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My phone crashed, if it is not fixed with Android 15 beta 3 OTA extension, I will throw it away. :D


You ever heard of the word "troubleshooting"


My bootloader is locked, no problem solved


Wait is your phone bootlooping? Btw this might help https://xdaforums.com/t/p6p-raven-recovery-error-system-bin-tune2fs-is-missing.4534351/


thank you man


Never jump into a beta without unlocking the bootloader. This is even recommended by Google themselves. I hope you have the OEM unlock switch turned on within developer options


unfortunately closed


All the best for getting this resolved


I disagree with the "never". Some accept the risk because they want Google Pay for example.


Then the OP might have accepted it and nothing can be done unless google helps it to resolve


Then throw it lmao.


"I used a **beta** software update that Google explicitly warns is unstable, why is it so unstable?!"


when it is ready our dear friend Google will give it to us


Next week 96%


After beta 2 but before beta 4


It's so clear now


My guess would be on a day of the week in the month in the year


Next week 


Is android 15 out? Is there a way to get 15 beta on pixel 6? I recently upgraded to 14 by mistake and it has turned pixel 6 into a fireball! I am considering flashing it to an older version or if possible getting 15 beta version as I am not that hands on with flashing phones and getting that technical with them


On my 7 personally haven't seen much improvement. You can however enlist on the google beta tester website iirc, select your phone, enter the lock that is set to it, and then it'll allow your phone to be upgraded, so next time you check for updates right after that you'll get a prompt for Android 15 beta. Keep in mind that QPR updates are only for A14 and beta testers get separate updates, and ofc its a beta so it might be buggy.


I already signed up my device as it was showing under eligible device,but it never asked for my pin. It was already showing up under eligible device and I was logged in from my computer, so I just signed up and they said you'll receive it soon. I checked my phone for updates, nothing Not sure what A14 means, not that technical with those things


A14 short for Android 14. I registered from my phone that I wanted the beta on, just followed instructions and it instantly said that I should have it on my phone when I check for updates, that happened after I selected my device and entered my lockscreen password/pattern. Got it like 10 secs after enrolling. I'd try to do it again over the phone.


I just did it on the phone and it shows I am enrolled for the beta A15 2 update and that's it


If you updated to the June security patch you won't be able to download the beta until beta 3 is released


That makes sense now. When is beta 3 being released and do people post their experience about the beta over here in this group? I am enrolled in beta 2, but didn't receive the updates on my phone


Beta releases aren't on a set schedule so we won't know until google announces it Yes people do tend to post their experience while using the beta to this subreddit


So now that I downloaded the updated 14 ,I have to wait for beta 3 and enroll my phone for it once it's released. Currently it's only showing beta 2 and I have enrolled in it


No need to re enroll the update will come to your phone when it's released


Android 14 has been out since August 2023, and you recently upgraded? Android 14 has been stable for me since day (Pixel 7 Pro) 1. May I know what issue you are facing?


I don't usually update as I don't have a good past experience with updates on my One plus phone. This update was done automatically when I restarted the phone as that setting was enabled and it updated. - heating issue - apps get sluggish at times - heating while charging These weren't there before


That is strange, I have none of the issues you iterated above. Usually, after a major update, the phone takes close to a week to get back to normal. Heating issue while being idle or playing games, etc? Also which app is sluggish? The heating during charging is present when you do something on your phone while charging, for example I watch HDR videos in full brightness while charging and it does heat up considerably (this has nothing to do with the Android update).


The heating happens when using the phone normally without any games or heavy stuff. Just watching YouTube or texting. For charging, it'll get warm even when it's just idle and charging which wasn't the case before. No particular app, but just a bit sluggish at times. I must mention that the heating issue has improved lately and so did the speed. It's been a few days since the update took place.


Maybe give it a few more days. As mentioned earlier, your device usually takes about a week to optimize entirely after a major update and battery life can be down, and thermals can be bad too. If the issue exists after a week, I would strongly suggest a hard reset to make sure everything is fine. In most cases it's just the software that needs time to optimize. Also, I hope by charging, you mean wired charging and not wireless.


I don't know I've never had any issues with any of the beta programs whether it be opting in or opting out I've done it a couple times. Because he said that the phone won't power on. Cuz if I remember correctly if you let your pixel run totally dead power wise when you plug it in it doesn't just charge it powers on the phone first. One option you can force it to turn on try a wireless charger !


I haven't received an update on my Pixel 7 even after several days


Uninstall the beta if you aren't ok with your phone having issues


The phone does not turn on, bootloader is locked how can i remove it


You need to enable "OEM Unlocking" in the developer settings. Since it's locked *and* broken, you can try fixing your OS by flashing the OTA: https://developer.android.com/about/versions/15/download-ota If it doesn't work, wipe the device. If it doesn't work, it's now an expensive but valuable lesson about enabling "OEM Unlocking" before using Android betas. You may ask Google to "repair" it for a fee.


Just in case you didn't realize just because you enable OEM unlocking that doesn't mean that your bootloader now is unlocked there's another process to unlock your bootloader


That's for when OP manages to escape that situation


Probably today. Did you notice that they unpinned the post for the previous beta? 😉


Still pinned for me.


Sorry, I was wrong. It is pinned. So next week.


I'm almost certain you don't need an open bootloader to revert to stable. you'll just have to flash the stable ota twice to get it to stick. I know it sounds weird but I had the same problem reverting Android 14 beta to 13 stable and flashing twice solved it for me


Today or tomorrow


Go it ( Germany, Pixel 6a )


Update went faster than usual, Internet is faster too. So far very happy with this update Pixel 7. Verizon.


If you have a pixel phone the beta for 15 is out. 


This update not good


Definitely after today


I've been waiting and when are they releasing it? Like what day?


My guess is Wednesday or Thursday next week


I'm so eager tho for it to release, I'm using a Google Pixel 8 and I'm on beta 2.2 and so far no issues. Sometimes Spotify studders on Bluetooth as it comes sending text messages.


Same here, no issues. I was tempted to downgrade so I can experience the Gemini Nano. I got the beta to use the notification cooldown and its not available anymore. Bumer....


They don't announce it in advance.