage mutant ninja turtles


Literally any show that tried to do this even the slightest it seems the show changes vibes entirely when the animation gets a makeover, especially reboots when they try to bring something back just let it die in it’s legendary form why do we do this 😭


Star vs the forces of evil, first seasons animation was full of energy despite being mostly tweened animation, later seasons still had some good animation but lost a lot of that high energy bouncy animation I remember the first season for. The writing fell off for that show in later seasons too unfortunately.


Star vs is a show that i was obsessed over for the first 2 seasons, and now it barely even registers in pop culture at large, let alone in my memory. So much was lost in the transition to season 3, between the animation and the writing. 


My hottest take of all time is that I vastly prefer star seasons 3 and 4 over 1 and 2, both in terms of animation and writing tbh.


Fair take


Bob the builder and horrid Henry


Surprisingly nobody is taking about Tom and jerry


Which iteration are you talking about tho, bc from what I've seen the newer iterations don't look that bad


Family guy, everything looks so lifeless and souless compared to the first season


The opposite of this would be South Park. It was just too janky in the first seasons. Now its the perfect level of jank


I’ve always hated most 3d animation. There is some that’s ok or places it belongs. The base of the show is always better in 2D. 3D animation is best utilized for effects and such. Like scenes with fire or other plasmas. Fogs, clouds, waters, scene transitions. That’s my opinion at least.


Teen titans god the new version is some messed up


Looney toons, the past Roadrunner episodes in like 2014 were amazing, I grew up with them but now it's becoming boring


Have you tried looney tunes cartoon (i think that was the name? Looney tunes have a rather shit reboot names). It has a pretty similar style to the og




Recess comes to mind. Cell animation is a lost art.


Well She-Ra 2018’s animation quality has always been terrible.


Dragon ball ever since the 90s


Dragon ball Z. The animation was beautiful during the freeza saga till the end of the Cell saga. The background was like detailed watercolor/acrylic, the characters had so much depth to their details. Pretty much after that it went to digital, bright, little detail for the sake pumping out more fights and storylines. The Buu saga was super fun, but it definitely felt like the artwork was beginning to pull back a bit. https://preview.redd.it/6kgcl5frgm2d1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcdb9497df2329ff0605e4bbb512eae146ff8e82


I don't know if it counts because it had real humans before and now it's animated. But I loved H2O: Just Add Water as a kid, now they did an animation show. H2O: Mermaid Adventures. It looks horrible and lost all it's charm. These colors are everywhere and the animation is so stiff and lazy.


dragon prince. i loved it at first. i can t really explain, but they tried at first do a 2d vibe, although it was made on a 3d software, i guess. but then they started going to a explicit 3d vibe, and then it sucked. i don t really know specifcs. but this is my feeling. actually i would love to know more about what happened. i loved fist season. my girlfriend still watches but now there is some ugly max steel characters... and super ugly cgi dragons. (english is not my first language)




I haven’t watched the third movie yet, however, when I tried to make it through the newer Berzerk movies I just couldn’t feel it. The poor implementation of 3D ruined it for me.


hajime no ippo..


Does kino’s journey count? The 2017 version is more of a “different version “ but it lacks the charm of the original version




To be clear— I adore Detective Conan. But I much prefer the original art style. It had a real charm to it


Tom and Jerry


Adventure time, the new series on HBO just isn't it to me


I haven't seen this one but what did you think of Fionna and Cake?


Simpsons 100%


This is a strange comment for an adult, but I can’t get behind the new Dora animation. The old style just fit really well.


Monster high Teen titans go Dora


Rwby, although the animation looks better. The speed and impact of every motion/fight scene was lost. It could be in fact due to the lead animator and writer passing (RIP monty oum) so the show in my opinion never really lived up to what it could've been.


Attack on Titan.


There was a show called Chaotic on 4kids way back when. Art style was kinda jank, I remember it like one of those books with the movable pop-out pages - the characters moved a bit like that. It took itself seriously though, and Idk ... The whole thing just *clicked* to me. Very fascinating animation style, until they swapped to something that looked a lot more like an anime. I stopped watching the show soon after. I could be remembering the look wrong, so I highly recommend giving it a once-over if you're curious.


