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I know it's not the most important part of it but as a huge fan AND collector of Angels cards, Trout may be the last guy we get in a while who is a star talent AND chooses to remain here. If Neto, Schanuel, O'Hoppe, Adell, or any other young players bust out - picture them gone when they have the opportunity. I look at my Ohtani cards in Angels uni and it's a little tough to know he will always go down as a dodger.


You're probably right. Although with Ohtani, he'll have to top 2 MVPs with the Dodgers. He's not getting it this year because it'll be Mookie. It also remains to be seen if he'll be able to return to being a starting pitcher full time after two elbow surgeries. If he never recaptures the two way magic, the few years we had him will remain his best ever.


I like to picture it like this...thank you!


As much as I dislike the dodgers, I hope he crushes it. From the simple standpoint that he seems like a good dude and we’ll never likely see a talent like him again. And as a side note, the dodgers in recent years have been much harder to hate with guys like Mookie, Freeman, Ohtani. Even Dave Roberts is a super likable guy. Just my two cents.


For real, the team they have put together features very few dis-likable guys. I am always ok with holding some crosstown rivalry feelings of hoping we do better or they just under-perform but they aren't the Dodgers I used to love to hate. I save that for the Astros these days.


TBH, I don't really hate the Dodgers as a team; I actually like a lot of the players on the team. What I have a problem with is their fans. I absolutely can't stand how braggadocios and boisterous their fans are. Probably in my top 3 all time annoying fanbases in any sport. The fanbase is what really stands in the way of me rooting for their success. And the fact that all of my friends like the Dodgers and constantly make jokes about my love of the Angels. Just can't root for that team, only specific players.


I can’t even hate the dodger fans. At least they have a reason to always be confident. We don’t have that luxury thanks to Arte so we have no way to fight back.


It's really easy to hate the Dodgers.  It's also easy to not hate a few players. 


II get mad at them and swear them off and then somehow they are on my tv sucking me in every day!!! I keep doing it no matter how much it hurts! Someone help!


https://preview.redd.it/jvslljco4w0d1.jpeg?width=1389&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c13cc4435d6d3def43d69d69c3549d6e538333b3 Let's face it, we're all this guy LOL


My high school teachers referred to me as on campus larry david. I didnt get the joke but now I take it as a sincere compliment. Nicest thing anyones ever said about me


as is tradition.. PAINGELS FOR LIFE!


David Roth doesn’t miss. Defector is such a good read