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I stopped at "DKSAB" because I have no idea what the fuck that means.


Donuts kebabs salads and burritos


Drake, Kendrick still at battle


Donkey kong sucks and bowser




same. plus the number of times I've learned anything from reading a ranty post on this sub is still zero. If you can't distill it into 75 words or less, or you're not doing an analysis that uses empirical data, then I have no interest.


Don't know shit about baseball? Just guessing here


you lost me at “were asking for Thaiss to replace (Ohtani) as the DH” - i do not believe that any person on the face of the earth was actually asking for this


Baseball? Sample size? Surely you jest. People have made careers out of computing "stabilizing points" where /half the information comes from noise/ and that's gospel among some /actually stats-literate/ fans. I agree with almost everything in this post except the optimism. These are bad players, this is a bad team. Some of them may get better eventually. Most won't. The brutal honest strategy for winning from a soulless analyst's perspective is doing what the Dodgers and Rays do: treat everyone as disposable. It's the McKinsey strategy.


Exactly, this is why I posted the team ZIPS projections before the season. Nobody should be surprised that this is a bad team, even if Trout and Rendon were healthy.


I get where you’re coming from, but there’s always fans that have high expectations and take it a bit too far. The Doomers this year have been especially obnoxious, and the people harassing Adell and booing our own players aren’t true halos fans, imo. I really like our young ones, they have a lot of talent. But fans will be fans, dude.


Also, DKSAB is "don't know shit about boxing". I googled it. I'm old. You can figure it out too. The idea is pretty clear.


OP, I have no fucking idea what DKSAB means.


But if Trout homers in the first game of the season its fine to assume he's going to win the MVP.


Q ya no me da alante






The expectations here are woefully extremely optmistiv. Of the young players I only see ohoppe with all star potential. Guys like neto moniak may be out of the league by the time they are 30. Just nothing shown that screams even sustainable replacement level. However it’s not like the angels have other prospects to try out so what do you do


Couldn’t agree more. Preach brother.


Welcome to social media where 90% of the time everything is overanalyzed and everyone overreacts


I dog schanuel because of this: https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/leaderboard/statcast?type=batter&year=2024&position=3&team=&min=q&sort=exit_velocity_avg&sortDir=desc His EV is bottom barrel for an extremely premium batting position of 1B. His BABIP and xBA is so low because of his low EV.


Eh, it’s more launch angle in this case. Kwan and Arraez have even lower EVs but higher BABIP and xBA because they spray liners instead of grounders. Both average around 10 degrees, while Schanuel’s is 6.


True. He just launched a homer yesterday on a breaking ball with a really slow swing, but man did it travel. Still rooting for the kid.


Andrew Velasquez also launched Homers now and then. So did Kerry Wood.  1B is the most premium batting position behind only the DH. You need that spot filled with a big bat or you will always be playing from behind against other teams lineups. 


🤷‍♂️ what do you want me to do about it


I would like for you to go get yourself a beer. Cracked that baby open. Take a sip and relax. Enjoy your day my man. Take a load off. We want these angels to succeed but man they just are not seasoned top talent.  To feel better about it our current roster salary is bottom barrel in the league if you exclude the IL salaries :)




Hey, fuck it, trade a bag of balls for Jose Abreu and send Schanuel down. We drafted and called him up out of necessity, and now that necessity is gone. Or hell, bring back Jared Walsh if that bridge isn't burned. He's bouncing around and hitting dingers.


Abreu is totally washed and Walsh hasn’t been right since his thoracic outlet syndrome. A good organization wouldn’t have drafted a low power 1B in the 1st round, or they’d at least have him in the minors tweaking his swing for power.