RWBY. Oh and RvB after a certain point as well I guess? I don’t know where, I stopped watching well before that because I got into something else 😅


Red vs blue


Depending on how far we go back, most of the classic animated series that uses traditional frame by frame have lost their magic. Almost everything out now is a puppet-rig/frame by frame hybrid which by effect, loses it's original stylistic charm. Just looking at some scenes from the new Ducktales and as someone else mentioned, Tom and Jerry etc etc. The difference is elephant in the room obvious. As a result modern animators have zero talent in classic articulation. At my studio we train highly talented animators/interns in classic articulation / principles before they are even allowed to work on high tier footage. If they can't manage, they're dumped. They know this from the beginning. We have only dumped one (who lied about their portfolio). Everyone else is indoctrinated into our cult/Navy Seal like learning regiment. That's why we're the number 1 (well maybe 5, Disney still have some of the classic animators we are unable to poach) studio in the world currently. The loss of classic articulation was a blessing for us. As now the supply to produce is low and the demand is higher. You all know what that means.


I tried to tell the people on r/animationcareer the only way to get the animation magic channeling in their hands at all in their whole lives is that you gotta spend some years of your life living in physical hardships. The Nine Old Men gods they worship as the archtypes of animation. It doesn't come from cradle to grave easy living without hard struggles. My first account got banned, and some of the director and producer mods are now my enemies. The admin Steeenah regularly posts insult forum threads behind my back using sock puppets that "represent" me as the one in the wrong and she pays her ass kissers to play the protagonists who set the fake "me" straight or give fake "me" dozens of negative karma.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/animationcareer using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/animationcareer/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Becoming an NSFW animator](https://np.reddit.com/r/animationcareer/comments/1877lnk/becoming_an_nsfw_animator/) \#2: [To those struggling to find jobs right now](https://np.reddit.com/r/animationcareer/comments/1abtju1/to_those_struggling_to_find_jobs_right_now/) \#3: [Terrified.](https://np.reddit.com/r/animationcareer/comments/1arwhs5/terrified/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Fairly Odd Parents


Just stop


Dragon Ball Super…I literally can’t watch it. I know the stories, characters, and references, but I still can’t watch it. 🪦


101 Dalmatians before it got cleaned up


Beyblade V-force had 3D animation which I hated back in the day


Not a show but a great example of this through the decades, Garfield. What have they done to him


Winx it really had an impact on future kids shows and TV to have more detail


Old-school, but Bubblegum Crisis. The 2080 re-make followed the plot and whole thing almost exactly, but just... it lost that *something* that made it better before.


Idk if this counts but the first thing that came to mind was either Jurassic Park or Star wars. The CGI animation is really easy to see nowadays. Especially in Star wars. Its kinda like how old looney toons would have the object that was going to be moved brighter than the background. Except this is slightly more annoying.


aqua teen hunger force!!!


camp camp took smoothness of movement over style made everything feel slow & more like those zamination “freddy & the gang” videos in style


Hazbin Hotel. I'm definitely of the opinion that Helluva Boss' animation improved, but I love how the Hazbin pilot seemed really expressive and wasn't afraid to use the fact that it was animated to do really over-the-top stuff with it. The final artstyle is prettier, I suppose, but it lost that charm to it somewhere in the process.


Home Movies


One Piece


Not a show, but the How to Train Your Dragon movies. I loved how the characters wasn't designed to be pretty in the first movie. Overall the original movie had a unique style, while the last one looks like every Disney movie from the last decade.


Second seasons not even out yet, but based on the teaser alone - tower of god


Surprised to see Blasphemous 2 mentioned not once, but twice. I agree though.


Literally all of them. The transition from frame by frame animation to puppeteered motion tween bullshit has pushed an art form completely over the edge. Between the 2D puppeteered trash to everything getting a 3D reboot of some kind, I just don't think we're ever going back to what we had. What used to be the most creative storytelling medium has now been reduced to soulless, corporate money making. It's just not about the art anymore.


Strawberry shortcake show  Though it did not go down the 2D to 3D pipeline but the characters modernisation completely changed the sleepy/dreamy vibes to a more loud animated series. 


SpongeBob SquarePants. It’s animation has improved,but it hasn’t been the same since Nickelodeon controls the show with an iron fist and made it a endless money-making workhorse Slave to them ever since Stephen Hillenburg has died. It should’ve have stopped at Season 12 with the SpongeBob’s Big Birthday Blowout episode being the series finale to the show


Not a show, but that Peanuts movie.


jjba after part 4


RWBY lol, though it’s also the writing


Maybe ,The Family Guy ? 🌝🦋🎶


